path: root/toj
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'toj')
116 files changed, 0 insertions, 17174 deletions
diff --git a/toj/center/pro/packpro.sh b/toj/center/pro/packpro.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index b53a707..0000000
--- a/toj/center/pro/packpro.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-tar -jcvf ../tmp/propack/$1.tar.bz2 -C $1 .
diff --git a/toj/center/src/Makefile b/toj/center/src/Makefile
deleted file mode 100755
index 17cbcf3..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-ifneq ($(KERNELRELEASE),)
- judgk-objs := judgk_mod.o judgk_proc.o judgk_syscall.o judgk_syscall_asm.o judgk_security.o judgk_security_asm.o judgk_hyperio.o
- obj-m := judgk.o
- KERNEL_SOURCE := /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build
- PWD := $(shell pwd)
- ${MAKE} -C ${KERNEL_SOURCE} M=${PWD} modules
- mv judgk.ko ../judge/
- g++ -g -rdynamic -fvisibility=hidden -O2 center_server.cpp center_manage.cpp center_judge.cpp tool.cpp /srv/http/toj/php/event_exec.cpp -ldl -lpq -ltar -lbz2 -ljson -lcurl -pthread -o center_server
- g++ -g -O2 judge_server.cpp judge_manage.cpp tool.cpp -ldl -lbz2 -ltar -pthread -o judge_server
- mv center_server ../
- mv judge_server ../judge/
- g++ -shared -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -O2 jmod_test_manage.cpp -ldl -ljson -pthread -o jmod_test_manage.so
- g++ -shared -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -O2 jmod_test_line.cpp -ljson -pthread -o jmod_test_line.so
- g++ -shared -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -O2 jmod_test_check.cpp -o jmod_test_check.so
- mv jmod_test_manage.so ../jmod/jmod_test/
- mv jmod_test_line.so ../jmod/jmod_test/
- mv jmod_test_check.so ../jmod/jmod_test/
- tar -jcvf ../tmp/jmodpack/jmod_test.tar.bz2 -C ../jmod/jmod_test .
- g++ -shared -fPIC -fvisibility=hidden -O2 sprout_tar_check.cpp -o ../pro/15/private/check.so
diff --git a/toj/center/src/center.h b/toj/center/src/center.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 2625ab4..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/center.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-class center_jmod_info{
- char name[NAME_MAX + 1];
- int cacheid;
- void *manage_dll;
- void *manage_sub_fn;
- void *manage_res_fn;
- int ref_count;
- int state;
- int update_cacheid;
- center_jmod_info(char *name,int cacheid){
- this->name[0] = '\0';
- strncat(this->name,name,sizeof(this->name));
- this->cacheid = cacheid;
- this->manage_dll = NULL;
- this->manage_sub_fn = NULL;
- this->manage_res_fn = NULL;
- }
-class center_pro_info{
- int proid;
- int cacheid;
- center_jmod_info *jmod_info;
- int lang_flag;
- int ref_count;
- int state;
- int update_cacheid;
- center_pro_info(int proid,int cacheid,center_jmod_info *jmod_info,int lang_flag){
- this->proid = proid;
- this->cacheid = cacheid;
- this->jmod_info = jmod_info;
- this->lang_flag = lang_flag;
- this->ref_count = 0;
- this->update_cacheid = 0;
- }
diff --git a/toj/center/src/center_com.h b/toj/center/src/center_com.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 6973eec..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/center_com.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-struct center_com_header{
- int code;
- int size;
-struct center_com_setid{
- int id; //0:new judge
-struct center_com_setinfo{
- int avail;
-struct center_com_submit{ //judt submit header
- int subid;
- int proid;
- int lang;
-struct center_com_result{ //just result header
- int subid;
-struct center_com_setpro{
- int proid;
- int cacheid;
- int type; //0:add problem 1:drop problem
-struct center_com_reqpro{
- int proid;
- int cacheid;
-struct center_com_sendpro{
- int proid;
- int cacheid;
- size_t filesize;
-struct center_com_setjmod{
- char jmod_name[NAME_MAX + 1];
- int cacheid;
- int type; //0:add jmod 1:drop jmod
-struct center_com_reqjmod{
- char jmod_name[NAME_MAX + 1];
-struct center_com_sendjmod{
- char jmod_name[NAME_MAX + 1];
- int cacheid;
- size_t filesize;
-struct center_com_reqcode{
- int subid;
-struct center_com_sendcode{
- int subid;
- size_t filesize;
diff --git a/toj/center/src/center_judge.cpp b/toj/center/src/center_judge.cpp
deleted file mode 100755
index 46600c2..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/center_judge.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,578 +0,0 @@
-int judge_info::last_id = 0;
- last_id++;
- this->id = last_id;
- this->avail = 0;
- judge_idmap.insert(std::pair<int,judge_info*>(id,this));
- judge_runlist.push_back(this);
- judge_it = judge_runlist.end();
- judge_it--;
- judge_idmap.erase(id);
- judge_runlist.erase(judge_it);
-int judge_info::setavail(int avail){
- int old;
- old = this->avail;
- this->avail = avail;
- if(this->avail > 0 && old <= 0){
- judge_runlist.erase(judge_it);
- judge_runlist.push_front(this);
- judge_it = judge_runlist.begin();
- }else if(this->avail <= 0 && old > 0){
- judge_runlist.erase(judge_it);
- judge_runlist.push_back(this);
- judge_it = judge_runlist.end();
- judge_it--;
- }
- return 0;
-int judge_info::setinfo(int avail){
- setavail(avail);
- return 0;
-int judge_info::submit(judge_submit_info *sub_info){
- setavail(avail - 1);
- conn_main->send_submit(sub_info);
- return 0;
-int judge_info::result(int subid,char *res_data){
- setavail(avail + 1);
- printf("submitid:%d\n",subid);
- center_manage_result(subid,res_data);
- judge_run_waitqueue();
- return 0;
-int judge_info::updatepro(std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > &pro_list){
- int i;
- for(i = 0;i < pro_list.size();i++){
- pro_map.erase(pro_list[i].first);
- }
- conn_main->send_setpro(pro_list,0);
- return 0;
-int judge_info::updatejmod(std::vector<std::pair<char*,int> > &jmod_list){
- int i;
- for(i = 0;i < jmod_list.size();i++){
- jmod_map.erase(jmod_list[i].first);
- }
- conn_main->send_setjmod(jmod_list,0);
- return 0;
-judge_conn::judge_conn(int fd):netio(fd){
- this->info = NULL;
- this->recv_dispatch_fn = new netio_iofn<judge_conn>(this,&judge_conn::recv_dispatch);
- this->recv_setid_fn = new netio_iofn<judge_conn>(this,&judge_conn::recv_setid);
- this->recv_setinfo_fn = new netio_iofn<judge_conn>(this,&judge_conn::recv_setinfo);
- this->recv_result_fn = new netio_iofn<judge_conn>(this,&judge_conn::recv_result);
- this->recv_setpro_fn = new netio_iofn<judge_conn>(this,&judge_conn::recv_setpro);
- this->recv_reqpro_fn = new netio_iofn<judge_conn>(this,&judge_conn::recv_reqpro);
- this->done_sendpro_fn = new netio_iofn<judge_conn>(this,&judge_conn::done_sendpro);
- this->recv_setjmod_fn = new netio_iofn<judge_conn>(this,&judge_conn::recv_setjmod);
- this->recv_reqjmod_fn = new netio_iofn<judge_conn>(this,&judge_conn::recv_reqjmod);
- this->recv_reqcode_fn = new netio_iofn<judge_conn>(this,&judge_conn::recv_reqcode);
- info->conn_list.erase(conn_it);
- if(info->conn_main == this){
- info->conn_main = NULL;
- }
- if(info->conn_list.empty()){
- delete info;
- }
- delete recv_dispatch_fn;
- delete recv_setid_fn;
- delete recv_setinfo_fn;
- delete recv_result_fn;
- delete recv_setpro_fn;
- delete recv_reqpro_fn;
- delete done_sendpro_fn;
- delete recv_setjmod_fn;
- delete recv_reqjmod_fn;
- delete recv_reqcode_fn;
-char* judge_conn::create_combuf(int code,int size,int &len,void **data){
- char *buf;
- center_com_header *header;
- buf = new char[sizeof(center_com_header) + size];
- header = (center_com_header*)buf;
- header->code = code;
- header->size = size;
- len = sizeof(center_com_header) + size;
- *data = (void*)(buf + sizeof(center_com_header));
- return buf;
-int judge_conn::send_setid(int judgeid){
- char *write_buf;
- int write_len;
- center_com_setid *setid;
- write_buf = create_combuf(CENTER_COMCODE_SETID,sizeof(center_com_setid),write_len,(void**)&setid);
- setid->id = judgeid;
- writebytes(write_buf,write_len,NULL,NULL);
- return 0;
-int judge_conn::send_submit(judge_submit_info *sub_info){
- char *write_buf;
- int write_len;
- center_com_submit *sub;
- if(sub_info->set_len > JUDGE_SET_DATAMAX){
- delete sub_info;
- return -1;
- }
- write_buf = create_combuf(CENTER_COMCODE_SUBMIT,sizeof(center_com_submit) + sub_info->set_len,write_len,(void**)&sub);
- sub->subid = sub_info->subid;
- sub->proid = sub_info->proid;
- sub->lang = sub_info->lang;
- memcpy((void*)(write_buf + sizeof(center_com_header) + sizeof(center_com_submit)),sub_info->set_data,sub_info->set_len);
- writebytes(write_buf,write_len,NULL,NULL);
- delete sub_info;
- return 0;
-int judge_conn::send_setpro(std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > &pro_list,int type){
- int i;
- int count;
- char *write_buf;
- int write_len;
- center_com_setpro *setpro;
- count = pro_list.size();
- write_buf = create_combuf(CENTER_COMCODE_SETPRO,sizeof(center_com_setpro) * count,write_len,(void**)&setpro);
- for(i = 0;i < count;i++){
- setpro[i].proid = pro_list[i].first;
- setpro[i].cacheid = pro_list[i].second;
- setpro[i].type = type;
- }
- writebytes(write_buf,write_len,NULL,NULL);
- return 0;
-int judge_conn::send_setjmod(std::vector<std::pair<char*,int> > &jmod_list,int type){
- int i;
- int count;
- char *write_buf;
- int write_len;
- center_com_setjmod *setjmod;
- count = jmod_list.size();
- write_buf = create_combuf(CENTER_COMCODE_SETJMOD,sizeof(center_com_setjmod) * count,write_len,(void**)&setjmod);
- for(i = 0;i < count;i++){
- setjmod[i].jmod_name[0] = '\0';
- strncat(setjmod[i].jmod_name,jmod_list[i].first,sizeof(setjmod[i].jmod_name));
- setjmod[i].cacheid = jmod_list[i].second;
- setjmod[i].type = type;
- }
- writebytes(write_buf,write_len,NULL,NULL);
- return 0;
-int judge_conn::readidle(){
- readbytes(new center_com_header,sizeof(center_com_header),recv_dispatch_fn,NULL);
- return 0;
-void judge_conn::recv_dispatch(void *buf,size_t len,void *data){
- center_com_header *header;
- char *readbuf;
- header = (center_com_header*)buf;
- readbuf = new char[header->size];
- printf("code:%d size:%d\n",header->code,header->size);
- switch(header->code){
- readbytes(readbuf,header->size,recv_setid_fn,NULL);
- break;
- readbytes(readbuf,header->size,recv_setinfo_fn,NULL);
- break;
- readbytes(readbuf,header->size,recv_result_fn,NULL);
- break;
- readbytes(readbuf,header->size,recv_setpro_fn,NULL);
- break;
- readbytes(readbuf,header->size,recv_reqpro_fn,NULL);
- break;
- readbytes(readbuf,header->size,recv_setjmod_fn,NULL);
- break;
- readbytes(readbuf,header->size,recv_reqjmod_fn,NULL);
- break;
- readbytes(readbuf,header->size,recv_reqcode_fn,NULL);
- break;
- }
- delete header;
-void judge_conn::recv_setid(void *buf,size_t len,void *data){
- center_com_setid *setid;
- std::map<int,judge_info*>::iterator it;
- setid = (center_com_setid*)buf;
- if(setid->id == 0){
- info = new judge_info();
- info->conn_list.push_front(this);
- conn_it = info->conn_list.begin();
- info->conn_main = this;
- this->send_setid(info->id);
- }else{
- if((it = judge_idmap.find(setid->id)) != judge_idmap.end()){
- info = it->second;
- info->conn_list.push_front(this);
- conn_it = info->conn_list.begin();
- }
- }
- delete setid;
-void judge_conn::recv_setinfo(void *buf,size_t len,void *data){
- int i;
- int count;
- center_com_setinfo *setinfo;
- std::map<std::string,center_jmod_info*>::iterator jmod_it;
- std::vector<std::pair<char*,int> > jmod_list;
- std::map<int,center_pro_info*>::iterator pro_it;
- std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > pro_list;
- setinfo = (center_com_setinfo*)buf;
- info->setinfo(setinfo->avail);
- count = center_manage_jmodmap.size();
- jmod_it = center_manage_jmodmap.begin();
- for(i = 0;i < count;i++,jmod_it++){
- jmod_list.push_back(std::make_pair(jmod_it->second->name,jmod_it->second->cacheid));
- }
- send_setjmod(jmod_list,0);
- count = center_manage_promap.size();
- pro_it = center_manage_promap.begin();
- for(i = 0;i < count;i++,pro_it++){
- pro_list.push_back(std::make_pair(pro_it->second->proid,pro_it->second->cacheid));
- }
- send_setpro(pro_list,0);
- delete setinfo;
-void judge_conn::recv_result(void *buf,size_t len,void *data){
- int subid;
- char *res_data;
- subid = ((center_com_result*)buf)->subid;
- res_data = (char*)((char*)buf + sizeof(center_com_result));
- info->result(subid,res_data);
- delete (char*)buf;
-void judge_conn::recv_setpro(void *buf,size_t len,void *data){
- int i;
- int count;
- center_com_setpro *setpro;
- center_pro_info *pro_info;
- std::map<int,center_pro_info*>::iterator pro_it;
- count = len / sizeof(center_com_setpro);
- setpro = (center_com_setpro*)buf;
- for(i = 0;i < count;i++){
- if(setpro[i].type == 0){
- if((pro_info = center_manage_getprobyid(setpro[i].proid)) == NULL){
- continue;
- }
- if(pro_info->cacheid == setpro[i].cacheid){
- info->pro_map.insert(std::pair<int,int>(pro_info->proid,pro_info->cacheid));
- }
- center_manage_putpro(pro_info);
- }else if(setpro[i].type == 1){
- info->pro_map.erase(setpro[i].proid);
- }
- }
- judge_run_waitqueue();
- delete setpro;
-void judge_conn::recv_reqpro(void *buf,size_t len,void *data){
- center_com_reqpro *reqpro;
- std::map<int,center_pro_info*>::iterator pro_it;
- center_pro_info *pro_info;
- char tpath[PATH_MAX + 1];
- int fd;
- struct stat st;
- char *write_buf;
- int write_len;
- center_com_sendpro *sendpro;
- reqpro = (center_com_reqpro*)buf;
- try{
- if((pro_info = center_manage_getprobyid(reqpro->proid)) == NULL){
- throw -1;
- }
- if(pro_info->cacheid != reqpro->cacheid){
- throw -1;
- }
- snprintf(tpath,sizeof(tpath),"tmp/propack/%d_%d.tar.bz2",pro_info->proid,pro_info->cacheid);
- fd = open(tpath,O_RDONLY);
- fstat(fd,&st);
- write_buf = create_combuf(CENTER_COMCODE_SENDPRO,sizeof(center_com_sendpro),write_len,(void**)&sendpro);
- sendpro->proid = pro_info->proid;
- sendpro->cacheid = pro_info->cacheid;
- sendpro->filesize = st.st_size;
- printf("sendpro:%lu\n",sendpro->filesize);
- writebytes(write_buf,write_len,NULL,NULL);
- writefile(fd,st.st_size,done_sendpro_fn,pro_info);
- }catch(int err){
- if(pro_info != NULL){
- center_manage_putpro(pro_info);
- }
- }
- delete reqpro;
-void judge_conn::done_sendpro(void *buf,size_t len,void *data){
- close((int)((long)buf));
- center_manage_putpro((center_pro_info*)data);
-void judge_conn::recv_setjmod(void *buf,size_t len,void *data){
- int i;
- int count;
- center_com_setjmod *setjmod;
- std::map<std::string,center_jmod_info*>::iterator jmod_it;
- count = len / sizeof(center_com_setjmod);
- setjmod = (center_com_setjmod*)buf;
- for(i = 0;i < count;i++){
- if(setjmod[i].type == 0){
- if((jmod_it = center_manage_jmodmap.find(setjmod[i].jmod_name)) == center_manage_jmodmap.end()){
- continue;
- }
- if(jmod_it->second->cacheid != setjmod[i].cacheid){
- continue;
- }
- info->jmod_map.insert(std::pair<std::string,center_jmod_info*>(jmod_it->second->name,jmod_it->second));
- }else if(setjmod[i].type == 1){
- info->jmod_map.erase(setjmod[i].jmod_name);
- }
- }
- judge_run_waitqueue();
- delete setjmod;
-void judge_conn::recv_reqjmod(void *buf,size_t len,void *data){
- center_com_reqjmod *reqjmod;
- std::map<std::string,center_jmod_info*>::iterator jmod_it;
- center_jmod_info *jmod_info;
- char tpath[PATH_MAX + 1];
- int fd;
- struct stat st;
- char *write_buf;
- int write_len;
- center_com_sendjmod *sendjmod;
- reqjmod = (center_com_reqjmod*)buf;
- if((jmod_it = center_manage_jmodmap.find(reqjmod->jmod_name)) == center_manage_jmodmap.end()){
- //fix
- }else{
- jmod_info = jmod_it->second;
- snprintf(tpath,sizeof(tpath),"tmp/jmodpack/%s.tar.bz2",jmod_info->name);
- fd = open(tpath,O_RDONLY);
- if(fstat(fd,&st)){
- //fix
- }else{
- write_buf = create_combuf(CENTER_COMCODE_SENDJMOD,sizeof(center_com_sendjmod),write_len,(void**)&sendjmod);
- sendjmod->jmod_name[0] = '\0';
- strncat(sendjmod->jmod_name,jmod_info->name,sizeof(sendjmod->jmod_name));
- sendjmod->cacheid = jmod_info->cacheid;
- sendjmod->filesize = st.st_size;
- printf("sendjmod:%lu\n",sendjmod->filesize);
- writebytes(write_buf,write_len,NULL,NULL);
- writefile(fd,st.st_size,NULL,NULL);
- }
- }
- delete reqjmod;
-void judge_conn::recv_reqcode(void *buf,size_t len,void *data){
- center_com_reqcode *reqcode;
- char tpath[PATH_MAX + 1];
- int fd;
- struct stat st;
- char *write_buf;
- int write_len;
- center_com_header *header;
- center_com_sendcode *sendcode;
- reqcode = (center_com_reqcode*)buf;
- snprintf(tpath,sizeof(tpath),"tmp/codepack/%d.tar.bz2",reqcode->subid);
- fd = open(tpath,O_RDONLY);
- if(fstat(fd,&st)){
- //fix
- }else{
- write_buf = create_combuf(CENTER_COMCODE_SENDCODE,sizeof(center_com_sendcode),write_len,(void**)&sendcode);
- sendcode->subid = reqcode->subid;
- sendcode->filesize = st.st_size;
- printf("sendcode:%lu\n",sendcode->filesize);
- writebytes(write_buf,write_len,NULL,NULL);
- writefile(fd,st.st_size,NULL,NULL);
- }
- delete reqcode;
-static int judge_run_waitqueue(){
- int count;
- judge_submit_info *sub_info;
- bool wait_flag;
- std::list<judge_info*>::iterator judge_it;
- judge_info *info;
- std::map<int,center_pro_info*>::iterator pro_it;
- center_pro_info *pro_info;
- count = judge_submitqueue.size();
- printf(" remain count %d\n",count);
- for(;count > 0;count--){
- sub_info = judge_submitqueue.front();
- judge_submitqueue.pop();
- if((pro_it = center_manage_promap.find(sub_info->proid)) == center_manage_promap.end()){
- continue;
- }
- pro_info = pro_it->second;
- wait_flag = true;
- for(judge_it = judge_runlist.begin();judge_it != judge_runlist.end();judge_it++){
- info = *judge_it;
- if(info->avail <= 0){
- break;
- }
- if(info->pro_map.find(pro_info->proid) != info->pro_map.end() && info->jmod_map.find(pro_info->jmod_info->name) != info->jmod_map.end()){
- info->submit(sub_info);
- wait_flag = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(wait_flag == true){
- judge_submitqueue.push(sub_info);
- }
- }
- return 0;
-int center_judge_init(){
- return 0;
-void* center_judge_addconn(int fd){
- return new judge_conn(fd);
-int center_judge_dispatch(int evflag,void *data){
- judge_conn *cinfo;
- cinfo = (judge_conn*)data;
- if(evflag & EPOLLRDHUP){
- printf("close %d\n",cinfo->fd);
- delete cinfo;
- }else{
- if(evflag & EPOLLIN){
- cinfo->readio();
- }
- if(evflag & EPOLLOUT){
- cinfo->writeio();
- }
- }
- return 0;
-int center_judge_submit(int subid,int proid,int lang,char *set_data,size_t set_len){
- judge_submitqueue.push(new judge_submit_info(subid,proid,lang,set_data,set_len));
- judge_run_waitqueue();
- return 0;
-int center_judge_updatepro(std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > &pro_list){
- int i;
- int j;
- std::list<judge_info*>::iterator judge_it;
- judge_info *info;
- for(judge_it = judge_runlist.begin();judge_it != judge_runlist.end();judge_it++){
- (*judge_it)->updatepro(pro_list);
- }
- return 0;
-int center_judge_updatejmod(std::vector<std::pair<char*,int> > &jmod_list){
- int i;
- int j;
- std::list<judge_info*>::iterator judge_it;
- judge_info *info;
- for(judge_it = judge_runlist.begin();judge_it != judge_runlist.end();judge_it++){
- (*judge_it)->updatejmod(jmod_list);
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/toj/center/src/center_judge.h b/toj/center/src/center_judge.h
deleted file mode 100755
index a955ce9..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/center_judge.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-class judge_info;
-class judge_conn;
-class judge_submit_info;
-class judge_info{
- static int last_id;
- int id;
- int avail;
- judge_conn *conn_main;
- std::list<judge_conn*> conn_list;
- std::list<judge_info*>::iterator judge_it;
- std::map<int,int> pro_map;
- std::map<std::string,center_jmod_info*> jmod_map;
- judge_info();
- ~judge_info();
- int setavail(int value);
- int setinfo(int avail);
- int submit(judge_submit_info *submit_info);
- int result(int subid,char *res_data);
- int updatepro(std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > &pro_list);
- int updatejmod(std::vector<std::pair<char*,int> > &jmod_list);
-class judge_conn : public netio{
- netio_iofn<judge_conn> *recv_dispatch_fn;
- netio_iofn<judge_conn> *recv_setid_fn;
- netio_iofn<judge_conn> *recv_setinfo_fn;
- netio_iofn<judge_conn> *recv_result_fn;
- netio_iofn<judge_conn> *recv_setpro_fn;
- netio_iofn<judge_conn> *recv_reqpro_fn;
- netio_iofn<judge_conn> *done_sendpro_fn;
- netio_iofn<judge_conn> *recv_setjmod_fn;
- netio_iofn<judge_conn> *recv_reqjmod_fn;
- netio_iofn<judge_conn> *recv_reqcode_fn;
- char* create_combuf(int code,int size,int &len,void **data);
- void recv_dispatch(void *buf,size_t len,void *data);
- void recv_setid(void *buf,size_t len,void *data);
- void recv_setinfo(void *buf,size_t len,void *data);
- void recv_result(void *buf,size_t len,void *data);
- void recv_setpro(void *buf,size_t len,void *data);
- void recv_reqpro(void *buf,size_t len,void *data);
- void done_sendpro(void *buf,size_t len,void *data);
- void recv_setjmod(void *buf,size_t len,void *data);
- void recv_reqjmod(void *buf,size_t len,void *data);
- void recv_reqcode(void *buf,size_t len,void *data);
- judge_info *info;
- std::list<judge_conn*>::iterator conn_it;
- judge_conn(int fd);
- ~judge_conn();
- int send_setid(int judgeid);
- int send_submit(judge_submit_info* submit_info);
- int send_setpro(std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > &pro_list,int type);
- int send_setjmod(std::vector<std::pair<char*,int> > &jmod_list,int type);
- virtual int readidle();
-class judge_submit_info{
- int subid;
- int proid;
- int lang;
- char *set_data;
- size_t set_len;
- judge_submit_info(int subid,int proid,int lang,char *set_data,size_t set_len){
- this->subid = subid;
- this->proid = proid;
- this->lang = lang;
- this->set_data = new char[set_len];
- memcpy(this->set_data,set_data,set_len);
- this->set_len = set_len;
- }
- ~judge_submit_info(){
- delete this->set_data;
- }
-static int judge_run_waitqueue();
-static std::map<int,judge_info*> judge_idmap;
-static std::list<judge_info*> judge_runlist;
-static std::queue<judge_submit_info*> judge_submitqueue;
-int center_judge_init();
-void* center_judge_addconn(int fd);
-int center_judge_dispatch(int evflag,void *data);
-int center_judge_submit(int subid,int proid,int lang,char *set_data,size_t set_len);
-int center_judge_updatepro(std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > &pro_list);
-int center_judge_updatejmod(std::vector<std::pair<char*,int> > &jmod_list);
-extern int center_manage_result(int subid,char *res_data);
-extern center_pro_info* center_manage_getprobyid(int proid);
-extern int center_manage_getpro(center_pro_info *pro_info);
-extern int center_manage_putpro(center_pro_info *pro_info);
-extern std::map<std::string,center_jmod_info*> center_manage_jmodmap;
-extern std::map<int,center_pro_info*> center_manage_promap;
diff --git a/toj/center/src/center_manage.cpp b/toj/center/src/center_manage.cpp
deleted file mode 100755
index a6a759c..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/center_manage.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,640 +0,0 @@
-int center_manage_init(tpool **tpinfo){
- manage_tp = new tpool(4);
- manage_tp->start();
- *tpinfo = manage_tp;
- manage_updatepro_thfn = new tpool_static_fn(manage_updatepro_th);
- manage_updatepro_cbfn = new tpool_static_fn(manage_updatepro_cb);
- manage_updatejmod_thfn = new tpool_static_fn(manage_updatejmod_th);
- manage_updatejmod_cbfn = new tpool_static_fn(manage_updatejmod_cb);
- manage_submit_thfn = new tpool_static_fn(manage_submit_th);
- manage_submit_cbfn = new tpool_static_fn(manage_submit_cb);
- //run when startup
- center_manage_updatedata();
- center_manage_submitwait();
- return 0;
-PGconn* center_manage_conndb(){
- return PQconnectdb("host=localhost port=5432 dbname=xxxxx user=xxxxx password=xxxxx");
-int center_manage_closedb(PGconn *conn){
- PQfinish(conn);
- return 0;
-int center_manage_updatedata(){
- int i;
- PGconn *db_conn;
- PGresult *db_res;
- int db_count;
- int cacheid;
- center_jmod_info *jmod_info;
- int proid;
- int lang_flag;
- std::map<std::string,center_jmod_info*>::iterator jmod_it;
- center_pro_info *pro_info;
- std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > pro_list;
- if((db_conn = center_manage_conndb()) == NULL){
- return -1;
- }
- db_res = PQexec(db_conn,"SELECT DISTINCT \"jmodname\" FROM \"mod\";");
- if(PQresultStatus(db_res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK){
- center_manage_closedb(db_conn);
- return -1;
- }
- db_count = PQntuples(db_res);
- for(i = 0;i < db_count;i++){
- jmod_info = new center_jmod_info(PQgetvalue(db_res,i,0),2);
- center_manage_jmodmap.insert(std::pair<std::string,center_jmod_info*>(jmod_info->name,jmod_info));
- }
- PQclear(db_res);
- db_res = PQexec(db_conn,"SELECT \"proid\",\"cacheid\",\"lang\",\"jmodname\" FROM \"problem\" INNER JOIN \"mod\" ON (\"problem\".\"modid\"=\"mod\".\"modid\");");
- if(PQresultStatus(db_res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK){
- center_manage_closedb(db_conn);
- return -1;
- }
- db_count = PQntuples(db_res);
- for(i = 0;i < db_count;i++){
- sscanf(PQgetvalue(db_res,i,0),"%d",&proid);
- sscanf(PQgetvalue(db_res,i,1),"%d",&cacheid);
- sscanf(PQgetvalue(db_res,i,2),"%d",&lang_flag);
- if((jmod_it = center_manage_jmodmap.find(PQgetvalue(db_res,i,3))) == center_manage_jmodmap.end()){
- continue;
- }
- if(manage_updatepro(proid,cacheid,jmod_it->second,lang_flag) == 1){
- pro_list.push_back(std::make_pair(proid,cacheid));
- printf("pro update %d %d\n",proid,cacheid);
- }
- }
- PQclear(db_res);
- if(!pro_list.empty()){
- center_judge_updatepro(pro_list);
- }
- center_manage_closedb(db_conn);
- return 0;
-int center_manage_submitwait(){
- int i;
- PGconn *db_conn;
- PGresult *db_res;
- int db_count;
- int subid;
- if((db_conn = center_manage_conndb()) == NULL){
- return -1;
- }
- db_res = PQexec(db_conn,"SELECT \"subid\" FROM \"submit\" WHERE \"result\"=100;");
- if(PQresultStatus(db_res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK){
- center_manage_closedb(db_conn);
- return -1;
- }
- db_count = PQntuples(db_res);
- for(i = 0;i < db_count;i++){
- sscanf(PQgetvalue(db_res,i,0),"%d",&subid);
- center_manage_submit(subid,"{}");
- }
- PQclear(db_res);
- center_manage_closedb(db_conn);
- return 0;
-int center_manage_submit(int subid,char *param){
- PGconn *db_conn;
- PGresult *db_res;
- char *db_param[1];
- char db_subid[64];
- int uid;
- int proid;
- int lang;
- int result;
- bool rejudge_flag;
- std::map<int,center_pro_info*>::iterator pro_it;
- center_pro_info *pro_info;
- center_jmod_info *jmod_info;
- manage_submit_info *sub_info;
- if((db_conn = center_manage_conndb()) == NULL){
- return -1;
- }
- snprintf(db_subid,sizeof(db_subid),"%d",subid);
- db_param[0] = db_subid;
- db_res = PQexecParams(db_conn,
- "SELECT \"uid\",\"proid\",\"lang\",\"result\" FROM \"submit\" WHERE \"subid\"=$1;",
- 1,
- db_param,
- 0);
- if(PQresultStatus(db_res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK){
- center_manage_closedb(db_conn);
- return -1;
- }
- sscanf(PQgetvalue(db_res,0,0),"%d",&uid);
- sscanf(PQgetvalue(db_res,0,1),"%d",&proid);
- sscanf(PQgetvalue(db_res,0,2),"%d",&lang);
- sscanf(PQgetvalue(db_res,0,3),"%d",&result);
- PQclear(db_res);
- center_manage_closedb(db_conn);
- if((pro_it = center_manage_promap.find(proid)) == center_manage_promap.end()){
- return -1;
- }
- pro_info = pro_it->second;
- if((lang & pro_info->lang_flag) == 0){
- return -1;
- }
- jmod_info = pro_info->jmod_info;
- if(result == JUDGE_WAIT){
- rejudge_flag = false;
- }else{
- rejudge_flag = true;
- }
- center_manage_getpro(pro_info);
- sub_info = new manage_submit_info(subid,uid,jmod_info,pro_info,lang,rejudge_flag,param);
- manage_submap.insert(std::pair<int,manage_submit_info*>(sub_info->subid,sub_info));
- manage_tp->add(manage_submit_thfn,sub_info,manage_submit_cbfn,sub_info);
- return 0;
-static void manage_submit_th(void *data){
- manage_submit_info *sub_info;
- char dir_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
- char pack_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
- sub_info = (manage_submit_info*)data;
- snprintf(dir_path,sizeof(dir_path),"submit/%d/%d/data",(sub_info->subid / 1000) * 1000,sub_info->subid);
- snprintf(pack_path,sizeof(pack_path),"tmp/codepack/%d.tar.bz2",sub_info->subid);
- tool_pack(pack_path,dir_path);
-static void manage_submit_cb(void *data){
- manage_submit_info *sub_info;
- center_jmod_info *jmod_info;
- center_pro_info *pro_info;
- char cwd_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
- char tpath[PATH_MAX + 1];
- judgm_manage_info *mg_info;
- judgm_manage_submit_fn mg_sub_fn;
- FILE *set_file;
- char lchr;
- char tchr;
- try{
- sub_info = (manage_submit_info*)data;
- jmod_info = sub_info->jmod_info;
- pro_info = sub_info->pro_info;
- if(jmod_info->manage_dll == NULL){
- getcwd(cwd_path,sizeof(cwd_path));
- snprintf(tpath,sizeof(tpath),"%s/jmod/%s/%s_manage.so",cwd_path,jmod_info->name,jmod_info->name);
- jmod_info->manage_dll = dlopen(tpath,RTLD_NOW);
- jmod_info->manage_sub_fn = dlsym(jmod_info->manage_dll,"submit");
- jmod_info->manage_res_fn = dlsym(jmod_info->manage_dll,"result");
- }
- mg_sub_fn = (judgm_manage_submit_fn)jmod_info->manage_sub_fn;
- mg_info = sub_info->manage_info;
- snprintf(mg_info->pro_path,sizeof(mg_info->pro_path),"tmp/pro/%d_%d",pro_info->proid,pro_info->cacheid);
- snprintf(mg_info->res_path,sizeof(mg_info->res_path),"submit/%d/%d/result",(sub_info->subid / 1000) * 1000,sub_info->subid);
- snprintf(tpath,sizeof(tpath),"tmp/pro/%d_%d/setting",pro_info->proid,pro_info->cacheid);
- if((set_file = fopen(tpath,"r")) == NULL){
- throw 0;
- }
- lchr = '\n';
- while((tchr = fgetc(set_file)) != EOF){
- if(lchr == '\n' && tchr == '='){
- while(fgetc(set_file) != '\n');
- break;
- }
- lchr = tchr;
- }
- mg_sub_fn(mg_info,set_file);
- fclose(set_file);
- }catch(...){
- manage_finish_result(sub_info->subid,
- sub_info->uid,
- sub_info->pro_info->proid,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- sub_info->rejudge_flag);
- }
-DLL_PUBLIC int center_manage_queuesubmit(int subid,int proid,int lang,char *set_data,size_t set_len){
- center_judge_submit(subid,proid,lang,set_data,set_len);
- return 0;
-int center_manage_result(int subid,char *res_data){
- std::map<int,manage_submit_info*>::iterator sub_it;
- manage_submit_info *sub_info;
- center_jmod_info *jmod_info;
- char res_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
- judgm_manage_info *mg_info;
- judgm_manage_result_fn mg_res_fn;
- if((sub_it = manage_submap.find(subid)) == manage_submap.end()){
- return -1;
- }
- sub_info = sub_it->second;
- jmod_info = sub_info->jmod_info;
- mg_info = sub_info->manage_info;
- mg_res_fn = (judgm_manage_result_fn)jmod_info->manage_res_fn;
- if(mg_res_fn(mg_info,res_data)){
- manage_submap.erase(sub_it);
- manage_finish_result(subid,
- sub_info->uid,
- sub_info->pro_info->proid,
- mg_info->result,
- mg_info->score,
- mg_info->runtime,
- mg_info->memory,
- sub_info->rejudge_flag);
- center_manage_putpro(sub_info->pro_info);
- delete sub_info;
- }else{
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
-static int manage_finish_result(int subid,int uid,int proid,int result,double score,int runtime,int memory,bool rejudge_flag){
- PGconn *db_conn;
- PGresult *db_res;
- char db_result[32];
- char db_score[32];
- char db_runtime[32];
- char db_memory[32];
- char db_subid[32];
- char *db_param[5];
- if((db_conn = center_manage_conndb()) == NULL){
- return -1;
- }
- snprintf(db_result,sizeof(db_result),"%d",result);
- snprintf(db_score,sizeof(db_score),"%lf",score);
- snprintf(db_runtime,sizeof(db_runtime),"%lu",runtime);
- snprintf(db_memory,sizeof(db_memory),"%lu",memory / 1024UL);
- snprintf(db_subid,sizeof(db_subid),"%d",subid);
- db_param[0] = db_result;
- db_param[1] = db_score;
- db_param[2] = db_runtime;
- db_param[3] = db_memory;
- db_param[4] = db_subid;
- db_res = PQexecParams(db_conn,
- "UPDATE \"submit\" SET \"result\"=$1,\"score\"=$2,\"runtime\"=$3,\"memory\"=$4 WHERE \"subid\"=$5;",
- 5,
- db_param,
- 0);
- PQclear(db_res);
- center_manage_closedb(db_conn);
- manage_notice(subid,
- uid,
- proid,
- result,
- score,
- runtime,
- memory,
- rejudge_flag);
- return 0;
-static int manage_notice(int subid,int uid,int proid,int result,double score,int runtime,int memory,bool rejudge_flag){
- char msg[4096];
- json_object *jso_msg;
- json_object *jso_arg;
- jso_msg = json_object_new_object();
- json_object_object_add(jso_msg,"type",json_object_new_string("result"));
- json_object_object_add(jso_msg,"subid",json_object_new_int(subid));
- json_object_object_add(jso_msg,"proid",json_object_new_int(proid));
- json_object_object_add(jso_msg,"result",json_object_new_int(result));
- json_object_object_add(jso_msg,"score",json_object_new_double(score));
- json_object_object_add(jso_msg,"runtime",json_object_new_int(runtime));
- json_object_object_add(jso_msg,"memory",json_object_new_int(memory / 1024UL));
- json_object_object_add(jso_msg,"rejudge_flag",json_object_new_boolean(rejudge_flag));
- jso_arg = json_object_new_array();
- json_object_array_add(jso_arg,json_object_new_int(uid));
- json_object_array_add(jso_arg,jso_msg);
- event_exec("pzreadtest.php","center_result_event",json_object_get_string(jso_arg));
- json_object_put(jso_arg);
- return 0;
-center_pro_info* center_manage_getprobyid(int proid){
- std::map<int,center_pro_info*>::iterator pro_it;
- center_pro_info *pro_info;
- if((pro_it = center_manage_promap.find(proid)) == center_manage_promap.end()){
- return NULL;
- }
- pro_info = pro_it->second;
- if(center_manage_getpro(pro_info)){
- return NULL;
- }
- return pro_info;
-int center_manage_getpro(center_pro_info *pro_info){
- pro_info->ref_count++;
- return 0;
-int center_manage_putpro(center_pro_info *pro_info){
- char tpath[PATH_MAX + 1];
- pro_info->ref_count--;
- if(pro_info->ref_count == 0){
- snprintf(tpath,sizeof(tpath),"tmp/pro/%d_%d",pro_info->proid,pro_info->cacheid);
- tool_cleardir(tpath);
- rmdir(tpath);
- snprintf(tpath,sizeof(tpath),"tmp/propack/%d_%d.tar.bz2",pro_info->proid,pro_info->cacheid);
- unlink(tpath);
- delete pro_info;
- }
- return 0;
-static int manage_updatepro(int proid,int cacheid,center_jmod_info *jmod_info,int lang_flag){
- std::map<int,center_pro_info*>::iterator pro_it;
- center_pro_info *old_pro_info;
- center_pro_info *update_pro_info;
- char tpath[PATH_MAX + 1];
- struct stat st;
- std::pair<std::map<int,center_pro_info*>::iterator,bool> ins_ret;
- if((pro_it = center_manage_promap.find(proid)) == center_manage_promap.end()){
- old_pro_info = NULL;
- }else{
- old_pro_info = pro_it->second;
- if(old_pro_info->state == CENTER_CACHESTATE_READY && cacheid == old_pro_info->cacheid){
- return 1;
- }
- if(old_pro_info->state == CENTER_CACHESTATE_UPDATE && (cacheid <= old_pro_info->cacheid || cacheid <= old_pro_info->update_cacheid)){
- return -1;
- }
- old_pro_info->state = CENTER_CACHESTATE_UPDATE;
- old_pro_info->update_cacheid = cacheid;
- }
- update_pro_info = new center_pro_info(proid,cacheid,jmod_info,lang_flag); //set cacheid 0 to new pro
- center_manage_getpro(update_pro_info);
- snprintf(tpath,sizeof(tpath),"tmp/pro/%d_%d",update_pro_info->proid,update_pro_info->cacheid);
- if(!stat(tpath,&st)){
- snprintf(tpath,sizeof(tpath),"tmp/propack/%d_%d.tar.bz2",update_pro_info->proid,update_pro_info->cacheid);
- if(!stat(tpath,&st)){
- if(old_pro_info != NULL){
- center_manage_putpro(old_pro_info);
- }
- ins_ret = center_manage_promap.insert(std::make_pair(update_pro_info->proid,update_pro_info));
- if(ins_ret.second == false){
- ins_ret.first->second = update_pro_info;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- }
- manage_tp->add(manage_updatepro_thfn,update_pro_info,manage_updatepro_cbfn,update_pro_info);
- return 0;
-static void manage_updatepro_th(void *data){
- center_pro_info *pro_info;
- char src_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
- char dir_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
- char pack_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
- pro_info = (center_pro_info*)data;
- snprintf(src_path,sizeof(src_path),"pro/%d",pro_info->proid);
- snprintf(dir_path,sizeof(dir_path),"tmp/pro/%d_%d",pro_info->proid,pro_info->cacheid);
- tool_copydir(src_path,dir_path);
- snprintf(pack_path,sizeof(pack_path),"tmp/propack/%d_%d.tar.bz2",pro_info->proid,pro_info->cacheid);
- tool_pack(pack_path,dir_path);
-static void manage_updatepro_cb(void *data){
- center_pro_info *old_pro_info;
- center_pro_info *update_pro_info;
- std::pair<std::map<int,center_pro_info*>::iterator,bool> ins_ret;
- std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > pro_pair;
- update_pro_info = (center_pro_info*)data;
- ins_ret = center_manage_promap.insert(std::make_pair(update_pro_info->proid,update_pro_info));
- if(ins_ret.second == false){
- old_pro_info = ins_ret.first->second;
- if(update_pro_info->cacheid <= old_pro_info->cacheid){
- center_manage_putpro(update_pro_info);
- return;
- }
- center_manage_putpro(ins_ret.first->second);
- ins_ret.first->second = update_pro_info;
- }
- pro_pair.push_back(std::make_pair(update_pro_info->proid,update_pro_info->cacheid));
- center_judge_updatepro(pro_pair);
-center_jmod_info* center_manage_getjmodbyname(char *name){
- std::map<std::string,center_jmod_info*>::iterator jmod_it;
- center_jmod_info *jmod_info;
- if((jmod_it = center_manage_jmodmap.find(name)) == center_manage_jmodmap.end()){
- return NULL;
- }
- jmod_info = jmod_it->second;
- if(center_manage_getjmod(jmod_info)){
- return NULL;
- }
- return jmod_info;
-int center_manage_getjmod(center_jmod_info *jmod_info){
- jmod_info->ref_count++;
- return 0;
-int center_manage_putjmod(center_jmod_info *jmod_info){
- char tpath[PATH_MAX + 1];
- jmod_info->ref_count--;
- if(jmod_info->ref_count == 0){
- snprintf(tpath,sizeof(tpath),"tmp/jmod/%s_%d",jmod_info->name,jmod_info->cacheid);
- tool_cleardir(tpath);
- rmdir(tpath);
- snprintf(tpath,sizeof(tpath),"tmp/jmodpack/%s_%d.tar.bz2",jmod_info->name,jmod_info->cacheid);
- unlink(tpath);
- delete jmod_info;
- }
- return 0;
-static int manage_updatejmod(char *name,int cacheid){
- std::map<std::string,center_jmod_info*>::iterator jmod_it;
- center_jmod_info *old_jmod_info;
- center_jmod_info *update_jmod_info;
- char tpath[PATH_MAX + 1];
- struct stat st;
- std::pair<std::map<std::string,center_jmod_info*>::iterator,bool> ins_ret;
- if((jmod_it = center_manage_jmodmap.find(name)) == center_manage_jmodmap.end()){
- old_jmod_info = NULL;
- }else{
- old_jmod_info = jmod_it->second;
- if(old_jmod_info->state == CENTER_CACHESTATE_READY && cacheid == old_jmod_info->cacheid){
- return -1;
- }
- if(old_jmod_info->state == CENTER_CACHESTATE_UPDATE && (cacheid <= old_jmod_info->cacheid || cacheid <= old_jmod_info->update_cacheid)){
- return -1;
- }
- old_jmod_info->state = CENTER_CACHESTATE_UPDATE;
- old_jmod_info->update_cacheid = cacheid;
- }
- update_jmod_info = new center_jmod_info(name,cacheid);
- center_manage_getjmod(update_jmod_info);
- snprintf(tpath,sizeof(tpath),"tmp/jmod/%s_%d",update_jmod_info->name,update_jmod_info->cacheid);
- if(!stat(tpath,&st)){
- snprintf(tpath,sizeof(tpath),"tmp/jmodpack/%s_%d.tar.bz2",update_jmod_info->name,update_jmod_info->cacheid);
- if(!stat(tpath,&st)){
- if(old_jmod_info != NULL){
- center_manage_putjmod(old_jmod_info);
- ins_ret = center_manage_jmodmap.insert(std::make_pair(update_jmod_info->name,update_jmod_info));
- if(ins_ret.second == false){
- ins_ret.first->second = update_jmod_info;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- }
- }
- manage_tp->add(manage_updatejmod_thfn,update_jmod_info,manage_updatejmod_cbfn,update_jmod_info);
- return 0;
-static void manage_updatejmod_th(void *data){
- center_jmod_info *jmod_info;
- char src_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
- char dir_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
- char pack_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
- jmod_info = (center_jmod_info*)data;
- snprintf(src_path,sizeof(src_path),"jmod/%s",jmod_info->name);
- snprintf(dir_path,sizeof(dir_path),"tmp/jmod/%s_%d.tar.bz2",jmod_info->name,jmod_info->cacheid);
- tool_copydir(src_path,dir_path);
- snprintf(pack_path,sizeof(pack_path),"tmp/jmodpack/%s_%d.tar.bz2",jmod_info->name,jmod_info->cacheid);
- tool_pack(pack_path,dir_path);
-static void manage_updatejmod_cb(void *data){
- center_jmod_info *old_jmod_info;
- center_jmod_info *update_jmod_info;
- std::pair<std::map<std::string,center_jmod_info*>::iterator,bool> ins_ret;
- std::vector<std::pair<std::string,int> > jmod_pair;
- update_jmod_info = (center_jmod_info*)data;
- ins_ret = center_manage_jmodmap.insert(std::make_pair(update_jmod_info->name,update_jmod_info));
- if(ins_ret.second == false){
- old_jmod_info = ins_ret.first->second;
- if(update_jmod_info->cacheid <= old_jmod_info->cacheid){
- center_manage_putjmod(update_jmod_info);
- }
- center_manage_putjmod(old_jmod_info);
- ins_ret.first->second = update_jmod_info;
- }
- jmod_pair.push_back(std::make_pair(update_jmod_info->name,update_jmod_info->cacheid));
- //wait
- //
diff --git a/toj/center/src/center_manage.h b/toj/center/src/center_manage.h
deleted file mode 100755
index b2ee36e..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/center_manage.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-class manage_submit_info{
- int subid;
- int uid;
- center_jmod_info *jmod_info;
- center_pro_info *pro_info;
- int lang;
- bool rejudge_flag;
- char param[JUDGE_SUB_PARAMMAX];
- judgm_manage_info *manage_info;
- manage_submit_info(int subid,int uid,center_jmod_info *jmod_info,center_pro_info *pro_info,int lang,bool rejudge_flag,char *param){
- this->subid = subid;
- this->uid = uid;
- this->jmod_info = jmod_info;
- this->pro_info = pro_info;
- this->lang = lang;
- this->rejudge_flag = rejudge_flag;
- this->param[0] = '\0';
- strncat(this->param,param,sizeof(this->param));
- this->manage_info = new judgm_manage_info(this->subid,this->uid,pro_info->proid,this->lang,this->param);
- }
- ~manage_submit_info(){
- delete this->manage_info;
- }
-static void manage_submit_th(void *data);
-static void manage_submit_cb(void *data);
-static int manage_finish_result(int subid,int uid,int proid,int result,double score,int runtime,int memory,bool rejudge_flag);
-static int manage_notice(int subid,int uid,int proid,int result,double score,int runtime,int memory,bool rejudge_flag);
-static int manage_updatepro(int proid,int cacheid,center_jmod_info *jmod_info,int lang_flag);
-static void manage_updatepro_th(void *data);
-static void manage_updatepro_cb(void *data);
-static int manage_updatejmod(char *name,int cacheid);
-static void manage_updatejmod_th(void *data);
-static void manage_updatejmod_cb(void *data);
-static tpool *manage_tp;
-static tpool_static_fn *manage_updatepro_thfn;
-static tpool_static_fn *manage_updatepro_cbfn;
-static tpool_static_fn *manage_updatejmod_thfn;
-static tpool_static_fn *manage_updatejmod_cbfn;
-static tpool_static_fn *manage_submit_thfn;
-static tpool_static_fn *manage_submit_cbfn;
-static std::map<int,manage_submit_info*> manage_submap;
-int center_manage_init(tpool **tpinfo);
-PGconn* center_manage_conndb();
-int center_manage_closedb(PGconn *conn);
-int center_manage_updatedata();
-int center_manage_submitwait();
-int center_manage_submit(int subid,char *param);
-int center_manage_result(int subid,char *res_data);
-DLL_PUBLIC int center_manage_queuesubmit(int subid,int proid,int lang,char *set_data,size_t set_len);
-center_pro_info* center_manage_getprobyid(int proid);
-int center_manage_getpro(center_pro_info*);
-int center_manage_putpro(center_pro_info *pro_info);
-center_jmod_info* center_manage_getjmodbyname(char *name);
-int center_manage_getjmod(center_jmod_info *jmod_info);
-int center_manage_putjmod(center_jmod_info *jmod_info);
-std::map<int,center_pro_info*> center_manage_promap;
-std::map<std::string,center_jmod_info*> center_manage_jmodmap;
-extern int tool_pack(char *pack_path,char *dir_path);
-extern int tool_unpack(char *pack_path,char *dir_path);
-extern int tool_cleardir(char *path);
-extern int tool_copydir(char *old_path,char *new_path);
-extern int center_judge_submit(int subid,int proid,int lang,char *set_data,size_t set_len);
-extern int center_judge_updatepro(std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > &pro_list);
diff --git a/toj/center/src/center_server.cpp b/toj/center/src/center_server.cpp
deleted file mode 100755
index 030e273..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/center_server.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-server_epevdata::server_epevdata(int fd,int type,void *data){
- this->fd = fd;
- this->type = type;
- this->data = data;
-server_web_conn::server_web_conn(int fd){
- this->fd = fd;
- this->off = 0;
- this->count = 0;
- epoll_ctl(server_epfd,EPOLL_CTL_DEL,fd,NULL);
- close(fd);
-int server_web_conn::readio(){
- int ret;
- char c;
- int len;
- int subid;
- char *param;
- while((ret = read(fd,&c,1)) > 0){
- buf[off] = c;
- off++;
- if(c == '\0'){
- count++;
- if(count == 2){
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(count == 2){
- off = 0;
- count = 0;
- sscanf(buf,"%d",&subid);
- param = buf + strlen(buf) + 1;
- printf("%d %s\n",subid,param);
- //test
- if(subid == -1){
- center_manage_updatedata();
- }else{
- center_manage_submit(subid,param);
- }
- //test
- write(fd,"S",2);
- }
- return 0;
-static int server_addepev(int fd,unsigned int flag,int type,void *data){
- server_epevdata *epevdata;
- epoll_event epev;
- epevdata = new server_epevdata(fd,type,data);
- epev.events = flag;
- epev.data.ptr = epevdata;
- epoll_ctl(server_epfd,EPOLL_CTL_ADD,fd,&epev);
- return 0;
-static int server_delepev(server_epevdata *epevdata){
- epoll_ctl(server_epfd,EPOLL_CTL_DEL,epevdata->fd,NULL);
- delete epevdata;
- return 0;
-int main(){
- int ret;
- int i;
- int judge_sfd;
- int web_sfd;
- int cfd;
- sockaddr_in saddr;
- sockaddr_in caddr;
- epoll_event epev;
- epoll_event epevs[SERVER_EPOLL_MAXEVENT];
- int nevs;
- unsigned int ev_flag;
- server_epevdata *epevdata;
- server_web_conn *winfo;
- tpool *tpinfo;
- signal(SIGPIPE,SIG_IGN);
- server_epfd = epoll_create1(0);
- center_manage_init(&tpinfo);
- server_addepev(tpinfo->fd,EPOLLIN | EPOLLET,SERVER_EPEV_TPOOL,tpinfo);
- center_judge_init();
- judge_sfd = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_NONBLOCK,6);
- saddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- saddr.sin_port = htons(SERVER_JUDGE_PORT);
- //saddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK);
- //saddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
- saddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
- setsockopt(judge_sfd,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,&saddr,sizeof(saddr));
- bind(judge_sfd,(sockaddr*)&saddr,sizeof(saddr));
- listen(judge_sfd,4096);
- web_sfd = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM | SOCK_NONBLOCK,6);
- saddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- saddr.sin_port = htons(SERVER_WEB_PORT);
- saddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK);
- //saddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
- setsockopt(web_sfd,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,&saddr,sizeof(saddr));
- bind(web_sfd,(sockaddr*)&saddr,sizeof(saddr));
- listen(web_sfd,4096);
- while(true){
- nevs = epoll_wait(server_epfd,epevs,SERVER_EPOLL_MAXEVENT,-1);
- for(i = 0;i < nevs;i++){
- ev_flag = epevs[i].events;
- epevdata = (server_epevdata*)epevs[i].data.ptr;
- if(epevdata->type == SERVER_EPEV_JUDGESERVER){
- while(true){
- ret = 0;
- if((cfd = accept4(epevdata->fd,(sockaddr*)&caddr,(socklen_t*)&ret,SOCK_NONBLOCK)) == -1){
- break;
- }
- server_addepev(cfd,EPOLLIN | EPOLLOUT | EPOLLRDHUP | EPOLLET,SERVER_EPEV_JUDGECLIENT,center_judge_addconn(cfd));
- }
- }else if(epevdata->type == SERVER_EPEV_JUDGECLIENT){
- center_judge_dispatch(ev_flag,epevdata->data);
- if(ev_flag & EPOLLRDHUP){
- server_delepev(epevdata);
- }
- }else if(epevdata->type == SERVER_EPEV_WEBSERVER){
- printf("test\n");
- while(true){
- ret = 0;
- if((cfd = accept4(epevdata->fd,(sockaddr*)&caddr,(socklen_t*)&ret,SOCK_NONBLOCK)) == -1){
- break;
- }
- server_addepev(cfd,EPOLLIN | EPOLLOUT | EPOLLRDHUP | EPOLLET,SERVER_EPEV_WEBCLIENT,new server_web_conn(cfd));
- }
- }else if(epevdata->type == SERVER_EPEV_WEBCLIENT){
- winfo = (server_web_conn*)epevdata->data;
- if(ev_flag & EPOLLIN){
- winfo->readio();
- }
- if(ev_flag & EPOLLRDHUP){
- delete winfo;
- delete (server_epevdata*)epev.data.ptr;
- }
- }else if(epevdata->type == SERVER_EPEV_TPOOL){
- tpinfo = (tpool*)epevdata->data;
- if(ev_flag & EPOLLIN){
- tpinfo->done();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- close(judge_sfd);
- close(server_epfd);
- close(web_sfd);
- return 0;
diff --git a/toj/center/src/center_server.h b/toj/center/src/center_server.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 039e84b..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/center_server.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-#define SERVER_JUDGE_PORT 2573
-#define SERVER_WEB_PORT 2501
-class server_epevdata{
- int fd;
- int type;
- void *data;
- server_epevdata(int fd,int type,void *data);
-class server_web_conn{
- int fd;
- char buf[65536];
- int off;
- int count;
- server_web_conn(int fd);
- ~server_web_conn();
- int readio();
-static int server_addepev(int fd,unsigned int flag,int type,void *data);
-static int server_delepev(server_epevdata *epevdata);
-static int server_epfd;
-extern int center_manage_init(tpool **tpinfo);
-extern int center_manage_updatedata();
-extern int center_manage_submit(int subid,char *param);
-extern int center_judge_init();
-extern void* center_judge_addconn(int fd);
-extern int center_judge_dispatch(int ev_flag,void *data);
-extern int pack_pack(char *pack_path,char *dir_path);
-extern int pack_unpack(char *pack_path,char *target_path);
diff --git a/toj/center/src/hyperio/Makefile b/toj/center/src/hyperio/Makefile
deleted file mode 100755
index 655e473..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/hyperio/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-ifneq ($(KERNELRELEASE),)
- hyperio-objs := hyperio_mod.o judgk_hyperio.o
- obj-m := hyperio.o
- KERNEL_SOURCE := /usr/lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build
- PWD := $(shell pwd)
- g++ -O2 test.cpp -o test
diff --git a/toj/center/src/hyperio/hyperio_mod.c b/toj/center/src/hyperio/hyperio_mod.c
deleted file mode 100755
index a188b14..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/hyperio/hyperio_mod.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-static int __init mod_init(){
- alloc_chrdev_region(&mod_dev,0,1,"hyperio");
- mod_class = class_create(THIS_MODULE,"chardev");
- device_create(mod_class,NULL,mod_dev,NULL,"hyperio");
- cdev_init(&mod_cdev,&mod_fops);
- cdev_add(&mod_cdev,mod_dev,1);
- judgk_hyperio_init();
- pr_alert("hyperio:Init\n");
- return 0;
-static void __exit mod_exit(){
- judgk_hyperio_exit();
- cdev_del(&mod_cdev);
- device_destroy(mod_class,mod_dev);
- class_destroy(mod_class);
- unregister_chrdev_region(mod_dev,1);
- pr_alert("hyperio:Exit\n");
-static long mod_ioctl(struct file *filp,unsigned int cmd,unsigned long arg){
- long ret;
- ret = 0;
- switch(cmd){
- ret = judgk_hyperio_add(filp);
- break;
- ret = judgk_hyperio_read(filp,arg);
- break;
- ret = judgk_hyperio_write(filp,arg);
- break;
- ret = judgk_hyperio_del(filp);
- break;
- }
- return ret;
diff --git a/toj/center/src/hyperio/hyperio_mod.h b/toj/center/src/hyperio/hyperio_mod.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 3d75b68..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/hyperio/hyperio_mod.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-static int __init mod_init(void);
-static void __exit mod_exit(void);
-static long mod_ioctl(struct file *filp,unsigned int cmd,unsigned long arg);
-static dev_t mod_dev;
-static struct cdev mod_cdev;
-static struct class *mod_class;
-extern int judgk_hyperio_mmap(struct file *filp,struct vm_area_struct *vma);
-static struct file_operations mod_fops = {
- .owner = THIS_MODULE,
- .unlocked_ioctl = mod_ioctl,
- .mmap = judgk_hyperio_mmap
-extern int judgk_hyperio_init(void);
-extern int judgk_hyperio_exit(void);
-extern int judgk_hyperio_add(struct file *filp);
-extern int judgk_hyperio_read(struct file *filp,size_t len);
-extern int judgk_hyperio_write(struct file *filp,size_t len);
-extern int judgk_hyperio_del(struct file *filp);
diff --git a/toj/center/src/hyperio/test.cpp b/toj/center/src/hyperio/test.cpp
deleted file mode 100755
index 18e536b..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/hyperio/test.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-int fd;
-/*char *rbuf;
-off_t roff = 0;
-int judgm_hyperio_compare(char *buf,size_t len){
- int flag;
- size_t remain;
- off_t off;
- size_t data_len;
- size_t cmp_len;
- flag = 0;
- remain = len;
- off = 0;
- data_len = 0;
- cmp_len = 0;
- while(remain > 0 && flag == 0){
- if(data_len == 0){
- if((data_len = ioctl(fd,IOCTL_READ,cmp_len)) <= 0){
- return -1;
- }
- }
- if(remain < data_len){
- cmp_len = remain;
- }else{
- cmp_len = data_len;
- }
- if((roff + cmp_len) < BUF_SIZE){
- flag |= memcmp(rbuf + roff,buf + off,cmp_len);
- roff += cmp_len;
- }else{
- flag |= memcmp(rbuf + roff,buf + off,BUF_SIZE - roff);
- flag |= memcmp(rbuf,buf + off + (BUF_SIZE - roff),(cmp_len + roff) - BUF_SIZE);
- roff = (cmp_len + roff) - BUF_SIZE;
- }
- remain -= cmp_len;
- off += cmp_len;
- }
- if(cmp_len > 0){
- ioctl(fd,IOCTL_READ,-(long)cmp_len);
- }
- if(flag == 0){
- return 0;
- }else{
- return -1;
- }
-int main(){
- int i,j;
- char *buf;
- int idx;
- int pid;
- char str[4096];
- int a,b;
- int l;
- judgm_hyperio *hyperio;
- fd = open("/dev/judgk",O_RDWR);
- hyperio = new judgm_hyperio(fd);
- printf("%d\n",hyperio->tty_idx);
- if((pid = fork()) == 0){
- int outfd;
- outfd = judgm_hyperio::get_ttyfd(0);
- //dup2(fd,0);
- dup2(outfd,1);
- printf("Hello World\n");
- char *argv[] = {NULL,NULL};
- char *envp[] = {NULL};
- execve("/srv/http/toj/center/judge/tmp/run/1/test",argv,envp);
- exit(0);
- }
- printf("%d\n",hyperio->compare("Hello World\n",12));
- waitpid(pid,NULL,0);
- getchar();
- delete hyperio;
- close(fd);
- /*flag = 0;
- roff = 0;
- woff = 0;
- srand(23);
- for(i = 0;i < 1000000;i++){
- a = rand() % 65536;
- b = rand() % 65536;
- snprintf(str,sizeof(str),"%d %d\n",a,b);
- l = strlen(str);
- j = l;
- len = 0;
- while(j > 0){
- len = ioctl(fd,IOCTL_WRITE,len);
- if(j < len){
- len = j;
- }
- if((len + woff) < BUF_SIZE){
- memcpy(wbuf + woff,str + (l - j),len);
- woff += len;
- }else{
- memcpy(wbuf + woff,str + (l - j),BUF_SIZE - woff);
- memcpy(wbuf,str + (l - j) + (BUF_SIZE - woff),(len + woff) - BUF_SIZE);
- woff = (len + woff) - BUF_SIZE;
- }
- j -= len;
- }
- ioctl(fd,IOCTL_WRITE,-len);
- snprintf(str,sizeof(str),"%d\n",a + b);
- l = strlen(str);
- j = l;
- len = 0;
- while(j > 0){
- len = ioctl(fd,IOCTL_READ,len);
- if(len <= 0){
- flag = 1;
- break;
- }
- if(j < len){
- len = j;
- }
- if((roff + len) < BUF_SIZE){
- flag |= memcmp(rbuf + roff,str + (l - j),len);
- roff += len;
- }else{
- flag |= memcmp(rbuf + roff,str + (l - j),BUF_SIZE - roff);
- flag |= memcmp(rbuf,str + (l - j) + (BUF_SIZE - roff),(len + roff) - BUF_SIZE);
- roff = (len + roff) - BUF_SIZE;
- }
- j -= len;
- }
- ioctl(fd,IOCTL_READ,-len);
- if(flag != 0){
- printf("WA\n");
- break;
- }
- }*/
- return 0;
diff --git a/toj/center/src/jmod_test.h b/toj/center/src/jmod_test.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 844f5c8..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/jmod_test.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-typedef int (*check_init_fn)(int judgk_modfd,char *data_path,char *run_path);
-typedef int (*check_run_fn)(int &status,char *err_msg);
-typedef int (*check_stop_fn)();
-struct line_set_data{
- int id;
-struct line_result_data{
- int id;
- int status;
- double score;
- unsigned long runtime;
- unsigned long memory;
- char err_msg[LINE_ERRMSG_MAXSIZE];
diff --git a/toj/center/src/jmod_test_check.cpp b/toj/center/src/jmod_test_check.cpp
deleted file mode 100755
index ae4d060..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/jmod_test_check.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-static int ansfd;
-static judgm_hyperio *hyperio;
-static int tty_idx;
-int p[2];
-DLL_PUBLIC int init(int judgk_modfd,char *datapath,char *runpath){
- char tpath[PATH_MAX + 1];
- char dstpath[PATH_MAX + 1];
- pipe(p);
- snprintf(tpath,sizeof(tpath),"%s/in",datapath);
- snprintf(dstpath,sizeof(dstpath),"%s/in",runpath);
- if(link(tpath,dstpath)){
- return -1;
- }
- snprintf(tpath,sizeof(tpath),"%s/ans",datapath);
- if((ansfd = open(tpath,O_RDONLY)) == -1){
- return -1;
- }
- //hyperio = new judgm_hyperio(judgk_modfd);
- //tty_idx = hyperio->tty_idx;
- return 0;
-DLL_PUBLIC int run(int &status,char *err_msg){
- int ret;
- char *inbuf;
- char *ansbuf;
- status = JUDGE_AC;
- inbuf = new char[65536];
- ansbuf = new char[65536];
- /*while((ret = read(ansfd,ansbuf,65536)) > 0){
- if(hyperio->compare(ansbuf,ret)){
- status = JUDGE_WA;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(status == JUDGE_AC && hyperio->wait() > 0){
- status = JUDGE_WA;
- }
- delete inbuf;
- delete ansbuf;
- close(ansfd);
- delete hyperio;*/
- close(p[1]);
- int c_read=-1,pre_status=status;
- while((ret = read(p[0],inbuf,65536)) > 0){
- if((c_read=read(ansfd,ansbuf,ret)) != ret){
- status = JUDGE_WA;
- break;
- }
- if(memcmp(ansbuf,inbuf,ret)){
- status = JUDGE_WA;
- break;
- }
- }
-// if(c_read - ret == 1 && ansbuf[c_read-1]=='\n'){
-// status = pre_status;
-// }
- if(status == JUDGE_AC && ((c_read = read(ansfd,ansbuf,1)) > 1 || c_read == 1 && ansbuf[0]!='\n')){
- status = JUDGE_WA;
- }
- return 0;
-DLL_PUBLIC int proc(){
- int infd;
- int outfd;
- if((infd = open("in",O_RDONLY)) == -1){
- return -1;
- }
- /*if((outfd = judgm_hyperio::get_ttyfd(tty_idx)) == -1){
- return -1;
- }*/
- close(p[0]);
- outfd = p[1];
- dup2(infd,0);
- dup2(outfd,1);
- dup2(outfd,2);
- return 0;
-DLL_PUBLIC int stop(){
- return 0;
diff --git a/toj/center/src/jmod_test_check.h b/toj/center/src/jmod_test_check.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 20a6286..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/jmod_test_check.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-DLL_PUBLIC int init(int judgk_modfd,char *datapath,char *runpath);
-DLL_PUBLIC int run(int &status,char *err_msg);
-DLL_PUBLIC int proc();
-DLL_PUBLIC int stop();
diff --git a/toj/center/src/jmod_test_line.cpp b/toj/center/src/jmod_test_line.cpp
deleted file mode 100755
index be1177c..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/jmod_test_line.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-static int line_load_setfile(FILE *set_file,int id,int &timelimit,int &memlimit,double &score){
- int ret;
- json_object *jso;
- char buf[JUDGE_SET_FILEMAX];
- fread(buf,1,sizeof(buf),set_file);
- jso = json_tokener_parse(buf);
- timelimit = json_object_get_int(json_object_object_get(jso,"timelimit"));
- memlimit = json_object_get_int(json_object_object_get(jso,"memlimit"));
- score = json_object_get_double(json_object_array_get_idx(json_object_object_get(jso,"score"),id - 1));
- json_object_put(jso);
- return 0;
-static void line_sigaction(int sig_num,siginfo_t *sig_info,void *context){
- if(sig_info->si_pid == line_proc->pid && line_proc->status == JUDGE_RUN){
- if(!line_proc->proc_wait(false)){
- line_chk_stop_fn();
- }
- }
-static int line_sig_set(){
- struct sigaction sig;
- sig.sa_sigaction = line_sigaction;
- sigemptyset(&sig.sa_mask);
- sig.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO | SA_RESTART;
- if(sigaction(SIGCHLD,&sig,NULL)){
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
-static int line_sig_restore(){
- struct sigaction sig;
- sig.sa_handler = SIG_DFL;
- sigemptyset(&sig.sa_mask);
- sig.sa_flags = 0;
- if(sigaction(SIGCHLD,&sig,NULL)){
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
-static int line_sig_block(){
- sigset_t mask;
- sigemptyset(&mask);
- sigaddset(&mask,SIGCHLD);
- if(pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK,&mask,NULL)){
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
-static int line_sig_unblock(){
- sigset_t mask;
- sigemptyset(&mask);
- sigaddset(&mask,SIGCHLD);
- if(pthread_sigmask(SIG_UNBLOCK,&mask,NULL)){
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
-static int line_sig_wait(){
- sigset_t mask;
- int num;
- sigfillset(&mask);
- sigdelset(&mask,SIGKILL);
- sigdelset(&mask,SIGTERM);
- sigdelset(&mask,SIGINT);
- sigdelset(&mask,SIGCHLD);
- sigsuspend(&mask);
- return 0;
-DLL_PUBLIC int run(judgm_line_info *info){
- int i;
- line_result_data *res_data;
- int set_timelimit;
- int set_memlimit;
- double set_score;
- line_set_data *set_data;
- char main_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
- char exe_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
- check_init_fn chk_init_fn;
- check_run_fn chk_run_fn;
- judgm_proc_check_fn chk_proc_fn;
- char data_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
- int chk_status;
- set_data = (line_set_data*)info->set_data;
- res_data = (line_result_data*)info->res_data;
- info->res_len = sizeof(line_result_data);
- res_data->id = set_data->id;
- res_data->status = JUDGE_ERR;
- res_data->score = 0;
- res_data->runtime = 0;
- res_data->memory = 0;
- res_data->err_msg[0] = '\0';
- if(line_load_setfile(info->set_file,set_data->id,set_timelimit,set_memlimit,set_score)){
- return -1;
- }
- snprintf(main_path,sizeof(main_path),"%s/main.cpp",info->code_path);
- snprintf(exe_path,sizeof(exe_path),"%s/test",info->run_path);
- if(judgm_compile(info->subid,main_path,exe_path,info->lang,false,res_data->err_msg,LINE_ERRMSG_MAXSIZE)){
- res_data->status = JUDGE_CE;
- return -1;
- }
- chk_init_fn = (check_init_fn)dlsym(info->check_dll,"init");
- chk_run_fn = (check_run_fn)dlsym(info->check_dll,"run");
- chk_proc_fn = (judgm_proc_check_fn)dlsym(info->check_dll,"proc");
- line_chk_stop_fn = (check_stop_fn)dlsym(info->check_dll,"stop");
- line_proc = new judgm_proc(info->judgk_modfd,info->run_path,exe_path,set_timelimit,(set_timelimit * 10 + 5000),set_memlimit,chk_proc_fn);
- snprintf(data_path,sizeof(data_path),"%s/private/%d",info->pro_path,set_data->id);
- if(chk_init_fn(info->judgk_modfd,data_path,info->run_path)){
- delete line_proc;
- return -1;
- }
- if(line_sig_set()){
- delete line_proc;
- return -1;
- }
- if(line_proc->proc_run()){
- delete line_proc;
- return -1;
- }
- chk_run_fn(chk_status,res_data->err_msg);
- line_sig_block();
- if(line_proc->status == JUDGE_RUN){
- line_proc->proc_kill();
- line_sig_wait();
- }
- line_sig_unblock();
- printf("check status %d proc status %d\n",chk_status,line_proc->status);
- if(line_sig_restore()){
- delete line_proc;
- return -1;
- }
- if(line_proc->status != JUDGE_AC){
- res_data->status = line_proc->status;
- }else{
- res_data->status = chk_status;
- }
- if(res_data->status == JUDGE_AC){
- res_data->score = set_score;
- }else{
- res_data->score = 0;
- }
- res_data->runtime = line_proc->runtime;
- res_data->memory = line_proc->memory;
- delete line_proc;
- return 0;
diff --git a/toj/center/src/jmod_test_line.h b/toj/center/src/jmod_test_line.h
deleted file mode 100755
index c09a503..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/jmod_test_line.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-static int line_load_setfile(FILE *set_file,int test_id,int &timelimit,int &memlimit,double &score);
-static int line_sig_set();
-static int line_sig_restore();
-static int line_sig_block();
-static int line_sig_unblock();
-static int line_sig_wait();
-static judgm_proc *line_proc;
-static check_stop_fn line_chk_stop_fn;
-DLL_PUBLIC int run(judgm_line_info *info);
diff --git a/toj/center/src/jmod_test_manage.cpp b/toj/center/src/jmod_test_manage.cpp
deleted file mode 100755
index e77adc9..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/jmod_test_manage.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-static void __attribute__ ((constructor)) manage_init(){
- manage_queuesubmit_fn = (judgm_manage_queuesubmit_fn)dlsym(dlopen(NULL,RTLD_NOW),"center_manage_queuesubmit");
-static int manage_load_setfile(FILE *set_file,int &count){
- int ret;
- json_object *jso;
- char buf[JUDGE_SET_FILEMAX];
- fread(buf,1,sizeof(buf),set_file);
- jso = json_tokener_parse(buf);
- count = json_object_get_int(json_object_object_get(jso,"count"));
- json_object_put(jso);
- return 0;
-DLL_PUBLIC int submit(judgm_manage_info *info,FILE *set_file){
- int i;
- int count;
- manage_result_info *res_info;
- line_set_data set_data;
- manage_load_setfile(set_file,count);
- res_info = new manage_result_info(count);
- info->private_data = res_info;
- for(i = 0;i < count;i++){
- set_data.id = i + 1;
- manage_queuesubmit_fn(info->subid,info->proid,info->lang,(char*)&set_data,sizeof(line_set_data));
- }
- return 0;
-DLL_PUBLIC int result(judgm_manage_info *info,line_result_data *res_data){
- manage_result_info *res_info;
- json_object *jso_item;
- char tpath[PATH_MAX + 1];
- res_info = (manage_result_info*)info->private_data;
- res_info->count++;
- if(res_data->status > res_info->result){
- res_info->result = res_data->status;
- }
- res_info->totalscore += res_data->score;
- res_info->totalruntime += res_data->runtime;
- if(res_data->memory > res_info->maxmemory){
- res_info->maxmemory = res_data->memory;
- }
- jso_item = json_object_new_object();
- json_object_object_add(jso_item,"status",json_object_new_int(res_data->status));
- json_object_object_add(jso_item,"score",json_object_new_double(res_data->score));
- json_object_object_add(jso_item,"runtime",json_object_new_int64(res_data->runtime));
- json_object_object_add(jso_item,"memory",json_object_new_int64(res_data->memory / 1024UL));
- if(strlen(res_data->err_msg) > 0){
- printf(" strlen %d\n",strlen(res_data->err_msg));
- json_object_object_add(jso_item,"errmsg",json_object_new_string(res_data->err_msg));
- }
- json_object_array_put_idx(res_info->jso_resarray,res_data->id - 1,jso_item);
- printf("jmod count %d %d\n",res_info->count,res_info->allcount);
- if(res_info->count == res_info->allcount){
- snprintf(tpath,sizeof(tpath),"%s/result",info->res_path);
- json_object_to_file_ext(tpath,res_info->jso_res,JSON_C_TO_STRING_PLAIN);
- info->result = res_info->result;
- info->score = res_info->totalscore;
- info->runtime = res_info->totalruntime;
- info->memory = res_info->maxmemory;
- delete res_info;
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/toj/center/src/jmod_test_manage.h b/toj/center/src/jmod_test_manage.h
deleted file mode 100755
index b0244e3..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/jmod_test_manage.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-class manage_result_info{
- int allcount;
- int count;
- int result;
- double totalscore;
- unsigned long totalruntime;
- unsigned long maxmemory;
- json_object *jso_res;
- json_object *jso_resarray;
- manage_result_info(int allcount){
- this->allcount = allcount;
- this->count = 0;
- this->result = JUDGE_AC;
- this->totalscore = 0;
- this->totalruntime = 0;
- this->maxmemory = 0;
- this->jso_res = json_object_new_object();
- this->jso_resarray = json_object_new_array();
- json_object_object_add(this->jso_res,"result",this->jso_resarray);
- }
- ~manage_result_info(){
- json_object_put(jso_res);
- }
-DLL_PUBLIC int submit(judgm_manage_info *info,FILE *set_file);
-DLL_PUBLIC int result(judgm_manage_info *info,line_result_data *res_data);
-static void __attribute__ ((constructor)) manage_init();
-static int manage_load_setfile(FILE *setfile,int &count);
-static judgm_manage_queuesubmit_fn manage_queuesubmit_fn;
diff --git a/toj/center/src/judge.h b/toj/center/src/judge.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b5a885..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/judge.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef JUDGE_H
-#define JUDGE_H
-#define JUDGE_THREAD_MAX 16
-class judge_pro_info{
- int proid;
- int cacheid;
- int ref_count;
- int state;
- int update_cacheid;
- judge_pro_info(int proid,int cacheid){
- this->proid = proid;
- this->cacheid = cacheid;
- this->ref_count = 0;
- this->update_cacheid = 0;
- }
-class judge_submit_info{
- int subid;
- judge_pro_info *pro_info;
- int lang;
- char *set_data;
- int set_len;
- judge_submit_info(int subid,judge_pro_info *pro_info,int lang,char *set_data,int set_len){
- this->subid = subid;
- this->pro_info = pro_info;
- this->lang = lang;
- this->set_data = new char[set_len];
- memcpy(this->set_data,set_data,set_len);
- this->set_len = set_len;
- }
- ~judge_submit_info(){
- delete this->set_data;
- }
diff --git a/toj/center/src/judge_def.h b/toj/center/src/judge_def.h
deleted file mode 100755
index f0722d0..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/judge_def.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-#define JUDGE_AC 0
-#define JUDGE_WA 1
-#define JUDGE_TLE 2
-#define JUDGE_MLE 3
-#define JUDGE_RF 4
-#define JUDGE_RE 5
-#define JUDGE_CE 6
-#define JUDGE_ERR 7
-#define JUDGE_WAIT 100
-#define JUDGE_RUN 101
-#define JUDGE_CPP 0x1
-#define JUDGE_JAVA 0x2
-#define JUDGE_PASCEL 0x4
-#define JUDGE_SUB_PARAMMAX 4096
-#define JUDGE_SET_FILEMAX 65536
-#define JUDGE_SET_DATAMAX 4096
-#define JUDGE_RES_DATAMAX 65536
-#define DLL_PUBLIC extern "C" __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
diff --git a/toj/center/src/judge_manage.cpp b/toj/center/src/judge_manage.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 32181bc..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/judge_manage.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
-int judge_manage_init(){
- int i;
- manage_tp = new tpool(JUDGE_THREAD_MAX);
- judge_server_addtpool(manage_tp);
- manage_tp->start();
- manage_judgk_modfd = open("/dev/judgk",O_RDWR);
- for(i = 0;i < JUDGE_THREAD_JUDGEMAX;i++){
- manage_judgepool[i] = new manage_judgeth_info(i);
- }
- manage_updatepro_thfn = new tpool_static_fn(manage_updatepro_th);
- manage_updatepro_cbfn = new tpool_static_fn(manage_updatepro_cb);
- manage_unpackcode_thfn = new tpool_static_fn(manage_unpackcode_th);
- manage_unpackcode_cbfn = new tpool_static_fn(manage_unpackcode_cb);
- manage_judge_thfn = new tpool_static_fn(manage_judge_th);
- manage_judge_cbfn = new tpool_static_fn(manage_judge_cb);
- judge_manage_updatedata();
- return 0;
-int judge_manage_updatedata(){
- DIR *dirp;
- char *buf;
- dirent *entry;
- int proid;
- int cacheid;
- judge_pro_info *pro_info;
- if((dirp = opendir("tmp/pro")) == NULL){
- return -1;
- }
- buf = new char[sizeof(dirent) + NAME_MAX + 1];
- while(true){
- readdir_r(dirp,(dirent*)buf,&entry);
- if(entry == NULL){
- break;
- }
- if(strcmp(entry->d_name,".") == 0 || strcmp(entry->d_name,"..") == 0){
- continue;
- }
- if(entry->d_type == DT_DIR){
- sscanf(entry->d_name,"%d_%d",&proid,&cacheid);
- pro_info = new judge_pro_info(proid,cacheid);
- judge_manage_getpro(pro_info);
- judge_manage_promap.insert(std::make_pair(proid,pro_info));
- }
- }
- delete(buf);
- closedir(dirp);
- return 0;
-judge_pro_info* judge_manage_getprobyid(int proid){
- std::map<int,judge_pro_info*>::iterator pro_it;
- judge_pro_info *pro_info;
- if((pro_it = judge_manage_promap.find(proid)) == judge_manage_promap.end()){
- return NULL;
- }
- pro_info = pro_it->second;
- if(judge_manage_getpro(pro_info)){
- return NULL;
- }
- return pro_info;
-int judge_manage_getpro(judge_pro_info *pro_info){
- pro_info->ref_count++;
- return 0;
-int judge_manage_putpro(judge_pro_info *pro_info){
- std::map<int,judge_pro_info*> pro_it;
- char tpath[PATH_MAX + 1];
- char src_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
- pro_info->ref_count--;
- if(pro_info->ref_count == 0){
- snprintf(tpath,sizeof(tpath),"tmp/pro/%d_%d",pro_info->proid,pro_info->cacheid);
- tool_cleardir(tpath);
- rmdir(tpath);
- delete pro_info;
- }
- return 0;
-int judge_manage_updatepro(int proid,int cacheid,bool check_flag,judge_pro_info **update_pro_info){ //If check_flag = true, just check
- int ret;
- std::map<int,judge_pro_info*>::iterator pro_it;
- judge_pro_info *old_pro_info;
- if((pro_it = judge_manage_promap.find(proid)) == judge_manage_promap.end()){
- if(check_flag == true){
- return 0;
- }
- }else{
- old_pro_info = pro_it->second;
- if(old_pro_info->state == JUDGE_CACHESTATE_READY && cacheid == old_pro_info->cacheid){
- return 1;
- }
- if(old_pro_info->state == JUDGE_CACHESTATE_UPDATE && (cacheid <= old_pro_info->cacheid || cacheid <= old_pro_info->update_cacheid)){
- return -1;
- }
- if(check_flag == true){
- return 0;
- }
- old_pro_info->update_cacheid = cacheid;
- old_pro_info->state = JUDGE_CACHESTATE_UPDATE;
- }
- *update_pro_info = new judge_pro_info(proid,cacheid);
- judge_manage_getpro(*update_pro_info);
- return 0;
-int judge_manage_done_updatepro(judge_pro_info *pro_info){
- manage_tp->add(manage_updatepro_thfn,pro_info,manage_updatepro_cbfn,pro_info);
- return 0;
-static void manage_updatepro_th(void *data){
- judge_pro_info *pro_info;
- int proid;
- int cacheid;
- char pack_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
- char dir_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
- char tpath[PATH_MAX + 1];
- FILE *f;
- pro_info = (judge_pro_info*)data;
- snprintf(pack_path,sizeof(pack_path),"tmp/propack/%d_%d.tar.bz2",pro_info->proid,pro_info->cacheid);
- snprintf(dir_path,sizeof(dir_path),"tmp/pro/%d_%d",pro_info->proid,pro_info->cacheid);
- mkdir(dir_path,0755);
- tool_cleardir(dir_path);
- tool_unpack(pack_path,dir_path);
- //unlink(pack_path);
- snprintf(tpath,sizeof(tpath),"tmp/pro/%d_%d/cacheinfo",pro_info->proid,pro_info->cacheid);
- f = fopen(tpath,"w");
- fprintf(f,"%d",pro_info->cacheid);
- fclose(f);
-static void manage_updatepro_cb(void *data){
- judge_pro_info *old_pro_info;
- judge_pro_info *update_pro_info;
- std::pair<std::map<int,judge_pro_info*>::iterator,bool> ins_ret;
- std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > pro_list;
- update_pro_info = (judge_pro_info*)data;
- ins_ret = judge_manage_promap.insert(std::make_pair(update_pro_info->proid,update_pro_info));
- if(ins_ret.second == false){
- old_pro_info = ins_ret.first->second;
- if(update_pro_info->cacheid < old_pro_info->cacheid){
- judge_manage_putpro(update_pro_info);
- return;
- }
- judge_manage_putpro(ins_ret.first->second);
- ins_ret.first->second = update_pro_info;
- }
- pro_list.push_back(std::make_pair(update_pro_info->proid,update_pro_info->cacheid));
- judge_server_setpro(pro_list);
-int judge_manage_submit(int subid,int proid,int lang,char *set_data,int set_len){
- judge_pro_info *pro_info;
- judge_submit_info *sub_info;
- char tpath[PATH_MAX + 1];
- struct stat st;
- pro_info = judge_manage_getprobyid(proid);
- sub_info = new judge_submit_info(subid,pro_info,lang,set_data,set_len);
- if(manage_submap.find(subid) == manage_submap.end()){
- snprintf(tpath,sizeof(tpath),"tmp/code/%d",subid);
- if(!stat(tpath,&st)){
- manage_queuejudge(sub_info);
- }else{
- judge_server_reqcode(subid);
- manage_submap.insert(std::make_pair(subid,sub_info));
- }
- }else{
- manage_submap.insert(std::make_pair(subid,sub_info));
- }
- return 0;
-int judge_manage_done_code(int subid){
- manage_tp->add(manage_unpackcode_thfn,(void*)((long)subid),manage_unpackcode_cbfn,(void*)((long)subid));
- return 0;
-static void manage_unpackcode_th(void *data){
- int subid;
- char pack_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
- char dir_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
- char tpath[PATH_MAX + 1];
- FILE *f;
- subid = (int)((long)data);
- snprintf(pack_path,sizeof(pack_path),"tmp/codepack/%d.tar.bz2",subid);
- snprintf(dir_path,sizeof(dir_path),"tmp/code/%d",subid);
- mkdir(dir_path,0755);
- tool_cleardir(dir_path);
- tool_unpack(pack_path,dir_path);
-static void manage_unpackcode_cb(void *data){
- int subid;
- std::multimap<int,judge_submit_info*>::iterator sub_it;
- judge_submit_info *sub_info;
- subid = (int)((long)data);
- while((sub_it = manage_submap.find(subid)) != manage_submap.end()){
- sub_info = sub_it->second;
- manage_queuejudge(sub_info);
- manage_submap.erase(sub_it);
- }
-static int manage_queuejudge(judge_submit_info *sub_info){
- int i;
- printf("queue judge %d %d\n",sub_info->subid,sub_info->pro_info->proid);
- for(i = 0;i < 16;i++){
- if(manage_judgepool[i]->use_flag == false){
- manage_judgepool[i]->use_flag = true;
- manage_judgepool[i]->sub_info = sub_info;
- manage_tp->add(manage_judge_thfn,manage_judgepool[i],manage_judge_cbfn,manage_judgepool[i]);
- break;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-static void manage_judge_th(void *data){
- manage_judgeth_info *th_info;
- judge_submit_info *sub_info;
- judge_pro_info *pro_info;
- char pro_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
- char code_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
- char *set_data;
- th_info = (manage_judgeth_info*)data;
- sub_info = th_info->sub_info;
- pro_info = sub_info->pro_info;
- snprintf(pro_path,sizeof(pro_path),"tmp/pro/%d_%d",pro_info->proid,pro_info->cacheid);
- snprintf(code_path,sizeof(code_path),"tmp/code/%d",sub_info->subid);
- manage_judge(sub_info->subid,pro_path,code_path,th_info->run_path,sub_info->lang,sub_info->set_data,th_info->res_data,th_info->res_len);
-static void manage_judge_cb(void *data){
- manage_judgeth_info *th_info;
- judge_submit_info *sub_info;
- std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > pro_list;
- th_info = (manage_judgeth_info*)data;
- sub_info = th_info->sub_info;
- judge_server_result(sub_info->subid,th_info->res_data,th_info->res_len);
- judge_manage_putpro(sub_info->pro_info);
- th_info->use_flag = false;
- th_info->sub_info = NULL;
- delete sub_info;
-static int manage_judge(int subid,char *pro_path,char *code_path,char *run_path,int lang,char *set_data,char *res_data,size_t &res_len){
- judgm_line_info *line_info;
- int pid;
- char tpath[PATH_MAX + 1];
- FILE *set_file;
- char cwd_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
- char jmod_name[NAME_MAX + 1];
- char line_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
- char check_name[NAME_MAX + 1];
- char check_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
- char lchr;
- char tchr;
- void *line_dll;
- void *check_dll;
- judgm_line_run_fn run_fn;
- snprintf(tpath,sizeof(tpath),"%s/setting",pro_path);
- set_file = fopen(tpath,"r");
- getcwd(cwd_path,sizeof(cwd_path));
- fscanf(set_file,"%s",jmod_name);
- snprintf(line_path,sizeof(line_path),"%s/tmp/jmod/%s/%s_line.so",cwd_path,jmod_name,jmod_name);
- fscanf(set_file,"%s",check_name);
- if(check_name[0] == '/'){
- snprintf(check_path,sizeof(check_path),"%s/%s/private%s.so",cwd_path,pro_path,check_name);
- }else{
- snprintf(check_path,sizeof(check_path),"%s/tmp/jmod/%s/%s.so",cwd_path,jmod_name,check_name);
- }
- lchr = '\n';
- while((tchr = fgetc(set_file)) != EOF){
- if(lchr == '\n' && tchr == '='){
- while(fgetc(set_file) != '\n');
- break;
- }
- lchr = tchr;
- }
- line_dll = dlopen(line_path,RTLD_NOW);
- check_dll = dlopen(check_path,RTLD_NOW);
- line_info = (judgm_line_info*)mmap(NULL,sizeof(struct judgm_line_info),PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,MAP_SHARED | MAP_ANONYMOUS,-1,0);
- line_info->subid = subid;
- line_info->pro_path = pro_path;
- line_info->code_path = code_path;
- line_info->run_path = run_path;
- line_info->judgk_modfd = manage_judgk_modfd;
- line_info->line_dll = line_dll;
- line_info->check_dll = check_dll;
- line_info->lang = lang;
- line_info->set_file = set_file;
- line_info->set_data = set_data;
- tool_cleardir(line_info->run_path);
- run_fn = (judgm_line_run_fn)dlsym(line_dll,"run");
- if((pid = fork()) == 0){
- run_fn(line_info);
- exit(0);
- }
- waitpid(pid,NULL,0);
- memcpy(res_data,line_info->res_data,line_info->res_len);
- res_len = line_info->res_len;
- munmap(line_info,sizeof(judgm_line_info));
- fclose(set_file);
- return 0;
diff --git a/toj/center/src/judge_manage.h b/toj/center/src/judge_manage.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 594ea71..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/judge_manage.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-class manage_judgeth_info{
- bool use_flag;
- int thid;
- char run_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
- judge_submit_info *sub_info;
- char res_data[JUDGE_RES_DATAMAX];
- size_t res_len;
- manage_judgeth_info(int thid){
- this->use_flag = false;
- this->thid = thid;
- snprintf(this->run_path,sizeof(this->run_path),"tmp/run/%d",thid);
- mkdir(this->run_path,0775);
- this->sub_info = NULL;
- this->res_len = 0;
- }
-static void manage_updatepro_th(void *data);
-static void manage_updatepro_cb(void *data);
-static void manage_unpackcode_th(void *data);
-static void manage_unpackcode_cb(void *data);
-static void manage_judge_th(void *data);
-static void manage_judge_cb(void *data);
-static int manage_queuejudge(judge_submit_info *sub_info);
-static int manage_judge(int subid,char *pro_path,char *code_path,char *run_path,int lang,char *set_data,char *res_data,size_t &res_len);
-static tpool *manage_tp;
-static int manage_judgk_modfd;
-static manage_judgeth_info *manage_judgepool[16];
-static tpool_static_fn *manage_updatepro_thfn;
-static tpool_static_fn *manage_updatepro_cbfn;
-static tpool_static_fn *manage_unpackcode_thfn;
-static tpool_static_fn *manage_unpackcode_cbfn;
-static tpool_static_fn *manage_judge_thfn;
-static tpool_static_fn *manage_judge_cbfn;
-static std::multimap<int,judge_submit_info*> manage_submap;
-int judge_manage_init();
-int judge_manage_updatedata();
-judge_pro_info* judge_manage_getprobyid(int proid);
-int judge_manage_getpro(judge_pro_info *pro_info);
-int judge_manage_putpro(judge_pro_info *pro_info);
-int judge_manage_updatepro(int proid,int cacheid,bool check_flag,judge_pro_info **update_pro_info);
-int judge_manage_done_updatepro(judge_pro_info *pro_info);
-int judge_manage_submit(int subid,int proid,int lang,char *set_data,int set_len);
-int judge_manage_done_code(int subid);
-std::map<int,judge_pro_info*> judge_manage_promap;
-extern int tool_pack(char *pack_path,char *dir_path);
-extern int tool_unpack(char *pack_path,char *dir_path);
-extern int tool_cleardir(char *path);
-extern int judge_server_addtpool(tpool *tpinfo);
-extern int judge_server_setpro(std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > &pro_list);
-extern int judge_server_reqpro(int subid);
-extern int judge_server_reqcode(int subid);
-extern int judge_server_result(int subid,char *res_data,int res_len);
diff --git a/toj/center/src/judge_server.cpp b/toj/center/src/judge_server.cpp
deleted file mode 100755
index 66b4d01..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/judge_server.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,515 +0,0 @@
-server_epevdata::server_epevdata(int fd,int type,void *data){
- this->fd = fd;
- this->type = type;
- this->data = data;
-server_conn::server_conn(int fd):netio(fd){
- this->recv_dispatch_fn = new netio_iofn<server_conn>(this,&server_conn::recv_dispatch);
- this->recv_setid_fn = new netio_iofn<server_conn>(this,&server_conn::recv_setid);
- this->recv_submit_fn = new netio_iofn<server_conn>(this,&server_conn::recv_submit);
- this->recv_setpro_fn = new netio_iofn<server_conn>(this,&server_conn::recv_setpro);
- this->recv_sendpro_fn = new netio_iofn<server_conn>(this,&server_conn::recv_sendpro);
- this->done_sendpro_fn = new netio_iofn<server_conn>(this,&server_conn::done_sendpro);
- this->recv_setjmod_fn = new netio_iofn<server_conn>(this,&server_conn::recv_setjmod);
- this->recv_sendjmod_fn = new netio_iofn<server_conn>(this,&server_conn::recv_sendjmod);
- this->done_sendjmod_fn = new netio_iofn<server_conn>(this,&server_conn::done_sendjmod);
- this->recv_sendcode_fn = new netio_iofn<server_conn>(this,&server_conn::recv_sendcode);
- this->done_sendcode_fn = new netio_iofn<server_conn>(this,&server_conn::done_sendcode);
- this->tp_unpackjmod_thfn = new tpool_fn<server_conn>(this,&server_conn::tp_unpackjmod_th);
- this->tp_unpackjmod_cbfn = new tpool_fn<server_conn>(this,&server_conn::tp_unpackjmod_cb);
- send_setid();
-char* server_conn::create_combuf(int code,int size,int &len,void **data){
- char *buf;
- center_com_header *header;
- buf = new char[sizeof(center_com_header) + size];
- header = (center_com_header*)buf;
- header->code = code;
- header->size = size;
- len = sizeof(center_com_header) + size;
- *data = (void*)(buf + sizeof(center_com_header));
- return buf;
-int server_conn::send_setid(){
- char *write_buf;
- int write_len;
- center_com_setid *setid;
- write_buf = create_combuf(CENTER_COMCODE_SETID,sizeof(center_com_setid),write_len,(void**)&setid);
- setid->id = server_id;
- writebytes(write_buf,write_len,NULL,NULL);
- return 0;
-int server_conn::send_setinfo(){
- char *write_buf;
- int write_len;
- center_com_setinfo *setinfo;
- write_buf = create_combuf(CENTER_COMCODE_SETINFO,sizeof(center_com_setinfo),write_len,(void**)&setinfo);
- setinfo->avail = server_avail;
- writebytes(write_buf,write_len,NULL,NULL);
- return 0;
-int server_conn::send_result(int subid,char *res_data,size_t res_len){
- char *write_buf;
- int write_len;
- center_com_result *result;
- if(res_len > JUDGE_RES_DATAMAX){
- return -1;
- }
- write_buf = create_combuf(CENTER_COMCODE_RESULT,sizeof(center_com_result) + res_len,write_len,(void**)&result);
- result->subid = subid;
- memcpy((void*)(write_buf + sizeof(center_com_header) + sizeof(center_com_result)),res_data,res_len);
- writebytes(write_buf,write_len,NULL,NULL);
- return 0;
-int server_conn::send_reqpro(int proid,int cacheid){
- char *write_buf;
- int write_len;
- center_com_reqpro *reqpro;
- write_buf = create_combuf(CENTER_COMCODE_REQPRO,sizeof(center_com_reqpro),write_len,(void**)&reqpro);
- reqpro->proid = proid;
- reqpro->cacheid = cacheid;
- writebytes(write_buf,write_len,NULL,NULL);
-int server_conn::send_setpro(std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > &pro_list,int type){
- int i;
- int count;
- char *write_buf;
- int write_len;
- center_com_setpro *setpro;
- judge_pro_info *pro_info;
- count = pro_list.size();
- write_buf = create_combuf(CENTER_COMCODE_SETPRO,sizeof(center_com_setpro) * count,write_len,(void**)&setpro);
- for(i = 0;i < count;i++){
- setpro[i].proid = pro_list[i].first;
- setpro[i].cacheid = pro_list[i].second;
- setpro[i].type = type;
- }
- writebytes(write_buf,write_len,NULL,NULL);
- return 0;
-int server_conn::send_setjmod(char **jmod_name,int *cacheid,int type,int count){
- int i;
- char *write_buf;
- int write_len;
- center_com_setjmod *setjmod;
- write_buf = create_combuf(CENTER_COMCODE_SETJMOD,sizeof(center_com_setjmod) * count,write_len,(void**)&setjmod);
- for(i = 0;i < count;i++){
- setjmod[i].jmod_name[0] = '\0';
- strncat(setjmod[i].jmod_name,jmod_name[i],sizeof(setjmod[i].jmod_name));
- setjmod[i].cacheid = cacheid[i];
- setjmod[i].type = type;
- }
- writebytes(write_buf,write_len,NULL,NULL);
- return 0;
-int server_conn::send_reqcode(int subid){
- char *write_buf;
- int write_len;
- center_com_reqcode *reqcode;
- write_buf = create_combuf(CENTER_COMCODE_REQCODE,sizeof(center_com_reqcode),write_len,(void**)&reqcode);
- reqcode->subid = subid;
- writebytes(write_buf,write_len,NULL,NULL);
- return 0;
-int server_conn::readidle(){
- readbytes(new center_com_header,sizeof(center_com_header),recv_dispatch_fn,NULL);
- return 0;
-void server_conn::recv_dispatch(void *buf,size_t len,void *data){
- center_com_header *header;
- char *readbuf;
- header = (center_com_header*)buf;
- readbuf = new char[header->size];
- printf("code:%d size:%d\n",header->code,header->size);
- switch(header->code){
- readbytes(readbuf,header->size,recv_setid_fn,NULL);
- break;
- readbytes(readbuf,header->size,recv_submit_fn,NULL);
- break;
- readbytes(readbuf,header->size,recv_setpro_fn,NULL);
- break;
- readbytes(readbuf,header->size,recv_sendpro_fn,NULL);
- break;
- readbytes(readbuf,header->size,recv_setjmod_fn,NULL);
- break;
- readbytes(readbuf,header->size,recv_sendjmod_fn,NULL);
- break;
- readbytes(readbuf,header->size,recv_sendcode_fn,NULL);
- break;
- }
- delete header;
-void server_conn::recv_setid(void *buf,size_t len,void *data){
- center_com_setid *setid;
- setid = (center_com_setid*)buf;
- server_id = setid->id;
- printf("server_id:%d\n",server_id);
- //judge server init
- send_setinfo();
- delete setid;
-void server_conn::recv_submit(void *buf,size_t len,void *data){
- center_com_submit *sub;
- sub = (center_com_submit*)buf;
- judge_manage_submit(sub->subid,sub->proid,sub->lang,(char*)((char*)buf + sizeof(center_com_submit)),len - sizeof(center_com_submit));
- delete sub;
-void server_conn::recv_setpro(void *buf,size_t len,void *data){
- int ret;
- int i;
- int count;
- center_com_setpro *setpro;
- char tpath[PATH_MAX + 1];
- FILE *f;
- int cacheid;
- std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > pro_list;
- count = len / sizeof(center_com_setpro);
- setpro = (center_com_setpro*)buf;
- for(i = 0;i < count;i++){
- if(setpro[i].type == 0){
- ret = judge_manage_updatepro(setpro[i].proid,setpro[i].cacheid,true,NULL);
- if(ret == 0){
- if(server_fileconn == NULL){
- server_fileconn = server_connect();
- }
- server_fileconn->send_reqpro(setpro[i].proid,setpro[i].cacheid);
- }else if(ret == 1){
- pro_list.push_back(std::make_pair(setpro[i].proid,setpro[i].cacheid));
- }
- }else if(setpro[i].type == 1){
- }
- }
- if(!pro_list.empty()){
- this->send_setpro(pro_list,0);
- }
- delete setpro;
-void server_conn::recv_sendpro(void *buf,size_t len,void *data){
- center_com_sendpro *sendpro;
- judge_pro_info *pro_info;
- char tpath[PATH_MAX + 1];
- int fd;
- sendpro = (center_com_sendpro*)buf;
- if(judge_manage_updatepro(sendpro->proid,sendpro->cacheid,false,&pro_info) == 0){
- snprintf(tpath,sizeof(tpath),"tmp/propack/%d_%d.tar.bz2",sendpro->proid,sendpro->cacheid);
- fd = open(tpath,O_WRONLY | O_CREAT,0644);
- readfile(fd,sendpro->filesize,done_sendpro_fn,pro_info);
- }
- delete sendpro;
-void server_conn::done_sendpro(void *buf,size_t len,void *data){
- judge_pro_info *pro_info;
- close(*(int*)buf);
- pro_info = (judge_pro_info*)data;
- judge_manage_done_updatepro(pro_info);
-void server_conn::recv_setjmod(void *buf,size_t len,void *data){
- int i;
- int count;
- center_com_setjmod *setjmod;
- char tpath[PATH_MAX + 1];
- FILE *f;
- int cacheid;
- std::vector<char*> sl_jmod_name;
- std::vector<int> sl_cacheid;
- char *write_buf;
- int write_len;
- center_com_reqjmod *reqjmod;
- count = len / sizeof(center_com_setjmod);
- setjmod = (center_com_setjmod*)buf;
- for(i = 0;i < count;i++){
- if(setjmod[i].type == 0){
- snprintf(tpath,sizeof(tpath),"tmp/jmod/%s/cacheinfo",setjmod[i].jmod_name);
- f = fopen(tpath,"r");
- if(f != NULL){
- fscanf(f,"%d",&cacheid);
- fclose(f);
- if(cacheid == setjmod[i].cacheid){
- sl_jmod_name.push_back(setjmod[i].jmod_name);
- sl_cacheid.push_back(setjmod[i].cacheid);
- continue;
- }
- }
- if(server_fileconn == NULL){
- server_fileconn = server_connect();
- }
- write_buf = create_combuf(CENTER_COMCODE_REQJMOD,sizeof(center_com_reqjmod),write_len,(void**)&reqjmod);
- reqjmod->jmod_name[0] = '\0';
- strncat(reqjmod->jmod_name,setjmod[i].jmod_name,sizeof(reqjmod->jmod_name));
- server_fileconn->writebytes(write_buf,write_len,NULL,NULL);
- }else if(setjmod[i].type == 1){
- }
- }
- if(!sl_jmod_name.empty()){
- this->send_setjmod(&sl_jmod_name[0],&sl_cacheid[0],0,sl_jmod_name.size());
- }
- delete setjmod;
-void server_conn::recv_sendjmod(void *buf,size_t len,void *data){
- center_com_sendjmod *sendjmod;
- char tpath[PATH_MAX + 1];
- int fd;
- sendjmod = (center_com_sendjmod*)buf;
- snprintf(tpath,sizeof(tpath),"tmp/jmodpack/%s.tar.bz2",sendjmod->jmod_name);
- fd = open(tpath,O_WRONLY | O_CREAT,0644);
- readfile(fd,sendjmod->filesize,done_sendjmod_fn,sendjmod);
-void server_conn::done_sendjmod(void *buf,size_t len,void *data){
- center_com_sendjmod *sendjmod;
- close(*(int*)buf);
- sendjmod = (center_com_sendjmod*)data;
- server_packtp->add(tp_unpackjmod_thfn,sendjmod,tp_unpackjmod_cbfn,sendjmod);
-void server_conn::recv_sendcode(void *buf,size_t len,void *data){
- center_com_sendcode *sendcode;
- char tpath[PATH_MAX + 1];
- int fd;
- sendcode = (center_com_sendcode*)buf;
- snprintf(tpath,sizeof(tpath),"tmp/codepack/%d.tar.bz2",sendcode->subid);
- fd = open(tpath,O_WRONLY | O_CREAT,0644);
- readfile(fd,sendcode->filesize,done_sendcode_fn,sendcode);
-void server_conn::done_sendcode(void *buf,size_t len,void *data){
- center_com_sendcode *sendcode;
- close(*(int*)buf);
- sendcode = (center_com_sendcode*)data;
- judge_manage_done_code(sendcode->subid);
- delete sendcode;
-void server_conn::tp_unpackjmod_th(void *data){
- center_com_sendjmod *sendjmod;
- char pack_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
- char dir_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
- char tpath[PATH_MAX + 1];
- FILE *f;
- sendjmod = (center_com_sendjmod*)data;
- snprintf(pack_path,sizeof(pack_path),"tmp/jmodpack/%s.tar.bz2",sendjmod->jmod_name);
- snprintf(dir_path,sizeof(dir_path),"tmp/jmod/%s",sendjmod->jmod_name);
- mkdir(dir_path,0755);
- tool_cleardir(dir_path);
- tool_unpack(pack_path,dir_path);
- snprintf(tpath,sizeof(tpath),"tmp/jmod/%s/cacheinfo",sendjmod->jmod_name);
- f = fopen(tpath,"w");
- fprintf(f,"%d",sendjmod->cacheid);
- fclose(f);
-void server_conn::tp_unpackjmod_cb(void *data){
- center_com_sendjmod *sendjmod;
- char *jmod_name;
- sendjmod = (center_com_sendjmod*)data;
- jmod_name = sendjmod->jmod_name;
- send_setjmod(&jmod_name,&sendjmod->cacheid,0,1);
- delete sendjmod;
-int judge_server_addtpool(tpool *tpinfo){
- server_addepev(tpinfo->fd,EPOLLIN | EPOLLET,SERVER_EPEV_TPOOL,tpinfo);
- return 0;
-int judge_server_setpro(std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > &pro_list){
- server_mainconn->send_setpro(pro_list,0);
- return 0;
-int judge_server_reqcode(int subid){
- if(server_codeconn == NULL){
- server_codeconn = server_connect();
- }
- server_codeconn->send_reqcode(subid);
- return 0;
-int judge_server_result(int subid,char *res_data,int res_len){
- server_mainconn->send_result(subid,res_data,res_len);
- return 0;
-static int server_addepev(int fd,unsigned int flag,int type,void *data){
- server_epevdata *epevdata;
- epoll_event epev;
- epevdata = new server_epevdata(fd,type,data);
- epev.events = flag;
- epev.data.ptr = epevdata;
- epoll_ctl(server_epfd,EPOLL_CTL_ADD,fd,&epev);
- return 0;
-static int server_delepev(server_epevdata *epevdata){
- epoll_ctl(server_epfd,EPOLL_CTL_DEL,epevdata->fd,NULL);
- delete epevdata;
- return 0;
-static server_conn* server_connect(){
- int cfd;
- sockaddr_in caddr;
- epoll_event epev;
- server_conn *cinfo;
- caddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- caddr.sin_port = htons(SERVER_JUDGE_PORT);
- //caddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK);
- caddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");
- cinfo = new server_conn(cfd);
- connect(cfd,(sockaddr*)&caddr,sizeof(caddr));
- return cinfo;
-int main(){
- int i;
- epoll_event epev;
- epoll_event epevs[SERVER_EPOLL_MAXEVENT];
- int nevs;
- int ev_flag;
- server_epevdata *epevdata;
- server_conn *cinfo;
- tpool *tpinfo;
- signal(SIGPIPE,SIG_IGN);
- server_epfd = epoll_create1(0);
- server_id = 0;
- server_avail = JUDGE_THREAD_JUDGEMAX;
- server_mainconn = server_connect();
- server_fileconn = NULL;
- server_codeconn = NULL;
- judge_manage_init();
- server_packtp = new tpool(4);
- judge_server_addtpool(server_packtp);
- server_packtp->start();
- while(true){
- nevs = epoll_wait(server_epfd,epevs,SERVER_EPOLL_MAXEVENT,-1);
- for(i = 0;i < nevs;i++){
- ev_flag = epevs[i].events;
- epevdata = (server_epevdata*)epevs[i].data.ptr;
- if(epevdata->type == SERVER_EPEV_JUDGECLIENT){
- cinfo = (server_conn*)epevdata->data;
- if(ev_flag & EPOLLIN){
- cinfo->readio();
- }
- if(ev_flag & EPOLLOUT){
- cinfo->writeio();
- }
- server_packtp->done();
- }else if(epevdata->type = SERVER_EPEV_TPOOL){
- tpinfo = (tpool*)epevdata->data;
- if(ev_flag & EPOLLIN){
- tpinfo->done();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- close(server_epfd);
- return 0;
diff --git a/toj/center/src/judge_server.h b/toj/center/src/judge_server.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 90a4e7c..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/judge_server.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-#define SERVER_JUDGE_PORT 2573
-class server_epevdata{
- int fd;
- int type;
- void *data;
- server_epevdata(int fd,int type,void *data);
-class server_conn : public netio{
- netio_iofn<server_conn> *recv_dispatch_fn;
- netio_iofn<server_conn> *recv_setid_fn;
- netio_iofn<server_conn> *recv_submit_fn;
- netio_iofn<server_conn> *recv_setpro_fn;
- netio_iofn<server_conn> *recv_sendpro_fn;
- netio_iofn<server_conn> *done_sendpro_fn;
- netio_iofn<server_conn> *recv_setjmod_fn;
- netio_iofn<server_conn> *recv_sendjmod_fn;
- netio_iofn<server_conn> *done_sendjmod_fn;
- netio_iofn<server_conn> *recv_sendcode_fn;
- netio_iofn<server_conn> *done_sendcode_fn;
- tpool_fn<server_conn> *tp_unpackjmod_thfn;
- tpool_fn<server_conn> *tp_unpackjmod_cbfn;
- char* create_combuf(int code,int size,int &len,void **data);
- void recv_dispatch(void *buf,size_t len,void *data);
- void recv_setid(void *buf,size_t len,void *data);
- void recv_submit(void *buf,size_t len,void *data);
- void recv_setpro(void *buf,size_t len,void *data);
- void recv_sendpro(void *buf,size_t len,void *data);
- void done_sendpro(void *buf,size_t len,void *data);
- void recv_setjmod(void *buf,size_t len,void *data);
- void recv_sendjmod(void *buf,size_t len,void *data);
- void done_sendjmod(void *buf,size_t len,void *data);
- void recv_sendcode(void *buf,size_t len,void *data);
- void done_sendcode(void *buf,size_t len,void *data);
- void tp_unpackjmod_th(void *data);
- void tp_unpackjmod_cb(void *data);
- server_conn(int fd);
- int send_setid();
- int send_setinfo();
- int send_result(int subid,char *res_data,size_t res_len);
- int send_reqpro(int proid,int cacheid);
- int send_setpro(std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > &pro_list,int type);
- int send_setjmod(char **jmod_name,int *cacheid,int type,int count);
- int send_reqcode(int subid);
- virtual int readidle();
-static int server_addepev(int fd,unsigned int flag,int type,void *data);
-static int server_delepev(server_epevdata *epevdata);
-static server_conn* server_connect();
-static int server_id;
-static int server_avail;
-static int server_epfd;
-static server_conn *server_mainconn;
-static server_conn *server_fileconn;
-static server_conn *server_codeconn;
-static tpool *server_packtp;
-int judge_server_addtpool(tpool *tpinfo);
-int judge_server_setpro(std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > &pro_list);
-int judge_server_reqcode(int subid);
-int judge_server_result(int subid,char *res_data,int res_len);
-extern int tool_pack(char *pack_path,char *dir_path);
-extern int tool_unpack(char *pack_path,char *dir_path);
-extern int tool_cleardir(char *path);
-extern int judge_manage_init();
-extern judge_pro_info* judge_manage_getprobyid(int proid);
-extern int judge_manage_getpro(judge_pro_info *pro_info);
-extern int judge_manage_putpro(judge_pro_info *pro_info);
-extern int judge_manage_updatepro(int proid,int cacheid,bool check_flag,judge_pro_info **update_pro_info);
-extern int judge_manage_done_updatepro(judge_pro_info *pro_info);
-extern int judge_manage_submit(int subid,int proid,int lang,char *set_data,int set_len);
-extern int judge_manage_done_code(int subid);
diff --git a/toj/center/src/judgk.h b/toj/center/src/judgk.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 18f9a6c..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/judgk.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-struct judgk_proc_info{
- struct hlist_node node;
- struct list_head list;
- struct task_struct *task;
- struct file *std_in;
- struct file *std_out;
- char run_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
- int status;
- unsigned long timelimit;
- unsigned long jiff_start;
- unsigned long jiff_end;
- unsigned long memlimit;
- unsigned long runtime;
- unsigned long memory;
diff --git a/toj/center/src/judgk_com.h b/toj/center/src/judgk_com.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 842c69c..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/judgk_com.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-#define IOCTL_PROC_ADD _IOWR('x',0x0,int)
-#define IOCTL_PROC_GET _IOWR('x',0x1,int)
-#define IOCTL_PROC_DEL _IOR('x',0x3,int)
-#define IOCTL_HYPERIO_ADD _IOWR('x',0x10,int)
-#define IOCTL_HYPERIO_READ _IOWR('x',0x11,int)
-#define IOCTL_HYPERIO_WRITE _IOWR('x',0x12,int)
-#define IOCTL_HYPERIO_DEL _IOWR('x',0x13,int)
-struct judgk_com_proc_add{
- char run_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
- pid_t pid;
- unsigned long kern_task;
- unsigned long timelimit;
- unsigned long hardtimelimit;
- unsigned long memlimit;
-struct judgk_com_proc_get{
- unsigned long kern_task;
- int status;
- unsigned long runtime;
- unsigned long memory;
diff --git a/toj/center/src/judgk_hyperio.c b/toj/center/src/judgk_hyperio.c
deleted file mode 100755
index b37feb7..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/judgk_hyperio.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,413 +0,0 @@
-int judgk_hyperio_init(){
- int i;
- struct hyperio_info *info;
- hyperio_filp_ht = (struct hlist_head*)kmalloc(sizeof(struct hlist_head) * HYPERIO_FILP_HTSIZE,GFP_KERNEL);
- for(i = 0;i < HYPERIO_FILP_HTSIZE;i++){
- INIT_HLIST_HEAD(&hyperio_filp_ht[i]);
- }
- hyperio_table = (struct hyperio_info*)kmalloc(sizeof(struct hyperio_info) * HYPERIO_MAXNUM,GFP_KERNEL);
- for(i = 0;i < HYPERIO_MAXNUM;i++){
- info = &hyperio_table[i];
- atomic_set(&info->ref_count,0);
- info->filp = NULL;
- info->create_flag = false;
- info->end_flag = false;
- info->hook_fops = NULL;
- info->old_fops = NULL;
- atomic64_set(&info->read_remain,JUDGK_COM_HYPERIO_BUFSIZE);
- info->read_off = 0;
- info->read_buf = NULL;
- init_completion(&info->read_rwait);
- init_completion(&info->read_wwait);
- atomic64_set(&info->write_remain,JUDGK_COM_HYPERIO_BUFSIZE);
- info->write_off = 0;
- info->write_buf = NULL;
- init_completion(&info->write_rwait);
- init_completion(&info->write_wwait);
- }
- hyperio_tty_drv = tty_alloc_driver(HYPERIO_MAXNUM,TTY_DRIVER_REAL_RAW | TTY_DRIVER_DYNAMIC_DEV);
- hyperio_tty_drv->owner = THIS_MODULE;
- hyperio_tty_drv->driver_name = "judgk_tty";
- hyperio_tty_drv->name = "jtty";
- hyperio_tty_drv->type = TTY_DRIVER_TYPE_SYSTEM;
- hyperio_tty_drv->subtype = SYSTEM_TYPE_TTY;
- hyperio_tty_drv->flags = TTY_DRIVER_REAL_RAW | TTY_DRIVER_DYNAMIC_DEV;
- hyperio_tty_drv->init_termios = tty_std_termios;
- hyperio_tty_drv->init_termios.c_iflag &= ~(IGNBRK | BRKINT | PARMRK | ISTRIP | INLCR | IGNCR | ICRNL | IXON);
- hyperio_tty_drv->init_termios.c_oflag &= ~OPOST;
- hyperio_tty_drv->init_termios.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ECHONL | ICANON | ISIG | IEXTEN);
- hyperio_tty_drv->init_termios.c_cflag &= ~(CSIZE | PARENB);
- hyperio_tty_drv->init_termios.c_cflag |= CS8;
- tty_set_operations(hyperio_tty_drv,&hyperio_tops);
- tty_register_driver(hyperio_tty_drv);
- return 0;
-int judgk_hyperio_exit(){
- int i;
- for(i = 0;i < HYPERIO_MAXNUM;i++){
- if(hyperio_table[i].create_flag == true){
- tty_unregister_device(hyperio_tty_drv,i);
- hyperio_table[i].create_flag = false;
- }
- }
- tty_unregister_driver(hyperio_tty_drv);
- return 0;
-int judgk_hyperio_add(struct file *filp){
- int idx;
- struct hyperio_info *info;
- info = NULL;
- for(idx = 0;idx < HYPERIO_MAXNUM;idx++){
- if(atomic_cmpxchg(&hyperio_table[idx].ref_count,0,1) == 0){
- info = &hyperio_table[idx];
- break;
- }
- }
- if(info == NULL){
- return -1;
- }
- filp->private_data = info;
- info->filp = NULL;
- if(info->create_flag == false){
- tty_port_init(&info->port);
- tty_port_register_device(&info->port,hyperio_tty_drv,idx,NULL);
- info->create_flag = true;
- }
- info->end_flag = false;
- if(info->hook_fops == NULL){
- info->hook_fops = (struct file_operations*)kmalloc(sizeof(struct file_operations),GFP_KERNEL);
- }
- atomic64_set(&info->read_remain,JUDGK_COM_HYPERIO_BUFSIZE);
- info->read_off = 0;
- if(info->read_buf == NULL){
- info->read_buf = kmalloc(JUDGK_COM_HYPERIO_BUFSIZE,GFP_KERNEL);
- }
- memset(info->read_buf,0,JUDGK_COM_HYPERIO_BUFSIZE);
- init_completion(&info->read_rwait);
- init_completion(&info->read_wwait);
- atomic64_set(&info->write_remain,JUDGK_COM_HYPERIO_BUFSIZE);
- info->write_off = 0;
- if(info->write_buf == NULL){
- info->write_buf = kmalloc(JUDGK_COM_HYPERIO_BUFSIZE,GFP_KERNEL);
- }
- memset(info->write_buf,0,JUDGK_COM_HYPERIO_BUFSIZE);
- init_completion(&info->write_rwait);
- init_completion(&info->write_wwait);
- return idx;
-int judgk_hyperio_read(struct file *filp,size_t len){
- struct hyperio_info *info;
- bool wait_flag;
- size_t remain;
- if((long)len >= 0){
- wait_flag = true;
- }else{
- wait_flag = false;
- len = -(long)len;
- }
- info = (struct hyperio_info*)filp->private_data;
- remain = atomic64_read(&info->write_remain);
- if(unlikely(len > (JUDGK_COM_HYPERIO_BUFSIZE - remain))){
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if(unlikely(len > 0 && (remain = atomic64_add_return(len,&info->write_remain)) == len)){
- complete(&info->write_wwait);
- }
- if(wait_flag == true){
- while(unlikely(remain == JUDGK_COM_HYPERIO_BUFSIZE)){
- if(info->end_flag == true){
- remain = atomic64_read(&info->write_remain);
- break;
- }
- wait_for_completion_interruptible(&info->write_rwait);
- remain = atomic64_read(&info->write_remain);
- }
- }
- return JUDGK_COM_HYPERIO_BUFSIZE - remain;
-int judgk_hyperio_write(struct file *filp,size_t len){
- struct hyperio_info *info;
- bool wait_flag;
- size_t remain;
- if((long)len >= 0){
- wait_flag = true;
- }else{
- wait_flag = false;
- len = -(long)len;
- }
- info = (struct hyperio_info*)filp->private_data;
- remain = atomic64_read(&info->read_remain);
- if(unlikely(len > remain)){
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if(unlikely(len > 0 && (remain = atomic64_sub_return(len,&info->read_remain)) == (JUDGK_COM_HYPERIO_BUFSIZE - len))){
- complete(&info->read_rwait);
- }
- if(wait_flag == true){
- while(unlikely(remain == 0)){
- if(info->end_flag == true){
- remain = atomic64_read(&info->read_remain);
- break;
- }
- wait_for_completion_interruptible(&info->read_wwait);
- remain = atomic64_read(&info->read_remain);
- }
- }
- return remain;
-int judgk_hyperio_del(struct file *filp){
- struct hyperio_info *info;
- info = (struct hyperio_info*)filp->private_data;
- info->end_flag = true;
- complete(&info->read_rwait);
- complete(&info->read_wwait);
- complete(&info->write_rwait);
- complete(&info->write_wwait);
- atomic_dec(&info->ref_count);
- return 0;
-int judgk_hyperio_mmap(struct file *filp,struct vm_area_struct *vma){
- unsigned long size;
- unsigned long off;
- void *buf;
- size = vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start;
- off = vma->vm_pgoff << PAGE_SHIFT;
- if((size + off) > JUDGK_COM_HYPERIO_BUFSIZE){
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if((vma->vm_flags & VM_READ) != 0 && (vma->vm_flags & VM_WRITE) != 0){
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if((vma->vm_flags & VM_READ) == 0 && (vma->vm_flags & VM_WRITE) == 0){
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- if((vma->vm_flags & VM_READ) != 0){
- buf = ((struct hyperio_info*)filp->private_data)->write_buf;
- }else{
- buf = ((struct hyperio_info*)filp->private_data)->read_buf;
- }
- remap_pfn_range(vma,
- vma->vm_start,
- virt_to_phys(buf + off) >> PAGE_SHIFT,
- size,
- vma->vm_page_prot);
- return 0;
-static inline struct hyperio_info* hyperio_filp_lookup(struct file *filp){
- struct hyperio_info *info;
- rcu_read_lock();
- info = NULL;
- hlist_for_each_entry_rcu(info,&hyperio_filp_ht[(unsigned long)filp % HYPERIO_FILP_HTSIZE],node){
- if((unsigned long)info->filp == (unsigned long)filp){
- break;
- }
- }
- rcu_read_unlock();
- return info;
-static int hyperio_tty_open(struct tty_struct *tty, struct file *filp){
- struct hyperio_info *info;
- struct file_operations *hook_fops;
- info = &hyperio_table[tty->index];
- atomic_inc(&info->ref_count);
- info->filp = filp;
- hook_fops = info->hook_fops;
- info->old_fops = filp->f_op;
- memcpy(hook_fops,filp->f_op,sizeof(struct file_operations));
- hook_fops->read = hyperio_tty_filpread;
- hook_fops->write = hyperio_tty_filpwrite;
- filp->f_op = hook_fops;
- spin_lock(&hyperio_filp_htlock);
- hlist_add_head_rcu(&info->node,&hyperio_filp_ht[(unsigned long)info->filp % HYPERIO_FILP_HTSIZE]);
- spin_unlock(&hyperio_filp_htlock);
- return 0;
-static void hyperio_tty_close(struct tty_struct *tty, struct file *filp){
- struct hyperio_info *info;
- info = &hyperio_table[tty->index];
- spin_lock(&hyperio_filp_htlock);
- hlist_del_rcu(&info->node);
- spin_unlock(&hyperio_filp_htlock);
- filp->f_op = info->old_fops;
- info->end_flag = true;
- complete(&info->read_rwait);
- complete(&info->read_wwait);
- complete(&info->write_rwait);
- complete(&info->write_wwait);
- atomic_dec(&info->ref_count);
-static int hyperio_tty_write(struct tty_struct *tty,const unsigned char *buf,int count){
- return count;
-static int hyperio_tty_write_room(struct tty_struct *tty){
-static ssize_t hyperio_tty_filpread(struct file *filp,char __user *buf,size_t count,loff_t *off){
- struct hyperio_info *info;
- size_t buf_len;
- off_t buf_off;
- size_t remain;
- size_t read_len;
- off_t read_off;
- if(unlikely(count < 0)){
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- info = hyperio_filp_lookup(filp);
- if(unlikely(info == NULL)){
- return -EIO;
- }
- buf_len = count;
- buf_off = 0;
- while(likely(buf_len > 0)){
- while(unlikely((remain = atomic64_read(&info->read_remain)) == JUDGK_COM_HYPERIO_BUFSIZE)){
- if(unlikely(info->end_flag == true)){
- return -EIO;
- }
- if(likely(buf_off > 0)){
- return buf_off;
- }
- wait_for_completion_interruptible(&info->read_rwait);
- }
- if(unlikely(buf_len > (JUDGK_COM_HYPERIO_BUFSIZE - remain))){
- read_len = JUDGK_COM_HYPERIO_BUFSIZE - remain;
- }else{
- read_len = buf_len;
- }
- read_off = info->read_off;
- if(likely((read_len + read_off) < JUDGK_COM_HYPERIO_BUFSIZE)){
- copy_to_user(buf + buf_off,info->read_buf + read_off,read_len);
- info->read_off = read_len + read_off;
- }else{
- copy_to_user(buf + buf_off,info->read_buf + read_off,JUDGK_COM_HYPERIO_BUFSIZE - read_off);
- copy_to_user(buf + buf_off + (JUDGK_COM_HYPERIO_BUFSIZE - read_off),info->read_buf,(read_len + read_off) - JUDGK_COM_HYPERIO_BUFSIZE);
- info->read_off = (read_len + read_off) - JUDGK_COM_HYPERIO_BUFSIZE;
- }
- if(unlikely(atomic64_add_return(read_len,&info->read_remain) == read_len)){
- complete(&info->read_wwait);
- }
- buf_len -= read_len;
- buf_off += read_len;
- }
- return count;
-static ssize_t hyperio_tty_filpwrite(struct file *filp,const char __user *buf,size_t count,loff_t *off){
- struct hyperio_info *info;
- size_t buf_len;
- off_t buf_off;
- size_t remain;
- size_t write_len;
- off_t write_off;
- if(unlikely(count < 0)){
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- info = hyperio_filp_lookup(filp);
- if(unlikely(info == NULL)){
- return -EIO;
- }
- buf_len = count;
- buf_off = 0;
- while(likely(buf_len > 0)){
- while(unlikely((remain = atomic64_read(&info->write_remain)) == 0)){
- if(unlikely(info->end_flag == true)){
- return -EIO;
- }
- wait_for_completion_interruptible(&info->write_wwait);
- }
- if(unlikely(buf_len > remain)){
- write_len = remain;
- }else{
- write_len = buf_len;
- }
- write_off = info->write_off;
- if(unlikely((write_len + write_off) >= JUDGK_COM_HYPERIO_BUFSIZE)){
- copy_from_user(info->write_buf + write_off,buf + buf_off,JUDGK_COM_HYPERIO_BUFSIZE - write_off);
- copy_from_user(info->write_buf,buf + buf_off + (JUDGK_COM_HYPERIO_BUFSIZE - write_off),(write_len + write_off) - JUDGK_COM_HYPERIO_BUFSIZE);
- info->write_off = (write_len + write_off) - JUDGK_COM_HYPERIO_BUFSIZE;
- }else{
- copy_from_user(info->write_buf + write_off,buf + buf_off,write_len);
- info->write_off = write_len + write_off;
- }
- if(unlikely(atomic64_sub_return(write_len,&info->write_remain) == (JUDGK_COM_HYPERIO_BUFSIZE - write_len))){
- complete(&info->write_rwait);
- }
- buf_len -= write_len;
- buf_off += write_len;
- }
- return count;
diff --git a/toj/center/src/judgk_hyperio.h b/toj/center/src/judgk_hyperio.h
deleted file mode 100755
index ccc1449..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/judgk_hyperio.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-#define HYPERIO_MAXNUM 256
-struct hyperio_info{
- atomic_t ref_count;
- struct hlist_node node;
- struct file *filp;
- struct tty_port port;
- bool create_flag;
- bool end_flag;
- struct file_operations *hook_fops;
- const struct file_operations *old_fops;
- atomic64_t read_remain;
- off_t read_off;
- char *read_buf;
- struct completion read_rwait;
- struct completion read_wwait;
- atomic64_t write_remain;
- off_t write_off;
- char *write_buf;
- struct completion write_rwait;
- struct completion write_wwait;
-static inline struct hyperio_info* hyperio_filp_lookup(struct file *filp);
-static int hyperio_tty_open(struct tty_struct * tty, struct file * filp);
-static void hyperio_tty_close(struct tty_struct * tty, struct file * filp);
-static int hyperio_tty_write(struct tty_struct *tty,const unsigned char *buf,int count);
-static int hyperio_tty_write_room(struct tty_struct *tty);
-static ssize_t hyperio_tty_filpread(struct file *filp,char __user *buf,size_t count,loff_t *off);
-static ssize_t hyperio_tty_filpwrite(struct file *filp,const char __user *buf,size_t count,loff_t *off);
-static struct tty_driver *hyperio_tty_drv;
-static struct tty_operations hyperio_tops = {
- .open = hyperio_tty_open,
- .close = hyperio_tty_close,
- .write = hyperio_tty_write,
- .write_room = hyperio_tty_write_room
-static struct hyperio_info *hyperio_table;
-static struct hlist_head *hyperio_filp_ht;
-static DEFINE_SPINLOCK(hyperio_filp_htlock);
-int judgk_hyperio_init(void);
-int judgk_hyperio_exit(void);
-int judgk_hyperio_add(struct file *filp);
-int judgk_hyperio_read(struct file *filp,size_t len);
-int judgk_hyperio_write(struct file *filp,size_t len);
-int judgk_hyperio_del(struct file *filp);
-int judgk_hyperio_mmap(struct file *filp,struct vm_area_struct *vma);
diff --git a/toj/center/src/judgk_mod.c b/toj/center/src/judgk_mod.c
deleted file mode 100755
index ca2f533..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/judgk_mod.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-static int __init mod_init(){
- alloc_chrdev_region(&mod_dev,0,1,"judgk");
- mod_class = class_create(THIS_MODULE,"chardev");
- device_create(mod_class,NULL,mod_dev,NULL,"judgk");
- cdev_init(&mod_cdev,&mod_fops);
- cdev_add(&mod_cdev,mod_dev,1);
- judgk_proc_init();
- judgk_security_hook();
- judgk_syscall_hook();
- judgk_hyperio_init();
- pr_alert("judgk:Init\n");
- return 0;
-static void __exit mod_exit(){
- cdev_del(&mod_cdev);
- device_destroy(mod_class,mod_dev);
- class_destroy(mod_class);
- unregister_chrdev_region(mod_dev,1);
- judgk_proc_exit();
- judgk_syscall_unhook();
- judgk_security_unhook();
- judgk_hyperio_exit();
- schedule_timeout_interruptible(3 * HZ);
- pr_alert("judgk:Exit\n");
-static long mod_ioctl(struct file *filp,unsigned int cmd,unsigned long arg){
- int ret;
- ret = -1;
- switch(cmd){
- ret = judgk_proc_add(arg);
- break;
- ret = judgk_proc_get(arg);
- break;
- ret = judgk_proc_del(arg);
- break;
- ret = judgk_hyperio_add(filp);
- break;
- ret = judgk_hyperio_read(filp,arg);
- break;
- ret = judgk_hyperio_write(filp,arg);
- break;
- ret = judgk_hyperio_del(filp);
- break;
- }
- return ret;
diff --git a/toj/center/src/judgk_mod.h b/toj/center/src/judgk_mod.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 58bc76b..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/judgk_mod.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-static int __init mod_init(void);
-static void __exit mod_exit(void);
-static long mod_ioctl(struct file *filp,unsigned int cmd,unsigned long arg);
-static dev_t mod_dev;
-static struct cdev mod_cdev;
-static struct class *mod_class;
-extern int judgk_hyperio_mmap(struct file *filp,struct vm_area_struct *vma);
-static struct file_operations mod_fops = {
- .owner = THIS_MODULE,
- .unlocked_ioctl = mod_ioctl,
- .mmap = judgk_hyperio_mmap
-extern int judgk_proc_init(void);
-extern int judgk_proc_exit(void);
-extern int judgk_proc_add(unsigned long arg);
-extern int judgk_proc_get(unsigned long arg);
-extern int judgk_proc_del(unsigned long arg);
-extern int judgk_syscall_hook(void);
-extern int judgk_syscall_unhook(void);
-extern int judgk_security_hook(void);
-extern int judgk_security_unhook(void);
-extern int judgk_hyperio_init(void);
-extern int judgk_hyperio_exit(void);
-extern int judgk_hyperio_add(struct file *filp);
-extern int judgk_hyperio_read(struct file *filp,size_t len);
-extern int judgk_hyperio_write(struct file *filp,size_t len);
-extern int judgk_hyperio_del(struct file *filp);
diff --git a/toj/center/src/judgk_proc.c b/toj/center/src/judgk_proc.c
deleted file mode 100755
index f3ed130..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/judgk_proc.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-int judgk_proc_init(){
- int i;
- proc_task_ht = kmalloc(sizeof(struct hlist_head) * PROC_TASK_HTSIZE,GFP_KERNEL);
- for(i = 0;i < PROC_TASK_HTSIZE;i++){
- INIT_HLIST_HEAD(&proc_task_ht[i]);
- }
- proc_info_cachep = kmem_cache_create("proc_info_cachep",sizeof(struct judgk_proc_info),0,0,NULL);
- proc_watcher_task = kthread_run(proc_watcher,NULL,"judgk_proc");
- return 0;
-int judgk_proc_exit(){
- kthread_stop(proc_watcher_task);
- return 0;
-int judgk_proc_add(unsigned long arg){
- int ret;
- struct task_struct *task;
- struct judgk_proc_info *info;
- struct judgk_com_proc_add *com_proc_add;
- ret = 0;
- com_proc_add = kmalloc(sizeof(struct judgk_com_proc_add),GFP_KERNEL);
- copy_from_user(com_proc_add,(void* __user)arg,sizeof(struct judgk_com_proc_add));
- if((task = get_pid_task(find_vpid(com_proc_add->pid),PIDTYPE_PID)) == NULL){
- ret = -1;
- goto end;
- }
- if(judgk_proc_task_lookup(task) != NULL){
- put_task_struct(task);
- ret = -1;
- goto end;
- }
- info = kmem_cache_alloc(proc_info_cachep,GFP_KERNEL);
- info->task = task;
- info->std_in = fcheck_files(task->files,0);
- info->std_out = fcheck_files(task->files,1);
- info->status = JUDGE_AC;
- info->timelimit = com_proc_add->timelimit;
- info->jiff_start = jiffies;
- info->jiff_end = info->jiff_start + usecs_to_jiffies(com_proc_add->hardtimelimit);
- info->memlimit = com_proc_add->memlimit;
- info->runtime = 0L;
- info->memory = 0L;
- if(proc_get_path(com_proc_add->run_path,info->run_path)){
- put_task_struct(task);
- kmem_cache_free(proc_info_cachep,info);
- ret = -1;
- goto end;
- }
- proc_close_fd(task);
- spin_lock(&proc_task_htlock);
- list_add_rcu(&info->list,&proc_task_list);
- hlist_add_head_rcu(&info->node,&proc_task_ht[(unsigned long)info->task % PROC_TASK_HTSIZE]);
- spin_unlock(&proc_task_htlock);
- com_proc_add->kern_task = (unsigned long)task;
- copy_to_user((void* __user)arg,com_proc_add,sizeof(struct judgk_com_proc_add));
- kfree(com_proc_add);
- return ret;
-int judgk_proc_get(unsigned long arg){
- struct task_struct *task;
- struct judgk_proc_info *info;
- struct judgk_com_proc_get *com_proc_get;
- com_proc_get = kmalloc(sizeof(struct judgk_com_proc_get),GFP_KERNEL);
- copy_from_user(com_proc_get,(void* __user)arg,sizeof(struct judgk_com_proc_get));
- task = (struct task_struct*)com_proc_get->kern_task;
- if((info = judgk_proc_task_lookup(task)) == NULL){
- kfree(com_proc_get);
- return -1;
- }
- com_proc_get->status = info->status;
- if(info->runtime > 0L){
- com_proc_get->runtime = info->runtime;
- }else{
- com_proc_get->runtime = cputime_to_usecs(task->utime);
- info->runtime = com_proc_get->runtime;
- }
- com_proc_get->memory = info->memory;
- copy_to_user((void* __user)arg,com_proc_get,sizeof(struct judgk_com_proc_get));
- kfree(com_proc_get);
- spin_lock(&proc_task_htlock);
- list_del_rcu(&info->list);
- hlist_del_rcu(&info->node);
- spin_unlock(&proc_task_htlock);
- synchronize_rcu();
- put_task_struct(info->task);
- kmem_cache_free(proc_info_cachep,info);
- return 0;
-int judgk_proc_del(unsigned long arg){
- struct task_struct *task;
- struct judgk_proc_info *info;
- task = (struct task_struct*)arg;
- if((info = judgk_proc_task_lookup(task)) == NULL){
- return -1;
- }
- spin_lock(&proc_task_htlock);
- list_del_rcu(&info->list);
- hlist_del_rcu(&info->node);
- spin_unlock(&proc_task_htlock);
- synchronize_rcu();
- put_task_struct(info->task);
- kmem_cache_free(proc_info_cachep,info);
- return 0;
-struct judgk_proc_info* judgk_proc_task_lookup(struct task_struct *task){
- struct judgk_proc_info *info;
- rcu_read_lock();
- info = NULL;
- hlist_for_each_entry_rcu(info,&proc_task_ht[(unsigned long)task % PROC_TASK_HTSIZE],node){
- if((unsigned long)info->task == (unsigned long)task){
- break;
- }
- }
- rcu_read_unlock();
- return info;
-static int proc_watcher(void *data){
- struct judgk_proc_info *info;
- while(!kthread_should_stop()){
- rcu_read_lock();
- list_for_each_entry_rcu(info,&proc_task_list,list){
- if(cputime_to_usecs(info->task->utime) > info->timelimit){
- info->status = JUDGE_TLE;
- send_sig(SIGKILL,info->task,0);
- }else if(time_after(jiffies,info->jiff_end)){
- info->runtime = jiffies_to_usecs((unsigned long)(-((long)info->jiff_start - (long)jiffies)));
- info->status = JUDGE_TLE;
- send_sig(SIGKILL,info->task,0);
- }
- }
- rcu_read_unlock();
- schedule_timeout_interruptible(HZ / 2);
- }
- return 0;
-static int proc_get_path(char *in_path,char *real_path){
- struct file *f;
- char *buf_path;
- if(IS_ERR(f = filp_open(in_path,O_RDONLY,0))){
- return -1;
- }
- buf_path = kmalloc(sizeof(char) * (PATH_MAX + 1),GFP_KERNEL);
- real_path[0] = '\0';
- strncat(real_path,d_path(&f->f_path,buf_path,PATH_MAX + 1),PATH_MAX + 1);
- kfree(buf_path);
- filp_close(f,NULL);
- return 0;
-//Watch out kernel update
-static int proc_close_fd(struct task_struct *task){
- struct file *f;
- struct files_struct *files;
- struct fdtable *fdt;
- int fd;
- files = task->files;
- spin_lock(&files->file_lock);
- fdt = files_fdtable(files);
- for(fd = 3;fd < fdt->max_fds;fd++){
- if((fd = find_next_bit(fdt->open_fds,fdt->max_fds,fd)) >= fdt->max_fds){
- break;
- }
- f = fdt->fd[fd];
- if(f == NULL){
- continue;
- }
- rcu_assign_pointer(fdt->fd[fd],NULL);
- __clear_bit(fd,fdt->close_on_exec);
- __clear_bit(fd,fdt->open_fds);
- if(fd < files->next_fd){
- files->next_fd = fd;
- }
- spin_unlock(&files->file_lock);
- filp_close(f,files);
- spin_lock(&files->file_lock);
- }
- spin_unlock(&files->file_lock);
- return 0;
diff --git a/toj/center/src/judgk_proc.h b/toj/center/src/judgk_proc.h
deleted file mode 100755
index fd60d30..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/judgk_proc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-#define PROC_TASK_HTSIZE 1009
-static int proc_watcher(void *data);
-static int proc_get_path(char *in_path,char *real_path);
-static int proc_close_fd(struct task_struct *task);
-static struct task_struct *proc_watcher_task;
-static LIST_HEAD(proc_task_list);
-static struct hlist_head *proc_task_ht;
-static DEFINE_SPINLOCK(proc_task_htlock);
-static struct kmem_cache *proc_info_cachep;
-int judgk_proc_init(void);
-int judgk_proc_exit(void);
-int judgk_proc_add(unsigned long arg);
-int judgk_proc_get(unsigned long arg);
-int judgk_proc_del(unsigned long arg);
-struct judgk_proc_info* judgk_proc_task_lookup(struct task_struct *task);
diff --git a/toj/center/src/judgk_security.c b/toj/center/src/judgk_security.c
deleted file mode 100755
index d998223..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/judgk_security.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,309 +0,0 @@
-int judgk_security_hook(){
- int i;
- int count;
- size_t len;
- unsigned long *ori_array;
- unsigned long *hook_array;
- void *addr;
- security_init_hook();
- ori_sops = (struct security_operations*)*security_hook_addr;
- memcpy(&hook_sops,ori_sops,sizeof(struct security_operations));
- judgk_security_checkaddr = (unsigned long)security_check;
- count = (sizeof(hook_sops) - sizeof(hook_sops.name)) / sizeof(unsigned long);
- len = (judgk_security_blockend - judgk_security_block) + sizeof(unsigned long);
- security_block_code = __vmalloc(((((len * count - 1) >> PAGE_SHIFT) + 1) << PAGE_SHIFT),GFP_KERNEL | GFP_ATOMIC,PAGE_KERNEL_EXEC);
- ori_array = (unsigned long*)(((char*)ori_sops) + offsetof(struct security_operations,ptrace_access_check));
- hook_array = (unsigned long*)(((char*)&hook_sops) + offsetof(struct security_operations,ptrace_access_check));
- for(i = 0;i < count;i++){
- addr = (((char*)security_block_code) + len * i);
- memcpy(addr,&ori_array[i],sizeof(unsigned long));
- memcpy(((char*)addr + sizeof(unsigned long)),judgk_security_block,len - sizeof(unsigned long));
- hook_array[i] = (unsigned long)addr + sizeof(unsigned long);
- }
- hook_sops.capable = ori_sops->capable;
- hook_sops.bprm_set_creds = ori_sops->bprm_set_creds;
- hook_sops.bprm_check_security = ori_sops->bprm_check_security;
- hook_sops.bprm_secureexec = ori_sops->bprm_secureexec;
- hook_sops.bprm_committing_creds = ori_sops->bprm_committing_creds;
- hook_sops.bprm_committed_creds = ori_sops->bprm_committed_creds;
- hook_sops.inode_alloc_security = ori_sops->inode_alloc_security;
- hook_sops.inode_free_security = ori_sops->inode_free_security;
- hook_sops.inode_follow_link = ori_sops->inode_follow_link;
- hook_sops.inode_getattr = ori_sops->inode_getattr;
- hook_sops.file_alloc_security = ori_sops->file_alloc_security;
- hook_sops.file_free_security = ori_sops->file_free_security;
- hook_sops.mmap_addr = ori_sops->mmap_addr;
- hook_sops.mmap_file = ori_sops->mmap_file;
- hook_sops.file_mprotect = ori_sops->file_mprotect;
- hook_sops.task_free = ori_sops->task_free;
- hook_sops.cred_free = ori_sops->cred_free;
- hook_sops.cred_prepare = ori_sops->cred_prepare;
- hook_sops.inode_permission = hook_inode_permission;
- hook_sops.file_permission = hook_file_permission;
- hook_sops.file_open = hook_file_open;
- hook_sops.file_ioctl = hook_file_ioctl;
- hook_sops.d_instantiate = hook_d_instantiate;
- hook_sops.vm_enough_memory = hook_vm_enough_memory;
- *security_hook_addr = (unsigned long)&hook_sops;
- return 0;
-int judgk_security_unhook(){
- *security_hook_addr = (unsigned long)ori_sops;
- return 0;
-static int security_init_hook(){
- ssize_t ret;
- int i;
- int j;
- struct file *f;
- char line[128];
- unsigned char code[3] = {0x48,0xc7,0x05};
- unsigned long addr;
- f = filp_open("/proc/meminfo",O_RDONLY,0);
- security_meminfo_ino = f->f_dentry->d_inode->i_ino;
- filp_close(f,NULL);
- f = filp_open("/proc/kallsyms",O_RDONLY,0);
- set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
- i = 0;
- addr = 0;
- while(true){
- ret = f->f_op->read(f,&line[i],1,&f->f_pos);
- if(line[i] == '\n' || ret <= 0){
- line[i] = '\0';
- addr = 0;
- for(j = 0;j < i;j++){
- if(line[j] == ' '){
- j++;
- break;
- }
- addr *= 16UL;
- if(line[j] >= '0' && line[j] <= '9'){
- addr += (unsigned long)(line[j] - '0');
- }else{
- addr += (unsigned long)(line[j] - 'a' + 10);
- }
- }
- for(;j < i;j++){
- if(line[j] == ' '){
- j++;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(j < i){
- if(strcmp("reset_security_ops",line + j) == 0){
- break;
- }
- }
- i = 0;
- }else{
- i++;
- }
- if(ret <= 0){
- break;
- }
- }
- set_fs(USER_DS);
- filp_close(f,NULL);
- i = 0;
- while(i < 3){
- if(*(unsigned char*)addr != code[i]){
- i = 0;
- }else{
- i++;
- }
- addr++;
- }
- security_hook_addr = (unsigned long*)(addr + (unsigned long)*(unsigned int*)addr + 8UL);
- return 0;
-static inline void security_kill(void){
- send_sig(SIGKILL,current,0);
-static long security_check(void){
- struct judgk_proc_info *info;
- info = judgk_proc_task_lookup(current);
- if(likely(info == NULL || in_interrupt())){
- return 0;
- }
- pr_alert("judgk:PID %d RF\n",current->tgid);
- info->status = JUDGE_RF;
- security_kill();
- return -EACCES;
-static int hook_inode_permission(struct inode *inode,int mask){
- struct judgk_proc_info *info;
- info = judgk_proc_task_lookup(current);
- if(likely(info == NULL || in_interrupt())){
- return ori_sops->inode_permission(inode,mask);
- }
- if((mask & ~(MAY_EXEC | MAY_READ | MAY_OPEN | MAY_CHDIR | MAY_NOT_BLOCK)) != 0){
- pr_alert("judgk:PID %d RF inode_permission %08x\n",current->tgid,mask);
- info->status = JUDGE_RF;
- security_kill();
- return -EACCES;
- }
- return ori_sops->inode_permission(inode,mask);
-static int hook_file_permission(struct file *file,int mask){
- struct judgk_proc_info *info;
- info = judgk_proc_task_lookup(current);
- if(likely(info == NULL || in_interrupt())){
- return ori_sops->file_permission(file,mask);
- }
- if((mask & ~(MAY_READ | MAY_WRITE)) != 0){
- info->status = JUDGE_RF;
- security_kill();
- return -EACCES;
- }else if((mask & MAY_WRITE) != 0 && file != info->std_out){
- info->status = JUDGE_RF;
- security_kill();
- return -EACCES;
- }
- return ori_sops->file_permission(file,mask);
-static int hook_file_open(struct file *file, const struct cred *cred){
- int ret;
- int i;
- struct judgk_proc_info *info;
- char *buf_path,*path;
- info = judgk_proc_task_lookup(current);
- if(likely(info == NULL || in_interrupt())){
- return ori_sops->file_open(file,cred);
- }
- ret = 0;
- buf_path = kmalloc(sizeof(char) * (PATH_MAX + 1),GFP_KERNEL);
- path = d_path(&file->f_path,buf_path,PATH_MAX + 1);
- if((file->f_mode & !(FMODE_READ | FMODE_LSEEK | FMODE_PREAD | FMODE_EXEC)) != 0){
- ret = -EACCES;
- }else if(file->f_dentry->d_inode == NULL || file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_ino != security_meminfo_ino){
- i = 0;
- while(info->run_path[i] != '\0'){
- if(path[i] != info->run_path[i]){
- ret = -EACCES;
- break;
- }
- i++;
- }
- if(path[i] == info->run_path[i]){
- ret = -EACCES;
- }
- }
- kfree(buf_path);
- if(ret != 0){
- pr_alert("judgk:PID %d RF file_open %s %08x\n",current->tgid,path,file->f_mode);
- info->status = JUDGE_RF;
- security_kill();
- return ret;
- }
- return ori_sops->file_open(file,cred);
-static int hook_file_ioctl(struct file *file,unsigned int cmd,unsigned long arg){
- struct judgk_proc_info *info;
- info = judgk_proc_task_lookup(current);
- if(likely(info == NULL || in_interrupt())){
- return ori_sops->file_ioctl(file,cmd,arg);
- }
- if(file != info->std_in && file != info->std_out){
- pr_alert("judgk:PID %d file_ioctl\n",current->tgid);
- info->status = JUDGE_RF;
- security_kill();
- return -EACCES;
- }
- return ori_sops->file_ioctl(file,cmd,arg);
-static void hook_d_instantiate(struct dentry *dentry,struct inode *inode){
- struct judgk_proc_info *info;
- info = judgk_proc_task_lookup(current);
- if(likely(info == NULL || in_interrupt())){
- return ori_sops->d_instantiate(dentry,inode);
- }
- if(inode == NULL || inode->i_ino != security_meminfo_ino){
- pr_alert("judgk:PID %d d_instantiate\n",current->tgid);
- info->status = JUDGE_RF;
- security_kill();
- }
- return ori_sops->d_instantiate(dentry,inode);
-static int hook_vm_enough_memory(struct mm_struct *mm,long pages){
- struct judgk_proc_info *info;
- info = judgk_proc_task_lookup(current);
- if(likely(info == NULL)){
- return ori_sops->vm_enough_memory(mm,pages);
- }
- info->memory = (mm->total_vm + pages) << PAGE_SHIFT;
- if(info->memory > info->memlimit){
- pr_alert("judgk:PID %d vm_enough_memory %lu\n",current->tgid,info->memory);
- info->status = JUDGE_MLE;
- security_kill();
- return -EACCES;
- }
- return ori_sops->vm_enough_memory(mm,pages);
diff --git a/toj/center/src/judgk_security.h b/toj/center/src/judgk_security.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 3855d7b..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/judgk_security.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-static int security_init_hook(void);
-static inline void security_kill(void);
-static long security_check(void);
-static unsigned long security_meminfo_ino;
-static unsigned long* security_hook_addr;
-static struct security_operations *ori_sops;
-static struct security_operations hook_sops;
-static void *security_block_code;
-int judgk_security_hook(void);
-int judgk_security_unhook(void);
-unsigned long judgk_security_checkaddr;
-extern struct judgk_proc_info* judgk_proc_task_lookup(struct task_struct *task);
-extern void judgk_security_block(void);
-extern void judgk_security_blockend(void);
-static int hook_inode_permission(struct inode *inode,int mask);
-static int hook_file_permission(struct file *file,int mask);
-static int hook_file_open(struct file *file, const struct cred *cred);
-static int hook_file_ioctl(struct file *file,unsigned int cmd,unsigned long arg);
-static void hook_d_instantiate(struct dentry *dentry,struct inode *inode);
-static int hook_vm_enough_memory(struct mm_struct *mm,long pages);
diff --git a/toj/center/src/judgk_security_asm.S b/toj/center/src/judgk_security_asm.S
deleted file mode 100644
index 80edf37..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/judgk_security_asm.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-.section .data //Don't run these code, just data for copy
-.global judgk_security_block
-.global judgk_security_blockend
-.extern judgk_security_checkaddr
-//First 8 bytes is original function address
- push %rbx
- push %rcx
- push %rdx
- push %rsi
- push %rdi
- push %rbp
- push %r8
- push %r9
- push %r10
- push %r11
- push %r12
- push %r13
- push %r14
- push %r15
- pushfq
- callq *(judgk_security_checkaddr)
- popfq
- pop %r15
- pop %r14
- pop %r13
- pop %r12
- pop %r11
- pop %r10
- pop %r9
- pop %r8
- pop %rbp
- pop %rdi
- pop %rsi
- pop %rdx
- pop %rcx
- pop %rbx
- test %rax,%rax
- jnz .block
- call .getrip
- sub $(.offset - judgk_security_block + 8),%rax
- jmp *(%rax)
- ret
- mov (%rsp),%rax
- ret
diff --git a/toj/center/src/judgk_syscall.c b/toj/center/src/judgk_syscall.c
deleted file mode 100755
index c876283..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/judgk_syscall.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-int judgk_syscall_hook(){
- int i;
- int j;
- unsigned int size;
- unsigned int restore;
- syscall_init_hook();
- syscall_addr_write((unsigned long)syscall_table,&size,&restore);
- for(i = 0,j = 0;i < syscall_max;i++){
- if(size == 0){
- syscall_addr_restore((unsigned long)(syscall_table + i - 1),restore);
- syscall_addr_write((unsigned long)(syscall_table + i),&size,&restore);
- }
- size -= sizeof(unsigned long);
- if(i == syscall_whitelist[j]){
- j++;
- continue;
- }
- syscall_table[i] = (unsigned long)judgk_syscall_block;
- }
- syscall_addr_restore((unsigned long)(&syscall_table[i - 1]),restore);
- return 0;
-int judgk_syscall_unhook(){
- int i;
- unsigned int size;
- unsigned int restore;
- syscall_addr_write((unsigned long)syscall_table,&size,&restore);
- for(i = 0;i < syscall_max;i++){
- if(size == 0){
- syscall_addr_restore((unsigned long)(&syscall_table[i - 1]),restore);
- syscall_addr_write((unsigned long)(&syscall_table[i]),&size,&restore);
- }
- size -= sizeof(unsigned long);
- syscall_table[i] = (unsigned long)judgk_syscall_ori_table[i];
- }
- syscall_addr_restore((unsigned long)(&syscall_table[i - 1]),restore);
- kfree(judgk_syscall_ori_table);
- return 0;
-static int syscall_init_hook(){
- ssize_t ret;
- int i;
- int j;
- struct file *f;
- char line[128];
- unsigned char code[3] = {0xff,0x14,0xc5};
- unsigned long addr;
- f = filp_open("/proc/kallsyms",O_RDONLY,0);
- set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
- i = 0;
- addr = 0;
- while(true){
- ret = f->f_op->read(f,&line[i],1,&f->f_pos);
- if(line[i] == '\n' || ret <= 0){
- line[i] = '\0';
- addr = 0;
- for(j = 0;j < i;j++){
- if(line[j] == ' '){
- j++;
- break;
- }
- addr *= 16UL;
- if(line[j] >= '0' && line[j] <= '9'){
- addr += (unsigned long)(line[j] - '0');
- }else{
- addr += (unsigned long)(line[j] - 'a' + 10);
- }
- }
- for(;j < i;j++){
- if(line[j] == ' '){
- j++;
- break;
- }
- }
- if(j < i){
- if(strcmp("system_call",line + j) == 0){
- break;
- }
- }
- i = 0;
- }else{
- i++;
- }
- if(ret <= 0){
- break;
- }
- }
- set_fs(USER_DS);
- filp_close(f,NULL);
- while(true){
- for(i = 0;i < 3;i++){
- if(*(unsigned char*)addr != code[i]){
- addr++;
- break;
- }
- addr++;
- }
- if(i == 3){
- break;
- }
- }
- syscall_table = (unsigned long*)(0xffffffff00000000 + *((unsigned int*)addr));
- addr -= 4L;
- while(true){
- if(*(unsigned char*)addr == 0x3d){
- addr++;
- break;
- }
- addr--;
- }
- syscall_max = *(unsigned int*)addr;
- judgk_syscall_ori_table = kmalloc(sizeof(unsigned long) * (syscall_max + 1),GFP_KERNEL);
- memcpy(judgk_syscall_ori_table,syscall_table,sizeof(unsigned long) * syscall_max);
- sort(syscall_whitelist,SYSCALL_WHITELIST_SIZE,sizeof(unsigned int),syscall_whitelist_cmp,NULL);
- return 0;
-static int syscall_whitelist_cmp(const void *a,const void *b){
- if(*(unsigned int*)a < *(unsigned int*)b){
- return -1;
- }else if(*(unsigned int*)a == *(unsigned int*)b){
- return 0;
- }else{
- return 1;
- }
-static int syscall_addr_write(unsigned long addr,unsigned int *size,int *restore){
- unsigned int level;
- pte_t *pte;
- pte = lookup_address(addr,&level);
- if(pte->pte & _PAGE_RW){
- *restore = 0;
- }else{
- pte->pte |= _PAGE_RW;
- *restore = 1;
- }
- switch(level){
- case PG_LEVEL_4K:
- *size = 4096;
- break;
- case PG_LEVEL_2M:
- *size = 2097152;
- break;
- case PG_LEVEL_1G:
- *size = 1073741824;
- break;
- }
- *size -= (((unsigned int)addr) & (*size - 1));
- return 0;
-static int syscall_addr_restore(unsigned long addr,int restore){
- unsigned int level;
- pte_t *pte;
- if(restore){
- pte = lookup_address(addr,&level);
- pte->pte ^= _PAGE_RW;
- }
- return 0;
-long judgk_syscall_check(){
- struct judgk_proc_info *info;
- if((info = judgk_proc_task_lookup(current)) == NULL){
- return 0;
- }
- info->status = JUDGE_RF;
- send_sig(SIGKILL,current,0);
- return -EACCES;
-/*asmlinkage long hook_sys_nanosleep(struct timespec __user *rqtp,struct timespec __user *rmtp){
- long ret;
- struct judgm_proc_info *info;
- atomic64_inc(&syscall_pending);
- info = judgm_proc_task_lookup(current);
- if(info == NULL){
- ret = ori_sys_nanosleep(rqtp,rmtp);
- atomic64_dec(&syscall_pending);
- return ret;
- }
- pr_alert("judgm:PID %d nanosleep\n",current->tgid);
- info->status = JUDGE_RF;
- send_sig(SIGKILL,current,0);
- atomic64_dec(&syscall_pending);
- return -EACCES;
diff --git a/toj/center/src/judgk_syscall.h b/toj/center/src/judgk_syscall.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 143a2db..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/judgk_syscall.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-static int syscall_init_hook(void);
-static int syscall_whitelist_cmp(const void *a,const void *b);
-static int syscall_addr_write(unsigned long addr,unsigned int *size,int *restore);
-static int syscall_addr_restore(unsigned long addr,int restore);
-static unsigned long* syscall_table;
-static unsigned int syscall_max;
-static unsigned int syscall_whitelist[SYSCALL_WHITELIST_SIZE] = {
- __NR_execve,
- __NR_open,
- __NR_creat,
- __NR_unlink,
- __NR_access,
- __NR_truncate,
- __NR_stat,
- __NR_lstat,
- __NR_readlink,
- __NR_exit,
- __NR_read,
- __NR_write,
- __NR_close,
- __NR_lseek,
- __NR_getpid,
- __NR_getuid,
- __NR_dup,
- __NR_brk,
- __NR_getgid,
- __NR_geteuid,
- __NR_getegid,
- __NR_dup2,
- __NR_ftruncate,
- __NR_fstat,
- __NR_personality,
- __NR_readv,
- __NR_writev,
- __NR_getresuid,
- __NR_pread64,
- __NR_pwrite64,
- __NR_fcntl,
- __NR_mmap,
- __NR_munmap,
- __NR_ioctl,
- __NR_uname,
- __NR_gettid,
- __NR_set_thread_area,
- __NR_get_thread_area,
- __NR_set_tid_address,
- __NR_exit_group,
- __NR_arch_prctl,
- __NR_times,
- __NR_time,
- __NR_clock_gettime,
- __NR_dup3
-int judgk_syscall_hook(void);
-int judgk_syscall_unhook(void);
-long judgk_syscall_check(void);
-unsigned long *judgk_syscall_ori_table;
-extern struct judgk_proc_info* judgk_proc_task_lookup(struct task_struct *task);
-extern long judgk_syscall_block(void);
-//typedef asmlinkage long (*func_sys_nanosleep)(struct timespec __user *rqtp,struct timespec __user *rmtp);
-//func_sys_nanosleep ori_sys_nanosleep;
-//asmlinkage long hook_sys_nanosleep(struct timespec __user *rqtp,struct timespec __user *rmtp);
diff --git a/toj/center/src/judgk_syscall_asm.S b/toj/center/src/judgk_syscall_asm.S
deleted file mode 100755
index 03ff960..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/judgk_syscall_asm.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-.section .text
-.global judgk_syscall_block
-.extern judgk_syscall_check
- push %rax
- push %rbx
- push %rcx
- push %rdx
- push %rsi
- push %rdi
- push %rbp
- push %r8
- push %r9
- push %r10
- push %r11
- push %r12
- push %r13
- push %r14
- push %r15
- pushfq
- call judgk_syscall_check
- popfq
- pop %r15
- pop %r14
- pop %r13
- pop %r12
- pop %r11
- pop %r10
- pop %r9
- pop %r8
- pop %rbp
- pop %rdi
- pop %rsi
- pop %rdx
- pop %rcx
- pop %rbx
- test %rax,%rax
- pop %rax
- jnz .block
- push %rdx //use rdx, because mul rax => rdx:rax, kill two birds with one stone
- mov $8,%rdx
- mul %rdx
- pop %rdx
- add judgk_syscall_ori_table,%rax
- jmp *(%rax)
- ret
diff --git a/toj/center/src/judgm_lib.h b/toj/center/src/judgm_lib.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 2007763..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/judgm_lib.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,419 +0,0 @@
-typedef int (*judgm_proc_check_fn)();
-class judgm_proc{
- int init(){
- int i;
- int j;
- struct stat st;
- if(stat(exe_path,&st)){
- return -1;
- }
- if(!S_ISREG(st.st_mode)){
- return -1;
- }
- exe_name[NAME_MAX] = '\0';
- for(i = 0,j = 0;exe_path[i] != '\0' && j < NAME_MAX;i++){
- if(exe_path[i] == '/'){
- j = 0;
- }else{
- exe_name[j] = exe_path[i];
- j++;
- }
- }
- exe_name[j] = '\0';
- pid = 0;
- kern_task = 0;
- status = JUDGE_WAIT;
- runtime = 0;
- memory = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- int protect(){
- rlimit limit;
- judgk_com_proc_add com_proc_add;
- limit.rlim_cur = 1;
- limit.rlim_max = limit.rlim_cur;
- prlimit(pid,RLIMIT_NPROC,&limit,NULL);
- limit.rlim_cur = 8L;
- limit.rlim_max = limit.rlim_cur;
- prlimit(pid,RLIMIT_NOFILE,&limit,NULL);
- limit.rlim_cur = 70368744177664L;
- limit.rlim_max = limit.rlim_cur;
- prlimit(pid,RLIMIT_STACK,&limit,NULL);
- com_proc_add.run_path[0] = '\0';
- strncat(com_proc_add.run_path,run_path,sizeof(com_proc_add.run_path));
- com_proc_add.pid = pid;
- com_proc_add.timelimit = timelimit * 1000L;
- com_proc_add.hardtimelimit = hardtimelimit * 1000L;
- com_proc_add.memlimit = memlimit * 1024L + 4096L * 128L;
- if(ioctl(judgk_modfd,IOCTL_PROC_ADD,&com_proc_add)){
- return -1;
- }
- kern_task = com_proc_add.kern_task;
- return 0;
- }
- int judgk_modfd;
- char run_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
- char exe_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
- char exe_name[NAME_MAX + 1];
- unsigned long timelimit;
- unsigned long hardtimelimit;
- unsigned long memlimit;
- judgm_proc_check_fn check_fn;
- pid_t pid;
- unsigned long kern_task;
- int status;
- unsigned long runtime;
- unsigned long memory;
- judgm_proc(int judgk_modfd,char *runpath,char *exe_path,unsigned long timelimit,unsigned long hardtimelimit,unsigned long memlimit,judgm_proc_check_fn check_fn){
- this->judgk_modfd = judgk_modfd;
- this->run_path[0] = '\0';
- strncat(this->run_path,runpath,sizeof(this->run_path));
- this->exe_path[0] = '\0';
- strncat(this->exe_path,exe_path,sizeof(this->exe_path));
- this->timelimit = timelimit;
- this->hardtimelimit = hardtimelimit;
- this->memlimit = memlimit;
- this->check_fn = check_fn;
- }
- int proc_run(){
- char abspath[PATH_MAX + 1];
- if(init()){
- return -1;
- }
- realpath(exe_path,abspath);
- if((pid = fork()) == 0){
- char *argv[] = {NULL,NULL};
- char *envp[] = {NULL};
- chdir(run_path);
- check_fn();
- setgid(99);
- setuid(99);
- kill(getpid(),SIGSTOP);
- argv[0] = exe_name;
- execve(abspath,argv,envp);
- exit(0);
- }
- if(pid == -1){
- return -1;
- }
- waitpid(pid,NULL,WUNTRACED);
- if(protect()){
- kill(pid,SIGKILL);
- return -1;
- }
- status = JUDGE_RUN;
- kill(pid,SIGCONT);
- return 0;
- }
- int proc_wait(bool blockflag){
- int wstatus;
- struct judgk_com_proc_get com_proc_get;
- if(blockflag == true){
- if(waitpid(pid,&wstatus,WUNTRACED) == -1){
- return -1;
- }
- }else{
- if(waitpid(pid,&wstatus,WUNTRACED | WNOHANG) <= 0){
- return -1;
- }
- }
- com_proc_get.kern_task = kern_task;
- if(ioctl(judgk_modfd,IOCTL_PROC_GET,&com_proc_get)){
- return -1;
- }
- runtime = com_proc_get.runtime / 1000L;
- memory = com_proc_get.memory;
- printf("runtime:%lu memory:%lu\n",runtime,memory);
- if(com_proc_get.status != JUDGE_AC){
- status = com_proc_get.status;
- }else if(memory > (memlimit * 1024L)){
- status = JUDGE_MLE;
- }else if(runtime > timelimit){
- status = JUDGE_TLE;
- }else if(WIFEXITED(wstatus) || (WIFSIGNALED(wstatus) && WTERMSIG(wstatus) == SIGKILL)){
- status = JUDGE_AC;
- }else{
- status = JUDGE_RE;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int proc_kill(){
- if(kill(pid,SIGKILL)){
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
-class judgm_hyperio{
- int judgk_modfd;
- char *read_buf;
- off_t read_off;
- int tty_idx;
- judgm_hyperio(int judgk_modfd){
- this->judgk_modfd = judgk_modfd;
- this->tty_idx = ioctl(this->judgk_modfd,IOCTL_HYPERIO_ADD,0);
- this->read_buf = (char*)mmap(NULL,JUDGK_COM_HYPERIO_BUFSIZE,PROT_READ,MAP_SHARED,judgk_modfd,0);
- this->read_off = 0;
- }
- ~judgm_hyperio(){
- munmap(read_buf,JUDGK_COM_HYPERIO_BUFSIZE);
- ioctl(judgk_modfd,IOCTL_HYPERIO_DEL,0);
- }
- static int get_ttyfd(int idx){
- char tpath[PATH_MAX + 1];
- snprintf(tpath,sizeof(tpath),"/dev/jtty%d",idx);
- return open(tpath,O_RDWR);
- }
- size_t wait(){
- return ioctl(judgk_modfd,IOCTL_HYPERIO_READ,0);
- }
- int compare(char *buf,size_t len){
- int flag;
- size_t remain;
- off_t off;
- size_t data_len;
- size_t cmp_len;
- flag = 0;
- remain = len;
- off = 0;
- data_len = 0;
- cmp_len = 0;
- while(remain > 0 && flag == 0){
- if(data_len == 0){
- if((data_len = ioctl(judgk_modfd,IOCTL_HYPERIO_READ,cmp_len)) <= 0){
- return -1;
- }
- }
- if(remain < data_len){
- cmp_len = remain;
- }else{
- cmp_len = data_len;
- }
- if((cmp_len + read_off) < JUDGK_COM_HYPERIO_BUFSIZE){
- flag |= memcmp(read_buf + read_off,buf + off,cmp_len);
- read_off += cmp_len;
- }else{
- flag |= memcmp(read_buf + read_off,buf + off,JUDGK_COM_HYPERIO_BUFSIZE - read_off);
- flag |= memcmp(read_buf,buf + off + (JUDGK_COM_HYPERIO_BUFSIZE - read_off),(cmp_len + read_off) - JUDGK_COM_HYPERIO_BUFSIZE);
- read_off = (cmp_len + read_off) - JUDGK_COM_HYPERIO_BUFSIZE;
- }
- remain -= cmp_len;
- off += cmp_len;
- data_len -= cmp_len;
- }
- if(cmp_len > 0){
- ioctl(judgk_modfd,IOCTL_HYPERIO_READ,-(long)cmp_len);
- }
- if(flag == 0){
- return 0;
- }else{
- return -1;
- }
- }
-static int judgm_compile(int subid,char *code_path,char *exe_path,int lang,bool force_flag,char *err_msg,size_t err_len){
- int ret;
- int i;
- char log_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
- char main_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
- char sem_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
- struct stat st;
- sem_t *wait_sem;
- bool ce_flag;
- char dir_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
- char *out_path;
- int io[2];
- int pid;
- int wstatus;
- char buf[64];
- off_t err_off;
- FILE *f_log;
- if(force_flag == true){
- force_flag = true;
- out_path = exe_path;
- }else{
- snprintf(log_path,sizeof(log_path),"tmp/exe/%d/log",subid);
- snprintf(main_path,sizeof(main_path),"tmp/exe/%d/main",subid);
- snprintf(sem_path,sizeof(sem_path),"/judgm_compile_wait_%d",subid);
- if((wait_sem = sem_open(sem_path,0)) == SEM_FAILED){
- if(stat(main_path,&st)){
- if((wait_sem = sem_open(sem_path,O_CREAT | O_EXCL,0644,0)) != SEM_FAILED){
- out_path = main_path;
- goto compile;
- }else if((wait_sem = sem_open(sem_path,0)) != SEM_FAILED){
- sem_wait(wait_sem);
- sem_close(wait_sem);
- }
- }
- }else{
- sem_wait(wait_sem);
- sem_close(wait_sem);
- }
- if((f_log = fopen(log_path,"r")) != NULL){
- err_off = fread(err_msg,1,err_len - 1,f_log);
- fclose(f_log);
- err_msg[err_off] = '\0';
- if(!link(main_path,exe_path)){
- return 0;
- }else{
- return -1;
- }
- }
- }
- if(force_flag == false){
- snprintf(dir_path,sizeof(dir_path),"tmp/exe/%d",subid);
- mkdir(dir_path,0755);
- }
- ce_flag = false;
- err_off = 0;
- if(lang == JUDGE_CPP){
- pipe(io);
- if((pid = fork()) == 0){
- char arg_compiler[16];
- char arg_static[16];
- char arg_o[16];
- char arg_std[16];
- char arg_output[16];
- char *argv[8];
- arg_compiler[0] = '\0';
- strncat(arg_compiler,"g++",sizeof(arg_compiler));
- arg_static[0] = '\0';
- strncat(arg_static,"-static",sizeof(arg_static));
- arg_o[0] = '\0';
- strncat(arg_o,"-O2",sizeof(arg_o));
- arg_std[0] = '\0';
- strncat(arg_std,"-std=c++0x",sizeof(arg_std));
- arg_output[0] = '\0';
- strncat(arg_output,"-o",sizeof(arg_output));
- argv[0] = arg_compiler;
- argv[1] = arg_static;
- argv[2] = arg_o;
- argv[3] = code_path;
- argv[4] = arg_std;
- argv[5] = arg_output;
- argv[6] = out_path;
- argv[7] = NULL;
- dup2(io[1],1);
- dup2(io[1],2);
- execvp("g++",argv);
- }
- close(io[1]);
- while((ret = read(io[0],err_msg + err_off,err_len - err_off - 1)) > 0){
- err_off += ret;
- }
- err_msg[err_off] = '\0';
- while(read(io[0],buf,64) > 0);
- close(io[0]);
- if(err_off > (err_len - 4)){
- err_msg[err_len - 4] = '\0';
- strncat(err_msg + err_len - 4,"...",4);
- err_off = err_len - 1;
- }
- waitpid(pid,&wstatus,0);
- if(wstatus != 0){
- ce_flag = true;
- }
- }
- if(force_flag == false){
- f_log = fopen(log_path,"w");
- fwrite(err_msg,err_off,1,f_log);
- fclose(f_log);
- for(i = 0;i < JUDGE_THREAD_MAX;i++){
- sem_post(wait_sem);
- }
- sem_close(wait_sem);
- sem_unlink(sem_path);
- }
- if(ce_flag == true){
- return -1;
- }
- link(main_path,exe_path);
- return 0;
diff --git a/toj/center/src/judgm_line.h b/toj/center/src/judgm_line.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 1b36c74..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/judgm_line.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-struct judgm_line_info{
- int subid;
- char *pro_path;
- char *code_path;
- char *run_path;
- int judgk_modfd;
- void *line_dll;
- void *check_dll;
- int lang;
- FILE *set_file;
- char *set_data;
- char res_data[JUDGE_RES_DATAMAX];
- size_t res_len;
-typedef int (*judgm_line_run_fn)(judgm_line_info *info);
diff --git a/toj/center/src/judgm_manage.h b/toj/center/src/judgm_manage.h
deleted file mode 100755
index 2795ec7..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/judgm_manage.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-typedef int (*judgm_manage_queuesubmit_fn)(int subid,int proid,int lang,char *set_data,size_t set_len);
-class judgm_manage_info{
- int subid;
- int uid;
- int proid;
- int lang;
- char *param;
- char pro_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
- char res_path[PATH_MAX + 1];
- int result;
- double score;
- unsigned long runtime;
- unsigned long memory;
- void *private_data;
- judgm_manage_info(int subid,int uid,int proid,int lang,char *param){
- this->subid = subid;
- this->uid = uid;
- this->proid = proid;
- this->lang = lang;
- this->param = param;
- }
-typedef int (*judgm_manage_submit_fn)(judgm_manage_info *info,FILE *set_file);
-typedef int (*judgm_manage_result_fn)(judgm_manage_info *info,char *res_data);
diff --git a/toj/center/src/netio.h b/toj/center/src/netio.h
deleted file mode 100755
index db54b23..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/netio.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-class netio_protoiofn{
- virtual void operator()(void *buf,size_t len,void *data) = 0;
-template<typename C>
-class netio_iofn : public netio_protoiofn{
- typedef void (C::*netio_iofn_type)(void *buf,size_t len,void *data);
- C *obj;
- netio_iofn_type fn;
- netio_iofn(C *obj,netio_iofn_type fn){
- this->obj = obj;
- this->fn = fn;
- }
- void operator()(void *buf,size_t len,void *data){
- (obj->*fn)(buf,len,data);
- }
-class netio_iocb{
- int type;
- void *buf;
- int fd;
- off_t off;
- size_t len;
- netio_protoiofn *cb_fn;
- void *cb_data;
- netio_iocb(void *buf,size_t len,netio_protoiofn *cb_fn,void *cb_data){
- this->type = NETIO_IOTYPE_PLAIN;
- this->buf = buf;
- this->off = 0;
- this->len = len;
- this->cb_fn = cb_fn;
- this->cb_data = cb_data;
- }
- netio_iocb(int fd,size_t len,netio_protoiofn *cb_fn,void *cb_data){
- this->type = NETIO_IOTYPE_FILE;
- this->buf = &this->fd;
- this->fd = fd;
- this->off = 0;
- this->len = len;
- this->cb_fn = cb_fn;
- this->cb_data = cb_data;
- }
-#define NETIO_IOSIZE 65536
-class netio{
- netio_iocb *read_iocb;
- std::queue<netio_iocb*> write_queue;
- bool readio_reen;
- char readio_buf[NETIO_IOSIZE];
- int fd;
- virtual int readidle() = 0;
- netio(int fd){
- this->fd = fd;
- this->read_iocb = NULL;
- this->readio_reen = false;
- }
- ~netio(){
- close(this->fd);
- }
- int readio(){
- int ret;
- size_t len;
- netio_iocb *iocb;
- if(readio_reen == true){
- return -1;
- }
- readio_reen = true;
- while(true){
- if(read_iocb == NULL){
- readidle();
- }
- iocb = read_iocb;
- if(iocb->type == NETIO_IOTYPE_PLAIN){
- while((ret = read(fd,(char*)iocb->buf + iocb->off,iocb->len - iocb->off)) > 0){
- iocb->off += ret;
- }
- }else if(iocb->type == NETIO_IOTYPE_FILE){
- while(true){
- len = iocb->len - iocb->off;
- if(len >= NETIO_IOSIZE){
- }
- if((ret = read(fd,readio_buf,len)) <= 0){
- break;
- }
- write(iocb->fd,readio_buf,ret);
- iocb->off += ret;
- }
- }
- if(iocb->off == iocb->len){
- read_iocb = NULL;
- if(iocb->cb_fn != NULL){
- (*iocb->cb_fn)(iocb->buf,iocb->len,iocb->cb_data);
- }else{
- if(iocb->type == NETIO_IOTYPE_PLAIN){
- delete (char*)iocb->buf;
- }else if(iocb->type == NETIO_IOTYPE_FILE){
- close(iocb->fd);
- }
- }
- delete iocb;
- }else{
- break;
- }
- }
- readio_reen = false;
- return 0;
- }
- int readbytes(void *buf,size_t len,netio_protoiofn *cb_fn,void *cb_data){
- read_iocb = new netio_iocb(buf,len,cb_fn,cb_data);
- readio();
- return 0;
- }
- int readfile(int fd,size_t len,netio_protoiofn *cb_fn,void *cb_data){
- read_iocb = new netio_iocb(fd,len,cb_fn,cb_data);
- readio();
- return 0;
- }
- int writeio(){
- int ret;
- size_t len;
- netio_iocb *iocb;
- while(!write_queue.empty()){
- iocb = write_queue.front();
- if(iocb->type == NETIO_IOTYPE_PLAIN){
- while((ret = write(fd,(char*)iocb->buf + iocb->off,iocb->len - iocb->off)) > 0){
- iocb->off += ret;
- }
- }else if(iocb->type == NETIO_IOTYPE_FILE){
- len = iocb->len - iocb->off;
- if(len >= NETIO_IOSIZE){
- }
- while((ret = sendfile(fd,iocb->fd,NULL,len)) > 0){
- iocb->off += ret;
- }
- }
- if(iocb->off == iocb->len){
- write_queue.pop();
- if(iocb->cb_fn != NULL){
- (*iocb->cb_fn)(iocb->buf,iocb->len,iocb->cb_data);
- }else{
- if(iocb->type == NETIO_IOTYPE_PLAIN){
- delete (char*)iocb->buf;
- }else if(iocb->type == NETIO_IOTYPE_FILE){
- close(iocb->fd);
- }
- }
- delete iocb;
- }else{
- break;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int writebytes(void *buf,size_t len,netio_protoiofn *cb_fn,void *cb_data){
- write_queue.push(new netio_iocb(buf,len,cb_fn,cb_data));
- writeio();
- return 0;
- }
- int writefile(int fd,size_t len,netio_protoiofn *cb_fn,void *cb_data){
- write_queue.push(new netio_iocb(fd,len,cb_fn,cb_data));
- writeio();
- return 0;
- }
diff --git a/toj/center/src/tool.cpp b/toj/center/src/tool.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1502007..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/tool.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,296 +0,0 @@
-static int pack_copenfn(const char *pathname,int flags,...){
- int fd;
- pack_bzinfo *bzinfo;
- if((fd = open(pathname,flags,0644)) == -1){
- return -1;
- }
- bzinfo = new pack_bzinfo;
- bzinfo->len = 0;
- bzinfo->off = 0;
- bzinfo->endflag = false;
- bzinfo->bzs.bzalloc = NULL;
- bzinfo->bzs.bzfree = NULL;
- bzinfo->bzs.opaque = NULL;
- BZ2_bzCompressInit(&bzinfo->bzs,9,0,0);
- pack_fdmap.insert(std::pair<int,pack_bzinfo*>(fd,bzinfo));
- return fd;
-static int pack_cclosefn(long fd){
- int ret;
- pack_bzinfo *bzinfo;
- bzinfo = pack_fdmap.find(fd)->second;
- pack_fdmap.erase(fd);
- bzinfo->bzs.next_in = NULL;
- bzinfo->bzs.avail_in = 0;
- while(true){
- bzinfo->bzs.next_out = bzinfo->buf;
- bzinfo->bzs.avail_out = PACK_BUFSIZE;
- ret = BZ2_bzCompress(&bzinfo->bzs,BZ_FINISH);
- if(bzinfo->bzs.avail_out != PACK_BUFSIZE){
- write(fd,bzinfo->buf,PACK_BUFSIZE - bzinfo->bzs.avail_out);
- }
- if(ret == BZ_STREAM_END){
- break;
- }
- }
- BZ2_bzCompressEnd(&bzinfo->bzs);
- delete bzinfo;
- return close(fd);
-static ssize_t pack_cwritefn(long fd,const void *buf,size_t count){
- pack_bzinfo *bzinfo;
- bzinfo = pack_fdmap.find(fd)->second;
- bzinfo->bzs.next_in = (char*)buf;
- bzinfo->bzs.avail_in = count;
- while(bzinfo->bzs.avail_in > 0){
- bzinfo->bzs.next_out = bzinfo->buf;
- bzinfo->bzs.avail_out = PACK_BUFSIZE;
- BZ2_bzCompress(&bzinfo->bzs,BZ_RUN);
- if(bzinfo->bzs.avail_out != PACK_BUFSIZE){
- write(fd,bzinfo->buf,PACK_BUFSIZE - bzinfo->bzs.avail_out);
- }
- }
- return count;
-static int pack_xopenfn(const char *pathname,int flags,...){
- int fd;
- pack_bzinfo *bzinfo;
- if((fd = open(pathname,flags)) == -1){
- return -1;
- }
- bzinfo = new pack_bzinfo;
- bzinfo->len = 0;
- bzinfo->off = 0;
- bzinfo->endflag = false;
- bzinfo->bzs.bzalloc = NULL;
- bzinfo->bzs.bzfree = NULL;
- bzinfo->bzs.opaque = NULL;
- BZ2_bzDecompressInit(&bzinfo->bzs,0,0);
- printf(" %d\n",fd);
- pack_fdmap.insert(std::pair<int,pack_bzinfo*>(fd,bzinfo));
- return fd;
-static int pack_xclosefn(long fd){
- int ret;
- pack_bzinfo *bzinfo;
- bzinfo = pack_fdmap.find(fd)->second;
- pack_fdmap.erase(fd);
- BZ2_bzDecompressEnd(&bzinfo->bzs);
- delete bzinfo;
- return close(fd);
-static ssize_t pack_xreadfn(long fd,void *buf,size_t count){
- int ret;
- pack_bzinfo *bzinfo;
- printf(" %d\n",fd);
- bzinfo = pack_fdmap.find(fd)->second;
- bzinfo->bzs.next_out = (char*)buf;
- bzinfo->bzs.avail_out = count;
- while(bzinfo->endflag == false){
- if(bzinfo->len == 0){
- ret = read(fd,bzinfo->buf,PACK_BUFSIZE);
- bzinfo->len = ret;
- bzinfo->off = 0;
- }
- if(bzinfo->len == 0){
- break;
- }
- bzinfo->bzs.next_in = bzinfo->buf + bzinfo->off;
- bzinfo->bzs.avail_in = bzinfo->len;
- while(bzinfo->bzs.avail_in > 0 && bzinfo->bzs.avail_out > 0){
- if(BZ2_bzDecompress(&bzinfo->bzs) != BZ_OK){
- bzinfo->endflag = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- bzinfo->off += bzinfo->len - bzinfo->bzs.avail_in;
- bzinfo->len = bzinfo->bzs.avail_in;
- if(bzinfo->bzs.avail_out == 0){
- break;
- }
- }
- return count - bzinfo->bzs.avail_out;
-int tool_pack(char *pack_path,char *dir_path){
- tartype_t tar_type;
- TAR *tarp;
- char tpath[2] = {'.','\0'};
- tar_type.openfunc = pack_copenfn;
- tar_type.closefunc = pack_cclosefn;
- tar_type.readfunc = (readfunc_t)read;
- tar_type.writefunc = pack_cwritefn;
- tar_open(&tarp,pack_path,&tar_type,O_WRONLY | O_CREAT,0644,TAR_GNU);
- tar_append_tree(tarp,dir_path,tpath);
- tar_close(tarp);
- return 0;
-int tool_unpack(char *pack_path,char *dir_path){
- tartype_t tar_type;
- TAR *tarp;
- tool_cleardir(dir_path);
- mkdir(dir_path,0775);
- tar_type.openfunc = pack_xopenfn;
- tar_type.closefunc = pack_xclosefn;
- tar_type.readfunc = pack_xreadfn;
- tar_type.writefunc = (writefunc_t)write;
- tar_open(&tarp,pack_path,&tar_type,O_RDONLY,0644,TAR_GNU);
- tar_extract_all(tarp,dir_path);
- tar_close(tarp);
- return 0;
-static int cleardir_callback(const char *path,const struct stat *st,int flag,struct FTW *ftw_buf){
- if(ftw_buf->level == 0){
- return 0;
- }
- if(S_ISDIR(st->st_mode)){
- rmdir(path);
- }else{
- unlink(path);
- }
- return 0;
-int tool_cleardir(char *path){
- nftw(path,cleardir_callback,64,FTW_DEPTH | FTW_PHYS);
- return 0;
-static int copydir_travel(char *old_path,int old_len,char *new_path,int new_len){
- int i;
- int j;
- int len;
- DIR *dirp;
- char *buf;
- dirent *entry;
- std::vector<std::string> wait_list;
- const char *tname;
- int infd;
- int outfd;
- struct stat st;
- if((dirp = opendir(old_path)) == NULL){
- return -1;
- }
- buf = new char[sizeof(dirent) + NAME_MAX + 1];
- while(true){
- readdir_r(dirp,(dirent*)buf,&entry);
- if(entry == NULL){
- break;
- }
- if(strcmp(entry->d_name,".") == 0 || strcmp(entry->d_name,"..") == 0){
- continue;
- }
- if(entry->d_type == DT_DIR){
- wait_list.push_back(entry->d_name);
- }else{
- old_path[old_len] = '/';
- new_path[new_len] = '/';
- len = strlen(entry->d_name);
- for(i = 0;i <= len;i++){
- old_path[old_len + i + 1] = entry->d_name[i];
- new_path[new_len + i + 1] = entry->d_name[i];
- }
- infd = open(old_path,O_RDONLY);
- outfd = open(new_path,O_WRONLY | O_CREAT,0644);
- fstat(infd,&st);
- sendfile(outfd,infd,NULL,st.st_size);
- close(infd);
- close(outfd);
- old_path[old_len] = '\0';
- new_path[new_len] = '\0';
- }
- }
- delete buf;
- closedir(dirp);
- while(!wait_list.empty()){
- tname = wait_list.back().c_str();
- wait_list.pop_back();
- old_path[old_len] = '/';
- new_path[new_len] = '/';
- len = strlen(tname);
- for(i = 0;i <= len;i++){
- old_path[old_len + i + 1] = tname[i];
- new_path[new_len + i + 1] = tname[i];
- }
- mkdir(new_path,0775);
- copydir_travel(old_path,old_len + len + 1,new_path,new_len + len + 1);
- old_path[old_len] = '\0';
- new_path[new_len] = '\0';
- }
- return 0;
-int tool_copydir(char *old_path,char *new_path){
- char old_buf[PATH_MAX + 1];
- char new_buf[PATH_MAX + 1];
- tool_cleardir(new_path);
- mkdir(new_path,0775);
- old_buf[0] = '\0';
- strncat(old_buf,old_path,sizeof(old_buf));
- new_buf[0] = '\0';
- strncat(new_buf,new_path,sizeof(new_buf));
- copydir_travel(old_buf,strlen(old_buf),new_buf,strlen(new_buf));
- return 0;
diff --git a/toj/center/src/tool.h b/toj/center/src/tool.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f876c29..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/tool.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-#define PACK_BUFSIZE 65536
-struct pack_bzinfo{
- bz_stream bzs;
- char buf[PACK_BUFSIZE];
- int len;
- int off;
- bool endflag;
-static int pack_copenfn(const char *pathname,int flags,...);
-static int pack_cclosefn(long fd);
-static ssize_t cpack_writefn(long fd,const void *buf,size_t count);
-static int pack_xopenfn(const char *pathname,int flags,...);
-static int pack_xclosefn(long fd);
-static ssize_t pack_xreadfn(long fd,void *buf,size_t count);
-static std::map<int,pack_bzinfo*> pack_fdmap;
-int tool_pack(char *pack_path,char *dir_path);
-int tool_unpack(char *pack_path,char *dir_path);
-static int cleardir_callback(const char *path,const struct stat *st,int flag,struct FTW *ftw_buf);
-static int copydir_travel(char *old_path,int old_len,char *new_path,int new_len);
-int tool_cleardir(char *path);
-int tool_copydir(char *old_path,char *new_path);
diff --git a/toj/center/src/tpool.h b/toj/center/src/tpool.h
deleted file mode 100755
index c06efc1..0000000
--- a/toj/center/src/tpool.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,175 +0,0 @@
-class tpool_protofn{
- virtual void operator()(void *data) = 0;
-template<typename C>
-class tpool_fn : public tpool_protofn{
- typedef void (C::*tpool_fn_type)(void *data);
- C *obj;
- tpool_fn_type fn;
- tpool_fn(C *obj,tpool_fn_type fn){
- this->obj = obj;
- this->fn = fn;
- }
- void operator()(void *data){
- (obj->*fn)(data);
- }
-class tpool_static_fn : public tpool_protofn{
- typedef void (*tpool_static_fn_type)(void *data);
- tpool_static_fn_type fn;
- tpool_static_fn(tpool_static_fn_type fn){
- this->fn = fn;
- }
- void operator()(void *data){
- fn(data);
- }
-class tpool_thcb{
- tpool_protofn *th_fn;
- void *th_data;
- tpool_protofn *cb_fn;
- void *cb_data;
- tpool_thcb(tpool_protofn *th_fn,void *th_data,tpool_protofn *cb_fn,void *cb_data){
- this->th_fn = th_fn;
- this->th_data = th_data;
- this->cb_fn = cb_fn;
- this->cb_data = cb_data;
- }
- int run(){
- (*th_fn)(th_data);
- return 0;
- }
- int done(){
- if(cb_fn != NULL){
- (*cb_fn)(cb_data);
- }
- return 0;
- }
-class tpool{
- std::queue<tpool_thcb*> wait_queue;
- std::vector<tpool_thcb*> done_list;
- pthread_t pt[TPOOL_THREAD_MAXNUM];
- int pt_num;
- sem_t pt_sem;
- pthread_mutex_t pt_mutex;
- static void* pt_runfn(void *arg){
- tpool *that;
- tpool_thcb *thcb;
- long long int sig;
- that = (tpool*)arg;
- while(true){
- sem_wait(&that->pt_sem);
- pthread_mutex_lock(&that->pt_mutex);
- if(!that->wait_queue.empty()){
- thcb = that->wait_queue.front();
- that->wait_queue.pop();
- }else{
- thcb = NULL;
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&that->pt_mutex);
- if(thcb == NULL){
- continue;
- }
- thcb->run();
- pthread_mutex_lock(&that->pt_mutex);
- that->done_list.push_back(thcb);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&that->pt_mutex);
- sig = 1;
- write(that->fd,&sig,sizeof(sig)),that->done_list.size();
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- int fd;
- tpool(int pt_num){
- if((this->pt_num = pt_num) > TPOOL_THREAD_MAXNUM){
- this->pt_num = TPOOL_THREAD_MAXNUM;
- }
- fd = eventfd(0,EFD_NONBLOCK);
- sem_init(&pt_sem,0,0);
- pthread_mutex_init(&pt_mutex,NULL);
- }
- ~tpool(){
- close(fd);
- sem_destroy(&pt_sem);
- pthread_mutex_destroy(&pt_mutex);
- }
- int start(){
- int i;
- for(i = 0;i < pt_num;i++){
- pthread_create(&pt[pt_num],NULL,pt_runfn,this);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int done(){
- int i;
- std::vector<tpool_thcb*> l;
- long long int sig;
- pthread_mutex_lock(&pt_mutex);
- l.swap(done_list);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&pt_mutex);
- for(i = l.size() - 1;i >= 0;i--){
- l[i]->done();
- delete l[i];
- }
- read(fd,&sig,sizeof(sig));
- }
- int add(tpool_protofn *th_fn,void *th_data,tpool_protofn *cb_fn,void *cb_data){
- tpool_thcb *thcb;
- thcb = new tpool_thcb(th_fn,th_data,cb_fn,cb_data);
- pthread_mutex_lock(&pt_mutex);
- wait_queue.push(thcb);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&pt_mutex);
- sem_post(&pt_sem);
- return 0;
- }
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- <th class="value"><button class="clear">清除</button></th>
- </tr>
- <tr class="item uid">
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- <td class="value">None</td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="item proid">
- <td class="key">ProID</td>
- <td class="value"><input type="textbox" value="None"></td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="item result">
- <td class="key">Result</td>
- <td class="value">
- <select>
- <option value=null>None</option>
- <option value=0>AC</option>
- <option value=1>WA</option>
- <option value=2>TLE</option>
- <option value=3>MLE</option>
- <option value=4>RF</option>
- <option value=5>RE</option>
- <option value=6>CE</option>
- </select>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
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- <table class="sublist">
- <tr class="head">
- <th class="subid">SubID</th>
- <th class="proid" >ProID</th>
- <th class="nickname">暱稱</th>
- <th class="runtime">執行時間</th>
- <th class="memory">記憶體</th>
- <th class="result">結果</th>
- <th class="score">分數</th>
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- </div>
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- <h2>個人資料</h2>
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- <label>新使用者密碼</label>
- <input name="password_new" type="password">
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- </div>
- <div class="out_box">
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- </div>
- </div>
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- <div class="left_box">
- <h2>方塊</h2>
- <button class="newsq">建立方塊</button>
- <h2>題目</h2>
- <button class="newpro">建立題目</button>
- <table class="prolist">
- <tr class="head">
- <th class="proid">ProID</th>
- <th class="name">題目名稱</th>
- <th class="cacheid">CacheID</th>
- <th></th>
- </tr>
- </table>
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- <input name="username" type="textbox" placeholder="使用者名稱">
- <input name="password" type="password" placeholder="使用者密碼">
- <input name="password_repeat" type="password" placeholder="重復密碼">
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- <input name="sqname" type="textbox" size="16" placeholder="foo">
- <label>模組名稱</label>
- <input name="sqmodname" type="textbox" size="16" placeholder="sqmod_foo">
- <label>隱私</label>
- <select name="publicity">
- <option value=3>公開</option>
- <option value=2>可申請</option>
- <option value=1>秘密</option>
- </select>
- <label>時間限制</label>
- <select name="infinite">
- <option value=1>無時限</option>
- <option value=2>有時限</option>
- </select>
- <div class="time" style="display:none;">
- <label>開始時間</label><br>
- <input name="s_year" type="textbox" size="1" placeholder="2501" style="display:inline-block">
- <input name="s_month" type="textbox" size="1" placeholder="1" style="display:inline-block">
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- <input name="s_hr" type="textbox" size="1" placeholder="18" style="margin:0px 0px 0px 6px; display:inline-block">
- <input name="s_min" type="textbox" size="1" placeholder="30" style="display:inline-block"><br>
- <label>結束時間</label><br>
- <input name="e_year" type="textbox" size="1" placeholder="2501" style="display:inline-block">
- <input name="e_month" type="textbox" size="1" placeholder="1" style="display:inline-block">
- <input name="e_day" type="textbox" size="1" placeholder="1" style="display:inline-block">
- <input name="e_hr" type="textbox" size="1" placeholder="18" style="margin:0px 0px 0px 6px; display:inline-block">
- <input name="e_min" type="textbox" size="1" placeholder="30" style="display:inline-block">
- </div>
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- <div class="prolist_box">
- <table class="prolist prolist_in"></table>
- </div>
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- <div class="prolist_box">
- <table class="prolist prolist_out"></table>
- </div>
- </div>
- <div style="width:100%; clear:both;"></div>
- </div>
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- <div class="edit_box">
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- <input name="name" type="textbox" size="16" placeholder="foo">
- <label>模組ID</label>
- <input name="modid" type="textbox" size="16" placeholder="1">
- <label>隱私</label>
- <select name="hidden">
- <option value=1>公開</option>
- <option value=2>隱藏</option>
- </select>
- <div class="update" style="display:none;">
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- <select name="lang" style="display:inline-block;">
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- </select>
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- </div>
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- <div class="com_mbox subfile_mbox">
- <button class="result" style="margin:6px 0px 0px 0px; float:right;">結果</button>
- <h2 class="subid"></h2>
- </div>
- </div>
diff --git a/toj/jcs/common.css b/toj/jcs/common.css
deleted file mode 100755
index f05adea..0000000
--- a/toj/jcs/common.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
- width:1224px;
- margin:0px auto 0px auto;
- position:relative;
- display:none;
- width:978px;
- margin:32px auto 32px auto;
- padding:0px 6px 0px 6px;
- background-color:#373C38;
- position:relative;
- display:none;
diff --git a/toj/jcs/common.js b/toj/jcs/common.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 6d4f0d3..0000000
--- a/toj/jcs/common.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,496 +0,0 @@
-var RESULTMAP = {0:'AC',1:'WA',2:'TLE',3:'MLE',4:'RF',5:'RE',6:'CE',7:'ERR',100:'WAIT'};
-var RESULTCOLOR = {0:'#00FF00',1:'#FF0000',2:'#FFFFFF',3:'#FFFFFF',4:'#FFFFFF',5:'#FFFFFF',6:'#FFFFFF',7:'#FFFFFF',100:'#FFFFFF'};
-var USER_PER_USER = 0x00000001;
-var USER_PER_PROCREATOR = 0x00000002;
-var USER_PER_PROADMIN = 0x00000004;
-var USER_LEVEL_USER = 0x00000001;
-var USER_LEVEL_PROCREATOR = 0x00000003;
-var USER_LEVEL_PROADMIN = 0x00000007;
-var USER_LEVEL_ADMIN = 0x0000ffff;
-var __extend = function(child,parent){
- child.prototype.__super = parent;
-var vus = new function(){
- var that = this;
- that.node = function(name){
- var that = this;
- that.name = name;
- that.parent = null;
- that.ref_count = 1;
- that.child = new Object;
- that.delay_child = new Object;
- that.url_chg = function(direct,url_upart,url_dpart){
- return 'cont';
- };
- that.get = function(){
- that.ref_count++;
- };
- that.child_set = function(node){
- var delay_obj;
- node.parent = that;
- that.child[node.name] = node;
- if(node.name in that.delay_child){
- delay_obj = that.delay_child[node.name];
- delete that.delay_child[node.name];
- delay_obj.defer.resolve();
- }
- };
- that.child_delayset = function(name){
- that.delay_child[name] = {
- 'defer':$.Deferred()
- };
- };
- that.child_del = function(node){
- node.parent = null;
- delete that.child[node.name];
- };
- that.lookup = function(url,close_flag){
- var i;
- var url_part;
- var node_curr;
- var node_prev;
- url_part = url.match(/\/toj\/(.*)/)[1].split('/');
- url_part.pop();
- node_prev = null;
- node_curr = that;
- for(i = 0;i < url_part.length;i++){
- node_prev = node_curr;
- if((node_curr = node_curr.child[url_part[i]]) == undefined){
- if(close_flag == true){
- return node_prev;
- }else{
- return null;
- }
- }
- }
- return node_curr;
- }
- };
-var com = new function(){
- var that = this;
- var check_mbox_url = function(url){
- if(url.search(/toj\/m\/.*/) != -1){
- return true;
- }else{
- return false;
- }
- }
- that.url_curr = null;
- that.url_prev = null;
- that.url_back = null;
- that.url_pbox = null;
- that.init = function(){
- var i;
- var url;
- var urlpart;
- that.vus_root = new vus.node(null);
- that.vus_mbox = new vus.node('m');
- that.vus_mbox.url_chg = function(direct,url_upart,url_dpart){
- if(direct == 'in'){
- index.mask_show();
- }else if(direct == 'out'){
- index.mask_hide();
- }
- return 'cont';
- };
- that.vus_root.child_set(that.vus_mbox);
- urlpart = location.href.split('?');
- if(urlpart[0].search(/\/$/) == -1){
- url = urlpart[0] + '/';
- if(urlpart.length > 1){
- url = url + '?';
- for(i = 1;i < urlpart.length;i++){
- url = url + urlpart[i];
- }
- }
- window.history.replaceState(null,document.title,url);
- }
- $(document).on('click','a',function(e){
- that.url_push($(this).attr('href'));
- return false;
- });
- };
- that.url_push = function(url){
- if(url == location.href){
- return;
- }
- that.url_prev = location.href;
- that.url_back = that.url_prev;
- window.history.pushState(null,document.title,url);
- that.url_chg();
- };
- that.url_push_back = function(block_regexp){
- if(that.url_back == null || that.url_back.search(block_regexp) != -1){
- that.url_push('/toj/home/');
- }else{
- that.url_push(that.url_back);
- }
- };
- that.url_update = function(url){
- if(url == location.href){
- return;
- }
- that.url_prev = location.href;
- window.history.replaceState(null,document.title,url);
- that.url_chg();
- };
- that.url_pull_pbox = function(){
- that.url_update(that.url_pbox);
- //window.history.back();
- };
- that.url_chg = function(){
- var i;
- var ret;
- var stop_flag;
- var url_old;
- var url_new;
- var url_cpart;
- var url_ppart;
- var is_mbox_old;
- var is_mbox_new;
- var url_upart;
- var url_dpart;
- var node_curr;
- var node_parent;
- var node_bottom;
- var _chg_out = function(url_ppart,url_cpart){
- var i;
- var len;
- var url_upart;
- var url_dpart;
- var node_curr;
- var node_parent;
- var node_bottom;
- len = Math.min(url_ppart.length,url_cpart.length);
- node_bottom = that.vus_root;
- node_curr = node_bottom;
- for(i = 0;i < len;i++){
- if(url_ppart[i] != url_cpart[i]){
- break;
- }
- if((node_curr = node_curr.child[url_ppart[i]]) == undefined){
- break;
- }
- node_bottom = node_curr;
- }
- if(node_curr != undefined){
- for(;i < url_ppart.length;i++){
- if(node_curr.child[url_ppart[i]] == undefined){
- break;
- }
- node_curr = node_curr.child[url_ppart[i]];
- }
- url_upart = url_ppart.slice(0);
- url_dpart = new Array;
- while(node_curr != node_bottom){
- node_parent = node_curr.parent;
- node_curr.url_chg('out',url_upart,url_dpart);
- url_dpart = url_dpart.splice(0,0,url_upart.pop());
- node_curr = node_parent;
- }
- }
- return node_bottom;
- };
- var _chg_in = function(url_cpart,idx,node_curr,url_upart,url_dpart){
- var node_parent;
- var delay_obj;
- for(;idx < url_cpart.length;idx++){
- node_parent = node_curr;
- if((node_curr = node_parent.child[url_cpart[idx]]) == undefined){
- if((delay_obj = node_parent.delay_child[url_cpart[idx]]) == undefined){
- that.url_update('/toj/none/');
- }else{
- delay_obj.url_curr = url_new;
- delay_obj.defer.done(function(){
- if(url_new == delay_obj.url_curr){
- _chg_in(url_cpart,idx,node_parent,url_upart,url_dpart);
- }
- });
- }
- break;
- }
- url_upart.push(url_dpart.shift());
- ret = node_curr.url_chg('in',url_upart,url_dpart);
- if(ret == 'stop'){
- break;
- }
- }
- };
- that.url_curr = location.href;
- console.log(that.url_curr);
- if(arguments.callee.reentrant == true){
- arguments.callee.hasnext = true;
- return;
- }else{
- arguments.callee.reentrant = true;
- arguments.callee.hasnext = true;
- }
- while(arguments.callee.hasnext){
- arguments.callee.hasnext = false;
- url_old = that.url_prev;
- url_new = that.url_curr;
- url_cpart = url_new.match(/toj\/(.*)/)[1].split('/');
- url_cpart.pop();
- if(url_cpart.length == 0){
- that.url_update('/toj/home/');
- continue;
- }
- if(url_old == null){
- is_mbox_old = false;
- }else{
- is_mbox_old = check_mbox_url(url_old);
- }
- is_mbox_new = check_mbox_url(url_new);
- if(url_old == null || (is_mbox_old == false && is_mbox_new == true)){
- node_bottom = that.vus_root;
- }else if(that.url_pbox != null && is_mbox_old == true && is_mbox_new == false){
- url_ppart = that.url_pbox.match(/toj\/(.*)/)[1].split('/');
- url_ppart.pop();
- node_bottom = _chg_out(url_ppart,url_cpart);
- }else{
- url_ppart = url_old.match(/toj\/(.*)/)[1].split('/');
- url_ppart.pop();
- node_bottom = _chg_out(url_ppart,url_cpart);
- }
- if(url_old != null && is_mbox_old == false && is_mbox_new == false){
- index.page_scroll_reset();
- }
- if(url_new != that.url_pbox){
- i = 0;
- node_curr = that.vus_root;
- url_upart = new Array;
- url_dpart = url_cpart.slice(0);
- stop_flag = false;
- while(node_curr != node_bottom){
- if((node_curr = node_curr.child[url_cpart[i]]) == undefined){
- break;
- }
- url_upart.push(url_dpart.shift());
- ret = node_curr.url_chg('same',url_upart,url_dpart);
- if(ret == 'stop'){
- stop_flag = true;
- break;
- }
- i++;
- }
- if(stop_flag == false){
- _chg_in(url_cpart,i,node_curr,url_upart,url_dpart);
- }
- }
- if(that.url_pbox != null && is_mbox_old == true && is_mbox_new == false){
- url_ppart = url_old.match(/toj\/(.*)/)[1].split('/');
- url_ppart.pop();
- _chg_out(url_ppart,url_cpart);
- }
- if(is_mbox_new == false){
- if(that.url_pbox == null){
- $('#index_mask').removeClass('index_mask_nopbox');
- $('#index_mask').addClass('index_mask');
- }
- that.url_pbox = url_new;
- }
- }
- arguments.callee.reentrant = false;
- };
- that.exheight = function(){
- var _ex = function(es,css){
- var i;
- var extop;
- var exbottom;
- var j_e;
- var j_parent;
- for(i = 0;i < es.length;i++){
- j_e = $(es[i]);
- if((extop = j_e.attr('extop')) == undefined){
- extop = j_e.css('top').match(/(.+)px/)[1];
- }
- if((exbottom = j_e.attr('exbottom')) == undefined){
- exbottom = 0;
- }
- extop = parseInt(extop);
- exbottom = parseInt(exbottom);
- j_e.css(css,($(window).height() - (extop + exbottom) + 'px'));
- }
- };
- _ex($('[exheight=true]'),'height');
- _ex($('[exminheight=true]'),'min-height');
- };
- that.get_cookie = function(){
- var ret;
- var i;
- var part;
- var subpart;
- ret = new Array();
- part = document.cookie.split(';');
- for(i = 0;i < part.length;i++){
- part[i] = part[i].replace(/\+/g,' ');
- subpart = part[i].split('=');
- ret[decodeURIComponent(subpart[0])] = decodeURIComponent(subpart[1]);
- }
- return ret;
- };
- that.get_date = function(str){
- var part;
- part = str.match(/(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+) (\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/);
- return new Date(part[1],parseInt(part[2]) - 1,part[3],part[4],part[5],part[6],0);
- };
- that.get_datestring = function(date,secflag){
- var month;
- var day;
- var hr;
- var min;
- var sec;
- month = date.getMonth() + 1;
- if(month < 10){
- month = '0' + month;
- }
- day = date.getDate();
- if(day < 10){
- day = '0' + day;
- }
- hr = date.getHours();
- if(hr < 10){
- hr = '0' + hr;
- }
- min = date.getMinutes();
- if(min < 10){
- min = '0' + min;
- }
- if(secflag == true){
- sec = date.getSeconds();
- if(sec < 10){
- sec = '0' + sec;
- }
- return date.getFullYear() + '-' + month + '-' + day + ' ' + hr + ':' + min + ':' + sec;
- }else{
- return date.getFullYear() + '-' + month + '-' + day + ' ' + hr + ':' + min;
- }
- };
- that.get_durstring = function(duration,secflag){
- var sec;
- var min;
- var hr;
- var day;
- duration = Math.floor(duration / 1000);
- sec = duration % 60;
- duration = Math.floor(duration / 60);
- if(sec < 10){
- sec = '0' + sec;
- }
- min = duration % 60;
- duration = Math.floor(duration / 60);
- if(min < 10){
- min = '0' + min;
- }
- hr = duration % 24;
- duration = Math.floor(duration / 24);
- if(hr < 10){
- hr = '0' + hr;
- }
- day = duration;
- if(day == 0){
- day = '';
- }else{
- day = day + ':';
- }
- if(secflag == true){
- return day + hr + ':' + min + ':' + sec;
- }else{
- return day + hr + ':' + min;
- }
- };
- that.get_lang = function(value){
- var i;
- var ret;
- var langlist = ['C++','JAVA','Pascal'];
- ret = new Array;
- i = 0;
- while(value > 0){
- if((value & 1) == 1){
- ret.push(langlist[i]);
- }
- value = value >> 1;
- }
- return ret;
- };
-var class_com_pbox = function(){
- var that = this;
- that.fadein = function(j_e){
- j_e.stop().fadeIn('fast');
- };
- that.fadeout = function(j_e){
- j_e.stop().hide();
- };
-var class_com_mbox = function(){
- var that = this;
- that.fadein = function(j_e){
- j_e.stop().show();
- };
- that.fadeout = function(j_e){
- j_e.stop().hide();
- };
diff --git a/toj/jcs/home.css b/toj/jcs/home.css
deleted file mode 100755
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/toj/jcs/home.css
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/toj/jcs/home.js b/toj/jcs/home.js
deleted file mode 100755
index d84d7ec..0000000
--- a/toj/jcs/home.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,473 +0,0 @@
-var home = new function(){
- var that = this;
- that.init = function(){
- home.home_pbox = new class_home_pbox;
- home.none_pbox = new class_none_pbox;
- }
-var class_home_pbox = function(){
- var that = this;
- var j_pbox = $('#index_page > div.home_pbox');
- that.node = new vus.node('home');
- that.__super();
- that.node.url_chg = function(direct,url_upart,url_dpart){
- if(direct == 'in'){
- that.fadein(j_pbox);
- index.title_set('Taiwan Online Judge (for sprout)');
- tmp();
- }else if(direct == 'out'){
- that.fadeout(j_pbox);
- tmp_stop = true;
- }
- return 'cont';
- }
- com.vus_root.child_set(that.node);
- var tmp_stop = true;
- var tmp_first = true;
- var load;
- var prog = 0;
- var bd = Math.PI / 180;
- var co_table = [
- '255,255,0',
- '255,0,255',
- '255,255,0',
- '255,255,255',
- '17,50,133',
- '203,27,69',
- '233,139,42',
- '186,145,50',
- '123,162,63',
- '27,129,62',
- '0,170,144',
- '0,137,167',
- '0,92,175',
- '203,64,66',
- '233,205,76',
- '232,48,21',
- '255,196,8'
- ];
- var st;
- var et;
- var pa_off = 0;
- var pa_c = 6;
- var pa_co = 0;
- var pb_off = 0;
- var pb_c = 6;
- var pb_co = 0;
- function tmp(){
- var e_ani;
- var e_canvas;
- var ctx;
- var e_audio;
- function drawTextAlongArc(context,str,centerX,centerY,radius,angle,offangle) {
- var len = str.length, s;
- context.save();
- context.translate(centerX,centerY);
- context.rotate(-1 * offangle);
- context.rotate(-1 * angle / 2);
- context.rotate(-1 * (angle / len) / 2);
- for(var n = 0; n < len; n++) {
- context.rotate(angle / len);
- context.save();
- context.translate(0, -1 * radius);
- s = str[n];
- context.fillText(s,0,0);
- context.restore();
- }
- context.restore();
- }
- function drawRect(ctx,x,y,w,h){
- ctx.beginPath();
- ctx.rect(x,y,w,h);
- ctx.fill();
- }
- function drawCircle(ctx,x,y,r,a,off){
- ctx.beginPath();
- ctx.arc(x,y,r,off,a + off,false);
- ctx.stroke();
- }
- function drawLine(ctx,ax,ay,bx,by){
- ctx.beginPath();
- ctx.moveTo(ax,ay);
- ctx.lineTo(bx,by);
- ctx.stroke();
- }
- function drawPoly(ctx,x,y,r,c,offangle){
- var i;
- ctx.save();
- ctx.beginPath();
- ctx.translate(x,y);
- ctx.rotate(-1 * offangle);
- ctx.moveTo(0,-r);
- for(i = 1;i <= c;i++){
- ctx.rotate(bd * 360 / c);
- ctx.lineTo(0,-r);
- }
- ctx.stroke();
- ctx.restore();
- }
- var ani = function(){
- var i;
- var u,v;
- if(tmp_stop == true){
- return;
- }
- et = new Date().getTime();
- if((et - st) < 20){
- window.requestAnimationFrame(ani);
- return;
- }
- ctx.clearRect(0,0,1920,1080);
- ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(128,128,128,1)';
- ctx.shadowBlur = 0;
- ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(30,30,30,1)';
- ctx.lineWidth = 2;
- u = 3000 - (prog % 240) / 240 * 3000;
- for(i = 0;i < 12;i++){
- v = (u + i * 250) % 3000;
- drawLine(ctx,v - 540,-5,v - 1040,1085);
- }
- ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(30,30,30,1)';
- ctx.lineWidth = 2;
- u = 2500 - (prog % 240) / 240 * 2500;
- for(i = 0;i < 10;i++){
- v = (u + i * 250) % 2500;
- drawLine(ctx,-5,v - 1250,1925,v - 540);
- }
- ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(128,128,128,1)';
- ctx.lineWidth = 12;
- drawCircle(ctx,700,500,550,bd * 30,-bd * (prog % 360));
- drawCircle(ctx,700,500,550,bd * 30,-bd * (prog % 360 + 120));
- drawCircle(ctx,700,500,550,bd * 30,-bd * (prog % 360 + 240));
- ctx.lineWidth = 8;
- drawCircle(ctx,700,500,450,bd * 360,0);
- ctx.lineWidth = 16;
- drawCircle(ctx,700,500,440,bd * 60,-bd * ((prog * 2) % 360));
- drawCircle(ctx,700,500,440,bd * 60,-bd * ((prog * 2) % 360 + 120));
- drawCircle(ctx,700,500,440,bd * 60,-bd * ((prog * 2) % 360 + 240));
- ctx.lineWidth = 10;
- drawCircle(ctx,700,500,390,bd * 60,bd * ((prog * 7) % 360 + 160));
- ctx.lineWidth = 8;
- drawCircle(ctx,700,500,370,bd * 30,-bd * ((prog * 8) % 360 + 290));
- ctx.lineWidth = 8;
- drawCircle(ctx,700,500,350,bd * 60,bd * ((prog * 3) % 360));
- ctx.lineWidth = 38;
- drawCircle(ctx,700,500,335,bd * 20,bd * ((prog * 3) % 360 + 59));
- ctx.lineWidth = 8;
- drawCircle(ctx,700,500,320,bd * 80,bd * ((prog * 3) % 360 + 60));
- ctx.lineWidth = 8;
- drawCircle(ctx,700,500,350,bd * 50,bd * ((prog * 3) % 360 + 200));
- ctx.lineWidth = 28;
- drawCircle(ctx,700,500,340,bd * 40,bd * ((prog * 3) % 360 + 249));
- ctx.lineWidth = 8;
- drawCircle(ctx,700,500,330,bd * 60,bd * ((prog * 3) % 360 + 260));
- if(prog % 6 < 4 || prog < 456 || prog > 912){
- ctx.lineWidth = 4;
- drawCircle(ctx,700,500,300,bd * 360,0);
- ctx.lineWidth = 16;
- drawCircle(ctx,700,500,295,bd * 80,-bd * ((prog * 4) % 360 + 90));
- }
- ctx.lineWidth = 8;
- drawCircle(ctx,700,500,260,bd * 90,bd * ((prog * 6) % 360 + 120));
- drawCircle(ctx,700,500,210,bd * 160,bd * ((prog * 3) % 360 + 270));
- drawCircle(ctx,700,500,230,bd * 120,-bd * ((prog * 5) % 360 + 120));
- ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(128,128,128,' + (1 - (prog % 24)/24) + ')';
- ctx.lineWidth = 8;
- drawCircle(ctx,700,500,80 + (prog % 24) * 4,bd * 360,0);
- ctx.lineWidth = 4;
- drawCircle(ctx,700,500,70 + (prog % 24) * 4,bd * 360,0);
- ctx.font = 'bold 16px tahoma';
- drawTextAlongArc(ctx,"Hello TOJ [sprout]",700,500,460,bd * 60,bd * (prog % 360 + 115) * 2);
- drawTextAlongArc(ctx,"Are You Happy?",700,500,460,bd * 50,bd * (prog % 360 + 30) * 2);
- if(prog < 456 || prog > 912){
- ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,1)';
- ctx.lineWidth = 6;
- drawCircle(ctx,700,500,60,bd * 60,bd * ((prog * 4) % 360));
- drawCircle(ctx,700,500,60,bd * 60,bd * ((prog * 4) % 360 + 180));
- }else{
- u = prog % 48;
- if(u == 0){
- pa_off = bd * (prog % 373);
- pa_c = prog % 5 + 3;
- pa_co = Math.round(Math.random() * co_table.length);
- }
- ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(' + co_table[pa_co] + ',' + (1 - u / 48) + ')';
- drawPoly(ctx,700,500,u * 20,pa_c,pa_off);
- u = (prog + 24) % 48;
- if(u == 0){
- pb_off = bd * (prog % 173);
- pb_c = prog % 5 + 3;
- pb_co = Math.round(Math.random() * co_table.length);
- }
- ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(' + co_table[pb_co] + ',' + (1 - u / 48) + ')';
- drawPoly(ctx,700,500,u * 20,pb_c,pb_off);
- ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,1)';
- ctx.lineWidth = 6;
- drawCircle(ctx,700,500,40,bd * 60,-bd * ((prog * 15) % 360));
- drawCircle(ctx,700,500,40,bd * 60,-bd * ((prog * 15) % 360 + 180));
- }
- v = prog % 96;
- if((v >= 24 && v < 26)|| (v >= 28 && v < 30)){
- ctx.shadowBlur = 8;
- }else{
- ctx.shadowBlur = 0;
- }
- ctx.font = 'bold 64px tahoma';
- u = 0;
- ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,0,1)';
- ctx.shadowColor = 'rgba(255,255,0,1)';
- ctx.fillText('T',1000 + u,600);
- ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,1)';
- ctx.shadowColor = 'rgba(255,255,255,1)';
- u += ctx.measureText('T').width;
- ctx.fillText('aiwan',1000 + u,600);
- u += ctx.measureText('aiwan').width;
- if((v >= 32 && v < 34)|| (v >= 36 && v < 38)){
- ctx.shadowBlur = 8;
- }else{
- ctx.shadowBlur = 0;
- }
- ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,0,255,1)';
- ctx.shadowColor = 'rgba(255,0,255,1)';
- ctx.fillText(' O',1000 + u,600);
- ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,1)';
- ctx.shadowColor = 'rgba(255,255,255,1)';
- u += ctx.measureText(' O').width;
- ctx.fillText('nline',1000 + u,600);
- u += ctx.measureText('nline').width;
- if((v >= 40 && v < 42)|| (v >= 44 && v < 46)){
- ctx.shadowBlur = 8;
- }else{
- ctx.shadowBlur = 0;
- }
- ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,255,255,1)';
- ctx.shadowColor = 'rgba(0,255,255,1)';
- ctx.fillText(' J',1000 + u,600);
- ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,1)';
- ctx.shadowColor = 'rgba(255,255,255,1)';
- u += ctx.measureText(' J').width;
- ctx.fillText('udge',1000 + u,600);
- ctx.shadowBlur = 0;
- ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,196,8,0.9)';
- drawRect(ctx,0,930,1920,70);
- ctx.font = 'bold 50px 微軟正黑體';
- ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,1)';
- ctx.fillText('Taiwan Online Judge (for sprout) システムテスト',1920 - (prog % 720) / 720 * 3000,980);
- ctx.fillText('Taiwan Online Judge (for sprout) システムテスト',1920 - ((prog + 360) % 720) / 720 * 3000,980);
- ctx.font = 'bold 36px 微軟正黑體';
- u = ctx.measureText('Parallel Judge 使用可能').width + 64;
- ctx.fillText('Parallel Judge 使用可能',1920 - u,64);
- if(prog % 24 < 12){
- ctx.font = 'bold 36px 微軟正黑體';
- u = ctx.measureText('INSERT COIN[S]').width + 64;
- ctx.fillText('INSERT COIN[S]',1920 - u,1045);
- }
- if(prog <= 45){
- ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(8,8,8,1)';
- drawRect(ctx,0,0,1920,1080);
- }else if(prog < 50){
- ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(8,8,8,' + (1 - (prog / 50)) + ')';
- drawRect(ctx,0,0,1920,1080);
- }
- if(prog > 25){
- if(prog <= 45){
- ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,0,1)';
- drawRect(ctx,1000 * ((prog - 25) / 20) * 4 - 3000,500,200,128);
- ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,0,255,1)';
- drawRect(ctx,1200 * ((prog - 25) / 20) * 4 - 3600,500,200,128);
- ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,255,255,1)';
- drawRect(ctx,1400 * ((prog - 25) / 20) * 4 - 4200,500,200,128);
- }else if(prog < 50){
- ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,0,' + (1 - (prog / 50)) + ')';
- drawRect(ctx,1000,500,200,128);
- ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,0,255,' + (1 - (prog / 50)) + ')';
- drawRect(ctx,1200,500,200,128);
- ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,255,255,' + (1 - (prog / 50)) + ')';
- drawRect(ctx,1400,500,200,128);
- }
- }
- st = et;
- prog++;
- if(prog == 1080){
- prog = 360;
- }
- window.requestAnimationFrame(ani);
- };
- var loadani = function(){
- var u;
- var v;
- ctx.clearRect(0,0,1920,1080);
- if(tmp_stop == true){
- return;
- }
- if(prog < 50){
- u = 0;
- }else if(prog < 100){
- u = (prog - 50) / 50;
- }else if(prog < 250){
- u = 1;
- }else if(prog < 300){
- u = (300 - prog) / 50;
- }else{
- u = 0;
- }
- ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(8,8,8,1)';
- drawRect(ctx,0,0,320,1080);
- //v = ctx.measureText('TF ∪ CK').width;
- //ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(128,0,0,' + u + ')';
- //ctx.fillRect(960 - v / 2 - 10,380,v + 20,200);
- //var canvas = document.createElement('sproutcanvas');
- //var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
- //var img = document.getElementById('myimg');
- //context.drawImage(img, 0, 0 );
- //var myData = context.getImageData(0, 0, img.width, img.height);
- //ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,' + u + ')';
- //ctx.font = 'bold 36px tahoma';//v
- //ctx.fillText('TF ∪ CK',1560 - v / 2,850);
- var imageObjSprout = new Image();
- imageObjSprout.src = '/toj/jcs/sprout2.png';
- ctx.drawImage(imageObjSprout, 690,260,500,500);
- //var imgdSprout = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 300, 300);
- //var Sproutpix_alpha = imgdSprout.data;
- //for(var spj = 3, spn = Sproutpix_alpha.length; spj < spn; spj += 4) {
- // Sproutpix_alpha[spj] = Sproutpix_alpha[spj] * 0.2;
- //}
- //ctx.drawImage(Sproutpix_alpha, 2, 2);
- //ctx.putImageData(imgdSprout, 0, 0, 300, 300);
- var spu = 1.0-u;
- //alert(pu);
- var spuint=parseInt(8);
- //if(spuint<1)spuint=1;
- ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(' + spuint + ',' + spuint + ',' + spuint + ',' + spu + ')';
- ctx.fillRect(690-1+23,260-1+23,500+2-46+2,500+2-46+3);
- //ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,' + u + ')';
- //ctx.font = 'bold 32px tahoma';//v
- //ctx.fillText('TF∪CK ',1560 - v / 2,850);
- prog++;
- if(prog == 400){
- prog = 0;
- st = 0;
- document.getElementById('tmp_audio').volume = 0.5;
- document.getElementById('tmp_audio').play();
- ani();
- }else{
- setTimeout(loadani,10);
- }
- }
- e_ani = document.getElementById('tmpani');
- e_canvas = document.getElementById('tmpcanv');
- if(e_ani.clientWidth * 9 > e_ani.clientHeight * 16){
- e_canvas.width = e_ani.clientHeight / 9 * 16;
- e_canvas.height = e_ani.clientHeight;
- }else{
- e_canvas.width = e_ani.clientWidth;
- e_canvas.height = e_ani.clientWidth / 16 * 9;
- }
- var waitaudio = function(){
- if(document.getElementById('tmpload_audio').readyState != 4 || document.getElementById('tmp_audio').readyState != 4){
- setTimeout(waitaudio,100);
- }else{
- e_audio = document.getElementById('tmpload_audio');
- e_audio.volume = 0.5;
- e_audio.play();
- loadani();
- }
- }
- ctx = e_canvas.getContext('2d');
- ctx.scale(e_canvas.width / 1920,e_canvas.height / 1080);
- tmp_stop = false;
- if(tmp_first == true){
- load = true;
- waitaudio();
- }else{
- load = false;
- ani();
- }
- tmp_first = false;
- }
-}; __extend(class_home_pbox,class_com_pbox);
-var class_none_pbox = function(){
- var that = this;
- var j_pbox = $('#index_page > div.none_pbox');
- that.node = new vus.node('none');
- that.__super();
- that.node.url_chg = function(direct,url_upart,url_dpart){
- if(direct == 'in'){
- that.fadein(j_pbox);
- index.title_set('Taiwan Online Judge');
- }else if(direct == 'out'){
- that.fadeout(j_pbox);
- }
- return 'cont';
- }
- com.vus_root.child_set(that.node);
-}; __extend(class_none_pbox,class_com_pbox);
diff --git a/toj/jcs/index.css b/toj/jcs/index.css
deleted file mode 100755
index 62de39e..0000000
--- a/toj/jcs/index.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
- width:100%;
- height:32px;
- font-size:16px;
- line-height:32px;
- background-color:#1C1C1C;
- color:#E9E9E9;
- position:fixed;
- top:0px;
- left:0px;
- z-index:100;
- width:1224px;
- height:100%;
- margin:0px auto 0px auto;
-div.index_head > div.title{
- width:240px;
- height:100%;
- float:left;
-div.index_head > div.tab_box{
- height:100%;
- margin:0px 0px 0px 6px;
- float:left;
-div.index_head > div.tab_box > div.button{
- height:100%;
- width:117px;
- margin:0px 6px 0px 0px;
- float:left;
-div.index_head > div.tab_box > div.button_s{
- background-color:#3A8FB7;
-div.index_head > div.tab_box > div.button > a.button{
- height:100%;
- padding:0px 16px 0px 16px;
- color:#E9E9E9;
- text-decoration:none;
- display:block;
-div.index_head > div.tab_box > div.button > a:hover.button{
- color:#FFFFFF;
-div.index_head > div.content_box{
- width:auto;
- height:100%;
- float:left;
-div.index_head_box > div.panel{
- width:96px;
- height:100%;
- text-align:center;
- cursor:pointer;
- position:absolute;
- top:0px;
- right:0px;
-div.index_head_box > div.panel_m{
- color:#FFFFFF;
-div.index_head_box > div.notice{
- width:96px;
- height:100%;
- text-align:center;
- font-family:Droid Sans Mono;
- font-weight:400;
- cursor:pointer;
- position:absolute;
- top:0px;
- right:96px;
-div.index_head_box > div:hover.notice{
- color:#FFFFFF;
-div.index_head_box > div.notice_s{
- color:#FFFFFF;
-div.index_head_box > div.notice_h{
- background-color:#E83015;
- color:#FFFFFF;
-div.index_head_box > div.nickname{
- height:100%;
- padding:0px 16px 0px 16px;
- position:absolute;
- top:0px;
- right:192px;
-div.index_head_box > div.nickname > a.nickname{
- height:100%;
- color:#E9E9E9;
- text-align:center;
- text-decoration:none;
-div.index_head_box > div.nickname > a:hover.nickname{
- color:#FFFFFF;
- width:0px;
- background-color:#1C1C1C;
- opacity:0;
- position:absolute;
- left:auto;
- right:0px;
- top:32px;
- overflow-x:hidden;
- z-index:100;
- width:240px;
- margin:0px 0px;
- padding:0px 0px 64px 0px;
- position:relative;
- left:auto;
- right:0px;
- top:0px;
- overflow-x:hidden;
- list-style:none;
-ul.index_panel > li.button{
- width:auto;
- height:64px;
- padding:0px 0px 0px 38px;
- font-size:20px;
- line-height:64px;
-ul.index_panel > li:hover.button{
- color:#FFFFFF;
- background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.2);
-ul.index_panel > ul.square_box{
- width:100%;
- margin:0px 0px;
- padding:0px 0px;
- list-style:none;
- overflow:hidden;
- display:none;
-ul.index_panel > ul.square_box ul{
- width:100%;
- margin:0px 0px;
- padding:0px 0px;
- list-style:none;
- overflow:hidden;
-ul.index_panel > ul.square_box li.title{
- width:auto;
- height:32px;
- margin:6px 0px 0px 0px;
- padding:0px 0px 0px 32px;
- line-height:32px;
- border-bottom:#BDC0BA 1px solid;
-ul.index_panel > ul.square_box li.button{
- width:auto;
- height:32px;
- padding:0px 0px 0px 32px;
- font-size:16px;
- line-height:32px;
-ul.index_panel > ul.square_box li:hover.button{
- color:#FFFFFF;
- background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.2);
-ul.index_panel span.title{
- width:100%;
- height:100%;
- color:#BDC0BA;
- font-size:16px;
- font-weight:bold;
- position:relative;
- top:0px;
- left:50%;
- display:block;
-ul.index_panel a.button{
- width:100%;
- height:100%;
- color:#E9E9E9;
- text-decoration:none;
- position:relative;
- top:0px;
- left:50%;
- cursor:pointer;
- display:block;
-ul.index_panel a.button_m{
- color:#FFFFFF;
- width:100%;
- position:absolute;
- left:0px;
- top:32px;
- z-index:0;
- width:100%;
- min-height:100%;
- background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.9);
- position:absolute;
- top:0px;
- left:0px;
- z-index:1000;
- display:none;
- width:100%;
- position:absolute;
- top:32px;
- left:0px;
- z-index:0;
- display:none;
-div.index_mask > button.close{
- height:32px;
- line-height:32px;
- position:absolute;
- top:0px;
- right:96px;
-div.index_mask_nopbox > button.close{
- height:32px;
- line-height:32px;
- position:absolute;
- top:0px;
- right:96px;
- display:none;
diff --git a/toj/jcs/index.js b/toj/jcs/index.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 262b5fa..0000000
--- a/toj/jcs/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-var index = new function(){
- var that = this;
- var page_scroll_ref = 0;
- var page_scroll_top = 0;
- that.init = function(){
- $(window).on('mouseover',function(e){
- var j_panel;
- if(e.target == null || e.target.id == 'index_panel_box' || $(e.target).parents('#index_panel_box').length > 0){
- return;
- }
- j_panel = $('#index_head_panel');
- if(e.target.id == 'index_head_panel'){
- if($('#index_head_notice').hasClass('notice_s')){
- notice.hide();
- }
- if(!j_panel.hasClass('panel_m')){
- that.page_scroll_lock();
- j_panel.addClass('panel_m');
- $('#index_panel_box').stop().css('opacity','1').animate({width:240},'slow','easeOutExpo');
- $('#index_panel span.title').stop().animate({left:0},'slow','easeOutQuart');
- $('#index_panel a.button').stop().animate({left:0},'slow','easeOutQuart');
- }
- }else{
- if(j_panel.hasClass('panel_m')){
- j_panel.removeClass('panel_m');
- $('#index_panel_box').stop().animate({opacity:0},'fast','easeOutQuad',
- function(){
- $('#index_panel_box').css('width','0px');
- $('#index_panel span.title').css('left','50%');
- $('#index_panel a.button').css('left','50%');
- that.page_scroll_unlock();
- }
- );
- }
- }
- });
- $('#index_head_panel').on('mousedown',function(e){
- return false;
- });
- $('#index_panel > li').on('mousedown',function(e){
- return false;
- });
- $('#index_panel > li.square > a.button').off('click').on('click',function(e){
- var j_ul;
- j_ul = $('#index_panel > ul.square_box');
- if(j_ul.is(':visible')){
- j_ul.stop().slideUp('slow','easeOutExpo');
- }else{
- j_ul.stop().slideDown('slow','easeOutExpo');
- }
- return false;
- });
- $('#index_mask').on('click',function(e){
- if((e.target == this || e.target.parentNode == this) && $(this).hasClass('index_mask')){
- com.url_pull_pbox();
- }
- });
- $('#index_mask > button.close').on('click',function(e){
- com.url_pull_pbox();
- });
- };
- that.panel_show = function(name){
- $('#index_panel > .' + name).show();
- };
- that.panel_hide = function(name){
- $('#index_panel > .' + name).hide();
- };
- that.panel_set = function(name,panellink,paneltext){
- var j_a;
- j_a = $('#index_panel > .' + name + ' > a.button');
- j_a.attr('href',panellink);
- j_a.text(paneltext);
- };
- that.title_set = function(titletext){
- $('#index_head > div.title').text(titletext);
- };
- that.tab_add = function(tabname,tablink,tabtext){
- var j_div;
- var j_a;
- j_div = $('<div class="button"></div>');
- j_div.attr('tab',tabname);
- j_a = $('<a class="button"></a>');
- j_a.attr('href',tablink);
- j_a.text(tabtext);
- j_div.append(j_a);
- $('#index_head > div.tab_box').append(j_div);
- return j_div;
- };
- that.tab_set = function(tabname,tablink,tabtext){
- var j_a;
- j_a = $('#index_head > div.tab_box [tab="' + tabname + '"] > a.button');
- j_a.attr('href',tablink);
- j_a.text(tabtext);
- };
- that.tab_empty = function(){
- $('#index_head > div.tab_box').empty();
- };
- that.tab_hl = function(tabname){
- $('#index_head > div.tab_box > [tab="' + tabname + '"]').addClass('button_s');
- };
- that.tab_ll = function(tabname){
- $('#index_head > div.tab_box > [tab="' + tabname + '"]').removeClass('button_s');
- };
- that.content_set = function(j_content){
- $('#index_head > div.content_box').append(j_content);
- };
- that.content_empty = function(){
- $('#index_head > div.content_box').empty();
- };
- that.page_scroll_lock = function(){
- var j_index;
- console.log('lock');
- if(page_scroll_ref == 0){
- j_index = $('#index_page');
- page_scroll_top = $(window).scrollTop();
- off = -page_scroll_top + 32;
- j_index.css('position','fixed');
- j_index.css('top',off + 'px');
- }
- page_scroll_ref++;
- };
- that.page_scroll_unlock = function(){
- var j_index;
- console.log('unlock');
- page_scroll_ref--;
- if(page_scroll_ref == 0){
- j_index = $('#index_page');
- j_index.css('position','absolute');
- j_index.css('top','32px');
- $(window).scrollTop(page_scroll_top);
- }
- };
- that.page_scroll_reset = function(){
- var j_index;
- console.log('reset');
- if(page_scroll_ref > 0){
- j_index = $('#index_page');
- if(j_index.css('position') == 'fixed'){
- page_scroll_top = 0;
- j_index.css('top','32px');
- }
- }
- };
- that.mask_show = function(){
- var j_mask;
- var off;
- j_mask = $('#index_mask');
- j_mask.stop().fadeIn('fast');
- if(j_mask.hasClass('index_mask')){
- that.page_scroll_lock();
- }
- };
- that.mask_hide = function(){
- var j_mask;
- var j_index;
- j_mask = $('#index_mask');
- j_mask.stop().hide();
- if(j_mask.hasClass('index_mask')){
- that.page_scroll_unlock();
- }
- };
diff --git a/toj/jcs/notice.css b/toj/jcs/notice.css
deleted file mode 100755
index 2d9e8b8..0000000
--- a/toj/jcs/notice.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- width:0px;
- background-color:#1C1C1C;
- opacity:0;
- position:absolute;
- left:auto;
- right:0px;
- top:32px;
- overflow-x:hidden;
- z-index:50;
- width:322px;
- margin:0px 0px;
- padding:0px 0px 64px 0px;
- position:relative;
- left:auto;
- right:0px;
- top:0px;
- overflow-x:hidden;
- list-style:none;
-ul.notice_list > li.item{
- width:auto;
- height:96px;
- padding:0px 0px 0px 38px;
-ul.notice_list > li:hover.item{
- color:#FFFFFF;
- background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.2);
-ul.notice_list > li.item div.head{
- padding:16px 0px 6px 0px;
- font-weight:bold;
- font-size:20px;
-ul.notice_list > li.item div.content{
- font-size:16px;
- word-break:break-all;
- overflow:hidden;
-ul.notice_list a.item{
- width:100%;
- height:100%;
- color:#91989F;
- text-decoration:none;
- position:relative;
- top:0px;
- left:50%;
- cursor:pointer;
- display:block;
-ul.notice_list a.item_h{
- color:#E9E9E9;
diff --git a/toj/jcs/notice.js b/toj/jcs/notice.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 0f027fd..0000000
--- a/toj/jcs/notice.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-var notice = new function(){
- var that = this;
- var j_ajax = null;
- var enid = null;
- var listnew = function(noticeo){
- j_item = $('<li class="item"><a class="item"><div class="head"></div><div class="content"></div></a></li>')
- j_a = j_item.find('a.item');
- j_a.on('click',function(e){
- that.hide();
- });
- j_head = j_item.find('div.head');
- j_content = j_item.find('div.content');
- switch(noticeo.type){
- case 'result':
- j_a.attr('href','/toj/m/sub/' + noticeo.subid + '/res/');
- if(noticeo.rejudge_flag == false){
- j_head.text('Submit ' + noticeo.subid);
- }else{
- j_head.text('Rejudge ' + noticeo.subid);
- }
- j_content.html('ProID ' + noticeo.proid + ' 結果: ' + RESULTMAP[noticeo.result] + ' 分數: ' + noticeo.score + '<br>' +
- noticeo.runtime+ 'ms / ' + noticeo.memory + 'KB');
- break;
- }
- return j_item;
- };
- var updatenew = function(){
- var j_list;
- if(j_ajax != null){
- j_ajax.abort();
- }
- j_list = $('#notice_list');
- j_ajax = $.post('/toj/php/notice.php',{'action':'get','data':JSON.stringify({'nid':0,'count':10})},
- function(res){
- var i;
- var reto;
- var noticeo;
- var j_item;
- var j_a;
- if(res[0] != 'E'){
- reto = JSON.parse(res);
- for(i = 0;i < reto.length;i++){
- noticeo = JSON.parse(reto[i].txt);
- j_item = listnew(noticeo);
- j_list.prepend(j_item);
- j_a = j_item.find('a.item');
- j_a.addClass('item_h');
- j_a.stop().animate({left:0},'slow','easeOutQuart');
- }
- if(enid == null){
- if(reto.length == 0){
- enid = 2147483647;
- }else{
- enid = reto[0].nid;
- }
- updateprev();
- }
- }
- j_ajax = null;
- }
- );
- };
- var updateprev = function(){
- var j_list;
- j_list = $('#notice_list');
- $.post('/toj/php/notice.php',{'action':'get','data':JSON.stringify({'nid':enid,'count':10})},
- function(res){
- var i;
- var reto;
- var noticeo;
- var j_item;
- if(res[0] != 'E'){
- reto = JSON.parse(res);
- for(i = reto.length - 1;i >= 0;i--){
- noticeo = JSON.parse(reto[i].txt);
- j_item = listnew(noticeo);
- j_list.append(j_item);
- j_item.find('a.item').stop().animate({left:0},'slow','easeOutQuart');
- }
- enid = 0;
- }
- }
- );
- };
- var refresh = function(){
- $.post('/toj/php/notice.php',{'action':'count','data':JSON.stringify({})},
- function(res){
- var count;
- var j_notice;
- if(res[0] != 'E'){
- count = JSON.parse(res);
- j_notice = $('#index_head_notice');
- if(count == 0){
- j_notice.removeClass('notice_h');
- j_notice.text('[' + count + ']');
- }else{
- if($('#notice_list_box').css('opacity') == 1){
- updatenew();
- }else{
- j_notice.addClass('notice_h');
- j_notice.text('[' + count + ']');
- }
- }
- setTimeout(refresh,2000);
- }
- }
- );
- };
- that.init = function(){
- $(window).on('click',function(e){
- var j_notice;
- if(e.target == null || ($(e.target).parents('a.item').length == 0 && $(e.target).parents('#notice_list_box').length > 0)){
- return;
- }
- j_notice = $('#index_head_notice');
- if(e.target.id == 'index_head_notice' && !j_notice.hasClass('notice_s')){
- that.show();
- }else if(j_notice.hasClass('notice_s')){
- that.hide();
- }
- });
- $('#index_head_notice').on('click',function(e){
- var j_list;
- j_list = $('#notice_list');
- if($('#notice_list_box').css('opacity') == 0){
- j_list.empty();
- enid = null;
- updatenew();
- }
- }).on('mousedown',function(e){
- return false;
- });
- refresh();
- };
- that.show = function(){
- index.page_scroll_lock();
- $('#index_head_notice').addClass('notice_s');
- $('#notice_list_box').stop().css('opacity','1').animate({width:322},'slow','easeOutExpo');
- $('#notice_list a.item').stop().animate({left:0},'slow','easeOutQuart');
- };
- that.hide = function(){
- $('#index_head_notice').removeClass('notice_s');
- $('#notice_list_box').stop().animate({opacity:0},'fast','easeOutQuad',
- function(){
- $('#notice_list_box').css('width','0px');
- $('#notice_list a.item').css('left','50%');
- index.page_scroll_unlock();
- }
- );
- };
diff --git a/toj/jcs/pro.css b/toj/jcs/pro.css
deleted file mode 100755
index 0629ee1..0000000
--- a/toj/jcs/pro.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-div.pro_mask > div.sub_mbox{
- width:62%;
-div.pro_mask > div.sub_mbox > div.head{
- width:100%;
- height:32px;
- padding:6px 0px 6px 0px;
-div.pro_mask > div.sub_mbox > div.head > div.title{
- font-size:20px;
- line-height:32px;
- float:left;
-div.pro_mask > div.sub_mbox > div.head > div.error{
- margin:0px 0px 0px 16px;
- color:#FFA0A0;
- font-size:16px;
- line-height:32px;
- float:left;
-div.pro_mask > div.sub_mbox > div.head > div.oper{
- float:right;
-div.pro_mask > div.sub_mbox > div.head > div.oper > select{
- height:32px;
- border-width:0px;
- font-size:16px;
diff --git a/toj/jcs/pro.js b/toj/jcs/pro.js
deleted file mode 100755
index b922be0..0000000
--- a/toj/jcs/pro.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-var pro = new function(){
- var that = this;
- var j_page = null;
- var pro_page = null;
- var pro_proid = null;
- var pro_pmodname = null;
- that.init = function(){
- j_page = $('#index_page > div.pro_page');
- that.sub_mbox = new class_pro_sub_mbox();
- that.node = new vus.node('pro');
- that.node.url_chg = function(direct,url_upart,url_dpart){
- var proid;
- var _clean = function(){
- if(pro_page != null){
- that.node.child_del(pro_page.node);
- }
- j_page.empty();
- j_page.removeClass(pro_pmodname);
- index.tab_empty();
- index.content_empty();
- pro_page = null;
- pro_proid = null;
- pro_pmodname = null;
- };
- if(direct == 'in' || direct == 'same'){
- index.title_set('TOJ-題目');
- proid = url_dpart[0];
- if(proid == ''){
- com.url_update('/toj/none/');
- return 'stop';
- }
- proid = parseInt(proid);
- if(proid == pro_proid){
- return 'cont';
- }
- _clean();
- that.node.child_delayset(proid.toString());
- $.post('/toj/php/problem.php',{'action':'get_pro','data':JSON.stringify({'proid':proid})},function(res){
- var css;
- var reto;
- if(res[0] != 'E'){
- pro_proid = proid;
- reto = JSON.parse(res);
- pro_pmodname = reto.pmodname;
- css = $('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/toj/pmod/' + pro_pmodname + '/' + pro_pmodname + '.css">');
- $('head').append(css);
- css.ready(function(){
- j_page.addClass(pro_pmodname);
- $.get('/toj/pmod/' + pro_pmodname + '/' + pro_pmodname + '.html',{},function(res){
- j_page.html(res);
- $.getScript('/toj/pmod/' + pro_pmodname + '/' + pro_pmodname + '.js',function(script,stat,res){
- pro_page = new class_pro_page(pro_proid,reto.proname);
- eval('new ' + pro_pmodname + '(pro_page,j_page)');
- that.node.child_set(pro_page.node);
- });
- });
- });
- }else{
- com.url_update('/toj/none/');
- }
- });
- }else if(direct == 'out'){
- _clean();
- }
- return 'cont';
- };
- com.vus_root.child_set(that.node);
- };
-var class_pro_page = function(proid,proname){
- var that = this;
- var j_page = $('#index_page > div.pro_page');
- that.proid = proid;
- that.proname = proname;
- that.node = new vus.node(proid.toString());
- that.__super();
- that.submit = function(proid){
- if(proid == undefined){
- proid = that.proid
- }
- pro.sub_mbox.init(proid);
- com.url_push('/toj/m/pro_sub/');
- };
-}; __extend(class_pro_page,class_com_pbox);
-var class_pro_sub_mbox = function(){
- var that = this;
- var j_mbox = $('#index_mask > div.pro_mask > div.sub_mbox');
- var j_error = j_mbox.find('div.head > div.error');
- var codebox = CodeMirror(j_mbox.find('div.codebox')[0],{
- mode:'text/x-c++src',
- theme:'lesser-dark',
- lineNumbers:true,
- matchBrackets:true,
- indentUnit:4
- });
- var proid = null;
- that.node = new vus.node('pro_sub');
- that.__super();
- that.init = function(id){
- proid = id;
- j_mbox.find('div.head > div.title').text('上傳ProID:' + proid);
- j_error.text('');
- $(j_mbox.find('[name="lang"] > option')[0]).attr('selected',true);
- codebox.setValue('');
- com.vus_mbox.child_set(that.node);
- };
- that.node.url_chg = function(direct,url_upart,url_dpart){
- if(direct == 'in'){
- that.fadein(j_mbox);
- codebox.refresh();
- }else if(direct == 'out'){
- that.fadeout(j_mbox);
- proid = null;
- com.vus_mbox.child_del(that.node);
- }
- return 'cont';
- };
- j_mbox.find('div.head > div.oper > button.submit').on('click',function(e){
- $.post('/toj/php/problem.php',{'action':'submit_code','data':JSON.stringify({'proid':proid,'lang':1,'code':codebox.getValue()})},function(res){
- if(res[0] == 'E'){
- if(res == 'Enot_login'){
- j_error.text('未登入');
- }else if(res == 'Ewrong_language'){
- j_error.text('語言錯誤');
- }else if(res == 'Ecode_too_long'){
- j_error.text('程式碼過長');
- }else{
- j_error.text('其他錯誤');
- }
- }else{
- com.url_pull_pbox();
- }
- });
- });
- codebox.getWrapperElement().style.width = '100%';
- codebox.getWrapperElement().style.height = '100%';
- codebox.getScrollerElement().style.width = '100%';
- codebox.getScrollerElement().style.height = '100%';
-}; __extend(class_pro_sub_mbox,class_com_mbox);
diff --git a/toj/jcs/sq.css b/toj/jcs/sq.css
deleted file mode 100755
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/toj/jcs/sq.css
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/toj/jcs/sq.js b/toj/jcs/sq.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 17c07c0..0000000
--- a/toj/jcs/sq.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-var sq = new function(){
- var that = this;
- var j_page = null;
- var sq_page = null;
- var sq_sqid = null;
- var sq_sqmodname = null;
- that.init = function(){
- j_page = $('#index_page > div.sq_page');
- that.node = new vus.node('sq');
- that.node.url_chg = function(direct,url_upart,url_dpart){
- var sqid;
- var _clean = function(){
- if(sq_page != null){
- that.node.child_del(sq_page.node);
- }
- j_page.empty();
- j_page.removeClass(sq_sqmodname);
- index.content_empty();
- index.tab_empty();
- sq_page = null;
- sq_sqid = null;
- sq_sqmodname = null;
- };
- if(direct == 'in' || direct == 'same'){
- sqid = url_dpart[0];
- if(sqid == ''){
- com.url_update('/toj/none/');
- return 'stop';
- }
- sqid = parseInt(sqid);
- if(sqid == sq_sqid){
- return 'cont';
- }
- _clean();
- that.node.child_delayset(sqid.toString());
- $.post('/toj/php/square.php',{'action':'get_sq','data':JSON.stringify({'sqid':sqid})},function(res){
- var css;
- var reto;
- if(res[0] != 'E'){
- sq_sqid = sqid;
- reto = JSON.parse(res);
- sq_sqmodname = reto.sqmodname;
- css = $('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/toj/sqmod/' + sq_sqmodname + '/' + sq_sqmodname + '.css">');
- $('head').append(css);
- css.ready(function(){
- j_page.addClass(sq_sqmodname);
- $.get('/toj/sqmod/' + sq_sqmodname + '/' + sq_sqmodname + '.html',{},function(res){
- j_page.html(res);
- $.getScript('/toj/sqmod/' + sq_sqmodname + '/' + sq_sqmodname + '.js',function(script,stat,res){
- sq_page = new class_sq_page(sq_sqid,reto.sqname);
- eval('new ' + sq_sqmodname + '(sq_page,j_page)');
- that.node.child_set(sq_page.node);
- });
- });
- });
- }else{
- com.url_update('/toj/none/');
- }
- });
- }else if(direct == 'out'){
- _clean();
- }
- return 'cont';
- };
- com.vus_root.child_set(that.node);
- };
-var class_sq_page = function(sqid,sqname){
- var that = this;
- that.sqid = sqid;
- that.sqname = sqname;
- that.node = new vus.node(sqid.toString());
diff --git a/toj/jcs/stat.css b/toj/jcs/stat.css
deleted file mode 100755
index 88a465c..0000000
--- a/toj/jcs/stat.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-div.stat_page > div.sub_pbox > div.subset{
- width:240px;
- margin:0px 0px 6px 0px;
- float:left;
-div.stat_page > div.sub_pbox > div.subset > table.filter{
- width:100%;
- border-collapse:collapse;
- text-align:left;
-div.stat_page > div.sub_pbox > div.subset > table.filter tr.head{
- height:64px;
-div.stat_page > div.sub_pbox > div.subset > table.filter tr.item{
- height:38px;
-div.stat_page > div.sub_pbox > div.subset > table.filter th.key,div.stat_page > div.sub_pbox > div.subset > table.filter td.key{
- width:76px;
-div.stat_page > div.sub_pbox > div.subset > table.filter th.value,div.stat_page > div.sub_pbox > div.subset > table.filter td.value{
- width:158px;
- padding:0px 0px 0px 6px;
-div.stat_page > div.sub_pbox > table.sublist{
- width:978px;
- margin:0px 0px 6px 6px;
- border-collapse:collapse;
- text-align:left;
- float:left;
-div.stat_page > div.sub_pbox > table.sublist tr.head{
- height:64px;
-div.stat_page > div.sub_pbox > table.sublist tr.item{
- height:32px;
- display:none;
-div.stat_page > div.sub_pbox > table.sublist tr:hover.item{
- background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.2);
-div.stat_page > div.sub_pbox > table.sublist th,div.stat_page > div.sub_pbox > table.sublist td{
- width:76px;
- padding:0px 0px 0px 6px;
-div.stat_page > div.sub_pbox > table.sublist th.nickname,div.stat_page > div.sub_pbox > table.sublist td.nickname{
- width:auto;
-div.stat_page > div.sub_pbox > table.sublist th.time{
- width:158px;
-div.stat_page > div.sub_pbox > table.sublist td.time{
- width:158px;
- color:#BDC0BA;
- font-size:12px;
-div.stat_page > div.sub_pbox > table.sublist th.lang,div.stat_page > div.sub_pbox > table.sublist td.lang{
- width:76px;
-div.stat_mask > div.subfile_mbox > h2.subid{
- width:50%;
- padding:6px 0px 0px 82px;
-div.stat_mask > div.subfile_mbox > label{
- padding:6px 0px 32px 82px;
-div.stat_mask > div.subfile_mbox > div.filebox{
- width:814px;
- height:384px;
- padding:6px 0px 32px 82px;
diff --git a/toj/jcs/stat.js b/toj/jcs/stat.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 95ec06a..0000000
--- a/toj/jcs/stat.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,577 +0,0 @@
-var stat = new function(){
- var that = this;
- var stat_sub_pbox = null;
- var sub_node = null;
- var subid_node = null;
- var j_subres_mbox = null;
- var subres_mbox = null;
- var subfile_mbox = null;
- that.sub_subid = null;
- that.init = function(){
- stat_sub_pbox = new class_stat_sub_pbox('sub');
- subfile_mbox = new class_stat_subfile_mbox;
- j_subres_mbox = $('#index_mask > div.stat_mask > div.subres_mbox');
- that.stat_node = new vus.node('stat');
- that.stat_node.url_chg = function(direct,url_upart,url_dpart){
- if(direct == 'in'){
- index.title_set('TOJ-狀態');
- index.tab_add('sub','/toj/stat/sub/','全部動態');
- if(url_dpart[0] != 'sub'){
- com.url_update('/toj/stat/sub/');
- return 'stop';
- }
- }else if(direct == 'out'){
- index.tab_empty();
- }
- return 'cont';
- };
- that.stat_node.child_set(stat_sub_pbox.node);
- com.vus_root.child_set(that.stat_node);
- sub_node = new vus.node('sub');
- subid_node = new vus.node('');
- sub_node.url_chg = function(direct,url_upart,url_dpart){
- var subid;
- if(direct == 'in' || direct == 'same'){
- if((subid = url_dpart[0]) == ''){
- com.url_update('/toj/none/');
- return 'stop';
- }
- subid = parseInt(url_dpart[0]);
- if(subid == that.sub_subid){
- return 'cont';
- }
- if(that.sub_subid != null){
- sub_node.child_del(subid_node);
- }
- that.sub_subid = subid;
- subid_node.name = that.sub_subid.toString();
- sub_node.child_set(subid_node);
- }else if(direct == 'out'){
- if(that.sub_subid != null){
- sub_node.child_del(subid_node);
- }
- that.sub_subid = null;
- }
- return 'cont';
- };
- com.vus_mbox.child_set(sub_node);
- subid_node.mbox_name = null;
- subid_node.smodname = null;
- subid_node.url_chg = function(direct,url_upart,url_dpart){
- var mbox_name;
- var _clean = function(){
- if(subres_mbox != null){
- subid_node.child_del(subres_mbox.node);
- j_subres_mbox.empty();
- j_subres_mbox.removeClass(subid_node.smodname);
- subres_mbox = null;
- subid_node.smodname = null;
- }
- };
- if(direct == 'in' || direct == 'same'){
- mbox_name = url_dpart[0];
- if(mbox_name == subid_node.mbox_name){
- return 'cont';
- }
- _clean();
- subid_node.mbox_name = mbox_name;
- if(mbox_name == 'res'){
- subid_node.child_delayset('res');
- $.post('/toj/php/status.php',{'action':'get_by_subid','data':JSON.stringify({'subid':that.sub_subid})},function(res){
- var reto;
- if(res[0] == 'E'){
- com.url_update('/toj/none/');
- }else{
- reto = JSON.parse(res);
- subid_node.smodname = reto.smodname;
- reto.submit_time = com.get_date(reto.submit_time);
- delete reto.smodname;
- css = $('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/toj/smod/' + subid_node.smodname + '/' + subid_node.smodname + '.css">');
- $('head').append(css);
- css.ready(function(){
- j_subres_mbox.addClass(subid_node.smodname);
- $.get('/toj/smod/' + subid_node.smodname + '/' + subid_node.smodname + '.html',{},function(res){
- var j_h;
- var j_button;
- j_subres_mbox.html(res);
- j_h = $('<h2 style="padding:6px 0px 0px 82px;"></h2>');
- j_h.text('SubID: ' + that.sub_subid);
- j_subres_mbox.prepend(j_h);
- if(reto.uid == user.uid || user.level == -1){
- j_button = $('<button style="margin:6px 0px 0px 0px; float:right;">檔案</button>');
- j_button.on('click',function(e){
- com.url_update('/toj/m/sub/' + that.sub_subid + '/file/');
- });
- j_subres_mbox.prepend(j_button);
- }
- if(user.level == -1){
- j_button = $('<button style="margin:6px 0px 0px 6px; float:right;">重測</button>');
- j_button.on('click',function(e){
- $.post('/toj/php/status.php',{'action':'rejudge_submit','data':JSON.stringify({'subid':that.sub_subid})});
- com.url_pull_pbox();
- });
- j_subres_mbox.prepend(j_button);
- }
- $.getScript('/toj/smod/' + subid_node.smodname + '/' + subid_node.smodname + '.js',function(script,stat,res){
- subres_mbox = new class_stat_subres_mbox(that.sub_subid,reto);
- eval('new ' + subid_node.smodname + '(subres_mbox,j_subres_mbox)');
- subid_node.child_set(subres_mbox.node);
- });
- });
- });
- }
- });
- }
- }else if(direct == 'out'){
- _clean();
- subid_node.mbox_name = null;
- }
- return 'cont';
- };
- subid_node.child_set(subfile_mbox.node);
- };
-var class_stat_sub_pbox = function(pbox_name){
- var that = this;
- var j_pbox = $('#index_page > div.stat_page > div.' + pbox_name + '_pbox');
- var j_filter = j_pbox.find('div.subset > table.filter');
- var j_table = j_pbox.find('table.sublist');
- var refresh_flag = false;
- var j_ajax = null;
- var ssubid = 0;
- var esubid = 2147483647;
- var last_update = null;
- var top_flag = true;
- var top_queue = new Array;
- var down_block = false;
- var filter = new Object;
- var sub_listset = function(j_item,subo){
- var j_a;
- j_item.attr('subid',subo.subid);
- j_item.find('td.subid').text(subo.subid);
- j_a = j_item.find('td.proid > a');
- j_a.attr('href','/toj/pro/' + subo.proid+ '/');
- j_a.text(subo.proid);
- j_a = j_item.find('td.nickname > a');
- j_a.attr('href','/toj/user/' + subo.uid+ '/');
- j_a.text(subo.nickname);
- j_item.find('td.runtime').text(subo.runtime);
- j_item.find('td.memory').text(subo.memory);
- j_item.find('td.result').text(RESULTMAP[subo.result]);
- j_item.find('td.score').text(subo.score);
- j_item.find('td.time').text(com.get_datestring(subo.submit_time,true));
- j_item.find('td.lang').text(com.get_lang(subo.lang)[0]);
- j_item.off('click').on('click',function(e){
- if(e.target.tagName != 'A'){
- com.url_push('/toj/m/sub/' + subo.subid + '/res/');
- }
- });
- };
- var sub_listnew = function(subo){
- var j_item;
- j_item = $('<tr class="item"><td class="subid"></td><td class="proid"><a></a></td><td class="nickname"><a></a></td><td class="runtime"></td><td class="memory"></td><td class="result"></td><td class="score"></td><td class="time"></td><td class="lang"></td></tr>');
- sub_listset(j_item,subo);
- return j_item;
- };
- var sub_refresh = function(){
- if(refresh_flag == false){
- return;
- }
- if(j_ajax != null){
- j_ajax.abort();
- }
- j_ajax = $.post('/toj/php/status.php',{'action':'get_submit',
- 'data':JSON.stringify({
- 'filter':{'uid':filter.uid,'result':filter.result,'proid':filter.proid,'lang':null},
- 'sort':{'score':null,'runtime':null,'memory':null,'subid':[1,0]},
- 'wait':10,
- 'count':100,
- 'last_update':last_update
- })}
- ,function(res){
- var i;
- var reto;
- var j_item;
- var masubid;
- if(res[0] != 'E'){
- reto = JSON.parse(res);
- masubid = ssubid;
- for(i = 0;i < reto.length;i++){
- reto[i].submit_time = com.get_date(reto[i].submit_time);
- j_item = j_table.find('[subid="' + reto[i].subid + '"]')
- if(j_item.length > 0){
- sub_listset(j_item,reto[i]);
- }else if(reto[i].subid > ssubid){
- if(top_flag == true){
- j_item = sub_listnew(reto[i]);
- j_item.insertAfter(j_table.find('tr.head'));
- j_item.css('opacity',0).slideDown('fast').fadeTo(100,1);
- }else{
- j_item = sub_listnew(reto[i]);
- j_item.insertAfter(j_table.find('tr.head'));
- topqueue.push(reto[i].subid);
- }
- }
- if(reto[i].subid > masubid){
- masubid = reto[i].subid;
- }
- if(reto[i].last_update > last_update){
- last_update = reto[i].last_update;
- }
- }
- ssubid = masubid;
- }
- j_ajax = null;
- sub_refresh();
- }
- );
- };
- var sub_update = function(type){
- if(type == 0){
- while(top_queue.length > 0){
- j_table.find('[subid="' + top_queue.pop() + '"]').css('opacity',0).slideDown('fast').fadeTo(100,1);
- }
- }else if(type == 1 && down_block == false){
- down_block = true;
- $.post('/toj/php/status.php',{'action':'get_submit',
- 'data':JSON.stringify({
- 'filter':{'uid':filter.uid,'result':filter.result,'proid':filter.proid,'lang':null},
- 'sort':{'score':null,'runtime':null,'memory':null,'subid':[0,esubid]},
- 'wait':0,
- 'count':50,
- 'last_update':null
- })}
- ,function(res){
- var i;
- var reto;
- if(res[0] == 'E'){
- if(res != 'Eno_result'){
- down_block = false;
- }
- }else{
- reto = JSON.parse(res);
- for(i = 0;i < reto.length;i++){
- reto[i].submit_time = com.get_date(reto[i].submit_time);
- j_item = sub_listnew(reto[i]);
- j_table.append(j_item);
- j_item.css('opacity',0).slideDown('fast').fadeTo(100,1);
- }
- if(last_update == null){
- for(i = 0;i < reto.length;i++){
- if(ssubid < reto[i].subid){
- ssubid = reto[i].subid;
- }
- }
- last_update = reto[0].last_update;
- for(i = 1;i < reto.length;i++){
- if(last_update < reto[i].last_update){
- last_update = reto[i].last_update;
- }
- }
- sub_refresh();
- $(window).off('scroll').on('scroll',function(e){
- var j_window;
- j_window = $(window);
- if(Math.floor(j_window.scrollTop() / 32) < 10){
- if(top_flag == false){
- top_flag = true;
- sub_update(0);
- }
- }else{
- top_flag = false;
- }
- if(Math.floor((j_table.height() - j_window.scrollTop()) / 32) < 50){
- sub_update(1);
- }
- });
- }
- esubid = reto[reto.length - 1].subid;
- down_block = false;
- }
- }
- );
- }
- };
- var filter_getparam = function(){
- var ret;
- ret = '';
- if(filter.uid != null){
- ret += 'uid:' + filter.uid + ':';
- }
- if(filter.proid != null){
- ret += 'proid:' + filter.proid + ':';
- }
- if(filter.result != null){
- ret += 'result:' + filter.result + ':';
- }
- ret = ret.slice(0,-1);
- return ret;
- };
- that.node = new vus.node(pbox_name);
- that.__super();
- that.node.url_chg = function(direct,url_upart,url_dpart){
- var i;
- var filter_part;
- var key;
- var value;
- var _clear = function(){
- $(window).off('scorll');
- j_filter.find('tr.uid > td.value').text('None');
- j_filter.find('tr.proid input').val('None');
- j_filter.find('tr.result select').val('null');
- j_table.find('tr.item').remove();
- if(j_ajax != null){
- j_ajax.abort();
- j_ajax = null;
- }
- refresh_flag = false;
- j_ajax = null;
- esubid = 2147483647;
- last_update = null;
- top_flag = true;
- top_queue = new Array;
- down_block = false;
- subid_curr = null;
- filter = new Object;
- }
- if(direct == 'in' || direct == 'same'){
- if(direct == 'same'){
- _clear();
- }else{
- index.tab_hl(pbox_name);
- that.fadein(j_pbox);
- }
- refresh_flag = true;
- filter.uid = null;
- filter.proid = null;
- filter.result = null;
- if(url_dpart[0] != undefined){
- filter_part = url_dpart[0].split(':');
- for(i = 0;i < filter_part.length;i += 2){
- key = filter_part[i];
- value = filter_part[i + 1];
- if(key == 'uid'){
- filter.uid = parseInt(value);
- }else if(key == 'proid'){
- filter.proid = parseInt(value);
- }else if(key == 'result'){
- filter.result = parseInt(value);
- }
- }
- }
- if(filter.uid != null){
- j_filter.find('tr.uid > td.value').text(filter.uid);
- }
- if(filter.proid != null){
- j_filter.find('tr.proid input').val(filter.proid);
- }
- if(filter.result != null){
- j_filter.find('tr.result select').val(filter.result);
- }
- sub_update(1);
- }else if(direct == 'out'){
- index.tab_ll(pbox_name);
- that.fadeout(j_pbox);
- _clear();
- }
- return 'stop';
- };
- j_pbox.find('div.subset > table.filter tr.proid input').on('focusin',function(e){
- if($(this).val() == 'None'){
- $(this).val('');
- }
- }).on('focusout',function(e){
- if($(this).val() == ''){
- $(this).val('None');
- }
- }).on('keypress',function(e){
- var param;
- if(e.which != 13){
- return;
- }
- if((filter.proid = $(this).val()) == 'None'){
- filter.proid = null;
- }
- console.log(filter.proid);
- if((param = filter_getparam()) != ''){
- com.url_push('/toj/stat/sub/' + param + '/');
- }else{
- com.url_push('/toj/stat/sub/');
- }
- });
- j_pbox.find('div.subset > table.filter tr.result select').on('change',function(e){
- var param;
- if((filter.result = $(this).val()) == 'null'){
- filter.result = null;
- }
- if((param = filter_getparam()) != ''){
- com.url_push('/toj/stat/sub/' + param + '/');
- }else{
- com.url_push('/toj/stat/sub/');
- }
- });
- j_pbox.find('div.subset > table.filter button.clear').on('click',function(e){
- com.url_push('/toj/stat/sub/');
- });
- j_table.on('mousedown',function(e){
- return false;
- });
-}; __extend(class_stat_sub_pbox,class_com_pbox);
-var class_stat_subres_mbox = function(subid,subo){
- var that = this;
- that.subid = subid;
- that.subo = subo;
- that.node = new vus.node('res');
- that.__super();
-}; __extend(class_stat_subres_mbox,class_com_mbox);
-var class_stat_subfile_mbox = function(){
- var that = this;
- var j_mbox = $('#index_mask > div.stat_mask > div.subfile_mbox');
- var filebox_add = function(filename,content){
- var j_name;
- var j_box;
- var filebox;
- j_name = $('<label></label>');
- j_name.text(filename);
- j_box = $('<div class="filebox"></div>');
- filebox = CodeMirror(j_box[0],{
- mode:'text/x-c++src',
- theme:'lesser-dark',
- lineNumbers:true,
- matchBrackets:true,
- indentUnit:4,
- readOnly:true
- });
- filebox.getWrapperElement().style.width = '100%';
- filebox.getWrapperElement().style.height = '100%';
- filebox.getScrollerElement().style.width = '100%';
- filebox.getScrollerElement().style.height = '100%';
- filebox.setValue(content);
- j_mbox.append(j_name);
- j_mbox.append(j_box);
- filebox.refresh();
- }
- that.node = new vus.node('file');
- that.__super();
- that.node.url_chg = function(direct,url_upart,url_dpart){
- if(direct == 'in'){
- that.fadein(j_mbox);
- j_mbox.find('h2.subid').text('SubID: ' + stat.sub_subid);
- $.post('/toj/php/status.php',{'action':'get_submit_data','data':JSON.stringify({'subid':stat.sub_subid})},function(res){
- var i;
- var reto;
- if(res[0] != 'E'){
- reto = JSON.parse(res);
- for(i = 0;i < reto.length;i++){
- filebox_add(reto[i].filename,reto[i].content);
- }
- }
- });
- }else if(direct == 'out'){
- that.fadeout(j_mbox);
- j_mbox.find('label').remove();
- j_mbox.find('div.filebox').remove();
- }
- return 'cont';
- };
- j_mbox.find('button.result').on('click',function(e){
- com.url_update('/toj/m/sub/' + stat.sub_subid + '/res/');
- });
-}; __extend(class_stat_subfile_mbox,class_com_mbox);
diff --git a/toj/jcs/user.css b/toj/jcs/user.css
deleted file mode 100755
index a99f8c9..0000000
--- a/toj/jcs/user.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
-div.user_page > div.main_pbox > div.info_box{
- width:240px;
- padding:32px 0px 32px 0px;
- float:left;
-div.user_page > div.main_pbox > div.info_box > div.name{
- width:100%;
- height:32px;
- padding:0px 0px 6px 0px;
- font-weight:bold;
- line-height:32px;
- word-break:break-all;
-div.user_page > div.main_pbox > div.info_box > img.avatar{
- width:100%;
- display:block;
-div.user_page > div.main_pbox > div.info_box > div.aboutme{
- width:100%;
- padding:6px 0px 6px 0px;
- word-break:break-all;
-div.user_page > div.main_pbox > div.data_box{
- width:978px;
- margin:0px 0px 0px 6px;
- padding:32px 0px 32px 0px;
- float:left;
-div.user_page > div.main_pbox > div.data_box > div.statis > div.chart_box{
- width:322px;
- height:240px;
- margin:0px 6px 6px 0px;
- background-color:#1C1C1C;
- float:left;
- position:relative;
-div.user_page > div.main_pbox > div.data_box > div.statis > div.chart_box > div.title{
- position:absolute;
- top:6px;
- left:6px;
- z-index:1
-div.user_page > div.main_pbox > div.data_box > div.statis > div.chart_box > div.chart{
- width:100%;
- height:100%;
- position:absolute;
- top:0px;
- left:0px;
- z-index:0
-div.user_page > div.main_pbox > div.data_box > div.statis > div.timecombo{
- width:978px;
- height:240px;
-div.user_page > div.main_pbox > div.data_box > div.trylist > span.item{
- width:35px;
- height:24px;
- margin:0px 6px 6px 0px;
- line-height:24px;
- background-color:#1C1C1C;
- display:inline-block;
-div.user_page > div.main_pbox > div.data_box > div.trylist > span.item > a{
- padding:0px 0px 0px 3px;
- font-size:12px;
-div.user_page > div.edit_pbox > div.edit_box{
- width:240px;
- margin:0px 0px 0px 246px;
- padding:0px 0px 32px 0px;
-div.user_page > div.edit_pbox > div.edit_box > img.avatar{
- width:100%;
- margin:0px 0px 16px 0px;
- display:block;
-div.user_page > div.edit_pbox > div.edit_box > div.error{
- margin:0px 0px 16px 0px;
- color:#FFA0A0;
-div.user_page > div.edit_pbox > div.edit_box input{
- width:228px;
- margin:0px 0px 16px 0px;
-div.user_page > div.mgsq_pbox > div.in_box{
- width:486px;
- margin:0px 0px 0px 246px;
- padding:0px 0px 32px 0px;
- float:left;
-div.user_page > div.mgsq_pbox > div.out_box{
- width:486px;
- margin:0px 0px 0px 6px;
- padding:0px 0px 32px 0px;
- float:left;
-div.user_page > div.mgsq_pbox div.item{
- width:auto;
- margin:6px 0px 6px 0px;
- padding:6px 0px 6px 6px;
- cursor:pointer;
-div.user_page > div.mgsq_pbox div.item_s{
- background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.2);
-div.user_page > div.mgsq_pbox div:hover.item{
- background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.2);
-div.user_page > div.mgsq_pbox div.item > div.info{
- width:100%;
- height:32px;
- line-height:32px;
-div.user_page > div.mgsq_pbox div.item > div.info > span.time{
- width:237px;
- height:32px;
- color:#BDC0BA;
- font-size:12px;
- line-height:32px;
- float:right;
-div.user_page > div.mgsq_pbox div.item > div.data{
- width:100%;
- height:32px;
- margin:6px 0px 0px 0px;
- display:none;
-div.user_page > div.mg_pbox > div.left_box{
- margin:0px 0px 0px 246px;
- padding:0px 0px 32px 0px;
- float:left;
-div.user_page > div.mg_pbox table.prolist{
- width:486px;
- border-collapse:collapse;
- text-align:left;
-div.user_page > div.mg_pbox table.prolist tr.head{
- height:64px;
-div.user_page > div.mg_pbox table.prolist tr.item{
- height:44px;
-div.user_page > div.mg_pbox table.prolist tr:hover.item{
- background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.2);
-div.user_page > div.mg_pbox table.prolist th,div.user_page > div.mg_pbox table.prolist td{
- width:76px;
- padding:0px 0px 0px 6px;
-div.user_page > div.mg_pbox table.prolist th.name,div.user_page > div.mg_pbox table.prolist td.name{
- width:auto;
-div.user_mask > div.editsq_mbox > div.edit_box{
- width:322px;
- margin:0px 0px 0px 164px;
- padding:6px 0px 32px 0px;
- float:left;
-div.user_mask > div.editsq_mbox > div.edit_box > div.error{
- margin:0px 0px 16px 0px;
- color:#FFA0A0;
-div.user_mask > div.editsq_mbox > div.edit_box input{
- width:146px;
- margin:0px 0px 16px 0px;
-div.user_mask > div.editsq_mbox > div.edit_box > div.time > input{
- width:35px;
-div.user_mask > div.editsq_mbox > div.edit_box select{
- width:76px;
- height:32px;
- margin:0px 0px 16px 0px;
-div.user_mask > div.editsq_mbox > div.pro_box{
- width:404px;
- margin:0px 0px 0px 6px;
- padding:6px 0px 32px 0px;
- float:left;
-div.user_mask > div.editsq_mbox > div.pro_box > div.prolist_box{
- width:100%;
- max-height:256px;
- overflow-y:scroll;
-div.user_mask > div.editsq_mbox > div.pro_box table.prolist{
- width:100%;
- border-collapse:collapse;
- text-align:left;
-div.user_mask > div.editsq_mbox > div.pro_box table.prolist tr.item{
- height:44px;
-div.user_mask > div.editsq_mbox > div.pro_box table.prolist tr:hover.item{
- background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.2);
-div.user_mask > div.editsq_mbox > div.pro_box table.prolist td{
- width:76px;
- padding:0px 0px 0px 6px;
-div.user_mask > div.editsq_mbox > div.pro_box table.prolist td.name{
- width:auto;
-div.user_mask > div.editpro_mbox > div.edit_box{
- margin:0px 0px 0px 246px;
- padding:6px 0px 32px 0px;
-div.user_mask > div.editpro_mbox > div.edit_box > div.error{
- margin:0px 0px 16px 0px;
- color:#FFA0A0;
-div.user_mask > div.editpro_mbox > div.edit_box input{
- width:146px;
- height:32px;
- margin:0px 0px 16px 0px;
-div.user_mask > div.editpro_mbox > div.edit_box select{
- width:76px;
- height:32px;
- margin:0px 0px 16px 0px;
- border-width:0px;
- display:block;
-div.login_pbox > div.info_box{
- width:486px;
- margin:128px 0px 0px 246px;
- float:left;
-div.login_pbox > div.login_box{
- width:240px;
- margin:128px 0px 0px 0px;
- padding:0px 6px 0px 0px;
- float:left;
-div.login_pbox > div.login_box > div.error{
- margin:0px 0px 16px 0px;
- color:#FFA0A0;
-div.login_pbox > div.login_box > input{
- width:228px;
- height:32px;
- margin:0px 0px 16px 0px;
-div.register_pbox > div.info_box{
- width:486px;
- margin:128px 0px 0px 246px;
- float:left;
-div.register_pbox > div.register_box{
- width:240px;
- margin:128px 0px 0px 0px;
- padding:0px 6px 0px 0px;
- float:left;
-div.register_pbox > div.register_box > div.error{
- margin:0px 0px 16px 0px;
- color:#FFA0A0;
-div.register_pbox > div.register_box > input{
- width:228px;
- height:32px;
- margin:0px 0px 16px 0px;
diff --git a/toj/jcs/user.js b/toj/jcs/user.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 81e30ca..0000000
--- a/toj/jcs/user.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1540 +0,0 @@
-square state
-0 => wait
-1 => run
-2 => past
-var user = new function(){
- var that = this;
- var main_pbox = null;
- var edit_pbox = null;
- var mgsq_pbox = null;
- var mg_pbox = null;
- var uid_node = null;
- that.login_chg = $.Callbacks();
- that.data_chg = $.Callbacks();
- that.uid = null;
- that.level = null;
- that.username = null;
- that.nickname = null;
- that.avatar = null;
- that.aboutme = null;
- that.email = null;
- that.sq_inlist = null;
- that.view_uid = null;
- that.init = function(){
- that.login_pbox = new class_login_pbox;
- that.register_pbox = new class_register_pbox;
- main_pbox = new class_user_main_pbox;
- edit_pbox = new class_user_edit_pbox;
- mgsq_pbox = new class_user_mgsq_pbox;
- mg_pbox = new class_user_mg_pbox;
- that.editsq_mbox = new class_user_editsq_mbox;
- that.editpro_mbox = new class_user_editpro_mbox;
- that.user_node = new vus.node('user');
- uid_node = new vus.node('');
- uid_node.child_set(main_pbox.node);
- uid_node.child_set(edit_pbox.node);
- uid_node.child_set(mgsq_pbox.node);
- uid_node.child_set(mg_pbox.node);
- that.user_node.url_chg = function(direct,url_upart,url_dpart){
- var uid;
- if(direct == 'in' || direct == 'same'){
- index.title_set('TOJ-使用者');
- if((uid = url_dpart[0]) == ''){
- com.url_update('/toj/none/');
- return 'stop';
- }
- uid = parseInt(uid);
- if(uid == that.view_uid){
- return 'cont';
- }
- if(uid != null){
- that.user_node.child_del(uid_node);
- index.tab_empty();
- }
- uid_node.name = uid.toString();
- that.user_node.child_set(uid_node);
- if(url_dpart[1] == undefined){
- com.url_update('/toj/user/' + uid + '/main/');
- return 'stop';
- }
- that.view_uid = uid;
- index.tab_add('main','/toj/user/' + that.view_uid + '/main/','個人');
- if(that.view_uid == that.uid){
- index.tab_add('edit','/toj/user/' + that.uid + '/edit/','設定');
- index.tab_add('mgsq','/toj/user/' + that.uid + '/mgsq/','方塊');
- index.tab_add('mg','/toj/user/' + that.uid + '/mg/','管理');
- }
- }
- }else if(direct == 'out'){
- if(that.view_uid != null){
- that.user_node.child_del(uid_node);
- }
- that.view_uid = null;
- index.tab_empty();
- }
- return 'cont';
- };
- com.vus_root.child_set(that.user_node);
- $('#index_panel > li.logout > a.button').off('click').on('click',function(e){
- var cookie;
- var key;
- cookie = com.get_cookie();
- for(key in cookie){
- document.cookie = key + '=;expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT;path=/toj/';
- }
- location.href = '/toj/home/';
- return false;
- });
- that.login_chg.add(function(login){
- var j_notice;
- var j_nickname;
- j_notice = $('#index_head_notice');
- j_nickname = $('#index_head_nickname > a.nickname');
- if(login){
- j_notice.show();
- j_nickname.attr('href','/toj/user/' + that.uid + '/main/');
- j_nickname.text(that.nickname);
- index.panel_hide('login');
- index.panel_hide('register');
- index.panel_show('logout');
- index.panel_set('user','/toj/user/' + that.uid + '/main/','個人');
- index.panel_show('user');
- index.panel_show('square');
- $('#index_panel > ul.square_box > li.mgsq > a.button').attr('href','/toj/user/' + that.uid + '/mgsq/');
- }else{
- j_notice.hide();
- j_nickname.attr('href','');
- j_nickname.text('');
- index.panel_show('login');
- index.panel_show('register');
- index.panel_hide('logout');
- index.panel_set('user',null,'個人');
- index.panel_hide('user');
- index.panel_hide('square');
- $('#index_panel > ul.square_box > li.mgsq > a.button').attr('href',null);
- }
- });
- that.data_chg.add(function(){
- var i;
- var j_ul_run;
- var j_ul_past;
- var sqo;
- var idx_run;
- var idx_past;
- var panelsq_listadd = function(j_ul,idx,sqid,sqname){
- var j_li;
- var j_a;
- j_li = $(j_ul.find('li.square')[idx]);
- if(j_li.length == 0){
- j_li = $('<li class="button square"><a class="button"></a></li>');
- j_li.hide();
- j_ul.append(j_li);
- }
- j_a = j_li.find('a.button');
- j_a.attr('href','/toj/sq/' + sqid + '/pro/');
- j_a.text(sqname);
- j_li.show();
- };
- $('#index_head_nickname > a.nickname').text(that.nickname);
- j_ul_run = $('#index_panel > ul.square_box > ul.run');
- j_ul_run.find('li.square').hide();
- idx_run = 0;
- j_ul_past = $('#index_panel > ul.square_box > ul.past');
- j_ul_past.find('li.square').hide();
- idx_past = 0;
- for(i = 0;i < user.sq_inlist.length;i++){
- sqo = user.sq_inlist[i];
- if(sqo.relationship != 1){
- if(sqo.state == 1){
- panelsq_listadd(j_ul_run,idx_run,sqo.sqid,sqo.sqname);
- idx_run++;
- }else if(sqo.state == 2){
- panelsq_listadd(j_ul_past,idx_past,sqo.sqid,sqo.sqname);
- idx_past++;
- }
- }
- }
- });
- user.update(true);
- };
- that.update = function(sync){
- $.ajax({'url':'/toj/php/user.php',
- 'type':'POST',
- 'data':{'action':'view','data':JSON.stringify({'uid':null})},
- 'async':!sync,
- 'success':function(res){
- var usero;
- var old_uid;
- old_uid = that.uid;
- if(res[0] == 'E'){
- that.uid = null;
- that.level = null;
- that.username = null;
- that.nickname = null;
- that.avatar = null;
- that.aboutme = null;
- that.email = null;
- that.sq_inlist = null;
- that.login_chg.fire(false);
- }else{
- usero = JSON.parse(res).user;
- that.uid = usero.uid;
- that.level = usero.level;
- that.username = usero.username;
- that.nickname = usero.nickname;
- that.avatar = usero.avatar;
- that.aboutme = usero.aboutme;
- that.email = usero.email;
- if(old_uid != that.uid){
- that.login_chg.fire(true);
- }
- $.post('/toj/php/square.php',{'action':'get_entered_sq','data':JSON.stringify({'uid':that.uid})},function(res){
- var i;
- var reto;
- var ts;
- var sqlist;
- var sqo;
- if(res[0] == 'E'){
- return;
- }
- reto = JSON.parse(res);
- ts = com.get_date(reto.timestamp);
- sqlist = reto.list;
- for(i = 0;i < sqlist.length;i++){
- sqo = sqlist[i];
- sqo.state = 1;
- if(sqo.start_time != null){
- sqo.start_time = com.get_date(sqo.start_time);
- if(ts < sqo.start_time){
- sqo.state = 0;
- }
- }
- if(sqo.end_time != null){
- sqo.end_time = com.get_date(sqo.end_time);
- if(sqo.end_time < ts){
- sqo.state = 2;
- }
- }
- }
- user.sq_inlist = sqlist;
- user.data_chg.fire(true);
- });
- }
- }
- });
- };
-var class_user_main_pbox = function(){
- var that = this;
- var j_pbox = $('#index_page > div.user_page > div.main_pbox');
- that.node = new vus.node('main');
- that.__super();
- that.node.url_chg = function(direct,url_upart,url_dpart){
- if(direct == 'in'){
- index.tab_hl('main');
- that.fadein(j_pbox);
- $.post('/toj/php/user.php',{'action':'view','data':JSON.stringify({'uid':user.view_uid})},function(res){
- var i;
- var reto;
- var usero;
- var statiso;
- var trylist;
- var substatis;
- var actry;
- var series;
- var total;
- var j_div;
- var j_span;
- var j_a;
- var pie_add = function(j_div,series){
- var draw = function(){
- var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(series);
- var chart = new google.visualization.PieChart(j_div[0]);
- chart.draw(data,{
- 'chartArea':{'width':'90%','height':'85%','top':'15%','left':'10%'},
- 'backgroundColor':'#1C1C1C',
- 'legend':{
- 'textStyle':{'color':'#E9E9E9'}
- },
- 'pieSliceBorderColor':'#E9E9E9',
- 'pieSliceText':'value',
- 'titleTextStyle':{'color':'#E9E9E9','fontSize':'16'}
- });
- }
- if(typeof google === 'object'){
- draw();
- }else{
- google.setOnLoadCallback(draw);
- }
- };
- var combo_add = function(j_div,series){
- var draw = function(){
- var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(series);
- var chart = new google.visualization.ComboChart(j_div[0]);
- chart.draw(data,{
- 'backgroundColor':'#1C1C1C',
- 'legend':{
- 'textStyle':{'color':'#E9E9E9'}
- },
- 'titleTextStyle':{'color':'#E9E9E9','fontSize':'16'},
- 'hAxis':{'textStyle':{'color':'#E9E9E9'},'slantedText':false},
- 'vAxis':{'textStyle':{'color':'#E9E9E9'}},
- 'series':{'0':{'type':'bars','targetAxisIndex':0}}
- });
- }
- if(typeof google === 'object'){
- draw();
- }else{
- google.setOnLoadCallback(draw);
- }
- };
- var draw_timeline = function(timesub){
- var i;
- var j;
- var series;
- var part;
- var last_time;
- var curr_time;
- if(timesub.length == 0){
- return;
- }
- series = new Array();
- series.push(['Time','上傳次數']);
- part = timesub[0].time.split('-');
- last_time = parseInt(part[0]) * 12 + parseInt(part[1]) + 1;
- series.push([timesub[0].time,timesub[0].count]);
- for(i = 1;i < timesub.length;i++){
- part = timesub[i].time.split('-');
- curr_time = parseInt(part[0]) * 12 + parseInt(part[1]);
- for(;last_time < curr_time;last_time++){
- if((last_time % 6) == 1){
- series.push([Math.floor(last_time / 12) + '-' + last_time % 12,0]);
- }else{
- series.push(['',0]);
- }
- }
- if((last_time % 6) == 1){
- series.push([Math.floor(last_time / 12) + '-' + last_time % 12,timesub[i].count]);
- }else{
- series.push(['',timesub[i].count]);
- }
- last_time = curr_time + 1;
- }
- combo_add(j_pbox.find('div.data_box > div.statis > div.timecombo > div.chart'),series);
- };
- if(res[0] == 'E'){
- com.url_update('/toj/none/');
- }else{
- reto = JSON.parse(res);
- usero = reto.user;
- statiso = reto.statis;
- j_pbox.find('div.info_box > div.name').text(usero.nickname + ' (' + usero.username + ')');
- if(usero.avatar == ''){
- j_pbox.find('div.info_box > img.avatar').attr('src','http://i.imgur.com/ykkQD.png');
- }else{
- j_pbox.find('div.info_box > img.avatar').attr('src',usero.avatar);
- }
- j_pbox.find('div.info_box > div.aboutme').text(usero.aboutme);
- j_div = j_pbox.find('div.data_box > div.trylist');
- trylist = statiso.trylist;
- actry = 0;
- for(i = 0;i < trylist.length;i++){
- j_span = $('<span class="item"><a></a></span>');
- j_a = j_span.find('a');
- j_a.css('color',RESULTCOLOR[trylist[i].result]);
- j_a.text(trylist[i].proid);
- j_a.attr('href','/toj/pro/' + trylist[i].proid + '/');
- j_div.append(j_span);
- if(trylist[i].result == 0){
- actry++;
- }
- }
- substatis = statiso.substatis;
- series = new Array();
- series[0] = ['Result','Count'];
- total = 0;
- for(i = 0;i < substatis.length;i++){
- series[i + 1] = [RESULTMAP[substatis[i].result],substatis[i].count];
- }
- pie_add(j_pbox.find('div.data_box > div.statis > div.subpie > div.chart'),series);
- pie_add(j_pbox.find('div.data_box > div.statis > div.trypie > div.chart'),
- [['Result','Count'],
- ['AC',actry],
- ['Failed',statiso.trylist.length - actry]
- ]);
- draw_timeline(statiso.timesub);
- }
- });
- }else if(direct == 'out'){
- index.tab_ll('main');
- that.fadeout(j_pbox);
- j_pbox.find('div.info_box > div.name').text('');
- j_pbox.find('div.info_box > img.avatar').attr('src','');
- j_pbox.find('div.data_box > div.trylist').empty();
- }
- };
- j_pbox.find('div.data_box > button.looksub').on('click',function(e){
- com.url_push('/toj/stat/sub/uid:' + user.view_uid + '/');
- });
-}; __extend(class_user_main_pbox,class_com_pbox);
-var class_user_edit_pbox = function(){
- var that = this;
- var j_pbox = $('#index_page > div.user_page > div.edit_pbox');
- that.node = new vus.node('edit');
- that.__super();
- that.node.url_chg = function(direct,url_upart,url_dpart){
- if(direct == 'in'){
- index.tab_hl('edit');
- that.fadein(j_pbox);
- j_pbox.find('div.edit_box > [name="nickname"]').val(user.nickname);
- j_pbox.find('div.edit_box > [name="avatar"]').val(user.avatar);
- if(user.avatar == ''){
- j_pbox.find('div.edit_box > img.avatar').attr('src','http://i.imgur.com/ykkQD.png');
- }else{
- j_pbox.find('div.edit_box > img.avatar').attr('src',user.avatar);
- }
- j_pbox.find('div.edit_box > [name="aboutme"]').val(user.aboutme);
- j_pbox.find('div.edit_box > [name="email"]').val(user.email);
- }else if(direct == 'out'){
- index.tab_ll('edit');
- that.fadeout(j_pbox);
- j_pbox.find('div.edit_box > input').val('');
- j_pbox.find('div.edit_box > img.avatar').attr('src',null);
- j_pbox.find('div.edit_box > div.error').text('');
- }
- };
- j_pbox.find('div.edit_box > [name="avatar"]').change(function(e){
- var avatar;
- avatar = $(this).val();
- if(avatar == ''){
- j_pbox.find('div.edit_box > img.avatar').attr('src','http://i.imgur.com/ykkQD.png');
- }else{
- j_pbox.find('div.edit_box > img.avatar').attr('src',avatar);
- }('test')
- });
- j_pbox.find('div.edit_box > button.submit').click(function(e){
- var j_error;
- var nickname;
- var avatar;
- var aboutme;
- var email;
- var password_old;
- var password_new;
- var password_repeat;
- var data;
- j_error = j_pbox.find('div.edit_box > div.error');
- nickname = j_pbox.find('div.edit_box > [name="nickname"]').val();
- avatar = j_pbox.find('div.edit_box > [name="avatar"]').val();
- aboutme = j_pbox.find('div.edit_box > [name="aboutme"]').val();
- email = j_pbox.find('div.edit_box > [name="email"]').val();
- password_old = j_pbox.find('div.edit_box > [name="password_old"]').val();
- password_new = j_pbox.find('div.edit_box > [name="password_new"]').val();
- password_repeat = j_pbox.find('div.edit_box > [name="password_repeat"]').val();
- data = {'nickname':nickname,'avatar':avatar,'aboutme':aboutme,'email':email};
- if(password_old != '' || password_new != '' || password_repeat != ''){
- if(password_new != password_repeat){
- j_error.text('使用者密碼不相同');
- return;
- }
- data.oldpw = password_old;
- data.password = password_new;
- }
- $.post('/toj/php/user.php',{'action':'update','data':JSON.stringify(data)},function(res){
- if(res[0] == 'E'){
- switch(res){
- case 'Epassword_too_short':
- j_error.text('使用者密碼太短');
- break;
- case 'Epassword_too_long':
- j_error.text('使用者密碼太長');
- break;
- case 'Enickname_too_short':
- j_error.text('暱稱太短');
- break;
- case 'Enickname_too_long':
- j_error.text('暱稱太長');
- break;
- case 'Eold_password_not_match':
- j_error.text('舊使用者密碼錯誤');
- break;
- case 'Eempty_email':
- j_error.text('電子郵件不能爲空');
- break;
- case 'Eemail_too_long':
- j_error.text('電子郵件太長');
- break;
- default:
- j_error.text('更新錯誤');
- break;
- }
- }else{
- user.update(true);
- com.url_push('/toj/user/' + user.uid + '/main/');
- }
- });
- });
- j_pbox.find('div.edit_box > button.cancel').click(function(e){
- com.url_push('/toj/user/' + user.uid + '/main/');
- });
-}; __extend(class_user_edit_pbox,class_com_pbox);
-var class_user_mgsq_pbox = function(){
- var that = this;
- var j_pbox = $('#index_page > div.user_page > div.mgsq_pbox');
- var sq_join = function(sqid){
- $.post('/toj/php/square.php',{'action':'add_user','data':JSON.stringify({'uid':user.uid,'sqid':sqid})},function(res){
- if(res[0] != 'E'){
- sq_update();
- }
- });
- };
- var sq_quit = function(sqid){
- $.post('/toj/php/square.php',{'action':'delete_user','data':JSON.stringify({'uid':user.uid,'sqid':sqid})},function(res){
- if(res[0] != 'E'){
- sq_update();
- }
- });
- };
- var sq_listset = function(j_item,sqo){
- var j_info;
- var j_data;
- var j_button;
- j_info = j_item.find('div.info');
- j_data = j_item.find('div.data');
- j_data.empty();
- j_item.attr('sqid',sqo.sqid);
- j_info.find('span.name').text(sqo.sqname);
- if(sqo.end_time == null){
- j_info.find('span.time').text('');
- }else{
- j_info.find('span.time').text(com.get_datestring(sqo.start_time,false) + ' > ' + com.get_datestring(sqo.end_time,false));
- }
- if(sqo.relationship == 3 || (user.level & USER_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN) == USER_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN){
- j_button = $('<button style="margin:0px 6px 0px 0px;">管理</button>');
- j_button.on('click',function(e){
- user.editsq_mbox.init('edit',sqo).done(sq_update);
- com.url_push('/toj/m/user_editsq/');
- return false;
- });
- j_data.append(j_button);
- }
- j_button = $('<button style="margin:0px 6px 0px 0px;"></button>');
- if(sqo.relationship == 0){
- if(sqo.publicity == 2 && (user.level & USER_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN) != USER_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN){
- j_button.text('申請');
- }else{
- j_button.text('加入');
- }
- j_button.off('click').on('click',function(e){
- sq_join(sqo.sqid);
- return false;
- });
- }else{
- if(sqo.relationship == 1){
- j_button.text('取消申請');
- }else{
- j_button.text('退出');
- }
- j_button.on('click',function(e){
- sq_quit(sqo.sqid);
- return false;
- });
- }
- j_data.append(j_button);
- if(sqo.relationship >= 2){
- j_button = $('<button>開啟</button>');
- j_button.on('click',function(e){
- com.url_push('/toj/sq/' + sqo.sqid + '/pro/');
- return false;
- });
- j_data.append(j_button);
- }
- j_item.off('click').on('click',function(e){
- if(j_data.is(':visible')){
- j_item.removeClass('item_s');
- j_data.stop().fadeTo(100,0).slideUp('fast');
- }else{
- j_item.addClass('item_s');
- j_data.stop().css('opacity',1).slideDown('fast');
- }
- });
- };
- var sq_listnew = function(sqo){
- var j_item;
- var j_info;
- var j_data;
- j_item = $('<div class="item"></div>');
- j_info = $('<div class="info"><span class="name"></span><span class="time"></span></div>');
- j_item.append(j_info);
- j_data = $('<div class="data"></div>');
- j_item.append(j_data);
- sq_listset(j_item,sqo);
- return j_item;
- };
- var sq_update = function(){
- var _updatelist = function(j_list,sqlist){
- var i;
- var j;
- var divs;
- var j_last;
- var j_item;
- var oldhash;
- var sqo;
- divs = j_list.children('div.item');
- oldhash = new Array();
- for(i = 0;i < divs.length;i++){
- oldhash[$(divs[i]).attr('sqid')] = i;
- }
- j = 0;
- j_last = null;
- for(i = 0;i < sqlist.length;i++){
- sqo = sqlist[i];
- if(sqo.sqid in oldhash){
- for(;j < oldhash[sqo.sqid];j++){
- j_item = $(divs[j]);
- j_item.stop().fadeTo(100,0).slideUp('fast',function(){$(this).remove();});
- }
- j_item = $(divs[j]);
- j++;
- sq_listset(j_item,sqo);
- j_last = j_item;
- }else{
- j_item = sq_listnew(sqo);
- j_item.hide();
- if(j_last == null){
- j_list.prepend(j_item);
- }else{
- j_item.insertAfter(j_last);
- }
- j_item.css('opacity',0).slideDown('fast').fadeTo(100,1);
- j_last = j_item;
- }
- }
- for(;j < divs.length;j++){
- j_item = $(divs[j]);
- j_item.stop().fadeTo(100,0).slideUp('fast',function(){$(this).remove();});
- }
- };
- user.data_chg.add(function(){
- var i;
- var sqo;
- var sqwait;
- var sqrun;
- var sqpast;
- var j_wait;
- var j_run;
- var j_past;
- user.data_chg.remove(arguments.callee);
- sqwait = new Array();
- sqrun = new Array();
- sqpast = new Array();
- for(i = 0;i < user.sq_inlist.length;i++){
- sqo = user.sq_inlist[i];
- switch(sqo.state){
- case 0:
- sqwait.push(sqo);
- break;
- case 1:
- sqrun.push(sqo);
- break;
- case 2:
- sqpast.push(sqo);
- break;
- };
- }
- j_wait = j_pbox.find('div.in_box > div.wait');
- j_run = j_pbox.find('div.in_box > div.run');
- j_past = j_pbox.find('div.in_box > div.past');
- _updatelist(j_wait,sqwait);
- _updatelist(j_run,sqrun);
- _updatelist(j_past,sqpast);
- });
- user.update(false);
- $.post('/toj/php/square.php',{'action':'get_available_sq','data':null},function(res){
- var i;
- var reto;
- var ts;
- var sqlist;
- var sqo;
- var sqwait;
- var sqrun;
- var sqpast;
- var j_wait;
- var j_run;
- var j_past;
- if(res[0] == 'E'){
- return;
- }
- reto = JSON.parse(res);
- ts = com.get_date(reto.timestamp);
- sqlist = reto.list;
- sqwait = new Array();
- sqrun = new Array();
- sqpast = new Array();
- for(i = 0;i < sqlist.length;i++){
- sqo = sqlist[i];
- sqo.relationship = 0;
- sqo.state = 1;
- if(sqo.start_time != null){
- sqo.start_time = com.get_date(sqo.start_time);
- if(ts < sqo.start_time){
- sqo.state = 0;
- }
- }
- if(sqo.end_time != null){
- sqo.end_time = com.get_date(sqo.end_time);
- if(sqo.end_time < ts){
- sqo.state = 2;
- }
- }
- switch(sqo.state){
- case 0:
- sqwait.push(sqo);
- break;
- case 1:
- sqrun.push(sqo);
- break;
- case 2:
- sqpast.push(sqo);
- break;
- }
- }
- j_wait = j_pbox.find('div.out_box > div.wait');
- j_run = j_pbox.find('div.out_box > div.run');
- j_past = j_pbox.find('div.out_box > div.past');
- _updatelist(j_wait,sqwait);
- _updatelist(j_run,sqrun);
- _updatelist(j_past,sqpast);
- });
- }
- that.node = new vus.node('mgsq');
- that.__super();
- that.node.url_chg = function(direct,url_upart,url_dpart){
- if(direct == 'in'){
- index.tab_hl('mgsq');
- that.fadein(j_pbox);
- sq_update();
- }else if(direct == 'out'){
- index.tab_ll('mgsq');
- that.fadeout(j_pbox);
- j_pbox.find('div.in_box > div > div').remove();
- j_pbox.find('div.out_box > div > div').remove();
- }
- return 'cont';
- };
-}; __extend(class_user_mgsq_pbox,class_com_pbox);
-var class_user_mg_pbox = function(){
- var that = this;
- var j_pbox = $('#index_page > div.user_page > div.mg_pbox');
- var pro_listset = function(j_item,proo){
- j_item.find('td.proid').text(proo.proid);
- j_item.find('td.name').text(proo.proname);
- j_item.find('td.cacheid').text(proo.cacheid);
- };
- var pro_listnew = function(proo){
- var j_item;
- j_item = $('<tr class="item"><td class="proid"></td><td class="name"></td><td class="cacheid"></td><td><button class="setting" style="display:none;">設置</button></td></tr>');
- j_item.hover(
- function(){
- $(this).find('button.setting').show();
- },
- function(){
- $(this).find('button.setting').hide();
- }
- );
- j_item.find('button.setting').on('click',function(e){
- user.editpro_mbox.init('edit',proo).done(function(){
- pro_update();
- });
- com.url_push('/toj/m/user_editpro/');
- });
- pro_listset(j_item,proo);
- return j_item;
- };
- var pro_update = function(){
- $.post('/toj/php/problem.php',{'action':'get_pro_list','data':null},function(res){
- var i;
- var reto;
- var j_table;
- var j_item;
- if(res[0] == 'E'){
- return;
- }
- reto = JSON.parse(res);
- j_table = j_pbox.find('table.prolist');
- j_table.find('tr.item').remove();
- for(i = 0;i < reto.length;i++){
- j_item = pro_listnew(reto[i]);
- j_table.append(j_item);
- }
- });
- };
- that.node = new vus.node('mg');
- that.__super();
- that.node.url_chg = function(direct,url_upart,url_dpart){
- if(direct == 'in'){
- index.tab_hl('mg');
- that.fadein(j_pbox);
- pro_update();
- }else if(direct == 'out'){
- index.tab_ll('mg');
- that.fadeout(j_pbox);
- }
- return 'cont';
- };
- j_pbox.find('button.newsq').on('click',function(e){
- user.editsq_mbox.init('new');
- com.url_push('/toj/m/user_editsq/');
- });
- j_pbox.find('button.newpro').on('click',function(e){
- user.editpro_mbox.init('new').done(function(){
- pro_update();
- });
- com.url_push('/toj/m/user_editpro/');
- });
-}; __extend(class_user_mg_pbox,class_com_pbox);
-var class_user_editsq_mbox = function(){
- var that = this;
- var j_mbox = $('#index_mask > div.user_mask > div.editsq_mbox');
- var action = null;
- var sqid = null;
- var defer = null;
- var pro_listset = function(j_item,proo,type){
- j_item.attr('proid',proo.proid);
- j_item.find('td.id').text(proo.proid);
- j_item.find('td.name').text(proo.proname);
- j_button = j_item.find('button.oper');
- if(type == 'in'){
- j_button.text('移除');
- j_button.off('click').on('click',function(e){
- $.post('/toj/php/square.php',{'action':'delete_pro_from_sq','data':JSON.stringify({'sqid':sqid,'proid':proo.proid})},function(res){
- if(res == 'S'){
- pro_update();
- }
- });
- });
- }else{
- j_button.text('加入');
- j_button.off('click').on('click',function(e){
- $.post('/toj/php/square.php',{'action':'add_pro_into_sq','data':JSON.stringify({'sqid':sqid,'proid':proo.proid})},function(res){
- if(res == 'S'){
- pro_update();
- }
- });
- });
- }
- };
- var pro_listnew = function(proo,type){
- var j_item;
- j_item = $('<tr class="item"><td class="id"></td><td class="name"></td><td><button class="oper" style="display:none;"></button></td></tr>');
- pro_listset(j_item,proo,type);
- j_item.hover(
- function(){
- $(this).find('button.oper').show();
- },
- function(){
- $(this).find('button.oper').hide();
- }
- );
- return j_item;
- };
- var pro_update = function(){
- _updatelist = function(j_table,prolist,type){
- var i;
- var j;
- var trs;
- var j_last;
- var j_item;
- var oldhash;
- var proo;
- trs = j_table.find('tr.item');
- oldhash = new Array();
- for(i = 0;i < trs.length;i++){
- oldhash[$(trs[i]).attr('proid')] = i;
- }
- j = 0;
- j_last = null;
- for(i = 0;i < prolist.length;i++){
- proo = prolist[i];
- if(proo.proid in oldhash){
- for(;j < oldhash[proo.proid];j++){
- j_item = $(trs[j]);
- j_item.stop().fadeTo(100,0).slideUp('fast',function(){$(this).remove()});
- }
- j_item = $(trs[j]);
- j++;
- pro_listset(j_item,proo,type);
- }else{
- j_item = pro_listnew(proo,type);
- j_item.hide();
- if(j_last == null){
- j_table.prepend(j_item);
- }else{
- j_item.insertAfter(j_last);
- }
- j_item.css('opacity',0).slideDown('fast').fadeTo(100,1);
- }
- j_last = j_item;
- }
- for(;j < trs.length;j++){
- j_item = $(trs[j]);
- j_item.stop().fadeTo(100,0).slideUp('fast',function(){$(this).remove()});
- }
- };
- $.post('/toj/php/square.php',{'action':'get_sq_pro_list','data':JSON.stringify({'sqid':sqid})},function(res){
- var i;
- var inlist;
- if(res[0] != 'E'){
- inlist = JSON.parse(res);
- _updatelist(j_mbox.find('table.prolist_in'),inlist,'in');
- }
- $.post('/toj/php/problem.php',{'action':'get_pro_list','data':null},function(res){
- var i;
- var j;
- var reto;
- var outlist;
- if(res[0] != 'E'){
- reto = JSON.parse(res);
- outlist = new Array();
- for(i = 0,j = 0;i < reto.length;i++){
- if(j < inlist.length && reto[i].proid == inlist[j].proid){
- j++;
- }else{
- outlist.push(reto[i]);
- }
- }
- _updatelist(j_mbox.find('table.prolist_out'),outlist,'out');
- }
- });
- });
- };
- that.node = new vus.node('user_editsq');
- that.__super();
- that.init = function(act,sqo){
- action = act;
- if(action == 'edit'){
- sqid = sqo.sqid;
- j_mbox.find('[name="sqname"]').val(sqo.sqname);
- j_mbox.find('[name="sqmodname"]').val(sqo.sqmodname);
- j_mbox.find('[name="publicity"]').val(sqo.publicity);
- if(sqo.end_time == null){
- j_mbox.find('[name="infinite"]').val(1);
- }else{
- j_mbox.find('[name="infinite"]').val(2);
- j_mbox.find('div.time').show();
- j_mbox.find('[name="s_year"]').val(sqo.start_time.getFullYear());
- j_mbox.find('[name="s_month"]').val(sqo.start_time.getMonth() + 1);
- j_mbox.find('[name="s_day"]').val(sqo.start_time.getDate());
- j_mbox.find('[name="s_hr"]').val(sqo.start_time.getHours());
- j_mbox.find('[name="s_min"]').val(sqo.start_time.getMinutes());
- j_mbox.find('[name="e_year"]').val(sqo.end_time.getFullYear());
- j_mbox.find('[name="e_month"]').val(sqo.end_time.getMonth() + 1);
- j_mbox.find('[name="e_day"]').val(sqo.end_time.getDate());
- j_mbox.find('[name="e_hr"]').val(sqo.end_time.getHours());
- j_mbox.find('[name="e_min"]').val(sqo.end_time.getMinutes());
- }
- j_mbox.find('button.delete').show();
- pro_update();
- }
- com.vus_mbox.child_set(that.node);
- defer = $.Deferred();
- return defer.promise();
- };
- that.node.url_chg = function(direct,url_upart,url_dpart){
- if(direct == 'in'){
- that.fadein(j_mbox);
- }else if(direct == 'out'){
- that.fadeout(j_mbox);
- sqid = null;
- j_mbox.find('input').val('');
- j_mbox.find('[name="publicity"]').val(3);
- j_mbox.find('[name="infinite"]').val(1);
- j_mbox.find('div.time').hide();
- j_mbox.find('button.delete').hide();
- j_mbox.find('div.error').text('');
- j_mbox.find('table.prolist_in').empty();
- j_mbox.find('table.prolist_out').empty();
- if(defer.state() == 'pending'){
- defer.reject();
- }
- com.vus_mbox.child_del(that.node);
- }
- return 'cont';
- };
- j_mbox.find('[name="infinite"]').on('change',function(e){
- if($(this).val() == 1){
- j_mbox.find('div.time').hide();
- }else{
- j_mbox.find('div.time').show();
- }
- });
- j_mbox.find('button.delete').on('click',function(e){
- if(confirm('確定刪除方塊?')){
- $.post('/toj/php/square.php',{'action':'delete_sq','data':JSON.stringify({'sqid':sqid})},function(res){
- var j_error;
- if(res[0] == 'E'){
- j_error = j_mbox.find('div.error');
- switch(res){
- case 'Eno_login':
- j_error.text('未登入');
- case 'Epermission_denied':
- j_error.text('權限不足');
- break;
- default:
- j_error.text('其他錯誤');
- break;
- }
- }else{
- defer.resolve();
- com.url_pull_pbox();
- }
- });
- }
- });
- j_mbox.find('button.submit').on('click',function(e){
- var sqname;
- var sqmodname;
- var publicity;
- var start_time;
- var end_time;
- var j_error;
- sqname = j_mbox.find('[name="sqname"]').val();
- sqmodname = j_mbox.find('[name="sqmodname"]').val();
- publicity = parseInt(j_mbox.find('[name="publicity"]').val());
- if(j_mbox.find('[name="infinite"]').val() == 1){
- start_time = null;
- end_time = null;
- }else{
- start_time = j_mbox.find('[name="s_year"]').val() + '-' +
- j_mbox.find('[name="s_month"]').val() + '-' +
- j_mbox.find('[name="s_day"]').val() + ' ' +
- j_mbox.find('[name="s_hr"]').val() + ':' +
- j_mbox.find('[name="s_min"]').val();
- end_time = j_mbox.find('[name="e_year"]').val() + '-' +
- j_mbox.find('[name="e_month"]').val() + '-' +
- j_mbox.find('[name="e_day"]').val() + ' ' +
- j_mbox.find('[name="e_hr"]').val() + ':' +
- j_mbox.find('[name="e_min"]').val();
- }
- j_error = j_mbox.find('div.error');
- if(action == 'new'){
- $.post('/toj/php/square.php',{'action':'add_sq','data':JSON.stringify({'sqname':sqname,'sqmodname':sqmodname,'publicity':publicity,'start_time':start_time,'end_time':end_time})},function(res){
- if(res[0] == 'E'){
- switch(res){
- case 'Eno_login':
- j_error.text('未登入');
- case 'Epermission_denied':
- j_error.text('權限不足');
- break;
- case 'Esqname_too_short':
- j_error.text('方塊名稱太短');
- break;
- case 'Esqname_too_long':
- j_error.text('方塊名稱太長');
- break;
- case 'Esqmodname_empty':
- j_error.text('模組名稱不能爲空');
- break;
- default:
- j_error.text('其他錯誤');
- break;
- }
- }else{
- defer.resolve();
- com.url_pull_pbox();
- }
- });
- }else if(action == 'edit'){
- $.post('/toj/php/square.php',{'action':'edit_sq','data':JSON.stringify({'sqid':sqid,'sqname':sqname,'sqmodname':sqmodname,'publicity':publicity,'start_time':start_time,'end_time':end_time})},function(res){
- if(res[0] == 'E'){
- switch(res){
- case 'Eno_login':
- j_error.text('未登入');
- case 'Epermission_denied':
- j_error.text('權限不足');
- break;
- case 'Esqname_too_short':
- j_error.text('方塊名稱太短');
- break;
- case 'Esqname_too_long':
- j_error.text('方塊名稱太長');
- break;
- default:
- j_error.text('其他錯誤');
- break;
- }
- }else{
- user.update(false);
- defer.resolve();
- com.url_pull_pbox();
- }
- });
- }
- });
- j_mbox.find('button.cancel').on('click',function(e){
- com.url_pull_pbox();
- });
-}; __extend(class_user_editsq_mbox,class_com_mbox);
-var class_user_editpro_mbox = function(){
- var that = this;
- var j_mbox = $('#index_mask > div.user_mask > div.editpro_mbox');
- var action;
- var proid;
- var defer;
- that.node = new vus.node('user_editpro');
- that.__super();
- that.init = function(act,proo){
- action = act;
- if(action == 'edit'){
- proid = proo.proid;
- j_mbox.find('[name="proid"]').val(proo.proid);
- j_mbox.find('[name="name"]').val(proo.proname);
- j_mbox.find('[name="modid"]').val(proo.modid);
- j_mbox.find('span.cacheid').text('當前CacheID:' + proo.cacheid);
- if(proo.hidden == true){
- j_mbox.find('[name="hidden"]').val(2);
- }else{
- j_mbox.find('[name="hidden"]').val(1);
- }
- j_mbox.find('div.update').show();
- j_mbox.find('button.delete').show();
- }
- com.vus_mbox.child_set(that.node);
- defer = $.Deferred();
- return defer.promise();
- };
- that.node.url_chg = function(direct,url_dpart,url_upart){
- if(direct == 'in'){
- that.fadein(j_mbox);
- }else if(direct == 'out'){
- that.fadeout(j_mbox);
- j_mbox.find('input').val('');
- j_mbox.find('[name="hidden"]').val(1);
- j_mbox.find('div.update').hide();
- j_mbox.find('button.delete').hide();
- j_mbox.find('div.error').text('');
- if(defer.state() == 'pending'){
- defer.reject();
- }
- com.vus_mbox.child_del(that.node);
- }
- };
- j_mbox.find('button.update').on('click',function(e){
- $.post('/toj/php/problem.php',{'action':'update_pro_cache','data':JSON.stringify({'proid':proid})},function(res){
- defer.resolve();
- com.url_pull_pbox();
- });
- });
- j_mbox.find('button.rejudge').on('click',function(e){
- $.post('/toj/php/problem.php',{'action':'rejudge_pro','data':JSON.stringify({'proid':proid})},function(res){
- defer.resolve();
- com.url_pull_pbox();
- });
- });
- j_mbox.find('button.submit').on('click',function(e){
- var proname;
- var modid;
- var hidden;
- var j_error;
- proname = j_mbox.find('[name="name"]').val();
- modid = j_mbox.find('[name="modid"]').val();
- if(parseInt(j_mbox.find('[name="hidden"]').val()) == 1){
- hidden = false;
- }else{
- hidden = true;
- }
- j_error = j_mbox.find('div.error');
- if(action == 'new'){
- $.post('/toj/php/problem.php',{'action':'add_pro','data':JSON.stringify({'proname':proname,'modid':modid,'hidden':hidden})},function(res){
- if(res[0] == 'E'){
- switch(res){
- case 'Eno_login':
- j_error.text('未登入');
- case 'Epermission_denied':
- j_error.text('權限不足');
- break;
- case 'Eproname_too_short':
- j_error.text('題目名稱太短');
- break;
- case 'Eproname_too_long':
- j_error.text('題目名稱太長');
- break;
- case 'Ewrong_modid':
- j_error.text('模組ID錯誤');
- break;
- default:
- j_error.text('其他錯誤');
- break;
- }
- }else{
- defer.resolve();
- com.url_pull_pbox();
- }
- });
- }else if(action == 'edit'){
- $.post('/toj/php/problem.php',{'action':'edit_pro','data':JSON.stringify({'proid':proid,'proname':proname,'modid':modid,'hidden':hidden})},function(res){
- if(res[0] == 'E'){
- switch(res){
- case 'Eno_login':
- j_error.text('未登入');
- case 'Epermission_denied':
- j_error.text('權限不足');
- break;
- case 'Eproname_too_short':
- j_error.text('題目名稱太短');
- break;
- case 'Eproname_too_long':
- j_error.text('題目名稱太長');
- break;
- case 'Ewrong_modid':
- j_error.text('模組ID錯誤');
- break;
- default:
- j_error.text('其他錯誤');
- break;
- }
- }else{
- defer.resolve();
- com.url_pull_pbox();
- }
- });
- }
- });
- j_mbox.find('button.cancel').on('click',function(e){
- com.url_pull_pbox();
- });
-}; __extend(class_user_editpro_mbox,class_com_mbox);
-var class_login_pbox = function(){
- var that = this;
- var j_page = $('#index_page > div.login_pbox');
- that.node = new vus.node('login');
- that.__super();
- that.node.url_chg = function(direct,url_upart,url_dpart){
- if(direct == 'in'){
- that.fadein(j_page);
- index.title_set('TOJ-登入');
- j_page.find('div.login_box [name="username"]').focus();
- }else if(direct == 'out'){
- that.fadeout(j_page);
- j_page.find('div.login_box > div.error').text('');
- j_page.find('div.login_box > input').val('');
- }
- return 'cont';
- };
- com.vus_root.child_set(that.node);
- j_page.find('div.login_box > input').keypress(function(e){
- if(e.which == 13){
- j_page.find('div.login_box > button').click();
- }
- });
- j_page.find('div.login_box > button').click(function(e){
- var j_error;
- var username;
- var password;
- var data;
- j_error = j_page.find('div.login_box > div.error');
- username = j_page.find('div.login_box [name="username"]').val();
- password = j_page.find('div.login_box [name="password"]').val();
- if(username == '' || password == ''){
- j_error.text('欄位不可為空');
- return;
- }
- data = {'username':username,'password':password};
- $.post('/toj/php/user.php',{'action':'login','data':JSON.stringify(data)},function(res){
- if(res[0] == 'E'){
- j_error.text('登入錯誤');
- }else{
- user.update(true);
- com.url_push_back('/toj\/register/');
- }
- });
- });
-}; __extend(class_login_pbox,class_com_pbox);
-var class_register_pbox = function(){
- var that = this;
- var j_page = $('#index_page > div.register_pbox');
- that.node = new vus.node('register');
- that.__super();
- that.node.url_chg = function(direct,url_upart,url_dpart){
- if(direct == 'in'){
- that.fadein(j_page);
- index.title_set('TOJ-註冊');
- j_page.find('div.register_box [name="username"]').focus();
- }else if(direct == 'out'){
- that.fadeout(j_page);
- j_page.find('div.register_box > div.error').text('');
- j_page.find('div.register_box > div.register_box > input').val('');
- j_page.find('div.register_box > div.register_box > div.cover').show();
- }
- return 'cont';
- };
- com.vus_root.child_set(that.node);
- j_page.find('div.register_box > input').keypress(function(e){
- if(e.which == 13){
- j_page.find('div.register_box > button').click();
- }
- });
- j_page.find('div.register_box > button').click(function(e){
- var j_error;
- var username;
- var password;
- var password_repeat;
- var nickname;
- var email;
- var data;
- j_error = j_page.find('div.register_box > div.error');
- username = j_page.find('div.register_box [name="username"]').val();
- password = j_page.find('div.register_box [name="password"]').val();
- password_repeat = j_page.find('div.register_box [name="password_repeat"]').val();
- nickname = j_page.find('div.register_box [name="nickname"]').val();
- email = j_page.find('div.register_box [name="email"]').val();
- if(username == '' || password == '' || password_repeat == '' || nickname == '' || email == ''){
- j_error.text('欄位不可為空');
- return;
- }
- if(password != password_repeat){
- j_error.text('使用者密碼不相同');
- return;
- }
- data = {'username':username,'password':password,'nickname':nickname,'email':email};
- $.post('/toj/php/user.php',{'action':'register','data':JSON.stringify(data)},function(res){
- if(res[0] == 'E'){
- switch(res){
- case 'Eusername_too_short':
- j_error.text('使用者名稱太短');
- break;
- case 'Eusername_too_long':
- j_error.text('使用者名稱太長');
- break;
- case 'Epassword_too_short':
- j_error.text('使用者密碼太短');
- break;
- case 'Epassword_too_long':
- j_error.text('使用者密碼太長');
- break;
- case 'Enickname_too_short':
- j_error.text('暱稱太短');
- break;
- case 'Enickname_too_long':
- j_error.text('暱稱太長');
- break;
- case 'Eusername_exists':
- j_error.text('使用者名稱已存在');
- break;
- case 'Eempty_email':
- j_error.text('電子郵件不能爲空');
- break;
- case 'Eemail_too_long':
- j_error.text('電子郵件太長');
- break;
- default:
- j_error.text('註冊錯誤');
- break;
- }
- }else{
- user.update(true);
- com.url_push_back('/toj\/login/');
- }
- });
- });
-}; __extend(class_register_pbox,class_com_pbox);
diff --git a/toj/php/_json.php b/toj/php/_json.php
deleted file mode 100755
index b3c443e..0000000
--- a/toj/php/_json.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-echo json_encode("#include <stdio.h>\nint main(){while(scanf(\"%d%d\", &a, &b)==2)printf(\"%d\n\", a+b); return 0;}\n");
diff --git a/toj/php/_pzread_update.php b/toj/php/_pzread_update.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 674f15b..0000000
--- a/toj/php/_pzread_update.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-$socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
-$sconn = socket_connect($socket, '',CENTER_SOCKET_PORT);
- exit('error');
-$wret = socket_write($socket,'-1'.chr(0).'{}'.chr(0));
-if($wret === false)
- exit('error');
-$cret = socket_read($socket, 1024);
-if($cret === false)
- exit('error');
-if($cret[0] != 'S')
- exit('error');
diff --git a/toj/php/_test.php b/toj/php/_test.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 5ce8271..0000000
--- a/toj/php/_test.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-<form action="notice.php" method=post>
- <input type='hidden' value='{"uid":111}' name='data'>
- <input type='hidden' value='count' name='action'>
- <input type='submit' value='ti jiao count'>
-<form action="notice.php" method=post>
- <input type='text' value='{"uid":111}' name='data'>
- <input type='hidden' value='get' name='action'>
- <input type='submit' value='ti jiao get'>
-<form action="notice.php" method=post>
- <input type='hidden' value='{"uid":111}' name='data'>
- <input type='hidden' value='clear' name='action'>
- <input type='submit' value='ti jiao clear'>
-<form action="notice.php" method=post>
- <input type='text' value='{"uid":111,"type":1,"value":111,"context":"aaaaaa"}' name='data'>
- <input type='hidden' value='add' name='action'>
- <input type='submit' value='ti jiao add'>
diff --git a/toj/php/common.inc.php b/toj/php/common.inc.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 18786e9..0000000
--- a/toj/php/common.inc.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-//error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
-//ini_set("display_errors", "On");
diff --git a/toj/php/connect.inc.php b/toj/php/connect.inc.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 3eebe89..0000000
--- a/toj/php/connect.inc.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-const CENTER_SOCKET_PORT = 2501;
-function sec_is_login()
- if(!isset($_COOKIE['uid']) || !isset($_COOKIE['usec'])){
- return false;
- }
- $userid = $_COOKIE['uid'];
- $usersec = $_COOKIE['usec'];
- if($userid == '' || $usersec == '' || strval(intval($userid)) != $userid || hash('sha512',$userid.SEC_SALT) != $usersec){
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-function db_connect($dbn = DB_NAME)
- return pg_connect('host=localhost port=5432 dbname='.$dbn.' user='.DB_USER.' password='.DB_PASSWORD);
-function db_close($sqlcx)
- pg_close($sqlcx);
diff --git a/toj/php/event.inc.php b/toj/php/event.inc.php
deleted file mode 100755
index acc2f14..0000000
--- a/toj/php/event.inc.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-class event
- private static $white_list;
- private static function init()
- {
- event::$white_list = array('');
- }
- // execute function $name in file $fname
- // if want to call a function of a class, have 2 choice:
- // 1. pass an array as $name, put every level of class in it, like:
- // A::B::C() should be passed like array("A", "B", "C").
- // 2. pass a string with :: directly, it will be automatically
- // translated.
- // return value will be FALSE on failure, return value of target
- // function otherwise. NULL when no return value.
- public static function exec_func($fname, $name, $arg)
- {
- if(!file_exists($fname))
- {
- return false;
- }
- require_once($fname);
- if(is_string($name) && strpos($name, ":") !== FALSE)
- {
- $name = preg_split("/::/", $name);
- }
- if(is_string($name) && !is_callable($name))
- {
- return false;
- }
- if(is_array($name) && !is_callable(join($name, "::")))
- {
- return false;
- }
- if($arg == NULL)
- {
- $res = call_user_func($name);
- }
- else
- {
- $res = call_user_func_array($name, $arg);
- }
- if($res === false)
- {
- return false;
- }
- return $res;
- }
- public static function validate_ip()
- {
- event::init();
- if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']))
- {
- }
- else if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']))
- {
- }
- else
- {
- }
- return in_array($ip, event::$white_list);
- }
diff --git a/toj/php/event.php b/toj/php/event.php
deleted file mode 100755
index e121287..0000000
--- a/toj/php/event.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
- require_once('event.inc.php');
- if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']))
- else if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']))
- else
- if(!event::validate_ip())
- {
- exit;
- }
- $fname = $_POST['fname'];
- $name = $_POST['name'];
- $arg = json_decode($_POST['arg']);
- if(event::exec_func($fname, $name, $arg) === false)
- {
- echo "false";
- }
- else
- {
- echo "true";
- }
diff --git a/toj/php/event_exec.cpp b/toj/php/event_exec.cpp
deleted file mode 100755
index af258c0..0000000
--- a/toj/php/event_exec.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-#include "event_exec.h"
-#define EVENT_BUFLEN 1005
-#define EVENT_URL "http://localhost/toj/php/event.php"
-struct event_handle
- int init, plen, blen;
- char *post, *buf;
- pthread_mutex_t mutex;
- CURL *handle;
-static struct event_handle conn;
-size_t event_write_cb(void *in, size_t siz, size_t nb, void *buf)
- int len;
- len = siz*nb+1;
- if(len > conn.blen)
- {
- len = conn.blen-1;
- }
- memcpy(buf, in, len);
- ((char*)buf)[len] = 0;
- return siz*nb;
-int event_init()
- if(conn.init)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- conn.plen = conn.blen = EVENT_BUFLEN;
- conn.post = (char*)malloc(EVENT_BUFLEN);
- conn.buf = (char*)malloc(EVENT_BUFLEN);
- curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL);
- conn.handle = curl_easy_init();
- curl_easy_setopt(conn.handle, CURLOPT_URL, EVENT_URL);
- curl_easy_setopt(conn.handle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, event_write_cb);
- curl_easy_setopt(conn.handle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, conn.buf);
- pthread_mutex_init(&conn.mutex, NULL);
- conn.init = 1;
- return 1;
-int event_exec(const char *fname, const char *name, const char *arg)
- int res, len;
- char *t;
- event_init();
- if(pthread_mutex_lock(&conn.mutex) == 0)
- {
- len = 0;
- len += strlen(fname)+6;
- len += strlen(name)+6;
- len += strlen(arg)+6;
- if(len > conn.plen)
- {
- t = (char*)malloc(len);
- if(!t)
- {
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&conn.mutex);
- return 0;
- }
- free(conn.post);
- conn.post = t;
- conn.plen = len;
- }
- sprintf(conn.post, "fname=%s&name=%s&arg=%s", fname, name, arg);
- curl_easy_setopt(conn.handle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, conn.post);
- res = curl_easy_perform(conn.handle);
- if(res)
- {
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&conn.mutex);
- return 0;
- }
- fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", conn.buf);
- if(!strcmp(conn.buf, "true"))
- {
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&conn.mutex);
- return 1;
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&conn.mutex);
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/toj/php/event_exec.h b/toj/php/event_exec.h
deleted file mode 100755
index aec1acb..0000000
--- a/toj/php/event_exec.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef EVENT_EXEC
-#define EVENT_EXEC
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <curl/curl.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-int event_exec(const char *fname, const char *name, const char *arg);
diff --git a/toj/php/notice.inc.php b/toj/php/notice.inc.php
deleted file mode 100755
index dbf47cc..0000000
--- a/toj/php/notice.inc.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
-const NOTICE_DEF_LIM = 5;
-const NOTICE_MAX_LIM = 30;
-const NOTICE_ACT_CNT = 1;
-const NOTICE_ACT_NEW = 2;
-const NOTICE_ACT_OLD = 4;
-const NOTICE_TYP_USR = 1;
-const NOTICE_TYP_PRO = 2;
-const NOTICE_TYP_SQR = 3;
-const NOTICE_TYP_ALL = 255;
-class notice
- private static function ins_uid($sqlc, $uid)
- {
- $sqlstr = 'INSERT INTO "notice_cache" ("uid", "tim", "cnt", "tmp", "rsv") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) RETURNING *;';
- $sqlarr = array($uid, date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 0, "0", "0");
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $ret = pg_fetch_object($sqlr);
- pg_free_result($sqlr);
- return $ret;
- }
- public static function is_match($sqlc, $uid, &$not)
- {
- if($not->typ == NOTICE_TYP_ALL)
- {
- return true;
- }
- if($not->typ == NOTICE_TYP_USR)
- {
- return $uid == intval($not->val);
- }
- require_once('event.inc.php');
- if($not->typ == NOTICE_TYP_PRO)
- {
- if(!event::exec_func('problem.inc.php', 'problem::is_available', array($sqlc, $not->val, $uid)))
- {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- else if($not->typ == NOTICE_TYP_SQR)
- {
- $ret = event::exec_func('square.inc.php', 'square::get_user_relationship', array($sqlc, $uid, $not->val));
- if($ret >= SQUARE_USER_ACTIVE)
- {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- return false;
- }
- private static function update($sqlc, $uid, &$tar, &$arr)
- {
- if(count($arr) <= 0)
- {
- return false;
- }
- $sqlstr = 'UPDATE "notice_cache" SET "tmp"=$1, "cnt"=$2, "tim"=$4 WHERE "uid"=$3 RETURNING *;';
- $sqlarr = array($arr[0], intval($tar->cnt)+count($arr), $uid, date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $ret = pg_fetch_object($sqlr);
- pg_free_result($sqlr);
- foreach($arr as $it)
- {
- $sqlstr = 'INSERT INTO "user_notice" ("uid", "nid") VALUES ($1, $2);';
- $sqlarr = array(intval($uid), intval($it));
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- pg_free_result($sqlr);
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- private static function check_new($sqlc, $uid)
- {
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT * FROM "notice_cache" WHERE "uid"=$1;';
- $sqlarr = array($uid);
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $ret = pg_fetch_object($sqlr);
- if($ret === false)
- {
- $ret = notice::ins_uid($sqlc, $uid);
- }
- pg_free_result($sqlr);
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT * FROM "notice" WHERE "nid" > $1 ORDER BY "tim";';
- $sqlarr = array(intval($ret->tmp));
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $buf = array();
- while($row = pg_fetch_object($sqlr))
- {
- if(self::is_match($sqlc, $uid, $row))
- {
- array_unshift($buf, $row->nid);
- }
- }
- pg_free_result($sqlr);
- if(count($buf) > 0)
- {
- return self::update($sqlc, $uid, $ret, $buf);
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- // **warning**: this function will clear notice count of uid!!
- public static function get($sqlc, $uid, $typ, $arg1, $arg2)
- {
- $uid = intval($uid);
- if(!$uid || !$sqlc)
- {
- return false;
- }
- $ret = self::check_new($sqlc, $uid);
- if($typ == NOTICE_ACT_CNT)
- {
- return intval($ret->cnt);
- }
- else if($typ == NOTICE_ACT_NEW)
- {
- if($ret->cnt == 0)
- {
- return array();
- }
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT "nid" FROM "user_notice" WHERE "uid"=$1 AND "nid">$2 ORDER BY "nid" DESC';
- $sqlarr = array($uid, intval($ret->rsv));
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $nids = array();
- while($it=pg_fetch_array($sqlr))
- {
- $nids[] = $it[0];
- }
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT * FROM "notice" WHERE "nid" IN ('.join($nids, ",").') ORDER BY "tim";';
- $sqlr = pg_query($sqlc, $sqlstr);
- $buf = array();
- while($it = pg_fetch_object($sqlr))
- {
- $it->nid = intval($it->nid);
- $it->typ = intval($it->typ);
- $buf[] = $it;
- }
- pg_free_result($sqlr);
- $sqlstr = 'UPDATE "notice_cache" SET "cnt"=0, "rsv"=$2 WHERE "uid"=$1;';
- $sqlarr = array($uid, $nids[0]);
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- return $buf;
- }
- else if($typ == NOTICE_ACT_OLD)
- {
- if($arg2 <= 0)
- {
- $arg2 = 1;
- }
- if($arg2 > NOTICE_MAX_LIM)
- {
- $arg2 = NOTICE_MAX_LIM;
- }
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT "nid" FROM "user_notice" WHERE "uid"=$1 AND "nid"<$2 ORDER BY "nid" DESC LIMIT $3';
- $sqlarr = array($uid, $arg1, $arg2);
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $nids = array();
- while($it=pg_fetch_array($sqlr))
- {
- $nids[] = $it[0];
- }
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT * FROM "notice" WHERE "nid" IN ('.join($nids, ",").') ORDER BY "tim";';
- $sqlr = pg_query($sqlc, $sqlstr);
- $buf = array();
- while($it = pg_fetch_object($sqlr))
- {
- $it->nid = intval($it->nid);
- $it->typ = intval($it->typ);
- $buf[] = $it;
- }
- pg_free_result($sqlr);
- return $buf;
- }
- return false;
- }
- public static function clr($sqlc, $uid, $lim=NOTICE_DEF_LIM)
- {
- return false;
- if($lim < 0)
- {
- $lim = 0;
- }
- $ret = self::check_new($sqlc, $uid);
- $buf = preg_split("/[,]/", $ret->tmp);
- $buf = array_slice($buf, 0, $ret->cnt+$lim);
- $sqlstr = 'UPDATE "notice_cache" SET "tmp"=$1 WHERE "uid"=$2;';
- $sqlarr = array(join($buf, ","), $uid);
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- if($sqlr)
- {
- return count($buf);
- }
- return false;
- }
- // you can add notice by calling it.
- public static function add($sqlc, $typ, $val, $txt)
- {
- if(!is_string($val))
- {
- $val = json_encode($val);
- }
- $sqlstr = 'INSERT INTO "notice" ("typ", "val", "txt", "tim") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4) RETURNING *;';
- $sqlarr = array($typ, $val, $txt, date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $ret = pg_fetch_object($sqlr);
- if($ret === false)
- {
- return false;
- }
- return json_encode($ret);
- }
- public static function del($sqlc, $cond)
- {
- $sqlstr = 'DELETE FROM "notice" WHERE 0';
- if(isset($cond['nid']))
- {
- $sqlstr .= ' OR "nid"=$1';
- }
- if(isset($cond['tim']))
- {
- $sqlstr .= ' OR "tim" >= $2';
- }
- $sqlarr = array($cond['nid'], $cond['tim']);
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- if(!$sqlr)
- {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
diff --git a/toj/php/notice.php b/toj/php/notice.php
deleted file mode 100755
index a0f984a..0000000
--- a/toj/php/notice.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-//ini_set("display_errors", "On");
-//error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
-/* usage:
- * action count(uid): update notice count of uid, return value: integer
- * action get(uid): update notice of uid, return notice data limited to notice count,
- * and clear notice count. format: object array, see table "notice"
- * action clear(uid, [limit]): clear cache number to notice_count+limit,
- * does not affect notice, only user cache. return remain number as int.
- * action add(type, value, context): add a notice, need admin permission now.
- * **attention**: this is only for web, use notice::add with your own code,
- * that function does not require any user permission.
- * type is an integer, see "notice.inc.php" NOTICE_TYP_*.
- * value are paired with type, like proid, sqid, uid, .., meaning nothing
- * with NOTICE_TYP_ALL, but cannot be NULL.
- * context is what you want. treat as string data so its format
- * depends on your own.
- * return 'S' when success.
- */
-$sqlc = db_connect();
-$action = $_POST['action'];
-$data = json_decode($_POST['data']);
-if(strlen($action) == 0)
- die('Eno_action');
- die('Eno_login');
-$uid = intval($_COOKIE['uid']);
-$usr = user::get_from_uid($sqlc, $uid);
- die('Eno_such_user');
-if($action == 'count')
- $cnt = notice::get($sqlc, $uid, NOTICE_ACT_CNT);
- echo $cnt;
-else if($action == 'get')
- $nid = intval($data->nid);
- if($nid > 0)
- {
- $cnt = intval($data->count);
- $res = notice::get($sqlc, $uid, NOTICE_ACT_OLD, $nid, $cnt);
- if($res === false)
- {
- die('Eno_such_nid');
- }
- echo json_encode($res);
- }
- else
- {
- $res = notice::get($sqlc, $uid, NOTICE_ACT_NEW);
- echo json_encode($res);
- }
-else if($action == 'clear')
- $lim = NOTICE_DEF_LIM;
- if(isset($data->limit))
- {
- $lim = intval($data->limit);
- }
- if($lim > NOTICE_MAX_LIM)
- {
- $lim = NOTICE_MAX_LIM;
- }
- $ret = notice::clr($sqlc, $uid, $lim);
- echo $ret;
-else if($action == 'add')
- if(!sec_check_level($sqlc, USER_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN) && $uid != 111)
- //if(!sec_check_level($sqlc, USER_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN))
- {
- die('Epermission_denied');
- }
- if(!isset($data->type))
- {
- die('Etype_is_empty');
- }
- if(!isset($data->value))
- {
- die('Evalue_is_empty');
- }
- if(!isset($data->context))
- {
- die('Econtext_is_empty');
- }
- $res = notice::add($sqlc, $data->type, $data->value, $data->context);
- if(!$res)
- {
- die('Efail');
- }
- echo 'S';
diff --git a/toj/php/problem.inc.php b/toj/php/problem.inc.php
deleted file mode 100755
index d4c8e45..0000000
--- a/toj/php/problem.inc.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,354 +0,0 @@
-const PRONAME_LEN_MAX = 100;
-const CODE_LEN_MIN = 1;
-const CODE_LEN_MAX = 102400;
-$LANGUAGE = array(0x1=>'C/C++', 0x2=>'JAVA', 0x4=>'Pascal');
-$EXTENSION = array(0x1=>'cpp', 0x2=>'java', 0x4=>'pas');
-class problem
- public $proid;
- public $modid;
- public $proname;
- public $hidden;
- public static function getmod($sqlc, $modid)
- {
- //return pmodname, smodname, jmodname for specified $modid.
- //False if not found.
- $result = pg_query_params($sqlc, 'SELECT * FROM "mod" WHERE "modid"=$1 LIMIT 1;', array($modid));
- $mret = pg_fetch_object($result);
- pg_free_result($result);
- if(!$mret)
- return false;
- return $mret;
- }
- public static function get($sqlc, $proid)
- {
- //return problem data: proid, modid, proname, pmodname, smodname, jmodname
- //False if not found.
- $result = pg_query_params($sqlc, 'SELECT * FROM "problem" WHERE "proid"=$1 LIMIT 1;', array(intval($proid))) or die ("Eerror_get_problem");
- $ret = pg_fetch_object($result, null, 'problem');
- pg_free_result($result);
- if(!$ret)
- return false;
- $ret->proid = intval($ret->proid);
- $ret->modid = intval($ret->modid);
- $ret->admin_uid = intval($ret->admin_uid);
- $mret = problem::getmod($sqlc, $ret->modid);
- if(!$mret)
- return false;
- $ret->pmodname = $mret->pmodname;
- $ret->smodname = $mret->smodname;
- $ret->jmodname = $mret->jmodname;
- return $ret;
- }
- public static function is_available($sqlc, $proid, $uid = null)
- {
- //return whether the problem is available for user $_COOKIE['uid'] or not.
- //admin of problem always OK
- //if HIDDEN , then NOT OK except admins
- //in sqid=1 always OK , even if not login
- //otherwise must exist at least one common square with relationship >= SQUARE_USER_ACTIVE
- $uidnull = false;
- if($uid == null)
- {
- $uid = intval($_COOKIE['uid']);
- $uidnull = true;
- }
- $sqlr = pg_query_params('SELECT "hidden", "admin_uid" FROM "problem" WHERE "proid"=$1;', array($proid));
- $obj = pg_fetch_object($sqlr);
- $hdn = $obj->hidden;
- if($hdn == null)
- return false; // no such problem
- if(sec_check_level($sqlc, USER_PER_PROADMIN, $uidnull?null:$uid))
- return true;
- if((!$uidnull || sec_is_login()) && $uid == intval($obj->admin_uid))
- return true;
- if($hdn == "t")
- return false;
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "pro_sq" WHERE "proid"=$1 AND "sqid"=$2;';
- $sqlarr = array($proid, 1);
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $ret = intval(pg_fetch_result($sqlr, 0));
- if($ret > 0)
- return true;
- if($uidnull && !sec_is_login())
- return false;
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT COUNT("pro_sq"."sqid") FROM "pro_sq" INNER JOIN "us_sq" ON "pro_sq"."sqid"="us_sq"."sqid" WHERE "pro_sq"."proid"=$1 AND "us_sq"."uid"=$2 AND "us_sq"."relationship">=$3;';
- $sqlarr = array($proid, $uid, SQUARE_USER_ACTIVE);
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $ret = intval(pg_fetch_result($sqlr, 0));
- if($ret > 0)
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- public static function submit($sqlc, $proid, $uid, $lang, $code)
- {
- //Submit code(or data) : $proid, $uid, $lang, $code
- //Return subid. False if failed.
- ////$submit_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
- ////$last_update = $submit_time;
- $sqlstr = 'INSERT INTO "submit" ("proid", "uid", "lang") VALUES ($1, $2, $3) RETURNING subid;';
- $sqlarr = array($proid, $uid, $lang);
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $subid = intval(pg_fetch_result($sqlr, 0));
- if(!$subid)
- return false;
- global $EXTENSION;
- $ext = $EXTENSION[intval($lang)];
- if($ext == null)
- die('Ewrong_extension');
- $parnum = $subid - ($subid%1000);
- $pardir = '../center/submit/'.$parnum.'/';
- if(!is_dir($pardir))
- mkdir($pardir, 0755) or die('Ecannot_mkdir');
- mkdir($pardir.$subid, 0755) or die('Ecannot_mkdir');
- mkdir($pardir.$subid.'/data', 0755) or die('Ecannot_mkdir');
- mkdir($pardir.$subid.'/result', 0755) or die('Ecannot_mkdir');
- chmod($pardir.$subid.'/result', 0775) or die('Ecannot_chmod');
- $file = fopen($pardir.$subid.'/data/main.'.$ext,'w');
- if(!$file)
- die('Ewrite_file_failed');
- fwrite($file, $code);
- fclose($file);
- return $subid;
- }
- public static function add($sqlc, $pro)
- {
- //Add a new problem $pro into problem table.
- //Return the inserted object. False if failed.
- if($pro->hidden == true){
- $hidden = 't';
- }else{
- $hidden = 'f';
- }
- $sqlstr = 'INSERT INTO "problem" ("modid", "proname", "hidden", "admin_uid") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4) RETURNING *;';
- $sqlarr = array($pro->modid, $pro->proname, $hidden, $pro->admin_uid);
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- if(!$sqlr)
- return false;
- $obj = pg_fetch_object($sqlr, null, 'problem');
- pg_free_result($sqlr);
- if(!$obj)
- return false;
- $obj->proid = intval($obj->proid);
- $obj->modid = intval($obj->modid);
- $obj->cacheid = intval($obj->cacheid);
- $obj->admin_uid = intval($obj->admin_uid);
- $obj->hidden = ($obj->hidden=='t');
- return $obj;
- }
- public static function edit($sqlc, $pro)
- {
- if($pro->hidden == true){
- $hidden = 't';
- }else{
- $hidden = 'f';
- }
- $sqlstr = 'UPDATE "problem" SET "modid"=$1, "proname"=$2, "hidden"=$3, "admin_uid"=$4 WHERE "proid"=$5 RETURNING *;';
- $sqlarr = array($pro->modid, $pro->proname, $hidden, $pro->admin_uid,$pro->proid);
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- if(!$sqlr)
- return false;
- $obj = pg_fetch_object($sqlr, null, 'problem');
- pg_free_result($sqlr);
- if(!$obj)
- return false;
- $obj->proid = intval($obj->proid);
- $obj->modid = intval($obj->modid);
- $obj->cacheid = intval($obj->cacheid);
- $obj->admin_uid = intval($obj->admin_uid);
- $obj->hidden = ($obj->hidden=='t');
- return $obj;
- }
- public static function mod_get_lang($sqlc, $modid)
- {
- //get available language code (OR) format
- //return language code
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT "lang" FROM "mod" WHERE "modid"=$1;';
- $sqlarr = array($modid);
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $ret = pg_fetch_result($sqlr, 0);
- pg_free_result($sqlr);
- if(!$ret)
- return false;
- return intval($ret);
- }
- public static function recent_submit($sqlc, $uid, $time)
- {
- //return submission number in recent $time seconds.
- $lasttime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()-$time);
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "submit" WHERE "uid"=$1 AND "submit_time" >= $2;';
- $sqlarr = array($uid, $lasttime);
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $ret = pg_fetch_result($sqlr, 0);
- if(!$ret)
- return false;
- return intval($ret);
- }
- public static function send_socket($subid)
- {
- ///send socket to center.
- //Return true if success, false if failed.
- $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
- $sconn = socket_connect($socket, '', CENTER_SOCKET_PORT);
- if(!$sconn)
- return false;
- $wret = socket_write($socket, $subid.chr(0).'{}'.chr(0));
- if($wret === false)
- return false;
- $cret = socket_read($socket, 1024);
- if($cret === false)
- return false;
- if($cret[0] != 'S')
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- public static function get_pro_stat($sqlc, $proid, $uid)
- {
- //get $uid 's score and is_ac of problem $proid.
- $ret = new stdClass();
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "submit" WHERE "proid"=$1 AND "uid"=$2 AND "result"=0;';
- $sqlarr = array($proid, $uid);
- $res = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $acct = pg_fetch_result($res, 0);
- $ret->is_ac = ($acct > 0);
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT "score" FROM "submit" WHERE "proid"=$1 AND "uid"=$2 ORDER BY "score" DESC LIMIT 1;';
- $sqlarr = array($proid, $uid);
- $res = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $score = pg_fetch_result($res, 0);
- if($score === false)
- {
- $ret->tried = false;
- $ret->score = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- $ret->tried = true;
- $ret->score = $score;
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- public static function get_pro_list($sqlc){
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT * FROM "problem" ORDER BY "proid" ASC;';
- $sqlr = pg_query($sqlc,$sqlstr);
- $ret = array();
- while($obj = pg_fetch_object($sqlr))
- {
- $obj->proid = intval($obj->proid);
- $obj->modid = intval($obj->modid);
- $obj->cacheid = intval($obj->cacheid);
- $obj->admin_uid = intval($obj->admin_uid);
- $obj->hidden = ($obj->hidden=='t');
- array_push($ret, $obj);
- }
- pg_free_result($sqlr);
- return $ret;
- }
- public static function update_pro_cache($sqlc,$proid){
- $sqlstr = 'UPDATE "problem" SET "cacheid"="cacheid" + 1 WHERE "proid"=$1;';
- $sqlarr = array($proid);
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- if(!$sqlr)return false;
- pg_free_result($sqlr);
- if(!problem::send_socket(-1))return false;
- else return true;
- }
- public static function rejudge_pro($sqlc, $proid)
- {
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT "subid" FROM "submit" WHERE "proid"=$1 ORDER BY "subid";';
- $sqlarr = array($proid);
- $res = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $ok = true;
- $sublist = pg_fetch_all_columns($res, 0);
- if(!$sublist)return false;
- $sqlstr = 'UPDATE "submit" SET "result"=100,"runtime"=0,"memory"=0,"score"=0 WHERE "proid"=$1;';
- $sqlarr = array($proid);
- $res = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- pg_free_result($res);
- foreach($sublist as $sub)
- {
- $subid = intval($sub);
- if(!problem::send_socket($subid))$ok = false;
- }
- return $ok;
- }
- public static function rejudge_sub($sqlc, $subid)
- {
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT "proid" FROM "submit" WHERE "subid"=$1;';
- $sqlarr = array($subid);
- $res = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $proid = intval(pg_fetch_result($res, 0));
- if(!$proid)return false;
- $sqlstr = 'UPDATE "submit" SET "result"=100,"runtime"=0,"memory"=0,"score"=0 WHERE "subid"=$1;';
- $sqlarr = array($subid);
- $res = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- pg_free_result($res);
- return problem::send_socket($subid);
- }
diff --git a/toj/php/problem.php b/toj/php/problem.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 4ef43f3..0000000
--- a/toj/php/problem.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-//ini_set("display_errors", "On");
-//error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
-$sqlc = db_connect();
-$action = $_POST['action'];
-$data = $_POST['data'];
- die('Eno_action');
-if($action == 'get_pro')
- //get problem data: proid, modid, name, pmodname, smodname, jmodname
- //only USER_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN or is_available
- //data : proid
- $dt = json_decode($data);
- $proid = intval($dt->proid);
- $ret = problem::get($sqlc, $proid);
- if(!$ret)
- die('Eget_problem');
- if(!problem::is_available($sqlc, $proid))
- die('Epermission_denied');
- unset($ret->proid);
- //unset($ret->hidden);
- echo(json_encode($ret));
-if($action == 'add_pro')
- //Add problem
- //data: modid, proname, [hidden]
- if(!sec_is_login())
- die('Enot_login');
- if(!sec_check_level($sqlc, USER_PER_PROCREATOR))
- die('Epermission_denied');
- $dt = json_decode($data);
- if(strlen($dt->proname) == 0)
- die('Eproname_too_short');
- if(strlen($dt->proname) > PRONAME_LEN_MAX)
- die('Eproname_too_long');
- $mod = problem::getmod($sqlc, $dt->modid);
- if(!$mod)
- die('Ewrong_modid');
- if($dt->hidden !== true && $dt->hidden !== false)
- die('Ewrong_hidden_value');
- $dt->admin_uid = intval($_COOKIE['uid']);
- $pro = problem::add($sqlc, $dt);
- if(!$pro)
- die('Eadd_problem');
- if(event::exec_func('../pmod/'.$mod->pmodname.'/'.$mod->pmodname.'.inc.php','event_create',[$pro->proid]) === false)
- die('Eevent_error');
- echo(json_encode($pro));
-if($action == 'edit_pro')
- //Edit problem
- //data: modid, proname, [hidden]
- if(!sec_is_login())
- die('Enot_login');
- if(!sec_check_level($sqlc, USER_PER_PROCREATOR))
- die('Epermission_denied');
- $dt = json_decode($data);
- if(strlen($dt->proname) == 0)
- die('Eproname_too_short');
- if(strlen($dt->proname) > PRONAME_LEN_MAX)
- die('Eproname_too_long');
- if(!problem::getmod($sqlc, $dt->modid))
- die('Ewrong_modid');
- if($dt->hidden !== true && $dt->hidden !== false)
- die('Ewrong_hidden_value');
- $dt->admin_uid = intval($_COOKIE['uid']);
- $pro = problem::edit($sqlc, $dt);
- if(!$pro)
- die('Eedit_problem');
- echo(json_encode($pro));
-if($action == 'submit_code')
- //Submit code
- //Need problem available
- //data: proid, lang, code
- if(!sec_is_login())
- die('Enot_login');
- $uid = intval($_COOKIE['uid']);
- $dt = json_decode($data);
- $proid = intval($dt->proid);
- if(!problem::is_available($sqlc, $proid)){
- die('Epermission_denied');
- }
- $obj = problem::get($sqlc, $proid);
- $lang = intval($dt->lang);
- $oklang = problem::mod_get_lang($sqlc, $obj->modid);
- if($LANGUAGE[$lang] == null || (($lang & $oklang) == 0))
- die('Ewrong_language');
- if(strlen($dt->code) < CODE_LEN_MIN)
- die('Ecode_too_short');
- if(strlen($dt->code) > CODE_LEN_MAX)
- die('Ecode_too_long');
- //if(problem::recent_submit($sqlc, $uid, SUBMIT_MIN_INTERVAL) > 0)
- // die('Esubmit_too_frequently');
- $subid = problem::submit($sqlc, $proid, $uid, $lang, $dt->code);
- if(!$subid)
- die('Esubmit_code_failed');
- if(!problem::send_socket($subid, $proid))
- die('Esend_socket_failed');
- echo(json_encode($subid));
-if($action == 'get_pro_stat')
- //Get score and is_ac for specified proid.
- //Need login and problem available.
- //data : proid
- if(!sec_is_login())
- die('Enot_login');
- $uid = intval($_COOKIE['uid']);
- $dt = json_decode($data);
- $proid = intval($dt->proid);
- if(!problem::is_available($sqlc, $proid)){
- die('Epermission_denied');
- }
- $ret = problem::get_pro_stat($sqlc, $proid, $uid);
- if(!$ret)
- die('Eerror_get_pro_stat');
- echo(json_encode($ret));
-if($action == 'get_pro_list')
- if(!sec_is_login())
- die('Enot_login');
- if(!sec_check_level($sqlc, USER_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN))
- die('Epermission_denied');
- $ret = problem::get_pro_list($sqlc);
- if(!$ret)
- die('Error_get_pro_list');
- echo(json_encode($ret));
-if($action == 'update_pro_cache')
- if(!sec_is_login())
- die('Enot_login');
- if(!sec_check_level($sqlc, USER_PER_PROCREATOR))
- die('Epermission_denied');
- $dt = json_decode($data);
- $proid = intval($dt->proid);
- if(!problem::update_pro_cache($sqlc,$proid))
- die('Eupdate_problem_cache');
- echo('S');
-if($action == 'rejudge_pro')
- if(!sec_is_login())
- die('Enot_login');
- if(!sec_check_level($sqlc, USER_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN))
- die('Epermission_denied');
- $dt = json_decode($data);
- $proid = intval($dt->proid);
- if(!problem::rejudge_pro($sqlc, $proid))
- die('Erejudge_pro');
- echo('S');
diff --git a/toj/php/pzreadtest.php b/toj/php/pzreadtest.php
deleted file mode 100755
index b67ae9e..0000000
--- a/toj/php/pzreadtest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
- require_once('notice.inc.php');
- function center_result_event($uid,$msg){
- $db = db_connect();
- notice::add($db,NOTICE_TYP_USR,$uid,json_encode($msg));
- db_close($db);
- }
diff --git a/toj/php/sqlib.inc.php b/toj/php/sqlib.inc.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 154bcbd..0000000
--- a/toj/php/sqlib.inc.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
- require_once('sqlib_scoreboard.inc.php');
diff --git a/toj/php/sqlib_scoreboard.inc.php b/toj/php/sqlib_scoreboard.inc.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 32bec44..0000000
--- a/toj/php/sqlib_scoreboard.inc.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
- /*
- Square mod library : Scoreboard
- 2013/02/10 By TOJTeam
- Get scoreboard by rank :
- sqlib_scoreboard::get_scoreboard($sqlc, $msqlc, $sqid, $sboard_id, $score_func, $start_time, $end_time, $start_rank, $number)
- Get scoreboard of specific user :
- sqlib_scoreboard::get_scoreboard_uid($sqlc, $msqlc, $sqid, $sboard_id, $score_func, $start_time, $end_time, $uid)
- $sqlc : sql connection to database 'toj'
- $msqlc : sql connection to database 'toj_mod'
- $sqid : square id number
- $sboard_id : scoreboard id number (of square)
- $score_func : function to determine rank_score
- $start_time : start timestamp
- $end_time : end timestamp
- $start_rank : display from which rank
- $number : number to display
- $uid : user id number
- Parameter format of $score_func:
- func($sqid, $proid, $best_score, $best_time, $is_ac, $ac_time, $tries_before_ac, $last_score, $last_status, $tries);
- */
- require_once('common.inc.php');
- class sqlib_scoreboard
- {
- public static function def_func($sqid, $proid, $best_score, $best_time, $is_ac, $ac_time, $tries_before_ac, $last_score, $last_status, $tries)
- {
- return $best_score;
- }
- public static function get_last_update($msqlc, $sqid, $sboard_id)
- {
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT "last_update" FROM "sqlib_scoreboard_last_update" WHERE "sqid"=$1 AND "sboard_id"=$2;';
- $sqlarr = array($sqid, $sboard_id);
- $res = pg_query_params($msqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $ret = pg_fetch_result($res, 0);
- return $ret;
- }
- public static function set_last_update($msqlc, $sqid, $sboard_id, $new)
- {
- $now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s+08');
- $sqlstr = 'UPDATE "sqlib_scoreboard_last_update" SET "last_update"=$3 WHERE "sqid"=$1 AND "sboard_id"=$2;';
- if($new)
- {
- $sqlstr = 'INSERT INTO "sqlib_scoreboard_last_update" ("sqid", "sboard_id", "last_update") VALUES ($1, $2, $3);';
- sqlib_scoreboard::clear_scoreboard($msqlc, $sqid, $sboard_id);
- }
- $sqlarr = array($sqid, $sboard_id, $now);
- $res = pg_query_params($msqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- }
- public static function clear_scoreboard($msqlc, $sqid, $sboard_id)
- {
- $sqlstr = 'DELETE FROM "sqlib_scoreboard_main" WHERE "sqid"=$1 AND "sboard_id"=$2;';
- $sqlarr = array($sqid, $sboard_id);
- $res = pg_query_params($msqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- }
- public static function get_scoreboard($sqlc, $msqlc, $sqid, $sboard_id, $score_func, $start_time = null, $end_time = null, $start_offset, $number, $uid = null)
- {
- if(!$start_time)$start_time = '1900-01-01 01:01:01+08';
- if(!$end_time)$end_time = '2222-01-01- 01:01:01+08';
- sqlib_scoreboard::update($sqlc, $msqlc, $sqid, $sboard_id, $score_func, $start_time, $end_time);
- //display
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT "a1"."uid", "a1"."rank_score", COUNT(*) AS "rank" FROM "sqlib_scoreboard_main" "a1", "sqlib_scoreboard_main" "a2" WHERE "a1"."sqid"=$1 AND "a1"."sboard_id"=$2 AND "a2"."sqid"=$1 AND "a2"."sboard_id"=$2 AND ("a2"."rank_score">"a1"."rank_score" OR "a2"."uid"="a1"."uid") GROUP BY "a1"."uid", "a1"."rank_score" ORDER BY "a1"."rank_score" DESC, "a1"."uid" LIMIT $4 OFFSET $3;';
- $sqlarr = array($sqid, $sboard_id, $start_offset, $number);
- if($uid)
- {
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT "a1"."uid", "a1"."rank_score", COUNT(*) AS "rank" FROM "sqlib_scoreboard_main" "a1", "sqlib_scoreboard_main" "a2" WHERE "a1"."sqid"=$1 AND "a1"."sboard_id"=$2 AND "a1"."uid"=$3 AND "a2"."sqid"=$1 AND "a2"."sboard_id"=$2 AND ("a2"."rank_score">"a1"."rank_score" OR "a2"."uid"="a1"."uid") GROUP BY "a1"."uid", "a1"."rank_score";';
- $sqlarr = array($sqid, $sboard_id, $uid);
- }
- $res = pg_query_params($msqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $arr = pg_fetch_all($res);
- $ret_obj = array();
- foreach($arr as $item)
- {
- $obj = new stdClass();
- $obj->uid = intval($item['uid']);
- $obj->rank_score = doubleval($item['rank_score']);
- $obj->rank = intval($item['rank']);
- $obj->problem = array();
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT "proid", "best_score", "best_time", "is_ac", "ac_time", "tries_before_ac", "last_score", "last_status", "last_time", "tries", "rank_score" FROM "sqlib_scoreboard_pro" WHERE "sqid"=$1 AND "sboard_id"=$2 AND "uid"=$3 ORDER BY "proid";';
- $sqlarr = array($sqid, $sboard_id, $obj->uid);
- $res = pg_query_params($msqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $data = pg_fetch_all($res);
- foreach($data as $pro)
- {
- $pobj = new stdClass();
- $pobj->proid = intval($pro['proid']); ///
- $pobj->best_score = doubleval($pro['best_score']);
- $pobj->best_time = $pro['best_time'];
- $pobj->is_ac = ($pro['is_ac']=='t');
- $pobj->ac_time = $pro['ac_time'];
- $pobj->tries_before_ac = intval($pro['tries_before_ac']);
- $pobj->last_score = doubleval($pro['last_score']);
- $pobj->last_status = intval($pro['last_status']);
- $pobj->last_time = $pro['last_time'];
- $pobj->tries = intval($pro['tries']);
- $pobj->rank_score = doubleval($pro['rank_score']);
- $proid = intval($pro['proid']);
- $obj->problem[$proid] = $pobj;
- }
- array_push($ret_obj, $obj);
- }
- return $ret_obj;
- }
- public static function get_scoreboard_uid($sqlc, $msqlc, $sqid, $sboard_id, $score_func, $start_time = null, $end_time = null, $uid)
- {
- return sqlib_scoreboard::get_scoreboard($sqlc, $msqlc, $sqid, $sboard_id, $score_func, $start_time, $end_time, null, null, $uid);
- }
- public static function update($sqlc, $msqlc, $sqid, $sboard_id, $score_func, $start_time, $end_time)
- {
- $last_update = sqlib_scoreboard::get_last_update($msqlc, $sqid, $sboard_id);
- $last_update_time = strtotime($last_update);
- if(!$last_update)$last_update_time = 0;
- if($last_update_time <= time()-2)
- {
- sqlib_scoreboard::set_last_update($msqlc, $sqid, $sboard_id, !$last_update);
- }
- else return;
- $last_update = date('Y-m-d H:i:s+08', $last_update_time);
- //echo ('update!!'.$last_update.'<br>');
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT DISTINCT "uid" FROM "submit" WHERE "last_update">=$4 AND "proid" IN (SELECT "proid" FROM "pro_sq" WHERE "sqid"=$1) AND "submit_time">=$2 AND "submit_time"<=$3;';
- $sqlarr = array($sqid, $start_time, $end_time, $last_update);
- $res = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $uid_list = pg_fetch_all_columns($res);
- foreach($uid_list as $item)
- {
- //echo($item.', ');
- $uid = intval($item);
- sqlib_scoreboard::update_user($sqlc, $msqlc, $sqid, $sboard_id, $score_func, $start_time, $end_time, $uid);
- }
- }
- public static function update_user($sqlc, $msqlc, $sqid, $sboard_id, $score_func, $start_time, $end_time, $uid)
- {
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT "proid" FROM "pro_sq" WHERE "sqid"=$1;';
- $sqlarr = array($sqid);
- $res = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $proid_list = pg_fetch_all_columns($res, 0);
- $total_rank_score = 0.0;
- foreach($proid_list as $item)
- {
- $proid = intval($item);
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT "result", "score", "submit_time" FROM "submit" WHERE "uid"=$1 AND "proid"=$2 AND "submit_time">=$3 AND "submit_time"<=$4 ORDER BY "submit_time";';
- $sqlarr = array($uid, $proid, $start_time, $end_time);
- $res = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $sub_list = pg_fetch_all($res);
- $best_score = -1.0;
- $best_time = '1900-01-01 01:01:01+08';
- $is_ac = false;
- $ac_time = null;
- $tries_before_ac = 0;
- $tries = count($sub_list);
- $last_score = null;
- $last_status = null;
- $last_time = null;
- if($sub_list)
- {
- $last_score = doubleval($sub_list[$tries-1]['score']);
- $last_status = intval($sub_list[$tries-1]['result']);
- $last_time = $sub_list[$tries-1]['submit_time'];
- foreach($sub_list as $obj)
- {
- $score = doubleval($obj['score']);
- $status = intval($obj['result']);
- $stime = $obj['submit_time'];
- if($score > $best_score)
- {
- $best_score = $score;
- $best_time = $stime;
- }
- if(!$is_ac)
- {
- if($status == 0) // JUDGE_AC
- {
- $is_ac = true;
- $ac_time = $stime;
- }
- else
- {
- $tries_before_ac += 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $tries = 0;
- $best_score = null;
- $best_time = null;
- }
- if($score_func == null)$score_func = array('sqlib_scoreboard', 'def_func');
- $rank_score = $score_func($sqid, $proid, $best_score, $best_time, $is_ac, $ac_time, $tries_before_ac, $last_score, $last_status, $last_time, $tries);
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "sqlib_scoreboard_pro" WHERE "sqid"=$1 AND "sboard_id"=$3 AND "proid"=$2 AND "uid"=$4;';
- $sqlarr = array($sqid, $proid, $sboard_id, $uid);
- $res = pg_query_params($msqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $cnt = intval(pg_fetch_result($res, 0));
- $sqlstr = 'UPDATE "sqlib_scoreboard_pro" SET "best_score"=$5, "best_time"=$6, "is_ac"=$7, "ac_time"=$8, "tries_before_ac"=$9, "last_score"=$10, "last_status"=$11, "last_time"=$12, "tries"=$13, "rank_score"=$14 WHERE "sqid"=$1 AND "sboard_id"=$2 AND "proid"=$3 AND "uid"=$4;';
- if($cnt==0)
- {
- $sqlstr = 'INSERT INTO "sqlib_scoreboard_pro" ("sqid", "sboard_id", "proid", "uid", "best_score", "best_time", "is_ac", "ac_time", "tries_before_ac", "last_score", "last_status", "last_time", "tries", "rank_score") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14);';
- }
- $sqlarr = array($sqid, $sboard_id, $proid, $uid, $best_score, $best_time, $is_ac?'t':'f', $ac_time, $tries_before_ac, $last_score, $last_status, $last_time, $tries, $rank_score);
- $res = pg_query_params($msqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- //var_dump($sqlarr);
- $total_rank_score += $rank_score;
- }
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "sqlib_scoreboard_main" WHERE "sqid"=$1 AND "sboard_id"=$2 AND "uid"=$3;';
- $sqlarr = array($sqid, $sboard_id, $uid);
- $res = pg_query_params($msqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $cnt = intval(pg_fetch_result($res, 0));
- $sqlstr = 'UPDATE "sqlib_scoreboard_main" SET "rank_score"=$4 WHERE "sqid"=$1 AND "sboard_id"=$2 AND "uid"=$3;';
- if($cnt == 0)
- {
- $sqlstr = 'INSERT INTO "sqlib_scoreboard_main" ("sqid", "sboard_id", "uid", "rank_score") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4);';
- }
- $sqlarr = array($sqid, $sboard_id, $uid, $total_rank_score);
- $res = pg_query_params($msqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- }
- }
diff --git a/toj/php/square.inc.php b/toj/php/square.inc.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 99f0d2e..0000000
--- a/toj/php/square.inc.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-const SQUARE_PUBLIC = 3;
-const SQUARE_AUTH = 2;
-const SQUARE_PRIVATE = 1;
-const SQUARE_NAME_LEN_MAX = 100;
-class square
- public $sqid;
- public $publicity;
- public $start_time;
- public $end_time;
- public $sqname;
- public $sqmodname;
- public static function get($sqlc, $sqid)
- {
- //get square object from sqid
- //return the object found. False if no such record
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, 'SELECT * FROM "square" WHERE "sqid"=$1 LIMIT 1;', array($sqid));
- $ret = pg_fetch_object($sqlr, null, 'square');
- pg_free_result($sqlr);
- if($ret)$ret->sqid = intval($ret->sqid);
- return $ret;
- }
- public static function add($sqlc, $sq)
- {
- //add a square object
- //required member of sq : publicity, start_time, end_time, sqname, sqmodname
- //return the object . False if failed.
- $sqlstr = 'INSERT INTO "square" ("publicity", "start_time", "end_time", "sqname", "sqmodname") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5) RETURNING *;';
- $sqlarr = array($sq->publicity, $sq->start_time, $sq->end_time, $sq->sqname, $sq->sqmodname);
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $ret = pg_fetch_object($sqlr, null, 'square');
- pg_free_result($sqlr);
- if($ret)$ret->sqid = intval($ret->sqid);
- return $ret;
- }
- public static function edit($sqlc, $sqid, $sq)
- {
- //edit exist square data
- //required member of sq : publicity, start_time, end_time, sqname, sqmodname
- //return edited object . False if failed.
- //
- //if puhlicity change SQUARE_AUTH => SQUARE_PUBLIC,
- $oldsq = square::get($sqlc, $sqid);
- if($oldsq->publicity==SQUARE_AUTH && $sq->publicity==SQUARE_PUBLIC)
- {
- $sqlstr = 'UPDATE "us_sq" SET "relationship"=$1 WHERE "sqid"=$2 AND "relationship"=$3;';
- $sqlarr = array(SQUARE_USER_ACTIVE, $sqid, SQUARE_USER_PENDING);
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- }
- $sqlstr = 'UPDATE "square" SET "publicity"=$1, "start_time"=$2, "end_time"=$3, "sqname"=$4, "sqmodname"=$5 WHERE "sqid"=$6 RETURNING *;';
- $sqlarr = array($sq->publicity, $sq->start_time, $sq->end_time, $sq->sqname, $sq->sqmodname, $sqid);
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $ret = pg_fetch_object($sqlr, null, 'square');
- pg_free_result($sqlr);
- if($ret)$ret->sqid = intval($ret->sqid);
- return $ret;
- }
- public static function del($sqlc, $sqid)
- {
- //Delete the square $sqid. Also delete the user-square relation involves this square.
- //return false if failed.
- $sqlstr = 'DELETE FROM "square" WHERE "sqid"=$1;';
- $sqlstr2 = 'DELETE FROM "us_sq" WHERE "sqid"=$1;';
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, array($sqid));
- if(!$sqlr)return false;
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr2, array($sqid));
- if(!$sqlr)return false;
- else return true;
- }
- public static function add_user($sqlc, $uid, $sqid, $relationship)
- {
- //add user into user-square relation.
- //return false if failed.
- $sqlstr = 'INSERT INTO "us_sq" ("uid", "sqid", "relationship") VALUES ($1, $2, $3) RETURNING *;';
- $sqlarr = array($uid, $sqid, $relationship);
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $ret = pg_fetch_object($sqlr);
- pg_free_result($sqlr);
- if(!$ret)return false;
- else return true;
- }
- public static function del_user($sqlc, $uid, $sqid)
- {
- //delete user from user-square relation.
- //return false if failed.
- $sqlstr = 'DELETE FROM "us_sq" WHERE "uid"=$1 AND "sqid"=$2;';
- $sqlarr = array($uid, $sqid);
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- if(!$sqlr)return false;
- else return true;
- }
- public static function set_user_relationship($sqlc, $uid, $sqid, $relationship)
- {
- //update user relationship.
- //return false if failed.
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, 'UPDATE "us_sq" SET "relationship"=$3 WHERE "uid"=$1 AND "sqid"=$2;', array($uid, $sqid, $relationship));
- if(!$sqlr)return false;
- else return true;
- }
- public static function get_user_relationship($sqlc, $uid, $sqid)
- {
- //get the relationship of uid,sqid from user-square relation.
- //return false if no record in the table;
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, 'SELECT "relationship" FROM "us_sq" WHERE "uid"=$1 AND "sqid"=$2;', array($uid, $sqid));
- $ret = pg_fetch_result($sqlr, 0);
- if(!$ret)return false;
- else return intval($ret);
- }
- public static function get_available_sq($sqlc, $uid, $minpub)
- {
- //get all available square for given uid and publicity at least minpub. (not includes entered ones)
- //Return array of object, which contains each sqid, start_time, end_time, publicity, sqname, sqmodname
- //return empty array if no record in the table;
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT "sqid", "start_time", "end_time", "publicity", "sqname", "sqmodname" FROM "square" WHERE "sqid" NOT IN (SELECT "sqid" FROM "us_sq" WHERE "uid"=$1) AND "publicity" >= $2 ORDER BY (CASE WHEN "square"."end_time" IS NULL THEN "square"."sqid" ELSE 0 END), "square"."start_time", "square"."sqid";';
- $sqlarr = array($uid, $minpub);
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $ret = array();
- while($row = pg_fetch_object($sqlr))
- {
- $row->sqid = intval($row->sqid);
- array_push($ret, $row);
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- public static function get_entered_sq($sqlc, $uid)
- {
- //gel all entered square for given uid.
- //Return array of object, which contains each sqid, start_time, end_time, publicity, sqname, sqmodname, relationship
- //return empty array if no record in the table;
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT "square"."sqid", "square"."start_time", "square"."end_time", "square"."publicity", "square"."sqname", "square"."sqmodname", "us_sq"."relationship" FROM "us_sq" INNER JOIN "square" ON "us_sq"."sqid"="square"."sqid" WHERE "us_sq"."uid"=$1 ORDER BY (CASE WHEN "square"."end_time" IS NULL THEN "square"."sqid" ELSE 0 END), "square"."start_time", "square"."sqid";';
- $sqlarr = array($uid);
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $ret = array();
- while($row = pg_fetch_object($sqlr))
- {
- $row->sqid = intval($row->sqid);
- array_push($ret, $row);
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- public static function del_pro($sqlc, $proid, $sqid)
- {
- //Delete $proid from square $sqid.
- //Return true if success, false if failed.
- $sqlstr = 'DELETE FROM "pro_sq" WHERE "proid"=$1 AND "sqid"=$2;';
- $sqlarr = array($proid, $sqid);
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- if(!$sqlr)
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- public static function add_pro($sqlc, $proid, $sqid)
- {
- //Add problem $proid into square $sqid.
- //Return true if success, false if failed.
- $sqlstr = 'INSERT INTO "pro_sq" ("proid", "sqid") VALUES ($1, $2) RETURNING *;';
- $sqlarr = array($proid, $sqid);
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $ret = pg_fetch_result($sqlr, 0);
- if(!$ret)
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- public static function is_pro_in_sq($sqlc, $proid, $sqid)
- {
- //Return whether problem $proid is in square $sqid or not.
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "pro_sq" WHERE "proid"=$1 AND "sqid"=$2;';
- $sqlarr = array($proid, $sqid);
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $ret = intval(pg_fetch_result($sqlr, 0));
- return $ret > 0;
- }
- public static function get_sqmod($sqlc, $sqid)
- {
- //Return the sqmodname of square $sqid.
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT "sqmodname" FROM "square" WHERE "sqid"=$1;';
- $sqlarr = array($sqid);
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $ret = pg_fetch_result($sqlr, 0);
- return $ret;
- }
- public static function get_pro_list($sqlc, $sqid)
- {
- //get problem list of square $sqid.
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT "problem"."proid", "problem"."proname", "problem"."hidden" FROM "problem" INNER JOIN "pro_sq" ON "problem"."proid"="pro_sq"."proid" WHERE "pro_sq"."sqid"=$1 ORDER BY "problem"."proid";';
- $sqlarr = array($sqid);
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $ret = array();
- while($obj = pg_fetch_object($sqlr))
- {
- $obj->proid = intval($obj->proid);
- $obj->hidden = ($obj->hidden=='t');
- array_push($ret, $obj);
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- public static function get_user_list($sqlc, $sqid)
- {
- //get problem list of square $sqid.
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT "user"."uid", "user"."nickname" FROM "user" INNER JOIN "us_sq" ON "user"."uid"="us_sq"."uid" WHERE "us_sq"."sqid"=$1 ORDER BY "user"."uid";';
- $sqlarr = array($sqid);
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $ret = array();
- while($obj = pg_fetch_object($sqlr))
- {
- $obj->uid = intval($obj->uid);
- array_push($ret, $obj);
- }
- return $ret;
- }
diff --git a/toj/php/square.php b/toj/php/square.php
deleted file mode 100755
index fb87741..0000000
--- a/toj/php/square.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,382 +0,0 @@
-//ini_set("display_errors", "On");
-$sqlc = db_connect();
-$action = $_POST['action'];
-$data = $_POST['data'];
- die('Eno_action');
-if($action == 'add_sq')
- //Add new square. level USER_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN or above required.
- //data: sqname, publicity, [start_time, end_time], sqmodname
- $sq = json_decode($data);
- if(!sec_is_login())
- die('Eno_login');
- if(!sec_check_level($sqlc, USER_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN))
- die('Epermission_denied');
- if($sq->publicity != SQUARE_PUBLIC && $sq->publicity != SQUARE_AUTH && $sq->publicity != SQUARE_PRIVATE)
- die('Ewrong_publicity');
- if(!($sq->start_time))
- $sq->start_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
- if(!($sq->end_time))
- $sq->start_time = null;
- if(strlen($sq->sqname)==0)
- die('Esqname_too_short');
- if(strlen($sq->sqname)>SQUARE_NAME_LEN_MAX)
- die('Esqname_too_long');
- if(strlen($sq->sqmodname)==0)
- die('Esqmodname_empty');
- $res = square::add($sqlc, $sq);
- if(!$res)
- die('Eadd_sq_failed');
- $res2 = square::add_user($sqlc, $_COOKIE['uid'], $res->sqid, SQUARE_USER_ADMIN);
- if(!$res2)
- die('Eadd_admin_failed');
- if(event::exec_func('../sqmod/'.$sq->sqmodname.'/'.$sq->sqmodname.'.inc.php','event_create',[$res->sqid]) === false)
- die('Eevent_error');
- echo('S');
-if($action == 'delete_sq')
- //Delete exist square. level USER_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN or above required.
- //data : sqid
- $sq = json_decode($data);
- if(!sec_is_login())
- die('Eno_login');
- if(!sec_check_level($sqlc, USER_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN))
- die('Epermission_denied');
- $sqid = intval($sq->sqid);
- $sq = square::get($sqlc, $sqid);
- if(!$sq)
- die('Ewrong_sqid');
- $res = square::del($sqlc, $sqid);
- if(!$res)
- die('Edelete_failed');
- if(event::exec_func('../sqmod/'.$sq->sqmodname.'/'.$sq->sqmodname.'.inc.php','event_destroy',[$sq->sqid]) === false)
- die('Eevent_error');
- echo('S');
-if($action == 'edit_sq')
- //edit exist square. level USER_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN / SQUARE_USER_ADMIN or above required.
- //data: sqid, sqname, publicity, [start_time, end_time], sqmodname
- $sq = json_decode($data);
- if(!sec_is_login())
- die('Eno_login');
- $sqid = intval($sq->sqid);
- if(!square::get($sqlc, $sqid))
- die('Eno_such_sq');
- if(!sec_check_level($sqlc, USER_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN) && !(square::get_user_relationship($sqlc, $_COOKIE['uid'], $sqid)>=SQUARE_USER_ADMIN))
- die('Epermission_denied');
- if($sq->publicity != SQUARE_PUBLIC && $sq->publicity != SQUARE_AUTH && $sq->publicity != SQUARE_PRIVATE)
- die('Ewrong_publicity');
- if(!($sq->start_time) && $sq->end_time)
- $sq->start_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
- if(strlen($sq->sqname)==0)
- die('Esqname_too_short');
- if(strlen($sq->sqname)>SQUARE_NAME_LEN_MAX)
- die('Esqname_too_long');
- if(strlen($sq->sqmodname)==0)
- die('Esqmodname_empty');
- $res = square::edit($sqlc, $sqid, $sq);
- if(!$res)
- die('Eedit_failed');
- echo('S');
-if($action == 'get_sq')
- //get exist square data
- //data: sqid
- $sq = json_decode($data);
- $sqid = intval($sq->sqid);
- $ret = square::get($sqlc, $sqid);
- if(!$ret)
- die('Eno_such_sq');
- echo(json_encode($ret));
-if($action == 'add_user')
- //add user to exist square
- //data: uid, sqid
- $dt = json_decode($data);
- if(!sec_is_login())
- die('Eno_login');
- $uid = intval($dt->uid);
- $sqid = intval($dt->sqid);
- $usr = user::get_from_uid($sqlc, $uid);
- if(!$usr)
- die('Eno_such_user');
- $sq = square::get($sqlc, $sqid);
- if(!$sq)
- die('Eno_such_sq');
- $adm = sec_check_level($sqlc, USER_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN) || (square::get_user_relationship($sqlc, $_COOKIE['uid'], $sqid)>=SQUARE_USER_ADMIN);
- if($uid != intval($_COOKIE['uid']) && !$adm)
- die('Epermission_denied');
- if(!$adm)
- {
- if($sq->publicity == SQUARE_AUTH)
- if($sq->publicity == SQUARE_PRIVATE)
- die('Eprivate_square');
- }
- if(square::get_user_relationship($sqlc, $uid, $sqid))
- die('Ealready_entered');
- $ret = square::add_user($sqlc, $uid, $sqid, $rela);
- if(!$ret)
- die('Eadd_user_failed');
- echo('S');
-if($action == 'delete_user')
- //delete user from user-square relation
- //data : uid, sqid
- $dt = json_decode($data);
- if(!sec_is_login())
- die('Eno_login');
- $uid = intval($dt->uid);
- $sqid = intval($dt->sqid);
- $usr = user::get_from_uid($sqlc, $uid);
- if(!$usr)
- die('Eno_such_user');
- $sq = square::get($sqlc, $sqid);
- if(!$sq)
- die('Eno_such_sq');
- $adm = sec_check_level($sqlc, USER_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN) || (square::get_user_relationship($sqlc, $_COOKIE['uid'], $sqid)>=SQUARE_USER_ADMIN);
- if($uid != intval($_COOKIE['uid']) && !$adm)
- die('Epermission_denied');
- if(!square::get_user_relationship($sqlc, $uid, $sqid))
- die('Enot_entered');
- $ret = square::del_user($sqlc, $uid, $sqid);
- if(!$ret)
- die('Edelete_user_failed');
- echo('S');
-if($action == 'edit_user_relationship')
- //edit user relationship.
- //data: uid, sqid, relationship
- $dt = json_decode($data);
- if(!sec_is_login())
- die('Eno_login');
- $uid = intval($dt->uid);
- $sqid = intval($dt->sqid);
- $rel = intval($dt->relationship);
- $usr = user::get_from_uid($sqlc, $uid);
- if(!$usr)
- die('Eno_such_user');
- $sq = square::get($sqlc, $sqid);
- if(!$sq)
- die('Eno_such_sq');
- $adm = sec_check_level($sqlc, USER_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN) || (square::get_user_relationship($sqlc, $_COOKIE['uid'], $sqid)>=SQUARE_USER_ADMIN);
- if(!$adm)
- die('Epermission_denied');
- if(!square::get_user_relationship($sqlc, $uid, $sqid))
- die('Enot_entered');
- $ret = square::set_user_relationship($sqlc, $uid, $sqid, $rel);
- if(!$ret)
- die('Eedit_user_relationship_failed');
- echo('S');
-if($action == 'get_available_sq')
- //get all available square data: sqid, start_time, end_time, publicity, sqname for given uid.
- //data: (no)
- if(!sec_is_login())
- die('Eno_login');
- $uid = intval($_COOKIE['uid']);
- $usr = user::get_from_uid($sqlc, $uid);
- if(!$usr)
- die('Eno_such_user');
- $adm = sec_check_level($sqlc, USER_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN);
- $pub = 2;
- if($adm)
- $pub = 1;
- $list = square::get_available_sq($sqlc, $uid, $pub);
- $ret = new stdClass;
- $ret->list = $list;
- $ret->timestamp = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
- echo(json_encode($ret));
-if($action == 'get_entered_sq')
- //get all entered square data: sqid, start_time, end_time, publicity, sqname, relationship for given uid.
- //data: (no)
- if(!sec_is_login())
- die('Eno_login');
- $uid = intval($_COOKIE['uid']);
- $usr = user::get_from_uid($sqlc, $uid);
- if(!$usr)
- die('Eno_such_user');
- $list = square::get_entered_sq($sqlc, $uid);
- $ret = new stdClass;
- $ret->list = $list;
- $ret->timestamp = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
- echo(json_encode($ret));
-if($action == 'get_sq_pro_list')
- if(!sec_is_login())
- die('Enot_login');
- if(!sec_check_level($sqlc, USER_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN))
- die('Epermission_denied');
- $dt = json_decode($data);
- if(!square::get($sqlc, $dt->sqid))
- die('Ewrong_sqid');
- $ret = square::get_pro_list($sqlc, $dt->sqid);
- echo(json_encode($ret));
-if($action == 'add_pro_into_sq')
- if(!sec_is_login())
- die('Eno_login');
- $uid = intval($_COOKIE['uid']);
- $usr = user::get_from_uid($sqlc, $uid);
- if(!$usr)
- die('Eno_such_user');
- $dt = json_decode($data);
- if(!problem::is_available($sqlc, $dt->proid))
- die('Ewrong_proid');
- $sq = square::get($sqlc, $dt->sqid);
- if(!$sq)
- die('Ewrong_sqid');
- $adm = sec_check_level($sqlc, USER_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN) || square::get_user_relationship($sqlc, $uid, $dt->sqid) >= SQUARE_USER_ADMIN;
- if(!$adm)
- die('Enot_square_admin');
- if(square::is_pro_in_sq($sqlc, $dt->proid, $dt->sqid))
- die('Ealready_in_square');
- $ret = square::add_pro($sqlc, $dt->proid, $dt->sqid);
- if(!$ret)
- die('Eadd_problem_into_square_failed');
- if(event::exec_func('../sqmod/'.$sq->sqmodname.'/'.$sq->sqmodname.'.inc.php','event_add_pro',[$sq->sqid, $dt->proid]) === false)
- die('Eevent_error');
- echo('S');
-if($action == 'delete_pro_from_sq')
- if(!sec_is_login())
- die('Eno_login');
- $uid = intval($_COOKIE['uid']);
- $usr = user::get_from_uid($sqlc, $uid);
- if(!$usr)
- die('Eno_such_user');
- $dt = json_decode($data);
- $sq = square::get($sqlc, $dt->sqid);
- if(!$sq)
- die('Ewrong_sqid');
- $adm = sec_check_level($sqlc, USER_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN) || square::get_user_relationship($sqlc, $uid, $dt->sqid) >= SQUARE_USER_ADMIN;
- if(!$adm)
- die('Enot_square_admin');
- if(!square::is_pro_in_sq($sqlc, $dt->proid, $dt->sqid))
- die('Enot_in_square');
- $ret = square::del_pro($sqlc, $dt->proid, $dt->sqid);
- if(!$ret)
- die('Edelete_problem_from_square_failed');
- if(event::exec_func('../sqmod/'.$sq->sqmodname.'/'.$sq->sqmodname.'.inc.php','event_del_pro',[$sq->sqid, $dt->proid]) === false)
- die('Eevent_error');
- echo('S');
diff --git a/toj/php/status.inc.php b/toj/php/status.inc.php
deleted file mode 100755
index f0ad3da..0000000
--- a/toj/php/status.inc.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-const SUBMIT_COUNT_MAX = 100;
-const SUBMIT_WAIT_MAX = 10;
-class status
- public static function get_submit($sqlc, $filter, $sort, $count, $last_update, $admin)
- {
- //get submit from submit table.
- //return an array with every entry an object of submission.
- $condstr = '';
- $ordstr = '';
- if($admin != true)
- {
- $uid = $_COOKIE['uid'];
- if(!sec_is_login())
- $uid = 0;
- $condstr = $condstr.'("problem"."admin_uid"='.intval($uid).' OR "problem"."hidden"=\'f\') AND ';
- }
- if($last_update != null)
- {
- $condstr = $condstr.'"last_update">\''.pg_escape_string($last_update).'\' AND ';
- }
- if($filter->uid != null)
- {
- $condstr = $condstr.'"submit"."uid"='.pg_escape_string($filter->uid).' AND ';
- }
- if($filter->result !== null)
- {
- $condstr = $condstr.'"result"='.pg_escape_string($filter->result).' AND ';
- }
- if($filter->proid != null)
- {
- $condstr = $condstr.'"submit"."proid"='.pg_escape_string($filter->proid).' AND ';
- }
- if($filter->lang != null)
- {
- $condstr = $condstr.'"lang"='.pg_escape_string($filter->lang).' AND ';
- }
- if($sort->score !== null)
- {
- $relstr = $sort->score[0]==0 ? '<=' : '>=';
- $condstr = $condstr.'"score"'.$relstr.pg_escape_string($sort->score[1]).' AND ';
- $ordstr = $ordstr.'"score" '.($sort->score[0]==0 ? 'DESC' : 'ASC').' ,';
- }
- if($sort->runtime !== null)
- {
- $relstr = $sort->runtime[0]==0 ? '<=' : '>=';
- $condstr = $condstr.'"runtime"'.$relstr.pg_escape_string($sort->runtime[1]).' AND ';
- $ordstr = $ordstr.'"runtime" '.($sort->runtime[0]==0 ? 'DESC' : 'ASC').' ,';
- }
- if($sort->maxmem !== null)
- {
- $relstr = $sort->maxmem[0]==0 ? '<=' : '>=';
- $condstr = $condstr.'"memory"'.$relstr.pg_escape_string($sort->maxmem[1]).' AND ';
- $ordstr = $ordstr.'"memory" '.($sort->maxmem[0]==0 ? 'DESC' : 'ASC').' ,';
- }
- if($sort->subid != null)
- {
- $relstr = $sort->subid[0]==0 ? '<' : '>';
- $condstr = $condstr.'"subid"'.$relstr.pg_escape_string($sort->subid[1]);
- $ordstr = $ordstr.'"subid" '.($sort->subid[0]==0 ? 'DESC' : 'ASC');
- }
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT "submit".*, "user"."nickname", "problem"."proname" FROM ("submit" INNER JOIN "user" ON "submit"."uid"="user"."uid") INNER JOIN "problem" ON "submit"."proid"="problem"."proid" WHERE '.$condstr.' ORDER BY '.$ordstr.' LIMIT '.pg_escape_string($count).';';
- //echo($sqlstr.'<br>');
- $sqlr = pg_query($sqlc, $sqlstr);
- //return pg_fetch_object($sqlr);
- $ret = array();
- while($obj = pg_fetch_object($sqlr))
- {
- $obj->subid = intval($obj->subid);
- $obj->uid = intval($obj->uid);
- $obj->proid = intval($obj->proid);
- $obj->result = intval($obj->result);
- $obj->runtime = intval($obj->runtime);
- $obj->memory = intval($obj->memory);
- $obj->score = intval($obj->score);
- $obj->lang = intval($obj->lang);
- array_push($ret, $obj);
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- public static function get_by_subid($sqlc, $subid)
- {
- //get submit information by subid.
- //return submit information.
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT "submit".*, "mod"."smodname" FROM ("submit" INNER JOIN "problem" ON "submit"."proid"="problem"."proid") INNER JOIN "mod" ON "problem"."modid"="mod"."modid" WHERE "subid"=$1;';
- $sqlarr = array($subid);
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $ret = pg_fetch_object($sqlr);
- if(!$ret)
- die('Eno_such_subid');
- $ret->subid = intval($ret->subid);
- $ret->proid = intval($ret->proid);
- $ret->uid = intval($ret->uid);
- $ret->result = intval($ret->result);
- $ret->memory = intval($ret->memory);
- $ret->score = intval($ret->score);
- $ret->lang = intval($ret->lang);
- $ret->nickname = user::get_nickname($sqlc, $ret->uid);
- return $ret;
- }
- public static function subid_is_available($sqlc, $subid)
- {
- //decide whether subid is visible or not.
- //Return true if OK, false if permission denied or failed.
- $sub = status::get_by_subid($sqlc, $subid);
- if(!$sub)
- return false;
- $ret = problem::is_available($sqlc, $sub->proid);
- if(!$ret)
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- public static function get_submit_data($subid)
- {
- //get submit data files
- //if nothing return false
- $ret = array();
- $path = '../center/submit/'.(floor($subid/1000)*1000).'/'.$subid.'/data';
- $dir_it = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path);
- $it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($dir_it, RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
- foreach($it as $file)
- {
- if($file->isFile())
- {
- $obj = new stdClass();
- $obj->filename = $file->getPathname();
- $obj->content = file_get_contents($obj->filename);
- for($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++)
- {
- $pos = strpos($obj->filename, '/');
- $obj->filename = substr($obj->filename, $pos+1);
- }
- array_push($ret, $obj);
- }
- }
- return $ret;
- }
diff --git a/toj/php/status.php b/toj/php/status.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 488fb95..0000000
--- a/toj/php/status.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-ini_set("display_errors", "On");
-error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
-$sqlc = db_connect();
-$action = $_POST['action'];
-$data = $_POST['data'];
- die('Eno_action');
-if($action == 'get_submit')
- //get submit from submit table
- //data: sort, sort->subid, count, [wait, filter, last_update]
- $dt = json_decode($data);
- if($dt->sort->subid == null)
- die('Eno_sort_subid');
- if($dt->count == null)
- die('Eno_count');
- $cnt = intval($dt->count);
- if($cnt <= 0)
- die('Etoo_few_count');
- if($cnt > SUBMIT_COUNT_MAX)
- die('Etoo_many_count');
- $wait = intval($dt->wait);
- if($wait > SUBMIT_WAIT_MAX)
- die('Etoo_many_wait');
- $nowwait = $wait;
- $isadm = sec_check_level($sqlc, USER_PER_PROADMIN);
- while(1)
- {
- $ret = status::get_submit($sqlc, $dt->filter, $dt->sort, $cnt, $dt->last_update, $isadm);
- if($ret != null)
- {
- /* OUTPUT */
- echo(json_encode($ret));
- exit(0);
- }
- //die('Efail');
- $nowwait--;
- if($nowwait<0)break;
- }
- die('Eno_result');
-if($action == 'get_by_subid')
- //get submission data and smodname by subid.
- //problem must be available for the user.
- //data: subid
- $dt = json_decode($data);
- $subid = intval($dt->subid);
- if(!$subid)
- die('Eno_subid');
- $obj = status::get_by_subid($sqlc, $subid);
- if(!problem::is_available($sqlc, $obj->proid))
- die('Epermission_denied');
- echo(json_encode($obj));
-if($action == 'get_submit_data')
- //get submission data : code or something
- //data: subid
- if(!sec_is_login())
- die('Enot_login');
- $dt = json_decode($data);
- $subid = intval($dt->subid);
- if(!$subid)
- die('Eno_subid');
- $sub = status::get_by_subid($sqlc, $subid);
- if(!$sub)
- die('Ewrong_subid');
- if(!sec_check_level($sqlc, USER_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN) && ($sub->uid != intval($_COOKIE['uid'])))
- die('Epermission_denied');
- $ret = status::get_submit_data($subid);
- if(!$ret)
- die('Eerror_get_submit_data');
- echo(json_encode($ret));
-if($action == 'rejudge_submit')
- if(!sec_is_login())
- die('Enot_login');
- $dt = json_decode($data);
- $subid = intval($dt->subid);
- if(!$subid)
- die('Eno_subid');
- $sub = status::get_by_subid($sqlc, $subid);
- if(!$sub)
- die('Ewrong_subid');
- if(!sec_check_level($sqlc, USER_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN))
- die('Epermission_denied');
- if(!problem::rejudge_sub($sqlc, $subid))
- die('Erejudge_sub');
- echo('S');
diff --git a/toj/php/step.inc.php b/toj/php/step.inc.php
deleted file mode 100755
index a116a64..0000000
--- a/toj/php/step.inc.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-function get_prob_stat_uid($sqlc, $msqlc, $sqid, $sboard_id, $uid)
- $sq = square::get($sqlc, $sqid);
- if(!$sq)die('Eno_such_sq');
- $data = sqlib_scoreboard::get_scoreboard_uid($sqlc, $msqlc, $sqid, $sboard_id, null, $sq->start_time, $sq->end_time, $uid);
- return $data[0];
diff --git a/toj/php/step.php b/toj/php/step.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 6425ae1..0000000
--- a/toj/php/step.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-//ini_set("display_errors", "On");
-$sqlc = db_connect();
-$msqlc = db_connect('toj_mod');
- die('Eno_action');
-if($action == '')
-$uid = $_GET['uid'];
-$dat = get_prob_stat_uid($sqlc, $msqlc, 1, 2, $uid);
-echo('uid : '.$dat->uid.'<br>');
-foreach($dat->problem as $prob)
- echo('problem '.$prob->proid.' : ');
- if(!$prob->tries)
- {
- echo('--<br>');
- continue;
- }
- echo($prob->best_score.' ');
- if($prob->is_ac)echo('AC');
- echo('<br>');
-$term = 1;
-$teamid = get_teamid($msqlc, $term, $uid);
-echo('<br>Team : '.$teamid.'<br>Members : <br>');
-$members = get_team_member($msqlc, $term, $teamid);
-foreach($members as $mem)
- echo('<br>Uid : '.$mem->uid.' ( Level '.$mem->level.' )<br>');
- $uid = intval($mem->uid);
- if($uid == intval($_GET['uid']))continue;
- $dat = get_prob_stat_uid($sqlc, $msqlc, 1, 2, $uid);
- foreach($dat->problem as $prob)
- {
- echo('problem '.$prob->proid.' : ');
- if(!$prob->tries)
- {
- echo('--<br>');
- continue;
- }
- echo($prob->best_score.' ');
- if($prob->is_ac)echo('AC');
- echo('<br>');
- }
diff --git a/toj/php/teamt.php b/toj/php/teamt.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 13c7bad..0000000
--- a/toj/php/teamt.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-function get_teamid($msqlc, $term, $uid)
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT "teamid" FROM "sqmod_sprout_team" WHERE "term"=$1 AND "uid"=$2;';
- $sqlarr = array($term, $uid);
- $res = pg_query_params($sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $teamid = pg_fetch_result($res, 0);
- return $teamid;
-function get_team_member($msqlc, $term, $teamid)
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT "uid", "level" FROM "sqmod_sprout_team" WHERE "term"=$1 AND "teamid"=$2 ORDER BY "level" DESC, "uid";';
- $sqlarr = array($term, $teamid);
- $res = pg_query_params($sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $ret = array();
- while($obj = pg_fetch_object($res))
- {
- array_push($ret, $obj);
- }
- return $ret;
diff --git a/toj/php/test.php b/toj/php/test.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 4d39e6e..0000000
--- a/toj/php/test.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-ini_set("display_errors", "On");
-error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
-$msqlc = db_connect('toj_mod');
-$sqlc = db_connect();
-function func($sqid, $proid, $best_score, $best_time, $is_ac, $ac_time, $tries_before_ac, $last_score, $last_status, $last_time, $tries)
- return $best_score;
-//$a = intval($_GET['a']);
-//sqlib_scoreboard::set_last_update($msqlc, 1, 4, false);
-//$scb = sqlib_scoreboard::get_scoreboard($sqlc, $msqlc, 1, $a, func, null, null, 1, 20);
-//$test = sqlib_scoreboard::get_last_update($msqlc, 1, $a);
-/*for($i = 5; $i <= 61; $i++){
-echo('uid : '.$i.'<br>');
-$res = user::reset_password($sqlc, $i);
-//user::reset_password($sqlc, 16);
-if(!sec_check_level($sqlc, USER_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN))
- die('Epermission_denied');
- $subid = intval($_GET['subid']);
- if(!$subid)
- die('Eno_subid');
- $path = '../center/submit/'.(int)(floor($subid/1000)*1000).'/'.$subid.'/data/main.cpp';
- $code = file_get_contents($path);
- if(!$code)
- die('Eerror_get_code');
- $sarr = array('<', '>');
- $darr = array('&lt;', '&gt;');
- $ncode = str_replace($sarr, $darr, $code);
- echo('Subid: '.$subid.'<br>');
-<script type="text/javascript" src="http://alexgorbatchev.com/pub/sh/current/scripts/shCore.js"></script>
-<script type="text/javascript" src="http://alexgorbatchev.com/pub/sh/current/scripts/shBrushCpp.js"></script>
-<link href="http://alexgorbatchev.com/pub/sh/current/styles/shCore.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
-<link href="http://alexgorbatchev.com/pub/sh/current/styles/shThemeDefault.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
- echo('<pre class="brush: cpp">');
- echo($ncode);
- echo('</pre>');
-<script type="text/javascript">
- SyntaxHighlighter.all()
- $subid = intval($_GET['subid']);
- if(!$subid)
- die('Eno_subid');
- $res = problem::rejudge_sub($sqlc, $subid);
- if(!$res)
- die('Eerror_rejudge');
- echo('S');
- $proid = intval($_GET['proid']);
- if(!$proid)
- die('Eno_proid');
- $res = problem::rejudge_pro($sqlc, $proid);
- if(!$res)
- die('Eerror_rejudge');
- echo('S');
diff --git a/toj/php/user.inc.php b/toj/php/user.inc.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 46205d7..0000000
--- a/toj/php/user.inc.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-const USERNAME_LEN_MIN = 5;
-const USERNAME_LEN_MAX = 20;
-const PASSWORD_LEN_MIN = 5;
-const PASSWORD_LEN_MAX = 32;
-const NICKNAME_LEN_MIN = 1;
-const NICKNAME_LEN_MAX = 32;
-const EMAIL_LEN_MAX = 100;
-const USER_PER_USER = 0x00000001;
-const USER_PER_PROCREATOR = 0x00000002;
-const USER_PER_PROADMIN = 0x00000004;
-const USER_LEVEL_USER = 0x00000001;
-const USER_LEVEL_PROCREATOR = 0x00000003;
-const USER_LEVEL_PROADMIN = 0x00000007;
-const USER_LEVEL_ADMIN = 0x0000ffff;
-const USER_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN = 0xffffffff;
-class user
- public $uid;
- public $username;
- public $password;
- public $nickname;
- public $aboutme;
- public $avatar;
- public $level;
- public $email;
- public static function get_from_uid($sqlc, $uid)
- {
- //return user object of specified uid. False if user doesn't exists.
- $result = pg_query_params($sqlc, 'SELECT * FROM "user" WHERE "uid"=$1 LIMIT 1;', array(intval($uid))) or die ("Eerror_get_user");
- $ret = pg_fetch_object($result, null, 'user');
- pg_free_result($result);
- if(!$ret)
- return false;
- $ret->uid = intval($ret->uid);
- $ret->level = intval($ret->level);
- return $ret;
- }
- public static function get_from_username($sqlc, $username)
- {
- //return user object of specified username. False if user doesn't exists.
- $result = pg_query_params($sqlc, 'SELECT * FROM "user" WHERE "username"=$1 LIMIT 1;', array($username));
- $ret = pg_fetch_object($result, null, 'user');
- pg_free_result($result);
- if(!$ret)
- return false;
- $ret->uid = intval($ret->uid);
- $ret->level = intval($ret->level);
- return $ret;
- }
- public static function add($sqlc, $user)
- {
- //add user to database , with $user the user data object
- //return inserted user object. False if failed.
- //Assume the insertion is valid!!
- //requires member: string username, string nickname, string password, stirng aboutme, string avatar, string email
- $sqlstr = 'INSERT INTO "user" ("username", "nickname", "password", "aboutme", "avatar", "email") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6) RETURNING *;';
- $sqlarr = array($user->username, $user->nickname, $user->password, '', '', $user->email);
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- if(!$sqlr)return false;
- //$sqlr = pg_query($sqlc, 'SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY();');
- $obj = pg_fetch_object($sqlr, null, 'user');
- pg_free_result($sqlr);
- if($obj)$obj->uid = intval($obj->uid);
- return $obj;
- }
- public static function update($sqlc, $user)
- {
- //update user data into database, with $user the user data object
- //return updated object. False if failed.
- //Assume the update is valid!!
- //requires member: string nickname, string password, string aboutme, string avatar, string email, int uid
- $sqlstr = 'UPDATE "user" SET "nickname"=$1, "password"=$2, "aboutme"=$3, "avatar"=$4, "email"=$5 WHERE "uid"=$6 RETURNING *;';
- $sqlarr = array($user->nickname, $user->password, $user->aboutme, $user->avatar, $user->email, intval($user->uid));
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- if(!$sqlr)return false;
- $obj = pg_fetch_object($sqlr, null, 'user');
- pg_free_result($sqlr);
- if($obj)$obj->uid = intval($obj->uid);
- return $obj;
- }
- /*public static function update_property($sqlc, $user)
- {
- //update property of given user.
- //return updated object. False if failed.
- //Assume the update is valid!!
- //requires member: int[] property, int uid;
- $sqlstr = 'UPDATE "user" SET "property"=$1 WHERE "uid"=$2 RETURNING *;';
- $sqlarr = array($user->property, intval($user->uid));
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- if(!$sqlr)return false;
- $obj = pg_fetch_object($sqlr, null, 'user');
- pg_free_result($sqlr);
- if($obj)$obj->uid = intval($obj->uid);
- return $obj;
- }*/
- public static function get_username($sqlc, $uid)
- {
- //return username of given uid. False if not found.
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT "username" FROM "user" WHERE "uid"=$1 LIMIT 1;';
- $sqlarr = array(intval($uid));
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $ret = pg_fetch_result($sqlr, 0);
- pg_free_result($sqlr);
- return $ret;
- }
- public static function get_nickname($sqlc, $uid)
- {
- //return nickname of given uid. False if not found.
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT "nickname" FROM "user" WHERE "uid"=$1 LIMIT 1;';
- $sqlarr = array(intval($uid));
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $ret = pg_fetch_result($sqlr, 0);
- pg_free_result($sqlr);
- return $ret;
- }
- public static function reset_password($sqlc, $uid)
- {
- //reset password for given uid. False if not found.
- $user = user::get_from_uid($sqlc, $uid);
- if(!$user)return false;
- $email = $user->email;
- if(!$email)return false;
- $passlen = 8;
- $newpass = '';
- for($i = 0; $i < $passlen; $i++)
- {
- $v = rand()%62;
- $c = null;
- if($v<10)$c = chr(48 + $v);
- else if($v<36)$c = chr(65 + $v - 10);
- else $c = chr(97 + $v - 36);
- $newpass = $newpass.$c;
- }
- //echo($newpass.'<br>');
- //email
- $cmail = new PHPMailer();
- $cmail->IsSMTP();
- $cmail->SMTPAuth = true;
- $cmail->SMTPSecure = 'SSL';
- $cmail->Host = 'ssl://'.SMTP_HOST;
- $cmail->Port = 465;
- $cmail->Username = SMTP_USER;
- $cmail->Password = SMTP_PASS;
- $cmail->From = 'sprout@csie.ntu.edu.tw';
- $cmail->FromName = 'Taiwan Online Judge';
- $cmail->AddAddress($email, $user->nickname);
- $cmail->WordWrap = 70;
- $cmail->Subject = 'TOJ Password Reset Notice';
- $cmail->IsHTML = true;
- $cmail->Body = 'Hi '.$user->nickname.' ('.$user->username.') , your new password is '.$newpass.' .';
- if(!$cmail->Send())
- {
- //echo($cmail->ErrorInfo.'<br>');
- return false;
- }
- $user->password = hash('sha512', $newpass);
- $nuser = user::update($sqlc, $user);
- if(!$nuser)return false;
- return true;
- }
- public static function statistic($sqlc, $uid){
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT "proid",MIN("result") AS "result" FROM "submit" WHERE "uid"=$1 GROUP BY "proid" ORDER BY "proid" ASC;';
- $sqlarr = array(intval($uid));
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $trylist = array();
- while($obj = pg_fetch_object($sqlr)){
- $obj->proid = intval($obj->proid);
- $obj->result = intval($obj->result);
- array_push($trylist, $obj);
- }
- pg_free_result($sqlr);
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT "result",COUNT("result") AS "count" FROM "submit" WHERE "uid"=$1 GROUP BY "result" ORDER BY "result";';
- $sqlarr = array(intval($uid));
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $substatis = array();
- while($obj = pg_fetch_object($sqlr)){
- $obj->result = intval($obj->result);
- $obj->count = intval($obj->count);
- array_push($substatis, $obj);
- }
- pg_free_result($sqlr);
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT "result",COUNT("result") AS "count" FROM "submit" WHERE "uid"=$1 GROUP BY "result" ORDER BY "result";';
- $sqlarr = array(intval($uid));
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $substatis = array();
- while($obj = pg_fetch_object($sqlr)){
- $obj->result = intval($obj->result);
- $obj->count = intval($obj->count);
- array_push($substatis, $obj);
- }
- pg_free_result($sqlr);
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT TO_CHAR("submit_time",\'YYYY-MM\') AS "time",COUNT("submit_time") AS "count" FROM "submit" WHERE uid=$1 GROUP BY TO_CHAR("submit_time",\'YYYY-MM\');';
- $sqlarr = array(intval($uid));
- $sqlr = pg_query_params($sqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $timesub = array();
- while($obj = pg_fetch_object($sqlr)){
- $obj->count = intval($obj->count);
- array_push($timesub, $obj);
- }
- pg_free_result($sqlr);
- return array(
- 'trylist' => $trylist,
- 'substatis' => $substatis,
- 'timesub' => $timesub
- );
- }
-function sec_check_level($sqlc, $lv, $uid = null)
- $uidnull = false;
- if($uid == null)
- {
- $uid = intval($_COOKIE['uid']);
- $uidnull = true;
- }
- if($uidnull && !sec_is_login())
- return false;
- $user = user::get_from_uid($sqlc, $uid);
- return (($user->level & $lv) == $lv);
diff --git a/toj/php/user.php b/toj/php/user.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 23a15e6..0000000
--- a/toj/php/user.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-//ini_set("display_errors", "On");
-//error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
-$sqlc = db_connect();
-$action = $_POST['action'];
-$data = $_POST['data'];
- die('Eno_action');
-if($action == 'register')
- //Add new user.
- //Data: username, password, nickname, email, [aboutme, avatar]
- $user = json_decode($data);
- if(strlen($user->username)<USERNAME_LEN_MIN)
- die('Eusername_too_short');
- if(strlen($user->username)>USERNAME_LEN_MAX)
- die('Eusername_too_long');
- if(strlen($user->password)<PASSWORD_LEN_MIN)
- die('Epassword_too_short');
- if(strlen($user->password)>PASSWORD_LEN_MAX)
- die('Epassword_too_long');
- if(strlen($user->nickname)<NICKNAME_LEN_MIN)
- die('Enickname_too_short');
- if(strlen($user->nickname)>NICKNAME_LEN_MAX)
- die('Enickname_too_long');
- if(strlen($user->email)==0)
- die('Eempty_email');
- if(strlen($user->email)>EMAIL_LEN_MAX)
- die('Eemail_too_long');
- //if($user->password != $user->passconf)
- // die('Epassword_not_match');
- if(user::get_from_username($sqlc, $user->username) != false)
- die('Eusername_exists');
- $user->password = hash('sha512', $user->password);
- $res = user::add($sqlc, $user);
- if(!$res)
- die('Einsert_failed');
- setcookie('uid', $res->uid, time() + 31536000, '/toj/');
- setcookie('usec', hash('sha512', $res->uid.SEC_SALT), time() + 31536000, '/toj/');
- echo('S');
-if($action == 'update')
- //Update exist user
- //data: nickname, [aboutme, avatar], [oldpw, password]
- $user = json_decode($data);
- if(!sec_is_login())
- die('Enot_login');
- $user->uid = $_COOKIE['uid'];
- $olduser = user::get_from_uid($sqlc, $user->uid);
- if(!$olduser)
- die('Eget_user_failed');
- if(strlen($user->oldpw)>0)
- {
- if(strlen($user->password)<PASSWORD_LEN_MIN)
- die('Epassword_too_short');
- if(strlen($user->password)>PASSWORD_LEN_MAX)
- die('Epassword_too_long');
- //if($user->password != $user->passconf)
- // die('Epassword_not_match');
- $oldhash = hash('sha512', $user->oldpw);
- if($olduser->password != $oldhash)
- die('Eold_password_not_match');
- $user->password = hash('sha512', $user->password);
- }
- else
- {
- $user->password = $olduser->password;
- }
- if(strlen($user->nickname)<NICKNAME_LEN_MIN)
- die('Enickname_too_short');
- if(strlen($user->nickname)>NICKNAME_LEN_MAX)
- die('Enickname_too_long');
- if(strlen($user->email)==0)
- die('Eempty_email');
- if(strlen($user->email)>EMAIL_LEN_MAX)
- die('Eemail_too_long');
- $res = user::update($sqlc, $user);
- if(!$res)
- die('Eupdate_failed');
- echo('S');
-if($action == 'view')
- //View user data
- //data: uid
- $cls = json_decode($data);
- if($cls->uid == null)
- {
- if(!sec_is_login())
- die('Enot_login_or_please_set_uid');
- $cls->uid = intval($_COOKIE['uid']);
- }
- $user = user::get_from_uid($sqlc, $cls->uid);
- if(!$user)
- die('Eget_user_failed');
- unset($user->password);
- if(intval($_COOKIE['uid']) != $user->uid)
- unset($user->email);
- $statis = user::statistic($sqlc, $user->uid);
- echo(json_encode(array(
- 'user' => $user,
- 'statis' => $statis
- )));
-if($action == 'login')
- //Login.
- //data: username, password
- $login = json_decode($data);
- if(strlen($login->username)==0)
- die('Eno_username');
- if(strlen($login->username)>USERNAME_LEN_MAX)
- die('Eusername_too_long');
- if(strlen($login->password)==0)
- die('Eno_password');
- if(strlen($login->password)>PASSWORD_LEN_MAX)
- die('Epassword_too_long');
- $user = user::get_from_username($sqlc, $login->username);
- if(!$user)
- die('Euser_not_exist');
- if(hash('sha512', $login->password) != $user->password)
- die('Ewrong_password');
- setcookie('uid', $user->uid, time() + 31536000, '/toj/');
- setcookie('usec', hash('sha512', $user->uid.SEC_SALT), time() + 31536000, '/toj/');
- echo('S');
diff --git a/toj/pmod/pmod_multisub/pmod_multisub.css b/toj/pmod/pmod_multisub/pmod_multisub.css
deleted file mode 100755
index eb73770..0000000
--- a/toj/pmod/pmod_multisub/pmod_multisub.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-div.pmod_multisub > div.main_content{
- margin:32px 0px 32px 246px;
-div.pmod_multisub > table.probox{
- width:100%;
- margin:0px 0px 32px 0px;
- border-collapse:collapse;
-div.pmod_multisub > table.probox td.info{
- width:240px;
- padding:0px 0px 0px 6px;
- vertical-align:top;
-div.pmod_multisub > table.probox td.info > table.statlist{
- width:100%;
- text-align:left;
- border-collapse:collapse;
-div.pmod_multisub > table.probox td.info > table.statlist td.name{
- width:76px;
-div.pmod_multisub > table.probox td.info > table.statlist td.value{
- width:auto;
- padding:0px 0px 0px 6px;
-div.pmod_multisub > table.probox td.info > table.limitlist{
- width:100%;
- text-align:left;
- border-collapse:collapse;
-div.pmod_multisub > table.probox td.info > table.limitlist td.name{
- width:76px
-div.pmod_multisub > table.probox td.info > table.limitlist td.value{
- width:auto;
- padding:0px 0px 0px 6px;
-div.pmod_multisub > table.probox td.info > table.scorelist{
- width:100%;
- text-align:left;
- border-collapse:collapse;
-div.pmod_multisub > table.probox td.info > table.scorelist th.no,div.pmod_multisub > td.info > table.scorelist td.no{
- width:76px;
-div.pmod_multisub > table.probox td.info > table.scorelist th.score,div.pmod_multisub > td.info > table.scorelist td.score{
- width:auto;
- padding:0px 0px 0px 6px;
-div.pmod_multisub > table.probox td.content{
- width:978px;
- margin:0px 0px 0px 6px;
- vertical-align:top;
-div.pmod_multisub p{
- text-indent:32px;
diff --git a/toj/pmod/pmod_multisub/pmod_multisub.html b/toj/pmod/pmod_multisub/pmod_multisub.html
deleted file mode 100755
index 07b19a9..0000000
--- a/toj/pmod/pmod_multisub/pmod_multisub.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-<div class="main_content"></div>
-<table class="probox ori_probox" style="display:none;"><tr>
- <td class="info">
- <h2 class="partname"></h2>
- <button class="submit">上傳</button>
- <h3>狀態</h3>
- <table class="statlist">
- <tr>
- <td class="name">最佳分數</td>
- <td class="value bscore"></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td class="name">解題狀態</td>
- <td class="value stat"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <h3>限制</h3>
- <table class="limitlist">
- <tr>
- <td class="name">時間限制</td>
- <td class="value timelimit"></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td class="name">記憶體限制</td>
- <td class="value memlimit"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <h3>配分</h3>
- <table class="scorelist">
- <tr class="head">
- <th class="no">#</th>
- <th class="score">Score</th>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </td>
- <td class="content"></td>
diff --git a/toj/pmod/pmod_multisub/pmod_multisub.js b/toj/pmod/pmod_multisub/pmod_multisub.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 33402d0..0000000
--- a/toj/pmod/pmod_multisub/pmod_multisub.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-var pmod_multisub = function(that,j_pbox){
- var probox_add = function(proo){
- var i;
- var j_probox;
- var j_table;
- var j_item;
- j_probox = j_pbox.find('table.ori_probox').clone();
- j_probox.removeClass('ori_probox');
- j_probox.find('td.info > h2.partname').text(proo.partname + ' (' + proo.score + '%)');
- j_probox.find('td.content').html(proo.content);
- $.post('/toj/php/problem.php',{'action':'get_pro_stat','data':JSON.stringify({'proid':proo.proid})},function(res){
- var reto
- if(res[0] != 'E'){
- reto = JSON.parse(res);
- j_probox.find('td.info > table.statlist td.bscore').text(reto.score);
- if(reto.tried == false){
- j_probox.find('td.info > table.statlist td.bscore').css('color','#1C1C1C');
- j_probox.find('td.info > table.statlist td.stat').text('未嘗試');
- }else{
- if(reto.score < 60){
- j_probox.find('td.info > table.statlist td.bscore').css('color','#FF0000');
- }else if(reto.score < 80){
- j_probox.find('td.info > table.statlist td.bscore').css('color','#00FF00');
- }else if(reto.score < 100){
- j_probox.find('td.info > table.statlist td.bscore').css('color','#FFFF00');
- }else{
- j_probox.find('td.info > table.statlist td.bscore').css('color','#FFFFFF');
- }
- if(reto.is_ac == true){
- j_probox.find('td.info > table.statlist td.stat').text('已通過');
- }else{
- j_probox.find('td.info > table.statlist td.stat').text('已嘗試');
- }
- }
- }
- });
- j_probox.find('td.info > table.limitlist td.timelimit').text(proo.timelimit + ' ms');
- j_probox.find('td.info > table.limitlist td.memlimit').text(proo.memlimit + ' KB');
- j_table = j_probox.find('table.scorelist');
- j_table.find('tr.item').remove();
- for(i = 0;i < proo.partition.count;i++){
- j_item = $('<tr class="item"><td class="no"></td><td class="score"></td></tr>');
- j_item.find('td.no').text(i + 1);
- j_item.find('td.score').text(proo.partition.score[i]);
- j_table.append(j_item);
- }
- j_probox.find('td.info > button.submit').on('click',function(e){
- that.submit(proo.proid);
- });
- j_probox.show();
- j_pbox.append(j_probox);
- }
- that.node.url_chg = function(direct,url_upart,url_dpart){
- if(direct == 'in'){
- that.fadein(j_pbox);
- $.post('/toj/pmod/pmod_multisub/pmod_multisub.php',{'proid':JSON.stringify(that.proid)},function(res){
- var i;
- var reto;
- reto = JSON.parse(res);
- if(reto.redirect != undefined){
- com.url_push('/toj/pro/' + reto.redirect + '/');
- }else{
- j_pbox.find('div.main_content').html(reto.main_content);
- index.content_set($('<span>' + reto.proname + '</span>'));
- for(i = 0;i < reto.pro.length;i++){
- probox_add(reto.pro[i]);
- }
- MathJax.Hub.Queue(["Typeset",MathJax.Hub,j_pbox[0]]);
- }
- });
- }else if(direct == 'out'){
- that.fadeout(j_pbox);
- }
- };
diff --git a/toj/pmod/pmod_multisub/pmod_multisub.php b/toj/pmod/pmod_multisub/pmod_multisub.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 342ff41..0000000
--- a/toj/pmod/pmod_multisub/pmod_multisub.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-const PMODNAME = 'pmod_multisub';
-function get_set($prodir)
- $fd = fopen($prodir.'setting','r');
- while($line = fgets($fd))
- {
- if($line[0] == '=')break;
- }
- $set = '';
- while(($line = fgets($fd)))
- {
- $set = $set.$line;
- }
- fclose($fd);
- return json_decode($set);
-$sqlc = db_connect();
-$proid = json_decode($_POST['proid']);
-if(gettype($proid) != 'integer' || $proid < 1){
- exit('Eproid');
-if(!problem::is_available($sqlc, $proid)){
- exit('Epermission');
-$pro = problem::get($sqlc, $proid);
-if($pro->pmodname != PMODNAME)
- exit('Ewrong_pmod');
-$prodir = '/srv/http/toj/center/pro/';
-$redir = file_get_contents($prodir.$proid.'/redirect');
- $ret = new stdClass();
- $ret->redirect = intval($redir);
- exit(json_encode($ret));
-$ret = new stdClass();
-$mfile = file_get_contents($prodir.$proid.'/multiset');
-$multiset = json_decode($mfile);
-$main_cont = file_get_contents($prodir.$proid.'/public/main_content');
-$ret->main_content = $main_cont;
-$ret->pro = array();
-$ret->proname = $multiset->proname;
-foreach($multiset->prolist as $spro)
- $apro = new stdClass();
- $apro->proid = $spro->proid;
- $apro->score = $spro->score;
- $apro->partname = $spro->partname;
- $apro->content = file_get_contents($prodir.$apro->proid.'/public/content');
- $setting = get_set($prodir.$apro->proid.'/');
- $apro->timelimit = $setting->timelimit;
- $apro->memlimit = $setting->memlimit;
- $apro->partition = new stdClass();
- $apro->partition->count = $setting->count;
- $apro->partition->score = $setting->score;
- array_push($ret->pro, $apro);
diff --git a/toj/pmod/pmod_test/pmod_test.css b/toj/pmod/pmod_test/pmod_test.css
deleted file mode 100755
index c238c44..0000000
--- a/toj/pmod/pmod_test/pmod_test.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-div.pmod_test > div.pro_pbox > div.info{
- width:240px;
- float:left;
-div.pmod_test > div.pro_pbox > div.info > table.statlist{
- width:100%;
- text-align:left;
- border-collapse:collapse;
-div.pmod_test > div.pro_pbox > div.info > table.statlist td.name{
- width:76px;
-div.pmod_test > div.pro_pbox > div.info > table.statlist td.value{
- width:auto;
- padding:0px 0px 0px 6px;
-div.pmod_test > div.pro_pbox > div.info > table.limitlist{
- width:100%;
- text-align:left;
- border-collapse:collapse;
-div.pmod_test > div.pro_pbox > div.info > table.limitlist td.name{
- width:76px;
-div.pmod_test > div.pro_pbox > div.info > table.limitlist td.value{
- width:auto;
- padding:0px 0px 0px 6px;
-div.pmod_test > div.pro_pbox > div.info > table.scorelist{
- width:100%;
- text-align:left;
- border-collapse:collapse;
-div.pmod_test > div.pro_pbox > div.info > table.scorelist th.no,div.pmod_test > div.pro_pbox > div.info > table.scorelist td.no{
- width:76px;
-div.pmod_test > div.pro_pbox > div.info > table.scorelist th.score,div.pmod_test > div.pro_pbox > div.info > table.scorelist td.score{
- width:auto;
- padding:0px 0px 0px 6px;
-div.pmod_test > div.pro_pbox > div.content{
- width:978px;
- margin:0px 0px 0px 6px;
- float:left;
-div.pmod_test > div.pro_pbox p{
- text-indent:32px;
-div.pmod_test > div.edit_pbox > div.edit_box{
- width:976px;
- margin:0px 0px 0px 246px;
- padding:0px 0px 32px 0px;
-div.pmod_test > div.edit_pbox > div.edit_box input{
- width:228px;
- margin:0px 0px 16px 0px;
-div.pmod_test > div.edit_pbox > div.edit_box > div.contentbox{
- width:100%;
- height:512px;
- padding:0px 0px 32px 0px;
-div.pmod_test > div.edit_pbox > div.testdata_box{
- width:976px;
- margin:0px 0px 0px 246px;
- padding:0px 0px 32px 0px;
-div.pmod_test > div.edit_pbox > div.testdata_box > table.table{
- margin:32px 0px 32px 0px;
- border-collapse:collapse;
- text-align:left;
-div.pmod_test > div.edit_pbox > div.testdata_box > table.table tr.head{
- height:64px
-div.pmod_test > div.edit_pbox > div.testdata_box > table.table tr.item{
- height:64px
-div.pmod_test > div.edit_pbox > div.testdata_box > table.table th,div.pmod_test > div.edit_pbox > div.testdata_box > table.table td{
- width:76px;
- padding:0px 0px 0px 6px;
-div.pmod_test > div.edit_pbox > div.testdata_box > table.table th.no,div.pmod_test > div.edit_pbox > div.testdata_box > table.table td.no{
- padding:0px 0px 0px 0px;
-div.pmod_test > div.edit_pbox > div.testdata_box > table.table td.score > input{
- width:35px;
-div.pmod_test > div.edit_pbox > div.testdata_box > table.table th.file,div.pmod_test > div.edit_pbox > div.testdata_box > table.table td.file{
- width:322px;
-div.pmod_test > div.edit_pbox div.prog_box{
- width:486px;
- height:16px;
- margin:0px 0px 16px 0px;
- background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.2);
- color:#1C1C1C;
- font-size:12px;
- font-family:monospace;
- line-height:16px;
- text-align:right;
- position:relative;
-div.pmod_test > div.edit_pbox div.prog_box > div.total{
- width:0%;
- height:16px;
- position:absolute;
- top:0px;
- left:0%;
- overflow:hidden;
-div.pmod_test > div.edit_pbox div.prog_box > div.prog{
- width:0%;
- height:16px;
- background-color:#3A8FB7;
- font-weight:bold;
- position:absolute;
- top:0px;
- left:0px;
- overflow:hidden;
diff --git a/toj/pmod/pmod_test/pmod_test.html b/toj/pmod/pmod_test/pmod_test.html
deleted file mode 100755
index a04c2a6..0000000
--- a/toj/pmod/pmod_test/pmod_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-<div class="com_pbox pro_pbox">
- <div class="info">
- <h2 class="proid">ProID:</h2>
- <button class="submit">上傳</button>
- <h3>狀態</h3>
- <table class="statlist">
- <tr>
- <td class="name">最佳分數</td>
- <td class="value bscore"></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td class="name">解題狀態</td>
- <td class="value stat"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <h3>限制</h3>
- <table class="limitlist">
- <tr>
- <td class="name">執行時間</td>
- <td class="value timelimit"></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td class="name">記憶體</td>
- <td class="value memlimit"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <h3>配分</h3>
- <table class="scorelist">
- <tr class="head">
- <th class="no">#</th>
- <th class="score">Score</th>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </div>
- <div class="content"></div>
- <div style="width:100%; height:32px; clear:both;"></div>
-<div class="com_pbox edit_pbox">
- <div class="edit_box">
- <h2>限制</h2>
- <label>執行時間限制(ms)</label>
- <input name="timelimit" type="textbox" placeholder="1000">
- <label>記憶體限制(KB)</label>
- <input name="memlimit" type="textbox" placeholder="65536">
- <h2>內容</h2>
- <div class="contentbox"></div>
- <button class="submit">更新資料</button>
- <button class="cancel">取消</button>
- </div>
- <div class="testdata_box">
- <h2>測試資料</h2>
- <label>數量</label>
- <input name="count" type="textbox" placeholder="10">
- <table class="table">
- <thead>
- <tr class="head">
- <th class="no">#</th>
- <th class="score">配分</th>
- <th class="file in">輸入檔</th>
- <th class="file ans">輸出檔</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody></tbody>
- </table>
- <div class="prog_box testdata_prog" style="display:none;">
- <div class="total"></div>
- <div class="prog"></div>
- </div>
- <button class="submit">更新測試資料</button>
- <button class="cancel">取消</button>
- </div>
diff --git a/toj/pmod/pmod_test/pmod_test.inc.php b/toj/pmod/pmod_test/pmod_test.inc.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a433404..0000000
--- a/toj/pmod/pmod_test/pmod_test.inc.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-function event_create($proid)
- $sqlc = db_connect();
- $proid = intval($proid);
- $prodir = '/srv/http/toj/center/pro/'.$proid.'/';
- mkdir($prodir);
- mkdir($prodir.'public/');
- mkdir($prodir.'private/');
- $set = new stdClass();
- $set->timelimit = 0;
- $set->memlimit = 0;
- $set->count = 0;
- $set->score = array();
- $newstr = "jmod_test\njmod_test_check\n=====\n\n".json_encode($set);
- file_put_contents($prodir.'public/content', '');
- file_put_contents($prodir.'setting', $newstr);
- db_close($sqlc);
diff --git a/toj/pmod/pmod_test/pmod_test.js b/toj/pmod/pmod_test/pmod_test.js
deleted file mode 100755
index f21c5b0..0000000
--- a/toj/pmod/pmod_test/pmod_test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
-var pmod_test = function(that,j_page){
- var j_pro_pbox = j_page.find('div.pro_pbox');
- var j_edit_pbox = j_page.find('div.edit_pbox');
- var edit_pbox = new vus.node('edit');
- var contentbox = CodeMirror(j_edit_pbox.find('div.contentbox')[0],{
- mode:'text/html',
- theme:'lesser-dark',
- lineNumbers:true,
- matchBrackets:true,
- indentUnit:4
- });
- var testdata_update = function(count,scorelist){
- var i;
- var count;
- var trs;
- var j_table;
- var _testdata_listnew = function(idx,score){
- var j_item = $('<tr class="item"><td class="no"></td><td class="score"><input name="score" type="textbox"></td><td class="file ans"><input name="infile" type="file"></td><td class="file ans"><input name="ansfile" type="file"></td></tr>');
- j_item.find('td.no').text(idx + 1);
- j_item.find('[name="score"]').val(score);
- return j_item;
- };
- trs = j_edit_pbox.find('div.testdata_box > table.table tr.item');
- j_table = j_edit_pbox.find('div.testdata_box > table.table');
- for(i = count;i < trs.length;i++){
- $(trs[i]).remove();
- }
- if(scorelist != null){
- for(i = trs.length;i < count;i++){
- j_table.append(_testdata_listnew(i,scorelist[i]));
- }
- }else{
- for(i = trs.length;i < count;i++){
- j_table.append(_testdata_listnew(i,'0'));
- }
- }
- };
- that.node.url_chg = function(direct,url_upart,url_dpart,param){
- var _out = function(){
- index.tab_ll('pro');
- that.fadeout(j_pro_pbox);
- index.content_empty();
- };
- if(direct == 'in' || direct == 'same'){
- if(direct == 'in' && user.level == -1){
- index.tab_add('pro','/toj/pro/' + that.proid + '/','題目');
- index.tab_add('edit','/toj/pro/' + that.proid + '/edit/','設定');
- }
- if(url_dpart.length > 0){
- _out();
- return 'cont';
- }
- index.tab_hl('pro');
- that.fadein(j_pro_pbox);
- j_pro_pbox.find('div.info > h2.proid').text('ProID:' + that.proid);
- $.post('/toj/pmod/pmod_test/pmod_test.php',{'action':'get_pro_data','data':JSON.stringify({'proid':that.proid})},function(res){
- var i;
- var reto;
- var seto;
- var j_table;
- var j_item;
- if(res[0] != 'E'){
- reto = JSON.parse(res);
- seto = reto.set;
- index.content_set($('<span>' + that.proname + '</span>'));
- if(seto == null){
- j_pro_pbox.find('div.content').html('<h2>題目未設定</h2>');
- return;
- }
- j_pro_pbox.find('div.content').html(reto.content);
- $.post('/toj/php/problem.php',{'action':'get_pro_stat','data':JSON.stringify({'proid':that.proid})},function(res){
- var reto
- if(res[0] != 'E'){
- reto = JSON.parse(res);
- j_pro_pbox.find('div.info > table.statlist td.bscore').text(reto.score);
- if(reto.tried == false){
- j_pro_pbox.find('div.info > table.statlist td.bscore').css('color','#1C1C1C');
- j_pro_pbox.find('div.info > table.statlist td.stat').text('未嘗試');
- }else{
- if(reto.score < 60){
- j_pro_pbox.find('div.info > table.statlist td.bscore').css('color','#FF0000');
- }else if(reto.score < 80){
- j_pro_pbox.find('div.info > table.statlist td.bscore').css('color','#00FF00');
- }else if(reto.score < 100){
- j_pro_pbox.find('div.info > table.statlist td.bscore').css('color','#FFFF00');
- }else{
- j_pro_pbox.find('div.info > table.statlist td.bscore').css('color','#FFFFFF');
- }
- if(reto.is_ac == true){
- j_pro_pbox.find('div.info > table.statlist td.stat').text('已通過');
- }else{
- j_pro_pbox.find('div.info > table.statlist td.stat').text('已嘗試');
- }
- }
- }
- });
- j_pro_pbox.find('div.info > table.limitlist td.timelimit').text(seto.timelimit + ' ms');
- j_pro_pbox.find('div.info > table.limitlist td.memlimit').text(seto.memlimit + ' KB');
- j_table = j_pro_pbox.find('table.scorelist');
- j_table.find('tr.item').remove();
- for(i = 0;i < seto.count;i++){
- j_item = $('<tr class="item"><td class="no"></td><td class="score"></td></tr>');
- j_item.find('td.no').text(i + 1);
- j_item.find('td.score').text(seto.score[i]);
- j_table.append(j_item);
- }
- MathJax.Hub.Queue(["Typeset",MathJax.Hub,j_pro_pbox[0]]);
- }
- });
- }else if(direct == 'out'){
- _out();
- }
- return 'cont';
- };
- j_pro_pbox.find('div.info > button.submit').on('click',function(e){
- that.submit();
- });
- j_edit_pbox.find('div.edit_box > button.submit').on('click',function(e){
- timelimit = parseInt(j_edit_pbox.find('div.edit_box > [name="timelimit"]').val());
- memlimit = parseInt(j_edit_pbox.find('div.edit_box > [name="memlimit"]').val());
- content = contentbox.getValue();
- $.post('/toj/pmod/pmod_test/pmod_test.php',{'action':'set_pro_data','data':JSON.stringify({'proid':that.proid,'timelimit':timelimit,'memlimit':memlimit,'content':content})},function(res){
- com.url_push_back();
- });
- });
- j_edit_pbox.find('div.edit_box > button.cancel').on('click',function(e){
- com.url_push_back();
- });
- j_edit_pbox.find('div.testdata_box > [name="count"]').on('change',function(e){
- testdata_update(parseInt($(this).val()),null);
- });
- j_edit_pbox.find('div.testdata_box > button.submit').on('click',function(e){
- var i;
- var count;
- var score;
- var inputs
- var formdata;
- var inputs;
- var file;
- var j_progbox;
- var j_total;
- var j_prog;
- count = parseInt(j_edit_pbox.find('div.testdata_box > [name="count"]').val());
- inputs = j_edit_pbox.find('div.testdata_box > table.table [name="score"]');
- score = Array();
- for(i = 0;i < count;i++){
- score[i] = parseInt($(inputs[i]).val());
- }
- formdata = new FormData();
- formdata.append('action','update_pro_testdata');
- formdata.append('data',JSON.stringify({'proid':that.proid,'count':count,'score':score}));
- inputs = j_edit_pbox.find('div.testdata_box > table.table [name="infile"]');
- for(i = 0;i < inputs.length;i++){
- if((file = inputs[i].files[0]) != undefined){
- formdata.append('infile_' + i,file);
- }
- }
- inputs = j_edit_pbox.find('div.testdata_box > table.table [name="ansfile"]');
- for(i = 0;i < inputs.length;i++){
- if((file = inputs[i].files[0]) != undefined){
- formdata.append('ansfile_' + i,file);
- }
- }
- j_progbox = j_edit_pbox.find('div.testdata_box > div.testdata_prog');
- j_total = j_progbox.find('div.total');
- j_prog = j_progbox.find('div.prog');
- j_total.css('width','100%');
- j_total.text('上傳中...');
- j_prog.css('width','0%');
- j_prog.text('0%');
- j_progbox.show();
- $.ajax({
- url:'/toj/pmod/pmod_test/pmod_test.php',
- type:'POST',
- xhr:function(){
- req = $.ajaxSettings.xhr();
- req.upload.addEventListener('progress',function(e){
- console.log();
- j_prog.css('width',(e.loaded * 100 / e.total) + '%');
- j_prog.text(Math.round(e.loaded * 100 / e.total) + ' %');
- },false);
- return req;
- },
- data:formdata,
- contentType:false,
- processData:false,
- success:function(){
- com.url_push_back();
- }
- });
- });
- j_edit_pbox.find('div.testdata_box > button.cancel').on('click',function(e){
- com.url_push_back();
- });
- if(user.level == -1){
- edit_pbox.url_chg = function(direct,url_upart,url_dpart,param){
- if(direct == 'in'){
- index.tab_hl('edit');
- that.fadein(j_edit_pbox);
- contentbox.refresh();
- $.post('/toj/pmod/pmod_test/pmod_test.php',{'action':'get_pro_data','data':JSON.stringify({'proid':that.proid})},function(res){
- var reto;
- if(res[0] != 'E'){
- reto = JSON.parse(res);
- set = reto.set;
- j_edit_pbox.find('div.edit_box > [name="timelimit"]').val(set.timelimit);
- j_edit_pbox.find('div.edit_box > [name="memlimit"]').val(set.memlimit);
- if(reto.content != false){
- contentbox.setValue(reto.content);
- }
- j_edit_pbox.find('div.testdata_box > [name="count"]').val(set.count);
- testdata_update(set.count,set.score);
- }
- });
- }else if(direct == 'out'){
- index.tab_ll('edit');
- that.fadeout(j_edit_pbox);
- j_edit_pbox.find('div.testdata_box > div.testdata_prog').hide();
- }
- return 'cont';
- };
- that.node.child_set(edit_pbox);
- contentbox.getWrapperElement().style.width = '100%';
- contentbox.getWrapperElement().style.height = '100%';
- contentbox.getScrollerElement().style.width = '100%';
- contentbox.getScrollerElement().style.height = '100%';
- }
diff --git a/toj/pmod/pmod_test/pmod_test.php b/toj/pmod/pmod_test/pmod_test.php
deleted file mode 100755
index a472630..0000000
--- a/toj/pmod/pmod_test/pmod_test.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-const PMODNAME = 'pmod_test';
-function get_setting($prodir)
- $fd = fopen($prodir.'setting','r');
- $prestr = array();
- while($line = fgets($fd)){
- if($line[0] == '='){
- break;
- }
- array_push($prestr, $line);
- }
- $set = '';
- while(($line = fgets($fd))){
- $set = $set.$line;
- }
- fclose($fd);
- return array($prestr, json_decode($set));
-$action = $_POST['action'];
-$data = json_decode($_POST['data']);
-$proid = intval($data->proid);
-if(gettype($proid) != 'integer' || $proid < 1){
- exit('Eproid');
-$sqlc = db_connect();
- exit('Epermission');
-$pro = problem::get($sqlc, $proid);
-if($pro->pmodname != PMODNAME)
- exit('Ewrong_pmod');
-$prodir = '/srv/http/toj/center/pro/'.$proid.'/';
- $content = file_get_contents($prodir.'public/content');
- echo(json_encode(array(
- 'set' => get_setting($prodir)[1],
- 'content' => $content
- )));
- if(!sec_check_level($sqlc, USER_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN))
- die('Epermission_denied');
- $obj = get_setting($prodir);
- $prestr = $obj[0];
- $set = $obj[1];
- $set->timelimit = $data->timelimit;
- $set->memlimit = $data->memlimit;
- file_put_contents($prodir.'public/content', $data->content);
- $newstr = '';
- foreach($prestr as $s)
- {
- $newstr = $newstr.$s;
- }
- $newstr = $newstr."=====\n\n";
- $newstr = $newstr.json_encode($set);
- file_put_contents($prodir.'setting', $newstr);
- if(!sec_check_level($sqlc, USER_LEVEL_SUPERADMIN))
- die('Epermission_denied');
- $count = $data->count;
- $score = $data->score;
- $obj = get_setting($prodir);
- $prestr = $obj[0];
- $set = $obj[1];
- $set->count = $count;
- $set->score = $score;
- $newstr = '';
- foreach($prestr as $s)
- {
- $newstr = $newstr.$s;
- }
- $newstr = $newstr."=====\n\n";
- $newstr = $newstr.json_encode($set);
- file_put_contents($prodir.'setting', $newstr);
- $tddir = $prodir.'/private/';
- for($idx = 0;$idx < $count;$idx++){
- $dst = $tddir.strval($idx + 1);
- mkdir($dst);
- $key = 'infile_'.strval($idx);
- if(array_key_exists($key,$_FILES)){
- move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$key]["tmp_name"],$dst.'/in');
- }
- $key = 'ansfile_'.strval($idx);
- if(array_key_exists($key,$_FILES)){
- move_uploaded_file($_FILES[$key]["tmp_name"],$dst.'/ans');
- }
- }
diff --git a/toj/smod/smod_test/smod_test.css b/toj/smod/smod_test/smod_test.css
deleted file mode 100755
index 117c427..0000000
--- a/toj/smod/smod_test/smod_test.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-div.smod_test > h1.msg{
- margin:0px 0px 6px 82px;
-div.smod_test > table.subinfo{
- width:322px;
- margin:0px 0px 6px 82px;
- border-collapse:collapse;
- text-align:left;
- float:left;
-div.smod_test > table.subinfo tr.item{
- height:32px;
-div.smod_test > table.subinfo td.title{
- width:76px;
-div.smod_test > table.subinfo td.value{
- width:240px;
- padding:0px 0px 0px 6px;
-div.smod_test > table.subinfolist{
- width:486px;
- padding:0px 0px 0px 6px;
- text-align:left;
- float:left;
-div.smod_test > table.subinfolist tr.head{
- height:32px;
-div.smod_test > table.subinfolist tr.item{
- height:32px;
-div.smod_test > table.subinfolist th,div.smod_test > table.subinfolist td{
- padding:0px 0px 0px 6px;
-div.smod_test > table.subinfolist th.runtime,div.smod_test > table.subinfolist td.runtime{
- width:76px;
- padding:0px 0px 0px 0px;
-div.smod_test > table.subinfolist th.memory,div.smod_test > table.subinfolist td.memory{
- width:76px;
-div.smod_test > table.subinfolist th.status,div.smod_test > table.subinfolist td.status{
- width:76px;
-div.smod_test > table.subinfolist th.score,div.smod_test > table.subinfolist td.score{
- width:76px;
-div.smod_test > table.subinfolist td.errmsg{
- width:158px;
- font-size:12px;
- word-break:break-all;
diff --git a/toj/smod/smod_test/smod_test.html b/toj/smod/smod_test/smod_test.html
deleted file mode 100755
index 5d1547d..0000000
--- a/toj/smod/smod_test/smod_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-<h1 class="msg" style="display:none;">Waiting</h1>
-<table class="subinfo" style="display:none;">
- <tr class="item">
- <td class="title">ProID</td>
- <td class="value proid"><a></a></td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="item">
- <td class="title">暱稱</td>
- <td class="value nickname"><a></a></td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="item">
- <td class="title">執行時間</td>
- <td class="value runtime"></td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="item">
- <td class="title">記憶體</td>
- <td class="value memory"></td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="item">
- <td class="title">結果</td>
- <td class="value result"></td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="item">
- <td class="title">分數</td>
- <td class="value score"></td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="item">
- <td class="title">時間</td>
- <td class="value time"></td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="item">
- <td class="title">語言</td>
- <td class="value lang"></td>
- </tr>
-<table class="subinfolist" style="display:none;">
- <tr class="head">
- <th class="runtime">執行時間</th>
- <th class="memory">記憶體</th>
- <th class="status">狀態</th>
- <th class="score">分數</th>
- <th class="errmsg"></th>
- </tr>
-<div style="width:100%; height:32px; clear:both;"></div>
diff --git a/toj/smod/smod_test/smod_test.js b/toj/smod/smod_test/smod_test.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 90780d6..0000000
--- a/toj/smod/smod_test/smod_test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-var smod_test = function(that,j_mbox){
- that.node.url_chg = function(direct,url_upart,url_dpart){
- if(direct == 'in'){
- that.fadein(j_mbox);
- $.post('/toj/smod/smod_test/smod_test.php',{'subid':JSON.stringify(that.subid)},function(res){
- var i;
- var reto;
- var result;
- var pro_set;
- var reso;
- var j_table;
- var j_item;
- var j_a;
- if(res[0] == 'E'){
- if(res == 'Enull'){
- j_mbox.find('h1.msg').show();
- }
- }else{
- reto = JSON.parse(res);
- result = reto.result;
- pro_set = reto.pro_setting;
- j_table = j_mbox.find('table.subinfo');
- j_a = j_table.find('td.proid > a');
- j_a.attr('href','/toj/pro/' + that.subo.proid + '/');
- j_a.text(that.subo.proid);
- j_a = j_table.find('td.nickname > a');
- j_a.attr('href','/toj/user/' + that.subo.uid+ '/');
- j_a.text(that.subo.nickname);
- j_table.find('td.runtime').text(that.subo.runtime);
- j_table.find('td.memory').text(that.subo.memory);
- j_table.find('td.result').text(RESULTMAP[that.subo.result]);
- j_table.find('td.score').text(that.subo.score);
- j_table.find('td.time').text(com.get_datestring(that.subo.submit_time,true));
- j_table.find('td.lang').text(com.get_lang(that.subo.lang)[0]);
- j_table.show();
- j_table = j_mbox.find('table.subinfolist');
- for(i = 0;i < result.length;i++){
- reso = result[i];
- j_item = $('<tr class="item"><td class="runtime"></td><td class="memory"></td><td class="status"></td><td class="score"></td><td class="errmsg"></td></tr>')
- j_item.find('td.runtime').text(reso.runtime);
- j_item.find('td.memory').text(reso.memory);
- j_item.find('td.status').text(RESULTMAP[reso.status]);
- j_item.find('td.score').text(reso.score + ' / ' + pro_set.score[i]);
- if(reso.errmsg != undefined){
- j_item.find('td.errmsg').text(reso.errmsg);
- }
- j_table.append(j_item);
- }
- j_table.show();
- }
- });
- }else if(direct == 'out'){
- that.fadeout(j_mbox);
- }
- return 'cont';
- };
diff --git a/toj/smod/smod_test/smod_test.php b/toj/smod/smod_test/smod_test.php
deleted file mode 100755
index b458ead..0000000
--- a/toj/smod/smod_test/smod_test.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-$subid = json_decode($_POST['subid']);
-if(gettype($subid) != 'integer' || $subid < 1){
- exit('Esubid');
-$sqlc = db_connect();
- exit('Epermission');
-$sub = status::get_by_subid($sqlc, $subid);
-$proid = $sub->proid;
- exit('Eno_such_subid');
-$prodir = '/srv/http/toj/center/pro/'.$proid.'/setting';
-$fd = fopen($prodir, 'r');
-while($line = fgets($fd)){
- if($line[0] == '='){
- break;
- }
-$set = '';
-while(($line = fgets($fd))){
- $set = $set.$line;
- exit('Eerr_pro_data');
-$proset = json_decode($set);
-$subdir = '/srv/http/toj/center/submit/'.($subid - ($subid % 1000)).'/'.$subid.'/result/';
-if(($result = file_get_contents($subdir.'result')) == ''){
- exit('Enull');
-$q = json_decode($result);
-$q->pro_setting = $proset;
-//echo('{"result":'.$result.', "pro_setting"='.$set.'}');
diff --git a/toj/sqmod/sqmod_contest/sqmod_contest.css b/toj/sqmod/sqmod_contest/sqmod_contest.css
deleted file mode 100755
index 4932aae..0000000
--- a/toj/sqmod/sqmod_contest/sqmod_contest.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-div.sqmod_contest > div.sboard_pbox > table.sboardlist{
- margin:32px 0px 6px 0px;
- border-collapse:collapse;
- text-align:left;
-div.sqmod_contest > div.sboard_pbox > table.sboardlist tr.head{
- height:32px;
-div.sqmod_contest > div.sboard_pbox > table.sboardlist tr.item{
- height:32px;
- border-top:#BDC0BA 1px solid;
-div.sqmod_contest > div.sboard_pbox > table.sboardlist th,div.sqmod_contest > div.sboard_pbox > table.sboardlist td{
- width:76px;
- padding:0px 0px 0px 6px;
- border-left:#BDC0BA 1px solid;
-div.sqmod_contest > div.sboard_pbox > table.sboardlist th.rank,div.sqmod_contest > div.sboard_pbox > table.sboardlist td.rank{
- border-width:0px;
-div.sqmod_contest > div.sboard_pbox > table.sboardlist th.nickname,div.sqmod_contest > div.sboard_pbox > table.sboardlist td.nickname{
- width:240px;
-div.sqmod_contest > div.sboard_pbox > table.sboardlist th.pro,div.sqmod_contest > div.sboard_pbox > table.sboardlist td.pro{
- width:117px;
- position:relative;
-div.sqmod_contest > div.sboard_pbox > table.sboardlist td.pro > sup.try{
- color:#BDC0BA;
-div.sqmod_contest > div.sboard_pbox > table.sboardlist td.pro > sub.time{
- color:#BDC0BA;
-div.sqmod_contest > div.pro_pbox > table.prolist{
- width:1060px;
- margin:0px 0px 6px 164px;
- border-collapse:collapse;
- text-align:left;
-div.sqmod_contest > div.pro_pbox > table.prolist tr.head{
- height:64px;
-div.sqmod_contest > div.pro_pbox > table.prolist tr.item{
- height:32px;
- border-left:2px solid;
- border-color:#1C1C1C;
-div.sqmod_contest > div.pro_pbox > table.prolist tr:hover.item{
- background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.2);
-div.sqmod_contest > div.pro_pbox > table.prolist th,div.sqmod_contest > div.pro_pbox > table.prolist td{
- width:76px;
- padding:0px 0px 0px 6px;
-div.sqmod_contest > div.pro_pbox > table.prolist th.name,div.sqmod_contest > div.pro_pbox > table.prolist td.name{
- width:auto;
- padding:0px 0px 0px 0px;
-div.sqmod_contest > div.pro_pbox > table.stat{
- margin:32px 0px 6px 164px;
- border-collapse:collapse;
- text-align:left;
-div.sqmod_contest > div.pro_pbox > table.stat tr{
- height:32px;
-div.sqmod_contest > div.pro_pbox div.prog_box{
- width:486px;
- height:16px;
- background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.2);
- color:#1C1C1C;
- font-size:12px;
- font-family:monospace;
- line-height:16px;
- text-align:right;
- position:relative;
-div.sqmod_contest > div.pro_pbox div.prog_box > div.pass{
- width:0%;
- height:16px;
- border-right:rgba(0,255,0,0.8) 2px solid;
- position:absolute;
- top:0px;
- left:0%;
- overflow:hidden;
-div.sqmod_contest > div.pro_pbox div.prog_box > div.good{
- width:0%;
- height:16px;
- border-right:rgba(255,255,0,0.8) 2px solid;
- position:absolute;
- top:0px;
- left:0%;
- overflow:hidden;
-div.sqmod_contest > div.pro_pbox div.prog_box > div.total{
- width:0%;
- height:16px;
- border-right:rgba(255,255,255,0.8) 2px solid;
- position:absolute;
- top:0px;
- left:0%;
- overflow:hidden;
-div.sqmod_contest > div.pro_pbox div.prog_box > div.prog{
- width:0%;
- height:16px;
- background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0);
- font-weight:bold;
- position:absolute;
- top:0px;
- left:0px;
- overflow:hidden;
diff --git a/toj/sqmod/sqmod_contest/sqmod_contest.html b/toj/sqmod/sqmod_contest/sqmod_contest.html
deleted file mode 100755
index 3f7c759..0000000
--- a/toj/sqmod/sqmod_contest/sqmod_contest.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-<div class="com_pbox sboard_pbox">
- <table class="sboardlist">
- <tr class="head">
- <th class="rank">名次</th>
- <th class="nickname">昵稱</th>
- <th class="ac">AC數</th>
- <th class="score">總分</th>
- </tr>
- </table>
-<div tab="pro" class="com_pbox pro_pbox">
- <table class="prolist">
- <tr class="head">
- <th class="no">#</th>
- <th class="name">題目名稱</th>
- <th class="bscore">最佳分數</th>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <table class="stat">
- <tr class="user_prog">
- <td style="width:76px;">個人進度</td>
- <td style="padding:0px 0px 0px 6px;"><div class="prog_box user_prog">
- <div class="pass"></div>
- <div class="good"></div>
- <div class="total"></div>
- <div class="prog"></div>
- </div></td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="team_prog" style="display:none;">
- <td style="width:76px;">小組進度</td>
- <td style="padding:0px 0px 0px 6px;"><div class="prog_box team_prog">
- <div class="pass"></div>
- <div class="good"></div>
- <div class="total"></div>
- <div class="prog"></div>
- </div></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
diff --git a/toj/sqmod/sqmod_contest/sqmod_contest.inc.php b/toj/sqmod/sqmod_contest/sqmod_contest.inc.php
deleted file mode 100755
index b045dae..0000000
--- a/toj/sqmod/sqmod_contest/sqmod_contest.inc.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-const SQMODNAME = 'sqmod_contest';
-function score_func($sqid, $proid, $best_score, $best_time, $is_ac, $ac_time, $tries_before_ac, $last_score, $last_status, $tries)
- $data = get_setting($sqid);
- $fscore = 0;
- foreach($data->pro as $pro)
- {
- if($pro->proid == $proid && $pro->method == 'normal')
- {
- $fscore = $pro->score;
- break;
- }
- if($pro->method == 'max')
- {
- foreach($pro->config as $cf)
- {
- foreach($cf as $sp)
- {
- if($sp[0] == $proid)
- {
- $fscore = $sp[1];
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- $rscore = $best_score * $fscore / 100;
- return $rscore;
-function get_pro_stat_uid($sqlc, $msqlc, $sqid, $sboard_id, $uid)
- //get user $uid solving status of square $sqid. $sboard_id can be set as a fixed value.
- $sq = square::get($sqlc, $sqid);
- if(!$sq)die('Eno_such_sq');
- $data = sqlib_scoreboard::get_scoreboard_uid($sqlc, $msqlc, $sqid, $sboard_id, 'score_func', $sq->start_time, $sq->end_time, $uid);
- return $data[0];
-function process_pro_stat($obj)
- $ret = array();
- foreach($obj->problem as $pro)
- {
- $ps = new stdClass();
- $ps->proid = $pro->proid;
- $ps->is_ac = $pro->is_ac;
- $ps->best_score = $pro->best_score;
- //$ps->rank_score = $pro->rank_score;
- $ps->tried = ($pro->tries > 0);
- //array_push($ret, $ps);
- $ret[$pro->proid] = $ps;
- }
- return $ret;
-function add_setting($sqid)
- mkdir('/srv/http/toj/center/sq/'.$sqid);
-function del_setting($sqid)
- $sqdir = '/srv/http/toj/center/sq/'.$sqid.'/';
- unlink($sqdir.'setting');
- rmdir($sqdir);
-function get_setting($sqid)
- $sqdir = '/srv/http/toj/center/sq/'.$sqid.'/';
- $cont = file_get_contents($sqdir.'setting');
- $data = json_decode($cont);
- return $data;
-function put_setting($sqid, $data)
- $sqdir = '/srv/http/toj/center/sq/'.$sqid.'/';
- file_put_contents($sqdir.'setting', json_encode($data));
-function get_term($data, $sqid)
- return $data->term;
-function calc_score($stat, $data, $sqid)
- $prolist = $data->pro;
- $ret = array();
- foreach($prolist as $pro)
- {
- $proid = $pro->proid;
- $np = new stdClass();
- if($stat)$np = clone $stat[$proid];
- //else continue;
- if(!$stat)
- {
- $np->proid = $proid;
- $np->best_score = 0;
- $np->tried = false;
- $np->is_ac = false;
- array_push($ret, $np);
- continue;
- }
- $method = $pro->method;
- //$np->full_score = $pro->score;
- if($method == 'normal')
- {
- $np->best_score = $stat[$proid]->best_score / 100 * $pro->score;
- }
- if($method == 'max')
- {
- $score = 0;
- $tis_ac = false;
- foreach($pro->config as $conf)
- {
- //$np->best_score = json_encode($conf);
- $nowscore = 0;
- $is_ac = true;
- foreach($conf as $unit)
- {
- $nowscore += $stat[$unit[0]]->best_score / 100 * $unit[1];
- $np->tried = $np->tried || $stat[$unit[0]]->tried;
- if(!$stat[$unit[0]]->is_ac)$is_ac = false;
- }
- $score = max($score, $nowscore);
- if($is_ac)$tis_ac = true;
- }
- $np->is_ac = $tis_ac;
- $np->best_score = $score;// / 100 * $pro->score;
- }
- //$np->best_score = json_encode($np);
- array_push($ret, $np);
- }
- //$stat[0]->best_score = json_encode($ret[0]);
- return $ret;
-function process_pro_list($list, $data, $sqid)
- $prol = $data->pro;
- $ret = array();
- foreach($prol as $pro)
- {
- $proid = $pro->proid;
- $np = null;
- foreach($list as $op)
- {
- if($op->proid == $proid)
- {
- $np = clone $op;
- break;
- }
- }
- $np->prono = $pro->prono;
- $np->full_score = $pro->score;
- if($pro->proname)$np->proname = $pro->proname;
- array_push($ret, $np);
- }
- return $ret;
-function get_base_line($data, $sqid, $isteam)
- $ret = new stdClass();
- if($isteam)
- {
- $ret->total_score = $data->total_score;
- $ret->pass_score = $data->pass_score_team;
- $ret->good_score = $data->good_score_team;
- }
- else
- {
- $ret->total_score = $data->total_score;
- $ret->pass_score = $data->pass_score;
- $ret->good_score = $data->good_score;
- }
- return $ret;
-function get_scoreboard($sqlc, $msqlc, $sqid, $sboard_id){
- $sq = square::get($sqlc, $sqid);
- if(!$sq)
- die('Eno_such_sq');
- $data = sqlib_scoreboard::get_scoreboard($sqlc, $msqlc, $sqid, $sboard_id, 'score_func', $sq->start_time, $sq->end_time, 0, 65536);
- return $data;
-function calc_default_baseline($total_score)
- $ret = new stdClass();
- $ret->pass_score = round($total_score * 0.6);
- $ret->good_score = round($total_score * 0.8);
- $ret->pass_score_team = round($total_score * 0.8);
- $ret->good_score_team = round($total_score * 1);
- return $ret;
-function event_create($sqid)
- $set = array(
- 'term' => 1,
- 'pro' => [],
- 'total_score' => 0,
- 'pass_score' => 0,
- 'good_score' => 0,
- 'pass_score_team' => 0,
- 'good_score_team' => 0
- );
- add_setting($sqid);
- put_setting($sqid, $set);
-function event_destroy($sqid)
- del_setting($sqid);
-function event_add_pro($sqid, $proid)
- $set = get_setting($sqid);
- $list = $set->pro;
- for($idx = 0;$idx < count($list);$idx++){
- if($list[$idx]->proid == $proid)
- return;
- }
- $list[$idx] = array(
- "prono" => $idx + 1,
- "proid" => $proid,
- "score" => 100,
- "method" => 'normal'
- );
- $set->pro = $list;
- $set->total_score += 100;
- $baseline = calc_default_baseline($set->total_score);
- $set->pass_score = $baseline->pass_score;
- $set->good_score = $baseline->good_score;
- $set->pass_score_team = $baseline->pass_score_team;
- $set->good_score_team = $baseline->good_score_team;
- put_setting($sqid, $set);
-function event_del_pro($sqid, $proid)
- $set = get_setting($sqid);
- $list = $set->pro;
- $idx = 0;
- while($idx < count($list)){
- if($list[$idx]->proid == $proid){
- array_splice($list,$idx,1);
- $set->total_score -= 100;
- }else{
- $list[$idx]->prono = $idx + 1;
- $idx++;
- }
- }
- $set->pro = $list;
- $baseline = calc_default_baseline($set->total_score);
- $set->pass_score = $baseline->pass_score;
- $set->good_score = $baseline->good_score;
- $set->pass_score_team = $baseline->pass_score_team;
- $set->good_score_team = $baseline->good_score_team;
- put_setting($sqid, $set);
diff --git a/toj/sqmod/sqmod_contest/sqmod_contest.js b/toj/sqmod/sqmod_contest/sqmod_contest.js
deleted file mode 100755
index bb8d9b8..0000000
--- a/toj/sqmod/sqmod_contest/sqmod_contest.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,425 +0,0 @@
-var sqmod_contest = function(that,j_page){
- var sboard_pbox = new class_sqmod_contest_sboard_pbox(that.sqid,j_page);
- var pro_pbox = new class_sqmod_contest_pro_pbox(that.sqid,j_page);
- that.node.url_chg = function(direct,url_upart,url_dpart){
- if(direct == 'in'){
- index.title_set('TOJ-' + that.sqname);
- index.tab_add('sboard','/toj/sq/' + that.sqid + '/sboard/','記分板');
- index.tab_add('pro','/toj/sq/' + that.sqid + '/pro/','題目');
- if(url_dpart.length == 0){
- com.url_update('/toj/sq/' + that.sqid + '/pro/');
- return 'stop';
- }
- }else if(direct == 'out'){
- index.tab_empty();
- }
- return 'cont';
- };
- that.node.child_set(sboard_pbox.node);
- that.node.child_set(pro_pbox.node);
-var class_sqmod_contest_sboard_pbox = function(sqid,j_page){
- var that = this;
- var j_pbox = j_page.find('div.sboard_pbox');
- var j_table = j_pbox.find('table.sboardlist');
- var refresh_flag = false;
- var sboard_refresh = function(){
- if(refresh_flag == false){
- return;
- }
- $.post('/toj/sqmod/sqmod_contest/sqmod_contest.php',{'action':'get_prolist','data':JSON.stringify({'sqid':sqid})},function(res){
- var i;
- var prolist;
- var proo;
- var tds;
- var j_head;
- var j_td;
- var j_a;
- if(res[0] != 'E'){
- prolist = JSON.parse(res);
- j_table.css('width',(486 + prolist.length * 123) + 'px');
- j_head = j_table.find('tr.head');
- tds = j_head.find('td.pro');
- for(i = 0;i < prolist.length;i++){
- proo = prolist[i];
- if(i < tds.length){
- j_td = $(tds[i]);
- }else{
- j_td = $('<td class="pro"><a></a></td>');
- j_head.append(j_td);
- }
- j_a = j_td.find('a');
- j_a.text(proo.proid);
- j_a.attr('href','/toj/pro/' + proo.proid + '/');
- }
- for(;i < tds.length;i++){
- $(tds[i]).remove();
- }
- $.post('/toj/sqmod/sqmod_contest/sqmod_contest.php',{'action':'get_scoreboard','data':JSON.stringify({'sqid':sqid})},function(res){
- var i;
- var j;
- var reto;
- var start_time
- var sboard_list;
- var sboardo;
- var proo;
- var total_ac;
- var total_score;
- var duration;
- var use_time;
- var trs;
- var tds;
- var j_item;
- var j_a;
- var j_score;
- if(res[0] != 'E'){
- reto = JSON.parse(res);
- start_time = reto.start_time;
- sboard_list = reto.list;
- trs = j_table.find('tr.item');
- for(i = 0;i < sboard_list.length;i++){
- sboardo = sboard_list[i];
- if(i < trs.length){
- j_item = $(trs[i]);
- }else{
- j_item = $('<tr class="item"><td class="rank"></td><td class="nickname"><a></a></td><td class="ac"></td><td class="score"></td></tr>');
- j_table.append(j_item);
- }
- j_a = j_item.find('td.nickname > a');
- j_a.text(sboardo.nickname);
- j_a.attr('href','/toj/user/' + sboardo.uid + '/');
- if(sboardo.rank == -1){
- j_item.find('td.rank').text('-');
- }else{
- j_item.find('td.rank').text(sboardo.rank);
- }
- tds = j_item.find('td.pro');
- for(j = tds.length;j < prolist.length;j++){
- j_item.append($('<td class="pro"><span class="score"></span><sup class="try"></sup><sub class="time"></sub></td>'));
- }
- for(;j < tds.length;j++){
- $(tds[j]).remove();
- }
- total_ac = 0;
- total_score = 0;
- tds = j_item.find('td.pro');
- for(j = 0;j < prolist.length;j++){
- j_td = $(tds[j]);
- if(!(prolist[j].proid in sboardo.problem) || sboardo.problem[prolist[j].proid].tries == 0){
- j_td.find('span.score').text('')
- j_td.find('sup.try').text('');
- j_td.find('sub.time').text('');
- }else{
- proo = sboardo.problem[prolist[j].proid];
- j_score = j_td.find('span.score');
- if(proo.is_ac == true){
- j_score.css('color',RESULTCOLOR[0]);
- total_ac++;
- if(start_time != null){
- duration = new Date(com.get_date(proo.ac_time) - com.get_date(start_time)).getTime();
- j_td.find('sub.time').text(com.get_durstring(duration,true));
- }
- }else{
- j_score.css('color',null);
- }
- total_score += proo.best_score;
- j_score.text(proo.best_score)
- j_td.find('sup.try').text(proo.tries_before_ac);
- }
- }
- j_item.find('td.ac').text(total_ac);
- j_item.find('td.score').text(total_score);
- }
- for(;i < trs.length;i++){
- trs[i].remove();
- }
- }
- setTimeout(sboard_refresh,5000);
- });
- }
- });
- };
- that.node = new vus.node('sboard');
- that.__super();
- that.node.url_chg = function(direct,url_upart,url_dpart){
- var reto;
- if(direct == 'in'){
- index.tab_hl('sboard');
- refresh_flag = true;
- sboard_refresh();
- that.fadein(j_pbox);
- }else if(direct == 'out'){
- index.tab_ll('sboard');
- that.fadeout(j_pbox);
- refresh_flag = false;
- j_table.find('tr.item').remove();
- j_table.find('tr.head > td.pro').remove();
- }
- };
-}; __extend(class_sqmod_contest_sboard_pbox,class_com_pbox);
-var class_sqmod_contest_pro_pbox = function(sqid,j_page){
- var that = this;
- var j_pbox = j_page.find('div.pro_pbox');
- var promap = null;
- var pro_listset = function(j_item,proo){
- var i;
- var bscore;
- var fscore;
- var ratio;
- var j_a;
- var j_team;
- if(proo != null){
- j_item.attr('proid',proo.proid);
- j_item.find('td.no').text(proo.prono);
- j_a = j_item.find('td.name > a');
- j_a.attr('href','/toj/pro/' + proo.proid + '/');
- j_a.text(proo.proname);
- bscore = proo.bscore;
- fscore = proo.full_score;
- j_item.find('td.bscore').text(Math.floor(bscore) + ' / ' + Math.floor(fscore));
- if(proo.tried == false){
- j_item.css('border-color','#1C1C1C');
- }else{
- ratio = bscore / fscore;
- if(ratio < 0.6){
- j_item.css('border-color','#FF0000');
- }else if(ratio < 0.8){
- j_item.css('border-color','#00FF00');
- }else if(ratio < 1){
- j_item.css('border-color','#FFFF00');
- }else{
- j_item.css('border-color','#FFFFFF');
- }
- }
- j_item.find('td.team').remove();
- for(i = 0;i < proo.tscore.length;i++){
- j_team = $('<td class="team"></td>');
- j_team.text(Math.floor(proo.tscore[i]));
- j_item.append(j_team);
- }
- }
- };
- var pro_listnew = function(proo){
- var j_item;
- j_item = $('<tr class="item"><td class="no"></td><td class="name"><a></a></td><td class="bscore"></td></tr>');
- pro_listset(j_item,proo);
- return j_item;
- };
- var prog_set = function(j_progbox,baseline,totalscore){
- var off;
- var ratio;
- var j_prog;
- off = 0;
- ratio = baseline.pass_score * 100 / baseline.total_score;
- j_prog = j_progbox.find('div.pass');
- j_prog.css('width',ratio + '%');
- j_prog.html(Math.floor(baseline.pass_score) + '&nbsp');
- off += ratio;
- ratio = (baseline.good_score - baseline.pass_score) * 100 / baseline.total_score;
- j_prog = j_progbox.find('div.good');
- j_prog.css('left',off + '%');
- j_prog.css('width',ratio + '%');
- j_prog.html(Math.floor(baseline.good_score) + '&nbsp');
- off += ratio;
- ratio = 100 - off;
- j_prog = j_progbox.find('div.total');
- j_prog.css('left',off + '%');
- j_prog.css('width',ratio + '%');
- j_prog.html(Math.floor(baseline.total_score) + '&nbsp');
- ratio = totalscore * 100 / baseline.total_score;
- j_prog = j_progbox.find('div.prog');
- j_prog.css('width',ratio + '%');
- j_prog.html(Math.floor(totalscore) + '&nbsp');
- if(totalscore < baseline.pass_score){
- ratio = totalscore / baseline.pass_score;
- j_prog.css('background-color','rgba(255,' + Math.round(64 * ratio) + ',0,0.8)');
- }else if(totalscore < baseline.good_score){
- ratio = (totalscore - baseline.pass_score) / (baseline.good_score - baseline.pass_score);
- j_prog.css('background-color','rgba(' + Math.round(128 * ratio) + ',255,0,0.8)');
- }else if(totalscore < baseline.total_score){
- ratio = (totalscore - baseline.good_score) / (baseline.total_score - baseline.good_score);
- j_prog.css('background-color','rgba(255,255,' + Math.round(128 * ratio) + ',0.8)');
- }else{
- j_prog.css('background-color','rgba(255,255,255,0.8)');
- }
- }
- var prostat_refresh = function(){
- if(refresh_flag == false){
- return;
- }
- $.post('/toj/sqmod/sqmod_contest/sqmod_contest.php',{'action':'get_user_stat','data':JSON.stringify({'sqid':sqid,'display_team':true})},function(res){
- var i;
- var j;
- var reto;
- var team;
- var teamo;
- var prostat;
- var prostato;
- var proo;
- var user_total;
- var team_total;
- var maxscore;
- var j_list;
- var j_head;
- var j_team;
- var j_a;
- var j_item;
- if(res[0] != 'E'){
- reto = JSON.parse(res);
- team = reto.team;
- prostat = reto.prostat;
- j_list = j_pbox.find('table.prolist');
- if(team != undefined){
- j_head = j_list.find('tr.head');
- j_head.find('th.team').remove();
- for(i = 0;i < team.length;i++){
- teamo = team[i];
- j_team = $('<th class="team"><a></a></th>');
- j_a = j_team.find('a');
- j_a.attr('href','/toj/user/' + teamo.uid + '/')
- j_a.text(teamo.name);
- for(j = 0;j < teamo.prostat.length;j++){
- if(teamo.prostat[j].tried == true){
- promap[teamo.prostat[j].proid].tscore[i] = teamo.prostat[j].best_score;
- }else{
- promap[teamo.prostat[j].proid].tscore[i] = 0;
- }
- }
- j_head.append(j_team);
- }
- j_pbox.find('table.stat tr.team_prog').show();
- }
- user_total = 0;
- team_total = 0;
- for(i = 0;i < prostat.length;i++){
- prostato = prostat[i];
- proo = promap[prostato.proid];
- proo.bscore = prostato.best_score;
- proo.tried = prostato.tried;
- user_total += prostato.best_score;
- j_item = j_list.find('[proid = "' + prostato.proid + '"]');
- if(j_item.length > 0){
- pro_listset(j_item,proo);
- }
- maxscore = proo.bscore;
- for(j = 0;j < proo.tscore.length;j++){
- maxscore = Math.max(maxscore,proo.tscore[j]);
- }
- team_total += maxscore;
- }
- prog_set(j_pbox.find('table.stat div.user_prog'),reto.base_line,user_total);
- if(team != undefined){
- prog_set(j_pbox.find('table.stat div.team_prog'),reto.team_base_line,team_total);
- }
- setTimeout(prostat_refresh,2000);
- }
- });
- };
- that.node = new vus.node('pro');
- that.__super();
- that.node.url_chg = function(direct,url_upart,url_dpart){
- if(direct == 'in'){
- index.tab_hl('pro');
- that.fadein(j_pbox);
- refresh_flag = true;
- $.post('/toj/sqmod/sqmod_contest/sqmod_contest.php',{'action':'get_prolist','data':JSON.stringify({'sqid':sqid})},function(res){
- var i;
- var reto;
- var proo;
- var j_list;
- var j_item;
- if(res[0] != 'E'){
- reto = JSON.parse(res);
- promap = new Array;
- j_list = j_pbox.find('table.prolist');
- for(i = 0;i < reto.length;i++){
- proo = reto[i];
- proo.bscore = 0;
- proo.tscore = new Array;
- proo.tried = false;
- if(proo.hidden == false || user.level == -1){
- promap[proo.proid] = proo;
- j_item = pro_listnew(proo);
- j_list.append(j_item);
- }
- }
- prostat_refresh();
- }
- });
- }else if(direct == 'out'){
- index.tab_ll('pro');
- that.fadeout(j_pbox);
- refresh_flag = false;
- j_pbox.find('table.prolist tr.item').remove();
- }
- return 'cont';
- };
-}; __extend(class_sqmod_contest_pro_pbox,class_com_pbox);
diff --git a/toj/sqmod/sqmod_contest/sqmod_contest.php b/toj/sqmod/sqmod_contest/sqmod_contest.php
deleted file mode 100755
index f999cfa..0000000
--- a/toj/sqmod/sqmod_contest/sqmod_contest.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-//ini_set("display_errors", "On");
-$sqlc = db_connect();
-$msqlc = db_connect('toj_mod');
-$action = $_POST['action'];
-$data = $_POST['data'];
- die('Eno_action');
-if($action == 'get_prolist')
- $dt = json_decode($data);
- $sqid = intval($dt->sqid);
- if(square::get_sqmod($sqlc, $sqid) != SQMODNAME)
- die('Eerror_sqid_this_mod');
- if(!sec_is_login())
- die('Enot_login');
- $uid = intval($_COOKIE['uid']);
- if(square::get_user_relationship($sqlc, $uid, $sqid) < SQUARE_USER_ACTIVE)
- die('Ecannot_view_sq');
- $list = square::get_pro_list($sqlc, $sqid);
- if(!$list)
- die('Eno_problem');
- $data = get_setting($sqid);
- $nlist = process_pro_list($list, $data, $sqid);
- echo(json_encode($nlist));
-if($action == 'get_user_stat')
- $dt = json_decode($data);
- $sqid = intval($dt->sqid);
- $display_team = $dt->display_team;
- if(square::get_sqmod($sqlc, $sqid) != SQMODNAME)
- die('Eerror_sqid_this_mod');
- if(!sec_is_login())
- die('Enot_login');
- $uid = intval($_COOKIE['uid']);
- if(square::get_user_relationship($sqlc, $uid, $sqid) < SQUARE_USER_ACTIVE)
- die('Ecannot_view_sq');
- $data = get_setting($sqid);
- $ret = new stdClass();
- $prostat = get_pro_stat_uid($sqlc, $msqlc, $sqid, SCOREBOARD_ID_PROBSTAT, $uid);
- $tmpstat = process_pro_stat($prostat);
- $ret->prostat = calc_score($tmpstat, $data, $sqid);
- $ret->base_line = get_base_line($data, $sqid, false);
- if($display_team)
- {
- $term = get_term($data, $sqid);
- $teamid = intval(get_teamid($msqlc, $term, $uid));
- if($teamid)
- {
- $ret->team_base_line = get_base_line($data, $sqid, true);
- $members = get_team_member($msqlc, $term, $teamid);
- $arr = array();
- foreach($members as $mem)
- {
- if($mem->uid == $uid)continue;
- $tmpstat = process_pro_stat(get_pro_stat_uid($sqlc, $msqlc, $sqid, SCOREBOARD_ID_PROBSTAT, $mem->uid));
- $mem->prostat = calc_score($tmpstat, $data, $sqid);
- array_push($arr, $mem);
- }
- $ret->team = $arr;
- $ret->teamid = $teamid;
- }
- }
- echo(json_encode($ret));
-if($action == 'get_scoreboard'){
- $dt = json_decode($data);
- $sqid = intval($dt->sqid);
- $sqo = square::get($sqlc, $sqid);
- if($sqo == NULL || $sqo->sqmodname != SQMODNAME)
- die('Eerror_sq_error');
- if(!sec_is_login())
- die('Enot_login');
- $uid = intval($_COOKIE['uid']);
- if(square::get_user_relationship($sqlc, $uid, $sqid) < SQUARE_USER_ACTIVE)
- die('Ecannot_view_sq');
- $list = get_scoreboard($sqlc, $msqlc, $sqid, SCOREBOARD_ID_SCOREBOARD);
- $user_map = array();
- for($idx = 0;$idx < count($list);$idx++){
- $list[$idx]->nickname = user::get_nickname($sqlc, $list[$idx]->uid);
- $user_map[$list[$idx]->uid] = true;
- }
- $user_list = square::get_user_list($sqlc, $sqid);
- for($idx = 0;$idx < count($user_list);$idx++){
- if(!array_key_exists($user_list[$idx]->uid,$user_map)){
- array_push($list,array(
- 'uid' => $user_list[$idx]->uid,
- 'nickname' => $user_list[$idx]->nickname,
- 'rank' => -1,
- 'rank_score' => 0,
- 'problem' => []
- ));
- }
- }
- echo(json_encode(array(
- 'start_time' => $sqo->start_time,
- 'list' => $list
- )));
diff --git a/toj/sqmod/sqmod_contest/team.inc.php b/toj/sqmod/sqmod_contest/team.inc.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 3effc0e..0000000
--- a/toj/sqmod/sqmod_contest/team.inc.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-const TEAM_TYPE_BOY = 1;
-const TEAM_TYPE_GIRL = 2;
-const TEAM_TYPE_COL = 3;
-const TEAM_TYPE_TEA = 4;
-function get_teamid($msqlc, $term, $uid)
- //Return the teamid of $uid. False if not exists.
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT "teamid" FROM "sqmod_sprout_team" WHERE "term"=$1 AND "uid"=$2;';
- $sqlarr = array($term, $uid);
- $res = pg_query_params($msqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $teamid = pg_fetch_result($res, 0);
- return $teamid;
-function get_team_member($msqlc, $term, $teamid)
- //Return all team member uid, level of team $teamid. False if not exists.
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT "sqmod_sprout_team"."uid", "sqmod_sprout_team"."level", "sqmod_sprout_student"."name" FROM "sqmod_sprout_team" INNER JOIN "sqmod_sprout_student" ON "sqmod_sprout_team"."uid"="sqmod_sprout_student"."uid" WHERE "sqmod_sprout_team"."term"=$1 AND "sqmod_sprout_team"."teamid"=$2 ORDER BY "sqmod_sprout_team"."level" DESC, "sqmod_sprout_team"."uid";';
- $sqlarr = array($term, $teamid);
- $res = pg_query_params($msqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $ret = array();
- while($obj = pg_fetch_object($res))
- {
- $obj->uid = intval($obj->uid);
- $obj->level = intval($obj->level);
- array_push($ret, $obj);
- }
- return $ret;
diff --git a/toj/sqmod/sqmod_test/sqmod_test.css b/toj/sqmod/sqmod_test/sqmod_test.css
deleted file mode 100755
index 4680479..0000000
--- a/toj/sqmod/sqmod_test/sqmod_test.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-div.sqmod_test > div.pro_pbox > table.prolist{
- width:1060px;
- margin:0px 0px 6px 164px;
- border-collapse:collapse;
- text-align:left;
-div.sqmod_test > div.pro_pbox > table.prolist tr.head{
- height:64px;
-div.sqmod_test > div.pro_pbox > table.prolist tr.item{
- height:32px;
- border-left:2px solid;
- border-color:#1C1C1C;
-div.sqmod_test > div.pro_pbox > table.prolist tr:hover.item{
- background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.2);
-div.sqmod_test > div.pro_pbox > table.prolist th,div.sqmod_test > div.pro_pbox > table.prolist td{
- padding:0px 0px 0px 6px;
-div.sqmod_test > div.pro_pbox > table.prolist th.no,div.sqmod_test > div.pro_pbox > table.prolist td.no{
- width:76px;
-div.sqmod_test > div.pro_pbox > table.prolist th.name,div.sqmod_test > div.pro_pbox > table.prolist td.name{
- width:auto;
- padding:0px 0px 0px 0px;
-div.sqmod_test > div.pro_pbox > table.prolist th.bscore,div.sqmod_test > div.pro_pbox > table.prolist td.bscore{
- width:76px;
-div.sqmod_test > div.pro_pbox > table.prolist th.team,div.sqmod_test > div.pro_pbox > table.prolist td.team{
- width:76px;
-div.sqmod_test > div.pro_pbox > table.stat{
- margin:32px 0px 6px 164px;
- border-collapse:collapse;
- text-align:left;
-div.sqmod_test > div.pro_pbox > table.stat tr{
- height:32px;
-div.sqmod_test > div.pro_pbox div.prog_box{
- width:486px;
- height:16px;
- background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.2);
- color:#1C1C1C;
- font-size:12px;
- font-family:monospace;
- line-height:16px;
- text-align:right;
- position:relative;
-div.sqmod_test > div.pro_pbox div.prog_box > div.pass{
- width:0%;
- height:16px;
- border-right:rgba(0,255,0,0.8) 2px solid;
- position:absolute;
- top:0px;
- left:0%;
- overflow:hidden;
-div.sqmod_test > div.pro_pbox div.prog_box > div.good{
- width:0%;
- height:16px;
- border-right:rgba(255,255,0,0.8) 2px solid;
- position:absolute;
- top:0px;
- left:0%;
- overflow:hidden;
-div.sqmod_test > div.pro_pbox div.prog_box > div.total{
- width:0%;
- height:16px;
- border-right:rgba(255,255,255,0.8) 2px solid;
- position:absolute;
- top:0px;
- left:0%;
- overflow:hidden;
-div.sqmod_test > div.pro_pbox div.prog_box > div.prog{
- width:0%;
- height:16px;
- background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0);
- font-weight:bold;
- position:absolute;
- top:0px;
- left:0px;
- overflow:hidden;
diff --git a/toj/sqmod/sqmod_test/sqmod_test.html b/toj/sqmod/sqmod_test/sqmod_test.html
deleted file mode 100755
index 14f44dd..0000000
--- a/toj/sqmod/sqmod_test/sqmod_test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-<div tab="pro" class="com_pbox pro_pbox">
- <table class="prolist">
- <tr class="head">
- <th class="no">#</th>
- <th class="name">題目名稱</th>
- <th class="bscore">最佳分數</th>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <table class="stat">
- <tr class="user_prog">
- <td style="width:76px;">個人進度</td>
- <td style="padding:0px 0px 0px 6px;"><div class="prog_box user_prog">
- <div class="pass"></div>
- <div class="good"></div>
- <div class="total"></div>
- <div class="prog"></div>
- </div></td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="team_prog" style="display:none;">
- <td style="width:76px;">小組進度</td>
- <td style="padding:0px 0px 0px 6px;"><div class="prog_box team_prog">
- <div class="pass"></div>
- <div class="good"></div>
- <div class="total"></div>
- <div class="prog"></div>
- </div></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
diff --git a/toj/sqmod/sqmod_test/sqmod_test.inc.php b/toj/sqmod/sqmod_test/sqmod_test.inc.php
deleted file mode 100755
index c331a3f..0000000
--- a/toj/sqmod/sqmod_test/sqmod_test.inc.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,278 +0,0 @@
-const SQMODNAME = 'sqmod_test';
-function score_func($sqid, $proid, $best_score, $best_time, $is_ac, $ac_time, $tries_before_ac, $last_score, $last_status, $tries)
- $data = get_setting($sqid);
- $fscore = 0;
- foreach($data->pro as $pro)
- {
- if($pro->proid == $proid && $pro->method == 'normal')
- {
- $fscore = $pro->score;
- break;
- }
- if($pro->method == 'max')
- {
- foreach($pro->config as $cf)
- {
- foreach($cf as $sp)
- {
- if($sp[0] == $proid)
- {
- $fscore = $sp[1];
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- $rscore = $best_score * $fscore / 100;
- return $rscore;
-function get_pro_stat_uid($sqlc, $msqlc, $sqid, $sboard_id, $uid)
- //get user $uid solving status of square $sqid. $sboard_id can be set as a fixed value.
- $sq = square::get($sqlc, $sqid);
- if(!$sq)die('Eno_such_sq');
- $data = sqlib_scoreboard::get_scoreboard_uid($sqlc, $msqlc, $sqid, $sboard_id, 'score_func', $sq->start_time, $sq->end_time, $uid);
- return $data[0];
-function process_pro_stat($obj)
- $ret = array();
- foreach($obj->problem as $pro)
- {
- $ps = new stdClass();
- $ps->proid = $pro->proid;
- $ps->is_ac = $pro->is_ac;
- $ps->best_score = $pro->best_score;
- //$ps->rank_score = $pro->rank_score;
- $ps->tried = ($pro->tries > 0);
- //array_push($ret, $ps);
- $ret[$pro->proid] = $ps;
- }
- return $ret;
-function add_setting($sqid)
- mkdir('/srv/http/toj/center/sq/'.$sqid);
-function del_setting($sqid)
- $sqdir = '/srv/http/toj/center/sq/'.$sqid.'/';
- unlink($sqdir.'setting');
- rmdir($sqdir);
-function get_setting($sqid)
- $sqdir = '/srv/http/toj/center/sq/'.$sqid.'/';
- $cont = file_get_contents($sqdir.'setting');
- $data = json_decode($cont);
- return $data;
-function put_setting($sqid, $data)
- $sqdir = '/srv/http/toj/center/sq/'.$sqid.'/';
- file_put_contents($sqdir.'setting', json_encode($data));
-function get_term($data, $sqid)
- return $data->term;
-function calc_score($stat, $data, $sqid)
- $prolist = $data->pro;
- $ret = array();
- foreach($prolist as $pro)
- {
- $proid = $pro->proid;
- $np = new stdClass();
- if($stat)$np = clone $stat[$proid];
- //else continue;
- if(!$stat)
- {
- $np->proid = $proid;
- $np->best_score = 0;
- $np->tried = false;
- $np->is_ac = false;
- array_push($ret, $np);
- continue;
- }
- $method = $pro->method;
- //$np->full_score = $pro->score;
- if($method == 'normal')
- {
- $np->best_score = $stat[$proid]->best_score / 100 * $pro->score;
- }
- if($method == 'max')
- {
- $score = 0;
- $tis_ac = false;
- foreach($pro->config as $conf)
- {
- //$np->best_score = json_encode($conf);
- $nowscore = 0;
- $is_ac = true;
- foreach($conf as $unit)
- {
- $nowscore += $stat[$unit[0]]->best_score / 100 * $unit[1];
- $np->tried = $np->tried || $stat[$unit[0]]->tried;
- if(!$stat[$unit[0]]->is_ac)$is_ac = false;
- }
- $score = max($score, $nowscore);
- if($is_ac)$tis_ac = true;
- }
- $np->is_ac = $tis_ac;
- $np->best_score = $score;// / 100 * $pro->score;
- }
- //$np->best_score = json_encode($np);
- array_push($ret, $np);
- }
- //$stat[0]->best_score = json_encode($ret[0]);
- return $ret;
-function process_pro_list($list, $data, $sqid)
- $prol = $data->pro;
- $ret = array();
- foreach($prol as $pro)
- {
- $proid = $pro->proid;
- $np = null;
- foreach($list as $op)
- {
- if($op->proid == $proid)
- {
- $np = clone $op;
- break;
- }
- }
- $np->prono = $pro->prono;
- $np->full_score = $pro->score;
- if($pro->proname)$np->proname = $pro->proname;
- array_push($ret, $np);
- }
- return $ret;
-function get_base_line($data, $sqid, $isteam)
- $ret = new stdClass();
- if($isteam)
- {
- $ret->total_score = $data->total_score;
- $ret->pass_score = $data->pass_score_team;
- $ret->good_score = $data->good_score_team;
- }
- else
- {
- $ret->total_score = $data->total_score;
- $ret->pass_score = $data->pass_score;
- $ret->good_score = $data->good_score;
- }
- return $ret;
-function calc_default_baseline($total_score)
- $ret = new stdClass();
- $ret->pass_score = round($total_score * 0.6);
- $ret->good_score = round($total_score * 0.8);
- $ret->pass_score_team = round($total_score * 0.8);
- $ret->good_score_team = round($total_score * 1);
- return $ret;
-function event_create($sqid)
- $set = array(
- 'term' => 1,
- 'pro' => [],
- 'total_score' => 0,
- 'pass_score' => 0,
- 'good_score' => 0,
- 'pass_score_team' => 0,
- 'good_score_team' => 0
- );
- add_setting($sqid);
- put_setting($sqid, $set);
-function event_destroy($sqid)
- del_setting($sqid);
-function event_add_pro($sqid, $proid)
- $set = get_setting($sqid);
- $list = $set->pro;
- for($idx = 0;$idx < count($list);$idx++){
- if($list[$idx]->proid == $proid)
- return;
- }
- $list[$idx] = array(
- "prono" => $idx + 1,
- "proid" => $proid,
- "score" => 100,
- "method" => 'normal'
- );
- $set->pro = $list;
- $set->total_score += 100;
- $baseline = calc_default_baseline($set->total_score);
- $set->pass_score = $baseline->pass_score;
- $set->good_score = $baseline->good_score;
- $set->pass_score_team = $baseline->pass_score_team;
- $set->good_score_team = $baseline->good_score_team;
- put_setting($sqid, $set);
-function event_del_pro($sqid, $proid)
- $set = get_setting($sqid);
- $list = $set->pro;
- $idx = 0;
- while($idx < count($list)){
- if($list[$idx]->proid == $proid){
- array_splice($list,$idx,1);
- $set->total_score -= 100;
- }else{
- $list[$idx]->prono = $idx + 1;
- $idx++;
- }
- }
- $set->pro = $list;
- $baseline = calc_default_baseline($set->total_score);
- $set->pass_score = $baseline->pass_score;
- $set->good_score = $baseline->good_score;
- $set->pass_score_team = $baseline->pass_score_team;
- $set->good_score_team = $baseline->good_score_team;
- put_setting($sqid, $set);
diff --git a/toj/sqmod/sqmod_test/sqmod_test.js b/toj/sqmod/sqmod_test/sqmod_test.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 4923ed0..0000000
--- a/toj/sqmod/sqmod_test/sqmod_test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-var sqmod_test = function(that,j_page){
- var pro_pbox = new class_sqmod_test_pro_pbox(that.sqid,j_page);
- that.node.url_chg = function(direct,url_upart,url_dpart){
- if(direct == 'in'){
- index.title_set('TOJ-' + that.sqname);
- index.tab_add('pro','/toj/sq/' + that.sqid + '/pro/','題目');
- if(url_dpart.length == 0){
- com.url_update('/toj/sq/' + that.sqid + '/pro/');
- return 'stop';
- }
- }else if(direct == 'out'){
- index.tab_empty();
- }
- return 'cont';
- };
- that.node.child_set(pro_pbox.node);
-var class_sqmod_test_pro_pbox = function(sqid,j_page){
- var that = this;
- var j_pbox = j_page.find('div.pro_pbox');
- var promap = null;
- var pro_listset = function(j_item,proo){
- var i;
- var bscore;
- var fscore;
- var ratio;
- var j_a;
- var j_team;
- if(proo != null){
- j_item.attr('proid',proo.proid);
- j_item.find('td.no').text(proo.prono);
- j_a = j_item.find('td.name > a');
- j_a.attr('href','/toj/pro/' + proo.proid + '/');
- j_a.text(proo.proname);
- bscore = proo.bscore;
- fscore = proo.full_score;
- j_item.find('td.bscore').text(Math.floor(bscore) + ' / ' + Math.floor(fscore));
- if(proo.tried == false){
- j_item.css('border-color','#1C1C1C');
- }else{
- ratio = bscore / fscore;
- if(ratio < 0.6){
- j_item.css('border-color','#FF0000');
- }else if(ratio < 0.8){
- j_item.css('border-color','#00FF00');
- }else if(ratio < 1){
- j_item.css('border-color','#FFFF00');
- }else{
- j_item.css('border-color','#FFFFFF');
- }
- }
- j_item.find('td.team').remove();
- for(i = 0;i < proo.tscore.length;i++){
- j_team = $('<td class="team"></td>');
- j_team.text(Math.floor(proo.tscore[i]));
- j_item.append(j_team);
- }
- }
- };
- var pro_listnew = function(proo){
- var j_item;
- j_item = $('<tr class="item"><td class="no"></td><td class="name"><a></a></td><td class="bscore"></td></tr>');
- pro_listset(j_item,proo);
- return j_item;
- };
- var prog_set = function(j_progbox,baseline,totalscore){
- var off;
- var ratio;
- var j_prog;
- off = 0;
- ratio = baseline.pass_score * 100 / baseline.total_score;
- j_prog = j_progbox.find('div.pass');
- j_prog.css('width',ratio + '%');
- j_prog.html(Math.floor(baseline.pass_score) + '&nbsp');
- off += ratio;
- ratio = (baseline.good_score - baseline.pass_score) * 100 / baseline.total_score;
- j_prog = j_progbox.find('div.good');
- j_prog.css('left',off + '%');
- j_prog.css('width',ratio + '%');
- j_prog.html(Math.floor(baseline.good_score) + '&nbsp');
- off += ratio;
- ratio = 100 - off;
- j_prog = j_progbox.find('div.total');
- j_prog.css('left',off + '%');
- j_prog.css('width',ratio + '%');
- j_prog.html(Math.floor(baseline.total_score) + '&nbsp');
- ratio = totalscore * 100 / baseline.total_score;
- j_prog = j_progbox.find('div.prog');
- j_prog.css('width',ratio + '%');
- j_prog.html(Math.floor(totalscore) + '&nbsp');
- if(totalscore < baseline.pass_score){
- ratio = totalscore / baseline.pass_score;
- j_prog.css('background-color','rgba(255,' + Math.round(64 * ratio) + ',0,0.8)');
- }else if(totalscore < baseline.good_score){
- ratio = (totalscore - baseline.pass_score) / (baseline.good_score - baseline.pass_score);
- j_prog.css('background-color','rgba(' + Math.round(128 * ratio) + ',255,0,0.8)');
- }else if(totalscore < baseline.total_score){
- ratio = (totalscore - baseline.good_score) / (baseline.total_score - baseline.good_score);
- j_prog.css('background-color','rgba(255,255,' + Math.round(128 * ratio) + ',0.8)');
- }else{
- j_prog.css('background-color','rgba(255,255,255,0.8)');
- }
- }
- var prostat_refresh = function(){
- if(refresh_flag == false){
- return;
- }
- $.post('/toj/sqmod/sqmod_test/sqmod_test.php',{'action':'get_user_stat','data':JSON.stringify({'sqid':sqid,'display_team':true})},function(res){
- var i;
- var j;
- var reto;
- var team;
- var teamo;
- var prostat;
- var prostato;
- var proo;
- var user_total;
- var team_total;
- var maxscore;
- var j_list;
- var j_head;
- var j_team;
- var j_a;
- var j_item;
- if(res[0] != 'E'){
- reto = JSON.parse(res);
- team = reto.team;
- prostat = reto.prostat;
- j_list = j_pbox.find('table.prolist');
- if(team != undefined){
- j_head = j_list.find('tr.head');
- j_head.find('th.team').remove();
- for(i = 0;i < team.length;i++){
- teamo = team[i];
- j_team = $('<th class="team"><a></a></th>');
- j_a = j_team.find('a');
- j_a.attr('href','/toj/user/' + teamo.uid + '/')
- j_a.text(teamo.name);
- for(j = 0;j < teamo.prostat.length;j++){
- if(teamo.prostat[j].tried == true){
- promap[teamo.prostat[j].proid].tscore[i] = teamo.prostat[j].best_score;
- }else{
- promap[teamo.prostat[j].proid].tscore[i] = 0;
- }
- }
- j_head.append(j_team);
- }
- j_pbox.find('table.stat tr.team_prog').show();
- }
- user_total = 0;
- team_total = 0;
- for(i = 0;i < prostat.length;i++){
- prostato = prostat[i];
- proo = promap[prostato.proid];
- proo.bscore = prostato.best_score;
- proo.tried = prostato.tried;
- user_total += prostato.best_score;
- j_item = j_list.find('[proid = "' + prostato.proid + '"]');
- if(j_item.length > 0){
- pro_listset(j_item,proo);
- }
- maxscore = proo.bscore;
- for(j = 0;j < proo.tscore.length;j++){
- maxscore = Math.max(maxscore,proo.tscore[j]);
- }
- team_total += maxscore;
- }
- prog_set(j_pbox.find('table.stat div.user_prog'),reto.base_line,user_total);
- if(team != undefined){
- prog_set(j_pbox.find('table.stat div.team_prog'),reto.team_base_line,team_total);
- }
- setTimeout(prostat_refresh,2000);
- }
- });
- };
- that.node = new vus.node('pro');
- that.__super();
- that.node.url_chg = function(direct,url_upart,url_dpart){
- if(direct == 'in'){
- index.tab_hl('pro');
- that.fadein(j_pbox);
- refresh_flag = true;
- $.post('/toj/sqmod/sqmod_test/sqmod_test.php',{'action':'get_prolist','data':JSON.stringify({'sqid':sqid})},function(res){
- var i;
- var reto;
- var proo;
- var j_list;
- var j_item;
- if(res[0] != 'E'){
- reto = JSON.parse(res);
- promap = new Array;
- j_list = j_pbox.find('table.prolist');
- console.log(j_pbox.length);
- for(i = 0;i < reto.length;i++){
- proo = reto[i];
- proo.bscore = 0;
- proo.tscore = new Array;
- proo.tried = false;
- if(proo.hidden == false || user.level == -1){
- promap[proo.proid] = proo;
- j_item = pro_listnew(proo);
- j_list.append(j_item);
- }
- }
- prostat_refresh();
- }
- });
- }else if(direct == 'out'){
- index.tab_ll('pro');
- that.fadeout(j_pbox);
- refresh_flag = false;
- }
- return 'cont';
- };
-}; __extend(class_sqmod_test_pro_pbox,class_com_pbox);
diff --git a/toj/sqmod/sqmod_test/sqmod_test.php b/toj/sqmod/sqmod_test/sqmod_test.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 341daae..0000000
--- a/toj/sqmod/sqmod_test/sqmod_test.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-//ini_set("display_errors", "On");
-$sqlc = db_connect();
-$msqlc = db_connect('toj_mod');
-$action = $_POST['action'];
-$data = $_POST['data'];
- die('Eno_action');
-if($action == 'get_prolist')
- $dt = json_decode($data);
- $sqid = intval($dt->sqid);
- if(square::get_sqmod($sqlc, $sqid) != SQMODNAME)
- die('Eerror_sqid_this_mod');
- if(!sec_is_login())
- die('Enot_login');
- $uid = intval($_COOKIE['uid']);
- if(square::get_user_relationship($sqlc, $uid, $sqid) < SQUARE_USER_ACTIVE)
- die('Ecannot_view_sq');
- $list = square::get_pro_list($sqlc, $sqid);
- if(!$list)
- die('Eno_problem');
- $data = get_setting($sqid);
- $nlist = process_pro_list($list, $data, $sqid);
- echo(json_encode($nlist));
-if($action == 'get_user_stat')
- $dt = json_decode($data);
- $sqid = intval($dt->sqid);
- $display_team = $dt->display_team;
- if(square::get_sqmod($sqlc, $sqid) != SQMODNAME)
- die('Eerror_sqid_this_mod');
- if(!sec_is_login())
- die('Enot_login');
- $uid = intval($_COOKIE['uid']);
- if(square::get_user_relationship($sqlc, $uid, $sqid) < SQUARE_USER_ACTIVE)
- die('Ecannot_view_sq');
- $data = get_setting($sqid);
- $ret = new stdClass();
- $prostat = get_pro_stat_uid($sqlc, $msqlc, $sqid, SCOREBOARD_ID_PROBSTAT, $uid);
- $tmpstat = process_pro_stat($prostat);
- $ret->prostat = calc_score($tmpstat, $data, $sqid);
- $ret->base_line = get_base_line($data, $sqid, false);
- if($display_team)
- {
- $term = get_term($data, $sqid);
- $teamid = intval(get_teamid($msqlc, $term, $uid));
- if($teamid)
- {
- $ret->team_base_line = get_base_line($data, $sqid, true);
- $members = get_team_member($msqlc, $term, $teamid);
- $arr = array();
- foreach($members as $mem)
- {
- if($mem->uid == $uid)continue;
- $tmpstat = process_pro_stat(get_pro_stat_uid($sqlc, $msqlc, $sqid, SCOREBOARD_ID_PROBSTAT, $mem->uid));
- $mem->prostat = calc_score($tmpstat, $data, $sqid);
- array_push($arr, $mem);
- }
- $ret->team = $arr;
- $ret->teamid = $teamid;
- }
- }
- echo(json_encode($ret));
diff --git a/toj/sqmod/sqmod_test/team.inc.php b/toj/sqmod/sqmod_test/team.inc.php
deleted file mode 100755
index 3effc0e..0000000
--- a/toj/sqmod/sqmod_test/team.inc.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-const TEAM_TYPE_BOY = 1;
-const TEAM_TYPE_GIRL = 2;
-const TEAM_TYPE_COL = 3;
-const TEAM_TYPE_TEA = 4;
-function get_teamid($msqlc, $term, $uid)
- //Return the teamid of $uid. False if not exists.
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT "teamid" FROM "sqmod_sprout_team" WHERE "term"=$1 AND "uid"=$2;';
- $sqlarr = array($term, $uid);
- $res = pg_query_params($msqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $teamid = pg_fetch_result($res, 0);
- return $teamid;
-function get_team_member($msqlc, $term, $teamid)
- //Return all team member uid, level of team $teamid. False if not exists.
- $sqlstr = 'SELECT "sqmod_sprout_team"."uid", "sqmod_sprout_team"."level", "sqmod_sprout_student"."name" FROM "sqmod_sprout_team" INNER JOIN "sqmod_sprout_student" ON "sqmod_sprout_team"."uid"="sqmod_sprout_student"."uid" WHERE "sqmod_sprout_team"."term"=$1 AND "sqmod_sprout_team"."teamid"=$2 ORDER BY "sqmod_sprout_team"."level" DESC, "sqmod_sprout_team"."uid";';
- $sqlarr = array($term, $teamid);
- $res = pg_query_params($msqlc, $sqlstr, $sqlarr);
- $ret = array();
- while($obj = pg_fetch_object($res))
- {
- $obj->uid = intval($obj->uid);
- $obj->level = intval($obj->level);
- array_push($ret, $obj);
- }
- return $ret;