path: root/toj/jcs/notice.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'toj/jcs/notice.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 174 deletions
diff --git a/toj/jcs/notice.js b/toj/jcs/notice.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 0f027fd..0000000
--- a/toj/jcs/notice.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-var notice = new function(){
- var that = this;
- var j_ajax = null;
- var enid = null;
- var listnew = function(noticeo){
- j_item = $('<li class="item"><a class="item"><div class="head"></div><div class="content"></div></a></li>')
- j_a = j_item.find('a.item');
- j_a.on('click',function(e){
- that.hide();
- });
- j_head = j_item.find('div.head');
- j_content = j_item.find('div.content');
- switch(noticeo.type){
- case 'result':
- j_a.attr('href','/toj/m/sub/' + noticeo.subid + '/res/');
- if(noticeo.rejudge_flag == false){
- j_head.text('Submit ' + noticeo.subid);
- }else{
- j_head.text('Rejudge ' + noticeo.subid);
- }
- j_content.html('ProID ' + noticeo.proid + ' 結果: ' + RESULTMAP[noticeo.result] + ' 分數: ' + noticeo.score + '<br>' +
- noticeo.runtime+ 'ms / ' + noticeo.memory + 'KB');
- break;
- }
- return j_item;
- };
- var updatenew = function(){
- var j_list;
- if(j_ajax != null){
- j_ajax.abort();
- }
- j_list = $('#notice_list');
- j_ajax = $.post('/toj/php/notice.php',{'action':'get','data':JSON.stringify({'nid':0,'count':10})},
- function(res){
- var i;
- var reto;
- var noticeo;
- var j_item;
- var j_a;
- if(res[0] != 'E'){
- reto = JSON.parse(res);
- for(i = 0;i < reto.length;i++){
- noticeo = JSON.parse(reto[i].txt);
- j_item = listnew(noticeo);
- j_list.prepend(j_item);
- j_a = j_item.find('a.item');
- j_a.addClass('item_h');
- j_a.stop().animate({left:0},'slow','easeOutQuart');
- }
- if(enid == null){
- if(reto.length == 0){
- enid = 2147483647;
- }else{
- enid = reto[0].nid;
- }
- updateprev();
- }
- }
- j_ajax = null;
- }
- );
- };
- var updateprev = function(){
- var j_list;
- j_list = $('#notice_list');
- $.post('/toj/php/notice.php',{'action':'get','data':JSON.stringify({'nid':enid,'count':10})},
- function(res){
- var i;
- var reto;
- var noticeo;
- var j_item;
- if(res[0] != 'E'){
- reto = JSON.parse(res);
- for(i = reto.length - 1;i >= 0;i--){
- noticeo = JSON.parse(reto[i].txt);
- j_item = listnew(noticeo);
- j_list.append(j_item);
- j_item.find('a.item').stop().animate({left:0},'slow','easeOutQuart');
- }
- enid = 0;
- }
- }
- );
- };
- var refresh = function(){
- $.post('/toj/php/notice.php',{'action':'count','data':JSON.stringify({})},
- function(res){
- var count;
- var j_notice;
- if(res[0] != 'E'){
- count = JSON.parse(res);
- j_notice = $('#index_head_notice');
- if(count == 0){
- j_notice.removeClass('notice_h');
- j_notice.text('[' + count + ']');
- }else{
- if($('#notice_list_box').css('opacity') == 1){
- updatenew();
- }else{
- j_notice.addClass('notice_h');
- j_notice.text('[' + count + ']');
- }
- }
- setTimeout(refresh,2000);
- }
- }
- );
- };
- that.init = function(){
- $(window).on('click',function(e){
- var j_notice;
- if(e.target == null || ($(e.target).parents('a.item').length == 0 && $(e.target).parents('#notice_list_box').length > 0)){
- return;
- }
- j_notice = $('#index_head_notice');
- if(e.target.id == 'index_head_notice' && !j_notice.hasClass('notice_s')){
- that.show();
- }else if(j_notice.hasClass('notice_s')){
- that.hide();
- }
- });
- $('#index_head_notice').on('click',function(e){
- var j_list;
- j_list = $('#notice_list');
- if($('#notice_list_box').css('opacity') == 0){
- j_list.empty();
- enid = null;
- updatenew();
- }
- }).on('mousedown',function(e){
- return false;
- });
- refresh();
- };
- that.show = function(){
- index.page_scroll_lock();
- $('#index_head_notice').addClass('notice_s');
- $('#notice_list_box').stop().css('opacity','1').animate({width:322},'slow','easeOutExpo');
- $('#notice_list a.item').stop().animate({left:0},'slow','easeOutQuart');
- };
- that.hide = function(){
- $('#index_head_notice').removeClass('notice_s');
- $('#notice_list_box').stop().animate({opacity:0},'fast','easeOutQuad',
- function(){
- $('#notice_list_box').css('width','0px');
- $('#notice_list a.item').css('left','50%');
- index.page_scroll_unlock();
- }
- );
- };