path: root/meowpp/math
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Diffstat (limited to 'meowpp/math')
9 files changed, 0 insertions, 2564 deletions
diff --git a/meowpp/math/!readme.asciidoc b/meowpp/math/!readme.asciidoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 062b45d..0000000
--- a/meowpp/math/!readme.asciidoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-===== utility.h
-數學相關的小 function 雜七雜八的不知道歸類何處
-* noEPS()
-* normalize()
-* denormalize()
-* ratioMapping()
-* inRange()
-* squ()
-* cub()
-* average()
-* average()
-* tAbs()
-* PI
-===== Matrix.h
-* `meow::Matrix<Entry>`
-===== Vector.h
-實作上將 *Matrix* 重新包裝
-* `meow::Vector<Scalar>`
-===== Transformation.h
-各種轉換的 Base Class, 這裡所謂的 *Transformation* 形式上不一定要是 Linear,
-但原則上都是 *input a vector, output a vector* 其中input/output的dimension可以
-* `meow::Transformation<Scalar>`
-===== Transformations.h
-包含各種 *Non-Linear* transformation
-* `meow::BallProjection<Scalar>`
-* `meow::PhotoProjection<Scalar>`
-===== LinearTransformation.h
-各種 LinearTransformation 的Base Class, 繼承自 `meow::Transformation`
-* `meow::LinearTransformation<Scalar>`
-===== LinearTransformations.h
-各種 *Linear* Transformation
-* `meow::Rotation3D<Scalar>`
-===== methods.h
-* ransac()
-* levenbergMarquardt()
diff --git a/meowpp/math/LinearTransformation.h b/meowpp/math/LinearTransformation.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 0dc3735..0000000
--- a/meowpp/math/LinearTransformation.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef math_LinearTransformation_H__
-#define math_LinearTransformation_H__
-#include "Transformation.h"
-#include "Matrix.h"
-#include <cstdlib>
-namespace meow {
- * @brief A base class for implementing kinds of linear transformations.
- *
- * Because all linear transformations belong to transformations,
- * this class inherit to Transformation.
- *
- * @author cat_leopard
- */
-template<class Scalar>
-class LinearTransformation: public Transformation<Scalar> {
- Matrix<Scalar> matrix_;
- /*!
- * Constructor with input/output size gived
- */
- LinearTransformation(size_t inputRows, size_t outputRows, size_t psize):
- Transformation<Scalar>(inputRows, 1u, outputRows, 1u, psize),
- matrix_(outputRows, inputRows, Scalar(0.0)) {
- }
- /*!
- * Constructor with input/output size gived and a inital matrix
- */
- LinearTransformation(size_t inputRows, size_t outputRows, size_t psize,
- Matrix<Scalar> const& m):
- Transformation<Scalar>(inputRows, 1u, outputRows, 1u, psize),
- matrix_(m) {
- }
- /*!
- * Constructor with another LinearTransformation
- *
- * @param [in] b another LinearTransformation
- */
- LinearTransformation(LinearTransformation const& b):
- Transformation<Scalar>(b),
- matrix_(b.matrix_) {
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Copy settings, matrix from another LinearTransformation
- *
- * @param [in] b another LinearTransformation
- */
- LinearTransformation& copyFrom(LinearTransformation const& b) {
- Transformation<Scalar>::copyFrom(b);
- matrix_.copyFrom(b.matrix_);
- return *this;
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Reference settings, matrix from another LinearTransformation
- *
- * @param [in] b another LinearTransformation
- */
- LinearTransformation& referenceFrom(LinearTransformation const& b) {
- Transformation<Scalar>::referenceFrom(b);
- matrix_.referenceFrom(b.matrix_);
- return *this;
- }
- /*!
- * @brief setup the matrix
- */
- virtual Matrix<Scalar> const& matrix(Matrix<Scalar> const& m) {
- matrix_.copyFrom(m);
- return matrix();
- }
- /*!
- * Destructor
- */
- virtual ~LinearTransformation() {
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Return the matrix form of this transformation
- *
- * @return A matrix
- */
- virtual Matrix<Scalar> const& matrix() const {
- return matrix_;
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Return the inverse of the matrix form of this transformate
- *
- * @return A matrix (may be invalid)
- */
- virtual Matrix<Scalar> matrixInv() const {
- return matrix_.inverse();
- }
-} // meow
-#endif // math_LinearTransformation_H__
diff --git a/meowpp/math/LinearTransformations.h b/meowpp/math/LinearTransformations.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bf9a36..0000000
--- a/meowpp/math/LinearTransformations.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,404 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef math_LinearTransformations_H__
-#define math_LinearTransformations_H__
-#include "LinearTransformation.h"
-#include "Matrix.h"
-#include "utility.h"
-#include "../Self.h"
-#include "../geo/Vectors.h"
-#include <cstdlib>
-namespace meow {
- * @brief Rotation a point/vector alone an axis with given angle in 3D world.
- *
- * @author cat_leopard
- */
-template<class Scalar>
-class Rotation3D: public LinearTransformation<Scalar> {
- struct Myself {
- Vector3D<Scalar> theta_;
- bool need_;
- Myself(): theta_(0, 0, 0), need_(true) {
- }
- Myself(Myself const& b): theta_(b.theta_), need_(b.need_) {
- }
- ~Myself() {
- }
- };
- Self<Myself> const self;
- void calcMatrix() const {
- if (self->need_) {
- Matrix<Scalar> tmp(3, 3, 0.0);
- if (noEPS(self->theta_.length2()) == 0) {
- tmp.identitied();
- }
- else {
- Vector3D<double> axis (self->theta_.normalize());
- double angle(self->theta_.length());
- double cs(cos(angle / 2.0));
- double sn(sin(angle / 2.0));
- tmp.entry(0, 0, 2*(squ(axis.x())-1.0)*squ(sn) + 1);
- tmp.entry(1, 1, 2*(squ(axis.y())-1.0)*squ(sn) + 1);
- tmp.entry(2, 2, 2*(squ(axis.z())-1.0)*squ(sn) + 1);
- tmp.entry(0, 1, 2*axis.x()*axis.y()*squ(sn) - 2*axis.z()*cs*sn);
- tmp.entry(1, 0, 2*axis.y()*axis.x()*squ(sn) + 2*axis.z()*cs*sn);
- tmp.entry(0, 2, 2*axis.x()*axis.z()*squ(sn) + 2*axis.y()*cs*sn);
- tmp.entry(2, 0, 2*axis.z()*axis.x()*squ(sn) - 2*axis.y()*cs*sn);
- tmp.entry(1, 2, 2*axis.y()*axis.z()*squ(sn) - 2*axis.x()*cs*sn);
- tmp.entry(2, 1, 2*axis.z()*axis.y()*squ(sn) + 2*axis.x()*cs*sn);
- }
- ((Rotation3D*)this)->LinearTransformation<Scalar>::matrix(tmp);
- self()->need_ = false;
- }
- }
- /*!
- * Constructor with no rotation
- */
- Rotation3D(): LinearTransformation<Scalar>(3u, 3u, 3u), self() {
- }
- /*!
- * Constructor and copy data
- */
- Rotation3D(Rotation3D const& b): LinearTransformation<Scalar>(b),
- self(b.self, Self<Myself>::COPY_FROM) {
- }
- /*!
- * Destructor
- */
- ~Rotation3D() {
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Copy data
- *
- * @param [in] b another Rotation3D class.
- * @return \c *this
- */
- Rotation3D& copyFrom(Rotation3D const& b) {
- LinearTransformation<Scalar>::copyFrom(b);
- self().copyFrom(b.self);
- return *this;
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Reference data
- *
- * @param [in] b another Rotation3D class.
- * @return \c *this
- */
- Rotation3D& referenceFrom(Rotation3D const& b) {
- LinearTransformation<Scalar>::referenceFrom(b);
- self().referenceFrom(b.self);
- return *this;
- }
- /*!
- * @brief same as \c theta(i)
- */
- Scalar parameter(size_t i) const {
- return theta(i);
- }
- /*!
- * @brief same as \c theta(i, s)
- */
- Scalar parameter(size_t i, Scalar const& s) {
- return theta(i, s);
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Get the \c i -th theta
- *
- * \c i can only be 1, 2 or 3
- *
- * @param [in] i index
- * @return \c i -th theta
- */
- Scalar const& theta(size_t i) const {
- return self->theta_(i);
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Set the \c i -th theta
- *
- * \c i can only be 1, 2 or 3
- *
- * @param [in] i index
- * @param [in] s new theta value
- * @return \c i -th theta
- */
- Scalar const& theta(size_t i, Scalar const& s) {
- if (theta(i) != s) {
- if (i == 0) self()->theta_.x(s);
- else if (i == 1) self()->theta_.y(s);
- else if (i == 2) self()->theta_.z(s);
- self()->need_ = true;
- }
- return theta(i);
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Setting
- *
- * @param [in] axis axis
- * @param [in] angle angle
- */
- void axisAngle(Vector<Scalar> const& axis, Scalar const& angle) {
- Vector<Scalar> n(axis.normalize());
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- theta(i, n(i) * angle);
- }
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Concat another rotation transformation
- * @param [in] r another rotation transformation
- */
- Rotation3D& add(Rotation3D const& r) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- theta(i, r.theta(i));
- }
- return *this;
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Do the transformate
- * Assume:
- * - The input vector is \f$ (x ,y ,z ) \f$
- * - The output vector is \f$ (x',y',z') \f$
- * - The parameters theta is\f$ \vec{\theta}=(\theta_x,\theta_y,\theta_z) \f$
- * .
- * Then we have:
- * \f[
- * \left[ \begin{array}{c} x' \\ y' \\ z' \\ \end{array} \right]
- * =
- * \left[ \begin{array}{ccc}
- * 2(n_x^2 - 1) \sin^2\phi + 1 &
- * 2n_x n_y \sin^2\phi - 2n_z\cos \phi\sin \phi &
- * 2n_x n_z \sin^2\phi + 2n_y\cos \phi\sin \phi \\
- * 2n_y n_x \sin^2\phi + 2n_z\cos \phi\sin \phi &
- * 2(n_y^2 - 1) \sin^2\phi + 1 &
- * 2n_y n_z \sin^2\phi - 2n_x\cos \phi\sin \phi \\
- * 2n_z n_x \sin^2\phi - 2n_y\cos \phi\sin \phi &
- * 2n_z n_y \sin^2\phi + 2n_x\cos \phi\sin \phi &
- * 2(n_z^2 - 1) \sin^2\phi + 1 \\
- * \end{array} \right]
- * \left[ \begin{array}{c} x \\ y \\ z \\ \end{array} \right]
- * \f]
- * Where:
- * - \f$ \phi \f$ is the helf of length of \f$ \vec{\theta} \f$ ,
- * which means \f$ \phi = \frac{\left|\vec{\theta}\right|}{2}
- * = \frac{1}{2}\sqrt{\theta_x^2 + \theta_y^2 + \theta_z^2} \f$
- * - \f$ \vec{n} \f$ is the normalized form of \f$ \vec{\theta} \f$ ,
- * which means \f$ \vec{n} = (n_x,n_y,n_z) = \vec{\theta} / 2\phi \f$
- *
- * @param [in] x the input vector
- * @return the output matrix
- */
- Matrix<Scalar> transformate(Matrix<Scalar> const& x) const {
- calcMatrix();
- return LinearTransformation<Scalar>::matrix() * x;
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Return the jacobian matrix (derivate by the input vector)
- * of this transformate
- *
- * The matrix we return is:
- * \f[
- * \left[ \begin{array}{ccc}
- * 2(n_x^2 - 1) \sin^2\phi + 1 &
- * 2n_x n_y \sin^2\phi - 2n_z\cos \phi\sin \phi &
- * 2n_x n_z \sin^2\phi + 2n_y\cos \phi\sin \phi \\
- * 2n_y n_x \sin^2\phi + 2n_z\cos \phi\sin \phi &
- * 2(n_y^2 - 1) \sin^2\phi + 1 &
- * 2n_y n_z \sin^2\phi - 2n_x\cos \phi\sin \phi \\
- * 2n_z n_x \sin^2\phi - 2n_y\cos \phi\sin \phi &
- * 2n_z n_y \sin^2\phi + 2n_x\cos \phi\sin \phi &
- * 2(n_z^2 - 1) \sin^2\phi + 1 \\
- * \end{array} \right]
- * \f]
- * Where the definition of \f$ \vec{n} \f$ and \f$ \phi \f$
- * is the same as the definition in the description of
- * the method \b transformate() .
- *
- * @param [in] x the input vector (in this case it is a useless parameter)
- * @return a matrix
- */
- Matrix<Scalar> jacobian(Matrix<Scalar> const& x) const {
- calcMatrix();
- return LinearTransformation<Scalar>::matrix();
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Return the jacobian matrix of this transformate
- *
- * Here we need to discussion in three case:
- * - \a i = 0, derivate by the x axis of the vector theta
- * \f[
- * \left[ \begin{array}{ccc}
- * 0 & 0 & 0 \\
- * 0 & 0 & -1 \\
- * 0 & 1 & 0 \\
- * \end{array} \right]
- * \left[ \begin{array}{ccc}
- * 2(n_x^2 - 1) \sin^2\phi + 1 &
- * 2n_x n_y \sin^2\phi - 2n_z\cos \phi\sin \phi &
- * 2n_x n_z \sin^2\phi + 2n_y\cos \phi\sin \phi \\
- * 2n_y n_x \sin^2\phi + 2n_z\cos \phi\sin \phi &
- * 2(n_y^2 - 1) \sin^2\phi + 1 &
- * 2n_y n_z \sin^2\phi - 2n_x\cos \phi\sin \phi \\
- * 2n_z n_x \sin^2\phi - 2n_y\cos \phi\sin \phi &
- * 2n_z n_y \sin^2\phi + 2n_x\cos \phi\sin \phi &
- * 2(n_z^2 - 1) \sin^2\phi + 1 \\
- * \end{array} \right]
- * \left[ \begin{array}{c} x \\ y \\ z \\ \end{array} \right]
- * \f]
- * - \a i = 1, derivate by the y axis of the vector theta
- * \f[
- * \left[ \begin{array}{ccc}
- * 0 & 0 & 1 \\
- * 0 & 0 & 0 \\
- * -1 & 0 & 0 \\
- * \end{array} \right]
- * \left[ \begin{array}{ccc}
- * 2(n_x^2 - 1) \sin^2\phi + 1 &
- * 2n_x n_y \sin^2\phi - 2n_z\cos \phi\sin \phi &
- * 2n_x n_z \sin^2\phi + 2n_y\cos \phi\sin \phi \\
- * 2n_y n_x \sin^2\phi + 2n_z\cos \phi\sin \phi &
- * 2(n_y^2 - 1) \sin^2\phi + 1 &
- * 2n_y n_z \sin^2\phi - 2n_x\cos \phi\sin \phi \\
- * 2n_z n_x \sin^2\phi - 2n_y\cos \phi\sin \phi &
- * 2n_z n_y \sin^2\phi + 2n_x\cos \phi\sin \phi &
- * 2(n_z^2 - 1) \sin^2\phi + 1 \\
- * \end{array} \right]
- * \left[ \begin{array}{c} x \\ y \\ z \\ \end{array} \right]
- * \f]
- * - \a i = 2, derivate by the z axis of the vector theta
- * \f[
- * \left[ \begin{array}{ccc}
- * 0 & -1 & 0 \\
- * 1 & 0 & 0 \\
- * 0 & 0 & 0 \\
- * \end{array} \right]
- * \left[ \begin{array}{ccc}
- * 2(n_x^2 - 1) \sin^2\phi + 1 &
- * 2n_x n_y \sin^2\phi - 2n_z\cos \phi\sin \phi &
- * 2n_x n_z \sin^2\phi + 2n_y\cos \phi\sin \phi \\
- * 2n_y n_x \sin^2\phi + 2n_z\cos \phi\sin \phi &
- * 2(n_y^2 - 1) \sin^2\phi + 1 &
- * 2n_y n_z \sin^2\phi - 2n_x\cos \phi\sin \phi \\
- * 2n_z n_x \sin^2\phi - 2n_y\cos \phi\sin \phi &
- * 2n_z n_y \sin^2\phi + 2n_x\cos \phi\sin \phi &
- * 2(n_z^2 - 1) \sin^2\phi + 1 \\
- * \end{array} \right]
- * \left[ \begin{array}{c} x \\ y \\ z \\ \end{array} \right]
- * \f]
- * .
- * Where \f$ (x,y,z) \f$ is the input vector, \f$ \vec{n}, \phi \f$ is the
- * same one in the description of \b transformate().
- *
- * @param [in] x the input vector
- * @param [in] i the index of the parameters(theta) to dervite
- * @return a matrix
- */
- Matrix<Scalar> jacobian(Matrix<Scalar> const& x, size_t i) const {
- calcMatrix();
- Matrix<Scalar> mid(3u, 3u, Scalar(0.0));
- if (i == 0) {
- mid.entry(1, 2, Scalar(-1.0));
- mid.entry(2, 1, Scalar( 1.0));
- }
- else if(i == 1) {
- mid.entry(0, 2, Scalar( 1.0));
- mid.entry(2, 0, Scalar(-1.0));
- }
- else {
- mid.entry(0, 1, Scalar(-1.0));
- mid.entry(1, 0, Scalar( 1.0));
- }
- return mid * LinearTransformation<Scalar>::matrix() * x;
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Do the inverse transformate
- *
- * @param [in] x the input vector
- * @return the output vector
- */
- Matrix<Scalar> transformateInv(Matrix<Scalar> const& x) const {
- return matrixInv() * x;
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Return the jacobian matrix of the inverse form of this transformate
- *
- * @param [in] x the input vector
- * @return a matrix
- */
- Matrix<Scalar> jacobianInv(Matrix<Scalar> const& x) const {
- return matrixInv();
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Return the jacobian matrix of the inverse form of this transformate
- *
- * @param [in] x the input vector
- * @param [in] i the index of the parameters(theta) to dervite
- * @return a matrix
- */
- Matrix<Scalar> jacobianInv(Matrix<Scalar> const& x, size_t i) const {
- calcMatrix();
- Matrix<Scalar> mid(3u, 3u, Scalar(0.0));
- if (i == 0) {
- mid.entry(1, 2, Scalar(-1.0));
- mid.entry(2, 1, Scalar( 1.0));
- }
- else if(i == 1) {
- mid.entry(0, 2, Scalar( 1.0));
- mid.entry(2, 0, Scalar(-1.0));
- }
- else {
- mid.entry(0, 1, Scalar(-1.0));
- mid.entry(1, 0, Scalar( 1.0));
- }
- return matrixInv() * mid.transpose() * x;
- return (-mid) * matrixInv() * x;
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Return the inverse matrix
- *
- * In this case, the inverse matrix is equal to the transpose of the matrix
- *
- * @return a matrix
- */
- Matrix<Scalar> matrixInv() const {
- calcMatrix();
- return LinearTransformation<Scalar>::matrix().transpose();
- }
- //! @brief same as \c copyFrom(b)
- Rotation3D& operator=(Rotation3D const& b) {
- return copyFrom(b);
- }
-} // meow
-#endif // math_LinearTransformations_H__
diff --git a/meowpp/math/Matrix.h b/meowpp/math/Matrix.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a2f45aa..0000000
--- a/meowpp/math/Matrix.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,536 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef math_Matrix_H__
-#define math_Matrix_H__
-#include "../Self.h"
-#include "../math/utility.h"
-#include <vector>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <cstdlib>
-namespace meow {
- * @brief \b matrix
- *
- * @author cat_leopard
- */
-template<class Entry>
-class Matrix {
- typedef typename std::vector<Entry>::reference EntryRef ;
- typedef typename std::vector<Entry>::const_reference EntryRefK;
- struct Myself {
- size_t rows_;
- size_t cols_;
- std::vector<Entry> entries_;
- Myself():
- rows_(0), cols_(0), entries_(0) {
- }
- Myself(Myself const& b):
- rows_(b.rows_), cols_(b.cols_), entries_(b.entries_) {
- }
- Myself(size_t r, size_t c, Entry const& e):
- rows_(r), cols_(c), entries_(r * c, e) {
- }
- ~Myself() {
- }
- size_t index(size_t r, size_t c) const {
- return r * cols_ + c;
- }
- void realSize() {
- std::vector<Entry> tmp(entries_);
- entries_.swap(tmp);
- }
- };
- Self<Myself> const self;
- /*!
- * @brief constructor
- *
- * Create an empty matrix with size \b 0x0.
- * In other world, create an \b invalid matrix
- */
- Matrix(): self() { }
- /*!
- * @brief constructor
- *
- * Copy data from another one
- *
- * @param [in] m another matrix
- */
- Matrix(Matrix const& m): self(m.self, Self<Myself>::COPY_FROM) {
- }
- /*!
- * @brief constructor
- *
- * Create an \a r x \a c matrix with all entry be \a e
- *
- * @param [in] r number of rows
- * @param [in] c number of columns
- * @param [in] e inital entry
- */
- Matrix(size_t r, size_t c, Entry const& e): self(Myself(r, c, e)) {
- }
- //! @brief destructor
- ~Matrix() { }
- /*!
- * @brief copy
- *
- * Copy data from another matrix
- *
- * @param [in] m matrix
- * @return *this
- */
- Matrix& copyFrom(Matrix const& m) {
- self().copyFrom(m.self);
- return *this;
- }
- /*!
- * @brief reference
- *
- * Reference itself to another matrix
- *
- * @param [in] m matrix
- * @return *this
- */
- Matrix& referenceFrom(Matrix const& m) {
- self().referenceFrom(m.self);
- return *this;
- }
- //! @brief reset the size of the matrix to \a r x \a c with entry all be \a e
- void reset(size_t r, size_t c, Entry const& e) {
- self()->rows_ = r;
- self()->cols_ = c;
- self()->entries_.clear();
- self()->entries_.resize(r * c, e);
- }
- //! @brief Return whether it is a \b valid matrix
- bool valid() const {
- return (rows() > 0 && cols() > 0);
- }
- //! @brief Return number of rows
- size_t rows() const {
- return self->rows_;
- }
- //! @brief Return number of cols
- size_t cols() const {
- return self->cols_;
- }
- //! @brief Return number of rows times number of cols
- size_t size() const {
- return rows() * cols();
- }
- /*!
- * @brief resize the matrix such that number of rows become \a r.
- *
- * New created entry will be \a e
- *
- * @param [in] r new number of rows
- * @param [in] e inital entry
- * @return new number of rows
- */
- size_t rows(size_t r, Entry const& e) {
- if (r != rows()) {
- self()->entries_.resize(r * cols(), e);
- self()->rows_ = r;
- }
- return rows();
- }
- /*!
- * @brief resize the matrix such that number of cols become \a c
- *
- * New created entry will be \a e
- *
- * @param [in] c new number of columns
- * @param [in] e inital entry
- * @return new number of columns
- */
- size_t cols(size_t c, Entry const& e) {
- if (c != cols()) {
- Self<Myself> const old(self, Self<Myself>::COPY_FROM);
- self()->entries_.resize(rows() * c);
- self()->cols_ = c;
- for (size_t i = 0, I = rows(); i < I; i++) {
- size_t j, J1 = std::min(old->cols_, cols()), J2 = cols();
- for (j = 0; j < J1; j++)
- self()->entries_[self->index(i, j)] = old->entries_[old->index(i, j)];
- for (j = J1; j < J2; j++)
- self()->entries_[self->index(i, j)] = e;
- }
- }
- return cols();
- }
- /*!
- * @brief resize
- *
- * Resize to \a r x \a c, with new created entry be \a e
- *
- * @param [in] r number of rows
- * @param [in] c number of rows
- * @param [in] e inital entry
- * @return \a r * \a c
- */
- size_t size(size_t r, size_t c, Entry const& e) {
- cols(c, e);
- rows(r, e);
- return rows() * cols();
- }
- /*!
- * @brief free the memory
- */
- void clear() {
- self()->rows_ = 0;
- self()->cols_ = 0;
- self()->entries_.clear();
- self()->realSize();
- }
- //! @brief Access the entry at \a r x \a c
- Entry entry(size_t r, size_t c) const {
- return self->entries_[self->index(r, c)];
- }
- //! @brief Change the entry at \a r x \a c
- Entry entry(size_t r, size_t c, Entry const& e) {
- self()->entries_[self->index(r, c)] = e;
- return entry(r, c);
- }
- //! @brief Get the entry at \a r x \a c
- EntryRef entryGet(size_t r, size_t c) {
- return self()->entries_[self->index(r, c)];
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Change the entries from \a rFirst x \a cFirst to \a rLast x \a cLast
- *
- * @param [in] rFirst
- * @param [in] rLast
- * @param [in] cFirst
- * @param [in] cLast
- * @param [in] e value
- * @return void
- */
- void entries(ssize_t rFirst, ssize_t rLast,
- ssize_t cFirst, ssize_t cLast,
- Entry const& e) {
- for (ssize_t r = rFirst; r <= rLast; r++) {
- for (ssize_t c = cFirst; c <=cFirst; c++) {
- entry(r, c, e);
- }
- }
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Return a \a rLast-rFirst+1 x \a cLast-cFirst+1 matrix
- *
- * With value be the entries from \a rFirst x \a cFirst to \a rLast x \a cLast
- *
- * @param [in] rFirst
- * @param [in] rLast
- * @param [in] cFirst
- * @param [in] cLast
- * @return a matrix
- */
- Matrix subMatrix(size_t rFirst, size_t rLast,
- size_t cFirst, size_t cLast) const {
- if (rFirst > rLast || cFirst > cLast) return Matrix();
- if (rFirst == 0 && cFirst == 0) {
- Matrix ret(*this);
- ret.size(rLast + 1, cLast + 1, Entry(0));
- return ret;
- }
- Matrix ret(rLast - rFirst + 1, cLast - cFirst + 1, entry(rFirst, cFirst));
- for (size_t r = rFirst; r <= rLast; r++)
- for (size_t c = cFirst; c <= cLast; c++)
- ret.entry(r - rFirst, c - cFirst, entry(r, c));
- return ret;
- }
- //! @brief Return the \a r -th row
- Matrix row(size_t r) const {
- return subMatrix(r, r, 0, cols() - 1);
- }
- //! @brief Return the \a c -th column
- Matrix col(size_t c) const {
- return subMatrix(0, rows() - 1, c, c);
- }
- //! @brief return +\a (*this)
- Matrix positive() const {
- return *this;
- }
- //! @brief return -\a (*this)
- Matrix negative() const {
- Matrix ret(*this);
- for (size_t r = 0, R = rows(); r < R; r++)
- for (size_t c = 0, C = cols(); c < C; c++)
- ret.entry(r, c, -ret.entry(r, c));
- return ret;
- }
- /*! @brief return \a (*this) + \a m.
- *
- * If the size not match, it will return an invalid matrix
- */
- Matrix add(Matrix const& m) const {
- if (rows() != m.rows() || cols() != m.cols()) return Matrix();
- Matrix ret(*this);
- for (size_t r = 0, R = rows(); r < R; r++)
- for (size_t c = 0, C = cols(); c < C; c++)
- ret.entry(r, c, ret.entry(r, c) + m.entry(r, c));
- return ret;
- }
- /*! @brief return \a (*this) - \a m.
- *
- * If the size not match, it will return an invalid matrix
- */
- Matrix sub(Matrix const& m) const {
- if (rows() != m.rows() || cols() != m.cols()) return Matrix();
- Matrix ret(*this);
- for (size_t r = 0, R = rows(); r < R; r++)
- for (size_t c = 0, C = cols(); c < C; c++)
- ret.entry(r, c, ret.entry(r, c) - m.entry(r, c));
- return ret;
- }
- /*! @brief return \a (*this) times \a m.
- *
- * If the size not match, it will return an invalid matrix
- */
- Matrix mul(Matrix const& m) const {
- if (cols() != m.rows()) return Matrix();
- Matrix ret(rows(), m.cols(), Entry(0));
- for (size_t r = 0, R = rows(); r < R; r++)
- for (size_t c = 0, C = m.cols(); c < C; c++)
- for (size_t k = 0, K = cols(); k < K; k++)
- ret.entry(r, c, ret.entry(r, c) + entry(r, k) * m.entry(k, c));
- return ret;
- }
- //! @brief return \a (*this) times \a s. \a s is a scalar
- Matrix mul(Entry const& s) const {
- Matrix ret(*this);
- for (size_t r = 0, R = rows(); r < R; r++)
- for (size_t c = 0, C = cols(); c < C; c++)
- ret.entry(r, c, ret.entry(r, c) * s);
- return ret;
- }
- //! @brief return \a (*this) / \a s. \a s is a scalar
- Matrix div(Entry const& s) const {
- Matrix ret(*this);
- for (size_t r = 0, R = rows(); r < R; r++)
- for (size_t c = 0, C = cols(); c < C; c++)
- ret.entry(r, c, ret.entry(r, c) / s);
- return ret;
- }
- //! @brief Return a identity matrix with size equal to itself
- Matrix identity() const {
- Matrix ret(*this);
- ret.identitied();
- return ret;
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Let itself be an identity matrix
- *
- * Our definition of Identity matrix is 1 for entry(i, i) and 0 otherwise.
- */
- Matrix& identitied() {
- for (size_t r = 0, R = rows(); r < R; r++)
- for (size_t c = 0, C = cols(); c < C; c++)
- entry(r, c, (r == c ? Entry(1) : Entry(0)));
- return *this;
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Let itself be an diagonal form of original itself
- */
- Matrix& diagonaled() {
- triangulared();
- for (size_t i = 0, I = rows(); i < I; ++i) {
- for (size_t j = i + 1, J = cols(); j < J; ++j) {
- entry(i, j, Entry(0));
- }
- }
- return *this;
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Return a matrix which is a diangonal form of me
- */
- Matrix diagonal() const {
- Matrix ret(*this);
- ret.diagonaled();
- return ret;
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Return a matrix which is an inverse matrix of \a (*this)
- *
- * If inverse matrix doesn't exist, it will return a invalid matrix
- */
- Matrix inverse() const {
- if (rows() != cols() || rows() == 0) return Matrix<Entry>();
- Matrix tmp(rows(), cols() * 2, Entry(0));
- for (size_t r = 0, R = rows(); r < R; r++) {
- for (size_t c = 0, C = cols(); c < C; c++) {
- tmp.entry(r, c, entry(r, c));
- tmp.entry(r, c + cols(), (r == c ? Entry(1) : Entry(0)));
- }
- }
- tmp.triangulared();
- for (ssize_t r = rows() - 1; r >= 0; r--) {
- if (tmp(r, r) == Entry(0)) return Matrix<Entry>();
- for (ssize_t r2 = r - 1; r2 >= 0; r2--) {
- Entry rat(-tmp.entry(r2, r) / tmp.entry(r, r));
- for (size_t c = r, C = tmp.cols(); c < C; c++) {
- tmp.entry(r2, c, tmp.entry(r2, c) + rat * tmp(r, c));
- }
- }
- Entry rat(tmp.entry(r, r));
- for (size_t c = cols(), C = tmp.cols(); c < C; c++) {
- tmp.entry(r, c - cols(), tmp.entry(r, c) / rat);
- }
- }
- tmp.size(cols(), rows(), Entry(0));
- return tmp;
- }
- //! @brief let itself become itself's inverse matrix
- Matrix& inversed() {
- copyFrom(inverse());
- return *this;
- }
- //! @brief return itself's transpose matrix
- Matrix transpose() const {
- Matrix ret(cols(), rows(), Entry(0));
- for (size_t r = 0, R = cols(); r < R; r++)
- for (size_t c = 0, C = rows(); c < C; c++)
- ret.entry(r, c, entry(c, r));
- return ret;
- }
- //! @brief Let itself become itself's transpose matrix
- Matrix& transposed() {
- copyFrom(transpose());
- return *this;
- }
- //! @brief return a matrix which is the triangular form of \a (*this)
- Matrix triangular() const {
- Matrix<Entry> ret(*this);
- ret.triangulared();
- return ret;
- }
- //! @brief triangluar itself
- Matrix& triangulared() {
- for (size_t r = 0, c = 0, R = rows(), C = cols(); r < R && c < C; r++) {
- ssize_t maxR;
- for ( ; c < C; c++) {
- maxR = -1;
- for (size_t r2 = r; r2 < R; r2++)
- if (maxR == -1 || tAbs(entry(r2, c)) > tAbs(entry(maxR, c)))
- maxR = r2;
- if (entry(maxR, c) != Entry(0)) break;
- }
- if (c >= C) break;
- if (maxR != (ssize_t)r) {
- for (size_t c2 = c; c2 < C; c2++)
- std::swap(self()->entries_[self->index( r, c2)],
- self()->entries_[self->index(maxR, c2)]);
- }
- for (size_t r2 = r + 1; r2 < R; r2++) {
- Entry rati = -entry(r2, c) / entry(r, c);
- entry(r2, c, Entry(0));
- for (size_t c2 = c + 1; c2 < C; c2++)
- entry(r2, c2, entry(r2, c2) + entry(r, c2) * rati);
- }
- }
- return *this;
- }
- //! @brief same as \a copyFrom
- Matrix& operator=(Matrix const& m) {
- return copyFrom(m);
- }
- //! @brief same as \a entry(r,c)
- Entry operator()(size_t r, size_t c) const {
- return entry(r, c);
- }
- //! @brief same as \a entry(r,c,e)
- Entry operator()(size_t r, size_t c, Entry const& e) {
- return entry(r, c, e);
- }
- //! @brief same as \a positive()
- Matrix operator+() const {
- return positive();
- }
- //! @brief same as \a negative()
- Matrix operator-() const {
- return negative();
- }
- //! @brief same as \a add(m)
- Matrix operator+(Matrix const& m) const {
- return add(m);
- }
- //! @brief same as \a sub(m)
- Matrix operator-(Matrix const& m) const {
- return sub(m);
- }
- //! @brief same as \a mul(m)
- Matrix operator*(Matrix const& m) const {
- return mul(m);
- }
- //! @brief same as \a mul(m)
- Matrix operator*(Entry const& s) const {
- return mul(s);
- }
- //! @brief same as \a div(s)
- Matrix operator/(Entry const& s) const {
- return div(s);
- }
-} // meow
-#endif // math_Matrix_H__
diff --git a/meowpp/math/Transformation.h b/meowpp/math/Transformation.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 086cb03..0000000
--- a/meowpp/math/Transformation.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef math_Transformation_H__
-#define math_Transformation_H__
-#include "Matrix.h"
-#include "../Self.h"
-#include <list>
-#include <cstdlib>
-namespace meow {
- * @brief A base class for implementing kinds of transformations.
- *
- * We define that the input and output form of our transformations all be
- * \b matrix . Some advance methods such as calculating jacobian matrix
- * will require that the input form must be a vector.
- * @author cat_leopard
- */
-template<class Scalar>
-class Transformation {
- struct Myself {
- size_t inputRows_;
- size_t inputCols_;
- size_t outputRows_;
- size_t outputCols_;
- size_t psize_;
- Myself(Myself const& b):
- inputRows_(b.inputRows_), inputCols_(b.inputCols_),
- outputRows_(b.outputRows_), outputCols_(b.outputCols_),
- psize_(b.psize_) {
- }
- Myself(size_t ir, size_t ic, size_t or_, size_t oc, size_t ps):
- inputRows_(ir), inputCols_(ic), outputRows_(or_), outputCols_(oc),
- psize_(ps) {
- }
- ~Myself() {
- }
- };
- Self<Myself> const self;
- /*!
- * Construct and setup
- * @param [in] inputRows number of rows of the input matrix.
- * @param [in] inputCols number of columns of the input matrix.
- * @param [in] outputRows number of rows of the output matrix.
- * @param [in] outputCols number of columns of the output matrix.
- * @param [in] psize number of parameters
- */
- Transformation(size_t inputRows, size_t inputCols,
- size_t outputRows, size_t outputCols,
- size_t psize):
- self(Myself(inputRows, inputCols, outputRows, outputCols, psize)) {
- }
- /*!
- * Construct and copy setings from another transformation class.
- * @param [in] b Specify where to copy the informations.
- */
- Transformation(Transformation const& b):
- self(b.self, Self<Myself>::COPY_FROM) {
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Copy from the specified one
- *
- * @param [in] b The specified one
- * @return \c *this
- */
- Transformation& copyFrom(Transformation const& b) {
- self().copyFrom(b.self);
- return *this;
- }
- /*!
- * @brief reference from the specified one
- *
- * @param [in] b The specified one
- * @return \c *this
- */
- Transformation& referenceFrom(Transformation const& b) {
- self().referenceFrom(b.self);
- return *this;
- }
- /*!
- * Destructor
- */
- virtual ~Transformation() {
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Return the number of rows of the input matrix.
- *
- * @return Number of rows.
- */
- size_t inputRows() const {
- return self->inputRows_;
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Return the number of columns of the input matrix.
- *
- * @return Number of columns.
- */
- size_t inputCols() const {
- return self->inputCols_;
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Return the number of rows of the output matrix.
- *
- * @return Number of rows.
- */
- size_t outputRows() const {
- return self->outputRows_;
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Return the number of columns of the output matrix.
- *
- * @return Number of columns.
- */
- size_t outputCols() const {
- return self->outputCols_;
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Return the number of parameters.
- *
- * @return Number of parameters.
- */
- size_t parameterSize() const {
- return self->psize_;
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Get the \a i -th parameter.
- *
- * @param [in] i The index of the specified parameter.
- * @note It's a pure virtual method.
- */
- virtual Scalar parameter(size_t i) const = 0;
- /*!
- * @brief Setup the \a i -th parameter.
- *
- * @param [in] i The index of the specified parameter.
- * @param [in] s The new value to the specified parameter.
- * @note It's a pure virtual method.
- */
- virtual Scalar parameter(size_t i, Scalar const& s) = 0;
- /*!
- * @brief Do transformate.
- *
- * @param [in] x The input matrix.
- * @note It's a pure virtual method.
- */
- virtual Matrix<Scalar> transformate(Matrix<Scalar> const& x) const = 0;
- /*!
- * @brief Calculate the jacobian matrix (derivate by the input matrix)
- * of the transformation.
- *
- * Consider the case of a non-differentiable
- * transformation might be implemented, we return an empty matrix
- * now instead of making it be a pure virtual method.
- * @param [in] x The input matrix.
- * @return An empty matrix.
- */
- virtual Matrix<Scalar> jacobian(Matrix<Scalar> const& x) const {
- return Matrix<Scalar>();
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Calculate the jacobian matrix (derivate by the \a i -th parameter)
- * of the transformation.
- *
- * Consider the case of a non-differentiable transformation might be
- * implemented, we return an empty matrix now instead of making it be
- * a pure virtual method.
- * @param [in] x The input matrix.
- * @param [in] i The index of the specified parameter.
- * @return An empty matrix.
- */
- virtual Matrix<Scalar> jacobian(Matrix<Scalar> const& x, size_t i) const {
- return Matrix<Scalar>();
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Return whether this transformation is inversable or not
- *
- * @return \c false
- */
- virtual bool inversable() const { return false; }
- /*!
- * @brief Do the inverse transformation
- *
- * @param [in] x The input matirx
- * @return An empty matrix
- */
- virtual Matrix<Scalar> transformateInv(Matrix<Scalar> const& x) const {
- return Matrix<Scalar>();
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Return the jacobian matrix of the inverse transformation
- *
- * @param [in] x The input matirx
- * @return An empty matrix
- */
- virtual Matrix<Scalar> jacobianInv(Matrix<Scalar> const& x) const {
- return Matrix<Scalar>();
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Return the jacobian matrix of the inverse transformation
- *
- * @param [in] x The input matirx
- * @param [in] i The index of the specified parameter.
- * @return An empty matrix
- */
- virtual Matrix<Scalar> jacobianInv(Matrix<Scalar> const& x, size_t i) const {
- return Matrix<Scalar>();
- }
-} // meow
-#endif // math_Transformation_H__
diff --git a/meowpp/math/Transformations.h b/meowpp/math/Transformations.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 99d6483..0000000
--- a/meowpp/math/Transformations.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,550 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef math_Transformations_H__
-#define math_Transformations_H__
-#include "Transformation.h"
-#include "Matrix.h"
-#include "utility.h"
-#include "../Self.h"
-#include <cstdlib>
-namespace meow {
- * @brief A ball projection is to project the given vector to a hyper-sphere
- *
- * Assume:
- * - The dimension of a ball projection is \f$ N \f$
- * - The radius of the hyper-sphere is \f$ R \f$
- * .
- * Then the transformation is like below: \n
- * \f[
- * \left[
- * \begin{array}{c}
- * x_1 \\
- * x_2 \\
- * x_3 \\
- * . \\
- * . \\
- * . \\
- * x_N \\
- * \end{array}
- * \right]
- * \stackrel{transformate}{\rightarrow}
- * \left[
- * \begin{array}{c}
- * \frac{x_1 \times R}{L} \\
- * \frac{x_2 \times R}{L} \\
- * \frac{x_3 \times R}{L} \\
- * . \\
- * . \\
- * . \\
- * \frac{x_N \times R}{L} \\
- * \end{array}
- * \right] \\
- * \f]
- * where \f$ L=\sqrt{x_1^2 + x_2^2 + x_3^2 + ... + x_N^2 } \f$
- * @author cat_leopard
- */
-template<class Scalar>
-class BallProjection: public Transformation<Scalar> {
- struct Myself {
- size_t dimension_;
- Scalar radius_;
- Myself(size_t d): dimension_(1), radius_(1) {
- }
- Myself(size_t d, Scalar const& r): dimension_(d), radius_(r) {
- }
- Myself(Myself const& m): dimension_(m.dimension_), radius_(m.radius_) {
- }
- };
- Self<Myself> const self;
- /*!
- * Constructor, copy settings from given BallProjection
- * @param [in] b another ball projection class
- */
- BallProjection(BallProjection const& b): Transformation<Scalar>(b),
- self(b.self, Self<Myself>::COPY_FROM) {
- }
- /*!
- * Constructor and setup, radius = 1
- * @param [in] d Dimension of the input/output vector
- */
- BallProjection(size_t d): Transformation<Scalar>(d, 1, d, 1, 1),
- self(Myself(d)) {
- radius(1);
- }
- /*!
- * Constructor and setup
- * @param [in] d Dimension of the input/output vector
- * @param [in] r Radius of the hyper-sphere
- */
- BallProjection(size_t d, Scalar const& r): Transformation<Scalar>(d,1,d,1,1),
- self(Myself(d, r)) {
- radius(r);
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Copy settings from another one
- * @param [in] b Another one
- * @return \c *this
- */
- BallProjection& copyFrom(BallProjection const& b) {
- Transformation<Scalar>::copyFrom(b);
- copyFrom(b);
- return *this;
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Reference settings from another one
- * @param [in] b Another one
- * @return \c *this
- */
- BallProjection& referenceFrom(BallProjection const& b) {
- Transformation<Scalar>::referenceFrom(b);
- referenceFrom(b);
- return *this;
- }
- /*!
- * @brief same as \c radius()
- */
- Scalar parameter(size_t i) const {
- return radius();
- }
- /*!
- * @brief same as \c radius(s)
- */
- Scalar parameter(size_t i, Scalar const& s) {
- return radius(s);
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Return the value of the radius
- */
- Scalar radius() const {
- return self->radius_;
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Setup the radius
- *
- * @param [in] r New value of the radius
- * @return New radius
- */
- Scalar radius(Scalar const& r) {
- self()->radius_ = r;
- return radius();
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Get the dimension of this projection
- */
- size_t dimension() const {
- return self->dimension_;
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Project the input vector(s) onto the hyper-sphere and return it.
- *
- * If the number of columns of the input matrix is larger than 1, this
- * method will think that you want to transform multiple vector once
- * and the number of columns of the output matrix will be the same of
- * the number of columns of the input one.
- *
- * @param [in] x The input matrix.
- * @return The output matrix.
- * @note Take into account that too much safty checking will lead to
- * inefficient, this method will not checking whether the dimension
- * of the input vector/matrix is right. So be sure the data is valid
- * before you call this method.
- */
- Matrix<Scalar> transformate(Matrix<Scalar> const& x) const {
- Matrix<Scalar> ret(x);
- for (size_t c = 0, C = ret.cols(); c < C; c++) {
- Scalar sum(0);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < self->dimension_; i++) {
- sum = sum + squ(ret(i, c));
- }
- Scalar len(sqrt(double(sum)));
- for (size_t i = 0; i < self->dimension_; i++) {
- ret(i, c, ret(i, c) * radius() / len);
- }
- }
- return ret;
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Return the jacobian matrix (derivate by the input vector)
- * of this projection.
- *
- * This method only allow a vector-like matrix be input.
- * Assume:
- * - The dimension of a ball projection is \f$ N \f$
- * - The length of the input vector is \f$ L=\sqrt{x_1^2+x_2^2+...+x_N^2} \f$
- * - The radius of the hyper-sphere is \f$ R \f$
- * .
- * Then the jacobian matrix is like below: \n
- * \f[
- * \frac{R}{L^3} \times \left[
- * \begin{array}{ccccc}
- * L^2-x_1^2 & -x_1x_2 & -x_1x_3 & ... & -x_1x_N \\
- * -x_2x_1 & L^2-x_2^2 & -x_2x_3 & ... & -x_2x_N \\
- * -x_3x_1 & -x_3x_2 & L^2-x_3^2 & ... & -x_3x_N \\
- * . & . & . & & . \\
- * . & . & . & & . \\
- * . & . & . & & . \\
- * -x_Nx_1 & -x_Nx_2 & -x_Nx_3 & ... & L^2-x_N^2 \\
- * \end{array}
- * \right]
- * \f]
- *
- * @param [in] x The input matrix.
- * @return The output matrix.
- */
- Matrix<Scalar> jacobian(Matrix<Scalar> const& x) const {
- Scalar sum(0);
- for(size_t i = 0, I = dimension(); i < I; ++i)
- sum = sum + squ(x(i, 0));
- Scalar len(sqrt(double(sum)));
- Matrix<Scalar> ret(dimension(), dimension(), Scalar(0.0));
- for(size_t i = 0, I = dimension(); i < I; ++i)
- for(size_t j = 0; j < I; ++j)
- if (i == j) {
- ret(i, j, radius() * (squ(len) - squ(x(i, 0))) / cub(len));
- }
- else {
- ret(i, j, radius() * (-x(i, 0) * x(j, 0) / cub(len)));
- }
- return ret;
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Return the jacobian matrix (derivate by radius) of this projection.
- *
- * This method only allow a vector-like matrix be input.
- * Assume:
- * - The dimension of a ball projection is \f$ N \f$
- * - The length of the input vector is \f$ L=\sqrt{x_1^2+x_2^2+...+x_N^2} \f$
- * - The radius of the hyper-sphere is \f$ R \f$
- * .
- * Then the jacobian matrix is like below: \n
- * \f[
- * R \times \left[
- * \begin{array}{c}
- * \frac{x_1}{L} \\
- * \frac{x_2}{L} \\
- * \frac{x_3}{L} \\
- * . \\
- * . \\
- * . \\
- * \frac{x_N}{L} \\
- * \end{array}
- * \right]
- * \f]
- *
- * @param [in] x The input matrix.
- * @param [in] i Useless parameter
- * @return The output matrix.
- */
- Matrix<Scalar> jacobian(Matrix<Scalar> const& x, size_t i) const {
- Matrix<Scalar> ret(dimension(), 1, Scalar(0.0));
- Scalar sum(0);
- for(size_t i = 0, I = dimension(); i < I; i++) {
- sum = sum + squ(x(i, 0));
- }
- return ret / Scalar(sqrt(double(sum)));
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Same as \c copyFrom(b)
- */
- BallProjection& operator=(BallProjection const& b) {
- return copyFrom(b);
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Same as \c transformate(v)
- */
- Matrix<Scalar> operator()(Matrix<Scalar> const& v) const {
- return transformate(v);
- }
- * @brief A \b photo \b projection is a kind of transformation that project
- * point/vector to a flat \b photo
- *
- * Assume:
- * - The dimension of a photo projection is \f$ N \f$
- * - The length of the input vector is \f$ L \f$
- * - The focal length is \f$ f \f$
- * .
- * Then transformation is like below: \n
- * \f[
- * \left[
- * \begin{array}{c}
- * x_1 \\
- * x_2 \\
- * x_3 \\
- * . \\
- * . \\
- * . \\
- * x_N \\
- * \end{array}
- * \right]
- * \stackrel{transformate}{\rightarrow}
- * \left[
- * \begin{array}{c}
- * \frac{-x_1 \times f}{x_N} \\
- * \frac{-x_2 \times f}{x_N} \\
- * \frac{-x_3 \times f}{x_N} \\
- * . \\
- * . \\
- * . \\
- * -f \\
- * \end{array}
- * \right] \\
- * \f]
- * i.e. projecte the vector onto the plane \f$ x_N = -f \f$.
- *
- * @author cat_leopard
- */
-template<class Scalar>
-class PhotoProjection: public Transformation<Scalar> {
- struct Myself {
- Scalar focal_;
- size_t dimension_;
- Myself() {
- }
- Myself(size_t d, Scalar f): focal_(f), dimension_(d) {
- }
- Myself(Myself const& b): focal_(b.focal_), dimension_(b.dimension_) {
- }
- ~Myself() {
- }
- };
- Self<Myself> const self;
- /*!
- * Constructor, focal = 1
- */
- PhotoProjection(size_t dimension):
- Transformation<Scalar>(dimension, 1, dimension, 1, 1),
- self(Myself(dimension, 1)) {
- }
- /*!
- * Constructor
- */
- PhotoProjection(size_t dimension, Scalar const& f):
- Transformation<Scalar>(dimension, 1, dimension, 1, 1),
- self(Myself(dimension, f)) {
- }
- /*!
- * Constructor, copy settings from another PhotoProjection.
- */
- PhotoProjection(PhotoProjection const& p): Transformation<Scalar>(p),
- self(p.self, Self<Myself>::COPY_FROM) {
- }
- /*!
- * Copy settings from another one
- * @param [in] b another one
- * @return \c *this
- */
- PhotoProjection& copyFrom(PhotoProjection const& b) {
- Transformation<Scalar>::copyFrom(b);
- self().copyFrom(b.self);
- return *this;
- }
- /*!
- * Reference settings from another one
- * @param [in] b another one
- * @return \c *this
- */
- PhotoProjection& referenceFrom(PhotoProjection const& b) {
- Transformation<Scalar>::referenceFrom(b);
- self().referenceFrom(b.self);
- return *this;
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Same as \c focal()
- */
- Scalar parameter(size_t i) const {
- return focal();
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Same as \c focal(s)
- */
- Scalar parameter(size_t i, Scalar const& s){
- return focal(s);
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Get the focal length
- * @return Focal length
- */
- Scalar focal() const {
- return self->focal_;
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Set the focal length
- *
- * @param [in] f New focal length
- * @return New focal length
- */
- Scalar focal(Scalar const& f){
- self()->focal_ = f;
- return focal();
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Get the dimension of this projection
- */
- size_t dimension() const {
- return self->dimension_;
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Project the input vector(s) onto the plane
- *
- * The equation of the plane is \f$ x_N = -f \f$, where the \f$ N \f$
- * is the dimension of this projection and f is the focal length. \n
- * If the number of columns of the input matrix is larger than 1, this
- * method will think that you want to transform multiple vector once
- * and the number of columns of the output matrix will be the same of
- * the number of columns of the input one.
- *
- * @param [in] x The input matrix.
- * @return The output matrix.
- * @note Take into account that too much safty checking will lead to
- * inefficient, this method will not checking whether the dimension
- * of the input vector/matrix is right. So be sure the data is valid
- * before you call this method.
- */
- Matrix<Scalar> transformate(Matrix<Scalar> const& x) const {
- Matrix<Scalar> ret(x);
- for (size_t c = 0, C = ret.cols(); c < C; c++) {
- for (size_t i = 0, I = dimension(); i < I; ++i) {
- ret(i, c, -ret(i, c) * focal() / ret(I - 1, c));
- }
- }
- return ret;
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Return the jacobian matrix (derivate by the input vector)
- * of this projection.
- *
- * This method only allow a vector-like matrix be input.
- * Assume:
- * - The dimension of this projection is \f$ N \f$
- * - The length of the input vector is \f$ L=\sqrt{x_1^2+x_2^2+...+x_N^2} \f$
- * - The focal length of this projection is \f$ f \f$
- * .
- * Then the jacobian matrix is like below: \n
- * \f[
- * f \times
- * \left[
- * \begin{array}{ccccc}
- * \frac{-1}{x_N} & 0 & 0 & ... & \frac{1}{x_N^2} \\
- * 0 & \frac{-1}{x_N} & 0 & ... & \frac{1}{x_N^2} \\
- * 0 & 0 & \frac{-1}{x_N} & ... & \frac{1}{x_N^2} \\
- * . & . & . & & . \\
- * . & . & . & & . \\
- * . & . & . & & . \\
- * 0 & 0 & 0 & ... & 0 \\
- * \end{array}
- * \right]
- * \f]
- *
- * @param [in] x The input matrix.
- * @return The output matrix.
- */
- Matrix<Scalar> jacobian(Matrix<Scalar> const& x) const{
- Matrix<Scalar> ret(dimension(), dimension(), Scalar(0.0));
- for(ssize_t i = 0, I = (ssize_t)dimension() - 1; i < I; i++){
- ret(i, i, -focal() / x(I, 0) );
- ret(i, dimension() - 1, focal() / squ(x(I, 0)));
- }
- return ret;
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Return the jacobian matrix (derivate by the focus length)
- * of this projection.
- *
- * This method only allow a vector-like matrix be input.
- * Assume:
- * - The dimension of this projection is \f$ N \f$
- * - The length of the input vector is \f$ L=\sqrt{x_1^2+x_2^2+...+x_N^2} \f$
- * - The focal length of this projection is \f$ f \f$
- * .
- * Then the jacobian matrix is like below: \n
- * \f[
- * \left[
- * \begin{array}{c}
- * \frac{-x_1}{x_N} \\
- * \frac{-x_2}{x_N} \\
- * \frac{-x_3}{x_N} \\
- * . \\
- * . \\
- * . \\
- * -1 \\
- * \end{array}
- * \right]
- * \f]
- *
- * @param [in] x The input matrix.
- * @param [in] i Useless parameter
- * @return The output matrix.
- */
- Matrix<Scalar> jacobian(Matrix<Scalar> const& x, size_t i) const{
- Matrix<Scalar> ret(dimension(), 1, Scalar(0.0));
- for(size_t i = 0, I = dimension(); i < I; ++i) {
- ret(i, 0, -x(i, 0) / x(I - 1, 0));
- }
- return ret;
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Same as \c copyFrom(b)
- */
- PhotoProjection& operator=(PhotoProjection const& b) {
- return copyFrom(b);
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Same as \c transformate(v)
- */
- Matrix<Scalar> operator()(Matrix<Scalar> const& v) const {
- return transformate(v);
- }
-} // meow
-#endif // Transformations_H__
diff --git a/meowpp/math/Vector.h b/meowpp/math/Vector.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f72b043..0000000
--- a/meowpp/math/Vector.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef math_Vector_H__
-#define math_Vector_H__
-#include "../Self.h"
-#include "Matrix.h"
-#include <vector>
-#include <cmath>
-namespace meow {
- * @brief \b vector
- *
- * @author cat_leopard
- */
-template<class Scalar>
-class Vector {
- typedef typename Matrix<Scalar>::EntryRefK ScalarRefK;
- typedef typename Matrix<Scalar>::EntryRef ScalarRef ;
- Matrix<Scalar> matrix_;
- /*!
- * @brief constructor
- *
- * With \b dimension=0, which means \b invalid.
- */
- Vector() {
- }
- /*!
- * @brief constructor
- *
- * Copy from another vector
- *
- * @param [in] v another vector
- */
- Vector(Vector const& v): matrix_(v.matrix_) {
- }
- /*!
- * @brief constructor
- *
- * From matrix's first column
- *
- * @param [in] m matrix
- */
- Vector(Matrix<Scalar> const& m): matrix_(m.col(0)) {
- }
- /*!
- * @brief constructor
- *
- * Copy from another std::vector
- *
- * @param [in] v vector
- */
- Vector(std::vector<Scalar> const& v): matrix_(v.size(), 1, Scalar(0)) {
- for (size_t i = 0, I = v.size(); i < I; i++) {
- matrix_.entry(i, 0, v[i]);
- }
- }
- /*!
- * @brief constructor
- *
- * setup dimension and inital value
- *
- * @param [in] d dimension
- * @param [in] e inital value
- */
- Vector(size_t d, Scalar const& e): matrix_(d, 1, e) {
- }
- //! @brief destructor
- ~Vector() {
- }
- //! @brief copy from ...
- Vector& copyFrom(Vector const& v) {
- matrix_.copyFrom(v.matrix_);
- return *this;
- }
- //! @brief reference from ...
- Vector& referenceFrom(Vector const& v) {
- matrix_.referenceFrom(v.matrix_);
- return *this;
- }
- //! @brief Return a \a dimension x 1 matrix form of it
- Matrix<Scalar> matrix() const {
- return matrix_;
- }
- //! @brief return dimension
- size_t dimension() const {
- return matrix_.rows();
- }
- /*!
- * @brief resize the dimension
- *
- * @param [in] d new dimension
- * @param [in] s inital entry
- * @return new dimension
- */
- size_t dimension(size_t d, Scalar const& s) {
- matrix_.rows(d, s);
- return dimension();
- }
- /*!
- * @brief Return whether \c dimension>0 is true or not
- * @return \c true/false
- */
- bool valid() const {
- return (dimension() > 0);
- }
- //! @brief return \a i -th scalar
- Scalar scalar(size_t i) const {
- return matrix_.entry(i, 0);
- }
- /*!
- * @brief change \a i -th scalar
- *
- * @param [in] i i-th
- * @param [in] s new value
- */
- Scalar scalar(size_t i, Scalar const& s) {
- matrix_.entry(i, 0, s);
- return scalar(i);
- }
- //! @brief return \a i -th scalar with non-constant type
- ScalarRef scalarGet(size_t i) {
- return matrix_.entryGet(i);
- }
- /*!
- * @brief change \a i -th to \a j -th scalars
- *
- * @param [in] i i-th
- * @param [in] j j-th
- * @param [in] s new value
- */
- void scalars(size_t i, size_t j, Scalar const& s) {
- for (size_t it = i; it <= j; ++it) {
- matrix_.entry(it, 0, s);
- }
- }
- //! @brief subvector form i-th to j-th
- Vector subVector(size_t i, size_t j) {
- return Vector(matrix_.subMatrix(i, 0, j, 0));
- }
- //! @brief return +\a (*this)
- Vector positive() const {
- return *this;
- }
- //! @brief return -\a (*this)
- Vector negative() const {
- return Vector(matrix_.negative());
- }
- //! @brief return \a (*this)+v
- Vector add(Vector const& v) const {
- return Vector(matrix_.add(v.matrix_));
- }
- //! @brief return \a (*this)-v
- Vector sub(Vector const& v) const {
- return Vector(matrix_.sub(v.matrix_));
- }
- //! @brief return \a (*this)*s , where s is a scalar
- Vector mul(Scalar const& s) const {
- return Vector(matrix_.mul(s));
- }
- //! @brief return \a (*this)/s , where s is a scalar
- Vector div(Scalar const& s) const {
- return Vector(matrix_.div(s));
- }
- //! @brief dot
- Scalar dot(Vector const& v) const {
- return matrix_.transpose().mul(v.matrix_).entry(0, 0);
- }
- //! @brief sqrt of \a length2
- Scalar length() const {
- return Scalar(sqrt((double)length2()));
- }
- //! @brief same as \a (*this).dot(*this)
- Scalar length2() const {
- return dot(*this);
- }
- //! @brief return a normalize form of itself
- Vector normalize() const {
- return div(length());
- }
- //! @brief Let itself be normalize form
- Vector& normalized() {
- copyFrom(normalize());
- return *this;
- }
- //! @brief same as copyFrom
- Vector& operator=(Vector const& v) {
- return copyFrom(v);
- }
- //! @brief same as entry(i)
- Scalar operator()(size_t i) const {
- return scalar(i);
- }
- //! @brief same as positive()
- Vector operator+() const {
- return positive();
- }
- //! @brief same as negative()
- Vector operator-() const {
- return negative();
- }
- //! @brief same as add(v)
- Vector operator+(Vector const& v) const {
- return add(v);
- }
- //! @brief same as sub(v)
- Vector operator-(Vector const& v) const {
- return sub(v);
- }
- //! @brief same as dot(v)
- Scalar operator*(Vector const& v) const {
- return dot(v);
- }
- //! @brief same as mul(s)
- Vector operator*(Scalar const& s) const {
- return mul(s);
- }
- //! @brief same as div(s)
- Vector operator/(Scalar const& s) const {
- return div(s);
- }
-} // meow
-#endif // math_Vector_H__
diff --git a/meowpp/math/methods.h b/meowpp/math/methods.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 06125b5..0000000
--- a/meowpp/math/methods.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef math_methods_H__
-#define math_methods_H__
-#include "Matrix.h"
-#include "Vector.h"
-#include "utility.h"
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <vector>
-namespace meow {
- * @brief Run the \b RANSAC method to approach the best solution.
- *
- * \b RANdom \b SAmple \b Consensus is an iterative method to estimate
- * parameters of a mathematical model from a set of observed data which
- * contains \c outliers. \n
- * Each iterator it will choose a subset of elements, the smallest set which can
- * form a valid parameters, from the data set. And then calculate how many
- * elements in the whole data set is inliers. After iterator much times,
- * we just say the best solution is the parameters that has the much
- * inliers elements in whole iterators.
- *
- * Assume:
- * - We need at least \f$ N \f$ element to form a valid parameters.
- * - The probability of choosing a right element from data set each time is
- * \f$ p_0 \f$.
- * - We want the probability of our solution actually being the best solution
- * be \f$ P \f$.
- * - We need to iterator \f$ M \f$ times.
- * .
- * Then we can estimate the number of iterations \f$ M \f$ :
- * \f[
- * \begin{aligned}
- * & (1 - p_0^N)^M \leq(1 - P) \\
- * \Rightarrow & M \log(1 - p_0^N) \leq \log(1 - P) \\
- * \Rightarrow & M \geq \frac{\log(1 - p)}{\log(1 - p_0^N)},~~
- * \because (1-p_0^N<1 \Rightarrow \log(1-p_0^N)<0)
- * \end{aligned}
- * \f]
- *
- * So in this function we choose
- * \f$ M = \lceil \frac{\log(1 - P)}{\log(1 - p_0^N)} \rceil \f$
- *
- * @param [in] data The whole data sett
- * @param [in] w Weight function to give a floating number for a given
- * parameters which means how best this solution is. Negitave
- * number means invalid parameters.
- * @param [in] N \f$ N \f$, defined above
- * @param [in] p0 \f$ p_0 \f$, defined above
- * @param [in] P \f$ P \f$, defined above
- * @return solution.
- *
- * @author cat_leopard
- */
-template<class Data, class WeightingClass>
-inline std::vector<Data> ransac(std::vector<Data> const& data,
- WeightingClass const& w,
- size_t N,
- double p0, double P) {
- if (data.size() < N) {
- return std::vector<Data>();
- }
- double ww = -1.0;
- std::vector<Data> ret;
- for (double count = ceil(log(1.0 - P) / log(1.0 - pow(p0, N)));
- count > 0.0; count -= 1.0) {
- std::vector<Data> sample;
- std::vector<int> index(N);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++) {
- for (bool ok = false; !ok; ) {
- index[i] = rand() % data.size();
- ok = true;
- for (size_t j = 0; ok && j < i; j++)
- if (index[i] == index[j])
- ok = false;
- }
- sample.push_back(data[index[i]]);
- }
- double w_now = w(sample, data);
- if (w_now < 0) {
- count += 0.5;
- continue;
- }
- if (ww < w_now) {
- ret = sample;
- ww = w_now;
- }
- }
- return ret;
- * @brief Run the \b Levenberg-Marquardt method to solve a non-linear
- * least squares problem.
- *
- * Assume:
- * - The function we want to optimize is
- * \f$ F: \mathbb{R} ^N \mapsto \mathbb{R}^M \f$
- * - We want to find the best solution \f$ v \f$ such that
- * \f$ F(v)^T F(v) = 0\f$. But there is a gived threshold
- * \f$ \epsilon \f$, we can just find a \f$ v \f$ such that
- * \f$ F(v)^T F(v) < \epsilon \f$, which is mush easier.
- * - User gived a initiial vector \f$ v_0 \f$
- * .
- * Then we just iteratilly find \f$ v_1, v_2, v_3, v_4... \f$ until a
- * vector \f$ v_k \f$ satisified that \f$ F(v_k)^TF(v_k)<\epsilon \f$ .
- * And each iterator we have:
- * \f[
- * v_{i+1} = v_i + (J(v_i)^TJ(v_i)+\lambda I_{N\times N})^{-1} J(v_i)^T F(v_i)
- * \f]
- * Where \f$ J(v) \f$ is a jacobian matrix defined below:
- * \f[
- * J(v) = \frac{d}{dv}F(v) =
- * \left[ \begin{array}{ccccc}
- * \frac{\partial F_1(v)}{\partial v_1} &
- * \frac{\partial F_1(v)}{\partial v_2} &
- * \frac{\partial F_1(v)}{\partial v_3} &
- * ... &
- * \frac{\partial F_1(v)}{\partial v_N} \\
- * \frac{\partial F_2(v)}{\partial v_1} &
- * \frac{\partial F_2(v)}{\partial v_2} &
- * \frac{\partial F_2(v)}{\partial v_3} &
- * ... &
- * \frac{\partial F_2(v)}{\partial v_N} \\
- * \frac{\partial F_3(v)}{\partial v_1} &
- * \frac{\partial F_3(v)}{\partial v_2} &
- * \frac{\partial F_3(v)}{\partial v_3} &
- * ... &
- * \frac{\partial F_3(v)}{\partial v_N} \\
- * . & . & . & & . \\
- * . & . & . & & . \\
- * . & . & . & & . \\
- * \frac{\partial F_M(v)}{\partial v_1} &
- * \frac{\partial F_M(v)}{\partial v_2} &
- * \frac{\partial F_M(v)}{\partial v_3} &
- * ... &
- * \frac{\partial F_M(v)}{\partial v_N} \\
- * \end{array} \right]
- * \f]
- * And \f$ \lambda \f$ is a magic number....
- * @param [in] func \f$ F \f$, a function(class with \c operator() )
- * which input a vector and the output the squares errors.
- * @param [in] jaco \f$ J \f$, a function which input a vector
- * and then output \b func derivate by the vector
- * @param [in] iden \f$ \lambda I_{N \times N} \f$, defined above
- * @param [in] init \f$ v_0 \f$Initial vector
- * @param [in] stop A function return a boolean which means the error is
- * acceptable or not, so \f[
- * S_{top}(v) = \begin{cases}
- * true & if~F(v)<\epsilon \\
- * false & else
- * \end{cases}
- * \f]
- * @param [in] counter To prevent infinit loop.
- * @return a vector which means the best solution this function found.
- *
- * @author cat_leopard
- */
-template<class Scalar, class Function>
-inline Vector<Scalar> levenbergMarquardt(Function const& f,
- Vector<Scalar> const& init,
- int counter = -1) {
- Vector<Scalar> ans(init), residure_v;
- for ( ; counter != 0 && !f.accept(residure_v = f.residure(ans)); --counter) {
- Matrix<Scalar> m_j (f.jacobian(ans));
- Matrix<Scalar> m_jt(m_j.transpose());
- Matrix<Scalar> m(m_j * m_jt), M;
- for (int i = 1; M.valid() == false; i++) {
- M = (m + f.diagonal(ans, i)).inverse();
- }
- ans = ans - M * m_jt * residure_v;
- }
- return ans;
-// residure
-// jacobian
-// identity
-template<class Scalar, class Function>
-inline Vector<Scalar> levenbergMarquardtTraining(Function & f,
- Vector<Scalar> const& init,
- Scalar const& init_mu,
- Scalar const& mu_pow,
- Scalar const& er_max,
- int retry_number,
- int counter) {
- if (retry_number == 0) retry_number = 1;
- Vector<Scalar> ans_now(init), rv_now(f.residure(ans_now));
- Vector<Scalar> ans_nxt , rv_nxt;
- Scalar er_now(rv_now.length2());
- Scalar er_nxt;
- Vector<Scalar> ans_best(ans_now);
- Scalar er_best ( er_now);
- Matrix<Scalar> m_ja, m_jt, m, iden(f.identity());
- Scalar mu(init_mu);
- for ( ; counter != 0 && er_now > er_max; --counter) {
- m_ja = f.jacobian();
- m_jt = m_ja.transpose();
- m = m_jt * m_ja;
- bool good = false;
- for (int i = 0; i != retry_number; ++i, mu = mu * mu_pow) {
- ans_nxt = ans_now + (m + iden * mu).inverse() * m_jt * rv_now.matrix();
- rv_nxt = f.residure(ans_nxt);
- er_nxt = rv_nxt.length2();
- if (er_nxt <= er_now) {
- good = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (good) {
- mu = mu / mu_pow;
- }
- mu = inRange(0.0000001, 100.0, mu);
- ans_now = ans_nxt;
- rv_now = rv_nxt;
- er_now = er_nxt;
- if (er_now < er_best) {
- ans_best = ans_now;
- er_best = er_now;
- }
- }
- return ans_best;
-} // meow
-#endif // math_methods_H__
diff --git a/meowpp/math/utility.h b/meowpp/math/utility.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 73efabb..0000000
--- a/meowpp/math/utility.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef math_utility_H__
-#define math_utility_H__
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <vector>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <cmath>
-namespace meow {
-//! 圓周率...
-static const double PI = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288;
- * @brief 將角度調整於0~2PI
- */
-template<class T>
-inline T circle(T x) {
- while (x < 0) x += 2.0 * PI;
- while (2.0 * PI <= x) x -= 2.0 * PI;
- return x;
- * @brief 如果abs(輸入的數值) < eps, 則回傳0, 否則回傳輸入的數值
- */
-template<class T>
-inline T noEPS(T value, T eps = 1e-9) {
- T epsp((eps < T(0)) ? -eps : eps);
- return ((value < -epsp || value > epsp) ? value : T(0));
- * @brief \c (value-lower)/(upper-lower)
- */
-template<class T>
-inline T normalize(T lower, T upper, T value) {
- return (value - lower) / (upper - lower);
- * @brief \c (lower+_ratio*(upper-lower))
- */
-template<class T>
-inline T denormalize(T lower, T upper, T _ratio) {
- return lower + _ratio * (upper - lower);
- * @brief \c denormalize(l2,u2,normalize(l1,u1,m1))
- */
-template<class T>
-inline T ratioMapping(T l1, T u1, T m1, T l2, T u2) {
- return denormalize(l2, u2, normalize(l1, u1, m1));
- * @brief \c std::min(mx,std::max(mn,v))
- */
-template<class T>
-inline T inRange(T const& mn, T const& mx, T const& v) {
- return std::min(mx, std::max(mn, v));
- * @brief (mn <= x && x <= mx)
- */
-template<class T>
-inline T isInRange(T const& mn, T const& mx, T const& x) {
- return (mn <= x && x <= mx);
- * @brief \c x*x
- */
-template<class T>
-inline T squ(T const& x) {
- return x * x;
- * @brief \c x*x*x
- */
-template<class T>
-inline T cub(T const& x) {
- return x * x * x;
- * @brief 只將 \c sigs 個標準差以內的數據拿來取平均
- */
-template<class T>
-inline double average(T const& beg, T const& end, double sigs) {
- int N = 0;
- double av = 0;
- for (T it = beg; it != end; ++it, ++N) {
- av += *it;
- }
- av /= N;
- double sig = 0;
- for (T it = beg; it != end; ++it) {
- sig += (*it - av) * (*it - av);
- }
- sig = sqrt(sig / N);
- double lower = av - sig * sigs, upper = av + sig * sigs;
- double ret = 0, retn = 0;
- for (T it = beg; it != end; ++it) {
- if (lower <= *it && *it <= upper) {
- ret += *it;
- retn++;
- }
- }
- return ret / retn;
- * @brief 只將 \c sigs 個標準差以內的數據拿來取平均, 不過這次用 \c p 來加權平均
- */
-template<class T>
-inline double average(T const& beg, T const& end, T const& p, double sigs) {
- int N = 0;
- double ps = 0;
- for (T it = beg, ip = p; it != end; ++it, ++N, ++ip) {
- ps += *ip;
- }
- double av = 0;
- for (T it = beg, ip = p; it != end; ++it, ++ip) {
- av += *it * *ip / ps;
- }
- double sig = 0;
- for (T it = beg, ip = p; it != end; ++it, ++ip) {
- sig += *ip / ps * (*it - av) * (*it - av);
- }
- sig = sqrt(sig);
- double lower = av - sig * sigs, upper = av + sig * sigs;
- double ret = 0, retn = 0;
- for (T it = beg, ip = p; it != end; ++it, ++ip) {
- if (lower <= *it && *it <= upper) {
- ret += *it * *ip;
- retn += *ip;
- }
- }
- if (retn <= 1e-10) return av;
- return ret / retn;
- * @brief 就只是個取絕對值
- */
-template<class T>
-inline T tAbs(T const& t) {
- return (t < 0 ? -t : t);
-} // meow
-#endif // math_utility_H__