// Copyright 2018 The dexon-consensus-core Authors
// This file is part of the dexon-consensus-core library.
// The dexon-consensus-core library is free software: you can redistribute it
// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
// or (at your option) any later version.
// The dexon-consensus-core library is distributed in the hope that it will be
// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the dexon-consensus-core library. If not, see
// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package test
import (
// ErrParentNotAcked would be raised when some block doesn't
// ack its parent block.
var ErrParentNotAcked = errors.New("parent is not acked")
// nodeStatus is a state holder for each node
// during generating blocks.
type nodeStatus struct {
blocks []*types.Block
genesisTime time.Time
prvKey crypto.PrivateKey
tip *types.Block
nextAckingIndex map[types.NodeID]uint64
type hashBlockFn func(*types.Block) (common.Hash, error)
// getAckedBlockHash would randomly pick one block between
// last acked one to current head.
func (ns *nodeStatus) getAckedBlockHash(
ackedNID types.NodeID,
ackedNode *nodeStatus,
randGen *rand.Rand) (
hash common.Hash, ok bool) {
baseAckingIndex := ns.nextAckingIndex[ackedNID]
totalBlockCount := uint64(len(ackedNode.blocks))
if totalBlockCount <= baseAckingIndex {
// There is no new block to ack.
ackableRange := totalBlockCount - baseAckingIndex
idx := uint64((randGen.Uint64() % ackableRange) + baseAckingIndex)
ns.nextAckingIndex[ackedNID] = idx + 1
hash = ackedNode.blocks[idx].Hash
ok = true
func (ns *nodeStatus) getNextBlockTime(
timePicker func(time.Time) time.Time) time.Time {
if ns.tip == nil {
return timePicker(ns.genesisTime)
return timePicker(ns.tip.Timestamp)
// nodeSetStatus is a state holder for all nodes
// during generating blocks.
type nodeSetStatus struct {
round uint64
status map[types.NodeID]*nodeStatus
proposerChain map[types.NodeID]uint32
endTime time.Time
nIDs []types.NodeID
randGen *rand.Rand
timePicker func(time.Time) time.Time
hashBlock hashBlockFn
func newNodeSetStatus(
numChains uint32,
tips map[uint32]*types.Block,
round uint64,
genesisTime, endTime time.Time,
timePicker func(time.Time) time.Time,
hashBlock hashBlockFn) *nodeSetStatus {
var (
status = make(map[types.NodeID]*nodeStatus)
proposerChain = make(map[types.NodeID]uint32)
nIDs = []types.NodeID{}
for i := uint32(0); i < numChains; i++ {
prvKey, err := ecdsa.NewPrivateKey()
if err != nil {
nID := types.NewNodeID(prvKey.PublicKey())
nIDs = append(nIDs, nID)
status[nID] = &nodeStatus{
blocks: []*types.Block{},
genesisTime: genesisTime,
prvKey: prvKey,
tip: tips[i],
nextAckingIndex: make(map[types.NodeID]uint64),
proposerChain[nID] = i
return &nodeSetStatus{
round: round,
status: status,
proposerChain: proposerChain,
endTime: endTime,
nIDs: nIDs,
randGen: rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())),
timePicker: timePicker,
hashBlock: hashBlock,
// findIncompleteNodes is a helper to check which node doesn't generate
// enough blocks.
func (ns *nodeSetStatus) findIncompleteNodes() (nIDs []types.NodeID) {
for nID, status := range ns.status {
if status.tip == nil {
nIDs = append(nIDs, nID)
if status.tip.Timestamp.After(ns.endTime) {
nIDs = append(nIDs, nID)
// prepareAcksForNewBlock collects acks for one block.
func (ns *nodeSetStatus) prepareAcksForNewBlock(
proposerID types.NodeID, ackingCount int) (
acks common.Hashes, err error) {
acks = common.Hashes{}
if len(ns.status[proposerID].blocks) == 0 {
// The 'Acks' filed of genesis blocks would always be empty.
// Pick nodeIDs to be acked.
ackingNIDs := map[types.NodeID]struct{}{}
if ackingCount > 0 {
ackingCount-- // We would always include ack to parent block.
for _, i := range ns.randGen.Perm(len(ns.nIDs))[:ackingCount] {
ackingNIDs[ns.nIDs[i]] = struct{}{}
// Generate acks.
for nID := range ackingNIDs {
if nID == proposerID {
ack, ok := ns.status[proposerID].getAckedBlockHash(
nID, ns.status[nID], ns.randGen)
if !ok {
if nID == proposerID {
err = ErrParentNotAcked
acks = append(acks, ack)
// proposeBlock propose new block and update node status.
func (ns *nodeSetStatus) proposeBlock(
proposerID types.NodeID, acks common.Hashes) (*types.Block, error) {
status := ns.status[proposerID]
parentHash := common.Hash{}
blockHeight := uint64(0)
if status.tip != nil {
parentHash = status.tip.Hash
blockHeight = status.tip.Position.Height + 1
acks = append(acks, parentHash)
chainID := ns.proposerChain[proposerID]
newBlock := &types.Block{
ProposerID: proposerID,
ParentHash: parentHash,
Position: types.Position{
Round: ns.round,
Height: blockHeight,
ChainID: chainID,
Acks: common.NewSortedHashes(acks),
Timestamp: status.getNextBlockTime(ns.timePicker),
var err error
newBlock.Hash, err = ns.hashBlock(newBlock)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
newBlock.Signature, err = status.prvKey.Sign(newBlock.Hash)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
status.blocks = append(status.blocks, newBlock)
status.tip = newBlock
return newBlock, nil
// normalAckingCountGenerator would randomly pick acking count
// by a normal distribution.
func normalAckingCountGenerator(
chainNum uint32, mean, deviation float64) func() int {
return func() int {
var expected float64
for {
expected = rand.NormFloat64()*deviation + mean
if expected >= 0 && expected <= float64(chainNum) {
return int(math.Ceil(expected))
// MaxAckingCountGenerator return generator which returns
// fixed maximum acking count.
func MaxAckingCountGenerator(count uint32) func() int {
return func() int { return int(count) }
// generateNodePicker is a function generator, which would generate
// a function to randomly pick one node ID from a slice of node ID.
func generateNodePicker() func([]types.NodeID) types.NodeID {
privateRand := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
return func(nIDs []types.NodeID) types.NodeID {
return nIDs[privateRand.Intn(len(nIDs))]
// defaultTimePicker would pick a time based on reference time and
// the given minimum/maximum time range.
func generateTimePicker(min, max time.Duration) (f func(time.Time) time.Time) {
privateRand := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
return func(ref time.Time) time.Time {
return ref.Add(min + time.Duration(privateRand.Int63n(int64(max-min))))
// BlocksGeneratorConfig is the configuration for BlocksGenerator.
type BlocksGeneratorConfig struct {
NumChains uint32
MinBlockTimeInterval time.Duration
MaxBlockTimeInterval time.Duration
// NewBlocksGeneratorConfig construct a BlocksGeneratorConfig instance.
func NewBlocksGeneratorConfig(c *types.Config) *BlocksGeneratorConfig {
return &BlocksGeneratorConfig{
NumChains: c.NumChains,
MinBlockTimeInterval: c.MinBlockInterval,
MaxBlockTimeInterval: c.MaxBlockInterval,
// BlocksGenerator could generate blocks forming valid DAGs.
type BlocksGenerator struct {
config *BlocksGeneratorConfig
nodePicker func([]types.NodeID) types.NodeID
timePicker func(time.Time) time.Time
ackingCountGenerator func() int
hashBlock hashBlockFn
// NewBlocksGenerator constructs BlockGenerator.
// The caller is responsible to provide a function to generate count of
// acked block for each new block. The prototype of ackingCountGenerator is
// a function returning 'int'. For example, if you need to generate a group of
// blocks and each of them has maximum 2 acks.
// func () int { return 2 }
// The default ackingCountGenerator would randomly pick a number based on
// the nodeCount you provided with a normal distribution.
func NewBlocksGenerator(
config *BlocksGeneratorConfig,
ackingCountGenerator func() int,
hashBlock hashBlockFn) *BlocksGenerator {
if ackingCountGenerator == nil {
ackingCountGenerator = normalAckingCountGenerator(
timePicker := generateTimePicker(
config.MinBlockTimeInterval, config.MaxBlockTimeInterval)
return &BlocksGenerator{
config: config,
nodePicker: generateNodePicker(),
timePicker: timePicker,
ackingCountGenerator: ackingCountGenerator,
hashBlock: hashBlock,
// Generate is the entry point to generate blocks in one round.
func (gen *BlocksGenerator) Generate(
roundID uint64,
roundBegin, roundEnd time.Time,
db blockdb.BlockDatabase) (err error) {
// Find tips of previous round if available.
tips := make(map[uint32]*types.Block)
if roundID > 0 {
tips, err = gen.findTips(roundID-1, db)
if err != nil {
status := newNodeSetStatus(gen.config.NumChains, tips, roundID,
roundBegin, roundEnd, gen.timePicker, gen.hashBlock)
// We would record the smallest height of block that could be acked
// from each node's point-of-view.
toAck := make(map[types.NodeID]map[types.NodeID]uint64)
for _, nID := range status.nIDs {
toAck[nID] = make(map[types.NodeID]uint64)
for {
// Find nodes that doesn't propose enough blocks and
// pick one from them randomly.
notYet := status.findIncompleteNodes()
if len(notYet) == 0 {
// Propose a new block.
var (
proposerID = gen.nodePicker(notYet)
acks common.Hashes
if acks, err = status.prepareAcksForNewBlock(
proposerID, gen.ackingCountGenerator()); err != nil {
var newBlock *types.Block
if newBlock, err = status.proposeBlock(proposerID, acks); err != nil {
// Persist block to db.
if err = db.Put(*newBlock); err != nil {
// findTips is an utility to find tips of each chain in that round in blockdb.
func (gen *BlocksGenerator) findTips(
round uint64, db blockdb.Reader) (tips map[uint32]*types.Block, err error) {
iter, err := db.GetAll()
if err != nil {
revealer, err := NewRandomRevealer(iter)
if err != nil {
tips = make(map[uint32]*types.Block)
for {
var b types.Block
if b, err = revealer.Next(); err != nil {
if err == blockdb.ErrIterationFinished {
err = nil
if b.Position.Round != round {
tip, exists := tips[b.Position.ChainID]
if exists && tip.Position.Height > b.Position.Height {
tips[b.Position.ChainID] = &b