path: root/core/test/blocks-generator.go
diff options
authorMission Liao <mission.liao@dexon.org>2018-08-03 13:57:41 +0800
committerWei-Ning Huang <aitjcize@gmail.com>2018-08-03 13:57:41 +0800
commit101ce1072667a1a8cfeaa58dc862eb4d0dbec6f7 (patch)
tree5e4a57f708d64450d1049c791d7786570a3aa24e /core/test/blocks-generator.go
parent6c4617f42f31014727bdc6f5731c32fc21004101 (diff)
test: random blocks generator (#26)
* Add blocks generator. This helper would randomly generate blocks that forms valid DAGs. * Add revealer Revealer is an extension of blockdb.BlockIterator. The block sequence from 'Next' method would be either randomly (see RandomRevealer) or meeting some specific condition (ex. forming a DAG, see RandomDAGRevealer). * Add test for sequencer based on random blocks. * core: refine Application interface and add Governance interface (#24) Add a new Governance interface for interaction with the governance contract. Also remove the ValidateBlock call in application interface as the application should validate it before putting it into the consensus module. A new BlockConverter interface is also added. The consensus module should accept the BlockConverter interface in future implementation, and use the Block() function to get the underlying block info.
Diffstat (limited to 'core/test/blocks-generator.go')
1 files changed, 267 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/test/blocks-generator.go b/core/test/blocks-generator.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae41757
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/test/blocks-generator.go
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+// Copyright 2018 The dexon-consensus-core Authors
+// This file is part of the dexon-consensus-core library.
+// The dexon-consensus-core library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
+// or (at your option) any later version.
+// The dexon-consensus-core library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+// along with the dexon-consensus-core library. If not, see
+// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+package test
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "math"
+ "math/rand"
+ "time"
+ "github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon-consensus-core/blockdb"
+ "github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon-consensus-core/common"
+ "github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon-consensus-core/core/types"
+// ErrParentNotAcked would be raised when some block doesn't
+// ack its parent block.
+var ErrParentNotAcked = errors.New("parent is not acked")
+// validatorStatus is a state holder for each validator
+// during generating blocks.
+type validatorStatus struct {
+ blocks []*types.Block
+ lastAckingHeight map[types.ValidatorID]uint64
+// getAckedBlockHash would randomly pick one block between
+// last acked one to current head.
+func (vs *validatorStatus) getAckedBlockHash(
+ ackedVID types.ValidatorID,
+ ackedValidator *validatorStatus,
+ randGen *rand.Rand) (
+ hash common.Hash, ok bool) {
+ baseAckingHeight, exists := vs.lastAckingHeight[ackedVID]
+ if exists {
+ // Do not ack the same block(height) twice.
+ baseAckingHeight++
+ }
+ totalBlockCount := uint64(len(ackedValidator.blocks))
+ if totalBlockCount <= baseAckingHeight {
+ // There is no new block to ack.
+ return
+ }
+ ackableRange := totalBlockCount - baseAckingHeight
+ height := uint64((randGen.Uint64() % ackableRange) + baseAckingHeight)
+ vs.lastAckingHeight[ackedVID] = height
+ hash = ackedValidator.blocks[height].Hash
+ ok = true
+ return
+// validatorSetStatus is a state holder for all validators
+// during generating blocks.
+type validatorSetStatus struct {
+ status map[types.ValidatorID]*validatorStatus
+ validatorIDs []types.ValidatorID
+ randGen *rand.Rand
+func newValidatorSetStatus(vIDs []types.ValidatorID) *validatorSetStatus {
+ status := make(map[types.ValidatorID]*validatorStatus)
+ for _, vID := range vIDs {
+ status[vID] = &validatorStatus{
+ blocks: []*types.Block{},
+ lastAckingHeight: make(map[types.ValidatorID]uint64),
+ }
+ }
+ return &validatorSetStatus{
+ status: status,
+ validatorIDs: vIDs,
+ randGen: rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())),
+ }
+// findIncompleteValidators is a helper to check which validator
+// doesn't generate enough blocks.
+func (vs *validatorSetStatus) findIncompleteValidators(
+ blockCount int) (vIDs []types.ValidatorID) {
+ for vID, status := range vs.status {
+ if len(status.blocks) < blockCount {
+ vIDs = append(vIDs, vID)
+ }
+ }
+ return
+// prepareAcksForNewBlock collects acks for one block.
+func (vs *validatorSetStatus) prepareAcksForNewBlock(
+ proposerID types.ValidatorID, ackingCount int) (
+ acks map[common.Hash]struct{}, err error) {
+ acks = make(map[common.Hash]struct{})
+ if len(vs.status[proposerID].blocks) == 0 {
+ // The 'Acks' filed of genesis blocks would always be empty.
+ return
+ }
+ // Pick validatorIDs to be acked.
+ ackingVIDs := map[types.ValidatorID]struct{}{
+ proposerID: struct{}{}, // Acking parent block is always required.
+ }
+ if ackingCount > 0 {
+ ackingCount-- // We would always include ack to parent block.
+ }
+ for _, i := range vs.randGen.Perm(len(vs.validatorIDs))[:ackingCount] {
+ ackingVIDs[vs.validatorIDs[i]] = struct{}{}
+ }
+ // Generate acks.
+ for vID := range ackingVIDs {
+ ack, ok := vs.status[proposerID].getAckedBlockHash(
+ vID, vs.status[vID], vs.randGen)
+ if !ok {
+ if vID == proposerID {
+ err = ErrParentNotAcked
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ acks[ack] = struct{}{}
+ }
+ return
+// proposeBlock propose new block and update validator status.
+func (vs *validatorSetStatus) proposeBlock(
+ proposerID types.ValidatorID,
+ acks map[common.Hash]struct{}) *types.Block {
+ status := vs.status[proposerID]
+ hash := common.NewRandomHash()
+ parentHash := hash
+ if len(status.blocks) > 0 {
+ parentHash = status.blocks[len(status.blocks)-1].Hash
+ }
+ newBlock := &types.Block{
+ ProposerID: proposerID,
+ ParentHash: parentHash,
+ Hash: hash,
+ Height: uint64(len(status.blocks)),
+ Acks: acks,
+ // TODO(mission.liao): Generate timestamp randomly.
+ }
+ status.blocks = append(status.blocks, newBlock)
+ return newBlock
+// normalAckingCountGenerator would randomly pick acking count
+// by a normal distribution.
+func normalAckingCountGenerator(
+ validatorCount int, mean, deviation float64) func() int {
+ return func() int {
+ var expected float64
+ for {
+ expected = rand.NormFloat64()*deviation + mean
+ if expected >= 0 && expected <= float64(validatorCount) {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ return int(math.Ceil(expected))
+ }
+// generateValidatorPicker is a function generator, which would generate
+// a function to randomly pick one validator ID from a slice of validator ID.
+func generateValidatorPicker() func([]types.ValidatorID) types.ValidatorID {
+ privateRand := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
+ return func(vIDs []types.ValidatorID) types.ValidatorID {
+ return vIDs[privateRand.Intn(len(vIDs))]
+ }
+// BlocksGenerator could generate blocks forming valid DAGs.
+type BlocksGenerator struct {
+ validatorPicker func([]types.ValidatorID) types.ValidatorID
+// NewBlocksGenerator constructs BlockGenerator.
+func NewBlocksGenerator(validatorPicker func(
+ []types.ValidatorID) types.ValidatorID) *BlocksGenerator {
+ if validatorPicker == nil {
+ validatorPicker = generateValidatorPicker()
+ }
+ return &BlocksGenerator{
+ validatorPicker: validatorPicker,
+ }
+// Generate is the entry point to generate blocks. The caller is responsible
+// to provide a function to generate count of acked block for each new block.
+// The prototype of ackingCountGenerator is a function returning 'int'.
+// For example, if you need to generate a group of blocks and each of them
+// has maximum 2 acks.
+// func () int { return 2 }
+// The default ackingCountGenerator would randomly pick a number based on
+// the validatorCount you provided with a normal distribution.
+func (gen *BlocksGenerator) Generate(
+ validatorCount int,
+ blockCount int,
+ ackingCountGenerator func() int,
+ writer blockdb.Writer) (err error) {
+ if ackingCountGenerator == nil {
+ ackingCountGenerator = normalAckingCountGenerator(
+ validatorCount,
+ float64(validatorCount/2),
+ float64(validatorCount/4+1))
+ }
+ validators := []types.ValidatorID{}
+ for i := 0; i < validatorCount; i++ {
+ validators = append(
+ validators, types.ValidatorID{Hash: common.NewRandomHash()})
+ }
+ status := newValidatorSetStatus(validators)
+ // We would record the smallest height of block that could be acked
+ // from each validator's point-of-view.
+ toAck := make(map[types.ValidatorID]map[types.ValidatorID]uint64)
+ for _, vID := range validators {
+ toAck[vID] = make(map[types.ValidatorID]uint64)
+ }
+ for {
+ // Find validators that doesn't propose enough blocks and
+ // pick one from them randomly.
+ notYet := status.findIncompleteValidators(blockCount)
+ if len(notYet) == 0 {
+ break
+ }
+ // Propose a new block.
+ var (
+ proposerID = gen.validatorPicker(notYet)
+ acks map[common.Hash]struct{}
+ )
+ acks, err = status.prepareAcksForNewBlock(
+ proposerID, ackingCountGenerator())
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ newBlock := status.proposeBlock(proposerID, acks)
+ // Persist block to db.
+ err = writer.Put(*newBlock)
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ return