path: root/ui/app/components/send/tests/send-component.test.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'ui/app/components/send/tests/send-component.test.js')
1 files changed, 332 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ui/app/components/send/tests/send-component.test.js b/ui/app/components/send/tests/send-component.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6194ec508
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ui/app/components/send/tests/send-component.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+import React from 'react'
+import assert from 'assert'
+import proxyquire from 'proxyquire'
+import { shallow } from 'enzyme'
+import sinon from 'sinon'
+import SendHeader from '../send-header/send-header.container'
+import SendContent from '../send-content/send-content.component'
+import SendFooter from '../send-footer/send-footer.container'
+const propsMethodSpies = {
+ updateAndSetGasTotal: sinon.spy(),
+ updateSendErrors: sinon.spy(),
+ updateSendTokenBalance: sinon.spy(),
+ resetSendState: sinon.spy(),
+const utilsMethodStubs = {
+ getAmountErrorObject: sinon.stub().returns({ amount: 'mockAmountError' }),
+ getGasFeeErrorObject: sinon.stub().returns({ gasFee: 'mockGasFeeError' }),
+ doesAmountErrorRequireUpdate: sinon.stub().callsFake(obj => obj.balance !== obj.prevBalance),
+const SendTransactionScreen = proxyquire('../send.component.js', {
+ './send.utils': utilsMethodStubs,
+sinon.spy(SendTransactionScreen.prototype, 'componentDidMount')
+sinon.spy(SendTransactionScreen.prototype, 'updateGas')
+describe('Send Component', function () {
+ let wrapper
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ wrapper = shallow(<SendTransactionScreen
+ amount={'mockAmount'}
+ amountConversionRate={'mockAmountConversionRate'}
+ blockGasLimit={'mockBlockGasLimit'}
+ conversionRate={10}
+ editingTransactionId={'mockEditingTransactionId'}
+ from={ { address: 'mockAddress', balance: 'mockBalance' } }
+ gasLimit={'mockGasLimit'}
+ gasPrice={'mockGasPrice'}
+ gasTotal={'mockGasTotal'}
+ history={{ mockProp: 'history-abc'}}
+ network={'3'}
+ primaryCurrency={'mockPrimaryCurrency'}
+ recentBlocks={['mockBlock']}
+ selectedAddress={'mockSelectedAddress'}
+ selectedToken={'mockSelectedToken'}
+ tokenBalance={'mockTokenBalance'}
+ tokenContract={'mockTokenContract'}
+ updateAndSetGasTotal={propsMethodSpies.updateAndSetGasTotal}
+ updateSendErrors={propsMethodSpies.updateSendErrors}
+ updateSendTokenBalance={propsMethodSpies.updateSendTokenBalance}
+ resetSendState={propsMethodSpies.resetSendState}
+ />)
+ })
+ afterEach(() => {
+ SendTransactionScreen.prototype.componentDidMount.resetHistory()
+ SendTransactionScreen.prototype.updateGas.resetHistory()
+ utilsMethodStubs.doesAmountErrorRequireUpdate.resetHistory()
+ utilsMethodStubs.getAmountErrorObject.resetHistory()
+ utilsMethodStubs.getGasFeeErrorObject.resetHistory()
+ propsMethodSpies.updateAndSetGasTotal.resetHistory()
+ propsMethodSpies.updateSendErrors.resetHistory()
+ propsMethodSpies.updateSendTokenBalance.resetHistory()
+ })
+ it('should call componentDidMount', () => {
+ assert(SendTransactionScreen.prototype.componentDidMount.calledOnce)
+ })
+ describe('componentWillMount', () => {
+ it('should call this.updateGas', () => {
+ SendTransactionScreen.prototype.updateGas.resetHistory()
+ propsMethodSpies.updateSendErrors.resetHistory()
+ assert.equal(SendTransactionScreen.prototype.updateGas.callCount, 0)
+ wrapper.instance().componentWillMount()
+ assert.equal(SendTransactionScreen.prototype.updateGas.callCount, 1)
+ })
+ })
+ describe('componentWillUnmount', () => {
+ it('should call this.props.resetSendState', () => {
+ propsMethodSpies.resetSendState.resetHistory()
+ assert.equal(propsMethodSpies.resetSendState.callCount, 0)
+ wrapper.instance().componentWillUnmount()
+ assert.equal(propsMethodSpies.resetSendState.callCount, 1)
+ })
+ })
+ describe('componentDidUpdate', () => {
+ it('should call doesAmountErrorRequireUpdate with the expected params', () => {
+ utilsMethodStubs.getAmountErrorObject.resetHistory()
+ wrapper.instance().componentDidUpdate({
+ from: {
+ balance: '',
+ },
+ })
+ assert(utilsMethodStubs.doesAmountErrorRequireUpdate.calledOnce)
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ utilsMethodStubs.doesAmountErrorRequireUpdate.getCall(0).args[0],
+ {
+ balance: 'mockBalance',
+ gasTotal: 'mockGasTotal',
+ prevBalance: '',
+ prevGasTotal: undefined,
+ prevTokenBalance: undefined,
+ selectedToken: 'mockSelectedToken',
+ tokenBalance: 'mockTokenBalance',
+ }
+ )
+ })
+ it('should not call getAmountErrorObject if doesAmountErrorRequireUpdate returns false', () => {
+ utilsMethodStubs.getAmountErrorObject.resetHistory()
+ wrapper.instance().componentDidUpdate({
+ from: {
+ balance: 'mockBalance',
+ },
+ })
+ assert.equal(utilsMethodStubs.getAmountErrorObject.callCount, 0)
+ })
+ it('should call getAmountErrorObject if doesAmountErrorRequireUpdate returns true', () => {
+ utilsMethodStubs.getAmountErrorObject.resetHistory()
+ wrapper.instance().componentDidUpdate({
+ from: {
+ balance: 'balanceChanged',
+ },
+ })
+ assert.equal(utilsMethodStubs.getAmountErrorObject.callCount, 1)
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ utilsMethodStubs.getAmountErrorObject.getCall(0).args[0],
+ {
+ amount: 'mockAmount',
+ amountConversionRate: 'mockAmountConversionRate',
+ balance: 'mockBalance',
+ conversionRate: 10,
+ gasTotal: 'mockGasTotal',
+ primaryCurrency: 'mockPrimaryCurrency',
+ selectedToken: 'mockSelectedToken',
+ tokenBalance: 'mockTokenBalance',
+ }
+ )
+ })
+ it('should call getGasFeeErrorObject if doesAmountErrorRequireUpdate returns true and selectedToken is truthy', () => {
+ utilsMethodStubs.getGasFeeErrorObject.resetHistory()
+ wrapper.instance().componentDidUpdate({
+ from: {
+ balance: 'balanceChanged',
+ },
+ })
+ assert.equal(utilsMethodStubs.getGasFeeErrorObject.callCount, 1)
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ utilsMethodStubs.getGasFeeErrorObject.getCall(0).args[0],
+ {
+ amount: 'mockAmount',
+ amountConversionRate: 'mockAmountConversionRate',
+ balance: 'mockBalance',
+ conversionRate: 10,
+ gasTotal: 'mockGasTotal',
+ primaryCurrency: 'mockPrimaryCurrency',
+ selectedToken: 'mockSelectedToken',
+ tokenBalance: 'mockTokenBalance',
+ }
+ )
+ })
+ it('should not call getGasFeeErrorObject if doesAmountErrorRequireUpdate returns false', () => {
+ utilsMethodStubs.getGasFeeErrorObject.resetHistory()
+ wrapper.instance().componentDidUpdate({
+ from: { address: 'mockAddress', balance: 'mockBalance' },
+ })
+ assert.equal(utilsMethodStubs.getGasFeeErrorObject.callCount, 0)
+ })
+ it('should not call getGasFeeErrorObject if doesAmountErrorRequireUpdate returns true but selectedToken is falsy', () => {
+ utilsMethodStubs.getGasFeeErrorObject.resetHistory()
+ wrapper.setProps({ selectedToken: null })
+ wrapper.instance().componentDidUpdate({
+ from: {
+ balance: 'balanceChanged',
+ },
+ })
+ assert.equal(utilsMethodStubs.getGasFeeErrorObject.callCount, 0)
+ })
+ it('should call updateSendErrors with the expected params if selectedToken is falsy', () => {
+ propsMethodSpies.updateSendErrors.resetHistory()
+ wrapper.setProps({ selectedToken: null })
+ wrapper.instance().componentDidUpdate({
+ from: {
+ balance: 'balanceChanged',
+ },
+ })
+ assert.equal(propsMethodSpies.updateSendErrors.callCount, 1)
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ propsMethodSpies.updateSendErrors.getCall(0).args[0],
+ { amount: 'mockAmountError', gasFee: null }
+ )
+ })
+ it('should call updateSendErrors with the expected params if selectedToken is truthy', () => {
+ propsMethodSpies.updateSendErrors.resetHistory()
+ wrapper.setProps({ selectedToken: 'someToken' })
+ wrapper.instance().componentDidUpdate({
+ from: {
+ balance: 'balanceChanged',
+ },
+ })
+ assert.equal(propsMethodSpies.updateSendErrors.callCount, 1)
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ propsMethodSpies.updateSendErrors.getCall(0).args[0],
+ { amount: 'mockAmountError', gasFee: 'mockGasFeeError' }
+ )
+ })
+ it('should not call updateSendTokenBalance or this.updateGas if network === prevNetwork', () => {
+ SendTransactionScreen.prototype.updateGas.resetHistory()
+ propsMethodSpies.updateSendTokenBalance.resetHistory()
+ wrapper.instance().componentDidUpdate({
+ from: {
+ balance: 'balanceChanged',
+ },
+ network: '3',
+ })
+ assert.equal(propsMethodSpies.updateSendTokenBalance.callCount, 0)
+ assert.equal(SendTransactionScreen.prototype.updateGas.callCount, 0)
+ })
+ it('should not call updateSendTokenBalance or this.updateGas if network === loading', () => {
+ wrapper.setProps({ network: 'loading' })
+ SendTransactionScreen.prototype.updateGas.resetHistory()
+ propsMethodSpies.updateSendTokenBalance.resetHistory()
+ wrapper.instance().componentDidUpdate({
+ from: {
+ balance: 'balanceChanged',
+ },
+ network: '3',
+ })
+ assert.equal(propsMethodSpies.updateSendTokenBalance.callCount, 0)
+ assert.equal(SendTransactionScreen.prototype.updateGas.callCount, 0)
+ })
+ it('should call updateSendTokenBalance and this.updateGas with the correct params', () => {
+ SendTransactionScreen.prototype.updateGas.resetHistory()
+ propsMethodSpies.updateSendTokenBalance.resetHistory()
+ wrapper.instance().componentDidUpdate({
+ from: {
+ balance: 'balanceChanged',
+ },
+ network: '2',
+ })
+ assert.equal(propsMethodSpies.updateSendTokenBalance.callCount, 1)
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ propsMethodSpies.updateSendTokenBalance.getCall(0).args[0],
+ {
+ selectedToken: 'mockSelectedToken',
+ tokenContract: 'mockTokenContract',
+ address: 'mockAddress',
+ }
+ )
+ assert.equal(SendTransactionScreen.prototype.updateGas.callCount, 1)
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ SendTransactionScreen.prototype.updateGas.getCall(0).args,
+ []
+ )
+ })
+ })
+ describe('updateGas', () => {
+ it('should call updateAndSetGasTotal with the correct params if no to prop is passed', () => {
+ propsMethodSpies.updateAndSetGasTotal.resetHistory()
+ wrapper.instance().updateGas()
+ assert.equal(propsMethodSpies.updateAndSetGasTotal.callCount, 1)
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ propsMethodSpies.updateAndSetGasTotal.getCall(0).args[0],
+ {
+ blockGasLimit: 'mockBlockGasLimit',
+ editingTransactionId: 'mockEditingTransactionId',
+ gasLimit: 'mockGasLimit',
+ gasPrice: 'mockGasPrice',
+ recentBlocks: ['mockBlock'],
+ selectedAddress: 'mockSelectedAddress',
+ selectedToken: 'mockSelectedToken',
+ to: '',
+ value: 'mockAmount',
+ }
+ )
+ })
+ it('should call updateAndSetGasTotal with the correct params if a to prop is passed', () => {
+ propsMethodSpies.updateAndSetGasTotal.resetHistory()
+ wrapper.setProps({ to: 'someAddress' })
+ wrapper.instance().updateGas()
+ assert.equal(
+ propsMethodSpies.updateAndSetGasTotal.getCall(0).args[0].to,
+ 'someaddress',
+ )
+ })
+ it('should call updateAndSetGasTotal with to set to lowercase if passed', () => {
+ propsMethodSpies.updateAndSetGasTotal.resetHistory()
+ wrapper.instance().updateGas({ to: '0xABC' })
+ assert.equal(propsMethodSpies.updateAndSetGasTotal.getCall(0).args[0].to, '0xabc')
+ })
+ })
+ describe('render', () => {
+ it('should render a page-container class', () => {
+ assert.equal(wrapper.find('.page-container').length, 1)
+ })
+ it('should render SendHeader, SendContent and SendFooter', () => {
+ assert.equal(wrapper.find(SendHeader).length, 1)
+ assert.equal(wrapper.find(SendContent).length, 1)
+ assert.equal(wrapper.find(SendFooter).length, 1)
+ })
+ it('should pass the history prop to SendHeader and SendFooter', () => {
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ wrapper.find(SendFooter).props(),
+ {
+ history: { mockProp: 'history-abc' },
+ }
+ )
+ })
+ })