path: root/test/unit
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/unit')
1 files changed, 101 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/unit/app/controllers/detect-tokens-test.js b/test/unit/app/controllers/detect-tokens-test.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f9f5c902d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/app/controllers/detect-tokens-test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+const assert = require('assert')
+const sinon = require('sinon')
+const DetectTokensController = require('../../../../app/scripts/controllers/detect-tokens')
+const PreferencesController = require('../../../../app/scripts/controllers/preferences')
+const ObservableStore = require('obs-store')
+describe('DetectTokensController', () => {
+ it('should poll on correct interval', async () => {
+ const stub = sinon.stub(global, 'setInterval')
+ new DetectTokensController({ interval: 1337 }) // eslint-disable-line no-new
+ assert.strictEqual(stub.getCall(0).args[1], 1337)
+ stub.restore()
+ })
+ it('should not check tokens while in test network', async () => {
+ var network = new ObservableStore({provider: {type:'rinkeby'}})
+ const preferences = new PreferencesController()
+ const controller = new DetectTokensController({preferences: preferences, network: network})
+ controller.isActive = true
+ controller.contracts = {
+ "0x0D262e5dC4A06a0F1c90cE79C7a60C09DfC884E4": {
+ "name": "JET8 Token",
+ "logo": "J8T.svg",
+ "erc20": true,
+ "symbol": "J8T",
+ "decimals": 8
+ },
+ "0xBC86727E770de68B1060C91f6BB6945c73e10388": {
+ "name": "Ink Protocol",
+ "logo": "ink_protocol.svg",
+ "erc20": true,
+ "symbol": "XNK",
+ "decimals": 18
+ }
+ }
+ controller.fetchContractAccountBalance = address => address
+ await controller.exploreNewTokens()
+ assert.deepEqual(preferences.store.getState().tokens, [])
+ })
+ it('should only check and add tokens while in main network', async () => {
+ const network = new ObservableStore({provider: {type:'mainnet'}})
+ const preferences = new PreferencesController()
+ const controller = new DetectTokensController({preferences: preferences, network: network})
+ controller.isActive = true
+ controller.contracts = {
+ "0x0D262e5dC4A06a0F1c90cE79C7a60C09DfC884E4": {
+ "name": "JET8 Token",
+ "logo": "J8T.svg",
+ "erc20": true,
+ "symbol": "J8T",
+ "decimals": 8
+ },
+ "0xBC86727E770de68B1060C91f6BB6945c73e10388": {
+ "name": "Ink Protocol",
+ "logo": "ink_protocol.svg",
+ "erc20": true,
+ "symbol": "XNK",
+ "decimals": 18
+ }
+ }
+ controller.fetchContractAccountBalance = address => address
+ await controller.exploreNewTokens()
+ assert.deepEqual(preferences.store.getState().tokens,
+ [{address: "0x0d262e5dc4a06a0f1c90ce79c7a60c09dfc884e4", decimals: 8, symbol: "J8T"},
+ {address: "0xbc86727e770de68b1060c91f6bb6945c73e10388", decimals: 18, symbol: "XNK"}])
+ })
+ it('should not detect same token while in main network', async () => {
+ const network = new ObservableStore({provider: {type:'mainnet'}})
+ const preferences = new PreferencesController()
+ preferences.addToken("0x0d262e5dc4a06a0f1c90ce79c7a60c09dfc884e4", 8, "J8T")
+ const controller = new DetectTokensController({preferences: preferences, network: network})
+ controller.isActive = true
+ controller.contracts = {
+ "0x0D262e5dC4A06a0F1c90cE79C7a60C09DfC884E4": {
+ "name": "JET8 Token",
+ "logo": "J8T.svg",
+ "erc20": true,
+ "symbol": "J8T",
+ "decimals": 8
+ },
+ "0xBC86727E770de68B1060C91f6BB6945c73e10388": {
+ "name": "Ink Protocol",
+ "logo": "ink_protocol.svg",
+ "erc20": true,
+ "symbol": "XNK",
+ "decimals": 18
+ }
+ }
+ controller.fetchContractAccountBalance = address => address
+ await controller.exploreNewTokens()
+ assert.deepEqual(preferences.store.getState().tokens,
+ [{address: "0x0d262e5dc4a06a0f1c90ce79c7a60c09dfc884e4", decimals: 8, symbol: "J8T"},
+ {address: "0xbc86727e770de68b1060c91f6bb6945c73e10388", decimals: 18, symbol: "XNK"}])
+ })