const Component = require('react').Component
const connect = require('react-redux').connect
const h = require('react-hyperscript')
const inherits = require('util').inherits
const Identicon = require('./identicon')
const AccountDropdowns = require('./account-dropdowns').AccountDropdowns
const Content = require('./wallet-content-display')
const actions = require('../actions')
module.exports = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(WalletView)
function mapStateToProps (state) {
return {
sidebarOpen: state.appState.sidebarOpen,
function mapDispatchToProps (dispatch) {
return {
showSendPage: () => {dispatch(actions.showSendPage())},
hideSidebar: () => {dispatch(actions.hideSidebar())},
inherits(WalletView, Component)
function WalletView () {
const noop = () => {}
WalletView.prototype.render = function () {
const selected = '0x82df11beb942BEeeD58d466fCb0F0791365C7684' // TODO: remove fake address
const { network, responsiveDisplayClassname, style } = this.props
return h('div.wallet-view.flex-column' + (responsiveDisplayClassname || ''), {
style: {
flex: '28 0 28%',
background: '#FAFAFA', // TODO: add to reusable colors,
}, [
// TODO: Separate component: wallet account details
h('div.flex-column', {
style: {}
}, [
h('', [
h(Identicon, {
diameter: 24,
address: selected,
h('span.account-name', {
style: {}
}, [
'Account 1'
style: {
marginLeft: 'auto',
cursor: 'pointer',
network, // TODO: this prop could be in the account dropdown container
identities: {},
h(Content, {
title: 'Wallet',
amount: '1001.124 ETH',
fiatValue: '$300,000.00 USD',
active: true,
// Wallet contents
h(Content, {
title: "Total Token Balance",
amount: "45.439 ETH",
fiatValue: "$13,000.00 USD",
active: false,
style: {
marginTop: '1.3em',