path: root/core/agreement.go
blob: 8618b5ff006abd81e22297bd1cc4f9a2410c0135 (plain) (tree)









































































// Copyright 2018 The dexon-consensus-core Authors
// This file is part of the dexon-consensus-core library.
// The dexon-consensus-core library is free software: you can redistribute it
// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
// or (at your option) any later version.
// The dexon-consensus-core library is distributed in the hope that it will be
// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the dexon-consensus-core library. If not, see
// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package core

import (


// Errors for agreement module.
var (
    ErrNotInNotarySet         = fmt.Errorf("not in notary set")
    ErrIncorrectVoteSignature = fmt.Errorf("incorrect vote signature")

// ErrFork for fork error in agreement.
type ErrFork struct {
    nID      types.NodeID
    old, new common.Hash

func (e *ErrFork) Error() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("fork is found for %s, old %s, new %s",
        e.nID.String(), e.old, e.new)

// ErrForkVote for fork vote error in agreement.
type ErrForkVote struct {
    nID      types.NodeID
    old, new *types.Vote

func (e *ErrForkVote) Error() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("fork vote is found for %s, old %s, new %s",
        e.nID.String(), e.old, e.new)

func newVoteListMap() []map[types.NodeID]*types.Vote {
    listMap := make([]map[types.NodeID]*types.Vote, types.MaxVoteType)
    for idx := range listMap {
        listMap[idx] = make(map[types.NodeID]*types.Vote)
    return listMap

// agreementReceiver is the interface receiving agreement event.
type agreementReceiver interface {
    ProposeVote(vote *types.Vote)
    ProposeBlock() common.Hash
    ConfirmBlock(common.Hash, map[types.NodeID]*types.Vote)

type pendingBlock struct {
    block        *types.Block
    receivedTime time.Time

type pendingVote struct {
    vote         *types.Vote
    receivedTime time.Time

// agreementData is the data for agreementState.
type agreementData struct {
    recv agreementReceiver

    ID           types.NodeID
    leader       *leaderSelector
    lockValue    common.Hash
    lockRound    uint64
    period       uint64
    requiredVote int
    votes        map[uint64][]map[types.NodeID]*types.Vote
    lock         sync.RWMutex
    blocks       map[types.NodeID]*types.Block
    blocksLock   sync.Mutex

// agreement is the agreement protocal describe in the Crypto Shuffle Algorithm.
type agreement struct {
    state          agreementState
    data           *agreementData
    aID            *atomic.Value
    notarySet      map[types.NodeID]struct{}
    hasOutput      bool
    lock           sync.RWMutex
    pendingBlock   []pendingBlock
    pendingVote    []pendingVote
    candidateBlock map[common.Hash]*types.Block
    fastForward    chan uint64
    authModule     *Authenticator

// newAgreement creates a agreement instance.
func newAgreement(
    ID types.NodeID,
    recv agreementReceiver,
    notarySet map[types.NodeID]struct{},
    leader *leaderSelector,
    authModule *Authenticator) *agreement {
    agreement := &agreement{
        data: &agreementData{
            recv:   recv,
            ID:     ID,
            leader: leader,
        aID:            &atomic.Value{},
        candidateBlock: make(map[common.Hash]*types.Block),
        fastForward:    make(chan uint64, 1),
        authModule:     authModule,
    return agreement

// restart the agreement
func (a *agreement) restart(
    notarySet map[types.NodeID]struct{}, aID types.Position) {

    func() {
        defer a.lock.Unlock()
        defer a.data.lock.Unlock()
        defer a.data.blocksLock.Unlock()
        a.data.votes = make(map[uint64][]map[types.NodeID]*types.Vote)
        a.data.votes[1] = newVoteListMap()
        a.data.period = 1
        a.data.blocks = make(map[types.NodeID]*types.Block)
        a.data.requiredVote = len(notarySet)/3*2 + 1
        a.data.lockValue = nullBlockHash
        a.data.lockRound = 1
        a.fastForward = make(chan uint64, 1)
        a.hasOutput = false
        a.state = newInitialState(a.data)
        a.notarySet = notarySet
        a.candidateBlock = make(map[common.Hash]*types.Block)

    expireTime := time.Now().Add(-10 * time.Second)
    replayBlock := make([]*types.Block, 0)
    func() {
        defer a.lock.Unlock()
        newPendingBlock := make([]pendingBlock, 0)
        for _, pending := range a.pendingBlock {
            if pending.block.Position == aID {
                replayBlock = append(replayBlock, pending.block)
            } else if pending.receivedTime.After(expireTime) {
                newPendingBlock = append(newPendingBlock, pending)
        a.pendingBlock = newPendingBlock

    replayVote := make([]*types.Vote, 0)
    func() {
        defer a.lock.Unlock()
        newPendingVote := make([]pendingVote, 0)
        for _, pending := range a.pendingVote {
            if pending.vote.Position == aID {
                replayVote = append(replayVote, pending.vote)
            } else if pending.receivedTime.After(expireTime) {
                newPendingVote = append(newPendingVote, pending)
        a.pendingVote = newPendingVote

    for _, block := range replayBlock {

    for _, vote := range replayVote {

func (a *agreement) stop() {
    a.restart(make(map[types.NodeID]struct{}), types.Position{
        ChainID: math.MaxUint32,

// clocks returns how many time this state is required.
func (a *agreement) clocks() int {
    return a.state.clocks()

// agreementID returns the current agreementID.
func (a *agreement) agreementID() types.Position {
    return a.aID.Load().(types.Position)

// nextState is called at the specific clock time.
func (a *agreement) nextState() (err error) {
    a.state, err = a.state.nextState()

func (a *agreement) sanityCheck(vote *types.Vote) error {
    if exist := func() bool {
        defer a.lock.RUnlock()
        _, exist := a.notarySet[vote.ProposerID]
        return exist
    }(); !exist {
        return ErrNotInNotarySet
    ok, err := verifyVoteSignature(vote)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if !ok {
        return ErrIncorrectVoteSignature
    return nil

func (a *agreement) checkForkVote(vote *types.Vote) error {
    if err := func() error {
        defer a.data.lock.RUnlock()
        if votes, exist := a.data.votes[vote.Period]; exist {
            if oldVote, exist := votes[vote.Type][vote.ProposerID]; exist {
                if vote.BlockHash != oldVote.BlockHash {
                    return &ErrForkVote{vote.ProposerID, oldVote, vote}
        return nil
    }(); err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

// prepareVote prepares a vote.
func (a *agreement) prepareVote(vote *types.Vote) (err error) {
    vote.Position = a.agreementID()
    err = a.authModule.SignVote(vote)

// processVote is the entry point for processing Vote.
func (a *agreement) processVote(vote *types.Vote) error {
    if err := a.sanityCheck(vote); err != nil {
        return err
    if vote.Position != a.agreementID() {
        defer a.lock.Unlock()
        a.pendingVote = append(a.pendingVote, pendingVote{
            vote:         vote,
            receivedTime: time.Now().UTC(),
        return nil
    if err := a.checkForkVote(vote); err != nil {
        return err

    defer a.data.lock.Unlock()
    if _, exist := a.data.votes[vote.Period]; !exist {
        a.data.votes[vote.Period] = newVoteListMap()
    a.data.votes[vote.Period][vote.Type][vote.ProposerID] = vote
    if !a.hasOutput && vote.Type == types.VoteCom {
        if hash, ok := a.data.countVoteNoLock(vote.Period, vote.Type); ok &&
            hash != skipBlockHash {
            a.hasOutput = true
            return nil
    } else if a.hasOutput {
        return nil

    // Check if the agreement requires fast-forwarding.
    if vote.Type == types.VotePreCom {
        if hash, ok := a.data.countVoteNoLock(vote.Period, vote.Type); ok &&
            hash != skipBlockHash {
            // Condition 1.
            if a.data.period >= vote.Period && vote.Period > a.data.lockRound &&
                vote.BlockHash != a.data.lockValue {
                a.data.lockValue = hash
                a.data.lockRound = vote.Period
                a.fastForward <- a.data.period + 1
                return nil
            // Condition 2.
            if vote.Period > a.data.period {
                a.data.lockValue = hash
                a.data.lockRound = vote.Period
                a.fastForward <- vote.Period
                return nil
    // Condition 3.
    if vote.Type == types.VoteCom && vote.Period >= a.data.period &&
        len(a.data.votes[vote.Period][types.VoteCom]) >= a.data.requiredVote {
        a.fastForward <- vote.Period + 1
        return nil
    return nil

func (a *agreement) done() <-chan struct{} {
    ch := make(chan struct{}, 1)
    if a.hasOutput {
        ch <- struct{}{}
    } else {
        select {
        case period := <-a.fastForward:
            if period <= a.data.period {
            a.state = newPreCommitState(a.data)
            ch <- struct{}{}
    return ch

// processBlock is the entry point for processing Block.
func (a *agreement) processBlock(block *types.Block) error {
    defer a.data.blocksLock.Unlock()
    if block.Position != a.agreementID() {
        a.pendingBlock = append(a.pendingBlock, pendingBlock{
            block:        block,
            receivedTime: time.Now().UTC(),
        return nil
    if b, exist := a.data.blocks[block.ProposerID]; exist {
        if b.Hash != block.Hash {
            return &ErrFork{block.ProposerID, b.Hash, block.Hash}
        return nil
    if err := a.data.leader.processBlock(block); err != nil {
        return err
    a.data.blocks[block.ProposerID] = block
    return nil

func (a *agreement) addCandidateBlock(block *types.Block) {
    defer a.lock.Unlock()
    a.candidateBlock[block.Hash] = block

func (a *agreement) findCandidateBlock(hash common.Hash) (*types.Block, bool) {
    defer a.lock.RUnlock()
    b, e := a.candidateBlock[hash]
    return b, e

func (a *agreementData) countVote(period uint64, voteType types.VoteType) (
    blockHash common.Hash, ok bool) {
    defer a.lock.RUnlock()
    return a.countVoteNoLock(period, voteType)

func (a *agreementData) countVoteNoLock(
    period uint64, voteType types.VoteType) (blockHash common.Hash, ok bool) {
    votes, exist := a.votes[period]
    if !exist {
    candidate := make(map[common.Hash]int)
    for _, vote := range votes[voteType] {
        if _, exist := candidate[vote.BlockHash]; !exist {
            candidate[vote.BlockHash] = 0
    for candidateHash, votes := range candidate {
        if votes >= a.requiredVote {
            blockHash = candidateHash
            ok = true

func (a *agreementData) setPeriod(period uint64) {
    for i := a.period + 1; i <= period; i++ {
        if _, exist := a.votes[i]; !exist {
            a.votes[i] = newVoteListMap()
    a.period = period