path: root/mbbsd/chat.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'mbbsd/chat.c')
1 files changed, 107 insertions, 189 deletions
diff --git a/mbbsd/chat.c b/mbbsd/chat.c
index fe954bfc..4e931199 100644
--- a/mbbsd/chat.c
+++ b/mbbsd/chat.c
@@ -260,21 +260,64 @@ chat_cmd(char *buf, int fd)
return 0;
-#define MAXLASTCMD 6
+typedef struct {
+ struct ChatBuf *chatbuf;
+ int cfd;
+ char *chatroom;
+ char *chatid;
+ int *chatting;
+} ChatCbParam;
+// static
+_vgetcb_peek(int key, char *buf, int *picurr, int *piend, int len, void *ptr)
+ ChatCbParam *p = (ChatCbParam*) ptr;
+ assert(p);
+ switch (key) {
+ case I_OTHERDATA: // incoming
+ // XXX why 9? I don't know... just copied from old code.
+ if (chat_recv(p->chatbuf, p->cfd, p->chatroom, p->chatid, 9) == -1) {
+ chat_send(p->cfd, "/b");
+ *(p->chatting) = 0;
+ return VGETCB_ABORT;
+ }
+ return VGETCB_NEXT;
+ case Ctrl('C'):
+ chat_send(p->cfd, "/b");
+ *(p->chatting) = 0;
+ return VGETCB_ABORT;
+ case Ctrl('I'):
+ {
+ VREFSCR scr = vscr_save();
+ add_io(0, 0);
+ t_idle();
+ vscr_restore(scr);
+ add_io(p->cfd, 0);
+ }
+ return VGETCB_NEXT;
+ }
+ return VGETCB_NONE;
static int chatid_len = 10;
-static time4_t lastEnter = 0;
- char chatroom[IDLEN+1];/* Chat-Room Name */
- char inbuf[80], chatid[20], lastcmd[MAXLASTCMD][80], *ptr = "";
+ static time4_t lastEnter = 0;
+ char chatroom[IDLEN+1] = "";/* Chat-Room Name */
+ char inbuf[80], chatid[20] = "", *ptr = "";
struct sockaddr_in sin;
- int cfd, cmdpos, ch;
- int currchar;
+ int cfd;
int chatting = YEA;
- char fpath[80];
- struct ChatBuf chatbuf;
+ char fpath[PATHLEN];
+ struct ChatBuf chatbuf;
+ ChatCbParam vgetparam = {0};
@@ -356,10 +399,6 @@ t_chat(void)
add_io(cfd, 0);
- currchar = 0;
- cmdpos = -1;
- memset(lastcmd, 0, sizeof(lastcmd));
currutmp->in_chat = YEA;
strlcpy(currutmp->chatid, chatid, sizeof(currutmp->chatid));
@@ -379,191 +418,70 @@ t_chat(void)
setuserfile(fpath, "chat_XXXXXX");
flog = fdopen(mkstemp(fpath), "w");
+ // set up vgetstring callback parameter
+ VGET_CALLBACKS vge = { _vgetcb_peek };
+ vgetparam.chatbuf = &chatbuf;
+ = cfd;
+ vgetparam.chatid = chatid;
+ vgetparam.chatroom = chatroom;
+ vgetparam.chatting = &chatting;
while (chatting) {
- move(b_lines - 1, currchar + chatid_len);
- ch = igetch();
- switch (ch) {
- case KEY_DOWN:
- cmdpos += MAXLASTCMD - 2;
- case KEY_UP:
- cmdpos++;
- cmdpos %= MAXLASTCMD;
- strlcpy(inbuf, lastcmd[cmdpos], sizeof(inbuf));
- move(b_lines - 1, chatid_len);
- clrtoeol();
- outs(inbuf);
- currchar = strlen(inbuf);
- continue;
- case KEY_LEFT:
- if (currchar)
- {
- --currchar;
- if(currchar > 0 &&
- DBCS_Status(inbuf, currchar) == DBCS_TRAILING)
- currchar --;
- }
- continue;
- case KEY_RIGHT:
- if (inbuf[currchar])
- {
- ++currchar;
- if(inbuf[currchar] &&
- DBCS_Status(inbuf, currchar) == DBCS_TRAILING)
- currchar++;
- }
- continue;
- continue;
- }
+ print_chatid(chatid);
+ move(b_lines-1, chatid_len);
- if (ISNEWMAIL(currutmp)) {
- printchatline("◆ 噹!郵差又來了...");
- }
- if (ch == I_OTHERDATA) {/* incoming */
- if (chat_recv(&chatbuf, cfd, chatroom, chatid, 9) == -1) {
- chatting = chat_send(cfd, "/b");
- break;
- }
- } else if (isprint2(ch)) {
- if (currchar < 68) {
- if (inbuf[currchar]) { /* insert */
- int i;
- for (i = currchar; inbuf[i] && i < 68; i++);
- inbuf[i + 1] = '\0';
- for (; i > currchar; i--)
- inbuf[i] = inbuf[i - 1];
- } else /* append */
- inbuf[currchar + 1] = '\0';
- inbuf[currchar] = ch;
- move(b_lines - 1, currchar + chatid_len);
- outs(&inbuf[currchar++]);
- }
- } else if (ch == '\n' || ch == '\r') {
- if (*inbuf) {
+ // chatid_len = 10, quote(:) occupies 1, so 79-11=68
+ vgetstring(inbuf, 68, VGET_TRANSPARENT, "", &vge, &vgetparam);
- // prevent flooding */
- static time4_t lasttime = 0;
- static int flood = 0;
- /* // debug anti flodding
- move(b_lines-3, 0); clrtoeol();
- prints("lasttime=%d, now=%d, flood=%d\n",
- lasttime, now, flood);
- refresh();
- */
- syncnow();
- if (now - lasttime < 3 )
- {
- // 3 秒內洗半面是不行的 ((25-5)/2)
- if( ++flood > 10 ){
- // flush all input!
- drop_input();
- while (wait_input(1, 0))
- {
- if (num_in_buf())
- drop_input();
- else
- tty_read((unsigned char*)inbuf, sizeof(inbuf));
- }
- drop_input();
- vmsg("請勿大量剪貼或造成洗板面的效果。");
- // log?
- sleep(2);
- continue;
- }
- } else {
- lasttime = now;
- flood = 0;
- }
-#endif // anti-flood
+ // quick check for end flag or exit command.
+ if (!chatting || strncmp(inbuf, "/b", 2) == 0)
+ break;
- chatting = chat_cmd(inbuf, cfd);
- if (chatting == 0)
- chatting = chat_send(cfd, inbuf);
- if (!strncmp(inbuf, "/b", 2))
- break;
+ // quick continue for empty input
+ if (!*inbuf)
+ continue;
- for (cmdpos = MAXLASTCMD - 1; cmdpos; cmdpos--)
- strlcpy(lastcmd[cmdpos],
- lastcmd[cmdpos - 1], sizeof(lastcmd[cmdpos]));
- strlcpy(lastcmd[0], inbuf, sizeof(lastcmd[0]));
+ {
+ // prevent flooding */
+ static time4_t lasttime = 0;
+ static int flood = 0;
- inbuf[0] = '\0';
- currchar = 0;
- cmdpos = -1;
- }
- print_chatid(chatid);
- move(b_lines - 1, chatid_len);
- } else if (ch == Ctrl('H') || ch == KEY_BS2) {
- if (currchar) {
- int dbcs_off = 1;
- if (ISDBCSAWARE() &&
- DBCS_Status(inbuf, currchar-1) == DBCS_TRAILING)
- dbcs_off = 2;
- currchar -= dbcs_off;
- inbuf[69] = '\0';
- memcpy(&inbuf[currchar], &inbuf[currchar + dbcs_off],
- 69 - currchar);
- move(b_lines - 1, currchar + chatid_len);
- clrtoeol();
- outs(&inbuf[currchar]);
- }
- } else if (ch == Ctrl('Z') || ch == Ctrl('Y')) {
- inbuf[0] = '\0';
- currchar = 0;
- print_chatid(chatid);
- move(b_lines - 1, chatid_len);
- } else if (ch == Ctrl('C')) {
- chat_send(cfd, "/b");
- break;
- } else if (ch == Ctrl('D')) {
- if ((size_t)currchar < strlen(inbuf)) {
- int dbcs_off = 1;
- if (ISDBCSAWARE() && inbuf[currchar+1] &&
- DBCS_Status(inbuf, currchar+1) == DBCS_TRAILING)
- dbcs_off = 2;
- inbuf[69] = '\0';
- memcpy(&inbuf[currchar], &inbuf[currchar + dbcs_off],
- 69 - currchar);
- move(b_lines - 1, currchar + chatid_len);
- clrtoeol();
- outs(&inbuf[currchar]);
+ syncnow();
+ if (now - lasttime < 3 )
+ {
+ // 3 秒內洗半面是不行的 ((25-5)/2)
+ if( ++flood > 10 ){
+ // flush all input!
+ drop_input();
+ while (wait_input(1, 0))
+ {
+ if (num_in_buf())
+ drop_input();
+ else
+ tty_read((unsigned char*)inbuf, sizeof(inbuf));
+ }
+ drop_input();
+ vmsg("請勿大量剪貼或造成洗板面的效果。");
+ // log?
+ sleep(2);
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else {
+ lasttime = now;
+ flood = 0;
- } else if (ch == Ctrl('K')) {
- inbuf[currchar] = 0;
- move(b_lines - 1, currchar + chatid_len);
- clrtoeol();
- } else if (ch == Ctrl('A')) {
- currchar = 0;
- } else if (ch == Ctrl('E')) {
- currchar = strlen(inbuf);
- } else if (ch == Ctrl('I')) {
- screen_backup_t old_screen;
- scr_dump(&old_screen);
- add_io(0, 0);
- t_idle();
- scr_restore(&old_screen);
- add_io(cfd, 0);
- } else if (ch == Ctrl('Q')) {
- print_chatid(chatid);
- move(b_lines - 1, chatid_len);
- outs(inbuf);
- continue;
+#endif // anti-flood
+ // send message to server if possible.
+ if (!chat_cmd(inbuf, cfd))
+ chatting = chat_send(cfd, inbuf);
+ // print mail message if possible.
+ if (ISNEWMAIL(currutmp))
+ printchatline("◆ 噹!郵差又來了...");