diff options
3 files changed, 47 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/include/visio.h b/include/visio.h
index 42e32136..f2879ce6 100644
--- a/include/visio.h
+++ b/include/visio.h
@@ -138,6 +138,8 @@ void vs_header (const char *title, const char *mid, const char *right); // vs_
void vs_hdr (const char *title); // vs_bar, stand_title
void vs_footer (const char *caption, const char *prompt);
+void vs_rectangle_simple(int l, int t, int r, int b); // draw a single line rectangle, not filling inside interior
// columned output
void vs_cols_layout (const VCOL* cols, VCOLW *ws, int n); /// calculate VCOL to fit current screen in ws
void vs_cols (const VCOL* cols, const VCOLW *ws, int n, ...);
diff --git a/mbbsd/register.c b/mbbsd/register.c
index c26d7df0..569ff246 100644
--- a/mbbsd/register.c
+++ b/mbbsd/register.c
@@ -659,13 +659,18 @@ new_register(void)
newuser.pager = PAGER_ON;
strlcpy(newuser.lasthost, fromhost, sizeof(newuser.lasthost));
- // XXX enable this when we complete the user flag of ADBANNER_USONG_FLAG.
- clear();
- prints( "\n\t在使用 BBS 的過程中,您可能會在畫面上方看到一些動態的活動看板告示,\n"
- "\n\t其內容是開放給各使用者申請的,所以包含非商業的活動訊息、各種使用者的\n"
- "\n\t心情點播或政治言論;但這些文字與圖像並不代表站方立場。\n");
- if (vans("請問您希望看到此類使用者心情點播嗎? [y/N]: ") == 'y')
+ vs_hdr("動態看板心情點播顯示設定");
+ // draw a box here
+ outs(
+ "\n\n\t在使用 BBS 的過程中,您可能會在畫面上方此區看到一些動態的訊息告示,"
+ "\n\n\t其內容是開放給各使用者與公益團體申請的,所以會包含非商業的活動資訊、"
+ "\n\n\t來自各使用者的心情點播、政治性言論與各種留言。"
+ "\n\n\n\n"
+ "\n\n\t" ANSI_COLOR(1) "此類由使用者自行發表的文字與圖像並不代表站方立場。"
+ ANSI_RESET "\n");
+ vs_rectangle_simple(1, 1, 78, MAX_ADBANNER_HEIGHT);
+ if (vans("請問您希望看到此類來自其它使用者的心情點播與留言嗎? [y/N]: ") == 'y')
newuser.uflag |= ADBANNER_USONG_FLAG;
diff --git a/mbbsd/visio.c b/mbbsd/visio.c
index bbc29ee8..4f6909d8 100644
--- a/mbbsd/visio.c
+++ b/mbbsd/visio.c
@@ -509,6 +509,40 @@ vbarlr(const char *l, const char *r)
+vs_rectangle_simple(int l, int t, int r, int b)
+ int ol = l;
+ assert( l + 4 <= r &&
+ t + 2 <= b);
+ // draw top line
+ move(t++, ol); l = ol+2;
+ outs("┌");
+ while (l < r-2) { outs("─"); l+= 2; }
+ outs("┐");
+ if (l+2 < r) outs(" ");
+ while (t < b)
+ {
+ move(t++, ol); l = ol+2;
+ outs("│");
+ // while (l < r-2) { outs(" "); l+= 2; }
+ l += (r-l-1)/2*2;
+ move_ansi(t-1, l);
+ outs("│");
+ if (l+2 < r) outs(" ");
+ }
+ // draw bottom line
+ move(t++, ol); l = ol+2;
+ outs("└");
+ while (l < r-2) { outs("─"); l+= 2; }
+ outs("┘");
+ if (l+2 < r) outs(" ");
// ---- THEMED FORMATTING OUTPUT -------------------------------------