path: root/mbbsd
diff options
authorpiaip <piaip@63ad8ddf-47c3-0310-b6dd-a9e9d9715204>2009-07-16 17:49:00 +0800
committerpiaip <piaip@63ad8ddf-47c3-0310-b6dd-a9e9d9715204>2009-07-16 17:49:00 +0800
commit82c30d03d5a5fd8dec7034efb54b674a9f722519 (patch)
treea98077238a90494b7c08fbd4124eb4ab5e30e205 /mbbsd
parent4c374bf8707979e254ae9b68582288e6f52beb73 (diff)
* remove bid as claimed before.
git-svn-id: 63ad8ddf-47c3-0310-b6dd-a9e9d9715204
Diffstat (limited to 'mbbsd')
3 files changed, 39 insertions, 308 deletions
diff --git a/mbbsd/assess.c b/mbbsd/assess.c
index 3035a8d4..64bc7ad5 100644
--- a/mbbsd/assess.c
+++ b/mbbsd/assess.c
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
/* do (*num) + n, n is integer. */
inline static void inc(unsigned char *num, int n)
- if (n >= 0 && SALE_MAXVALUE - *num <= n)
- (*num) = SALE_MAXVALUE;
+ if (n >= 0 && UCHAR_MAX - *num <= n)
+ (*num) = UCHAR_MAX;
else if (n < 0 && *num < -n)
(*num) = 0;
@@ -29,31 +29,13 @@ int inc_##_attr(const char *userid, int num) \
modify_column(goodpost); /* inc_goodpost */
modify_column(badpost); /* inc_badpost */
-#if 0 //unused function
-void set_assess(const char *userid, unsigned char num, int type)
- userec_t xuser;
- int uid = getuser(userid, &xuser);
- if(uid<=0) return;
- switch (type){
- case GOODPOST:
- xuser.goodpost = num;
- break;
- case BADPOST:
- xuser.badpost = num;
- break;
- }
- passwd_sync_update(uid, &xuser);
// how long is AID? see read.c...
#ifndef AIDC_LEN
#define AIDC_LEN (20)
#endif // AIDC_LEN
// #define MAXGP (100)
+#define MAXGP (UCHAR_MAX)
diff --git a/mbbsd/bbs.c b/mbbsd/bbs.c
index 97838214..d34f5799 100644
--- a/mbbsd/bbs.c
+++ b/mbbsd/bbs.c
@@ -538,8 +538,6 @@ readdoent(int num, fileheader_t * ent)
title = ent->filename[0]!='L' ? subject(ent->title) : "<本文鎖定>";
if (ent->filemode & FILE_VOTE)
color = '2', mark = "ˇ";
- else if (ent->filemode & FILE_BID)
- color = '6', mark = "$";
else if (title == ent->title)
color = '1', mark = "□";
@@ -903,71 +901,10 @@ do_crosspost(const char *brd, fileheader_t *postfile, const char *fpath,
touchbpostnum(bid, 1);
-static void
-setupbidinfo(bid_t *bidinfo)
- char buf[PATHLEN];
- bidinfo->enddate = gettime(20, now+DAY_SECONDS,"結束標案於");
- do{
- getdata_str(21, 0, "底價:", buf, 8, LCECHO, "1");
- } while( (bidinfo->high = atoi(buf)) <= 0 );
- do{
- getdata_str(21, 20, "每標至少增加多少:", buf, 5, LCECHO, "1");
- } while( (bidinfo->increment = atoi(buf)) <= 0 );
- getdata(21,44, "直接購買價(可不設):",buf, 10, LCECHO);
- bidinfo->buyitnow = atoi(buf);
- getdata_str(22,0,
- "付款方式: 1." MONEYNAME "幣 2.郵局或銀行轉帳"
- "3.支票或電匯 4.郵局貨到付款 [1]:",
- buf, 3, LCECHO,"1");
- bidinfo->payby = (buf[0] - '1');
- if( bidinfo->payby < 0 || bidinfo->payby > 3)
- bidinfo->payby = 0;
- getdata_str(23, 0, "運費(0:免運費或文中說明)[0]:", buf, 6, LCECHO, "0");
- bidinfo->shipping = atoi(buf);
- if( bidinfo->shipping < 0 )
- bidinfo->shipping = 0;
-static void
-print_bidinfo(FILE *io, bid_t bidinfo)
- char *payby[4]={MONEYNAME "幣", "郵局或銀行轉帳",
- "支票或電匯", "郵局貨到付款"};
- if(io){
- if( !bidinfo.userid[0] )
- fprintf(io, "起標價: %-20d\n", bidinfo.high);
- else
- fprintf(io, "目前最高價:%-20d出價者:%-16s\n",
- bidinfo.high, bidinfo.userid);
- fprintf(io, "付款方式: %-20s結束於:%-16s\n",
- payby[bidinfo.payby % 4], Cdate(& bidinfo.enddate));
- if(bidinfo.buyitnow)
- fprintf(io, "直接購買價:%-20d", bidinfo.buyitnow);
- if(bidinfo.shipping)
- fprintf(io, "運費:%d", bidinfo.shipping);
- fprintf(io, "\n");
- }
- else{
- if(!bidinfo.userid[0])
- prints("起標價: %-20d\n", bidinfo.high);
- else
- prints("目前最高價:%-20d出價者:%-16s\n",
- bidinfo.high, bidinfo.userid);
- prints("付款方式: %-20s結束於:%-16s\n",
- payby[bidinfo.payby % 4], Cdate(& bidinfo.enddate));
- if(bidinfo.buyitnow)
- prints("直接購買價:%-20d", bidinfo.buyitnow);
- if(bidinfo.shipping)
- prints("運費:%d", bidinfo.shipping);
- outc('\n');
- }
static int
-do_general(int isbid)
+do_general(int garbage)
- bid_t bidinfo;
fileheader_t postfile;
char fpath[PATHLEN], buf[STRLEN];
int i, j;
@@ -1010,53 +947,38 @@ do_general(int isbid)
- if(likely(!isbid))
- setbfile(genbuf, currboard, FN_POST_NOTE);
- else
- setbfile(genbuf, currboard, FN_POST_BID);
+ setbfile(genbuf, currboard, FN_POST_NOTE);
if (more(genbuf, NA) == -1) {
- if(!isbid)
- more("etc/" FN_POST_NOTE, NA);
- else
- more("etc/" FN_POST_BID, NA);
+ more("etc/" FN_POST_NOTE, NA);
move(19, 0);
prints("%s於【" ANSI_COLOR(33) " %s" ANSI_RESET " 】 "
ANSI_COLOR(32) "%s" ANSI_RESET " 看板\n",
- isbid?"公開招標":"發表文章",
- currboard, bp->title + 7);
+ "發表文章",
+ currboard, bp->title + 7);
- if (unlikely(isbid)) {
- memset(&bidinfo,0,sizeof(bidinfo));
- setupbidinfo(&bidinfo);
- move(20,0);
- clrtobot();
- }
if (quote_file[0])
do_reply_title(20, currtitle, save_title);
else {
char tmp_title[STRLEN]="";
- if (!isbid) {
- move(21,0);
- outs("種類:");
- for(i=0; i<8 && bp->posttype[i*4]; i++)
- strlcpy(ctype[i],bp->posttype+4*i,5);
- if(i==0) i=8;
- for(j=0; j<i; j++)
- prints("%d.%4.4s ", j+1, ctype[j]);
- sprintf(buf,"(1-%d或不選)",i);
- getdata(21, 6+7*i, buf, tmp_title, 3, LCECHO);
- posttype = tmp_title[0] - '1';
- if (posttype >= 0 && posttype < i)
- snprintf(tmp_title, sizeof(tmp_title),
- "[%s] ", ctype[posttype]);
- else
- {
- tmp_title[0] = '\0';
- posttype=-1;
- }
+ move(21,0);
+ outs("種類:");
+ for(i=0; i<8 && bp->posttype[i*4]; i++)
+ strlcpy(ctype[i],bp->posttype+4*i,5);
+ if(i==0) i=8;
+ for(j=0; j<i; j++)
+ prints("%d.%4.4s ", j+1, ctype[j]);
+ sprintf(buf,"(1-%d或不選)",i);
+ getdata(21, 6+7*i, buf, tmp_title, 3, LCECHO);
+ posttype = tmp_title[0] - '1';
+ if (posttype >= 0 && posttype < i)
+ snprintf(tmp_title, sizeof(tmp_title),
+ "[%s] ", ctype[posttype]);
+ else
+ {
+ tmp_title[0] = '\0';
+ posttype=-1;
getdata_buf(22, 0, "標題:", tmp_title, TTLEN, DOECHO);
strip_ansi(tmp_title, tmp_title, STRIP_ALL);
@@ -1077,14 +999,7 @@ do_general(int isbid)
/* build filename */
setbpath(fpath, currboard);
stampfile(fpath, &postfile);
- if(isbid) {
- FILE *fp;
- if( (fp = fopen(fpath, "w")) != NULL ){
- print_bidinfo(fp, bidinfo);
- fclose(fp);
- }
- }
- else if(posttype!=-1 && ((1<<posttype) & bp->posttype_f)) {
+ if(posttype!=-1 && ((1<<posttype) & bp->posttype_f)) {
setbnfile(genbuf, bp->brdname, "postsample", posttype);
Copy(genbuf, fpath);
@@ -1145,10 +1060,7 @@ do_general(int isbid)
postfile.filemode |= FILE_ANONYMOUS;
postfile.multi.anon_uid = currutmp->uid;
- else if (isbid) {
- money = 0;
- }
- else if(!isbid)
+ else
/* general article */
postfile.modified = dasht(fpath);
@@ -1171,14 +1083,6 @@ do_general(int isbid)
setbpath(fpath, currboard);
stampfile_u(fpath, &postfile);
- // warning: filename should be retrieved from new fpath.
- if(isbid) {
- char bidfn[PATHLEN];
- sprintf(bidfn, "", fpath);
- append_record(bidfn,(void*) &bidinfo, sizeof(bidinfo));
- postfile.filemode |= FILE_BID ;
- }
if (append_record(buf, &postfile, sizeof(postfile)) == -1)
@@ -1223,11 +1127,7 @@ do_general(int isbid)
// Freeboard/BRD_BAD check was already done.
if (!ifuseanony)
- if(postfile.filemode&FILE_BID)
- {
- outs("招標文章沒有稿酬。");
- }
- else if (money > 0)
+ if (money > 0)
addPost = 1;
@@ -2523,148 +2423,7 @@ do_add_recommend(const char *direct, fileheader_t *fhdr,
return 0;
-static int
-do_bid(int ent, fileheader_t * fhdr, const boardheader_t *bp, const char *direct)
- char genbuf[200], fpath[PATHLEN],say[30],*money;
- bid_t bidinfo;
- int mymax, next;
- setdirpath(fpath, direct, fhdr->filename);
- strcat(fpath, ".bid");
- memset(&bidinfo, 0, sizeof(bidinfo));
- if (get_record(fpath, &bidinfo, sizeof(bidinfo), 1) < 0)
- {
- vmsg("系統錯誤: 競標資訊已遺失,請重開新標。");
- return FULLUPDATE;
- }
- move(18,0);
- clrtobot();
- prints("競標主題: %s\n", fhdr->title);
- print_bidinfo(0, bidinfo);
- money = bidinfo.payby ? " NT$ " : MONEYNAME "$ ";
- if( now > bidinfo.enddate || bidinfo.high == bidinfo.buyitnow ){
- outs("此競標已經結束,");
- if( bidinfo.userid[0] ) {
- /*if(!payby && bidinfo.usermax!=-1)
- {以Ptt幣自動扣款
- }*/
- prints("恭喜 %s 以 %d 得標!", bidinfo.userid, bidinfo.high);
- }
- else outs("無人得標!");
- pressanykey();
- return FULLUPDATE;
- }
- if( bidinfo.userid[0] ){
- prints("下次出價至少要:%s%d", money,bidinfo.high + bidinfo.increment);
- if( bidinfo.buyitnow )
- prints(" (輸入 %d 等於以直接購買結束)",bidinfo.buyitnow);
- next = bidinfo.high + bidinfo.increment;
- }
- else{
- prints("起標價: %d", bidinfo.high);
- next=bidinfo.high;
- }
- if( !strcmp(cuser.userid,bidinfo.userid) ){
- outs("你是最高得標者!");
- pressanykey();
- return FULLUPDATE;
- }
- if( strcmp(cuser.userid, fhdr->owner) == 0 ){
- vmsg("警告! 本人不能出價!");
- getdata_str(23, 0, "是否要提早結標? (y/N)", genbuf, 3, LCECHO,"n");
- if( genbuf[0] != 'y' )
- return FULLUPDATE;
- snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf),
- ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "→ "
- ANSI_COLOR(33) "賣方%s提早結標"
- ANSI_RESET "%*s"
- "標%15s %s\n",
- cuser.userid, (int)(45 - strlen(cuser.userid) - strlen(money)),
- " ", fromhost, Cdate_md(&now));
- do_add_recommend(direct, fhdr, ent, genbuf, 0);
- bidinfo.enddate = now;
- substitute_record(fpath, &bidinfo, sizeof(bidinfo), 1);
- vmsg("提早結標完成");
- return FULLUPDATE;
- }
- getdata_str(23, 0, "是否要下標? (y/N)", genbuf, 3, LCECHO,"n");
- if( genbuf[0] != 'y' )
- return FULLUPDATE;
- getdata(23, 0, "您的最高下標金額(0:取消):", genbuf, 10, NUMECHO);
- mymax = atoi(genbuf);
- if( mymax <= 0 ){
- vmsg("取消下標");
- return FULLUPDATE;
- }
- getdata(23,0,"下標感言:",say,12,DOECHO);
- get_record(fpath, &bidinfo, sizeof(bidinfo), 1);
- if( bidinfo.buyitnow && mymax > bidinfo.buyitnow )
- mymax = bidinfo.buyitnow;
- else if( !bidinfo.userid[0] )
- next = bidinfo.high;
- else
- next = bidinfo.high + bidinfo.increment;
- if( mymax< next || (bidinfo.payby == 0 && < mymax) ){
- vmsg("標金不足搶標");
- return FULLUPDATE;
- }
- snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf),
- ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "→ " ANSI_COLOR(33) "%s" ANSI_RESET ANSI_COLOR(33) ":%s" ANSI_RESET "%*s"
- "%s%-15d標%15s %s\n",
- cuser.userid, say,
- (int)(31 - strlen(cuser.userid) - strlen(say)), " ",
- money,
- next, fromhost, Cdate_md(&now));
- do_add_recommend(direct, fhdr, ent, genbuf, 0);
- if( next > bidinfo.usermax ){
- bidinfo.usermax = mymax;
- bidinfo.high = next;
- strcpy(bidinfo.userid, cuser.userid);
- }
- else if( mymax > bidinfo.usermax ) {
- bidinfo.high = bidinfo.usermax + bidinfo.increment;
- if( bidinfo.high > mymax )
- bidinfo.high = mymax;
- bidinfo.usermax = mymax;
- strcpy(bidinfo.userid, cuser.userid);
- snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf),
- ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "→ " ANSI_COLOR(33) "自動競標%s勝出" ANSI_RESET
- ANSI_COLOR(33) ANSI_RESET "%*s%s%-15d標 %s\n",
- cuser.userid,
- (int)(20 - strlen(cuser.userid)), " ", money,
- bidinfo.high,
- Cdate_md(&now));
- do_add_recommend(direct, fhdr, ent, genbuf, 0);
- }
- else {
- if( mymax + bidinfo.increment < bidinfo.usermax )
- bidinfo.high = mymax + bidinfo.increment;
- else
- bidinfo.high=bidinfo.usermax; /*這邊怪怪的*/
- snprintf(genbuf, sizeof(genbuf),
- ANSI_COLOR(1;31) "→ " ANSI_COLOR(33) "自動競標%s勝出"
- ANSI_RESET ANSI_COLOR(33) ANSI_RESET "%*s%s%-15d標 %s\n",
- bidinfo.userid,
- (int)(20 - strlen(bidinfo.userid)), " ", money,
- bidinfo.high,
- Cdate_md(&now));
- do_add_recommend(direct, fhdr, ent, genbuf, 0);
- }
- substitute_record(fpath, &bidinfo, sizeof(bidinfo), 1);
- vmsg("恭喜您! 以最高價搶標完成!");
- return FULLUPDATE;
- int
recommend(int ent, fileheader_t * fhdr, const char *direct)
char buf[PATHLEN], msg[STRLEN];
@@ -2729,10 +2488,6 @@ recommend(int ent, fileheader_t * fhdr, const char *direct)
- if( fhdr->filemode & FILE_BID){
- return do_bid(ent, fhdr, bp, direct);
- }
#ifndef DEBUG
if (!CheckPostRestriction(currbid))
@@ -3068,20 +2823,19 @@ mark_post(int ent, fileheader_t * fhdr, const char *direct)
fhdr->filemode ^= FILE_MARKED;
#ifdef ASSESS
- if (!(fhdr->filemode & FILE_BID)){
- if (fhdr->filemode & FILE_MARKED) {
- if (!(currbrdattr & BRD_BAD) && fhdr->recommend >= 10)
- {
- inc_goodpost(fhdr->owner, fhdr->recommend / 10);
- sendalert(fhdr->owner, ALERT_PWD_GOODPOST);
- }
- }
- else if (fhdr->recommend > 9)
+ if (fhdr->filemode & FILE_MARKED)
+ {
+ if (!(currbrdattr & BRD_BAD) && fhdr->recommend >= 10)
- inc_goodpost(fhdr->owner, -1 * (fhdr->recommend / 10));
+ inc_goodpost(fhdr->owner, fhdr->recommend / 10);
sendalert(fhdr->owner, ALERT_PWD_GOODPOST);
+ else if (fhdr->recommend > 9)
+ {
+ inc_goodpost(fhdr->owner, -1 * (fhdr->recommend / 10));
+ sendalert(fhdr->owner, ALERT_PWD_GOODPOST);
+ }
substitute_ref_record(direct, fhdr, ent);
@@ -3326,15 +3080,11 @@ del_post(int ent, fileheader_t * fhdr, char *direct)
// new rule: only articles with money need updating
// numpost (to solve deleting cross-posts).
// DIGEST mode 不用管
if (fhdr-> < 0 ||
IsFreeBoardName(currboard) || (currbrdattr & BRD_BAD) ||
(currmode & MODE_DIGEST) ||
(fhdr->filemode & INVALIDMONEY_MODES) ||
- /*
- (fhdr->filemode & FILE_ANONYMOUS) ||
- (fhdr->filemode & FILE_BID) ||
- */
fhdr-> = 0;
diff --git a/mbbsd/menu.c b/mbbsd/menu.c
index 8544d96b..aad3493a 100644
--- a/mbbsd/menu.c
+++ b/mbbsd/menu.c
@@ -642,7 +642,6 @@ int _debug_reportstruct()
prints("userinfo_t:\t%d\n", sizeof(userinfo_t));
prints("screenline_t:\t%d\n", sizeof(screenline_t));
prints("SHM_t:\t%d\n", sizeof(SHM_t));
- prints("bid_t:\t%d\n", sizeof(bid_t));
prints("userec_t:\t%d\n", sizeof(userec_t));
return 0;