diff options
authorptt <ptt@63ad8ddf-47c3-0310-b6dd-a9e9d9715204>2004-06-24 00:51:24 +0800
committerptt <ptt@63ad8ddf-47c3-0310-b6dd-a9e9d9715204>2004-06-24 00:51:24 +0800
commitd7dd7919a06864cffb048458575a46e49ac79424 (patch)
parent3c361a74447958d08c8b1151e9957336eb40b494 (diff)
merge tools for fpg
git-svn-id: 63ad8ddf-47c3-0310-b6dd-a9e9d9715204
5 files changed, 278 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/include/fpg.h b/include/fpg.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8014c5b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/fpg.h
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+#define STRLEN 80 /* Length of most string data */
+#define BTLEN 48 /* Length of board title */
+#define FTTLEN 72 /* Length of title */
+#define NAMELEN 40 /* Length of username/realname */
+#define FNLEN 33 /* Length of filename */
+#define IDLEN 12 /* Length of bid/uid */
+#define PASSLEN 14 /* Length of encrypted passwd field */
+#define REGLEN 38 /* Length of registration data */
+typedef unsigned char uschar; /* length = 1 */
+typedef unsigned int usint; /* length = 4 */
+typedef struct
+ uschar id;
+ char broken;
+typedef struct
+ char id;
+ char name[IDLEN + 1];
+ char lv;
+ short lp;
+ ushort mlp;
+ short hp;
+ ushort mhp;
+ uschar po;
+ uschar st;
+ uschar ag;
+ uschar lu;
+ int ex;
+ char emotion;
+ char moral;
+ char wisdom;
+ char will;
+ char charm;
+ WEAPONARMOR armor[4];
+ uschar flag;
+ char hungry;
+ char sick;
+ char angry;
+} PET;
+typedef struct
+ char userid[IDLEN + 1];
+ char realname[20];
+ char username[24];
+ char passwd[PASSLEN];
+ ushort uflag;
+ usint userlevel;
+ ushort numlogins;
+ ushort numposts;
+ time_t firstlogin;
+ time_t lastlogin;
+ char lasthost[16];
+ char email[50];
+ char address[50];
+ char justify[REGLEN + 1];
+ uschar month;
+ uschar day;
+ uschar year;
+ uschar sex;
+ uschar state;
+ ushort mailk;
+ ushort keepmail;
+ int money;
+ ushort totalday;
+ uschar totalhour;
+ uschar totalmin;
+ int market[10];
+ short locate;
+ char action;
+ char direct;
+ char speed;
+ char count;
+ uschar landnum;
+ uschar tool[10];
+ char NAME[IDLEN + 1];
+ char LV;
+ short HP;
+ short MHP;
+ short MP;
+ short MMP;
+ short WC;
+ short AC;
+ short PO;
+ short ST;
+ short AG;
+ short LU;
+ int EX;
+ char EVENT;
+ uschar WA[6];
+ uschar USE[10];
+ uschar MAGIC[5];
+ short OCCUPATION[4];
+ uschar cardfightnum;
+ uschar cardfight[20];
+ uschar dragon[5];
+ PET pet;
+ char left[40];
+} ACCT;
+struct fileheader
+ char filename[FNLEN]; /* M.9876543210.A */
+ char savemode; /* file save mode */
+ char owner[IDLEN + 2]; /* uid[.] */
+ char date[6]; /* [02/02] or space(5) */
+ char title[FTTLEN + 1];
+ uschar filemode; /* must be last field @ boards.c */
+typedef struct fileheader fileheader;
+struct boardheader
+ char brdname[IDLEN + 1]; /* bid */
+ char title[BTLEN + 1];
+ char BM[IDLEN * 3 + 3]; /* BMs' uid, token '/' */
+ char group[9]; /* 看板分類 */
+ char type; /* 看板性質: 轉信?目錄? */
+ char pad[1];
+ time_t bupdate; /* note update time */
+ char pad2[3];
+ uschar bvote; /* Vote flags */
+ time_t vtime; /* Vote close time */
+ usint level;
+typedef struct boardheader boardheader;
diff --git a/include/proto.h b/include/proto.h
index 13bbd834..2096eb29 100644
--- a/include/proto.h
+++ b/include/proto.h
@@ -338,6 +338,11 @@ int Xyz(void);
int Play_Play(void);
int Name_Menu(void);
+#ifdef MERGEBBS
+/* merge */
+int m_fpg(void);
/* more */
int more(char *fpath, int promptend);
diff --git a/mbbsd/Makefile b/mbbsd/Makefile
index 1a078380..c60550f3 100644
--- a/mbbsd/Makefile
+++ b/mbbsd/Makefile
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ CFLAGS+= -DBLOG
LDFLAGS+= -L/usr/local/lib/mysql -lmysqlclient
PROG= mbbsd
OBJS= admin.o announce.o args.o assess.o bbs.o board.o cache.o cal.o card.o\
chat.o chc.o chicken.o convert.o dark.o edit.o fav.o friend.o gamble.o\
@@ -15,6 +16,11 @@ OBJS= admin.o announce.o args.o assess.o bbs.o board.o cache.o cal.o card.o\
register.o screen.o stuff.o talk.o term.o topsong.o user.o brc.o\
vice.o vote.o xyz.o voteboard.o syspost.o var.o passwd.o calendar.o
+.if defined(MERGEBBS)
+OBJS+= merge.o
.SUFFIXES: .c .o
.c.o: ../include/var.h
$(CCACHE) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $*.c
diff --git a/mbbsd/menu.c b/mbbsd/menu.c
index b1c45f4b..71b63718 100644
--- a/mbbsd/menu.c
+++ b/mbbsd/menu.c
@@ -393,6 +393,9 @@ const static commands_t userlist[] = {
{u_register, PERM_BASIC, "RRegister 填寫《註冊申請單》"},
{u_list, PERM_SYSOP, "UUsers 列出註冊名單"},
+#ifdef MERGEBBS
+ {m_fpg, PERM_LOGINOK, "FFPG import 花園變身術"},
diff --git a/mbbsd/merge.c b/mbbsd/merge.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5494e3df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mbbsd/merge.c
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+/* $Id: merge.c 2060 2004-06-11 17:18:06Z Ptt $ */
+#define _XOPEN_SOURCE
+#define _ISOC99_SOURCE
+/* this is a interface provided when we merge BBS */
+#include "bbs.h"
+#include "fpg.h"
+ char genbuf[256], buf[1024], userid[25], passbuf[24];
+ int count=0, i;
+ FILE *fp;
+ ACCT man;
+ time_t d;
+ clear();
+ move(1,0);
+ outs(
+ "此功\能是專門給各位資深花園使用者,\n"
+ "把自己的變為資深Ptt使用者,讓花園的使用者享有平等安全的環境.\n"
+ "直接按[Enter]離開.\n\n"
+ "特別叮嚀: \n"
+ " 為了帳號安全,您只有連續三次密碼錯誤的機會,請小心輸入.\n"
+ " 連續三次錯誤您的變身功\能就會被開罰單並直接通知站長.\n"
+ " 請不要在變身過程中不正常斷線, 刻意斷線變半獸人站長不負責唷.");
+ if(search_ulistn(usernum,2))
+ {vmsg("請不要multi-login時使用, 以免變身失敗"); return 0;}
+ do
+ {
+ if(!getdata(8,0, "請小心輸入小魚的ID [英文大小寫要完全正確]:", userid, 20,
+ DOECHO)) return 0;
+ if(bad_user_id(userid)) continue;
+ sprintf(genbuf, "/home/bbs/fpg/home/%c/%s.ACT",userid[0], userid);
+ if(!(fp=fopen(genbuf, "r")))
+ {
+ vmsg("查無此人或已經匯入過..請注意大小寫 ");
+ continue;
+ }
+ count = fread(&man, sizeof(man), 1, fp);
+ fclose(fp);
+ }while(!count);
+ count = 0;
+ do{
+ getdata(9,0, "請小心輸入您在小魚的密碼:", passbuf, sizeof(passbuf),
+ if(++count>=3)
+ {
+ cuser.userlevel |= PERM_VIOLATELAW;
+ cuser.vl_count++;
+ passwd_update(usernum, &cuser);
+ post_violatelaw(cuser.userid, "[PTT警察]", "測試小魚帳號錯誤三次",
+ "違法觀察");
+ mail_violatelaw(cuser.userid, "[PTT警察]", "測試小魚帳號錯誤三次",
+ "違法觀察");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } while(!checkpasswd(man.passwd, passbuf));
+ if(!dashf(genbuf)) // avoid multi-login
+ {
+ vmsg("查無此人或已經匯入過..請注意大小寫 ");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ sprintf(buf,"%s.done",genbuf);
+ rename(genbuf,buf);
+ move(10,0);
+ reload_money();
+ prints("您的花園幣有 %d 換算成 Ptt 幣為 %d (匯率 155:1), 匯入後共有 %d\n",
+,, +;
+ demoney(;
+ cuser.exmailbox += man.mailk;
+ prints("您的花園信相有 %d , 匯入後共有 %d\n",
+ man.mailk, cuser.exmailbox );
+ if(cuser.firstlogin>man.firstlogin) d = man.firstlogin;
+ else d = cuser.firstlogin;
+ prints("花園註冊日期 %s 與此帳號 %s 比 將取 %s",
+ Cdate(&man.firstlogin), Cdate(&cuser.firstlogin),
+ Cdate(&d) );
+ cuser.firstlogin = d;
+ if(cuser.numlogins < man.numlogins) i = man.numlogins;
+ else i = cuser.numlogins;
+ prints("花園進站次數 %d 與此帳號 %d 比 將取 %d", man.numlogins,
+ cuser.numlogins, i);
+ cuser.numlogins = i;
+ if(cuser.numposts < man.numposts ) i = man.numposts;
+ else i = cuser.numposts;
+ prints("花園文章次數 %d 與此帳號 %d 比 將取 %d", man.numposts,cuser.numposts,
+ i);
+ cuser.numposts = i;
+ while(search_ulistn(usernum,2))
+ {vmsg("請將重覆上站其他線關閉! 再繼續");}
+ passwd_update(usernum, &cuser);
+ sethomeman(genbuf, cuser.userid);
+ mkdir(genbuf, 0600);
+ sprintf(buf, "cd home/bbs/fpg/tmp; tar zxvf ../home/%c/%s.tgz"
+ "cd home/bbs/home/%c; mv %s ../../../..;"
+ "cd ../../../../%s; ",
+ userid[0], userid, userid[0], userid, userid);
+ i = 0;
+ if (getans("是否匯入個人信箱以及信箱精華區? (Y/n)")!='n')
+ {
+ sprintf(genbuf,
+ "mv M.* /home/bbs/home/%c/%s;"
+ "mv man/* /home/bbs/home/%c/%s/man;", cuser.userid[0], cuser.userid,
+ cuser.userid[0], cuser.userid);
+ strcat(buf,genbuf);
+ i++;
+ }
+ if (getans("是否匯入好友名單? (會覆蓋\現有設定, ID可能是不同人)? (y/N)")=='y')
+ {
+ sprintf(genbuf,"mv overrides /home/bbs/home/%c/%s; ",
+ cuser.userid[0], cuser.userid);
+ strcat(buf, genbuf);
+ i++;
+ }
+ if(i) system(buf);
+ vmsg("恭喜您完成帳號變身..");
+ return 0;