# 請註意!
# 本程式版權屬於 PttBBS ,
# 但只表示您可以公開免費取得本程式,
# 並不表示您可以使用本程式.
# 本程式將直接連至 udnnews網站取得當前新聞,
# 而新聞內容的版權是屬於 聯合新聞網 所有.
# 亦即, 您若沒有聯合新聞網之書面授權,
# 您並「不能」使用本程式下載該網新聞.
use lib '/home/bbs/bin/';
use LocalVars;
use strict;
use vars qw/@titles/;
chdir '/home/bbs';
foreach( @titles ){
postout({brdname => 'udnnews',
title => strreplace(FormatChinese($_->[1])),
owner => 'udnnews.',
content => getudnnewscontent("http://www.udn.com/NEWS/FOCUSNEWS/$_->[0]", $_)});
sub strreplace
my($str) = @_;
$str =~ s/十/十/g;
$str =~ s/卅/卅/g;
$str =~ s/游錫\&\#22531\;/游揆/g;
return $str;
sub getudnnewscontent($$)
my($url, $title) = @_;
my($buf, $content, $ret);
$buf = `$LYNX -source '$url'`;
($content) = $buf =~ m|<!-- start of content -->(.*?)<!-- end of content -->|s;
# ($content) = $buf =~ m|<p><font color="#CC0033" class="text12">(.*?)<tr valign="top">|s if( !$content );
$content =~ s/<p>/\n/gi;
$content =~ s/<.*?>//g;
$content =~ s/ //g;
$content =~ s/\r//g;
$content =~ s/\n+/\n/gs;
$content = strreplace($content);
undef $ret;
foreach( split(/\n/, $content) ){
s/ //g;
$ret .= FormatChinese($_, 60). "\n" if( $_ );
"作者: udnnews.(聯合新聞網) 看板: udnnews\n".
"標題: $title\n".
"時間: 即時\n".
"※ [轉錄自 $url ]\n\n$ret\n\n".
"--\n\n 聯合新聞網 http://www.udn.com/ 獨家授權批踢踢實業坊 ".
"\n 未經允許\請勿擅自使用 ";
sub getudnnewstitle($)
my($ra_titles) = @_;
my($url, $title);
open FH, "$LYNX -source http://www.udn.com/NEWS/FOCUSNEWS/ | $GREP '<font color=\"#FF9933\">' |";
while( <FH> ){
($url, $title) = $_ =~ m|<font color="#FF9933">.</font><a href="(.*?)"><font color="#003333">(.*?)</font></a><font color="#003333">|;
$title =~ s/<.*?>//g;
push @{$ra_titles}, [$url, $title];
close FH;
return @{$ra_titles};
sub FormatChinese
my($str, $length) = @_;
my($i, $ret, $count, $s);
return if( !$str );
for( $i = 0 ; $i < length($str) ; ++$i ){
if( ord(substr($str, $i, 1)) > 127 ){
$ret .= substr($str, $i, 2);
for( $count = 0, $s = $i ; $i < length($str) ; ++$i, ++$count ){
last if( ord(substr($str, $i, 1)) > 127 );
$ret .= ' ' if( $count % 2 == 1);
$ret .= substr($str, $s, $count);
if( $length ){
$str = $ret;
undef $ret;
while( $str ){
$ret .= substr($str, 0, $length)."\n";
$str = substr($str, $length);
return $ret;
sub postout
my($param) = @_;
return if( !$param->{title} );
open FH, ">/tmp/postout.$$";
print FH $param->{content};
#print "$param->{content}";
close FH;
system("bin/post '$param->{brdname}' '$param->{title}' '$param->{owner}' /tmp/postout.$$");
unlink "/tmp/postout.$$";