/* $Id$ */
#include "bbs.h"
const char * const str_permid[] = {
"基本權力", /* PERM_BASIC */
"進入聊天室", /* PERM_CHAT */
"找人聊天", /* PERM_PAGE */
"發表文章", /* PERM_POST */
"註冊程序認證", /* PERM_LOGINOK */
"信件無上限", /* PERM_MAILLIMIT */
"隱身術", /* PERM_CLOAK */
"看見忍者", /* PERM_SEECLOAK */
"永久保留帳號", /* PERM_XEMPT */
"站長隱身術", /* PERM_DENYPOST */
"板主", /* PERM_BM */
"帳號總管", /* PERM_ACCOUNTS */
"聊天室總管", /* PERM_CHATCLOAK */
"看板總管", /* PERM_BOARD */
"站長", /* PERM_SYSOP */
"不列入排行榜", /* PERM_NOTOP */
"違法通緝中", /* PERM_VIOLATELAW */
"可擔任小天使", /* PERM_ANGEL */
"不允許\認證碼註冊", /* PERM_NOREGCODE */
"視覺站長", /* PERM_VIEWSYSOP */
"觀察使用者行蹤", /* PERM_LOGUSER */
"禠奪公權", /* PERM_NOCITIZEN */
"帳號審核組", /* PERM_ACCTREG */
"程式組", /* PERM_PRG */
"活動組", /* PERM_ACTION */
"美工組", /* PERM_PAINT */
"警察總管", /* PERM_POLICE_MAN */
"小組長", /* PERM_SYSSUBOP */
"退休站長", /* PERM_OLDSYSOP */
"警察" /* PERM_POLICE */
const char * const str_permboard[] = {
"不可 Zap", /* BRD_NOZAP */
"不列入統計", /* BRD_NOCOUNT */
"不轉信", /* BRD_NOTRAN */
"群組板", /* BRD_GROUPBOARD */
"隱藏板", /* BRD_HIDE */
"限制(不需設定)", /* BRD_POSTMASK */
"匿名板", /* BRD_ANONYMOUS */
"違法改進中看板", /* BRD_BAD */
"連署專用看板", /* BRD_VOTEBOARD */
"已警告要廢除", /* BRD_WARNEL */
"熱門看板群組", /* BRD_TOP */
"不可推薦", /* BRD_NORECOMMEND */
"布落格", /* BRD_BLOG */
"板主設定列入記錄", /* BRD_BMCOUNT */
"連結看板", /* BRD_SYMBOLIC */
"不可噓", /* BRD_NOBOO */
"預設 Local Save", /* BRD_LOCALSAVE */
"Guest可以發表", /* BRD_GUESTPOST */
"冷靜", /* BRD_COOLDOWN */
"冷靜(本站無效)", /* BRD_COOLDOWN */
"自動留轉錄記錄", /* BRD_CPLOG */
"轉錄記錄(本站無效)", /* BRD_CPLOG */
"禁止快速推文", /* BRD_NOFASTRECMD */
"推文記錄 IP", /* BRD_IPLOGRECMD */
"十八禁", /* BRD_OVER18 */
"對齊式推文", /* BRD_ALIGNEDCMT */
int usernum;
int currmode = 0;
int currsrmode = 0;
int curredit = 0;
int currbid;
char quote_file[80] = "\0";
char quote_user[80] = "\0";
char currtitle[TTLEN + 1] = "\0";
const char *currboard = "\0";
char currBM[IDLEN * 3 + 10];
char margs[64] = "\0"; /* main argv list */
pid_t currpid; /* current process ID */
time4_t login_start_time;
time4_t start_time;
userec_t pwcuser; /* current user structure */
crosspost_t postrecord; /* anti cross post */
unsigned int currbrdattr;
unsigned int currstat;
/* global string variables */
/* filename */
char * const fn_passwd = FN_PASSWD;
char * const fn_board = FN_BOARD;
char * const fn_note_ans = FN_NOTE_ANS;
const char * const fn_plans = "plans";
const char * const fn_writelog = "writelog";
const char * const fn_talklog = "talklog";
const char * const fn_overrides = FN_OVERRIDES;
const char * const fn_reject = FN_REJECT;
const char * const fn_notes = "notes";
const char * const fn_water = FN_WATER;
const char * const fn_visable = FN_VISABLE;
const char * const fn_mandex = "/.Names";
const char * const fn_boardlisthelp = FN_BRDLISTHELP;
const char * const fn_boardhelp = FN_BOARDHELP;
/* are descript in userec.loginview */
char * const loginview_file[NUMVIEWFILE][2] = {
{FN_NOTE_ANS, "酸甜苦辣流言板"},
{FN_TOPSONG, "點歌排行榜"},
{"etc/topusr", "十大排行榜"},
{"etc/topusr100", "百大排行榜"},
{"etc/weather.tmp", "天氣快報"},
{"etc/stock.tmp", "股市快報"},
{"etc/day", "今日十大話題"},
{"etc/week", "一週五十大話題"},
{"etc/today", "今天上站人次"},
{"etc/yesterday", "昨日上站人次"},
{"etc/history", "歷史上的今天"},
{"etc/topboardman", "精華區排行榜"},
{"etc/topboard.tmp", "看板人氣排行榜"},
{"@calendar", "個人行事曆"},
/* message */
char * const msg_seperator = MSG_SEPERATOR;
char * const msg_cancel = MSG_CANCEL;
char * const msg_usr_left = MSG_USR_LEFT;
char * const msg_sure_ny = MSG_SURE_NY;
char * const msg_sure_yn = MSG_SURE_YN;
char * const msg_bid = MSG_BID;
char * const msg_uid = MSG_UID;
char * const msg_del_ok = MSG_DEL_OK;
char * const msg_del_ny = MSG_DEL_NY;
char * const msg_fwd_ok = MSG_FWD_OK;
char * const msg_fwd_err1 = MSG_FWD_ERR1;
char * const msg_fwd_err2 = MSG_FWD_ERR2;
char * const err_board_update = ERR_BOARD_UPDATE;
char * const err_bid = ERR_BID;
char * const err_uid = ERR_UID;
char * const err_filename = ERR_FILENAME;
char * const str_mail_address = "." BBSUSER "@" MYHOSTNAME;
char * const str_reply = "Re: ";
char * const str_space = " \t\n\r";
char * const str_sysop = "SYSOP";
char * const str_author1 = STR_AUTHOR1;
char * const str_author2 = STR_AUTHOR2;
char * const str_post1 = STR_POST1;
char * const str_post2 = STR_POST2;
char * const BBSName = BBSNAME;
/* MAX_MODES is defined in common.h */
char * const ModeTypeTable[] = {
"發呆", /* IDLE */
"主選單", /* MMENU */
"系統維護", /* ADMIN */
"郵件選單", /* MAIL */
"交談選單", /* TMENU */
"使用者選單", /* UMENU */
"XYZ 選單", /* XMENU */
"分類看板", /* CLASS */
"Play選單", /* PMENU */
"編特別名單", /* NMENU */
BBSMNAME2 "量販店", /* PSALE */
"發表文章", /* POSTING */
"看板列表", /* READBRD */
"閱\讀文章", /* READING */
"新文章列表", /* READNEW */
"選擇看板", /* SELECT */
"讀信", /* RMAIL */
"寫信", /* SMAIL */
"聊天室", /* CHATING */
"其他", /* XMODE */
"尋找好友", /* FRIEND */
"上線使用者", /* LAUSERS */
"使用者名單", /* LUSERS */
"追蹤站友", /* MONITOR */
"呼叫", /* PAGE */
"查詢", /* TQUERY */
"交談", /* TALK */
"編名片檔", /* EDITPLAN */
"編簽名檔", /* EDITSIG */
"投票中", /* VOTING */
"設定資料", /* XINFO */
"寄給站長", /* MSYSOP */
"汪汪汪", /* WWW */
"打大老二", /* BIG2 */
"回應", /* REPLY */
"被水球打中", /* HIT */
"水球準備中", /* DBACK */
"筆記本", /* NOTE */
"編輯文章", /* EDITING */
"發系統通告", /* MAILALL */
"摸兩圈", /* MJ */
"電腦擇友", /* P_FRIEND */
"上站途中", /* LOGIN */
"查字典", /* DICT */
"打橋牌", /* BRIDGE */
"找檔案", /* ARCHIE */
"打地鼠", /* GOPHER */
"看News", /* NEWS */
"情書產生器", /* LOVE */
"編輯輔助器", /* EDITEXP */
"申請IP位址", /* IPREG */
"網管辦公中", /* NetAdm */
"虛擬實業坊", /* DRINK */
"計算機", /* CAL */
"編輯座右銘", /* PROVERB */
"公佈欄", /* ANNOUNCE */
"刻流言板", /* EDNOTE */
"英漢翻譯機", /* CDICT */
"檢視自己物品", /* LOBJ */
"點歌", /* OSONG */
"與寵物同樂", /* CHICKEN */
"玩彩券", /* TICKET */
"猜數字", /* GUESSNUM */
"遊樂場", /* AMUSE */
"單人黑白棋", /* OTHELLO */
"玩骰子", /* DICE */
"發票對獎", /* VICE */
"逼逼摳ing", /* BBCALL */
"繳罰單", /* CROSSPOST */
"五子棋", /* M_FIVE */
"21點ing", /* JACK_CARD */
"10點半ing", /* TENHALF */
"超級九十九", /* CARD_99 */
"火車查詢", /* RAIL_WAY */
"搜尋選單", /* SREG */
"下象棋", /* CHC */
"下暗棋", /* DARK */
"NBA大猜測", /* TMPJACK */
BBSMNAME2 "查榜系統", /* JCEE */
"重編文章", /* REEDIT */
"部落格", /* BLOGGING */
"下圍棋", /* UMODE_GO */
"[系統錯誤]", /* DEBUGSLEEPING */
"連六棋", /* UMODE_CONN6 */
"黑白棋", /* REVERSI */
"播放動畫", /* UMODE_ASCIIMOVIE */
"", // 90
"", // 100
"", // 110
"", // 120
/* term.c */
int b_lines = 23; // bottom line of screen (= t_lines - 1)
int t_lines = 24; // term lines
int p_lines = 20; // 扣掉 header(3), footer(1), 畫面上可以顯示資料的行數
int t_columns = 80;
/* refer to ansi.h for *len */
char * const strtstandout = ANSI_REVERSE;
const int strtstandoutlen = 4;
char * const endstandout = ANSI_RESET;
const int endstandoutlen = 3;
char * const clearbuf = ESC_STR "[H" ESC_STR "[J";
const int clearbuflen = 6;
char * const cleolbuf = ESC_STR "[K";
const int cleolbuflen = 3;
char * const scrollrev = ESC_STR "M";
const int scrollrevlen = 2;
int automargins = 1;
/* io.c */
time4_t now;
int KEY_ESC_arg;
int watermode = -1;
int wmofo = NOTREPLYING;
* ????????????????????
* Ptt 水球回顧 (FIXME: guessed by scw)
* watermode = -1 沒在回水球
* = 0 在回上一顆水球 (Ctrl-R)
* > 0 在回前 n 顆水球 (Ctrl-R Ctrl-R)
* wmofo = NOTREPLYING 沒在回水球
* = REPLYING 正在回水球
* = RECVINREPLYING 回水球間又接到水球
* wmofo >=0 時收到水球將只顯示, 不會到water[]裡,
* 待回完水球的時候一次寫入.
/* cache.c */
int numboards = -1;
boardheader_t *bcache;
userinfo_t *currutmp;
/* read.c */
int TagNum = 0; /* tag's number */
int TagBoard = -1; /* TagBoard = 0 : user's mailbox */
/* TagBoard > 0 : bid where last taged */
char currdirect[64];
/* bbs.c */
char real_name[IDLEN + 1];
char local_article;
/* mbbsd.c */
char fromhost[STRLEN] = "\0";
char fromhost_masked[32] = "\0"; // masked 'fromhost'
char water_usies = 0;
FILE *fp_writelog = NULL;
water_t *water, *swater[6], *water_which;
char over18 = 0;
/* chc_play.c */
/* user.c */
int user_query_mode;
* user_query_mode = 0 simple data
* = 1 gomoku chess country data
* = 2 chc chess country data
* = 3 go chess country data
#endif /* defined(CHESSCOUNTRY) */
/* screen.c */
#define scr_lns t_lines
#define scr_cols ANSILINELEN
screenline_t *big_picture = NULL;
char roll = 0;
char msg_occupied = 0;
/* gomo.c */
const char * const bw_chess[] = {"○", "●", "。", "‧"};
/* friend.c */
/* Ptt 各種特別名單的檔名 */
char *friend_file[8] = {
"", /* may point to other filename */
char reentrant_write_request = 0;
#define COMMON_TIME (SHM->GV2.e.now)
#define COMMON_TIME (time(0))
#define COMMON_TIME (now)