path: root/common/sys/vtkbd.c
blob: 3ea4bed1e73b55e48f83198db4d1ed9cc713b7d6 (plain) (tree)



























 * vtkbd.c
 * Virtual Terminal Keyboard
 * piaip's new re-implementation of xterm/VT100/220/ANSI key input 
 * escape sequence parser for BBS
 * Author: Hung-Te Lin (piaip)
 * Create: Wed Sep 23 15:06:43 CST 2009
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (c) 2009 Hung-Te Lin <>
 * All rights reserved.
 * Distributed under BSD license (GPL compatible).
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
 *   * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
 *     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 *   * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
 *     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
 *     documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * References:
 *  PuTTY Source < terminal.c, term_key() >
 *  Termcap
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * * BS/DEL Rules
 *   The BackSpace, Erase(<X]), and Delete keys are special due to history...
 *    - on vt220,       BS=0x7F, Delete=ESC[3~  (screen/xterm/PuTTY/PCMan)
 *    - on vt100,       BS=0x7F
 *    - on vt100/xterm, BS=0x08, Delete=0x7F    (VMX/Windows/DOS telnet/KKMan)
 *   So we define 
 *      KEY_BS  = BACKSPACE/ERASE = 0x08, 0x7F
 *      KEY_DEL = DELETE          = ESC[3~
 * * CR/LF  Rules
 *   The traditional newline maps to following combination...
 *   - UNIX, LF
 *   - Win,  CR+LF
 *   - Mac,  CR
 *   When it comes to terminal, most terminal sends CR or CR+LF for ENTER key.
 *   To simply processing, we treat CR+LF as single key stroke (CR).
 *   There were reports that some users getting double ENTERs if we take LF
 *   as ENTER, so we decided reject LF. We are not sure if there is any 
 *   clients sending LF only, but according the the compatibility test, 
 *   most modern clients send only CR (or CR+LF).
 *   So we define
 *      KEY_CR  = CR, CR+LF
 *      KEY_LF  = ignored.
 * * Editing Keys (Home/End/Ins/Del/PgUp/PgDn, Find/Select/Ins/Prev/Remove/Next):
 *   Some old terminals use location mapping instead of mnemonic mapping:
 *   Well.... I decide to follow the mnemonic mapping. Unfortunately some
 *   terminals (may include gnome-terminal, as I've heard) may get into trouble.
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * * The complete list to support:
 *   - Up/Down/Right/Left:          <Esc> [ <A-D>       | <Esc> O <A-D> (app)
 *   - Home/Ins/Del/End/PgUp/PgDn:  <Esc> [ <1~6> ~
 *   - Shift-TAB:                   <Esc> [ Z           | <Esc> [ 0 Z
 *   - F1~F4:                       <Esc> [ 1 <1234> ~  | <Esc> O <PQRS>  
 *   - F5:                          <Esc> [ 1 <5> ~ 
 *   - F6-F8:                       <Esc> [ 1 <789> ~
 *   - F9-F12:                      <Esc> [ 2 <0134> ~
 *   - Num 0-9 *+,-./=ENTER:        <Esc> O <pqrstuvwxyjklmnoXM>
 *   - (SCO) End/PgDn/Home/PgUp/Ins <Esc> [ <FGHIL>
 *   - (SCO) Del                    <0x7F>
 *   - (Xterm) HOME/END             <Esc> <[O> <HF>
     - (rxvt)  HOME/END             <Esc> [ <78> ~
 *   - (putty-rxvt) HOME            <Esc> [ H
 *   - (putty-rxvt) END             <Esc> O w
 *   - (Old Term?) Home/Ins/Del/End/PgUp/PgDn:  <Esc> [ <214536> ~  // not supported
 *   Note: we don't support some rare terms like <Esc> O <TUVWXYZA> described 
 *   in Dell 2650 in order to prevent confusion. 
 *   Num pad is also always converted to digits.

#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "vtkbd.h"

/* VtkbdCtx.state */
typedef enum {
    VKSTATE_ESC,        // <Esc>
    VKSTATE_ESC_APP,    // <Esc> O
    VKSTATE_ESC_QUOTE,  // <Esc> [
    VKSTATE_ZERO,       // <Esc> [ 0    (wait Z)
    VKSTATE_ONE,        // <Esc> [ <1> 
    VKSTATE_TWO,        // <Esc> [ <2> 
    VKSTATE_TLIDE,      // <Esc> [ *    (wait ~, return esc_arg)

#define VKRAW_BS    0x08    // \b = Ctrl('H')
#define VKRAW_ERASE 0x7F    // <X]

/* the processor API */
vtkbd_process(int c, VtkbdCtx *ctx)
    switch (ctx->state)
        case VKSTATE_NORMAL:    // original state
            if (c == KEY_ESC)
                ctx->state = VKSTATE_ESC;
                return KEY_INCOMPLETE;

            // simple mappings
            switch (c) {
                // BS/ERASE/DEL Rules
                case VKRAW_BS:
                case VKRAW_ERASE:
                    return KEY_BS;
            return c;

        case VKSTATE_ESC:       // <Esc>
            switch (c) {
                case '[':
                    ctx->state = VKSTATE_ESC_QUOTE;
                    return KEY_INCOMPLETE;

                case 'O':
                    ctx->state = VKSTATE_ESC_APP;
                    return KEY_INCOMPLETE;

                case '0':
                    ctx->state = VKSTATE_ZERO;
                    return KEY_INCOMPLETE;

            // XXX should we map this into another section of KEY_ESC_* ?
            ctx->esc_arg = c;
            ctx->state = VKSTATE_NORMAL;
            return KEY_ESC;

        case VKSTATE_ZERO:  // <Esc> 0
            if (c != 'Z')

            ctx->state = VKSTATE_NORMAL;
            return KEY_STAB;

        case VKSTATE_ESC_APP:   // <Esc> O

            switch (c) {
                case 'A':
                case 'B':
                case 'C':
                case 'D':
                    ctx->state = VKSTATE_NORMAL;
                    return KEY_UP + (c - 'A');

                    // SCO
                case 'H':
                    ctx->state = VKSTATE_NORMAL;
                    return KEY_HOME;
                case 'F':
                    ctx->state = VKSTATE_NORMAL;
                    return KEY_END;
                case 'G':
                    ctx->state = VKSTATE_NORMAL;
                    return KEY_PGDN;
                case 'I':
                    ctx->state = VKSTATE_NORMAL;
                    return KEY_PGUP;
                case 'L':
                    ctx->state = VKSTATE_NORMAL;
                    return KEY_INS;

                case 'P':
                case 'Q':
                case 'R':
                case 'S':
                    ctx->state = VKSTATE_NORMAL;
                    return KEY_F1 + (c - 'P');

                    // rxvt style DELETE
                case 'w':
                    ctx->state = VKSTATE_NORMAL;
                    return KEY_DEL;

                    // Num pads: was always converted to NumLock=ON
                    // However we let 'w' map to DEL..
                    // XXX the 'w' may be used as Delete...
                case 'p': case 'q': case 'r': case 's':
                case 't': case 'u': case 'v': 
                // case 'w':
                case 'x': case 'y':
                    ctx->state = VKSTATE_NORMAL;
                    return '0' + (c - 'p');

                case 'M':
                    ctx->state = VKSTATE_NORMAL;
                    return KEY_ENTER;

                case 'X':
                    ctx->state = VKSTATE_NORMAL;
                    return '=';

                case 'j': case 'k': case 'l': case 'm': 
                case 'n': case 'o':
                        static const char *numx = "*+,-./";
                        assert( c >= 'j' && (c-'j') < strlen(numx));
                        ctx->state = VKSTATE_NORMAL;
                        return numx[c-'j'];

        case VKSTATE_ESC_QUOTE:     // <Esc> [

            switch(c) {
                case 'A':
                case 'B':
                case 'C':
                case 'D':
                    ctx->state = VKSTATE_NORMAL;
                    return KEY_UP + (c - 'A');

                    // SCO
                case 'H':
                    ctx->state = VKSTATE_NORMAL;
                    return KEY_HOME;
                case 'F':
                    ctx->state = VKSTATE_NORMAL;
                    return KEY_END;
                case 'G':
                    ctx->state = VKSTATE_NORMAL;
                    return KEY_PGDN;
                case 'I':
                    ctx->state = VKSTATE_NORMAL;
                    return KEY_PGUP;
                case 'L':
                    ctx->state = VKSTATE_NORMAL;
                    return KEY_INS;

                case '3':
                case '4':
                case '5':
                case '6':
                    ctx->state = VKSTATE_TLIDE;
                    ctx->esc_arg = KEY_DEL + (c - '3');
                    return KEY_INCOMPLETE;

                case '7':
                    ctx->state = VKSTATE_TLIDE;
                    ctx->esc_arg = KEY_HOME;
                    return KEY_INCOMPLETE;
                case '8':
                    ctx->state = VKSTATE_TLIDE;
                    ctx->esc_arg = KEY_END;
                    return KEY_INCOMPLETE;

                case 'Z':
                    ctx->state = VKSTATE_NORMAL;
                    return KEY_STAB;

                case '1':
                    ctx->state = VKSTATE_ONE;
                    return KEY_INCOMPLETE;
                case '2':
                    ctx->state = VKSTATE_TWO;
                    return KEY_INCOMPLETE;

        case VKSTATE_ONE:   // <Esc> [ 1
            if (c == '~')
                ctx->state = VKSTATE_NORMAL;
                return KEY_HOME;

            switch(c) {
                case '1':
                case '2':
                case '3':
                case '4':
                case '5':
                    ctx->state = VKSTATE_TLIDE;
                    ctx->esc_arg = KEY_F1 + c - '1'; // F1 .. F5
                    return KEY_INCOMPLETE;

                case '7':
                case '8':
                case '9':
                    ctx->state = VKSTATE_TLIDE;
                    ctx->esc_arg = KEY_F6 + c - '7'; // F6 .. F8
                    return KEY_INCOMPLETE;

        case VKSTATE_TWO:   // <Esc> [ 2
            if (c == '~')
                ctx->state = VKSTATE_NORMAL;
                return KEY_INS;         // HOME+1

            switch(c) {
                case '0':
                case '1':
                    ctx->state = VKSTATE_TLIDE;
                    ctx->esc_arg = KEY_F9 + c - '0'; // F9 .. F10
                    return KEY_INCOMPLETE;

                case '3':
                case '4':
                    ctx->state = VKSTATE_TLIDE;
                    ctx->esc_arg = KEY_F11 + c - '3'; // F11 .. F12
                    return KEY_INCOMPLETE;

        case VKSTATE_TLIDE:   // Esc [ <12> <0-9> ~
            if (c != '~')

            ctx->state = VKSTATE_NORMAL;
            return ctx->esc_arg;

            assert(!"unknown vkstate");

    // what to do now?
    ctx->state = VKSTATE_NORMAL;
    return KEY_UNKNOWN;

vtkbd_ignore_dbcs_evil_repeats(const unsigned char *buf, ssize_t len)
    // determine DBCS repeats by evil clients 
    // NOTE: this is usually invoked before vtkbd_process,
    // so we have to deal with the raw sequence.
    if (len == 2)
    // XXX len==2 is dangerous. hope we are not in telnet IAC state...
    if (buf[0] != buf[1])
        return len;

        // targest here:
        //  - VKRAW_BS
        //  - VKRAW_ERASE
        //  - Ctrl('D')     (KKMan3 also treats Ctrl('D') as DBCS DEL)
    if (buf[0] == VKRAW_BS ||
        buf[0] == VKRAW_ERASE ||
        buf[0] == Ctrl('D'))
        return len/2;
    else if (len == 6)
    // RIGHT:   KEY_ESC "OC" or KEY_ESC "[C"
    // LEFT:    KEY_ESC "OD" or KEY_ESC "[D"
    if (buf[2] != 'C' && buf[2] != 'D')
        return len;

    if ( buf[0] == KEY_ESC &&
        (buf[1] == '[' || buf[1] == 'O') &&
         buf[0] == buf[3] &&
         buf[1] == buf[4] &&
         buf[2] == buf[5])
        return len/2;
    else if (len == 8)
    // DEL:     ESC_STR "[3~" // vt220
    if (buf[0] != KEY_ESC ||
            buf[2] != '3' ||
        buf[1] != '[' ||
        buf[3] != '~')
            return len;

        if( buf[4] == buf[0] &&
        buf[5] == buf[1] &&
        buf[6] == buf[2] &&
        buf[7] == buf[3])
        return len/2;
    return len;

// vim:sw=4:sw=4:et