path: root/meowpp/dsa/KD_Tree.h
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1 files changed, 73 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/meowpp/dsa/KD_Tree.h b/meowpp/dsa/KD_Tree.h
index 2ba81a1..035d6eb 100644
--- a/meowpp/dsa/KD_Tree.h
+++ b/meowpp/dsa/KD_Tree.h
@@ -8,6 +8,24 @@
#include <utility.h>
namespace meow{
+ //#
+ //#=== meow:: *KD_Tree<Vector, Scalar>* (C++ class)
+ //#==== Description
+ //# `KD_Tree` 全名k-dimension tree, 用來維護由 *N個K維度向量所成的集合*,
+ //# 並可於該set中查找 *前i個離給定向量最接近的向量*
+ //#
+ //#==== Template Class Operators Request
+ //#[options="header",width="70%",cols="1>m,1<,3<s,5<,3<,15<",grid="rows"]
+ //#|=====================================================================
+ //#|Const?|Typename| Operator | Parameters | Return_Type| Description
+ //#|const | Vector|operator[] |(size_t `n`) | Scalar | 取得第 `n` 維度量
+ //#|const | Vector|operator< |(Vector `v`) | bool | 權重比較
+ //#|const | Scalar|operator* |(Scalar `s`) | Scalar | 相乘
+ //#|const | Scalar|operator+ |(Scalar `s`) | Scalar | 相加
+ //#|const | Scalar|operator- |(Scalar `s`) | Scalar | 相差
+ //#|const | Scalar|operator< |(Scalar `s`) | bool | 大小比較
+ //#|=====================================================================
+ //#
template<class Vector, class Scalar>
class KD_Tree{
@@ -68,68 +86,76 @@ namespace meow{
std::vector<size_t>* __orders,
int __depth);
+ //#==== Custom Type Definitions
+ //# * `Vectors` <- `std::vector<Vector>`
+ //#
typedef typename std::vector<Vector> Vectors;
KD_Tree(size_t __dimension);
- //
+ //#==== Support Methods
+ //#
+ //# * N <- `this` 中擁有的資料數
+ //# * K <- `this` 資料維度
+ //#
+ //#[options="header",width="100%",cols="1>m,3>s,7<,3<,3^,20<",grid="rows"]
+ //#|=====================================================================
+ //#|Const?|Name | Parameters | Return_Type| Time_Complexity| Description
+ //#||insert|(Vector const& `v`)|void| O(1)
+ //#|將向量 `v` 加到set中
void insert(Vector const& __vector);
+ //#||erase|(Vector const& `v`)|bool| O(N)
+ //#|將向量 `v` 從set中移除, '~TODO:可以再優化~'
bool erase (Vector const& __vector);
+ //#||build|()|void|O(KN logN) or O(1)
+ //#|檢查距上一次 `build()` 至今是否有 `insert/erase` 被呼叫,
+ //# 若有, 重新建樹, 否則不做事
void build();
+ //#||forceBuild|()|void|O(KN logN)
+ //#|重新建樹
void forceBuild();
- //
+ //#|const|query|(Vector const& `v`,\size_t `i`,\bool `cmp`)|Vectors
+ //#|O(KN ^1-1/K^ )
+ //#|於set中找尋距離 `v` 前 `i` 近的向量, 並依照由近而遠的順序排序.
+ //# 如果有兩個向量 `v1`,`v2` 距離一樣, 且 `cmp` 為 `true` , 則直接依照
+ //# `v1 < v2` 來決定誰在前面. 最後回傳一陣列包含所有解.
Vectors query(Vector const& __vector,
size_t __nearestNumber,
bool __compareWholeVector) const;
- //
+ //#||clear|()|void|O(1)
+ //#|清空所有資料
void clear();
+ //#||reset|(size_t `dimension`)|void|O(1)
+ //#|清空所有資料並且指定維度為 `dimension`
void reset(size_t __dimension);
+ //#|=====================================================================
- /*********************************************************
- @asciidoc
- === meow:: *KD_Tree<Vector, Scalar>* (C++ class)
- .Description
- `KD_Tree` is *K-dimension tree*, which is a multiple set contain lots of
- vector with K dimension.
- .Template Request
- * `Vector` should has `operator[]` to allow the KD_Tree, `operator<` to
- compare when two vector are point to the same place, `operator==`
- access the k-dimensions
- * `Scalar` should has `operator*`, `operator+`, `operator<`
- .Support Methods
- * N <- numbers of element in the kd-tree
- * K <- dimensions
- * `Vector` is the tyepname of the vector
- * `Vectors` is the typename of the std::vector<Vector>
- [options="header",width="100%",cols="1>,1<s,5<,1<,2<,10<",grid="rows"]
- |=======================================================================
- |Const?|Name| Parameters| Return Type| Time Complexity| Description
- |const|root|(size_t number)|size_t|very fast|
- ||insert|(Vector const& v)|void|O(1)|Insert a vector
- ||erase |(Vector const& v)|bool|O(N*x)| Find a vector which is the same
- as `v` and remove it from the KD_Tree, `x` in the Big-O time complex
- is cost by `Vector::operator==`.
- || build|()|void|O(KN logN) if need | Build the data structure if need.
- || forceBuild|()|void|O(KN logN) | Build the data structure(the `insert()`
- method will not build the data structure immediately)
- |const|query|(Vector const& v, int k)|Vectors|O(kN ^1-1/k^ ) |
- Using Euclidean-Distance to find the 1st to k-th nearest neighbor from `v` .
- And return;
- ||clear|()|O(1)|Clear all data
- ||reset|(size_t dimension)|O(1)|Clear all data and then
- set the this->dimension be `dimension`
- |=======================================================================
-NOTE: O(kN ^1-1/k^ ) is reference from wiki. +
-`query()` and `rangeQuery()` will run `build()` first if you called `insert()`
-before call them. And `build()` is very slow, so you should not use this class
-as a dynamic tree
- *********************************************************/
+ //#
+ //#[NOTE]
+ //#========================================
+ //# * 此資料結構只有在 N >> 2 ^K^ 時才比較有優勢,
+ //# 當 K 逐漸變大時, 所花時間會跟暴搜沒兩樣
+ //#========================================
+ //#
+ //# '''
#include "KD_Tree.hpp"