path: root/meowpp.test/src/autostitch.cpp
diff options
authorcathook <b01902109@csie.ntu.edu.tw>2014-06-01 14:16:38 +0800
committercathook <b01902109@csie.ntu.edu.tw>2014-06-01 14:16:38 +0800
commitc60dba253906a30d3042f1dc4e9b7fe38f053fbe (patch)
tree57018f05908f0edef30cba255d46688ebfd5cd85 /meowpp.test/src/autostitch.cpp
parent8bc9f2e8496c0c021b80eb0fb21e828f5900f08d (diff)
add test...
Diffstat (limited to 'meowpp.test/src/autostitch.cpp')
1 files changed, 618 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/meowpp.test/src/autostitch.cpp b/meowpp.test/src/autostitch.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e63ef43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/meowpp.test/src/autostitch.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,618 @@
+#include <cstdio>
+#include "autostitch.h"
+#include <opencv/cv.h>
+#include <opencv/highgui.h>
+#include "meowpp/Usage.h"
+#include "meowpp/colors/RGB_Space.h"
+#include "meowpp/dsa/DisjointSet.h"
+#include "meowpp/geo/Vectors.h"
+#include "meowpp/gra/Bitmap.h"
+#include "meowpp/gra/Photo.h"
+#include "meowpp/gra/Camera.h"
+#include "meowpp/gra/WatchBall.h"
+#include "meowpp/math/utility.h"
+#include "meowpp/math/methods.h"
+extern "C"{
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <string>
+#include <cstdlib>
+using namespace meow;
+Usage usg("autostitch");
+double p0 = 0.07, P = 0.99;
+double q = 0.7, r = 0.01, Q = 0.97;
+double stop = 1;
+double o_radius = 500;
+MyK_Match match;
+std::vector<Bitmap<RGBf_Space> > input_bitmap;
+std::vector<Bitmap<RGBf_Space> > output_bitmap;
+std::vector<std::vector<FeaturePoint<double, double> > > fps;
+std::vector<std::vector<Vector<double> > > fpsv;
+std::vector<std::vector<FeaturePointIndexPairs > > pairs;
+struct OutputSet {
+ struct Edge {
+ std::vector<Vector<double> > v1;
+ std::vector<Vector<double> > v2;
+ size_t i1, i2;
+ bool done;
+ Edge(size_t ii1, size_t ii2): i1(ii1), i2(ii2) {
+ done = false;
+ }
+ bool operator<(Edge const& e) const {
+ return (v1.size() < e.v1.size());
+ }
+ };
+ std::vector<Camera<RGBf_Space> > cameras;
+ std::vector<Edge> edges;
+std::vector<OutputSet> outputs;
+//////////////////////////// **# setup #** ///////////////////////////
+bool setup(int argc, char** argv) {
+ usg.optionAdd('h', "Display this help document.");
+ usg.optionAdd('i',
+ "Specify the input images are in <type> "
+ "instead of specifying from arguments",
+ "<dirname>", "",
+ false);
+ usg.optionAdd('o',
+ "Output file name, (not include '.jpg' suffix)",
+ "<filename>",
+ "output",
+ false);
+ usg.optionAdd('d',
+ "Specify which Feature-Point-Detect algorithm to use",
+ "<algorithm>",
+ "",
+ true);
+ usg.optionAdd('p',
+ "Pribabilicity for RANSAC to choose a right feature point",
+ "<floating point>", stringPrintf("%.10f", p0),
+ false);
+ usg.optionAdd('P',
+ "Pribabilicity for RANSAC access",
+ "<floating point>", stringPrintf("%.10f", P),
+ false);
+ usg.optionAdd('q',
+ "p1 for Prob. Model",
+ "<floationg Point>", stringPrintf("%.10f", q),
+ false);
+ usg.optionAdd('r',
+ "p0 for Prob. Model",
+ "<floationg Point>", stringPrintf("%.10f", r),
+ false);
+ usg.optionAdd('Q',
+ "p_min for Prob. Model",
+ "<floationg Point>", stringPrintf("%.10f", Q),
+ false);
+ usg.optionAdd('s',
+ "stop threshold for boundle adjustment",
+ "<floationg Point>", stringPrintf("%.10f", stop),
+ false);
+ usg.optionAdd('O',
+ "output ball radius",
+ "<floationg Point>", stringPrintf("%.10f", o_radius),
+ false);
+ std::vector<std::string> fpsd_algorithm_list = ObjSelector<FPSD_ID>::names();
+ for (size_t i = 0, I = fpsd_algorithm_list.size(); i < I; i++) {
+ const ObjBase* tmp = ObjSelector<FPSD_ID>::get(fpsd_algorithm_list[i]);
+ usg.optionValueAcceptAdd('d',
+ fpsd_algorithm_list[i],
+ tmp->type());
+ usg.import(((MyFeaturePointsDetector*)tmp)->usage());
+ }
+ usg.import(match.usage());
+ usg.import(MyRansacCheck::usage());
+ // set arg
+ std::string err_msg;
+ bool ok = usg.arguments(argc, argv, &err_msg);
+ if (usg.hasOptionSetup('h')) {
+ printf("%s\n", usg.usage().c_str());
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ if (!ok) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", err_msg.c_str());
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ return true;
+//////////////// **# Input images and convert it #** /////////////////
+bool input() {
+ std::vector<std::string> input_name;
+ if (!usg.hasOptionSetup('i')) {
+ input_name = usg.procArgs();
+ }
+ else {
+ std::string base = usg.optionValue('i', 0);
+ if (base.length() == 0 || base[base.length() - 1] != '/') {
+ base += "/";
+ }
+ DIR* dir = opendir(base.c_str());
+ if (!dir) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "can't open dir '%s'\n", base.c_str());
+ return -1;
+ }
+ for (dirent* ent; (ent = readdir(dir)) != NULL; ) {
+ if (!cstringEndWith(ent->d_name, 4, ".jpeg", ".jpg", ".JPG", ".JPEG")) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ input_name.push_back(base + std::string(ent->d_name));
+ }
+ }
+ messagePrintf(1, "Loading images");
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < input_name.size(); i++) {
+ messagePrintf(1, "%s", input_name[i].c_str());
+ cv::Mat img = cv::imread(input_name[i], CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
+ if (!img.data) {
+ messagePrintf(-1, "opencv read error!, ignore");
+ continue;
+ }
+ size_t width = img.size().width ;
+ size_t height = img.size().height;
+ size_t index = input_bitmap.size();
+ input_bitmap.resize(index + 1);
+ input_bitmap[index].size(height, width, RGBf_Space(0));
+ for (size_t x = 0; x < width; x++) {
+ for (size_t y = 0; y < height; y++) {
+ RGBi_Space tmp(Vector3D<int>(
+ img.at<cv::Vec3b>(y, x)[2],
+ img.at<cv::Vec3b>(y, x)[1],
+ img.at<cv::Vec3b>(y, x)[0]));
+ RGBf_Space p;
+ colorTransformate(tmp, &p);
+ input_bitmap[index].pixel(y, x, p);
+ }
+ }
+ messagePrintf(-1, "%lux%lu, ok", width, height);
+ }
+ messagePrintf(-1, "ok");
+ return true;
+//////////////////////// **# FeaturePoint #** ////////////////////////
+bool detect() {
+ std::string fpsd_algo_name = usg.optionValue('d', 0);
+ MyFeaturePointsDetector* detector(
+ (MyFeaturePointsDetector*)ObjSelector<FPSD_ID>::create(fpsd_algo_name));
+ detector->usage(usg);
+ fps .resize(input_bitmap.size());
+ fpsv.resize(input_bitmap.size());
+ for (size_t i = 0, I = input_bitmap.size(); i < I; i++) {
+ messagePrintf(1, "Detect the feature points for %lu-th pic", i);
+ fps[i] = detector->detect(input_bitmap[i]);
+ messagePrintf(-1, "ok, %lu", fps[i].size());
+ for (size_t j = 0, J = fps[i].size(); j < J; j++) {
+ fpsv[i].push_back(fps[i][j].position());
+ }
+ }
+ delete detector;
+ return true;
+//////////////////////////// **# k-match #** /////////////////////////
+bool kmatch() {
+ match.usage(usg);
+ messagePrintf( 1, "run k-match");
+ FeaturePointIndexPairs mat(match.match(fps));
+ pairs.resize(input_bitmap.size());
+ for (size_t i = 0, I = input_bitmap.size(); i < I; i++) {
+ pairs[i].resize(I);
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0, I = mat.size(); i < I; ++i) {
+ pairs[mat[i].from.first][mat[i].to.first].push_back(mat[i]);
+ }
+ messagePrintf(-1, "ok");
+ return true;
+//////////////////////////// **# RANSAC #** //////////////////////////
+bool ransac() {
+ messagePrintf( 1, "RANSAC");
+ MyRansacCheck::usage(usg);
+ // tmp output
+ p0 = inRange(0.00001, 0.9999, atof(usg.optionValue('p', 0).c_str()));
+ P = inRange(0.00001, 0.9999, atof(usg.optionValue('P', 0).c_str()));
+ for (size_t i = 0, I = input_bitmap.size(); i < I; i++) {
+ for (size_t j = 0, J = input_bitmap.size(); j < J; j++) {
+ size_t num = 3u;
+ messagePrintf( 1, "ransac %lu --- %lu", i, j);
+ MyRansacCheck chk(&(fpsv[i]), &(fpsv[j]));
+ FeaturePointIndexPairs ret = ransac(pairs[i][j], chk, num, p0, P);
+ if (!ret.empty()) {
+ chk.rememberVCalc(ret);
+ FeaturePointIndexPairs ok(ret);
+ for (size_t k = 0, K = pairs[i][j].size(); k < K; k++) {
+ bool chk_again = true;
+ for (size_t l = 0, L = ret.size(); chk_again && l < L; l++) {
+ if (ret[l] == pairs[i][j][k]) {
+ chk_again = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (chk_again && chk.ok(pairs[i][j][k])) {
+ ok.push_back(pairs[i][j][k]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (ok.size() >= num) pairs[i][j] = ok;
+ else pairs[i][j].clear();
+ messagePrintf(-1, "ok(%lu)", pairs[i][j].size());
+ }
+ else {
+ pairs[i][j].clear();
+ messagePrintf(-1, "empty");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ messagePrintf(-1, "ok");
+ return true;
+///////////////////////// **# prob module #** ////////////////////////
+bool prob_mod() {
+ q = inRange(0.00001, 0.99999, atof(usg.optionValue('q', 0).c_str()));
+ r = inRange(0.00001, 0.99999, atof(usg.optionValue('r', 0).c_str()));
+ Q = inRange(0.00001, 0.99999, atof(usg.optionValue('Q', 0).c_str()));
+ double m_ni = log(q * (1 - r)) - log(r * (1 - q));
+ double c = log(Q) - log(1 - Q);
+ double m_nf = log(1 - r) - log(1 - q);
+ messagePrintf(1, "run prob_mod, ni * %.7f > %.7f + nf * %.7f ???",
+ m_ni, c, m_nf);
+ for (size_t i = 0, I = input_bitmap.size(); i < I; i++) {
+ for (size_t j = 0, J = input_bitmap.size(); j < J; j++) {
+ if (pairs[i][j].empty()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ double ni = pairs[i][j].size(), nf = 0;
+ MyRansacCheck chk(&(fpsv[i]), &(fpsv[j]));
+ chk.rememberVCalc(pairs[i][j]);
+ for (size_t k = 0, K = fpsv[i].size(); k < K; k++) {
+ Vector2D<double> to(chk.to(Vector2D<double>(fpsv[i][k](0),
+ fpsv[i][k](1))));
+ if (0 <= to.x() && to.x() <= (double)input_bitmap[j].width() &&
+ 0 <= to.y() && to.y() <= (double)input_bitmap[j].height()) {
+ nf++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ni * m_ni > c + m_nf * nf) {
+ messagePrintf(0, "accept %lu --- %lu", i, j);
+ messagePrintf(0,
+ "%.0f * %.3f = %.3f ?? %.3f = %.3f + %.3f * %.0f",
+ ni, m_ni, ni * m_ni, c + m_nf * nf, c, m_nf, nf);
+ continue;
+ }
+ else {
+ pairs[i][j].clear();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ messagePrintf(-1, "ok");
+ return true;
+///////////////////// **# group them together #** ////////////////////
+bool group() {
+ messagePrintf(1, "group");
+ // union
+ DisjointSet dsj(input_bitmap.size());
+ for (size_t i = 0, I = input_bitmap.size(); i < I; i++) {
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < I; j++) {
+ if(pairs[i][j].empty()) continue;
+ dsj.merge(i, j);
+ }
+ }
+ std::vector<size_t> root;
+ for (size_t i = 0, I = input_bitmap.size(); i < I; i++) {
+ if (dsj.root(i) == i) {
+ root.push_back(i);
+ }
+ }
+ // split into groups
+ outputs.resize(root.size());
+ for (size_t i = 0, I = root.size(); i < I; i++) {
+ messagePrintf(1, "Group %d", i);
+ std::vector<size_t> ids;
+ for (size_t j = 0, J = input_bitmap.size(); j < J; j++) {
+ if (dsj.root(j) != root[i]) continue;
+ outputs[i].cameras.push_back(Camera<RGBf_Space>());
+ outputs[i].cameras[outputs[i].cameras.size() - 1].photo(
+ Photo<RGBf_Space>(input_bitmap[j])
+ );
+ ids.push_back(j);
+ messagePrintf(0, "camera %lu from bitmap %lu",
+ outputs[i].cameras.size() - 1, j);
+ }
+ for (size_t j = 0, J = ids.size(); j < J; ++j) {
+ for (size_t k = 0; k < J; ++k) {
+ if (j == k) continue;
+ size_t i1 = ids[j], i2 = ids[k];
+ if (pairs[i1][i2].empty()) continue;
+ outputs[i].edges.push_back(OutputSet::Edge(j, k));
+ size_t index = outputs[i].edges.size() - 1;
+ for (size_t n = 0, N = pairs[i1][i2].size(); n < N; ++n) {
+ outputs[i].edges[index].v1.push_back(
+ fpsv[i1][pairs[i1][i2][n].from.second]
+ );
+ outputs[i].edges[index].v2.push_back(
+ fpsv[i1][pairs[i1][i2][n].to.second]
+ );
+ }
+ messagePrintf(0, "Edge %lu---%lu, size = %lu",
+ i1, i2, outputs[i].edges[index].v1.size());
+ }
+ }
+ std::sort(outputs[i].edges.begin(), outputs[i].edges.end());
+ messagePrintf(-1, "");
+ }
+ messagePrintf(-1, "ok");
+ return true;
+////////////////////// **# boundle adjustment #** ////////////////////
+bool boundle() {
+ stop = inRange(0.01, 100000.0, atof(usg.optionValue('s', 0).c_str()));
+ messagePrintf(1, "boundle adjustment");
+ for (size_t i = 0, I = outputs.size(); i < I; i++) {
+ int id = 0;
+ std::set<size_t> in;
+ size_t i1 = outputs[i].edges[0].i1;
+ size_t i2 = outputs[i].edges[0].i2;
+ for (size_t j = 0, J = outputs[i].edges[0].v1.size(); j < J; ++j) {
+ outputs[i].cameras[i1].fixedPoints2DGet().identityPointAdd(
+ id, outputs[i].edges[0].v1[j]);
+ outputs[i].cameras[i2].fixedPoints2DGet().identityPointAdd(
+ id, outputs[i].edges[0].v2[j]);
+ id++;
+ }
+ in.insert(i1);
+ in.insert(i2);
+ double r_lst = Camera<RGBf_Space>::boundleAdjustment2D(
+ &(outputs[i].cameras),
+ stop
+ );
+ for (size_t j = 1, J = outputs[i].edges.size(); j < J; ++j) {
+ size_t best;
+ for (best = 0; best < J; ++best) {
+ if (in.find(outputs[i].edges[best].i1) == in.end() &&
+ in.find(outputs[i].edges[best].i2) == in.end()) continue;
+ break;
+ }
+ i1 = outputs[i].edges[best].i1;
+ i2 = outputs[i].edges[best].i2;
+ for (size_t j = 0, J = outputs[i].edges[best].v1.size(); j < J; ++j) {
+ outputs[i].cameras[i1].fixedPoints2DGet().identityPointAdd(
+ id, outputs[i].edges[best].v1[j]);
+ outputs[i].cameras[i2].fixedPoints2DGet().identityPointAdd(
+ id, outputs[i].edges[best].v2[j]);
+ id++;
+ }
+ in.insert(i1);
+ in.insert(i2);
+ std::vector<Camera<RGBf_Space> > tmp(outputs[i].cameras);
+ double r = Camera<RGBf_Space>::boundleAdjustment2D(&tmp, stop);
+ if (r > r_lst * 1.5) continue;
+ outputs[i].cameras = tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ messagePrintf(-1, "ok");
+ return true;
+bool expand() {
+ o_radius = inRange(100.0, 1000000.0, atof(usg.optionValue('O', 0).c_str()));
+ output_bitmap.resize(outputs.size());
+ for (size_t i = 0, I = outputs.size(); i < I; ++i) {
+ WatchBall<RGBf_Space> wb;
+ wb.cameras(outputs[i].cameras);
+ output_bitmap[i] = wb.expand(o_radius);
+ }
+ return true;
+////////////////////// **# Write to output file #** //////////////////
+bool output() {
+ messagePrintf(1, "Write images");
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < output_bitmap.size(); i++) {
+ size_t width = output_bitmap[i].width ();
+ size_t height = output_bitmap[i].height();
+ cv::Mat img(height, width, CV_8UC3);
+ for (size_t x = 0; x < width; x++) {
+ for (size_t y = 0; y < height; y++) {
+ RGBi_Space tmp;
+ colorTransformate(output_bitmap[i].pixel(y, x), &tmp);
+ img.at<cv::Vec3b>(y, x)[0] = tmp.b();
+ img.at<cv::Vec3b>(y, x)[1] = tmp.g();
+ img.at<cv::Vec3b>(y, x)[2] = tmp.r();
+ }
+ }
+ std::string output_name(usg.optionValue('o', 0)
+ + (output_bitmap.size() > 1
+ ? stringPrintf("%lu", i)
+ : "")
+ + ".jpg");
+ messagePrintf(1, "Write to file '%s'", output_name.c_str());
+ if (imwrite(output_name, img) == false) {
+ messagePrintf(-1, "opencv fail, ignore");
+ }
+ else {
+ messagePrintf(-1, "%lux%lu, ok", width, height);
+ }
+ }
+ messagePrintf(-1, "ok");
+ return true;
+bool tmp_output() {
+ output_bitmap = input_bitmap;
+ for (size_t i = 0, I = input_bitmap.size(); i < I; i++) {
+ for (size_t j = 0, J = fpsv[i].size(); j < J; j++) {
+ ssize_t x = fpsv[i][j](0);
+ ssize_t y = fpsv[i][j](1);
+ ssize_t dx[2] = {0, 1}, x0[2] = {0, -10};
+ ssize_t dy[2] = {1, 0}, y0[2] = {-10, 0};
+ for(size_t k = 0; k < 2; k++){
+ for(size_t count = 0; count < 20; count++){
+ ssize_t xx = x + dx[k] * count + x0[k];
+ ssize_t yy = y + dy[k] * count + y0[k];
+ if(0 <= xx && xx < (ssize_t)input_bitmap[i].width() &&
+ 0 <= yy && yy < (ssize_t)input_bitmap[i].height()){
+ output_bitmap[i].pixel(yy, xx, Vector3D<double>(1.0, 1.0, 0.0));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return output();
+// */
+bool g_output(){
+ output_bitmap.resize(input_bitmap.size() * 2);
+ for(size_t i = 0, I = input_bitmap.size(); i < I; i++){
+ output_bitmap[i * 2 ] = input_bitmap[i];
+ output_bitmap[i * 2 + 1] = input_bitmap[i];
+ output_bitmap[i * 2 ].gradiancedX(3, 3);
+ output_bitmap[i * 2 + 1].gradiancedY(3, 3);
+ for(size_t x = 0, X = output_bitmap[i * 2].width(); x < X; x++){
+ for(size_t y = 0, Y = output_bitmap[i * 2].height(); y < Y; y++){
+ Vector3D<double> v;
+ v = output_bitmap[i * 2](y, x);
+ output_bitmap[i * 2](y, x) = Vector3D<double>(v.length() / sqrt(2.0));
+ v = output_bitmap[i * 2 + 1](y, x);
+ output_bitmap[i * 2 + 1](y, x) = Vector3D<double>(v.length() / sqrt(2.0));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return output();
+// */
+bool pair_output(){
+ for(size_t i = 0, I = input_bitmap.size(); i < I; i++){
+ for(size_t j = 0, J = input_bitmap.size(); j < J; j++){
+ if(pairs[i][j].empty()) continue;
+ MyRansacCheck chk(&(fpsv[i]), &(fpsv[j]));
+ chk.rememberVCalc(pairs[i][j]);
+ size_t index = output_bitmap.size();
+ output_bitmap.push_back(input_bitmap[i]);
+ for(ssize_t x = 0, X = input_bitmap[i].width(); x < X; x++){
+ for(ssize_t y = 0, Y = input_bitmap[i].height(); y < Y; y++){
+ Vector2D<double> to(chk.to(Vector2D<double>(x, y)));
+ ssize_t x2 = to.x(), y2 = to.y();
+ if(0 <= x2 && x2 <= (ssize_t)input_bitmap[j].width() &&
+ 0 <= y2 && y2 <= (ssize_t)input_bitmap[j].height()){
+ output_bitmap[index].pixel(y, x, (input_bitmap[i].pixel(y, x) +
+ input_bitmap[j].pixel(y2,x2)) / 2
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return output();
+bool pair_output2(){
+ for(size_t i = 0, I = input_bitmap.size(); i < I; i++){
+ for(size_t j = 0, J = input_bitmap.size(); j < J; j++){
+ if((i + 1) % I != j && (j + 1) % J != i) continue;
+ messagePrintf(0, "%3lu--%3lu: %lu", i, j, pairs[i][j].size());
+ if(pairs[i][j].empty()) continue;
+ MyRansacCheck chk(&(fpsv[i]), &(fpsv[j]));
+ chk.rememberVCalc(pairs[i][j]);
+ size_t index = output_bitmap.size();
+ output_bitmap.push_back(input_bitmap[i]);
+ for(ssize_t x = 0, X = input_bitmap[i].width(); x < X; x++){
+ for(ssize_t y = 0, Y = input_bitmap[i].height(); y < Y; y++){
+ Vector2D<double> to(chk.to(Vector2D<double>(x, y)));
+ ssize_t x2 = to.x(), y2 = to.y();
+ if(0 <= x2 && x2 <= (ssize_t)input_bitmap[j].width() &&
+ 0 <= y2 && y2 <= (ssize_t)input_bitmap[j].height()){
+ output_bitmap[index].pixel(y, x, (input_bitmap[i].pixel(y, x) +
+ input_bitmap[j].pixel(y2,x2)) / 2
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for(size_t k = 0, K = fpsv[i].size(); k < K; k++){
+ ssize_t dy[2] = {0, 1}, dx[2] = {1, 0};
+ ssize_t y0[2] = {0, -10}, x0[2] = {-10, 0};
+ ssize_t x = fpsv[i][k](0), y = fpsv[i][k](1);
+ for(ssize_t m = 0; m < 2; m++){
+ for(ssize_t n = 0; n < 20; n++){
+ ssize_t xx = x + x0[m] + dx[m] * n;
+ ssize_t yy = y + y0[m] + dy[m] * n;
+ if(0 <= xx && xx <= (ssize_t)input_bitmap[j].width() &&
+ 0 <= yy && yy <= (ssize_t)input_bitmap[j].height()){
+ output_bitmap[index].pixel(yy, xx,
+ Vector3D<double>(1.0, 1.0, 0));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for(size_t k = 0, K = pairs[i][j].size(); k < K; k++){
+ ssize_t dy[2] = {0, 1}, dx[2] = {1, 0};
+ ssize_t y0[2] = {0, -10}, x0[2] = {-10, 0};
+ ssize_t x = fpsv[i][pairs[i][j][k].from.second](0);
+ ssize_t y = fpsv[i][pairs[i][j][k].from.second](1);
+ for(ssize_t m = 0; m < 2; m++){
+ for(ssize_t n = 0; n < 20; n++){
+ ssize_t xx = x + x0[m] + dx[m] * n;
+ ssize_t yy = y + y0[m] + dy[m] * n;
+ if(0 <= xx && xx <= (ssize_t)input_bitmap[j].width() &&
+ 0 <= yy && yy <= (ssize_t)input_bitmap[j].height()){
+ output_bitmap[index].pixel(yy, xx,
+ Vector3D<double>(1.0, 0.0, 0));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return output();
+// */
+int main(int argc, char** argv){
+ setup(argc, argv);
+ input();
+ detect();
+ kmatch();
+ ransac();
+ prob_mod();
+ group();
+ pair_output(); return 0;
+ boundle();
+ expand();
+ output();
+ return 0;