path: root/.readme/README.asciidoc
blob: eb12b56379a05d8ab260726be94d13d02b860b93 (plain) (tree)

= meow

== Introduction

Template *Meow* is a set of templates in multiple programming language.  Most of
them doesn't need to compile before using, developer can just include it to get
the classes/functions in it.

=== Git branches:

* master: The release version, which doesn't not contain the testing code.
* develop: It's contains all the source in this project, includes testing code
    and the documents generated by doxygen in addition.

=== Brief introduction about File Tree:

* '.doxygen/' Data for generating the documents of this project.
* '.readme/' Data for generating the readme file.
* 'doc/' Contains the documents of this project.
** 'html/' Documents in HTML format.
*** 'index.html' Home page.
* 'moewpp/' C++ Templates.
** '...' (See below for detail introduction)
* 'meowpp_unittest/' Unittest code for meowpp.
* 'meowjs/' JS library (Not implement yet).
** '...' (See below for detail introduction)
* 'meowjs_unittest/' Unittest code for meowjs.

== Meowpp

=== Introduction

TODO(cathook): Fill it.

=== 'meowpp/algo/'

* 'rasnac.h'
* 'levenberg_marquardt.h'
* 'ds/'
** 'binary_index_tree.h'
** 'disjoint_set.h'
** 'kd_tree.h'
** 'hash_table.h'
** 'mergeable_heap.h'
** 'segment_tree.h'
** 'splay_tree.h'
** 'treap.h'
** 'vp_tree.h'
* 'math/'
** 'matrix.h'
** 'operation/'
** 'transformation/'
*** 'transformation.h'
*** 'ball_projection.h'
*** 'linear_projection.h'
*** 'offset.h'
*** 'photo_porjection.h'
*** 'rotation2d.h'
*** 'rotation3d.h'
*** 'scale.h'
** 'vector.h'
* 'tools/'
** 'usage.h'
* 'geo/'
** 'ball.h'
** 'circle.h'
** 'plane.h'
** 'polygon.h'
** 'polygon/'
*** 'convex_polygon.h'
*** 'simple_polygon.h'
** 'mash.h'
** 'mash/'
*** 'mash.h'
*** 'convex_mash.h'
** 'line_segment.h'
** 'radial.h'
** 'voronoi2d.h'
** 'vector2d.h'
** 'vector3d.h'
* 'utility/'
** 'factory.h'
** 'object.h'
** 'operation.h'
** 'self.h'
* 'debug/'
** 'assert.h'
* 'gra/'
** 'image/'
*** '__base__.h'
*** 'bmp.h'
*** 'jpg.h'
*** 'pyramid.h'
*** 'oper/'
**** 'bmp_to_jpg.h'
**** 'gaussian_blur.h'
**** 'dog.h'
**** 'log.h'
**** 'find_features/'

== Copyright

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

== Authors/Bug Report

=== cathook

- E-mail: cat.hook <AT> gmail.com
- github: https://www.github.com/cathook/meow

=== cat_leopard

- E-mail: b01902109 %at% csie.ntu.edu.tw/
- E-mail: b01902109 %at% ntu.edu.tw