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ports' Makefile to correct the order of remove from files to directories. Bump
these ports, but not firefox since it already has a fix in its own Makefile. I
only replace it from @unexec[...] to @dirrmtry[...].
Before (incorrect):
# grep share/pixmaps /var/db/pkg/firefox-,1/+CONTENTS
@unexec rmdir %D/share/pixmaps 2>/dev/null || true
After (correct):
# grep share/pixmaps /var/db/pkg/firefox-,1/+CONTENTS
@unexec rmdir %D/share/pixmaps 2>/dev/null || true
Reported by: pointyhat
git-svn-id: svn://creme-brulee.marcuscom.com/ports/trunk@7597 df743ca5-7f9a-e211-a948-0013205c9059