path: root/libical/src/python/ChangeLog
blob: 7b16306ce5f84531612ce5a0d06d9e560174ab7b (plain) (tree)

2001-03-13  Eric Busboom  <eric@softwarestudio.org>

    * Component.py Added Component.property()

2001-03-10  Patrick Lewis <plewis@inetarena.com>

    * Added __str__ method to Collection.Collection

    * Component.Component can now be initialized without arguments

    * Made _singular_property and _multiple_properties (in Component)
    useful for nearly all the specific component interfaces

    * Changed Property.Attendee and Property.Organizer to allow creation
    with no arguments

    * Filled in Todo skeleton

    * Added test function for an Event

2001-03-05  Eric Busboom  <eric@softwarestudio.org>

    * Property.py Added a lot of exception code to signal failure to
    create a Property.

    * DerivedProperties.py Added derived property classes for RDATE
    and TRIGGER, two properties that can have one of two value types. 

2001-03-04  Eric Busboom  <eric@softwarestudio.org>

    * Property.pm Added Property.ConstructorFailedError exception

    * Component.pm fixed bug in Collection.__setslice__. "," used
    instead of ":"

2001-03-04  Patrick Lewis <plewis@inetarena.com>
    * Split Libical.py file into Component.py, Property.py, Collection.py, 
    and Store.py

    * Added test_* functions to test.py

    * Changed component bindings to return a Collection when objects can 
    have multiple values

    * Changed Component object to allow for creation of an object without
    an initial string

    * Added Todo and Journal events

2001-02-28  Eric Busboom  <eric@softwarestudio.org>

    * Property Remove most internal data. The property now work
    alsmost entirely off of the icalproperty that it holds a reference
    to. Made changes in all derived Properties to accomodate the

    * Property Added __del__ 

    * Component Component.properties() now caches properties that it
    constructs, so two calls to properties() to that get the same
    icalproperty will also get the same Property.

    * Property Added Property.__cmp__ to test equality of properties
    based on ical string values

2001-02-27  Eric Busboom  <eric@softwarestudio.org>

    * Property Added Property.ref() to set/get the reference to the
    Property's internal icalproperty

    * Property Property._update_value now changes the icalproperty
    value if a reference has been set.

    * Component re-instituted Component.properties(). The routine now
    adds a 'ref' key to the dict that holds the python pointer
    string. The C hex value of the pointer is in the 'pid' key

2001-02-27  Patrick Lewis  <plewis@inetarena.com>

    * Backed out changes to Component removing comp_p; 
      Component.comp_p should be restored

2001-02-26  Eric Busboom  <eric@softwarestudio.org>

    * Period Added test routine,test_period()

    * Period implemented methods in period

    * Time Addedd addition and subtraction operators

2001-02-25  Eric Busboom  <eric@softwarestudio.org>

    * Libical.py Added test routine for time, time_test()

    * Libical.py Remove end of line chars ('\r\n" ) from
    Property._str__. Caller should add these lines itself

    * Liical.py CHanges Time._update_values to set time VALUE type
    based on use of is_date, rather than length of string.

    * Libical.py Removed call to _update_value in TIme::timezone

    * Libical.py changed update_value to _update_value