path: root/tools/glib-ginterface-gen.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/glib-ginterface-gen.py')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 722 deletions
diff --git a/tools/glib-ginterface-gen.py b/tools/glib-ginterface-gen.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9eb7af5ce..000000000
--- a/tools/glib-ginterface-gen.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,722 +0,0 @@
-# glib-ginterface-gen.py: service-side interface generator
-# Generate dbus-glib 0.x service GInterfaces from the Telepathy specification.
-# The master copy of this program is in the telepathy-glib repository -
-# please make any changes there.
-# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Collabora Limited
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
-import sys
-import os.path
-import xml.dom.minidom
-from libglibcodegen import Signature, type_to_gtype, cmp_by_name, \
- camelcase_to_lower, NS_TP, dbus_gutils_wincaps_to_uscore, \
- signal_to_marshal_name, method_to_glue_marshal_name
-NS_TP = "http://telepathy.freedesktop.org/wiki/DbusSpec#extensions-v0"
-class Generator(object):
- def __init__(self, dom, prefix, basename, signal_marshal_prefix,
- headers, end_headers, not_implemented_func,
- allow_havoc):
- self.dom = dom
- self.__header = []
- self.__body = []
- assert prefix.endswith('_')
- assert not signal_marshal_prefix.endswith('_')
- # The main_prefix, sub_prefix thing is to get:
- # FOO_ -> (FOO_, _)
- # FOO_SVC_ -> (FOO_, _SVC_)
- # but
- # FOO_BAR/ -> (FOO_BAR_, _)
- # FOO_BAR/SVC_ -> (FOO_BAR_, _SVC_)
- if '/' in prefix:
- main_prefix, sub_prefix = prefix.upper().split('/', 1)
- prefix = prefix.replace('/', '_')
- else:
- main_prefix, sub_prefix = prefix.upper().split('_', 1)
- self.MAIN_PREFIX_ = main_prefix + '_'
- self._SUB_PREFIX_ = '_' + sub_prefix
- self.Prefix_ = prefix
- self.Prefix = prefix.replace('_', '')
- self.prefix_ = prefix.lower()
- self.PREFIX_ = prefix.upper()
- self.signal_marshal_prefix = signal_marshal_prefix
- self.headers = headers
- self.end_headers = end_headers
- self.not_implemented_func = not_implemented_func
- self.allow_havoc = allow_havoc
- def h(self, s):
- self.__header.append(s)
- def b(self, s):
- self.__body.append(s)
- def do_node(self, node):
- node_name = node.getAttribute('name').replace('/', '')
- node_name_mixed = self.node_name_mixed = node_name.replace('_', '')
- node_name_lc = self.node_name_lc = node_name.lower()
- node_name_uc = self.node_name_uc = node_name.upper()
- interfaces = node.getElementsByTagName('interface')
- assert len(interfaces) == 1, interfaces
- interface = interfaces[0]
- self.iface_name = interface.getAttribute('name')
- tmp = interface.getAttribute('tp:implement-service')
- if tmp == "no":
- return
- tmp = interface.getAttribute('tp:causes-havoc')
- if tmp and not self.allow_havoc:
- raise AssertionError('%s is %s' % (self.iface_name, tmp))
- self.b('static const DBusGObjectInfo _%s%s_object_info;'
- % (self.prefix_, node_name_lc))
- self.b('')
- methods = interface.getElementsByTagName('method')
- signals = interface.getElementsByTagName('signal')
- properties = interface.getElementsByTagName('property')
- # Don't put properties in dbus-glib glue
- glue_properties = []
- self.b('struct _%s%sClass {' % (self.Prefix, node_name_mixed))
- self.b(' GTypeInterface parent_class;')
- for method in methods:
- self.b(' %s %s;' % self.get_method_impl_names(method))
- self.b('};')
- self.b('')
- if signals:
- self.b('enum {')
- for signal in signals:
- self.b(' %s,' % self.get_signal_const_entry(signal))
- self.b(' N_%s_SIGNALS' % node_name_uc)
- self.b('};')
- self.b('static guint %s_signals[N_%s_SIGNALS] = {0};'
- % (node_name_lc, node_name_uc))
- self.b('')
- self.b('static void %s%s_base_init (gpointer klass);'
- % (self.prefix_, node_name_lc))
- self.b('')
- self.b('GType')
- self.b('%s%s_get_type (void)'
- % (self.prefix_, node_name_lc))
- self.b('{')
- self.b(' static GType type = 0;')
- self.b('')
- self.b(' if (G_UNLIKELY (type == 0))')
- self.b(' {')
- self.b(' static const GTypeInfo info = {')
- self.b(' sizeof (%s%sClass),' % (self.Prefix, node_name_mixed))
- self.b(' %s%s_base_init, /* base_init */'
- % (self.prefix_, node_name_lc))
- self.b(' NULL, /* base_finalize */')
- self.b(' NULL, /* class_init */')
- self.b(' NULL, /* class_finalize */')
- self.b(' NULL, /* class_data */')
- self.b(' 0,')
- self.b(' 0, /* n_preallocs */')
- self.b(' NULL /* instance_init */')
- self.b(' };')
- self.b('')
- self.b(' type = g_type_register_static (G_TYPE_INTERFACE,')
- self.b(' "%s%s", &info, 0);' % (self.Prefix, node_name_mixed))
- self.b(' }')
- self.b('')
- self.b(' return type;')
- self.b('}')
- self.b('')
- self.h('/**')
- self.h(' * %s%s:' % (self.Prefix, node_name_mixed))
- self.h(' *')
- self.h(' * Dummy typedef representing any implementation of this '
- 'interface.')
- self.h(' */')
- self.h('typedef struct _%s%s %s%s;'
- % (self.Prefix, node_name_mixed, self.Prefix, node_name_mixed))
- self.h('')
- self.h('/**')
- self.h(' * %s%sClass:' % (self.Prefix, node_name_mixed))
- self.h(' *')
- self.h(' * The class of %s%s.' % (self.Prefix, node_name_mixed))
- self.h(' */')
- self.h('typedef struct _%s%sClass %s%sClass;'
- % (self.Prefix, node_name_mixed, self.Prefix, node_name_mixed))
- self.h('')
- self.h('GType %s%s_get_type (void);'
- % (self.prefix_, node_name_lc))
- gtype = self.current_gtype = \
- self.MAIN_PREFIX_ + 'TYPE' + self._SUB_PREFIX_ + node_name_uc
- classname = self.Prefix + node_name_mixed
- self.h('#define %s \\\n (%s%s_get_type ())'
- % (gtype, self.prefix_, node_name_lc))
- self.h('#define %s%s(obj) \\\n'
- ' (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST((obj), %s, %s))'
- % (self.PREFIX_, node_name_uc, gtype, classname))
- self.h('#define %sIS%s%s(obj) \\\n'
- ' (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE((obj), %s))'
- % (self.MAIN_PREFIX_, self._SUB_PREFIX_, node_name_uc, gtype))
- self.h('#define %s%s_GET_CLASS(obj) \\\n'
- ' (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_INTERFACE((obj), %s, %sClass))'
- % (self.PREFIX_, node_name_uc, gtype, classname))
- self.h('')
- self.h('')
- base_init_code = []
- for method in methods:
- self.do_method(method)
- for signal in signals:
- base_init_code.extend(self.do_signal(signal))
- self.b('static inline void')
- self.b('%s%s_base_init_once (gpointer klass G_GNUC_UNUSED)'
- % (self.prefix_, node_name_lc))
- self.b('{')
- self.b(' static TpDBusPropertiesMixinPropInfo properties[%d] = {'
- % (len(properties) + 1))
- for m in properties:
- access = m.getAttribute('access')
- assert access in ('read', 'write', 'readwrite')
- if access == 'read':
- elif access == 'write':
- else:
- self.b(' { 0, %s, "%s", 0, NULL, NULL }, /* %s */'
- % (flags, m.getAttribute('type'), m.getAttribute('name')))
- self.b(' { 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL }')
- self.b(' };')
- self.b(' static TpDBusPropertiesMixinIfaceInfo interface =')
- self.b(' { 0, properties, NULL, NULL };')
- self.b('')
- self.b(' interface.dbus_interface = g_quark_from_static_string '
- '("%s");' % self.iface_name)
- for i, m in enumerate(properties):
- self.b(' properties[%d].name = g_quark_from_static_string ("%s");'
- % (i, m.getAttribute('name')))
- self.b(' properties[%d].type = %s;'
- % (i, type_to_gtype(m.getAttribute('type'))[1]))
- self.b(' tp_svc_interface_set_dbus_properties_info (%s, &interface);'
- % self.current_gtype)
- self.b('')
- for s in base_init_code:
- self.b(s)
- self.b(' dbus_g_object_type_install_info (%s%s_get_type (),'
- % (self.prefix_, node_name_lc))
- self.b(' &_%s%s_object_info);'
- % (self.prefix_, node_name_lc))
- self.b('}')
- self.b('static void')
- self.b('%s%s_base_init (gpointer klass)'
- % (self.prefix_, node_name_lc))
- self.b('{')
- self.b(' static gboolean initialized = FALSE;')
- self.b('')
- self.b(' if (!initialized)')
- self.b(' {')
- self.b(' initialized = TRUE;')
- self.b(' %s%s_base_init_once (klass);'
- % (self.prefix_, node_name_lc))
- self.b(' }')
- # insert anything we need to do per implementation here
- self.b('}')
- self.h('')
- self.b('static const DBusGMethodInfo _%s%s_methods[] = {'
- % (self.prefix_, node_name_lc))
- method_blob, offsets = self.get_method_glue(methods)
- for method, offset in zip(methods, offsets):
- self.do_method_glue(method, offset)
- self.b('};')
- self.b('')
- self.b('static const DBusGObjectInfo _%s%s_object_info = {'
- % (self.prefix_, node_name_lc))
- self.b(' 0,') # version
- self.b(' _%s%s_methods,' % (self.prefix_, node_name_lc))
- self.b(' %d,' % len(methods))
- self.b('"' + method_blob.replace('\0', '\\0') + '",')
- self.b('"' + self.get_signal_glue(signals).replace('\0', '\\0') + '",')
- self.b('"' +
- self.get_property_glue(glue_properties).replace('\0', '\\0') +
- '",')
- self.b('};')
- self.b('')
- self.node_name_mixed = None
- self.node_name_lc = None
- self.node_name_uc = None
- def get_method_glue(self, methods):
- info = []
- offsets = []
- for method in methods:
- offsets.append(len(''.join(info)))
- info.append(self.iface_name + '\0')
- info.append(method.getAttribute('name') + '\0')
- info.append('A\0') # async
- counter = 0
- for arg in method.getElementsByTagName('arg'):
- out = arg.getAttribute('direction') == 'out'
- name = arg.getAttribute('name')
- if not name:
- assert out
- name = 'arg%u' % counter
- counter += 1
- info.append(name + '\0')
- if out:
- info.append('O\0')
- else:
- info.append('I\0')
- if out:
- info.append('F\0') # not const
- info.append('N\0') # not error or return
- info.append(arg.getAttribute('type') + '\0')
- info.append('\0')
- return ''.join(info) + '\0', offsets
- def do_method_glue(self, method, offset):
- lc_name = camelcase_to_lower(method.getAttribute('name'))
- marshaller = method_to_glue_marshal_name(method,
- self.signal_marshal_prefix)
- wrapper = self.prefix_ + self.node_name_lc + '_' + lc_name
- self.b(" { (GCallback) %s, %s, %d }," % (wrapper, marshaller, offset))
- def get_signal_glue(self, signals):
- info = []
- for signal in signals:
- info.append(self.iface_name)
- info.append(signal.getAttribute('name'))
- return '\0'.join(info) + '\0\0'
- # the implementation can be the same
- get_property_glue = get_signal_glue
- def get_method_impl_names(self, method):
- dbus_method_name = method.getAttribute('name')
- class_member_name = camelcase_to_lower(dbus_method_name)
- stub_name = (self.prefix_ + self.node_name_lc + '_' +
- class_member_name)
- return (stub_name + '_impl', class_member_name)
- def do_method(self, method):
- assert self.node_name_mixed is not None
- in_class = []
- # Examples refer to Thing.DoStuff (su) -> ii
- # DoStuff
- dbus_method_name = method.getAttribute('name')
- # do_stuff
- class_member_name = camelcase_to_lower(dbus_method_name)
- # void tp_svc_thing_do_stuff (TpSvcThing *, const char *, guint,
- # DBusGMethodInvocation *);
- stub_name = (self.prefix_ + self.node_name_lc + '_' +
- class_member_name)
- # typedef void (*tp_svc_thing_do_stuff_impl) (TpSvcThing *,
- # const char *, guint, DBusGMethodInvocation);
- impl_name = stub_name + '_impl'
- # void tp_svc_thing_return_from_do_stuff (DBusGMethodInvocation *,
- # gint, gint);
- ret_name = (self.prefix_ + self.node_name_lc + '_return_from_' +
- class_member_name)
- # Gather arguments
- in_args = []
- out_args = []
- for i in method.getElementsByTagName('arg'):
- name = i.getAttribute('name')
- direction = i.getAttribute('direction') or 'in'
- dtype = i.getAttribute('type')
- assert direction in ('in', 'out')
- if name:
- name = direction + '_' + name
- elif direction == 'in':
- name = direction + str(len(in_args))
- else:
- name = direction + str(len(out_args))
- ctype, gtype, marshaller, pointer = type_to_gtype(dtype)
- if pointer:
- ctype = 'const ' + ctype
- struct = (ctype, name)
- if direction == 'in':
- in_args.append(struct)
- else:
- out_args.append(struct)
- # Implementation type declaration (in header, docs in body)
- self.b('/**')
- self.b(' * %s:' % impl_name)
- self.b(' * @self: The object implementing this interface')
- for (ctype, name) in in_args:
- self.b(' * @%s: %s (FIXME, generate documentation)'
- % (name, ctype))
- self.b(' * @context: Used to return values or throw an error')
- self.b(' *')
- self.b(' * The signature of an implementation of the D-Bus method')
- self.b(' * %s on interface %s.' % (dbus_method_name, self.iface_name))
- self.b(' */')
- self.h('typedef void (*%s) (%s%s *self,'
- % (impl_name, self.Prefix, self.node_name_mixed))
- for (ctype, name) in in_args:
- self.h(' %s%s,' % (ctype, name))
- self.h(' DBusGMethodInvocation *context);')
- # Class member (in class definition)
- in_class.append(' %s %s;' % (impl_name, class_member_name))
- # Stub definition (in body only - it's static)
- self.b('static void')
- self.b('%s (%s%s *self,'
- % (stub_name, self.Prefix, self.node_name_mixed))
- for (ctype, name) in in_args:
- self.b(' %s%s,' % (ctype, name))
- self.b(' DBusGMethodInvocation *context)')
- self.b('{')
- self.b(' %s impl = (%s%s_GET_CLASS (self)->%s);'
- % (impl_name, self.PREFIX_, self.node_name_uc, class_member_name))
- self.b('')
- self.b(' if (impl != NULL)')
- tmp = ['self'] + [name for (ctype, name) in in_args] + ['context']
- self.b(' {')
- self.b(' (impl) (%s);' % ',\n '.join(tmp))
- self.b(' }')
- self.b(' else')
- self.b(' {')
- if self.not_implemented_func:
- self.b(' %s (context);' % self.not_implemented_func)
- else:
- self.b(' GError e = { DBUS_GERROR, ')
- self.b(' "Method not implemented" };')
- self.b('')
- self.b(' dbus_g_method_return_error (context, &e);')
- self.b(' }')
- self.b('}')
- self.b('')
- # Implementation registration (in both header and body)
- self.h('void %s%s_implement_%s (%s%sClass *klass, %s impl);'
- % (self.prefix_, self.node_name_lc, class_member_name,
- self.Prefix, self.node_name_mixed, impl_name))
- self.b('/**')
- self.b(' * %s%s_implement_%s:'
- % (self.prefix_, self.node_name_lc, class_member_name))
- self.b(' * @klass: A class whose instances implement this interface')
- self.b(' * @impl: A callback used to implement the %s D-Bus method'
- % dbus_method_name)
- self.b(' *')
- self.b(' * Register an implementation for the %s method in the vtable'
- % dbus_method_name)
- self.b(' * of an implementation of this interface. To be called from')
- self.b(' * the interface init function.')
- self.b(' */')
- self.b('void')
- self.b('%s%s_implement_%s (%s%sClass *klass, %s impl)'
- % (self.prefix_, self.node_name_lc, class_member_name,
- self.Prefix, self.node_name_mixed, impl_name))
- self.b('{')
- self.b(' klass->%s = impl;' % class_member_name)
- self.b('}')
- self.b('')
- # Return convenience function (static inline, in header)
- self.h('/**')
- self.h(' * %s:' % ret_name)
- self.h(' * @context: The D-Bus method invocation context')
- for (ctype, name) in out_args:
- self.h(' * @%s: %s (FIXME, generate documentation)'
- % (name, ctype))
- self.h(' *')
- self.h(' * Return successfully by calling dbus_g_method_return().')
- self.h(' * This inline function exists only to provide type-safety.')
- self.h(' */')
- tmp = (['DBusGMethodInvocation *context'] +
- [ctype + name for (ctype, name) in out_args])
- self.h('static inline')
- self.h('/* this comment is to stop gtkdoc realising this is static */')
- self.h(('void %s (' % ret_name) + (',\n '.join(tmp)) + ');')
- self.h('static inline void')
- self.h(('%s (' % ret_name) + (',\n '.join(tmp)) + ')')
- self.h('{')
- tmp = ['context'] + [name for (ctype, name) in out_args]
- self.h(' dbus_g_method_return (' + ',\n '.join(tmp) + ');')
- self.h('}')
- self.h('')
- return in_class
- def get_signal_const_entry(self, signal):
- assert self.node_name_uc is not None
- return ('SIGNAL_%s_%s'
- % (self.node_name_uc, signal.getAttribute('name')))
- def do_signal(self, signal):
- assert self.node_name_mixed is not None
- in_base_init = []
- # for signal: Thing::StuffHappened (s, u)
- # we want to emit:
- # void tp_svc_thing_emit_stuff_happened (gpointer instance,
- # const char *arg0, guint arg1);
- dbus_name = signal.getAttribute('name')
- stub_name = (self.prefix_ + self.node_name_lc + '_emit_' +
- camelcase_to_lower(dbus_name))
- const_name = self.get_signal_const_entry(signal)
- # Gather arguments
- args = []
- for i in signal.getElementsByTagName('arg'):
- name = i.getAttribute('name')
- dtype = i.getAttribute('type')
- tp_type = i.getAttribute('tp:type')
- if name:
- name = 'arg_' + name
- else:
- name = 'arg' + str(len(args))
- ctype, gtype, marshaller, pointer = type_to_gtype(dtype)
- if pointer:
- ctype = 'const ' + ctype
- struct = (ctype, name, gtype)
- args.append(struct)
- tmp = (['gpointer instance'] +
- [ctype + name for (ctype, name, gtype) in args])
- self.h(('void %s (' % stub_name) + (',\n '.join(tmp)) + ');')
- # FIXME: emit docs
- self.b('/**')
- self.b(' * %s:' % stub_name)
- self.b(' * @instance: The object implementing this interface')
- for (ctype, name, gtype) in args:
- self.b(' * @%s: %s (FIXME, generate documentation)'
- % (name, ctype))
- self.b(' *')
- self.b(' * Type-safe wrapper around g_signal_emit to emit the')
- self.b(' * %s signal on interface %s.'
- % (dbus_name, self.iface_name))
- self.b(' */')
- self.b('void')
- self.b(('%s (' % stub_name) + (',\n '.join(tmp)) + ')')
- self.b('{')
- self.b(' g_assert (instance != NULL);')
- self.b(' g_assert (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE (instance, %s));'
- % (self.current_gtype))
- tmp = (['instance', '%s_signals[%s]' % (self.node_name_lc, const_name),
- '0'] + [name for (ctype, name, gtype) in args])
- self.b(' g_signal_emit (' + ',\n '.join(tmp) + ');')
- self.b('}')
- self.b('')
- signal_name = dbus_gutils_wincaps_to_uscore(dbus_name).replace('_',
- '-')
- in_base_init.append(' /**')
- in_base_init.append(' * %s%s::%s:'
- % (self.Prefix, self.node_name_mixed, signal_name))
- for (ctype, name, gtype) in args:
- in_base_init.append(' * @%s: %s (FIXME, generate documentation)'
- % (name, ctype))
- in_base_init.append(' *')
- in_base_init.append(' * The %s D-Bus signal is emitted whenever '
- 'this GObject signal is.' % dbus_name)
- in_base_init.append(' */')
- in_base_init.append(' %s_signals[%s] ='
- % (self.node_name_lc, const_name))
- in_base_init.append(' g_signal_new ("%s",' % signal_name)
- in_base_init.append(' G_OBJECT_CLASS_TYPE (klass),')
- in_base_init.append(' G_SIGNAL_RUN_LAST|G_SIGNAL_DETAILED,')
- in_base_init.append(' 0,')
- in_base_init.append(' NULL, NULL,')
- in_base_init.append(' %s,'
- % signal_to_marshal_name(signal, self.signal_marshal_prefix))
- in_base_init.append(' G_TYPE_NONE,')
- tmp = ['%d' % len(args)] + [gtype for (ctype, name, gtype) in args]
- in_base_init.append(' %s);' % ',\n '.join(tmp))
- in_base_init.append('')
- return in_base_init
- def __call__(self):
- self.h('#include <glib-object.h>')
- self.h('#include <dbus/dbus-glib.h>')
- self.h('#include <telepathy-glib/dbus-properties-mixin.h>')
- self.h('')
- self.h('G_BEGIN_DECLS')
- self.h('')
- self.b('#include "%s.h"' % basename)
- self.b('')
- for header in self.headers:
- self.b('#include %s' % header)
- self.b('')
- nodes = self.dom.getElementsByTagName('node')
- nodes.sort(cmp_by_name)
- for node in nodes:
- self.do_node(node)
- self.h('')
- self.h('G_END_DECLS')
- self.b('')
- for header in self.end_headers:
- self.b('#include %s' % header)
- self.h('')
- self.b('')
- open(basename + '.h', 'w').write('\n'.join(self.__header))
- open(basename + '.c', 'w').write('\n'.join(self.__body))
-def cmdline_error():
- print """\
- gen-ginterface [OPTIONS] xmlfile Prefix_
- --include='<header.h>' (may be repeated)
- --include='"header.h"' (ditto)
- --include-end='"header.h"' (ditto)
- Include extra headers in the generated .c file
- --signal-marshal-prefix='prefix'
- Use the given prefix on generated signal marshallers (default is
- prefix.lower()).
- --filename='BASENAME'
- Set the basename for the output files (default is prefix.lower()
- + 'ginterfaces')
- --not-implemented-func='symbol'
- Set action when methods not implemented in the interface vtable are
- called. symbol must have signature
- void symbol (DBusGMethodInvocation *context)
- and return some sort of "not implemented" error via
- dbus_g_method_return_error (context, ...)
- sys.exit(1)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- from getopt import gnu_getopt
- options, argv = gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], '',
- ['filename=', 'signal-marshal-prefix=',
- 'include=', 'include-end=',
- 'allow-unstable',
- 'not-implemented-func='])
- try:
- prefix = argv[1]
- except IndexError:
- cmdline_error()
- basename = prefix.lower() + 'ginterfaces'
- signal_marshal_prefix = prefix.lower().rstrip('_')
- headers = []
- end_headers = []
- not_implemented_func = ''
- allow_havoc = False
- for option, value in options:
- if option == '--filename':
- basename = value
- elif option == '--signal-marshal-prefix':
- signal_marshal_prefix = value
- elif option == '--include':
- if value[0] not in '<"':
- value = '"%s"' % value
- headers.append(value)
- elif option == '--include-end':
- if value[0] not in '<"':
- value = '"%s"' % value
- end_headers.append(value)
- elif option == '--not-implemented-func':
- not_implemented_func = value
- elif option == '--allow-unstable':
- allow_havoc = True
- try:
- dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(argv[0])
- except IndexError:
- cmdline_error()
- Generator(dom, prefix, basename, signal_marshal_prefix, headers,
- end_headers, not_implemented_func, allow_havoc)()