path: root/vendor/github.com/ebfe
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/github.com/ebfe')
7 files changed, 1156 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ebfe/scard/LICENSE b/vendor/github.com/ebfe/scard/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0d220e7ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ebfe/scard/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Copyright (c) 2016, Michael Gehring <mg@ebfe.org>
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
+ list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
+ list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
+ other materials provided with the distribution.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ebfe/scard/README.md b/vendor/github.com/ebfe/scard/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cdafb2c7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ebfe/scard/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Go bindings to the PC/SC API.
+## Installation
+ go get github.com/ebfe/scard
+## Bugs
+ - Memory layouts/GC needs a thorough review.
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ebfe/scard/scard.go b/vendor/github.com/ebfe/scard/scard.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a5f0ae16b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ebfe/scard/scard.go
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+// Package scard provides bindings to the PC/SC API.
+package scard
+import (
+ "time"
+ "unsafe"
+type CardStatus struct {
+ Reader string
+ State State
+ ActiveProtocol Protocol
+ Atr []byte
+type ReaderState struct {
+ Reader string
+ UserData interface{}
+ CurrentState StateFlag
+ EventState StateFlag
+ Atr []byte
+type Context struct {
+ ctx uintptr
+type Card struct {
+ handle uintptr
+ activeProtocol Protocol
+// wraps SCardEstablishContext
+func EstablishContext() (*Context, error) {
+ ctx, r := scardEstablishContext(ScopeSystem, 0, 0)
+ if r != ErrSuccess {
+ return nil, r
+ }
+ return &Context{ctx: ctx}, nil
+// wraps SCardIsValidContext
+func (ctx *Context) IsValid() (bool, error) {
+ r := scardIsValidContext(ctx.ctx)
+ switch r {
+ case ErrSuccess:
+ return true, nil
+ case ErrInvalidHandle:
+ return false, nil
+ default:
+ return false, r
+ }
+// wraps SCardCancel
+func (ctx *Context) Cancel() error {
+ r := scardCancel(ctx.ctx)
+ if r != ErrSuccess {
+ return r
+ }
+ return nil
+// wraps SCardReleaseContext
+func (ctx *Context) Release() error {
+ r := scardReleaseContext(ctx.ctx)
+ if r != ErrSuccess {
+ return r
+ }
+ return nil
+// wraps SCardListReaders
+func (ctx *Context) ListReaders() ([]string, error) {
+ needed, r := scardListReaders(ctx.ctx, nil, nil, 0)
+ if r != ErrSuccess {
+ return nil, r
+ }
+ buf := make(strbuf, needed)
+ n, r := scardListReaders(ctx.ctx, nil, buf.ptr(), uint32(len(buf)))
+ if r != ErrSuccess {
+ return nil, r
+ }
+ return decodemstr(buf[:n]), nil
+// wraps SCardListReaderGroups
+func (ctx *Context) ListReaderGroups() ([]string, error) {
+ needed, r := scardListReaderGroups(ctx.ctx, nil, 0)
+ if r != ErrSuccess {
+ return nil, r
+ }
+ buf := make(strbuf, needed)
+ n, r := scardListReaderGroups(ctx.ctx, buf.ptr(), uint32(len(buf)))
+ if r != ErrSuccess {
+ return nil, r
+ }
+ return decodemstr(buf[:n]), nil
+// wraps SCardGetStatusChange
+func (ctx *Context) GetStatusChange(readerStates []ReaderState, timeout time.Duration) error {
+ dwTimeout := durationToTimeout(timeout)
+ states := make([]scardReaderState, len(readerStates))
+ for i := range readerStates {
+ var err error
+ states[i], err = readerStates[i].toSys()
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ r := scardGetStatusChange(ctx.ctx, dwTimeout, states)
+ if r != ErrSuccess {
+ return r
+ }
+ for i := range readerStates {
+ (&readerStates[i]).update(&states[i])
+ }
+ return nil
+// wraps SCardConnect
+func (ctx *Context) Connect(reader string, mode ShareMode, proto Protocol) (*Card, error) {
+ creader, err := encodestr(reader)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ handle, activeProtocol, r := scardConnect(ctx.ctx, creader.ptr(), mode, proto)
+ if r != ErrSuccess {
+ return nil, r
+ }
+ return &Card{handle: handle, activeProtocol: activeProtocol}, nil
+// wraps SCardDisconnect
+func (card *Card) Disconnect(d Disposition) error {
+ r := scardDisconnect(card.handle, d)
+ if r != ErrSuccess {
+ return r
+ }
+ return nil
+// wraps SCardReconnect
+func (card *Card) Reconnect(mode ShareMode, proto Protocol, disp Disposition) error {
+ activeProtocol, r := scardReconnect(card.handle, mode, proto, disp)
+ if r != ErrSuccess {
+ return r
+ }
+ card.activeProtocol = activeProtocol
+ return nil
+// wraps SCardBeginTransaction
+func (card *Card) BeginTransaction() error {
+ r := scardBeginTransaction(card.handle)
+ if r != ErrSuccess {
+ return r
+ }
+ return nil
+// wraps SCardEndTransaction
+func (card *Card) EndTransaction(disp Disposition) error {
+ r := scardEndTransaction(card.handle, disp)
+ if r != ErrSuccess {
+ return r
+ }
+ return nil
+// wraps SCardStatus
+func (card *Card) Status() (*CardStatus, error) {
+ reader, state, proto, atr, err := scardCardStatus(card.handle)
+ if err != ErrSuccess {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return &CardStatus{Reader: reader, State: state, ActiveProtocol: proto, Atr: atr}, nil
+// wraps SCardTransmit
+func (card *Card) Transmit(cmd []byte) ([]byte, error) {
+ rsp := make([]byte, maxBufferSizeExtended)
+ rspLen, err := scardTransmit(card.handle, card.activeProtocol, cmd, rsp)
+ if err != ErrSuccess {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return rsp[:rspLen], nil
+// wraps SCardControl
+func (card *Card) Control(ioctl uint32, in []byte) ([]byte, error) {
+ var out [0xffff]byte
+ outLen, err := scardControl(card.handle, ioctl, in, out[:])
+ if err != ErrSuccess {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return out[:outLen], nil
+// wraps SCardGetAttrib
+func (card *Card) GetAttrib(id Attrib) ([]byte, error) {
+ needed, err := scardGetAttrib(card.handle, id, nil)
+ if err != ErrSuccess {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ var attrib = make([]byte, needed)
+ n, err := scardGetAttrib(card.handle, id, attrib)
+ if err != ErrSuccess {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return attrib[:n], nil
+// wraps SCardSetAttrib
+func (card *Card) SetAttrib(id Attrib, data []byte) error {
+ err := scardSetAttrib(card.handle, id, data)
+ if err != ErrSuccess {
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
+func durationToTimeout(timeout time.Duration) uint32 {
+ switch {
+ case timeout < 0:
+ return infiniteTimeout
+ case timeout > time.Duration(infiniteTimeout)*time.Millisecond:
+ return infiniteTimeout - 1
+ default:
+ return uint32(timeout / time.Millisecond)
+ }
+func (buf strbuf) ptr() unsafe.Pointer {
+ return unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])
+func (buf strbuf) split() []strbuf {
+ var chunks []strbuf
+ for len(buf) > 0 && buf[0] != 0 {
+ i := 0
+ for i = range buf {
+ if buf[i] == 0 {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ chunks = append(chunks, buf[:i+1])
+ buf = buf[i+1:]
+ }
+ return chunks
+func encodemstr(strings ...string) (strbuf, error) {
+ var buf strbuf
+ for _, s := range strings {
+ utf16, err := encodestr(s)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ buf = append(buf, utf16...)
+ }
+ buf = append(buf, 0)
+ return buf, nil
+func decodemstr(buf strbuf) []string {
+ var strings []string
+ for _, chunk := range buf.split() {
+ strings = append(strings, decodestr(chunk))
+ }
+ return strings
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ebfe/scard/scard_darwin.go b/vendor/github.com/ebfe/scard/scard_darwin.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..83a1597b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ebfe/scard/scard_darwin.go
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+// +build darwin
+package scard
+// #cgo LDFLAGS: -framework PCSC
+// #cgo CFLAGS: -I /usr/include
+// #include <stdlib.h>
+// #include <PCSC/winscard.h>
+// #include <PCSC/wintypes.h>
+import "C"
+import (
+ "unsafe"
+func (e Error) Error() string {
+ return "scard: " + C.GoString(C.pcsc_stringify_error(C.int32_t(e)))
+// Version returns the libpcsclite version string
+func Version() string {
+func scardEstablishContext(scope Scope, reserved1, reserved2 uintptr) (uintptr, Error) {
+ r := C.SCardEstablishContext(C.uint32_t(scope), unsafe.Pointer(reserved1), unsafe.Pointer(reserved2), &ctx)
+ return uintptr(ctx), Error(r)
+func scardIsValidContext(ctx uintptr) Error {
+ r := C.SCardIsValidContext(C.SCARDCONTEXT(ctx))
+ return Error(r)
+func scardCancel(ctx uintptr) Error {
+ r := C.SCardCancel(C.SCARDCONTEXT(ctx))
+ return Error(r)
+func scardReleaseContext(ctx uintptr) Error {
+ r := C.SCardReleaseContext(C.SCARDCONTEXT(ctx))
+ return Error(r)
+func scardListReaders(ctx uintptr, groups, buf unsafe.Pointer, bufLen uint32) (uint32, Error) {
+ dwBufLen := C.uint32_t(bufLen)
+ r := C.SCardListReaders(C.SCARDCONTEXT(ctx), (C.LPCSTR)(groups), (C.LPSTR)(buf), &dwBufLen)
+ return uint32(dwBufLen), Error(r)
+func scardListReaderGroups(ctx uintptr, buf unsafe.Pointer, bufLen uint32) (uint32, Error) {
+ dwBufLen := C.uint32_t(bufLen)
+ r := C.SCardListReaderGroups(C.SCARDCONTEXT(ctx), (C.LPSTR)(buf), &dwBufLen)
+ return uint32(dwBufLen), Error(r)
+func scardGetStatusChange(ctx uintptr, timeout uint32, states []scardReaderState) Error {
+ // In darwin, the LPSCARD_READERSTATE_A has 1 byte alignment and hence
+ // has no trailing padding. Go does add 3 bytes of padding (on both 32
+ // and 64 bits), so we pack an array manually instead.
+ const size = int(unsafe.Sizeof(states[0])) - 3
+ buf := make([]byte, size*len(states))
+ for i, _ := range states {
+ copy(buf[i*size:(i+1)*size], (*(*[size]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&states[i])))[:])
+ }
+ r := C.SCardGetStatusChange(C.SCARDCONTEXT(ctx), C.uint32_t(timeout), (C.LPSCARD_READERSTATE_A)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])), C.uint32_t(len(states)))
+ for i, _ := range states {
+ copy((*(*[size]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&states[i])))[:], buf[i*size:(i+1)*size])
+ }
+ return Error(r)
+func scardConnect(ctx uintptr, reader unsafe.Pointer, shareMode ShareMode, proto Protocol) (uintptr, Protocol, Error) {
+ var handle C.SCARDHANDLE
+ var activeProto C.uint32_t
+ r := C.SCardConnect(C.SCARDCONTEXT(ctx), C.LPCSTR(reader), C.uint32_t(shareMode), C.uint32_t(proto), &handle, &activeProto)
+ return uintptr(handle), Protocol(activeProto), Error(r)
+func scardDisconnect(card uintptr, d Disposition) Error {
+ r := C.SCardDisconnect(C.SCARDHANDLE(card), C.uint32_t(d))
+ return Error(r)
+func scardReconnect(card uintptr, mode ShareMode, proto Protocol, disp Disposition) (Protocol, Error) {
+ var activeProtocol C.uint32_t
+ r := C.SCardReconnect(C.SCARDHANDLE(card), C.uint32_t(mode), C.uint32_t(proto), C.uint32_t(disp), &activeProtocol)
+ return Protocol(activeProtocol), Error(r)
+func scardBeginTransaction(card uintptr) Error {
+ r := C.SCardBeginTransaction(C.SCARDHANDLE(card))
+ return Error(r)
+func scardEndTransaction(card uintptr, disp Disposition) Error {
+ r := C.SCardEndTransaction(C.SCARDHANDLE(card), C.uint32_t(disp))
+ return Error(r)
+func scardCardStatus(card uintptr) (string, State, Protocol, []byte, Error) {
+ var readerBuf [C.MAX_READERNAME + 1]byte
+ var readerLen = C.uint32_t(len(readerBuf))
+ var state, proto C.uint32_t
+ var atr [maxAtrSize]byte
+ var atrLen = C.uint32_t(len(atr))
+ r := C.SCardStatus(C.SCARDHANDLE(card), (C.LPSTR)(unsafe.Pointer(&readerBuf[0])), &readerLen, &state, &proto, (*C.uchar)(&atr[0]), &atrLen)
+ return decodestr(readerBuf[:readerLen]), State(state), Protocol(proto), atr[:atrLen], Error(r)
+func scardTransmit(card uintptr, proto Protocol, cmd []byte, rsp []byte) (uint32, Error) {
+ var sendpci C.SCARD_IO_REQUEST
+ var recvpci C.SCARD_IO_REQUEST
+ var rspLen = C.uint32_t(len(rsp))
+ switch proto {
+ case ProtocolT0, ProtocolT1:
+ sendpci.dwProtocol = C.uint32_t(proto)
+ default:
+ panic("unknown protocol")
+ }
+ sendpci.cbPciLength = C.sizeof_SCARD_IO_REQUEST
+ r := C.SCardTransmit(C.SCARDHANDLE(card), &sendpci, (*C.uchar)(&cmd[0]), C.uint32_t(len(cmd)), &recvpci, (*C.uchar)(&rsp[0]), &rspLen)
+ return uint32(rspLen), Error(r)
+func scardControl(card uintptr, ioctl uint32, in, out []byte) (uint32, Error) {
+ var ptrIn unsafe.Pointer
+ var outLen = C.uint32_t(len(out))
+ if len(in) != 0 {
+ ptrIn = unsafe.Pointer(&in[0])
+ }
+ r := C.SCardControl(C.SCARDHANDLE(card), C.uint32_t(ioctl), ptrIn, C.uint32_t(len(in)), unsafe.Pointer(&out[0]), C.uint32_t(len(out)), &outLen)
+ return uint32(outLen), Error(r)
+func scardGetAttrib(card uintptr, id Attrib, buf []byte) (uint32, Error) {
+ var ptr *C.uint8_t
+ if len(buf) != 0 {
+ ptr = (*C.uint8_t)(&buf[0])
+ }
+ bufLen := C.uint32_t(len(buf))
+ r := C.SCardGetAttrib(C.SCARDHANDLE(card), C.uint32_t(id), ptr, &bufLen)
+ return uint32(bufLen), Error(r)
+func scardSetAttrib(card uintptr, id Attrib, buf []byte) Error {
+ r := C.SCardSetAttrib(C.SCARDHANDLE(card), C.uint32_t(id), ((*C.uint8_t)(&buf[0])), C.uint32_t(len(buf)))
+ return Error(r)
+type strbuf []byte
+func encodestr(s string) (strbuf, error) {
+ buf := strbuf(s + "\x00")
+ return buf, nil
+func decodestr(buf strbuf) string {
+ if len(buf) == 0 {
+ return ""
+ }
+ if buf[len(buf)-1] == 0 {
+ buf = buf[:len(buf)-1]
+ }
+ return string(buf)
+type scardReaderState struct {
+ szReader uintptr
+ pvUserData uintptr
+ dwCurrentState uint32
+ dwEventState uint32
+ cbAtr uint32
+ rgbAtr [33]byte
+var pinned = map[string]*strbuf{}
+func (rs *ReaderState) toSys() (scardReaderState, error) {
+ var sys scardReaderState
+ creader, err := encodestr(rs.Reader)
+ if err != nil {
+ return scardReaderState{}, err
+ }
+ pinned[rs.Reader] = &creader
+ sys.szReader = uintptr(creader.ptr())
+ sys.dwCurrentState = uint32(rs.CurrentState)
+ sys.cbAtr = uint32(len(rs.Atr))
+ for i, v := range rs.Atr {
+ sys.rgbAtr[i] = byte(v)
+ }
+ return sys, nil
+func (rs *ReaderState) update(sys *scardReaderState) {
+ rs.EventState = StateFlag(sys.dwEventState)
+ if sys.cbAtr > 0 {
+ rs.Atr = make([]byte, int(sys.cbAtr))
+ for i := 0; i < int(sys.cbAtr); i++ {
+ rs.Atr[i] = byte(sys.rgbAtr[i])
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ebfe/scard/scard_unix.go b/vendor/github.com/ebfe/scard/scard_unix.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..21910318f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ebfe/scard/scard_unix.go
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+// +build !windows,!darwin
+package scard
+// #cgo pkg-config: libpcsclite
+// #include <stdlib.h>
+// #include <winscard.h>
+import "C"
+import (
+ "unsafe"
+func (e Error) Error() string {
+ return "scard: " + C.GoString(C.pcsc_stringify_error(C.LONG(e)))
+// Version returns the libpcsclite version string
+func Version() string {
+func scardEstablishContext(scope Scope, reserved1, reserved2 uintptr) (uintptr, Error) {
+ r := C.SCardEstablishContext(C.DWORD(scope), C.LPCVOID(reserved1), C.LPCVOID(reserved2), &ctx)
+ return uintptr(ctx), Error(r)
+func scardIsValidContext(ctx uintptr) Error {
+ r := C.SCardIsValidContext(C.SCARDCONTEXT(ctx))
+ return Error(r)
+func scardCancel(ctx uintptr) Error {
+ r := C.SCardCancel(C.SCARDCONTEXT(ctx))
+ return Error(r)
+func scardReleaseContext(ctx uintptr) Error {
+ r := C.SCardReleaseContext(C.SCARDCONTEXT(ctx))
+ return Error(r)
+func scardListReaders(ctx uintptr, groups, buf unsafe.Pointer, bufLen uint32) (uint32, Error) {
+ dwBufLen := C.DWORD(bufLen)
+ r := C.SCardListReaders(C.SCARDCONTEXT(ctx), (C.LPCSTR)(groups), (C.LPSTR)(buf), &dwBufLen)
+ return uint32(dwBufLen), Error(r)
+func scardListReaderGroups(ctx uintptr, buf unsafe.Pointer, bufLen uint32) (uint32, Error) {
+ dwBufLen := C.DWORD(bufLen)
+ r := C.SCardListReaderGroups(C.SCARDCONTEXT(ctx), (C.LPSTR)(buf), &dwBufLen)
+ return uint32(dwBufLen), Error(r)
+func scardGetStatusChange(ctx uintptr, timeout uint32, states []scardReaderState) Error {
+ r := C.SCardGetStatusChange(C.SCARDCONTEXT(ctx), C.DWORD(timeout), (C.LPSCARD_READERSTATE)(unsafe.Pointer(&states[0])), C.DWORD(len(states)))
+ return Error(r)
+func scardConnect(ctx uintptr, reader unsafe.Pointer, shareMode ShareMode, proto Protocol) (uintptr, Protocol, Error) {
+ var handle C.SCARDHANDLE
+ var activeProto C.DWORD
+ r := C.SCardConnect(C.SCARDCONTEXT(ctx), C.LPCSTR(reader), C.DWORD(shareMode), C.DWORD(proto), &handle, &activeProto)
+ return uintptr(handle), Protocol(activeProto), Error(r)
+func scardDisconnect(card uintptr, d Disposition) Error {
+ r := C.SCardDisconnect(C.SCARDHANDLE(card), C.DWORD(d))
+ return Error(r)
+func scardReconnect(card uintptr, mode ShareMode, proto Protocol, disp Disposition) (Protocol, Error) {
+ var activeProtocol C.DWORD
+ r := C.SCardReconnect(C.SCARDHANDLE(card), C.DWORD(mode), C.DWORD(proto), C.DWORD(disp), &activeProtocol)
+ return Protocol(activeProtocol), Error(r)
+func scardBeginTransaction(card uintptr) Error {
+ r := C.SCardBeginTransaction(C.SCARDHANDLE(card))
+ return Error(r)
+func scardEndTransaction(card uintptr, disp Disposition) Error {
+ r := C.SCardEndTransaction(C.SCARDHANDLE(card), C.DWORD(disp))
+ return Error(r)
+func scardCardStatus(card uintptr) (string, State, Protocol, []byte, Error) {
+ var readerBuf [C.MAX_READERNAME + 1]byte
+ var readerLen = C.DWORD(len(readerBuf))
+ var state, proto C.DWORD
+ var atr [maxAtrSize]byte
+ var atrLen = C.DWORD(len(atr))
+ r := C.SCardStatus(C.SCARDHANDLE(card), (C.LPSTR)(unsafe.Pointer(&readerBuf[0])), &readerLen, &state, &proto, (*C.BYTE)(&atr[0]), &atrLen)
+ return decodestr(readerBuf[:readerLen]), State(state), Protocol(proto), atr[:atrLen], Error(r)
+func scardTransmit(card uintptr, proto Protocol, cmd []byte, rsp []byte) (uint32, Error) {
+ var sendpci C.SCARD_IO_REQUEST
+ var recvpci C.SCARD_IO_REQUEST
+ var rspLen = C.DWORD(len(rsp))
+ switch proto {
+ case ProtocolT0, ProtocolT1:
+ sendpci.dwProtocol = C.ulong(proto)
+ default:
+ panic("unknown protocol")
+ }
+ sendpci.cbPciLength = C.sizeof_SCARD_IO_REQUEST
+ r := C.SCardTransmit(C.SCARDHANDLE(card), &sendpci, (*C.BYTE)(&cmd[0]), C.DWORD(len(cmd)), &recvpci, (*C.BYTE)(&rsp[0]), &rspLen)
+ return uint32(rspLen), Error(r)
+func scardControl(card uintptr, ioctl uint32, in, out []byte) (uint32, Error) {
+ var ptrIn C.LPCVOID
+ var outLen = C.DWORD(len(out))
+ if len(in) != 0 {
+ ptrIn = C.LPCVOID(unsafe.Pointer(&in[0]))
+ }
+ r := C.SCardControl(C.SCARDHANDLE(card), C.DWORD(ioctl), ptrIn, C.DWORD(len(in)), (C.LPVOID)(unsafe.Pointer(&out[0])), C.DWORD(len(out)), &outLen)
+ return uint32(outLen), Error(r)
+func scardGetAttrib(card uintptr, id Attrib, buf []byte) (uint32, Error) {
+ var ptr C.LPBYTE
+ if len(buf) != 0 {
+ ptr = C.LPBYTE(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]))
+ }
+ bufLen := C.DWORD(len(buf))
+ r := C.SCardGetAttrib(C.SCARDHANDLE(card), C.DWORD(id), ptr, &bufLen)
+ return uint32(bufLen), Error(r)
+func scardSetAttrib(card uintptr, id Attrib, buf []byte) Error {
+ r := C.SCardSetAttrib(C.SCARDHANDLE(card), C.DWORD(id), (*C.BYTE)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])), C.DWORD(len(buf)))
+ return Error(r)
+type strbuf []byte
+func encodestr(s string) (strbuf, error) {
+ buf := strbuf(s + "\x00")
+ return buf, nil
+func decodestr(buf strbuf) string {
+ if len(buf) == 0 {
+ return ""
+ }
+ if buf[len(buf)-1] == 0 {
+ buf = buf[:len(buf)-1]
+ }
+ return string(buf)
+type scardReaderState struct {
+ szReader uintptr
+ pvUserData uintptr
+ dwCurrentState uintptr
+ dwEventState uintptr
+ cbAtr uintptr
+ rgbAtr [33]byte
+var pinned = map[string]*strbuf{}
+func (rs *ReaderState) toSys() (scardReaderState, error) {
+ var sys scardReaderState
+ creader, err := encodestr(rs.Reader)
+ if err != nil {
+ return scardReaderState{}, err
+ }
+ pinned[rs.Reader] = &creader
+ sys.szReader = uintptr(creader.ptr())
+ sys.dwCurrentState = uintptr(rs.CurrentState)
+ sys.cbAtr = uintptr(len(rs.Atr))
+ for i, v := range rs.Atr {
+ sys.rgbAtr[i] = byte(v)
+ }
+ return sys, nil
+func (rs *ReaderState) update(sys *scardReaderState) {
+ rs.EventState = StateFlag(sys.dwEventState)
+ if sys.cbAtr > 0 {
+ rs.Atr = make([]byte, int(sys.cbAtr))
+ for i := 0; i < int(sys.cbAtr); i++ {
+ rs.Atr[i] = byte(sys.rgbAtr[i])
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ebfe/scard/scard_windows.go b/vendor/github.com/ebfe/scard/scard_windows.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bc852da04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ebfe/scard/scard_windows.go
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+package scard
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "syscall"
+ "unsafe"
+var (
+ modwinscard = syscall.NewLazyDLL("winscard.dll")
+ procEstablishContext = modwinscard.NewProc("SCardEstablishContext")
+ procReleaseContext = modwinscard.NewProc("SCardReleaseContext")
+ procIsValidContext = modwinscard.NewProc("SCardIsValidContext")
+ procCancel = modwinscard.NewProc("SCardCancel")
+ procListReaders = modwinscard.NewProc("SCardListReadersW")
+ procListReaderGroups = modwinscard.NewProc("SCardListReaderGroupsW")
+ procGetStatusChange = modwinscard.NewProc("SCardGetStatusChangeW")
+ procConnect = modwinscard.NewProc("SCardConnectW")
+ procDisconnect = modwinscard.NewProc("SCardDisconnect")
+ procReconnect = modwinscard.NewProc("SCardReconnect")
+ procBeginTransaction = modwinscard.NewProc("SCardBeginTransaction")
+ procEndTransaction = modwinscard.NewProc("SCardEndTransaction")
+ procStatus = modwinscard.NewProc("SCardStatusW")
+ procTransmit = modwinscard.NewProc("SCardTransmit")
+ procControl = modwinscard.NewProc("SCardControl")
+ procGetAttrib = modwinscard.NewProc("SCardGetAttrib")
+ procSetAttrib = modwinscard.NewProc("SCardSetAttrib")
+ dataT0Pci = modwinscard.NewProc("g_rgSCardT0Pci")
+ dataT1Pci = modwinscard.NewProc("g_rgSCardT1Pci")
+var scardIoReqT0 uintptr
+var scardIoReqT1 uintptr
+func init() {
+ if err := dataT0Pci.Find(); err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ scardIoReqT0 = dataT0Pci.Addr()
+ if err := dataT1Pci.Find(); err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ scardIoReqT1 = dataT1Pci.Addr()
+func (e Error) Error() string {
+ err := syscall.Errno(e)
+ return fmt.Sprintf("scard: error(%x): %s", uintptr(e), err.Error())
+func scardEstablishContext(scope Scope, reserved1, reserved2 uintptr) (uintptr, Error) {
+ var ctx uintptr
+ r, _, _ := procEstablishContext.Call(uintptr(scope), reserved1, reserved2, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&ctx)))
+ return ctx, Error(r)
+func scardIsValidContext(ctx uintptr) Error {
+ r, _, _ := procIsValidContext.Call(ctx)
+ return Error(r)
+func scardCancel(ctx uintptr) Error {
+ r, _, _ := procCancel.Call(ctx)
+ return Error(r)
+func scardReleaseContext(ctx uintptr) Error {
+ r, _, _ := procReleaseContext.Call(ctx)
+ return Error(r)
+func scardListReaders(ctx uintptr, groups, buf unsafe.Pointer, bufLen uint32) (uint32, Error) {
+ dwBufLen := uint32(bufLen)
+ r, _, _ := procListReaders.Call(ctx, uintptr(groups), uintptr(buf), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&dwBufLen)))
+ return dwBufLen, Error(r)
+func scardListReaderGroups(ctx uintptr, buf unsafe.Pointer, bufLen uint32) (uint32, Error) {
+ dwBufLen := uint32(bufLen)
+ r, _, _ := procListReaderGroups.Call(ctx, uintptr(buf), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&dwBufLen)))
+ return dwBufLen, Error(r)
+func scardGetStatusChange(ctx uintptr, timeout uint32, states []scardReaderState) Error {
+ r, _, _ := procGetStatusChange.Call(ctx, uintptr(timeout), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&states[0])), uintptr(len(states)))
+ return Error(r)
+func scardConnect(ctx uintptr, reader unsafe.Pointer, shareMode ShareMode, proto Protocol) (uintptr, Protocol, Error) {
+ var handle uintptr
+ var activeProto uint32
+ r, _, _ := procConnect.Call(ctx, uintptr(reader), uintptr(shareMode), uintptr(proto), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&handle)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&activeProto)))
+ return handle, Protocol(activeProto), Error(r)
+func scardDisconnect(card uintptr, d Disposition) Error {
+ r, _, _ := procDisconnect.Call(card, uintptr(d))
+ return Error(r)
+func scardReconnect(card uintptr, mode ShareMode, proto Protocol, disp Disposition) (Protocol, Error) {
+ var activeProtocol uint32
+ r, _, _ := procReconnect.Call(card, uintptr(mode), uintptr(proto), uintptr(disp), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&activeProtocol)))
+ return Protocol(activeProtocol), Error(r)
+func scardBeginTransaction(card uintptr) Error {
+ r, _, _ := procBeginTransaction.Call(card)
+ return Error(r)
+func scardEndTransaction(card uintptr, disp Disposition) Error {
+ r, _, _ := procEndTransaction.Call(card, uintptr(disp))
+ return Error(r)
+func scardCardStatus(card uintptr) (string, State, Protocol, []byte, Error) {
+ var state, proto uint32
+ var atr [maxAtrSize]byte
+ var atrLen = uint32(len(atr))
+ reader := make(strbuf, maxReadername+1)
+ readerLen := uint32(len(reader))
+ r, _, _ := procStatus.Call(card, uintptr(reader.ptr()), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&readerLen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&state)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&proto)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&atr[0])), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&atrLen)))
+ return decodestr(reader[:readerLen]), State(state), Protocol(proto), atr[:atrLen], Error(r)
+func scardTransmit(card uintptr, proto Protocol, cmd []byte, rsp []byte) (uint32, Error) {
+ var sendpci uintptr
+ var rspLen = uint32(len(rsp))
+ switch proto {
+ case ProtocolT0:
+ sendpci = scardIoReqT0
+ case ProtocolT1:
+ sendpci = scardIoReqT1
+ default:
+ panic("unknown protocol")
+ }
+ r, _, _ := procTransmit.Call(card, sendpci, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&cmd[0])), uintptr(len(cmd)), uintptr(0), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&rsp[0])), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&rspLen)))
+ return rspLen, Error(r)
+func scardControl(card uintptr, ioctl uint32, in, out []byte) (uint32, Error) {
+ var ptrIn uintptr
+ var outLen = uint32(len(out))
+ if len(in) != 0 {
+ ptrIn = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&in[0]))
+ }
+ r, _, _ := procControl.Call(card, uintptr(ioctl), ptrIn, uintptr(len(in)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&out[0])), uintptr(len(out)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&outLen)))
+ return outLen, Error(r)
+func scardGetAttrib(card uintptr, id Attrib, buf []byte) (uint32, Error) {
+ var ptr uintptr
+ if len(buf) != 0 {
+ ptr = uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]))
+ }
+ bufLen := uint32(len(buf))
+ r, _, _ := procGetAttrib.Call(card, uintptr(id), ptr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&bufLen)))
+ return bufLen, Error(r)
+func scardSetAttrib(card uintptr, id Attrib, buf []byte) Error {
+ r, _, _ := procSetAttrib.Call(card, uintptr(id), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])), uintptr(len(buf)))
+ return Error(r)
+type scardReaderState struct {
+ szReader uintptr
+ pvUserData uintptr
+ dwCurrentState uint32
+ dwEventState uint32
+ cbAtr uint32
+ rgbAtr [36]byte
+func (rs *ReaderState) toSys() (scardReaderState, error) {
+ var sys scardReaderState
+ creader, err := encodestr(rs.Reader)
+ if err != nil {
+ return scardReaderState{}, err
+ }
+ sys.szReader = uintptr(creader.ptr())
+ sys.dwCurrentState = uint32(rs.CurrentState)
+ sys.cbAtr = uint32(len(rs.Atr))
+ copy(sys.rgbAtr[:], rs.Atr)
+ return sys, nil
+func (rs *ReaderState) update(sys *scardReaderState) {
+ rs.EventState = StateFlag(sys.dwEventState)
+ if sys.cbAtr > 0 {
+ rs.Atr = make([]byte, int(sys.cbAtr))
+ copy(rs.Atr, sys.rgbAtr[:])
+ }
+type strbuf []uint16
+func encodestr(s string) (strbuf, error) {
+ utf16, err := syscall.UTF16FromString(s)
+ return strbuf(utf16), err
+func decodestr(buf strbuf) string {
+ return syscall.UTF16ToString(buf)
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/ebfe/scard/zconst.go b/vendor/github.com/ebfe/scard/zconst.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..675db21dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/github.com/ebfe/scard/zconst.go
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+// Created by cgo -godefs - DO NOT EDIT
+// cgo -godefs -- -I /usr/include/PCSC/ const.go
+package scard
+type Attrib uint32
+const (
+ AttrVendorName Attrib = 0x10100
+ AttrVendorIfdType Attrib = 0x10101
+ AttrVendorIfdVersion Attrib = 0x10102
+ AttrVendorIfdSerialNo Attrib = 0x10103
+ AttrChannelId Attrib = 0x20110
+ AttrAsyncProtocolTypes Attrib = 0x30120
+ AttrDefaultClk Attrib = 0x30121
+ AttrMaxClk Attrib = 0x30122
+ AttrDefaultDataRate Attrib = 0x30123
+ AttrMaxDataRate Attrib = 0x30124
+ AttrMaxIfsd Attrib = 0x30125
+ AttrSyncProtocolTypes Attrib = 0x30126
+ AttrPowerMgmtSupport Attrib = 0x40131
+ AttrUserToCardAuthDevice Attrib = 0x50140
+ AttrUserAuthInputDevice Attrib = 0x50142
+ AttrCharacteristics Attrib = 0x60150
+ AttrCurrentProtocolType Attrib = 0x80201
+ AttrCurrentClk Attrib = 0x80202
+ AttrCurrentF Attrib = 0x80203
+ AttrCurrentD Attrib = 0x80204
+ AttrCurrentN Attrib = 0x80205
+ AttrCurrentW Attrib = 0x80206
+ AttrCurrentIfsc Attrib = 0x80207
+ AttrCurrentIfsd Attrib = 0x80208
+ AttrCurrentBwt Attrib = 0x80209
+ AttrCurrentCwt Attrib = 0x8020a
+ AttrCurrentEbcEncoding Attrib = 0x8020b
+ AttrExtendedBwt Attrib = 0x8020c
+ AttrIccPresence Attrib = 0x90300
+ AttrIccInterfaceStatus Attrib = 0x90301
+ AttrCurrentIoState Attrib = 0x90302
+ AttrAtrString Attrib = 0x90303
+ AttrIccTypePerAtr Attrib = 0x90304
+ AttrEscReset Attrib = 0x7a000
+ AttrEscCancel Attrib = 0x7a003
+ AttrEscAuthrequest Attrib = 0x7a005
+ AttrMaxinput Attrib = 0x7a007
+ AttrDeviceUnit Attrib = 0x7fff0001
+ AttrDeviceInUse Attrib = 0x7fff0002
+ AttrDeviceFriendlyName Attrib = 0x7fff0003
+ AttrDeviceSystemName Attrib = 0x7fff0004
+ AttrSupressT1IfsRequest Attrib = 0x7fff0007
+type Error uint32
+const (
+ ErrSuccess Error = 0x0
+ ErrInternalError Error = 0x80100001
+ ErrCancelled Error = 0x80100002
+ ErrInvalidHandle Error = 0x80100003
+ ErrInvalidParameter Error = 0x80100004
+ ErrInvalidTarget Error = 0x80100005
+ ErrNoMemory Error = 0x80100006
+ ErrWaitedTooLong Error = 0x80100007
+ ErrInsufficientBuffer Error = 0x80100008
+ ErrUnknownReader Error = 0x80100009
+ ErrTimeout Error = 0x8010000a
+ ErrSharingViolation Error = 0x8010000b
+ ErrNoSmartcard Error = 0x8010000c
+ ErrUnknownCard Error = 0x8010000d
+ ErrCantDispose Error = 0x8010000e
+ ErrProtoMismatch Error = 0x8010000f
+ ErrNotReady Error = 0x80100010
+ ErrInvalidValue Error = 0x80100011
+ ErrSystemCancelled Error = 0x80100012
+ ErrCommError Error = 0x80100013
+ ErrUnknownError Error = 0x80100014
+ ErrInvalidAtr Error = 0x80100015
+ ErrNotTransacted Error = 0x80100016
+ ErrReaderUnavailable Error = 0x80100017
+ ErrShutdown Error = 0x80100018
+ ErrPciTooSmall Error = 0x80100019
+ ErrReaderUnsupported Error = 0x8010001a
+ ErrDuplicateReader Error = 0x8010001b
+ ErrCardUnsupported Error = 0x8010001c
+ ErrNoService Error = 0x8010001d
+ ErrServiceStopped Error = 0x8010001e
+ ErrUnexpected Error = 0x8010001f
+ ErrUnsupportedFeature Error = 0x8010001f
+ ErrIccInstallation Error = 0x80100020
+ ErrIccCreateorder Error = 0x80100021
+ ErrFileNotFound Error = 0x80100024
+ ErrNoDir Error = 0x80100025
+ ErrNoFile Error = 0x80100026
+ ErrNoAccess Error = 0x80100027
+ ErrWriteTooMany Error = 0x80100028
+ ErrBadSeek Error = 0x80100029
+ ErrInvalidChv Error = 0x8010002a
+ ErrUnknownResMng Error = 0x8010002b
+ ErrNoSuchCertificate Error = 0x8010002c
+ ErrCertificateUnavailable Error = 0x8010002d
+ ErrNoReadersAvailable Error = 0x8010002e
+ ErrCommDataLost Error = 0x8010002f
+ ErrNoKeyContainer Error = 0x80100030
+ ErrServerTooBusy Error = 0x80100031
+ ErrUnsupportedCard Error = 0x80100065
+ ErrUnresponsiveCard Error = 0x80100066
+ ErrUnpoweredCard Error = 0x80100067
+ ErrResetCard Error = 0x80100068
+ ErrRemovedCard Error = 0x80100069
+ ErrSecurityViolation Error = 0x8010006a
+ ErrWrongChv Error = 0x8010006b
+ ErrChvBlocked Error = 0x8010006c
+ ErrEof Error = 0x8010006d
+ ErrCancelledByUser Error = 0x8010006e
+ ErrCardNotAuthenticated Error = 0x8010006f
+type Protocol uint32
+const (
+ ProtocolUndefined Protocol = 0x0
+ ProtocolT0 Protocol = 0x1
+ ProtocolT1 Protocol = 0x2
+ ProtocolAny Protocol = ProtocolT0 | ProtocolT1
+type ShareMode uint32
+const (
+ ShareExclusive ShareMode = 0x1
+ ShareShared ShareMode = 0x2
+ ShareDirect ShareMode = 0x3
+type Disposition uint32
+const (
+ LeaveCard Disposition = 0x0
+ ResetCard Disposition = 0x1
+ UnpowerCard Disposition = 0x2
+ EjectCard Disposition = 0x3
+type Scope uint32
+const (
+ ScopeUser Scope = 0x0
+ ScopeTerminal Scope = 0x1
+ ScopeSystem Scope = 0x2
+type State uint32
+const (
+ Unknown State = 0x1
+ Absent State = 0x2
+ Present State = 0x4
+ Swallowed State = 0x8
+ Powered State = 0x10
+ Negotiable State = 0x20
+ Specific State = 0x40
+type StateFlag uint32
+const (
+ StateUnaware StateFlag = 0x0
+ StateIgnore StateFlag = 0x1
+ StateChanged StateFlag = 0x2
+ StateUnknown StateFlag = 0x4
+ StateUnavailable StateFlag = 0x8
+ StateEmpty StateFlag = 0x10
+ StatePresent StateFlag = 0x20
+ StateAtrmatch StateFlag = 0x40
+ StateExclusive StateFlag = 0x80
+ StateInuse StateFlag = 0x100
+ StateMute StateFlag = 0x200
+ StateUnpowered StateFlag = 0x400
+const (
+ maxBufferSize = 0x108
+ maxBufferSizeExtended = 0x1000c
+ maxReadername = 0x80
+ maxAtrSize = 0x21
+const (
+ infiniteTimeout = 0xffffffff