path: root/swarm/network
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Diffstat (limited to 'swarm/network')
2 files changed, 268 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/swarm/network/simulation/kademlia.go b/swarm/network/simulation/kademlia.go
index a3419c03f..4b880aa0c 100644
--- a/swarm/network/simulation/kademlia.go
+++ b/swarm/network/simulation/kademlia.go
@@ -18,12 +18,14 @@ package simulation
import (
+ "encoding/binary"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/p2p/simulations"
@@ -96,3 +98,106 @@ func (s *Simulation) kademlias() (ks map[enode.ID]*network.Kademlia) {
return ks
+// WaitTillSnapshotRecreated is blocking until all the connections specified
+// in the snapshot are registered in the kademlia.
+// It differs from WaitTillHealthy, which waits only until all the kademlias are
+// healthy (it might happen even before all the connections are established).
+func (s *Simulation) WaitTillSnapshotRecreated(ctx context.Context, snap simulations.Snapshot) error {
+ expected := getSnapshotConnections(snap.Conns)
+ ticker := time.NewTicker(150 * time.Millisecond)
+ defer ticker.Stop()
+ for {
+ select {
+ case <-ctx.Done():
+ return ctx.Err()
+ case <-ticker.C:
+ actual := s.getActualConnections()
+ if isAllDeployed(expected, actual) {
+ return nil
+ }
+ }
+ }
+func (s *Simulation) getActualConnections() (res []uint64) {
+ kademlias := s.kademlias()
+ for base, k := range kademlias {
+ k.EachConn(base[:], 256, func(p *network.Peer, _ int) bool {
+ res = append(res, getConnectionHash(base, p.ID()))
+ return true
+ })
+ }
+ // only list those connections that appear twice (both peers should recognize connection as active)
+ res = removeDuplicatesAndSingletons(res)
+ return res
+func getSnapshotConnections(conns []simulations.Conn) (res []uint64) {
+ for _, c := range conns {
+ res = append(res, getConnectionHash(c.One, c.Other))
+ }
+ return res
+// returns an integer connection identifier (similar to 8-byte hash)
+func getConnectionHash(a, b enode.ID) uint64 {
+ var h [8]byte
+ for i := 0; i < 8; i++ {
+ h[i] = a[i] ^ b[i]
+ }
+ res := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(h[:])
+ return res
+// returns true if all connections in expected are listed in actual
+func isAllDeployed(expected []uint64, actual []uint64) bool {
+ if len(expected) == 0 {
+ return true
+ }
+ exp := make([]uint64, len(expected))
+ copy(exp, expected)
+ for _, c := range actual {
+ // remove value c from exp
+ for i := 0; i < len(exp); i++ {
+ if exp[i] == c {
+ exp = removeListElement(exp, i)
+ if len(exp) == 0 {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return len(exp) == 0
+func removeListElement(arr []uint64, i int) []uint64 {
+ last := len(arr) - 1
+ arr[i] = arr[last]
+ arr = arr[:last]
+ return arr
+func removeDuplicatesAndSingletons(arr []uint64) []uint64 {
+ for i := 0; i < len(arr); {
+ found := false
+ for j := i + 1; j < len(arr); j++ {
+ if arr[i] == arr[j] {
+ arr = removeListElement(arr, j) // remove duplicate
+ found = true
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if found {
+ i++
+ } else {
+ arr = removeListElement(arr, i) // remove singleton
+ }
+ }
+ return arr
diff --git a/swarm/network/simulation/kademlia_test.go b/swarm/network/simulation/kademlia_test.go
index 4cfcecd8e..9cbc39da5 100644
--- a/swarm/network/simulation/kademlia_test.go
+++ b/swarm/network/simulation/kademlia_test.go
@@ -144,3 +144,166 @@ func createSimServiceMap(discovery bool) map[string]ServiceFunc {
+// TestWaitTillSnapshotRecreated tests that we indeed have a network
+// configuration specified in the snapshot file, after we wait for it.
+// First we create a first simulation
+// Run it as nodes connected in a ring
+// Wait until the network is healthy
+// Then we create a snapshot
+// With this snapshot we create a new simulation
+// Call WaitTillSnapshotRecreated() function and wait until it returns
+// Iterate the nodes and check if all the connections are successfully recreated
+func TestWaitTillSnapshotRecreated(t *testing.T) {
+ var err error
+ sim := New(createSimServiceMap(true))
+ _, err = sim.AddNodesAndConnectRing(16)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 60*time.Second)
+ defer cancel()
+ _, err = sim.WaitTillHealthy(ctx)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ originalConnections := sim.getActualConnections()
+ snap, err := sim.Net.Snapshot()
+ sim.Close()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ controlSim := New(createSimServiceMap(false))
+ defer controlSim.Close()
+ err = controlSim.Net.Load(snap)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ err = controlSim.WaitTillSnapshotRecreated(ctx, *snap)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ controlConnections := controlSim.getActualConnections()
+ for _, c := range originalConnections {
+ if !exist(controlConnections, c) {
+ t.Fatal("connection was not recreated")
+ }
+ }
+// exist returns true if val is found in arr
+func exist(arr []uint64, val uint64) bool {
+ for _, c := range arr {
+ if c == val {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ return false
+func TestRemoveDuplicatesAndSingletons(t *testing.T) {
+ singletons := []uint64{
+ 0x3c127c6f6cb026b0,
+ 0x0f45190d72e71fc5,
+ 0xb0184c02449e0bb6,
+ 0xa85c7b84239c54d3,
+ 0xe3b0c44298fc1c14,
+ 0x9afbf4c8996fb924,
+ 0x27ae41e4649b934c,
+ 0xa495991b7852b855,
+ }
+ doubles := []uint64{
+ 0x1b879f878de7fc7a,
+ 0xc6791470521bdab4,
+ 0xdd34b0ee39bbccc6,
+ 0x4d904fbf0f31da10,
+ 0x6403c2560432c8f8,
+ 0x18954e33cf3ad847,
+ 0x90db00e98dc7a8a6,
+ 0x92886b0dfcc1809b,
+ }
+ var arr []uint64
+ arr = append(arr, doubles...)
+ arr = append(arr, singletons...)
+ arr = append(arr, doubles...)
+ arr = removeDuplicatesAndSingletons(arr)
+ for _, i := range singletons {
+ if exist(arr, i) {
+ t.Fatalf("singleton not removed: %d", i)
+ }
+ }
+ for _, i := range doubles {
+ if !exist(arr, i) {
+ t.Fatalf("wrong value removed: %d", i)
+ }
+ }
+ for j := 0; j < len(doubles); j++ {
+ v := doubles[j] + singletons[j]
+ if exist(arr, v) {
+ t.Fatalf("non-existing value found, index: %d", j)
+ }
+ }
+func TestIsAllDeployed(t *testing.T) {
+ a := []uint64{
+ 0x3c127c6f6cb026b0,
+ 0x0f45190d72e71fc5,
+ 0xb0184c02449e0bb6,
+ 0xa85c7b84239c54d3,
+ 0xe3b0c44298fc1c14,
+ 0x9afbf4c8996fb924,
+ 0x27ae41e4649b934c,
+ 0xa495991b7852b855,
+ }
+ b := []uint64{
+ 0x1b879f878de7fc7a,
+ 0xc6791470521bdab4,
+ 0xdd34b0ee39bbccc6,
+ 0x4d904fbf0f31da10,
+ 0x6403c2560432c8f8,
+ 0x18954e33cf3ad847,
+ 0x90db00e98dc7a8a6,
+ 0x92886b0dfcc1809b,
+ }
+ var c []uint64
+ c = append(c, a...)
+ c = append(c, b...)
+ if !isAllDeployed(a, c) {
+ t.Fatal("isAllDeployed failed")
+ }
+ if !isAllDeployed(b, c) {
+ t.Fatal("isAllDeployed failed")
+ }
+ if isAllDeployed(c, a) {
+ t.Fatal("isAllDeployed failed: false positive")
+ }
+ if isAllDeployed(c, b) {
+ t.Fatal("isAllDeployed failed: false positive")
+ }
+ c = c[2:]
+ if isAllDeployed(a, c) {
+ t.Fatal("isAllDeployed failed: false positive")
+ }
+ if !isAllDeployed(b, c) {
+ t.Fatal("isAllDeployed failed")
+ }