diff options
2 files changed, 7 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/cmd/ethereum/flags.go b/cmd/ethereum/flags.go
index 356571a23..d7a6427eb 100644
--- a/cmd/ethereum/flags.go
+++ b/cmd/ethereum/flags.go
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ func Init() {
flag.IntVar(&VmType, "vm", 0, "Virtual Machine type: 0-1: standard, debug")
flag.StringVar(&Identifier, "id", "", "Custom client identifier")
flag.StringVar(&KeyRing, "keyring", "", "identifier for keyring to use")
- flag.StringVar(&KeyStore, "keystore", "db", "system to store keyrings: db|file (db)")
+ flag.StringVar(&KeyStore, "keystore", "db", "system to store keyrings: db|file")
flag.StringVar(&RpcListenAddress, "rpcaddr", "", "address for json-rpc server to listen on")
flag.IntVar(&RpcPort, "rpcport", 8545, "port to start json-rpc server on")
@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ func Init() {
flag.StringVar(&Datadir, "datadir", ethutil.DefaultDataDir(), "specifies the datadir to use")
flag.StringVar(&ConfigFile, "conf", defaultConfigFile, "config file")
flag.StringVar(&DebugFile, "debug", "", "debug file (no debugging if not set)")
- flag.IntVar(&LogLevel, "loglevel", int(logger.InfoLevel), "loglevel: 0-5: silent,error,warn,info,debug,debug detail)")
- flag.StringVar(&LogFormat, "logformat", "std", "logformat: std,raw)")
+ flag.IntVar(&LogLevel, "loglevel", int(logger.InfoLevel), "loglevel: 0-5 (= silent,error,warn,info,debug,debug detail)")
+ flag.StringVar(&LogFormat, "logformat", "std", "logformat: std,raw")
flag.BoolVar(&DiffTool, "difftool", false, "creates output for diff'ing. Sets LogLevel=0")
flag.StringVar(&DiffType, "diff", "all", "sets the level of diff output [vm, all]. Has no effect if difftool=false")
flag.BoolVar(&ShowGenesis, "genesis", false, "Dump the genesis block")
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ func Init() {
flag.StringVar(&DumpHash, "hash", "", "specify arg in hex")
flag.IntVar(&DumpNumber, "number", -1, "specify arg in number")
- flag.BoolVar(&StartMining, "mine", false, "start dagger mining")
+ flag.BoolVar(&StartMining, "mine", false, "start mining")
flag.BoolVar(&StartJsConsole, "js", false, "launches javascript console")
flag.BoolVar(&PrintVersion, "version", false, "prints version number")
flag.IntVar(&MinerThreads, "minerthreads", runtime.NumCPU(), "number of miner threads")
@@ -137,6 +137,7 @@ func Init() {
flag.StringVar(&BootNodes, "bootnodes", "", "space-separated node URLs for discovery bootstrap")
flag.IntVar(&MaxPeer, "maxpeer", 30, "maximum desired peers")
+ flag.IntVar(&MinerThreads, "minerthreads", runtime.NumCPU(), "number of miner threads")
diff --git a/cmd/mist/flags.go b/cmd/mist/flags.go
index 1ffeb1915..2bbd1f416 100644
--- a/cmd/mist/flags.go
+++ b/cmd/mist/flags.go
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ func Init() {
flag.IntVar(&VmType, "vm", 0, "Virtual Machine type: 0-1: standard, debug")
flag.StringVar(&Identifier, "id", "", "Custom client identifier")
flag.StringVar(&KeyRing, "keyring", "", "identifier for keyring to use")
- flag.StringVar(&KeyStore, "keystore", "db", "system to store keyrings: db|file (db)")
+ flag.StringVar(&KeyStore, "keystore", "db", "system to store keyrings: db|file")
flag.StringVar(&RpcListenAddress, "rpcaddr", "", "address for json-rpc server to listen on")
flag.IntVar(&RpcPort, "rpcport", 8545, "port to start json-rpc server on")
flag.IntVar(&WsPort, "wsport", 40404, "port to start websocket rpc server on")
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ func Init() {
flag.StringVar(&Datadir, "datadir", ethutil.DefaultDataDir(), "specifies the datadir to use")
flag.StringVar(&ConfigFile, "conf", defaultConfigFile, "config file")
flag.StringVar(&DebugFile, "debug", "", "debug file (no debugging if not set)")
- flag.IntVar(&LogLevel, "loglevel", int(logger.InfoLevel), "loglevel: 0-5: silent,error,warn,info,debug,debug detail)")
+ flag.IntVar(&LogLevel, "loglevel", int(logger.InfoLevel), "loglevel: 0-5 (= silent,error,warn,info,debug,debug detail)")
flag.StringVar(&AssetPath, "asset_path", ethutil.DefaultAssetPath(), "absolute path to GUI assets directory")