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diff --git a/signer/fourbyte/validation.go b/signer/fourbyte/validation.go
index add7c6460..4d042d240 100644
--- a/signer/fourbyte/validation.go
+++ b/signer/fourbyte/validation.go
@@ -53,16 +53,16 @@ func (db *Database) ValidateTransaction(selector *string, tx *core.SendTxArgs) (
if len(data) == 0 {
// Prevent sending ether into black hole (show stopper)
if tx.Value.ToInt().Cmp(big.NewInt(0)) > 0 {
- return nil, errors.New("tx will create contract with value but empty code")
+ return nil, errors.New("transaction will create a contract with value but empty code")
// No value submitted at least, critically Warn, but don't blow up
- messages.Crit("Transaction will create contract with empty code")
+ messages.Crit("Transaction will create a contract with empty code")
} else if len(data) < 40 { // arbitrary heuristic limit
- messages.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Transaction will create contract, but payload is suspiciously small (%d bytes)", len(data)))
+ messages.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Transaction will create a contract, but the payload is suspiciously small (%d bytes)", len(data)))
// Method selector should be nil for contract creation
if selector != nil {
- messages.Warn("Transaction will create contract, but method selector supplied, indicating intent to call a method")
+ messages.Warn("Transaction will create a contract, but method selector supplied, indicating an intent to call a method")
return messages, nil