diff options
14 files changed, 952 insertions, 342 deletions
diff --git a/swarm/storage/feed/cacheentry.go b/swarm/storage/feed/cacheentry.go
index be42008e9..1c7e22619 100644
--- a/swarm/storage/feed/cacheentry.go
+++ b/swarm/storage/feed/cacheentry.go
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import (
const (
hasherCount = 8
feedsHashAlgorithm = storage.SHA3Hash
- defaultRetrieveTimeout = 100 * time.Millisecond
+ defaultRetrieveTimeout = 1000 * time.Millisecond
// cacheEntry caches the last known update of a specific Swarm feed.
diff --git a/swarm/storage/feed/handler.go b/swarm/storage/feed/handler.go
index 0f6f2ba34..98ed7fa99 100644
--- a/swarm/storage/feed/handler.go
+++ b/swarm/storage/feed/handler.go
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import (
+ "sync/atomic"
@@ -178,12 +179,12 @@ func (h *Handler) Lookup(ctx context.Context, query *Query) (*cacheEntry, error)
return nil, NewError(ErrInit, "Call Handler.SetStore() before performing lookups")
- var readCount int
+ var readCount int32
// Invoke the lookup engine.
// The callback will be called every time the lookup algorithm needs to guess
requestPtr, err := lookup.Lookup(ctx, timeLimit, query.Hint, func(ctx context.Context, epoch lookup.Epoch, now uint64) (interface{}, error) {
- readCount++
+ atomic.AddInt32(&readCount, 1)
id := ID{
Feed: query.Feed,
Epoch: epoch,
@@ -228,17 +229,17 @@ func (h *Handler) updateCache(request *Request) (*cacheEntry, error) {
updateAddr := request.Addr()
log.Trace("feed cache update", "topic", request.Topic.Hex(), "updateaddr", updateAddr, "epoch time", request.Epoch.Time, "epoch level", request.Epoch.Level)
- feedUpdate := h.get(&request.Feed)
- if feedUpdate == nil {
- feedUpdate = &cacheEntry{}
- h.set(&request.Feed, feedUpdate)
+ entry := h.get(&request.Feed)
+ if entry == nil {
+ entry = &cacheEntry{}
+ h.set(&request.Feed, entry)
// update our rsrcs entry map
- feedUpdate.lastKey = updateAddr
- feedUpdate.Update = request.Update
- feedUpdate.Reader = bytes.NewReader(feedUpdate.data)
- return feedUpdate, nil
+ entry.lastKey = updateAddr
+ entry.Update = request.Update
+ entry.Reader = bytes.NewReader(entry.data)
+ return entry, nil
// Update publishes a feed update
diff --git a/swarm/storage/feed/handler_test.go b/swarm/storage/feed/handler_test.go
index c4f6fe689..3d8213e60 100644
--- a/swarm/storage/feed/handler_test.go
+++ b/swarm/storage/feed/handler_test.go
@@ -177,8 +177,8 @@ func TestFeedsHandler(t *testing.T) {
if err != nil {
- if request.Epoch.Base() != 0 || request.Epoch.Level != 22 {
- t.Fatalf("Expected epoch base time to be %d, got %d. Expected epoch level to be %d, got %d", 0, request.Epoch.Base(), 22, request.Epoch.Level)
+ if request.Epoch.Base() != 0 || request.Epoch.Level != 28 {
+ t.Fatalf("Expected epoch base time to be %d, got %d. Expected epoch level to be %d, got %d", 0, request.Epoch.Base(), 28, request.Epoch.Level)
data = []byte(updates[3])
@@ -213,8 +213,8 @@ func TestFeedsHandler(t *testing.T) {
if !bytes.Equal(update2.data, []byte(updates[len(updates)-1])) {
t.Fatalf("feed update data was %v, expected %v", string(update2.data), updates[len(updates)-1])
- if update2.Level != 22 {
- t.Fatalf("feed update epoch level was %d, expected 22", update2.Level)
+ if update2.Level != 28 {
+ t.Fatalf("feed update epoch level was %d, expected 28", update2.Level)
if update2.Base() != 0 {
t.Fatalf("feed update epoch base time was %d, expected 0", update2.Base())
diff --git a/swarm/storage/feed/id_test.go b/swarm/storage/feed/id_test.go
index e561ff9b4..8a820abfe 100644
--- a/swarm/storage/feed/id_test.go
+++ b/swarm/storage/feed/id_test.go
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ func getTestID() *ID {
func TestIDAddr(t *testing.T) {
id := getTestID()
updateAddr := id.Addr()
- compareByteSliceToExpectedHex(t, "updateAddr", updateAddr, "0x8b24583ec293e085f4c78aaee66d1bc5abfb8b4233304d14a349afa57af2a783")
+ compareByteSliceToExpectedHex(t, "updateAddr", updateAddr, "0x842d0a81987b9755dfeaa5558f5c134c1c0af48b6545005cac7b533d9411453a")
func TestIDSerializer(t *testing.T) {
- testBinarySerializerRecovery(t, getTestID(), "0x776f726c64206e657773207265706f72742c20657665727920686f7572000000876a8936a7cd0b79ef0735ad0896c1afe278781ce803000000000019")
+ testBinarySerializerRecovery(t, getTestID(), "0x776f726c64206e657773207265706f72742c20657665727920686f7572000000876a8936a7cd0b79ef0735ad0896c1afe278781ce80300000000001f")
func TestIDLengthCheck(t *testing.T) {
diff --git a/swarm/storage/feed/lookup/algorithm_fluzcapacitor.go b/swarm/storage/feed/lookup/algorithm_fluzcapacitor.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3840bd0fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swarm/storage/feed/lookup/algorithm_fluzcapacitor.go
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+package lookup
+import "context"
+// FluzCapacitorAlgorithm works by narrowing the epoch search area if an update is found
+// going back and forth in time
+// First, it will attempt to find an update where it should be now if the hint was
+// really the last update. If that lookup fails, then the last update must be either the hint itself
+// or the epochs right below. If however, that lookup succeeds, then the update must be
+// that one or within the epochs right below.
+// see the guide for a more graphical representation
+func FluzCapacitorAlgorithm(ctx context.Context, now uint64, hint Epoch, read ReadFunc) (value interface{}, err error) {
+ var lastFound interface{}
+ var epoch Epoch
+ if hint == NoClue {
+ hint = worstHint
+ }
+ t := now
+ for {
+ epoch = GetNextEpoch(hint, t)
+ value, err = read(ctx, epoch, now)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if value != nil {
+ lastFound = value
+ if epoch.Level == LowestLevel || epoch.Equals(hint) {
+ return value, nil
+ }
+ hint = epoch
+ continue
+ }
+ if epoch.Base() == hint.Base() {
+ if lastFound != nil {
+ return lastFound, nil
+ }
+ // we have reached the hint itself
+ if hint == worstHint {
+ return nil, nil
+ }
+ // check it out
+ value, err = read(ctx, hint, now)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if value != nil {
+ return value, nil
+ }
+ // bad hint.
+ t = hint.Base()
+ hint = worstHint
+ continue
+ }
+ base := epoch.Base()
+ if base == 0 {
+ return nil, nil
+ }
+ t = base - 1
+ }
diff --git a/swarm/storage/feed/lookup/algorithm_longearth.go b/swarm/storage/feed/lookup/algorithm_longearth.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d0342f67c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swarm/storage/feed/lookup/algorithm_longearth.go
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+package lookup
+import (
+ "context"
+ "sync/atomic"
+ "time"
+type stepFunc func(ctx context.Context, t uint64, hint Epoch) interface{}
+// LongEarthLookaheadDelay is the headstart the lookahead gives R before it launches
+var LongEarthLookaheadDelay = 250 * time.Millisecond
+// LongEarthLookbackDelay is the headstart the lookback gives R before it launches
+var LongEarthLookbackDelay = 250 * time.Millisecond
+// LongEarthAlgorithm explores possible lookup paths in parallel, pruning paths as soon
+// as a more promising lookup path is found. As a result, this lookup algorithm is an order
+// of magnitude faster than the FluzCapacitor algorithm, but at the expense of more exploratory reads.
+// This algorithm works as follows. On each step, the next epoch is immediately looked up (R)
+// and given a head start, while two parallel "steps" are launched a short time after:
+// look ahead (A) is the path the algorithm would take if the R lookup returns a value, whereas
+// look back (B) is the path the algorithm would take if the R lookup failed.
+// as soon as R is actually finished, the A or B paths are pruned depending on the value of R.
+// if A returns earlier than R, then R and B read operations can be safely canceled, saving time.
+// The maximum number of active read operations is calculated as 2^(timeout/headstart).
+// If headstart is infinite, this algorithm behaves as FluzCapacitor.
+// timeout is the maximum execution time of the passed `read` function.
+// the two head starts can be configured by changing LongEarthLookaheadDelay or LongEarthLookbackDelay
+func LongEarthAlgorithm(ctx context.Context, now uint64, hint Epoch, read ReadFunc) (interface{}, error) {
+ if hint == NoClue {
+ hint = worstHint
+ }
+ var stepCounter int32 // for debugging, stepCounter allows to give an ID to each step instance
+ errc := make(chan struct{}) // errc will help as an error shortcut signal
+ var gerr error // in case of error, this variable will be set
+ var step stepFunc // For efficiency, the algorithm step is defined as a closure
+ step = func(ctxS context.Context, t uint64, last Epoch) interface{} {
+ stepID := atomic.AddInt32(&stepCounter, 1) // give an ID to this call instance
+ trace(stepID, "init: t=%d, last=%s", t, last.String())
+ var valueA, valueB, valueR interface{}
+ // initialize the three read contexts
+ ctxR, cancelR := context.WithCancel(ctxS) // will handle the current read operation
+ ctxA, cancelA := context.WithCancel(ctxS) // will handle the lookahead path
+ ctxB, cancelB := context.WithCancel(ctxS) // will handle the lookback path
+ epoch := GetNextEpoch(last, t) // calculate the epoch to look up in this step instance
+ // define the lookAhead function, which will follow the path as if R was successful
+ lookAhead := func() {
+ valueA = step(ctxA, t, epoch) // launch the next step, recursively.
+ if valueA != nil { // if this path is successful, we don't need R or B.
+ cancelB()
+ cancelR()
+ }
+ }
+ // define the lookBack function, which will follow the path as if R was unsuccessful
+ lookBack := func() {
+ if epoch.Base() == last.Base() {
+ return
+ }
+ base := epoch.Base()
+ if base == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ valueB = step(ctxB, base-1, last)
+ }
+ go func() { //goroutine to read the current epoch (R)
+ defer cancelR()
+ var err error
+ valueR, err = read(ctxR, epoch, now) // read this epoch
+ if valueR == nil { // if unsuccessful, cancel lookahead, otherwise cancel lookback.
+ cancelA()
+ } else {
+ cancelB()
+ }
+ if err != nil && err != context.Canceled {
+ gerr = err
+ close(errc)
+ }
+ }()
+ go func() { // goroutine to give a headstart to R and then launch lookahead.
+ defer cancelA()
+ // if we are at the lowest level or the epoch to look up equals the last one,
+ // then we cannot lookahead (can't go lower or repeat the same lookup, this would
+ // cause an infinite loop)
+ if epoch.Level == LowestLevel || epoch.Equals(last) {
+ return
+ }
+ // give a head start to R, or launch immediately if R finishes early enough
+ select {
+ case <-TimeAfter(LongEarthLookaheadDelay):
+ lookAhead()
+ case <-ctxR.Done():
+ if valueR != nil {
+ lookAhead() // only look ahead if R was successful
+ }
+ case <-ctxA.Done():
+ }
+ }()
+ go func() { // goroutine to give a headstart to R and then launch lookback.
+ defer cancelB()
+ // give a head start to R, or launch immediately if R finishes early enough
+ select {
+ case <-TimeAfter(LongEarthLookbackDelay):
+ lookBack()
+ case <-ctxR.Done():
+ if valueR == nil {
+ lookBack() // only look back in case R failed
+ }
+ case <-ctxB.Done():
+ }
+ }()
+ <-ctxA.Done()
+ if valueA != nil {
+ trace(stepID, "Returning valueA=%v", valueA)
+ return valueA
+ }
+ <-ctxR.Done()
+ if valueR != nil {
+ trace(stepID, "Returning valueR=%v", valueR)
+ return valueR
+ }
+ <-ctxB.Done()
+ trace(stepID, "Returning valueB=%v", valueB)
+ return valueB
+ }
+ var value interface{}
+ stepCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
+ go func() { // launch the root step in its own goroutine to allow cancellation
+ defer cancel()
+ value = step(stepCtx, now, hint)
+ }()
+ // wait for the algorithm to finish, but shortcut in case
+ // of errors
+ select {
+ case <-stepCtx.Done():
+ case <-errc:
+ cancel()
+ return nil, gerr
+ }
+ if ctx.Err() != nil {
+ return nil, ctx.Err()
+ }
+ if value != nil || hint == worstHint {
+ return value, nil
+ }
+ // at this point the algorithm did not return a value,
+ // so we challenge the hint given.
+ value, err := read(ctx, hint, now)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if value != nil {
+ return value, nil // hint is valid, return it.
+ }
+ // hint is invalid. Invoke the algorithm
+ // without hint.
+ now = hint.Base()
+ if hint.Level == HighestLevel {
+ now--
+ }
+ return LongEarthAlgorithm(ctx, now, NoClue, read)
diff --git a/swarm/storage/feed/lookup/epoch.go b/swarm/storage/feed/lookup/epoch.go
index bafe95477..6d75ba243 100644
--- a/swarm/storage/feed/lookup/epoch.go
+++ b/swarm/storage/feed/lookup/epoch.go
@@ -87,5 +87,5 @@ func (e *Epoch) Equals(epoch Epoch) bool {
// String implements the Stringer interface.
func (e *Epoch) String() string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("Epoch{Time:%d, Level:%d}", e.Time, e.Level)
+ return fmt.Sprintf("Epoch{Base: %d, Time:%d, Level:%d}", e.Base(), e.Time, e.Level)
diff --git a/swarm/storage/feed/lookup/lookup.go b/swarm/storage/feed/lookup/lookup.go
index 1642c659a..4b233a0e0 100644
--- a/swarm/storage/feed/lookup/lookup.go
+++ b/swarm/storage/feed/lookup/lookup.go
@@ -20,7 +20,10 @@ so they can be found
package lookup
-import "context"
+import (
+ "context"
+ "time"
const maxuint64 = ^uint64(0)
@@ -28,8 +31,8 @@ const maxuint64 = ^uint64(0)
const LowestLevel uint8 = 0 // default is 0 (1 second)
// HighestLevel sets the lowest frequency the algorithm will operate at, as a power of 2.
-// 25 -> 2^25 equals to roughly one year.
-const HighestLevel = 25 // default is 25 (~1 year)
+// 31 -> 2^31 equals to roughly 38 years.
+const HighestLevel = 31
// DefaultLevel sets what level will be chosen to search when there is no hint
const DefaultLevel = HighestLevel
@@ -43,7 +46,12 @@ type Algorithm func(ctx context.Context, now uint64, hint Epoch, read ReadFunc)
// read() will be called on each lookup attempt
// Returns an error only if read() returns an error
// Returns nil if an update was not found
-var Lookup Algorithm = FluzCapacitorAlgorithm
+var Lookup Algorithm = LongEarthAlgorithm
+// TimeAfter must point to a function that returns a timer
+// This is here so that tests can replace it with
+// a mock up timer factory to simulate time deterministically
+var TimeAfter = time.After
// ReadFunc is a handler called by Lookup each time it attempts to find a value
// It should return <nil> if a value is not found
@@ -123,61 +131,6 @@ func GetFirstEpoch(now uint64) Epoch {
var worstHint = Epoch{Time: 0, Level: 63}
-// FluzCapacitorAlgorithm works by narrowing the epoch search area if an update is found
-// going back and forth in time
-// First, it will attempt to find an update where it should be now if the hint was
-// really the last update. If that lookup fails, then the last update must be either the hint itself
-// or the epochs right below. If however, that lookup succeeds, then the update must be
-// that one or within the epochs right below.
-// see the guide for a more graphical representation
-func FluzCapacitorAlgorithm(ctx context.Context, now uint64, hint Epoch, read ReadFunc) (value interface{}, err error) {
- var lastFound interface{}
- var epoch Epoch
- if hint == NoClue {
- hint = worstHint
- }
- t := now
- for {
- epoch = GetNextEpoch(hint, t)
- value, err = read(ctx, epoch, now)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- if value != nil {
- lastFound = value
- if epoch.Level == LowestLevel || epoch.Equals(hint) {
- return value, nil
- }
- hint = epoch
- continue
- }
- if epoch.Base() == hint.Base() {
- if lastFound != nil {
- return lastFound, nil
- }
- // we have reached the hint itself
- if hint == worstHint {
- return nil, nil
- }
- // check it out
- value, err = read(ctx, hint, now)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- if value != nil {
- return value, nil
- }
- // bad hint.
- t = hint.Base()
- hint = worstHint
- continue
- }
- base := epoch.Base()
- if base == 0 {
- return nil, nil
- }
- t = base - 1
- }
+var trace = func(id int32, formatString string, a ...interface{}) {
+ //fmt.Printf("Step ID #%d "+formatString+"\n", append([]interface{}{id}, a...)...)
diff --git a/swarm/storage/feed/lookup/lookup_test.go b/swarm/storage/feed/lookup/lookup_test.go
index 60d77b709..b5d1a3b0b 100644
--- a/swarm/storage/feed/lookup/lookup_test.go
+++ b/swarm/storage/feed/lookup/lookup_test.go
@@ -21,56 +21,55 @@ import (
+ "time"
- "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/swarm/log"
-type Data struct {
- Payload uint64
- Time uint64
+type AlgorithmInfo struct {
+ Lookup lookup.Algorithm
+ Name string
-type Store map[lookup.EpochID]*Data
-func write(store Store, epoch lookup.Epoch, value *Data) {
- log.Debug("Write: %d-%d, value='%d'\n", epoch.Base(), epoch.Level, value.Payload)
- store[epoch.ID()] = value
+var algorithms = []AlgorithmInfo{
+ {lookup.FluzCapacitorAlgorithm, "FluzCapacitor"},
+ {lookup.LongEarthAlgorithm, "LongEarth"},
-func update(store Store, last lookup.Epoch, now uint64, value *Data) lookup.Epoch {
- epoch := lookup.GetNextEpoch(last, now)
- write(store, epoch, value)
+const enablePrintMetrics = false // set to true to display algorithm benchmarking stats
- return epoch
+func printMetric(metric string, store *Store, elapsed time.Duration) {
+ if enablePrintMetrics {
+ fmt.Printf("metric=%s, readcount=%d (successful=%d, failed=%d), cached=%d, canceled=%d, maxSimult=%d, elapsed=%s\n", metric,
+ store.reads, store.successful, store.failed, store.cacheHits, store.canceled, store.maxSimultaneous, elapsed)
+ }
const Day = 60 * 60 * 24
const Year = Day * 365
const Month = Day * 30
-func makeReadFunc(store Store, counter *int) lookup.ReadFunc {
- return func(ctx context.Context, epoch lookup.Epoch, now uint64) (interface{}, error) {
- *counter++
- data := store[epoch.ID()]
- var valueStr string
- if data != nil {
- valueStr = fmt.Sprintf("%d", data.Payload)
- }
- log.Debug("Read: %d-%d, value='%s'\n", epoch.Base(), epoch.Level, valueStr)
- if data != nil && data.Time <= now {
- return data, nil
- }
- return nil, nil
- }
+// DefaultStoreConfig indicates the time the different read
+// operations will take in the simulation
+// This allows to measure an algorithm performance relative
+// to other
+var DefaultStoreConfig = &StoreConfig{
+ CacheReadTime: 50 * time.Millisecond,
+ FailedReadTime: 1000 * time.Millisecond,
+ SuccessfulReadTime: 500 * time.Millisecond,
+// TestLookup verifies if the last update and intermediates are
+// found and if that same last update is found faster if a hint is given
func TestLookup(t *testing.T) {
+ // ### 1.- Initialize stopwatch time sim
+ stopwatch := NewStopwatch(50 * time.Millisecond)
+ lookup.TimeAfter = stopwatch.TimeAfter()
+ defer stopwatch.Stop()
- store := make(Store)
- readCount := 0
- readFunc := makeReadFunc(store, &readCount)
+ // ### 2.- Setup mock storage and generate updates
+ store := NewStore(DefaultStoreConfig)
+ readFunc := store.MakeReadFunc()
// write an update every month for 12 months 3 years ago and then silence for two years
now := uint64(1533799046)
@@ -83,68 +82,90 @@ func TestLookup(t *testing.T) {
Payload: t, //our "payload" will be the timestamp itself.
Time: t,
- epoch = update(store, epoch, t, &data)
+ epoch = store.Update(epoch, t, &data)
lastData = &data
- // try to get the last value
- value, err := lookup.Lookup(context.Background(), now, lookup.NoClue, readFunc)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
+ // ### 3.- Test all algorithms
+ for _, algo := range algorithms {
+ t.Run(algo.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
+ store.Reset() // reset the store read counters
+ // ### 3.1.- Test how long it takes to find the last update without a hint:
+ timeElapsedWithoutHint := stopwatch.Measure(func() {
+ // try to get the last value
+ value, err := algo.Lookup(context.Background(), now, lookup.NoClue, readFunc)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ if value != lastData {
+ t.Fatalf("Expected lookup to return the last written value: %v. Got %v", lastData, value)
+ }
+ })
+ printMetric("SIMPLE READ", store, timeElapsedWithoutHint)
+ store.Reset() // reset the read counters for the next test
+ // ### 3.2.- Test how long it takes to find the last update *with* a hint.
+ // it should take less time!
+ timeElapsed := stopwatch.Measure(func() {
+ // Provide a hint to get a faster lookup. In particular, we give the exact location of the last update
+ value, err := algo.Lookup(context.Background(), now, epoch, readFunc)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ if value != lastData {
+ t.Fatalf("Expected lookup to return the last written value: %v. Got %v", lastData, value)
+ }
+ })
+ printMetric("WITH HINT", store, stopwatch.Elapsed())
+ if timeElapsed > timeElapsedWithoutHint {
+ t.Fatalf("Expected lookup to complete faster than %s since we provided a hint. Took %s", timeElapsedWithoutHint, timeElapsed)
+ }
+ store.Reset() // reset the read counters for the next test
+ // ### 3.3.- try to get an intermediate value
+ // if we look for a value in, e.g., now - Year*3 + 6*Month, we should get that value
+ // Since the "payload" is the timestamp itself, we can check this.
+ expectedTime := now - Year*3 + 6*Month
+ timeElapsed = stopwatch.Measure(func() {
+ value, err := algo.Lookup(context.Background(), expectedTime, lookup.NoClue, readFunc)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ data, ok := value.(*Data)
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatal("Expected value to contain data")
+ }
+ if data.Time != expectedTime {
+ t.Fatalf("Expected value timestamp to be %d, got %d", data.Time, expectedTime)
+ }
+ })
+ printMetric("INTERMEDIATE READ", store, timeElapsed)
+ })
- readCountWithoutHint := readCount
- if value != lastData {
- t.Fatalf("Expected lookup to return the last written value: %v. Got %v", lastData, value)
- }
- // reset the read count for the next test
- readCount = 0
- // Provide a hint to get a faster lookup. In particular, we give the exact location of the last update
- value, err = lookup.Lookup(context.Background(), now, epoch, readFunc)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- if value != lastData {
- t.Fatalf("Expected lookup to return the last written value: %v. Got %v", lastData, value)
- }
- if readCount > readCountWithoutHint {
- t.Fatalf("Expected lookup to complete with fewer or same reads than %d since we provided a hint. Did %d reads.", readCountWithoutHint, readCount)
- }
- // try to get an intermediate value
- // if we look for a value in now - Year*3 + 6*Month, we should get that value
- // Since the "payload" is the timestamp itself, we can check this.
- expectedTime := now - Year*3 + 6*Month
- value, err = lookup.Lookup(context.Background(), expectedTime, lookup.NoClue, readFunc)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- data, ok := value.(*Data)
- if !ok {
- t.Fatal("Expected value to contain data")
- }
- if data.Time != expectedTime {
- t.Fatalf("Expected value timestamp to be %d, got %d", data.Time, expectedTime)
- }
+// TestOneUpdateAt0 checks if the lookup algorithm can return an update that
+// is precisely set at t=0
func TestOneUpdateAt0(t *testing.T) {
+ // ### 1.- Initialize stopwatch time sim
+ stopwatch := NewStopwatch(50 * time.Millisecond)
+ lookup.TimeAfter = stopwatch.TimeAfter()
+ defer stopwatch.Stop()
- store := make(Store)
- readCount := 0
+ // ### 2.- Setup mock storage and generate updates
+ store := NewStore(DefaultStoreConfig)
+ readFunc := store.MakeReadFunc()
- readFunc := makeReadFunc(store, &readCount)
now := uint64(1533903729)
var epoch lookup.Epoch
@@ -152,24 +173,37 @@ func TestOneUpdateAt0(t *testing.T) {
Payload: 79,
Time: 0,
- update(store, epoch, 0, &data)
- value, err := lookup.Lookup(context.Background(), now, lookup.NoClue, readFunc)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- if value != &data {
- t.Fatalf("Expected lookup to return the last written value: %v. Got %v", data, value)
+ store.Update(epoch, 0, &data) //place 1 update in t=0
+ // ### 3.- Test all algorithms
+ for _, algo := range algorithms {
+ t.Run(algo.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
+ store.Reset() // reset the read counters for the next test
+ timeElapsed := stopwatch.Measure(func() {
+ value, err := algo.Lookup(context.Background(), now, lookup.NoClue, readFunc)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ if value != &data {
+ t.Fatalf("Expected lookup to return the last written value: %v. Got %v", data, value)
+ }
+ })
+ printMetric("SIMPLE", store, timeElapsed)
+ })
-// Tests the update is found even when a bad hint is given
+// TestBadHint tests if the update is found even when a bad hint is given
func TestBadHint(t *testing.T) {
+ // ### 1.- Initialize stopwatch time sim
+ stopwatch := NewStopwatch(50 * time.Millisecond)
+ lookup.TimeAfter = stopwatch.TimeAfter()
+ defer stopwatch.Stop()
- store := make(Store)
- readCount := 0
+ // ### 2.- Setup mock storage and generate updates
+ store := NewStore(DefaultStoreConfig)
+ readFunc := store.MakeReadFunc()
- readFunc := makeReadFunc(store, &readCount)
now := uint64(1533903729)
var epoch lookup.Epoch
@@ -179,7 +213,7 @@ func TestBadHint(t *testing.T) {
// place an update for t=1200
- update(store, epoch, 1200, &data)
+ store.Update(epoch, 1200, &data)
// come up with some evil hint
badHint := lookup.Epoch{
@@ -187,21 +221,35 @@ func TestBadHint(t *testing.T) {
Time: 1200000000,
- value, err := lookup.Lookup(context.Background(), now, badHint, readFunc)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- if value != &data {
- t.Fatalf("Expected lookup to return the last written value: %v. Got %v", data, value)
+ // ### 3.- Test all algorithms
+ for _, algo := range algorithms {
+ t.Run(algo.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
+ store.Reset()
+ timeElapsed := stopwatch.Measure(func() {
+ value, err := algo.Lookup(context.Background(), now, badHint, readFunc)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ if value != &data {
+ t.Fatalf("Expected lookup to return the last written value: %v. Got %v", data, value)
+ }
+ })
+ printMetric("SIMPLE", store, timeElapsed)
+ })
-// Tests whether the update is found when the bad hint is exactly below the last update
+// TestBadHintNextToUpdate checks whether the update is found when the bad hint is exactly below the last update
func TestBadHintNextToUpdate(t *testing.T) {
- store := make(Store)
- readCount := 0
+ // ### 1.- Initialize stopwatch time sim
+ stopwatch := NewStopwatch(50 * time.Millisecond)
+ lookup.TimeAfter = stopwatch.TimeAfter()
+ defer stopwatch.Stop()
+ // ### 2.- Setup mock storage and generate updates
+ store := NewStore(DefaultStoreConfig)
+ readFunc := store.MakeReadFunc()
- readFunc := makeReadFunc(store, &readCount)
now := uint64(1533903729)
var last *Data
@@ -227,7 +275,7 @@ func TestBadHintNextToUpdate(t *testing.T) {
Time: 0,
last = &data
- epoch = update(store, epoch, 1200000000+i, &data)
+ epoch = store.Update(epoch, 1200000000+i, &data)
// come up with some evil hint:
@@ -237,99 +285,132 @@ func TestBadHintNextToUpdate(t *testing.T) {
Time: 1200000005,
- value, err := lookup.Lookup(context.Background(), now, badHint, readFunc)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- if value != last {
- t.Fatalf("Expected lookup to return the last written value: %v. Got %v", last, value)
+ // ### 3.- Test all algorithms
+ for _, algo := range algorithms {
+ t.Run(algo.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
+ store.Reset() // reset read counters for next test
+ timeElapsed := stopwatch.Measure(func() {
+ value, err := algo.Lookup(context.Background(), now, badHint, readFunc)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ if value != last {
+ t.Fatalf("Expected lookup to return the last written value: %v. Got %v", last, value)
+ }
+ })
+ printMetric("SIMPLE", store, timeElapsed)
+ })
+// TestContextCancellation checks whether a lookup can be canceled
func TestContextCancellation(t *testing.T) {
- readFunc := func(ctx context.Context, epoch lookup.Epoch, now uint64) (interface{}, error) {
- <-ctx.Done()
- return nil, ctx.Err()
- }
- ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- errc := make(chan error)
- go func() {
- _, err := lookup.Lookup(ctx, 1200000000, lookup.NoClue, readFunc)
- errc <- err
- }()
- cancel()
- if err := <-errc; err != context.Canceled {
- t.Fatalf("Expected lookup to return a context Cancelled error, got %v", err)
- }
- // text context cancellation during hint lookup:
- ctx, cancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- errc = make(chan error)
- someHint := lookup.Epoch{
- Level: 25,
- Time: 300,
- }
- readFunc = func(ctx context.Context, epoch lookup.Epoch, now uint64) (interface{}, error) {
- if epoch == someHint {
- go cancel()
- <-ctx.Done()
- return nil, ctx.Err()
- }
- return nil, nil
- }
- go func() {
- _, err := lookup.Lookup(ctx, 301, someHint, readFunc)
- errc <- err
- }()
- if err := <-errc; err != context.Canceled {
- t.Fatalf("Expected lookup to return a context Cancelled error, got %v", err)
+ // ### 1.- Test all algorithms
+ for _, algo := range algorithms {
+ t.Run(algo.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
+ // ### 2.1.- Test a simple cancel of an always blocking read function
+ readFunc := func(ctx context.Context, epoch lookup.Epoch, now uint64) (interface{}, error) {
+ <-ctx.Done()
+ return nil, ctx.Err()
+ }
+ ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
+ errc := make(chan error)
+ go func() {
+ _, err := algo.Lookup(ctx, 1200000000, lookup.NoClue, readFunc)
+ errc <- err
+ }()
+ cancel() //actually cancel the lookup
+ if err := <-errc; err != context.Canceled {
+ t.Fatalf("Expected lookup to return a context canceled error, got %v", err)
+ }
+ // ### 2.2.- Test context cancellation during hint lookup:
+ ctx, cancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
+ errc = make(chan error)
+ someHint := lookup.Epoch{
+ Level: 25,
+ Time: 300,
+ }
+ // put up a read function that gets canceled only on hint lookup
+ readFunc = func(ctx context.Context, epoch lookup.Epoch, now uint64) (interface{}, error) {
+ if epoch == someHint {
+ go cancel()
+ <-ctx.Done()
+ return nil, ctx.Err()
+ }
+ return nil, nil
+ }
+ go func() {
+ _, err := algo.Lookup(ctx, 301, someHint, readFunc)
+ errc <- err
+ }()
+ if err := <-errc; err != context.Canceled {
+ t.Fatalf("Expected lookup to return a context canceled error, got %v", err)
+ }
+ })
+// TestLookupFail makes sure the lookup function fails on a timely manner
+// when there are no updates at all
func TestLookupFail(t *testing.T) {
+ // ### 1.- Initialize stopwatch time sim
+ stopwatch := NewStopwatch(50 * time.Millisecond)
+ lookup.TimeAfter = stopwatch.TimeAfter()
+ defer stopwatch.Stop()
- store := make(Store)
- readCount := 0
+ // ### 2.- Setup mock storage, without adding updates
+ // don't write anything and try to look up.
+ // we're testing we don't get stuck in a loop and that the lookup
+ // function converges in a timely fashion
+ store := NewStore(DefaultStoreConfig)
+ readFunc := store.MakeReadFunc()
- readFunc := makeReadFunc(store, &readCount)
now := uint64(1533903729)
- // don't write anything and try to look up.
- // we're testing we don't get stuck in a loop
+ // ### 3.- Test all algorithms
+ for _, algo := range algorithms {
+ t.Run(algo.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
+ store.Reset()
- value, err := lookup.Lookup(context.Background(), now, lookup.NoClue, readFunc)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- if value != nil {
- t.Fatal("Expected value to be nil, since the update should've failed")
- }
+ stopwatch.Measure(func() {
+ value, err := algo.Lookup(context.Background(), now, lookup.NoClue, readFunc)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ if value != nil {
+ t.Fatal("Expected value to be nil, since the update should've failed")
+ }
+ })
- expectedReads := now/(1<<lookup.HighestLevel) + 1
- if uint64(readCount) != expectedReads {
- t.Fatalf("Expected lookup to fail after %d reads. Did %d reads.", expectedReads, readCount)
+ printMetric("SIMPLE", store, stopwatch.Elapsed())
+ })
func TestHighFreqUpdates(t *testing.T) {
+ // ### 1.- Initialize stopwatch time sim
+ stopwatch := NewStopwatch(50 * time.Millisecond)
+ lookup.TimeAfter = stopwatch.TimeAfter()
+ defer stopwatch.Stop()
- store := make(Store)
- readCount := 0
+ // ### 2.- Setup mock storage and add one update per second
+ // for the last 1000 seconds:
+ store := NewStore(DefaultStoreConfig)
+ readFunc := store.MakeReadFunc()
- readFunc := makeReadFunc(store, &readCount)
now := uint64(1533903729)
- // write an update every second for the last 1000 seconds
var epoch lookup.Epoch
var lastData *Data
@@ -339,103 +420,147 @@ func TestHighFreqUpdates(t *testing.T) {
Payload: T, //our "payload" will be the timestamp itself.
Time: T,
- epoch = update(store, epoch, T, &data)
+ epoch = store.Update(epoch, T, &data)
lastData = &data
- value, err := lookup.Lookup(context.Background(), lastData.Time, lookup.NoClue, readFunc)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- if value != lastData {
- t.Fatalf("Expected lookup to return the last written value: %v. Got %v", lastData, value)
- }
- readCountWithoutHint := readCount
- // reset the read count for the next test
- readCount = 0
- // Provide a hint to get a faster lookup. In particular, we give the exact location of the last update
- value, err = lookup.Lookup(context.Background(), now, epoch, readFunc)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- if value != lastData {
- t.Fatalf("Expected lookup to return the last written value: %v. Got %v", lastData, value)
- }
- if readCount > readCountWithoutHint {
- t.Fatalf("Expected lookup to complete with fewer or equal reads than %d since we provided a hint. Did %d reads.", readCountWithoutHint, readCount)
- }
- for i := uint64(0); i <= 994; i++ {
- T := uint64(now - 1000 + i) // update every second for the last 1000 seconds
- value, err := lookup.Lookup(context.Background(), T, lookup.NoClue, readFunc)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- data, _ := value.(*Data)
- if data == nil {
- t.Fatalf("Expected lookup to return %d, got nil", T)
- }
- if data.Payload != T {
- t.Fatalf("Expected lookup to return %d, got %d", T, data.Time)
- }
+ // ### 3.- Test all algorithms
+ for _, algo := range algorithms {
+ t.Run(algo.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
+ store.Reset() // reset read counters for next test
+ // ### 3.1.- Test how long it takes to find the last update without a hint:
+ timeElapsedWithoutHint := stopwatch.Measure(func() {
+ value, err := algo.Lookup(context.Background(), lastData.Time, lookup.NoClue, readFunc)
+ stopwatch.Stop()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ if value != lastData {
+ t.Fatalf("Expected lookup to return the last written value: %v. Got %v", lastData, value)
+ }
+ })
+ printMetric("SIMPLE", store, timeElapsedWithoutHint)
+ // reset the read count for the next test
+ store.Reset()
+ // ### 3.2.- Now test how long it takes to find the last update *with* a hint,
+ // it should take less time!
+ timeElapsed := stopwatch.Measure(func() {
+ // Provide a hint to get a faster lookup. In particular, we give the exact location of the last update
+ value, err := algo.Lookup(context.Background(), now, epoch, readFunc)
+ stopwatch.Stop()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ if value != lastData {
+ t.Fatalf("Expected lookup to return the last written value: %v. Got %v", lastData, value)
+ }
+ })
+ if timeElapsed > timeElapsedWithoutHint {
+ t.Fatalf("Expected lookup to complete faster than %s since we provided a hint. Took %s", timeElapsedWithoutHint, timeElapsed)
+ }
+ printMetric("WITH HINT", store, timeElapsed)
+ store.Reset() // reset read counters
+ // ### 3.3.- Test multiple lookups at different intervals
+ timeElapsed = stopwatch.Measure(func() {
+ for i := uint64(0); i <= 10; i++ {
+ T := uint64(now - 1000 + i)
+ value, err := algo.Lookup(context.Background(), T, lookup.NoClue, readFunc)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ data, _ := value.(*Data)
+ if data == nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Expected lookup to return %d, got nil", T)
+ }
+ if data.Payload != T {
+ t.Fatalf("Expected lookup to return %d, got %d", T, data.Time)
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ printMetric("MULTIPLE", store, timeElapsed)
+ })
+// TestSparseUpdates checks the lookup algorithm when
+// updates come sparsely and in bursts
func TestSparseUpdates(t *testing.T) {
+ // ### 1.- Initialize stopwatch time sim
+ stopwatch := NewStopwatch(50 * time.Millisecond)
+ lookup.TimeAfter = stopwatch.TimeAfter()
+ defer stopwatch.Stop()
- store := make(Store)
- readCount := 0
- readFunc := makeReadFunc(store, &readCount)
- // write an update every 5 years 3 times starting in Jan 1st 1970 and then silence
+ // ### 2.- Setup mock storage and write an updates sparsely in bursts,
+ // every 5 years 3 times starting in Jan 1st 1970 and then silence
+ store := NewStore(DefaultStoreConfig)
+ readFunc := store.MakeReadFunc()
- now := uint64(1533799046)
+ now := uint64(633799046)
var epoch lookup.Epoch
var lastData *Data
- for i := uint64(0); i < 5; i++ {
- T := uint64(Year * 5 * i) // write an update every 5 years 3 times starting in Jan 1st 1970 and then silence
- data := Data{
- Payload: T, //our "payload" will be the timestamp itself.
- Time: T,
+ for i := uint64(0); i < 3; i++ {
+ for j := uint64(0); j < 10; j++ {
+ T := uint64(Year*5*i + j) // write a burst of 10 updates every 5 years 3 times starting in Jan 1st 1970 and then silence
+ data := Data{
+ Payload: T, //our "payload" will be the timestamp itself.
+ Time: T,
+ }
+ epoch = store.Update(epoch, T, &data)
+ lastData = &data
- epoch = update(store, epoch, T, &data)
- lastData = &data
- }
- // try to get the last value
- value, err := lookup.Lookup(context.Background(), now, lookup.NoClue, readFunc)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- readCountWithoutHint := readCount
- if value != lastData {
- t.Fatalf("Expected lookup to return the last written value: %v. Got %v", lastData, value)
- // reset the read count for the next test
- readCount = 0
- // Provide a hint to get a faster lookup. In particular, we give the exact location of the last update
- value, err = lookup.Lookup(context.Background(), now, epoch, readFunc)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
+ // ### 3.- Test all algorithms
+ for _, algo := range algorithms {
+ t.Run(algo.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
+ store.Reset() // reset read counters for next test
+ // ### 3.1.- Test how long it takes to find the last update without a hint:
+ timeElapsedWithoutHint := stopwatch.Measure(func() {
+ value, err := algo.Lookup(context.Background(), now, lookup.NoClue, readFunc)
+ stopwatch.Stop()
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ if value != lastData {
+ t.Fatalf("Expected lookup to return the last written value: %v. Got %v", lastData, value)
+ }
+ })
+ printMetric("SIMPLE", store, timeElapsedWithoutHint)
+ // reset the read count for the next test
+ store.Reset()
+ // ### 3.2.- Now test how long it takes to find the last update *with* a hint,
+ // it should take less time!
+ timeElapsed := stopwatch.Measure(func() {
+ value, err := algo.Lookup(context.Background(), now, epoch, readFunc)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ if value != lastData {
+ t.Fatalf("Expected lookup to return the last written value: %v. Got %v", lastData, value)
+ }
+ })
+ if timeElapsed > timeElapsedWithoutHint {
+ t.Fatalf("Expected lookup to complete faster than %s since we provided a hint. Took %s", timeElapsedWithoutHint, timeElapsed)
+ }
+ printMetric("WITH HINT", store, stopwatch.Elapsed())
+ })
- if value != lastData {
- t.Fatalf("Expected lookup to return the last written value: %v. Got %v", lastData, value)
- }
- if readCount > readCountWithoutHint {
- t.Fatalf("Expected lookup to complete with fewer reads than %d since we provided a hint. Did %d reads.", readCountWithoutHint, readCount)
- }
// testG will hold precooked test results
@@ -447,8 +572,9 @@ type testG struct {
// test cases
-var testGetNextLevelCases = []testG{{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 989875233, Level: 12}, n: 989875233, x: 11}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 995807650, Level: 18}, n: 995598156, x: 19}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 969167082, Level: 0}, n: 968990357, x: 18}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 993087628, Level: 14}, n: 992987044, x: 20}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 963364631, Level: 20}, n: 963364630, x: 19}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 963497510, Level: 16}, n: 963370732, x: 18}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 955421349, Level: 22}, n: 955421348, x: 21}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 968220379, Level: 15}, n: 968220378, x: 14}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 939129014, Level: 6}, n: 939128771, x: 11}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 907847903, Level: 6}, n: 907791833, x: 18}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 910835564, Level: 15}, n: 910835564, x: 14}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 913578333, Level: 22}, n: 881808431, x: 25}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 895818460, Level: 3}, n: 895818132, x: 9}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 903843025, Level: 24}, n: 895609561, x: 23}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 877889433, Level: 13}, n: 877877093, x: 15}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 901450396, Level: 10}, n: 901450058, x: 9}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 925179910, Level: 3}, n: 925168393, x: 16}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 913485477, Level: 21}, n: 913485476, x: 20}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 924462991, Level: 18}, n: 924462990, x: 17}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 941175128, Level: 13}, n: 941175127, x: 12}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 920126583, Level: 3}, n: 920100782, x: 19}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 932403200, Level: 9}, n: 932279891, x: 17}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 948284931, Level: 2}, n: 948284921, x: 9}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 953540997, Level: 7}, n: 950547986, x: 22}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 926639837, Level: 18}, n: 918608882, x: 24}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 954637598, Level: 1}, n: 954578761, x: 17}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 943482981, Level: 10}, n: 942924151, x: 19}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 963580771, Level: 7}, n: 963580771, x: 6}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 993744930, Level: 7}, n: 993690858, x: 16}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1018890213, Level: 12}, n: 1018890212, x: 11}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1030309411, Level: 2}, n: 1030309227, x: 9}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1063204997, Level: 20}, n: 1063204996, x: 19}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1094340832, Level: 6}, n: 1094340633, x: 7}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1077880597, Level: 10}, n: 1075914292, x: 20}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1051114957, Level: 18}, n: 1051114957, x: 17}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1045649701, Level: 22}, n: 1045649700, x: 21}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1066198885, Level: 14}, n: 1066198884, x: 13}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1053231952, Level: 1}, n: 1053210845, x: 16}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1068763404, Level: 14}, n: 1068675428, x: 18}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1039042173, Level: 15}, n: 1038973110, x: 17}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1050747636, Level: 6}, n: 1050747364, x: 9}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1030034434, Level: 23}, n: 1030034433, x: 22}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1003783425, Level: 18}, n: 1003783424, x: 17}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 988163976, Level: 15}, n: 988084064, x: 17}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1007222377, Level: 15}, n: 1007222377, x: 14}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1001211375, Level: 13}, n: 1001208178, x: 14}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 997623199, Level: 8}, n: 997623198, x: 7}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1026283830, Level: 10}, n: 1006681704, x: 24}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1019421907, Level: 20}, n: 1019421906, x: 19}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1043154306, Level: 16}, n: 1043108343, x: 16}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1075643767, Level: 17}, n: 1075325898, x: 18}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1043726309, Level: 20}, n: 1043726308, x: 19}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1056415324, Level: 17}, n: 1056415324, x: 16}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1088650219, Level: 13}, n: 1088650218, x: 12}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1088551662, Level: 7}, n: 1088543355, x: 13}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1069667265, Level: 6}, n: 1069667075, x: 7}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1079145970, Level: 18}, n: 1079145969, x: 17}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1083338876, Level: 7}, n: 1083338875, x: 6}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1051581086, Level: 4}, n: 1051568869, x: 14}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1028430882, Level: 4}, n: 1028430864, x: 5}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1057356462, Level: 1}, n: 1057356417, x: 5}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1033104266, Level: 0}, n: 1033097479, x: 13}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1031391367, Level: 11}, n: 1031387304, x: 14}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1049781164, Level: 15}, n: 1049781163, x: 14}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1027271628, Level: 12}, n: 1027271627, x: 11}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1057270560, Level: 23}, n: 1057270560, x: 22}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1047501317, Level: 15}, n: 1047501317, x: 14}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1058349035, Level: 11}, n: 1045175573, x: 24}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1057396147, Level: 20}, n: 1057396147, x: 19}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1048906375, Level: 18}, n: 1039616919, x: 25}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1074294831, Level: 20}, n: 1074294831, x: 19}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1088946052, Level: 1}, n: 1088917364, x: 14}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1112337595, Level: 17}, n: 1111008110, x: 22}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1099990284, Level: 5}, n: 1099968370, x: 15}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1087036441, Level: 16}, n: 1053967855, x: 25}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1069225185, Level: 8}, n: 1069224660, x: 10}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1057505479, Level: 9}, n: 1057505170, x: 14}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1072381377, Level: 12}, n: 1065950959, x: 22}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1093887139, Level: 8}, n: 1093863305, x: 14}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1082366510, Level: 24}, n: 1082366510, x: 23}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1103231132, Level: 14}, n: 1102292201, x: 22}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1094502355, Level: 3}, n: 1094324652, x: 18}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1068488344, Level: 12}, n: 1067577330, x: 19}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1050278233, Level: 12}, n: 1050278232, x: 11}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1047660768, Level: 5}, n: 1047652137, x: 17}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1060116167, Level: 11}, n: 1060114091, x: 12}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1068149392, Level: 21}, n: 1052074801, x: 24}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1081934120, Level: 6}, n: 1081933847, x: 8}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1107943693, Level: 16}, n: 1107096139, x: 25}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1131571649, Level: 9}, n: 1131570428, x: 11}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1123139367, Level: 0}, n: 1122912198, x: 20}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1121144423, Level: 6}, n: 1120568289, x: 20}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1089932411, Level: 17}, n: 1089932410, x: 16}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1104899012, Level: 22}, n: 1098978789, x: 22}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1094588059, Level: 21}, n: 1094588059, x: 20}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1114987438, Level: 24}, n: 1114987437, x: 23}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1084186305, Level: 7}, n: 1084186241, x: 6}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1058827111, Level: 8}, n: 1058826504, x: 9}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1090679810, Level: 12}, n: 1090616539, x: 17}, {e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 1084299475, Level: 23}, n: 1084299475, x: 22}}
+var testGetNextLevelCases = []testG{testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 989875233, Level: 12}, n: 989807323, x: 24}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 995807650, Level: 18}, n: 995807649, x: 17}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 969167082, Level: 0}, n: 969111431, x: 18}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 993087628, Level: 14}, n: 993087627, x: 13}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 963364631, Level: 20}, n: 962941578, x: 19}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 963497510, Level: 16}, n: 963497509, x: 15}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 955421349, Level: 22}, n: 929292183, x: 27}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 968220379, Level: 15}, n: 968220378, x: 14}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 939129014, Level: 6}, n: 939126953, x: 11}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 907847903, Level: 6}, n: 907846146, x: 11}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 910835564, Level: 15}, n: 703619757, x: 28}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 913578333, Level: 22}, n: 913578332, x: 21}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 895818460, Level: 3}, n: 895818132, x: 9}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 903843025, Level: 24}, n: 903843025, x: 23}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 877889433, Level: 13}, n: 149120378, x: 29}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 901450396, Level: 10}, n: 858997793, x: 26}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 925179910, Level: 3}, n: 925177237, x: 13}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 913485477, Level: 21}, n: 907146511, x: 22}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 924462991, Level: 18}, n: 924462990, x: 17}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 941175128, Level: 13}, n: 941168924, x: 13}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 920126583, Level: 3}, n: 538054817, x: 28}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 891721312, Level: 18}, n: 890975671, x: 21}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 920397342, Level: 11}, n: 920396960, x: 10}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 953406530, Level: 3}, n: 953406530, x: 2}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 920024527, Level: 23}, n: 920024527, x: 22}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 927050922, Level: 7}, n: 927049632, x: 11}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 894599900, Level: 10}, n: 890021707, x: 22}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 883010150, Level: 3}, n: 882969902, x: 15}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 855561102, Level: 22}, n: 855561102, x: 21}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 828245477, Level: 19}, n: 825245571, x: 22}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 851095026, Level: 4}, n: 851083702, x: 13}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 879209039, Level: 11}, n: 879209039, x: 10}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 859265651, Level: 0}, n: 840582083, x: 24}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 827349870, Level: 24}, n: 827349869, x: 23}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 819602318, Level: 3}, n: 18446744073490860182, x: 31}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 849708538, Level: 7}, n: 849708538, x: 6}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 873885094, Level: 11}, n: 873881798, x: 11}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 852169070, Level: 1}, n: 852049399, x: 17}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 852885343, Level: 8}, n: 852875652, x: 13}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 830957057, Level: 8}, n: 830955867, x: 10}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 807353611, Level: 4}, n: 807325211, x: 16}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 803198793, Level: 8}, n: 696477575, x: 26}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 791356887, Level: 10}, n: 791356003, x: 10}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 817771215, Level: 12}, n: 817708431, x: 17}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 846211146, Level: 14}, n: 846211146, x: 13}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 821849822, Level: 9}, n: 821849229, x: 9}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 789508756, Level: 9}, n: 789508755, x: 8}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 814088521, Level: 12}, n: 814088512, x: 11}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 813665673, Level: 6}, n: 813548257, x: 17}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 791472209, Level: 6}, n: 720857845, x: 26}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 805687744, Level: 2}, n: 805687720, x: 6}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 783153927, Level: 12}, n: 783134053, x: 14}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 815033655, Level: 11}, n: 815033654, x: 10}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 821184581, Level: 6}, n: 821184464, x: 11}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 841908114, Level: 2}, n: 841636025, x: 18}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 862969167, Level: 20}, n: 862919955, x: 19}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 887604565, Level: 21}, n: 887604564, x: 20}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 863723789, Level: 10}, n: 858274530, x: 22}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 851533290, Level: 10}, n: 851531385, x: 11}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 826032484, Level: 14}, n: 826032484, x: 13}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 819401505, Level: 7}, n: 818943526, x: 18}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 800886832, Level: 12}, n: 800563106, x: 19}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 780767476, Level: 10}, n: 694450997, x: 26}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 789209418, Level: 15}, n: 789209417, x: 14}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 816086666, Level: 9}, n: 816034646, x: 18}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 835407077, Level: 21}, n: 835407076, x: 20}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 846527322, Level: 20}, n: 846527321, x: 19}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 850131130, Level: 19}, n: 18446744073670013406, x: 31}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 842248607, Level: 24}, n: 783963834, x: 28}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 816181999, Level: 2}, n: 816124867, x: 15}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 806627026, Level: 17}, n: 756013427, x: 28}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 826223084, Level: 4}, n: 826169865, x: 16}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 835380147, Level: 21}, n: 835380147, x: 20}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 860137874, Level: 3}, n: 860137782, x: 7}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 860623757, Level: 8}, n: 860621582, x: 12}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 875464114, Level: 24}, n: 875464114, x: 23}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 853804052, Level: 6}, n: 853804051, x: 5}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 864150903, Level: 14}, n: 854360673, x: 24}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 850104561, Level: 23}, n: 850104561, x: 22}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 878020186, Level: 24}, n: 878020186, x: 23}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 900150940, Level: 8}, n: 899224760, x: 21}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 869566202, Level: 2}, n: 869566199, x: 3}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 851878045, Level: 5}, n: 851878045, x: 4}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 824469671, Level: 12}, n: 824466504, x: 13}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 819830223, Level: 9}, n: 816550241, x: 22}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 813720249, Level: 20}, n: 801351581, x: 28}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 831200185, Level: 20}, n: 830760165, x: 19}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 838915973, Level: 9}, n: 838915972, x: 8}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 812902644, Level: 5}, n: 812902644, x: 4}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 812755887, Level: 3}, n: 812755887, x: 2}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 822497779, Level: 8}, n: 822486000, x: 14}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 832407585, Level: 9}, n: 579450238, x: 28}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 799645403, Level: 23}, n: 799645403, x: 22}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 827279665, Level: 2}, n: 826723872, x: 19}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 846062554, Level: 6}, n: 765881119, x: 28}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 855122998, Level: 6}, n: 855122978, x: 5}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 841905104, Level: 4}, n: 751401236, x: 28}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 857737438, Level: 12}, n: 325468127, x: 29}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 838103691, Level: 18}, n: 779030823, x: 28}, testG{e: lookup.Epoch{Time: 841581240, Level: 22}, n: 841581239, x: 21}}
+// TestGetNextLevel tests the lookup.GetNextLevel function
func TestGetNextLevel(t *testing.T) {
// First, test well-known cases
@@ -492,7 +618,7 @@ func TestGetNextLevel(t *testing.T) {
-// cookGetNextLevelTests is used to generate a deterministic
+// CookGetNextLevelTests is used to generate a deterministic
// set of cases for TestGetNextLevel and thus "freeze" its current behavior
func CookGetNextLevelTests(t *testing.T) {
st := ""
diff --git a/swarm/storage/feed/lookup/store_test.go b/swarm/storage/feed/lookup/store_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ed5209319
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swarm/storage/feed/lookup/store_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+package lookup_test
+This file contains components to mock a storage for testing
+lookup algorithms and measure the number of reads.
+import (
+ "context"
+ "fmt"
+ "sync"
+ "time"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/swarm/log"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/swarm/storage/feed/lookup"
+// Data is a struct to keep a value to store/retrieve during testing
+type Data struct {
+ Payload uint64
+ Time uint64
+// String implements fmt.Stringer
+func (d *Data) String() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%d-%d", d.Payload, d.Time)
+// Datamap is an internal map to hold the mocked storage
+type DataMap map[lookup.EpochID]*Data
+// StoreConfig allows to specify the simulated delays for each type of
+// read operation
+type StoreConfig struct {
+ CacheReadTime time.Duration // time it takes to read from the cache
+ FailedReadTime time.Duration // time it takes to acknowledge a read as failed
+ SuccessfulReadTime time.Duration // time it takes to fetch data
+// StoreCounters will track read count metrics
+type StoreCounters struct {
+ reads int
+ cacheHits int
+ failed int
+ successful int
+ canceled int
+ maxSimultaneous int
+// Store simulates a store and keeps track of performance counters
+type Store struct {
+ StoreConfig
+ StoreCounters
+ data DataMap
+ cache DataMap
+ lock sync.RWMutex
+ activeReads int
+// NewStore returns a new mock store ready for use
+func NewStore(config *StoreConfig) *Store {
+ store := &Store{
+ StoreConfig: *config,
+ data: make(DataMap),
+ }
+ store.Reset()
+ return store
+// Reset reset performance counters and clears the cache
+func (s *Store) Reset() {
+ s.cache = make(DataMap)
+ s.StoreCounters = StoreCounters{}
+// Put stores a value in the mock store at the given epoch
+func (s *Store) Put(epoch lookup.Epoch, value *Data) {
+ log.Debug("Write: %d-%d, value='%d'\n", epoch.Base(), epoch.Level, value.Payload)
+ s.data[epoch.ID()] = value
+// Update runs the seed algorithm to place the update in the appropriate epoch
+func (s *Store) Update(last lookup.Epoch, now uint64, value *Data) lookup.Epoch {
+ epoch := lookup.GetNextEpoch(last, now)
+ s.Put(epoch, value)
+ return epoch
+// Get retrieves data at the specified epoch, simulating a delay
+func (s *Store) Get(ctx context.Context, epoch lookup.Epoch, now uint64) (value interface{}, err error) {
+ epochID := epoch.ID()
+ var operationTime time.Duration
+ defer func() { // simulate a delay according to what has actually happened
+ select {
+ case <-lookup.TimeAfter(operationTime):
+ case <-ctx.Done():
+ s.lock.Lock()
+ s.canceled++
+ s.lock.Unlock()
+ value = nil
+ err = ctx.Err()
+ }
+ s.lock.Lock()
+ s.activeReads--
+ s.lock.Unlock()
+ }()
+ s.lock.Lock()
+ defer s.lock.Unlock()
+ s.reads++
+ s.activeReads++
+ if s.activeReads > s.maxSimultaneous {
+ s.maxSimultaneous = s.activeReads
+ }
+ // 1.- Simulate a cache read
+ item := s.cache[epochID]
+ operationTime += s.CacheReadTime
+ if item != nil {
+ s.cacheHits++
+ if item.Time <= now {
+ s.successful++
+ return item, nil
+ }
+ return nil, nil
+ }
+ // 2.- simulate a full read
+ item = s.data[epochID]
+ if item != nil {
+ operationTime += s.SuccessfulReadTime
+ s.successful++
+ s.cache[epochID] = item
+ if item.Time <= now {
+ return item, nil
+ }
+ } else {
+ operationTime += s.FailedReadTime
+ s.failed++
+ }
+ return nil, nil
+// MakeReadFunc returns a read function suitable for the lookup algorithm, mapped
+// to this mock storage
+func (s *Store) MakeReadFunc() lookup.ReadFunc {
+ return func(ctx context.Context, epoch lookup.Epoch, now uint64) (interface{}, error) {
+ return s.Get(ctx, epoch, now)
+ }
diff --git a/swarm/storage/feed/lookup/timesim_test.go b/swarm/storage/feed/lookup/timesim_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2a254188c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swarm/storage/feed/lookup/timesim_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+package lookup_test
+// This file contains simple time simulation tools for testing
+// and measuring time-aware algorithms
+import (
+ "sync"
+ "time"
+// Timer tracks information about a simulated timer
+type Timer struct {
+ deadline time.Time
+ signal chan time.Time
+ id int
+// Stopwatch measures simulated execution time and manages simulated timers
+type Stopwatch struct {
+ t time.Time
+ resolution time.Duration
+ timers map[int]*Timer
+ timerCounter int
+ stopSignal chan struct{}
+ lock sync.RWMutex
+// NewStopwatch returns a simulated clock that ticks on `resolution` intervals
+func NewStopwatch(resolution time.Duration) *Stopwatch {
+ s := &Stopwatch{
+ resolution: resolution,
+ }
+ s.Reset()
+ return s
+// Reset clears all timers and sents the stopwatch to zero
+func (s *Stopwatch) Reset() {
+ s.t = time.Time{}
+ s.timers = make(map[int]*Timer)
+ s.Stop()
+// Tick advances simulated time by the stopwatch's resolution and triggers
+// all due timers
+func (s *Stopwatch) Tick() {
+ s.t = s.t.Add(s.resolution)
+ s.lock.Lock()
+ defer s.lock.Unlock()
+ for id, timer := range s.timers {
+ if s.t.After(timer.deadline) || s.t.Equal(timer.deadline) {
+ timer.signal <- s.t
+ close(timer.signal)
+ delete(s.timers, id)
+ }
+ }
+// NewTimer returns a new timer that will trigger after `duration` elapses in the
+// simulation
+func (s *Stopwatch) NewTimer(duration time.Duration) <-chan time.Time {
+ s.lock.Lock()
+ defer s.lock.Unlock()
+ s.timerCounter++
+ timer := &Timer{
+ deadline: s.t.Add(duration),
+ signal: make(chan time.Time, 1),
+ id: s.timerCounter,
+ }
+ s.timers[timer.id] = timer
+ return timer.signal
+// TimeAfter returns a simulated timer factory that can replace `time.After`
+func (s *Stopwatch) TimeAfter() func(d time.Duration) <-chan time.Time {
+ return func(d time.Duration) <-chan time.Time {
+ return s.NewTimer(d)
+ }
+// Elapsed returns the time that has passed in the simulation
+func (s *Stopwatch) Elapsed() time.Duration {
+ return s.t.Sub(time.Time{})
+// Run starts the time simulation
+func (s *Stopwatch) Run() {
+ go func() {
+ stopSignal := make(chan struct{})
+ s.lock.Lock()
+ if s.stopSignal != nil {
+ close(s.stopSignal)
+ }
+ s.stopSignal = stopSignal
+ s.lock.Unlock()
+ for {
+ select {
+ case <-time.After(1 * time.Millisecond):
+ s.Tick()
+ case <-stopSignal:
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }()
+// Stop stops the time simulation
+func (s *Stopwatch) Stop() {
+ s.lock.Lock()
+ defer s.lock.Unlock()
+ if s.stopSignal != nil {
+ close(s.stopSignal)
+ s.stopSignal = nil
+ }
+func (s *Stopwatch) Measure(measuredFunc func()) time.Duration {
+ s.Reset()
+ s.Run()
+ defer s.Stop()
+ measuredFunc()
+ return s.Elapsed()
diff --git a/swarm/storage/feed/query_test.go b/swarm/storage/feed/query_test.go
index 9fa5e2980..1ec45762e 100644
--- a/swarm/storage/feed/query_test.go
+++ b/swarm/storage/feed/query_test.go
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ func getTestQuery() *Query {
func TestQueryValues(t *testing.T) {
- var expected = KV{"hint.level": "25", "hint.time": "1000", "time": "5000", "topic": "0x776f726c64206e657773207265706f72742c20657665727920686f7572000000", "user": "0x876A8936A7Cd0b79Ef0735AD0896c1AFe278781c"}
+ var expected = KV{"hint.level": "31", "hint.time": "1000", "time": "5000", "topic": "0x776f726c64206e657773207265706f72742c20657665727920686f7572000000", "user": "0x876A8936A7Cd0b79Ef0735AD0896c1AFe278781c"}
query := getTestQuery()
testValueSerializer(t, query, expected)
diff --git a/swarm/storage/feed/request_test.go b/swarm/storage/feed/request_test.go
index c30158fdd..b9c1381c6 100644
--- a/swarm/storage/feed/request_test.go
+++ b/swarm/storage/feed/request_test.go
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ func TestUpdateChunkSerializationErrorChecking(t *testing.T) {
t.Fatalf("error creating update chunk:%s", err)
- compareByteSliceToExpectedHex(t, "chunk", chunk.Data(), "0x0000000000000000776f726c64206e657773207265706f72742c20657665727920686f7572000000876a8936a7cd0b79ef0735ad0896c1afe278781ce803000000000019416c206269656e206861636572206a616dc3a173206c652066616c7461207072656d696f5a0ffe0bc27f207cd5b00944c8b9cee93e08b89b5ada777f123ac535189333f174a6a4ca2f43a92c4a477a49d774813c36ce8288552c58e6205b0ac35d0507eb00")
+ compareByteSliceToExpectedHex(t, "chunk", chunk.Data(), "0x0000000000000000776f726c64206e657773207265706f72742c20657665727920686f7572000000876a8936a7cd0b79ef0735ad0896c1afe278781ce80300000000001f416c206269656e206861636572206a616dc3a173206c652066616c7461207072656d696f9896df5937e64e51a7994479ff3fe0ed790d539b9b3e85e93c0014a8a64374f23603c79d16e99b50a757896d3816d7022ac594ad1415679a9b164afb2e5926d801")
var recovered Request
diff --git a/swarm/storage/feed/update_test.go b/swarm/storage/feed/update_test.go
index 24c09b361..e4e0963e9 100644
--- a/swarm/storage/feed/update_test.go
+++ b/swarm/storage/feed/update_test.go
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ func getTestFeedUpdate() *Update {
func TestUpdateSerializer(t *testing.T) {
- testBinarySerializerRecovery(t, getTestFeedUpdate(), "0x0000000000000000776f726c64206e657773207265706f72742c20657665727920686f7572000000876a8936a7cd0b79ef0735ad0896c1afe278781ce803000000000019456c20717565206c6565206d7563686f207920616e6461206d7563686f2c207665206d7563686f20792073616265206d7563686f")
+ testBinarySerializerRecovery(t, getTestFeedUpdate(), "0x0000000000000000776f726c64206e657773207265706f72742c20657665727920686f7572000000876a8936a7cd0b79ef0735ad0896c1afe278781ce80300000000001f456c20717565206c6565206d7563686f207920616e6461206d7563686f2c207665206d7563686f20792073616265206d7563686f")
func TestUpdateLengthCheck(t *testing.T) {