path: root/swarm
diff options
authorholisticode <holistic.computing@gmail.com>2019-01-11 22:08:09 +0800
committerViktor Trón <viktor.tron@gmail.com>2019-01-11 22:08:09 +0800
commit88168ff5c57b1a9c944d02e93e6e49368ccc968f (patch)
tree150f46d66bccf780044469af65ee3c70d395a320 /swarm
parentd5cad488be0069d768b358b2267cd5432b0f9a43 (diff)
Stream subscriptions (#18355)
* swarm/network: eachBin now starts at kaddepth for nn * swarm/network: fix Kademlia.EachBin * swarm/network: fix kademlia.EachBin * swarm/network: correct EachBin implementation according to requirements * swarm/network: less addresses simplified tests * swarm: calc kad depth outside loop in EachBin test * swarm/network: removed printResults * swarm/network: cleanup imports * swarm/network: remove kademlia.EachBin; fix RequestSubscriptions and add unit test * swarm/network/stream: address PR comments * swarm/network/stream: package-wide subscriptionFunc * swarm/network/stream: refactor to kad.EachConn
Diffstat (limited to 'swarm')
5 files changed, 234 insertions, 320 deletions
diff --git a/swarm/network/kademlia.go b/swarm/network/kademlia.go
index 341ed20b2..ec53f70a3 100644
--- a/swarm/network/kademlia.go
+++ b/swarm/network/kademlia.go
@@ -356,37 +356,6 @@ func (k *Kademlia) Off(p *Peer) {
-// EachBin is a two level nested iterator
-// The outer iterator returns all bins that have known peers, in order from shallowest to deepest
-// The inner iterator returns all peers per bin returned by the outer iterator, in no defined order
-// TODO the po returned by the inner iterator is not reliable. However, it is not being used in this method
-func (k *Kademlia) EachBin(base []byte, pof pot.Pof, o int, eachBinFunc func(conn *Peer, po int) bool) {
- k.lock.RLock()
- defer k.lock.RUnlock()
- var startPo int
- var endPo int
- kadDepth := depthForPot(k.conns, k.NeighbourhoodSize, k.base)
- k.conns.EachBin(base, Pof, o, func(po, size int, f func(func(val pot.Val, i int) bool) bool) bool {
- if startPo > 0 && endPo != k.MaxProxDisplay {
- startPo = endPo + 1
- }
- if po < kadDepth {
- endPo = po
- } else {
- endPo = k.MaxProxDisplay
- }
- for bin := startPo; bin <= endPo; bin++ {
- f(func(val pot.Val, _ int) bool {
- return eachBinFunc(val.(*Peer), bin)
- })
- }
- return true
- })
// EachConn is an iterator with args (base, po, f) applies f to each live peer
// that has proximity order po or less as measured from the base
// if base is nil, kademlia base address is used
diff --git a/swarm/network/kademlia_test.go b/swarm/network/kademlia_test.go
index c1a26f612..fcb277fde 100644
--- a/swarm/network/kademlia_test.go
+++ b/swarm/network/kademlia_test.go
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Copyright 2017 The go-ethereum Authors
+// Copyright 2018 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
diff --git a/swarm/network/stream/snapshot_sync_test.go b/swarm/network/stream/snapshot_sync_test.go
index 4e4497ccd..6af19c12a 100644
--- a/swarm/network/stream/snapshot_sync_test.go
+++ b/swarm/network/stream/snapshot_sync_test.go
@@ -106,43 +106,6 @@ func TestSyncingViaGlobalSync(t *testing.T) {
-func TestSyncingViaDirectSubscribe(t *testing.T) {
- if runtime.GOOS == "darwin" && os.Getenv("TRAVIS") == "true" {
- t.Skip("Flaky on mac on travis")
- }
- //if nodes/chunks have been provided via commandline,
- //run the tests with these values
- if *nodes != 0 && *chunks != 0 {
- log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Running test with %d chunks and %d nodes...", *chunks, *nodes))
- err := testSyncingViaDirectSubscribe(t, *chunks, *nodes)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- } else {
- var nodeCnt []int
- var chnkCnt []int
- //if the `longrunning` flag has been provided
- //run more test combinations
- if *longrunning {
- chnkCnt = []int{1, 8, 32, 256, 1024}
- nodeCnt = []int{32, 16}
- } else {
- //default test
- chnkCnt = []int{4, 32}
- nodeCnt = []int{32, 16}
- }
- for _, chnk := range chnkCnt {
- for _, n := range nodeCnt {
- log.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Long running test with %d chunks and %d nodes...", chnk, n))
- err := testSyncingViaDirectSubscribe(t, chnk, n)
- if err != nil {
- t.Fatal(err)
- }
- }
- }
- }
var simServiceMap = map[string]simulation.ServiceFunc{
"streamer": streamerFunc,
@@ -323,235 +286,6 @@ func runSim(conf *synctestConfig, ctx context.Context, sim *simulation.Simulatio
-The test generates the given number of chunks
-For every chunk generated, the nearest node addresses
-are identified, we verify that the nodes closer to the
-chunk addresses actually do have the chunks in their local stores.
-The test loads a snapshot file to construct the swarm network,
-assuming that the snapshot file identifies a healthy
-kademlia network. The snapshot should have 'streamer' in its service list.
-func testSyncingViaDirectSubscribe(t *testing.T, chunkCount int, nodeCount int) error {
- sim := simulation.New(map[string]simulation.ServiceFunc{
- "streamer": func(ctx *adapters.ServiceContext, bucket *sync.Map) (s node.Service, cleanup func(), err error) {
- n := ctx.Config.Node()
- addr := network.NewAddr(n)
- store, datadir, err := createTestLocalStorageForID(n.ID(), addr)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, nil, err
- }
- bucket.Store(bucketKeyStore, store)
- localStore := store.(*storage.LocalStore)
- netStore, err := storage.NewNetStore(localStore, nil)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, nil, err
- }
- kad := network.NewKademlia(addr.Over(), network.NewKadParams())
- delivery := NewDelivery(kad, netStore)
- netStore.NewNetFetcherFunc = network.NewFetcherFactory(dummyRequestFromPeers, true).New
- r := NewRegistry(addr.ID(), delivery, netStore, state.NewInmemoryStore(), &RegistryOptions{
- Retrieval: RetrievalDisabled,
- Syncing: SyncingRegisterOnly,
- }, nil)
- bucket.Store(bucketKeyRegistry, r)
- fileStore := storage.NewFileStore(netStore, storage.NewFileStoreParams())
- bucket.Store(bucketKeyFileStore, fileStore)
- cleanup = func() {
- os.RemoveAll(datadir)
- netStore.Close()
- r.Close()
- }
- return r, cleanup, nil
- },
- })
- defer sim.Close()
- ctx, cancelSimRun := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 2*time.Minute)
- defer cancelSimRun()
- conf := &synctestConfig{}
- //map of discover ID to indexes of chunks expected at that ID
- conf.idToChunksMap = make(map[enode.ID][]int)
- //map of overlay address to discover ID
- conf.addrToIDMap = make(map[string]enode.ID)
- //array where the generated chunk hashes will be stored
- conf.hashes = make([]storage.Address, 0)
- err := sim.UploadSnapshot(fmt.Sprintf("testing/snapshot_%d.json", nodeCount))
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if _, err := sim.WaitTillHealthy(ctx); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- disconnections := sim.PeerEvents(
- context.Background(),
- sim.NodeIDs(),
- simulation.NewPeerEventsFilter().Drop(),
- )
- var disconnected atomic.Value
- go func() {
- for d := range disconnections {
- if d.Error != nil {
- log.Error("peer drop", "node", d.NodeID, "peer", d.PeerID)
- disconnected.Store(true)
- }
- }
- }()
- result := sim.Run(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, sim *simulation.Simulation) error {
- nodeIDs := sim.UpNodeIDs()
- for _, n := range nodeIDs {
- //get the kademlia overlay address from this ID
- a := n.Bytes()
- //append it to the array of all overlay addresses
- conf.addrs = append(conf.addrs, a)
- //the proximity calculation is on overlay addr,
- //the p2p/simulations check func triggers on enode.ID,
- //so we need to know which overlay addr maps to which nodeID
- conf.addrToIDMap[string(a)] = n
- }
- var subscriptionCount int
- filter := simulation.NewPeerEventsFilter().ReceivedMessages().Protocol("stream").MsgCode(4)
- eventC := sim.PeerEvents(ctx, nodeIDs, filter)
- for j, node := range nodeIDs {
- log.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("Start syncing subscriptions: %d", j))
- //start syncing!
- item, ok := sim.NodeItem(node, bucketKeyRegistry)
- if !ok {
- return fmt.Errorf("No registry")
- }
- registry := item.(*Registry)
- var cnt int
- cnt, err = startSyncing(registry, conf)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- //increment the number of subscriptions we need to wait for
- //by the count returned from startSyncing (SYNC subscriptions)
- subscriptionCount += cnt
- }
- for e := range eventC {
- if e.Error != nil {
- return e.Error
- }
- subscriptionCount--
- if subscriptionCount == 0 {
- break
- }
- }
- //select a random node for upload
- node := sim.Net.GetRandomUpNode()
- item, ok := sim.NodeItem(node.ID(), bucketKeyStore)
- if !ok {
- return fmt.Errorf("No localstore")
- }
- lstore := item.(*storage.LocalStore)
- hashes, err := uploadFileToSingleNodeStore(node.ID(), chunkCount, lstore)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- conf.hashes = append(conf.hashes, hashes...)
- mapKeysToNodes(conf)
- if _, err := sim.WaitTillHealthy(ctx); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- var globalStore mock.GlobalStorer
- if *useMockStore {
- globalStore = mockmem.NewGlobalStore()
- }
- // File retrieval check is repeated until all uploaded files are retrieved from all nodes
- // or until the timeout is reached.
- for {
- for _, id := range nodeIDs {
- //for each expected chunk, check if it is in the local store
- localChunks := conf.idToChunksMap[id]
- for _, ch := range localChunks {
- //get the real chunk by the index in the index array
- chunk := conf.hashes[ch]
- log.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("node has chunk: %s:", chunk))
- //check if the expected chunk is indeed in the localstore
- var err error
- if *useMockStore {
- //use the globalStore if the mockStore should be used; in that case,
- //the complete localStore stack is bypassed for getting the chunk
- _, err = globalStore.Get(common.BytesToAddress(id.Bytes()), chunk)
- } else {
- //use the actual localstore
- item, ok := sim.NodeItem(id, bucketKeyStore)
- if !ok {
- return fmt.Errorf("Error accessing localstore")
- }
- lstore := item.(*storage.LocalStore)
- _, err = lstore.Get(ctx, chunk)
- }
- if err != nil {
- log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Chunk %s NOT found for id %s", chunk, id))
- // Do not get crazy with logging the warn message
- time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
- continue REPEAT
- }
- log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Chunk %s IS FOUND for id %s", chunk, id))
- }
- }
- return nil
- }
- })
- if result.Error != nil {
- return result.Error
- }
- if yes, ok := disconnected.Load().(bool); ok && yes {
- t.Fatal("disconnect events received")
- }
- log.Info("Simulation ended")
- return nil
-//the server func to start syncing
-//issues `RequestSubscriptionMsg` to peers, based on po, by iterating over
-//the kademlia's `EachBin` function.
-//returns the number of subscriptions requested
-func startSyncing(r *Registry, conf *synctestConfig) (int, error) {
- var err error
- kad := r.delivery.kad
- subCnt := 0
- //iterate over each bin and solicit needed subscription to bins
- kad.EachBin(r.addr[:], pof, 0, func(conn *network.Peer, po int) bool {
- //identify begin and start index of the bin(s) we want to subscribe to
- subCnt++
- err = r.RequestSubscription(conf.addrToIDMap[string(conn.Address())], NewStream("SYNC", FormatSyncBinKey(uint8(po)), true), NewRange(0, 0), High)
- if err != nil {
- log.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Error in RequestSubsciption! %v", err))
- return false
- }
- return true
- })
- return subCnt, nil
//map chunk keys to addresses which are responsible
func mapKeysToNodes(conf *synctestConfig) {
nodemap := make(map[string][]int)
diff --git a/swarm/network/stream/stream.go b/swarm/network/stream/stream.go
index 2e2c3c418..fb571c856 100644
--- a/swarm/network/stream/stream.go
+++ b/swarm/network/stream/stream.go
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ import (
- "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/swarm/pot"
@@ -73,6 +72,11 @@ const (
+// subscriptionFunc is used to determine what to do in order to perform subscriptions
+// usually we would start to really subscribe to nodes, but for tests other functionality may be needed
+// (see TestRequestPeerSubscriptions in streamer_test.go)
+var subscriptionFunc func(r *Registry, p *network.Peer, bin uint8, subs map[enode.ID]map[Stream]struct{}) bool = doRequestSubscription
// Registry registry for outgoing and incoming streamer constructors
type Registry struct {
addr enode.ID
@@ -88,9 +92,9 @@ type Registry struct {
intervalsStore state.Store
autoRetrieval bool // automatically subscribe to retrieve request stream
maxPeerServers int
- balance protocols.Balance // implements protocols.Balance, for accounting
- prices protocols.Prices // implements protocols.Prices, provides prices to accounting
- spec *protocols.Spec // this protocol's spec
+ spec *protocols.Spec //this protocol's spec
+ balance protocols.Balance //implements protocols.Balance, for accounting
+ prices protocols.Prices //implements protocols.Prices, provides prices to accounting
// RegistryOptions holds optional values for NewRegistry constructor.
@@ -125,6 +129,7 @@ func NewRegistry(localID enode.ID, delivery *Delivery, syncChunkStore storage.Sy
maxPeerServers: options.MaxPeerServers,
balance: balance,
streamer.api = NewAPI(streamer)
@@ -467,24 +472,8 @@ func (r *Registry) updateSyncing() {
- // request subscriptions for all nodes and bins
- kad.EachBin(r.addr[:], pot.DefaultPof(256), 0, func(p *network.Peer, bin int) bool {
- log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Requesting subscription by: registry %s from peer %s for bin: %d", r.addr, p.ID(), bin))
- // bin is always less then 256 and it is safe to convert it to type uint8
- stream := NewStream("SYNC", FormatSyncBinKey(uint8(bin)), true)
- if streams, ok := subs[p.ID()]; ok {
- // delete live and history streams from the map, so that it won't be removed with a Quit request
- delete(streams, stream)
- delete(streams, getHistoryStream(stream))
- }
- err := r.RequestSubscription(p.ID(), stream, NewRange(0, 0), High)
- if err != nil {
- log.Debug("Request subscription", "err", err, "peer", p.ID(), "stream", stream)
- return false
- }
- return true
- })
+ // start requesting subscriptions from peers
+ r.requestPeerSubscriptions(kad, subs)
// remove SYNC servers that do not need to be subscribed
for id, streams := range subs {
@@ -505,6 +494,66 @@ func (r *Registry) updateSyncing() {
+// requestPeerSubscriptions calls on each live peer in the kademlia table
+// and sends a `RequestSubscription` to peers according to their bin
+// and their relationship with kademlia's depth.
+// Also check `TestRequestPeerSubscriptions` in order to understand the
+// expected behavior.
+// The function expects:
+// * the kademlia
+// * a map of subscriptions
+// * the actual function to subscribe
+// (in case of the test, it doesn't do real subscriptions)
+func (r *Registry) requestPeerSubscriptions(kad *network.Kademlia, subs map[enode.ID]map[Stream]struct{}) {
+ var startPo int
+ var endPo int
+ var ok bool
+ // kademlia's depth
+ kadDepth := kad.NeighbourhoodDepth()
+ // request subscriptions for all nodes and bins
+ // nil as base takes the node's base; we need to pass 255 as `EachConn` runs
+ // from deepest bins backwards
+ kad.EachConn(nil, 255, func(p *network.Peer, po int) bool {
+ //if the peer's bin is shallower than the kademlia depth,
+ //only the peer's bin should be subscribed
+ if po < kadDepth {
+ startPo = po
+ endPo = po
+ } else {
+ //if the peer's bin is equal or deeper than the kademlia depth,
+ //each bin from the depth up to k.MaxProxDisplay should be subscribed
+ startPo = kadDepth
+ endPo = kad.MaxProxDisplay
+ }
+ for bin := startPo; bin <= endPo; bin++ {
+ //do the actual subscription
+ ok = subscriptionFunc(r, p, uint8(bin), subs)
+ }
+ return ok
+ })
+// doRequestSubscription sends the actual RequestSubscription to the peer
+func doRequestSubscription(r *Registry, p *network.Peer, bin uint8, subs map[enode.ID]map[Stream]struct{}) bool {
+ log.Debug("Requesting subscription by registry:", "registry", r.addr, "peer", p.ID(), "bin", bin)
+ // bin is always less then 256 and it is safe to convert it to type uint8
+ stream := NewStream("SYNC", FormatSyncBinKey(bin), true)
+ if streams, ok := subs[p.ID()]; ok {
+ // delete live and history streams from the map, so that it won't be removed with a Quit request
+ delete(streams, stream)
+ delete(streams, getHistoryStream(stream))
+ }
+ err := r.RequestSubscription(p.ID(), stream, NewRange(0, 0), High)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Debug("Request subscription", "err", err, "peer", p.ID(), "stream", stream)
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
func (r *Registry) runProtocol(p *p2p.Peer, rw p2p.MsgReadWriter) error {
peer := protocols.NewPeer(p, rw, r.spec)
bp := network.NewBzzPeer(peer)
diff --git a/swarm/network/stream/streamer_test.go b/swarm/network/stream/streamer_test.go
index e1b1c8286..cdaeb92d0 100644
--- a/swarm/network/stream/streamer_test.go
+++ b/swarm/network/stream/streamer_test.go
@@ -20,11 +20,16 @@ import (
+ "fmt"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/log"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/p2p/enode"
p2ptest "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/p2p/testing"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/swarm/network"
@@ -952,3 +957,160 @@ func TestHasPriceImplementation(t *testing.T) {
t.Fatal("No prices set for chunk delivery msg")
+TestRequestPeerSubscriptions is a unit test for stream's pull sync subscriptions.
+The test does:
+ * assign each connected peer to a bin map
+ * build up a known kademlia in advance
+ * run the EachConn function, which returns supposed subscription bins
+ * store all supposed bins per peer in a map
+ * check that all peers have the expected subscriptions
+This kad table and its peers are copied from network.TestKademliaCase1,
+it represents an edge case but for the purpose of testing the
+syncing subscriptions it is just fine.
+Addresses used in this test are discovered as part of the simulation network
+in higher level tests for streaming. They were generated randomly.
+The resulting kademlia looks like this:
+Fri Dec 21 20:02:39 UTC 2018 KΛÐΞMLIΛ hive: queen's address: 7efef1
+population: 12 (12), MinProxBinSize: 2, MinBinSize: 2, MaxBinSize: 4
+000 2 8196 835f | 2 8196 (0) 835f (0)
+001 2 2690 28f0 | 2 2690 (0) 28f0 (0)
+002 2 4d72 4a45 | 2 4d72 (0) 4a45 (0)
+003 1 646e | 1 646e (0)
+004 3 769c 76d1 7656 | 3 769c (0) 76d1 (0) 7656 (0)
+============ DEPTH: 5 ==========================================
+005 1 7a48 | 1 7a48 (0)
+006 1 7cbd | 1 7cbd (0)
+007 0 | 0
+008 0 | 0
+009 0 | 0
+010 0 | 0
+011 0 | 0
+012 0 | 0
+013 0 | 0
+014 0 | 0
+015 0 | 0
+func TestRequestPeerSubscriptions(t *testing.T) {
+ // the pivot address; this is the actual kademlia node
+ pivotAddr := "7efef1c41d77f843ad167be95f6660567eb8a4a59f39240000cce2e0d65baf8e"
+ // a map of bin number to addresses from the given kademlia
+ binMap := make(map[int][]string)
+ binMap[0] = []string{
+ "835fbbf1d16ba7347b6e2fc552d6e982148d29c624ea20383850df3c810fa8fc",
+ "81968a2d8fb39114342ee1da85254ec51e0608d7f0f6997c2a8354c260a71009",
+ }
+ binMap[1] = []string{
+ "28f0bc1b44658548d6e05dd16d4c2fe77f1da5d48b6774bc4263b045725d0c19",
+ "2690a910c33ee37b91eb6c4e0731d1d345e2dc3b46d308503a6e85bbc242c69e",
+ }
+ binMap[2] = []string{
+ "4a45f1fc63e1a9cb9dfa44c98da2f3d20c2923e5d75ff60b2db9d1bdb0c54d51",
+ "4d72a04ddeb851a68cd197ef9a92a3e2ff01fbbff638e64929dd1a9c2e150112",
+ }
+ binMap[3] = []string{
+ "646e9540c84f6a2f9cf6585d45a4c219573b4fd1b64a3c9a1386fc5cf98c0d4d",
+ }
+ binMap[4] = []string{
+ "7656caccdc79cd8d7ce66d415cc96a718e8271c62fb35746bfc2b49faf3eebf3",
+ "76d1e83c71ca246d042e37ff1db181f2776265fbcfdc890ce230bfa617c9c2f0",
+ "769ce86aa90b518b7ed382f9fdacfbed93574e18dc98fe6c342e4f9f409c2d5a",
+ }
+ binMap[5] = []string{
+ "7a48f75f8ca60487ae42d6f92b785581b40b91f2da551ae73d5eae46640e02e8",
+ }
+ binMap[6] = []string{
+ "7cbd42350bde8e18ae5b955b5450f8e2cef3419f92fbf5598160c60fd78619f0",
+ }
+ // create the pivot's kademlia
+ addr := common.FromHex(pivotAddr)
+ k := network.NewKademlia(addr, network.NewKadParams())
+ // construct the peers and the kademlia
+ for _, binaddrs := range binMap {
+ for _, a := range binaddrs {
+ addr := common.FromHex(a)
+ k.On(network.NewPeer(&network.BzzPeer{BzzAddr: &network.BzzAddr{OAddr: addr}}, k))
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: check kad table is same
+ // currently k.String() prints date so it will never be the same :)
+ // --> implement JSON representation of kad table
+ log.Debug(k.String())
+ // simulate that we would do subscriptions: just store the bin numbers
+ fakeSubscriptions := make(map[string][]int)
+ //after the test, we need to reset the subscriptionFunc to the default
+ defer func() { subscriptionFunc = doRequestSubscription }()
+ // define the function which should run for each connection
+ // instead of doing real subscriptions, we just store the bin numbers
+ subscriptionFunc = func(r *Registry, p *network.Peer, bin uint8, subs map[enode.ID]map[Stream]struct{}) bool {
+ // get the peer ID
+ peerstr := fmt.Sprintf("%x", p.Over())
+ // create the array of bins per peer
+ if _, ok := fakeSubscriptions[peerstr]; !ok {
+ fakeSubscriptions[peerstr] = make([]int, 0)
+ }
+ // store the (fake) bin subscription
+ log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Adding fake subscription for peer %s with bin %d", peerstr, bin))
+ fakeSubscriptions[peerstr] = append(fakeSubscriptions[peerstr], int(bin))
+ return true
+ }
+ // create just a simple Registry object in order to be able to call...
+ r := &Registry{}
+ r.requestPeerSubscriptions(k, nil)
+ // calculate the kademlia depth
+ kdepth := k.NeighbourhoodDepth()
+ // now, check that all peers have the expected (fake) subscriptions
+ // iterate the bin map
+ for bin, peers := range binMap {
+ // for every peer...
+ for _, peer := range peers {
+ // ...get its (fake) subscriptions
+ fakeSubsForPeer := fakeSubscriptions[peer]
+ // if the peer's bin is shallower than the kademlia depth...
+ if bin < kdepth {
+ // (iterate all (fake) subscriptions)
+ for _, subbin := range fakeSubsForPeer {
+ // ...only the peer's bin should be "subscribed"
+ // (and thus have only one subscription)
+ if subbin != bin || len(fakeSubsForPeer) != 1 {
+ t.Fatalf("Did not get expected subscription for bin < depth; bin of peer %s: %d, subscription: %d", peer, bin, subbin)
+ }
+ }
+ } else { //if the peer's bin is equal or higher than the kademlia depth...
+ // (iterate all (fake) subscriptions)
+ for i, subbin := range fakeSubsForPeer {
+ // ...each bin from the peer's bin number up to k.MaxProxDisplay should be "subscribed"
+ // as we start from depth we can use the iteration index to check
+ if subbin != i+kdepth {
+ t.Fatalf("Did not get expected subscription for bin > depth; bin of peer %s: %d, subscription: %d", peer, bin, subbin)
+ }
+ // the last "subscription" should be k.MaxProxDisplay
+ if i == len(fakeSubsForPeer)-1 && subbin != k.MaxProxDisplay {
+ t.Fatalf("Expected last subscription to be: %d, but is: %d", k.MaxProxDisplay, subbin)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // print some output
+ for p, subs := range fakeSubscriptions {
+ log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Peer %s has the following fake subscriptions: ", p))
+ for _, bin := range subs {
+ log.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("%d,", bin))
+ }
+ }