path: root/cmd/puppeth
diff options
authorgary rong <garyrong0905@gmail.com>2019-07-09 01:49:11 +0800
committerPéter Szilágyi <peterke@gmail.com>2019-07-09 01:49:11 +0800
commit16e313699ffd4feecfe275f7be85072562218bdd (patch)
treee1fbd70f2868b77671da29eb497efbde27d2e454 /cmd/puppeth
parentfa538ee7ed04b1a5e101938d64805d3fcd0eb697 (diff)
cmd/puppeth: integrate blockscout (#18261)
* cmd/puppeth: integrate blockscout * cmd/puppeth: expose debug namespace for blockscout * cmd/puppeth: fix dbdir * cmd/puppeth: run explorer in archive mode * cmd/puppeth: ensure node is synced * cmd/puppeth: fix explorer docker alignment + drop unneeded exec * cmd/puppeth: polish up config saving and reloading * cmd/puppeth: check both web and p2p port for explorer service
Diffstat (limited to 'cmd/puppeth')
4 files changed, 109 insertions, 124 deletions
diff --git a/cmd/puppeth/module_explorer.go b/cmd/puppeth/module_explorer.go
index e465fa04a..8fffe1a1c 100644
--- a/cmd/puppeth/module_explorer.go
+++ b/cmd/puppeth/module_explorer.go
@@ -30,108 +30,86 @@ import (
// explorerDockerfile is the Dockerfile required to run a block explorer.
var explorerDockerfile = `
-FROM puppeth/explorer:latest
-ADD ethstats.json /ethstats.json
-ADD chain.json /chain.json
+FROM puppeth/blockscout:latest
+ADD genesis.json /genesis.json
- echo '(cd ../eth-net-intelligence-api && pm2 start /ethstats.json)' > explorer.sh && \
- echo '(cd ../etherchain-light && npm start &)' >> explorer.sh && \
- echo 'exec /parity/parity --chain=/chain.json --port={{.NodePort}} --tracing=on --fat-db=on --pruning=archive' >> explorer.sh
+ echo 'geth --cache 512 init /genesis.json' > explorer.sh && \
+ echo $'geth --networkid {{.NetworkID}} --syncmode "full" --gcmode "archive" --port {{.EthPort}} --bootnodes {{.Bootnodes}} --ethstats \'{{.Ethstats}}\' --cache=512 --rpc --rpcapi "net,web3,eth,shh,debug" --rpccorsdomain "*" --rpcvhosts "*" --ws --wsorigins "*" --exitwhensynced' >> explorer.sh && \
+ echo $'exec geth --networkid {{.NetworkID}} --syncmode "full" --gcmode "archive" --port {{.EthPort}} --bootnodes {{.Bootnodes}} --ethstats \'{{.Ethstats}}\' --cache=512 --rpc --rpcapi "net,web3,eth,shh,debug" --rpccorsdomain "*" --rpcvhosts "*" --ws --wsorigins "*" &' >> explorer.sh && \
+ echo '/usr/local/bin/docker-entrypoint.sh postgres &' >> explorer.sh && \
+ echo 'sleep 5' >> explorer.sh && \
+ echo 'mix do ecto.drop --force, ecto.create, ecto.migrate' >> explorer.sh && \
+ echo 'mix phx.server' >> explorer.sh
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/sh", "explorer.sh"]
-// explorerEthstats is the configuration file for the ethstats javascript client.
-var explorerEthstats = `[
- {
- "name" : "node-app",
- "script" : "app.js",
- "log_date_format" : "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm Z",
- "merge_logs" : false,
- "watch" : false,
- "max_restarts" : 10,
- "exec_interpreter" : "node",
- "exec_mode" : "fork_mode",
- "env":
- {
- "NODE_ENV" : "production",
- "RPC_HOST" : "localhost",
- "RPC_PORT" : "8545",
- "LISTENING_PORT" : "{{.Port}}",
- "INSTANCE_NAME" : "{{.Name}}",
- "WS_SERVER" : "{{.Host}}",
- "WS_SECRET" : "{{.Secret}}",
- }
- }
// explorerComposefile is the docker-compose.yml file required to deploy and
// maintain a block explorer.
var explorerComposefile = `
version: '2'
- explorer:
- build: .
- image: {{.Network}}/explorer
- container_name: {{.Network}}_explorer_1
- ports:
- - "{{.NodePort}}:{{.NodePort}}"
- - "{{.NodePort}}:{{.NodePort}}/udp"{{if not .VHost}}
- - "{{.WebPort}}:3000"{{end}}
- volumes:
- - {{.Datadir}}:/root/.local/share/io.parity.ethereum
- environment:
- - NODE_PORT={{.NodePort}}/tcp
- - STATS={{.Ethstats}}{{if .VHost}}
- - VIRTUAL_HOST={{.VHost}}
- - VIRTUAL_PORT=3000{{end}}
- logging:
- driver: "json-file"
- options:
- max-size: "1m"
- max-file: "10"
- restart: always
+ explorer:
+ build: .
+ image: {{.Network}}/explorer
+ container_name: {{.Network}}_explorer_1
+ ports:
+ - "{{.EthPort}}:{{.EthPort}}"
+ - "{{.EthPort}}:{{.EthPort}}/udp"{{if not .VHost}}
+ - "{{.WebPort}}:4000"{{end}}
+ environment:
+ - ETH_PORT={{.EthPort}}
+ - ETH_NAME={{.EthName}}
+ - BLOCK_TRANSFORMER={{.Transformer}}{{if .VHost}}
+ - VIRTUAL_HOST={{.VHost}}
+ - VIRTUAL_PORT=4000{{end}}
+ volumes:
+ - {{.Datadir}}:/opt/app/.ethereum
+ - {{.DBDir}}:/var/lib/postgresql/data
+ logging:
+ driver: "json-file"
+ options:
+ max-size: "1m"
+ max-file: "10"
+ restart: always
// deployExplorer deploys a new block explorer container to a remote machine via
// SSH, docker and docker-compose. If an instance with the specified network name
// already exists there, it will be overwritten!
-func deployExplorer(client *sshClient, network string, chainspec []byte, config *explorerInfos, nocache bool) ([]byte, error) {
+func deployExplorer(client *sshClient, network string, bootnodes []string, config *explorerInfos, nocache bool, isClique bool) ([]byte, error) {
// Generate the content to upload to the server
workdir := fmt.Sprintf("%d", rand.Int63())
files := make(map[string][]byte)
dockerfile := new(bytes.Buffer)
template.Must(template.New("").Parse(explorerDockerfile)).Execute(dockerfile, map[string]interface{}{
- "NodePort": config.nodePort,
+ "NetworkID": config.node.network,
+ "Bootnodes": strings.Join(bootnodes, ","),
+ "Ethstats": config.node.ethstats,
+ "EthPort": config.node.port,
files[filepath.Join(workdir, "Dockerfile")] = dockerfile.Bytes()
- ethstats := new(bytes.Buffer)
- template.Must(template.New("").Parse(explorerEthstats)).Execute(ethstats, map[string]interface{}{
- "Port": config.nodePort,
- "Name": config.ethstats[:strings.Index(config.ethstats, ":")],
- "Secret": config.ethstats[strings.Index(config.ethstats, ":")+1 : strings.Index(config.ethstats, "@")],
- "Host": config.ethstats[strings.Index(config.ethstats, "@")+1:],
- })
- files[filepath.Join(workdir, "ethstats.json")] = ethstats.Bytes()
+ transformer := "base"
+ if isClique {
+ transformer = "clique"
+ }
composefile := new(bytes.Buffer)
template.Must(template.New("").Parse(explorerComposefile)).Execute(composefile, map[string]interface{}{
- "Datadir": config.datadir,
- "Network": network,
- "NodePort": config.nodePort,
- "VHost": config.webHost,
- "WebPort": config.webPort,
- "Ethstats": config.ethstats[:strings.Index(config.ethstats, ":")],
+ "Network": network,
+ "VHost": config.host,
+ "Ethstats": config.node.ethstats,
+ "Datadir": config.node.datadir,
+ "DBDir": config.dbdir,
+ "EthPort": config.node.port,
+ "EthName": config.node.ethstats[:strings.Index(config.node.ethstats, ":")],
+ "WebPort": config.port,
+ "Transformer": transformer,
files[filepath.Join(workdir, "docker-compose.yaml")] = composefile.Bytes()
- files[filepath.Join(workdir, "chain.json")] = chainspec
+ files[filepath.Join(workdir, "genesis.json")] = config.node.genesis
// Upload the deployment files to the remote server (and clean up afterwards)
if out, err := client.Upload(files); err != nil {
@@ -149,22 +127,20 @@ func deployExplorer(client *sshClient, network string, chainspec []byte, config
// explorerInfos is returned from a block explorer status check to allow reporting
// various configuration parameters.
type explorerInfos struct {
- datadir string
- ethstats string
- nodePort int
- webHost string
- webPort int
+ node *nodeInfos
+ dbdir string
+ host string
+ port int
// Report converts the typed struct into a plain string->string map, containing
// most - but not all - fields for reporting to the user.
func (info *explorerInfos) Report() map[string]string {
report := map[string]string{
- "Data directory": info.datadir,
- "Node listener port ": strconv.Itoa(info.nodePort),
- "Ethstats username": info.ethstats,
- "Website address ": info.webHost,
- "Website listener port ": strconv.Itoa(info.webPort),
+ "Website address ": info.host,
+ "Website listener port ": strconv.Itoa(info.port),
+ "Ethereum listener port ": strconv.Itoa(info.node.port),
+ "Ethstats username": info.node.ethstats,
return report
@@ -172,7 +148,7 @@ func (info *explorerInfos) Report() map[string]string {
// checkExplorer does a health-check against a block explorer server to verify
// whether it's running, and if yes, whether it's responsive.
func checkExplorer(client *sshClient, network string) (*explorerInfos, error) {
- // Inspect a possible block explorer container on the host
+ // Inspect a possible explorer container on the host
infos, err := inspectContainer(client, fmt.Sprintf("%s_explorer_1", network))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@@ -181,13 +157,13 @@ func checkExplorer(client *sshClient, network string) (*explorerInfos, error) {
return nil, ErrServiceOffline
// Resolve the port from the host, or the reverse proxy
- webPort := infos.portmap["3000/tcp"]
- if webPort == 0 {
+ port := infos.portmap["4000/tcp"]
+ if port == 0 {
if proxy, _ := checkNginx(client, network); proxy != nil {
- webPort = proxy.port
+ port = proxy.port
- if webPort == 0 {
+ if port == 0 {
return nil, ErrNotExposed
// Resolve the host from the reverse-proxy and the config values
@@ -196,17 +172,23 @@ func checkExplorer(client *sshClient, network string) (*explorerInfos, error) {
host = client.server
// Run a sanity check to see if the devp2p is reachable
- nodePort := infos.portmap[infos.envvars["NODE_PORT"]]
- if err = checkPort(client.server, nodePort); err != nil {
- log.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Explorer devp2p port seems unreachable"), "server", client.server, "port", nodePort, "err", err)
+ p2pPort := infos.portmap[infos.envvars["ETH_PORT"]+"/tcp"]
+ if err = checkPort(host, p2pPort); err != nil {
+ log.Warn("Explorer node seems unreachable", "server", host, "port", p2pPort, "err", err)
+ }
+ if err = checkPort(host, port); err != nil {
+ log.Warn("Explorer service seems unreachable", "server", host, "port", port, "err", err)
// Assemble and return the useful infos
stats := &explorerInfos{
- datadir: infos.volumes["/root/.local/share/io.parity.ethereum"],
- nodePort: nodePort,
- webHost: host,
- webPort: webPort,
- ethstats: infos.envvars["STATS"],
+ node: &nodeInfos{
+ datadir: infos.volumes["/opt/app/.ethereum"],
+ port: infos.portmap[infos.envvars["ETH_PORT"]+"/tcp"],
+ ethstats: infos.envvars["ETH_NAME"],
+ },
+ dbdir: infos.volumes["/var/lib/postgresql/data"],
+ host: host,
+ port: port,
return stats, nil
diff --git a/cmd/puppeth/wizard_dashboard.go b/cmd/puppeth/wizard_dashboard.go
index 8a8370845..b699d7617 100644
--- a/cmd/puppeth/wizard_dashboard.go
+++ b/cmd/puppeth/wizard_dashboard.go
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ func (w *wizard) deployDashboard() {
case "explorer":
if infos, err := checkExplorer(client, w.network); err == nil {
- port = infos.webPort
+ port = infos.port
case "wallet":
if infos, err := checkWallet(client, w.network); err == nil {
diff --git a/cmd/puppeth/wizard_explorer.go b/cmd/puppeth/wizard_explorer.go
index a128fb9fb..1df9cbc0f 100644
--- a/cmd/puppeth/wizard_explorer.go
+++ b/cmd/puppeth/wizard_explorer.go
@@ -35,10 +35,6 @@ func (w *wizard) deployExplorer() {
log.Error("No ethstats server configured")
- if w.conf.Genesis.Config.Ethash == nil {
- log.Error("Only ethash network supported")
- return
- }
// Select the server to interact with
server := w.selectServer()
if server == "" {
@@ -50,50 +46,57 @@ func (w *wizard) deployExplorer() {
infos, err := checkExplorer(client, w.network)
if err != nil {
infos = &explorerInfos{
- nodePort: 30303, webPort: 80, webHost: client.server,
+ node: &nodeInfos{port: 30303},
+ port: 80,
+ host: client.server,
existed := err == nil
- chainspec, err := newParityChainSpec(w.network, w.conf.Genesis, w.conf.bootnodes)
- if err != nil {
- log.Error("Failed to create chain spec for explorer", "err", err)
- return
- }
- chain, _ := json.MarshalIndent(chainspec, "", " ")
+ infos.node.genesis, _ = json.MarshalIndent(w.conf.Genesis, "", " ")
+ infos.node.network = w.conf.Genesis.Config.ChainID.Int64()
// Figure out which port to listen on
- fmt.Printf("Which port should the explorer listen on? (default = %d)\n", infos.webPort)
- infos.webPort = w.readDefaultInt(infos.webPort)
+ fmt.Printf("Which port should the explorer listen on? (default = %d)\n", infos.port)
+ infos.port = w.readDefaultInt(infos.port)
// Figure which virtual-host to deploy ethstats on
- if infos.webHost, err = w.ensureVirtualHost(client, infos.webPort, infos.webHost); err != nil {
+ if infos.host, err = w.ensureVirtualHost(client, infos.port, infos.host); err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to decide on explorer host", "err", err)
// Figure out where the user wants to store the persistent data
- if infos.datadir == "" {
- fmt.Printf("Where should data be stored on the remote machine?\n")
- infos.datadir = w.readString()
+ if infos.node.datadir == "" {
+ fmt.Printf("Where should node data be stored on the remote machine?\n")
+ infos.node.datadir = w.readString()
+ } else {
+ fmt.Printf("Where should node data be stored on the remote machine? (default = %s)\n", infos.node.datadir)
+ infos.node.datadir = w.readDefaultString(infos.node.datadir)
+ }
+ // Figure out where the user wants to store the persistent data for backend database
+ fmt.Println()
+ if infos.dbdir == "" {
+ fmt.Printf("Where should postgres data be stored on the remote machine?\n")
+ infos.dbdir = w.readString()
} else {
- fmt.Printf("Where should data be stored on the remote machine? (default = %s)\n", infos.datadir)
- infos.datadir = w.readDefaultString(infos.datadir)
+ fmt.Printf("Where should postgres data be stored on the remote machine? (default = %s)\n", infos.dbdir)
+ infos.dbdir = w.readDefaultString(infos.dbdir)
// Figure out which port to listen on
- fmt.Printf("Which TCP/UDP port should the archive node listen on? (default = %d)\n", infos.nodePort)
- infos.nodePort = w.readDefaultInt(infos.nodePort)
+ fmt.Printf("Which TCP/UDP port should the archive node listen on? (default = %d)\n", infos.node.port)
+ infos.node.port = w.readDefaultInt(infos.node.port)
// Set a proper name to report on the stats page
- if infos.ethstats == "" {
+ if infos.node.ethstats == "" {
fmt.Printf("What should the explorer be called on the stats page?\n")
- infos.ethstats = w.readString() + ":" + w.conf.ethstats
+ infos.node.ethstats = w.readString() + ":" + w.conf.ethstats
} else {
- fmt.Printf("What should the explorer be called on the stats page? (default = %s)\n", infos.ethstats)
- infos.ethstats = w.readDefaultString(infos.ethstats) + ":" + w.conf.ethstats
+ fmt.Printf("What should the explorer be called on the stats page? (default = %s)\n", infos.node.ethstats)
+ infos.node.ethstats = w.readDefaultString(infos.node.ethstats) + ":" + w.conf.ethstats
// Try to deploy the explorer on the host
nocache := false
@@ -102,7 +105,7 @@ func (w *wizard) deployExplorer() {
fmt.Printf("Should the explorer be built from scratch (y/n)? (default = no)\n")
nocache = w.readDefaultYesNo(false)
- if out, err := deployExplorer(client, w.network, chain, infos, nocache); err != nil {
+ if out, err := deployExplorer(client, w.network, w.conf.bootnodes, infos, nocache, w.conf.Genesis.Config.Clique != nil); err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to deploy explorer container", "err", err)
if len(out) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", out)
diff --git a/cmd/puppeth/wizard_network.go b/cmd/puppeth/wizard_network.go
index 83b10cf37..97302c0df 100644
--- a/cmd/puppeth/wizard_network.go
+++ b/cmd/puppeth/wizard_network.go
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ func (w *wizard) deployComponent() {
fmt.Println(" 1. Ethstats - Network monitoring tool")
fmt.Println(" 2. Bootnode - Entry point of the network")
fmt.Println(" 3. Sealer - Full node minting new blocks")
- fmt.Println(" 4. Explorer - Chain analysis webservice (ethash only)")
+ fmt.Println(" 4. Explorer - Chain analysis webservice")
fmt.Println(" 5. Wallet - Browser wallet for quick sends")
fmt.Println(" 6. Faucet - Crypto faucet to give away funds")
fmt.Println(" 7. Dashboard - Website listing above web-services")