path: root/vendor/gopkg.in/fatih/set.v0/set_ts.go
blob: 50f532565befb06d9af6020ed8759385916e4a7e (plain) (tree)

package set

import (

// Set defines a thread safe set data structure.
type Set struct {
    l sync.RWMutex // we name it because we don't want to expose it

// New creates and initialize a new Set. It's accept a variable number of
// arguments to populate the initial set. If nothing passed a Set with zero
// size is created.
func New(items ...interface{}) *Set {
    s := &Set{}
    s.m = make(map[interface{}]struct{})

    // Ensure interface compliance
    var _ Interface = s

    return s

// New creates and initalizes a new Set interface. It accepts a variable
// number of arguments to populate the initial set. If nothing is passed a
// zero size Set based on the struct is created.
func (s *Set) New(items ...interface{}) Interface {
    return New(items...)

// Add includes the specified items (one or more) to the set. The underlying
// Set s is modified. If passed nothing it silently returns.
func (s *Set) Add(items ...interface{}) {
    if len(items) == 0 {

    defer s.l.Unlock()

    for _, item := range items {
        s.m[item] = keyExists

// Remove deletes the specified items from the set.  The underlying Set s is
// modified. If passed nothing it silently returns.
func (s *Set) Remove(items ...interface{}) {
    if len(items) == 0 {

    defer s.l.Unlock()

    for _, item := range items {
        delete(s.m, item)

// Pop  deletes and return an item from the set. The underlying Set s is
// modified. If set is empty, nil is returned.
func (s *Set) Pop() interface{} {
    for item := range s.m {
        delete(s.m, item)
        return item
    return nil

// Has looks for the existence of items passed. It returns false if nothing is
// passed. For multiple items it returns true only if all of  the items exist.
func (s *Set) Has(items ...interface{}) bool {
    // assume checked for empty item, which not exist
    if len(items) == 0 {
        return false

    defer s.l.RUnlock()

    has := true
    for _, item := range items {
        if _, has = s.m[item]; !has {
    return has

// Size returns the number of items in a set.
func (s *Set) Size() int {
    defer s.l.RUnlock()

    l := len(s.m)
    return l

// Clear removes all items from the set.
func (s *Set) Clear() {
    defer s.l.Unlock()

    s.m = make(map[interface{}]struct{})

// IsEqual test whether s and t are the same in size and have the same items.
func (s *Set) IsEqual(t Interface) bool {
    defer s.l.RUnlock()

    // Force locking only if given set is threadsafe.
    if conv, ok := t.(*Set); ok {
        defer conv.l.RUnlock()

    // return false if they are no the same size
    if sameSize := len(s.m) == t.Size(); !sameSize {
        return false

    equal := true
    t.Each(func(item interface{}) bool {
        _, equal = s.m[item]
        return equal // if false, Each() will end

    return equal

// IsSubset tests whether t is a subset of s.
func (s *Set) IsSubset(t Interface) (subset bool) {
    defer s.l.RUnlock()

    subset = true

    t.Each(func(item interface{}) bool {
        _, subset = s.m[item]
        return subset


// Each traverses the items in the Set, calling the provided function for each
// set member. Traversal will continue until all items in the Set have been
// visited, or if the closure returns false.
func (s *Set) Each(f func(item interface{}) bool) {
    defer s.l.RUnlock()

    for item := range s.m {
        if !f(item) {

// List returns a slice of all items. There is also StringSlice() and
// IntSlice() methods for returning slices of type string or int.
func (s *Set) List() []interface{} {
    defer s.l.RUnlock()

    list := make([]interface{}, 0, len(s.m))

    for item := range s.m {
        list = append(list, item)

    return list

// Copy returns a new Set with a copy of s.
func (s *Set) Copy() Interface {
    return New(s.List()...)

// Merge is like Union, however it modifies the current set it's applied on
// with the given t set.
func (s *Set) Merge(t Interface) {
    defer s.l.Unlock()

    t.Each(func(item interface{}) bool {
        s.m[item] = keyExists
        return true