path: root/vendor/github.com/uber/jaeger-client-go/zipkin_thrift_span.go
blob: dce58b4331c4612565eea4b7e16961fea520996e (plain) (tree)

// Copyright (c) 2017 Uber Technologies, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package jaeger

import (


    z "github.com/uber/jaeger-client-go/thrift-gen/zipkincore"

const (
    // Zipkin UI does not work well with non-string tag values
    allowPackedNumbers = false

var specialTagHandlers = map[string]func(*zipkinSpan, interface{}){
    string(ext.SpanKind):     setSpanKind,
    string(ext.PeerHostIPv4): setPeerIPv4,
    string(ext.PeerPort):     setPeerPort,
    string(ext.PeerService):  setPeerService,
    TracerIPTagKey:           removeTag,

// BuildZipkinThrift builds thrift span based on internal span.
func BuildZipkinThrift(s *Span) *z.Span {
    span := &zipkinSpan{Span: s}
    parentID := int64(span.context.parentID)
    var ptrParentID *int64
    if parentID != 0 {
        ptrParentID = &parentID
    timestamp := utils.TimeToMicrosecondsSinceEpochInt64(span.startTime)
    duration := span.duration.Nanoseconds() / int64(time.Microsecond)
    endpoint := &z.Endpoint{
        ServiceName: span.tracer.serviceName,
        Ipv4:        int32(span.tracer.hostIPv4)}
    thriftSpan := &z.Span{
        TraceID:           int64(span.context.traceID.Low), // TODO upgrade zipkin thrift and use TraceIdHigh
        ID:                int64(span.context.spanID),
        ParentID:          ptrParentID,
        Name:              span.operationName,
        Timestamp:         &timestamp,
        Duration:          &duration,
        Debug:             span.context.IsDebug(),
        Annotations:       buildAnnotations(span, endpoint),
        BinaryAnnotations: buildBinaryAnnotations(span, endpoint)}
    return thriftSpan

func buildAnnotations(span *zipkinSpan, endpoint *z.Endpoint) []*z.Annotation {
    // automatically adding 2 Zipkin CoreAnnotations
    annotations := make([]*z.Annotation, 0, 2+len(span.logs))
    var startLabel, endLabel string
    if span.spanKind == string(ext.SpanKindRPCClientEnum) {
        startLabel, endLabel = z.CLIENT_SEND, z.CLIENT_RECV
    } else if span.spanKind == string(ext.SpanKindRPCServerEnum) {
        startLabel, endLabel = z.SERVER_RECV, z.SERVER_SEND
    if !span.startTime.IsZero() && startLabel != "" {
        start := &z.Annotation{
            Timestamp: utils.TimeToMicrosecondsSinceEpochInt64(span.startTime),
            Value:     startLabel,
            Host:      endpoint}
        annotations = append(annotations, start)
        if span.duration != 0 {
            endTs := span.startTime.Add(span.duration)
            end := &z.Annotation{
                Timestamp: utils.TimeToMicrosecondsSinceEpochInt64(endTs),
                Value:     endLabel,
                Host:      endpoint}
            annotations = append(annotations, end)
    for _, log := range span.logs {
        anno := &z.Annotation{
            Timestamp: utils.TimeToMicrosecondsSinceEpochInt64(log.Timestamp),
            Host:      endpoint}
        if content, err := spanlog.MaterializeWithJSON(log.Fields); err == nil {
            anno.Value = truncateString(string(content), span.tracer.options.maxTagValueLength)
        } else {
            anno.Value = err.Error()
        annotations = append(annotations, anno)
    return annotations

func buildBinaryAnnotations(span *zipkinSpan, endpoint *z.Endpoint) []*z.BinaryAnnotation {
    // automatically adding local component or server/client address tag, and client version
    annotations := make([]*z.BinaryAnnotation, 0, 2+len(span.tags))

    if span.peerDefined() && span.isRPC() {
        peer := z.Endpoint{
            Ipv4:        span.peer.Ipv4,
            Port:        span.peer.Port,
            ServiceName: span.peer.ServiceName}
        label := z.CLIENT_ADDR
        if span.isRPCClient() {
            label = z.SERVER_ADDR
        anno := &z.BinaryAnnotation{
            Key:            label,
            Value:          []byte{1},
            AnnotationType: z.AnnotationType_BOOL,
            Host:           &peer}
        annotations = append(annotations, anno)
    if !span.isRPC() {
        componentName := endpoint.ServiceName
        for _, tag := range span.tags {
            if tag.key == string(ext.Component) {
                componentName = stringify(tag.value)
        local := &z.BinaryAnnotation{
            Key:            z.LOCAL_COMPONENT,
            Value:          []byte(componentName),
            AnnotationType: z.AnnotationType_STRING,
            Host:           endpoint}
        annotations = append(annotations, local)
    for _, tag := range span.tags {
        // "Special tags" are already handled by this point, we'd be double reporting the
        // tags if we don't skip here
        if _, ok := specialTagHandlers[tag.key]; ok {
        if anno := buildBinaryAnnotation(tag.key, tag.value, span.tracer.options.maxTagValueLength, nil); anno != nil {
            annotations = append(annotations, anno)
    return annotations

func buildBinaryAnnotation(key string, val interface{}, maxTagValueLength int, endpoint *z.Endpoint) *z.BinaryAnnotation {
    bann := &z.BinaryAnnotation{Key: key, Host: endpoint}
    if value, ok := val.(string); ok {
        bann.Value = []byte(truncateString(value, maxTagValueLength))
        bann.AnnotationType = z.AnnotationType_STRING
    } else if value, ok := val.([]byte); ok {
        if len(value) > maxTagValueLength {
            value = value[:maxTagValueLength]
        bann.Value = value
        bann.AnnotationType = z.AnnotationType_BYTES
    } else if value, ok := val.(int32); ok && allowPackedNumbers {
        bann.Value = int32ToBytes(value)
        bann.AnnotationType = z.AnnotationType_I32
    } else if value, ok := val.(int64); ok && allowPackedNumbers {
        bann.Value = int64ToBytes(value)
        bann.AnnotationType = z.AnnotationType_I64
    } else if value, ok := val.(int); ok && allowPackedNumbers {
        bann.Value = int64ToBytes(int64(value))
        bann.AnnotationType = z.AnnotationType_I64
    } else if value, ok := val.(bool); ok {
        bann.Value = []byte{boolToByte(value)}
        bann.AnnotationType = z.AnnotationType_BOOL
    } else {
        value := stringify(val)
        bann.Value = []byte(truncateString(value, maxTagValueLength))
        bann.AnnotationType = z.AnnotationType_STRING
    return bann

func stringify(value interface{}) string {
    if s, ok := value.(string); ok {
        return s
    return fmt.Sprintf("%+v", value)

func truncateString(value string, maxLength int) string {
    // we ignore the problem of utf8 runes possibly being sliced in the middle,
    // as it is rather expensive to iterate through each tag just to find rune
    // boundaries.
    if len(value) > maxLength {
        return value[:maxLength]
    return value

func boolToByte(b bool) byte {
    if b {
        return 1
    return 0

// int32ToBytes converts int32 to bytes.
func int32ToBytes(i int32) []byte {
    buf := make([]byte, 4)
    binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(buf, uint32(i))
    return buf

// int64ToBytes converts int64 to bytes.
func int64ToBytes(i int64) []byte {
    buf := make([]byte, 8)
    binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(buf, uint64(i))
    return buf

type zipkinSpan struct {

    // peer points to the peer service participating in this span,
    // e.g. the Client if this span is a server span,
    // or Server if this span is a client span
    peer struct {
        Ipv4        int32
        Port        int16
        ServiceName string

    // used to distinguish local vs. RPC Server vs. RPC Client spans
    spanKind string

func (s *zipkinSpan) handleSpecialTags() {
    defer s.Unlock()
    if s.firstInProcess {
        // append the process tags
        s.tags = append(s.tags, s.tracer.tags...)
    filteredTags := make([]Tag, 0, len(s.tags))
    for _, tag := range s.tags {
        if handler, ok := specialTagHandlers[tag.key]; ok {
            handler(s, tag.value)
        } else {
            filteredTags = append(filteredTags, tag)
    s.tags = filteredTags

func setSpanKind(s *zipkinSpan, value interface{}) {
    if val, ok := value.(string); ok {
        s.spanKind = val
    if val, ok := value.(ext.SpanKindEnum); ok {
        s.spanKind = string(val)

func setPeerIPv4(s *zipkinSpan, value interface{}) {
    if val, ok := value.(string); ok {
        if ip, err := utils.ParseIPToUint32(val); err == nil {
            s.peer.Ipv4 = int32(ip)
    if val, ok := value.(uint32); ok {
        s.peer.Ipv4 = int32(val)
    if val, ok := value.(int32); ok {
        s.peer.Ipv4 = val

func setPeerPort(s *zipkinSpan, value interface{}) {
    if val, ok := value.(string); ok {
        if port, err := utils.ParsePort(val); err == nil {
            s.peer.Port = int16(port)
    if val, ok := value.(uint16); ok {
        s.peer.Port = int16(val)
    if val, ok := value.(int); ok {
        s.peer.Port = int16(val)

func setPeerService(s *zipkinSpan, value interface{}) {
    if val, ok := value.(string); ok {
        s.peer.ServiceName = val

func removeTag(s *zipkinSpan, value interface{}) {}

func (s *zipkinSpan) peerDefined() bool {
    return s.peer.ServiceName != "" || s.peer.Ipv4 != 0 || s.peer.Port != 0

func (s *zipkinSpan) isRPC() bool {
    defer s.RUnlock()
    return s.spanKind == string(ext.SpanKindRPCClientEnum) || s.spanKind == string(ext.SpanKindRPCServerEnum)

func (s *zipkinSpan) isRPCClient() bool {
    defer s.RUnlock()
    return s.spanKind == string(ext.SpanKindRPCClientEnum)