path: root/swarm/storage/ldbstore.go
blob: fbae59facf224373cfaec29426816db9e196c05f (plain) (tree)


















































































































































// Copyright 2016 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

// disk storage layer for the package bzz
// DbStore implements the ChunkStore interface and is used by the FileStore as
// persistent storage of chunks
// it implements purging based on access count allowing for external control of
// max capacity

package storage

import (


const (
    defaultGCRatio    = 10
    defaultMaxGCRound = 10000
    defaultMaxGCBatch = 5000

    wEntryCnt  = 1 << 0
    wIndexCnt  = 1 << 1
    wAccessCnt = 1 << 2

var (
    dbEntryCount = metrics.NewRegisteredCounter("ldbstore.entryCnt", nil)

var (
    keyIndex       = byte(0)
    keyAccessCnt   = []byte{2}
    keyEntryCnt    = []byte{3}
    keyDataIdx     = []byte{4}
    keyData        = byte(6)
    keyDistanceCnt = byte(7)
    keySchema      = []byte{8}
    keyGCIdx       = byte(9) // access to chunk data index, used by garbage collection in ascending order from first entry

var (
    ErrDBClosed = errors.New("LDBStore closed")

type LDBStoreParams struct {
    Path string
    Po   func(Address) uint8

// NewLDBStoreParams constructs LDBStoreParams with the specified values.
func NewLDBStoreParams(storeparams *StoreParams, path string) *LDBStoreParams {
    return &LDBStoreParams{
        StoreParams: storeparams,
        Path:        path,
        Po:          func(k Address) (ret uint8) { return uint8(Proximity(storeparams.BaseKey, k[:])) },

type garbage struct {
    maxRound int           // maximum number of chunks to delete in one garbage collection round
    maxBatch int           // maximum number of chunks to delete in one db request batch
    ratio    int           // 1/x ratio to calculate the number of chunks to gc on a low capacity db
    count    int           // number of chunks deleted in running round
    target   int           // number of chunks to delete in running round
    batch    *dbBatch      // the delete batch
    runC     chan struct{} // struct in chan means gc is NOT running

type LDBStore struct {
    db *LDBDatabase

    // this should be stored in db, accessed transactionally
    entryCnt  uint64 // number of items in the LevelDB
    accessCnt uint64 // ever-accumulating number increased every time we read/access an entry
    dataIdx   uint64 // similar to entryCnt, but we only increment it
    capacity  uint64
    bucketCnt []uint64

    hashfunc SwarmHasher
    po       func(Address) uint8

    batchesC chan struct{}
    closed   bool
    batch    *dbBatch
    lock     sync.RWMutex
    quit     chan struct{}
    gc       *garbage

    // Functions encodeDataFunc is used to bypass
    // the default functionality of DbStore with
    // mock.NodeStore for testing purposes.
    encodeDataFunc func(chunk Chunk) []byte
    // If getDataFunc is defined, it will be used for
    // retrieving the chunk data instead from the local
    // LevelDB database.
    getDataFunc func(key Address) (data []byte, err error)

type dbBatch struct {
    err error
    c   chan struct{}

func newBatch() *dbBatch {
    return &dbBatch{Batch: new(leveldb.Batch), c: make(chan struct{})}

// TODO: Instead of passing the distance function, just pass the address from which distances are calculated
// to avoid the appearance of a pluggable distance metric and opportunities of bugs associated with providing
// a function different from the one that is actually used.
func NewLDBStore(params *LDBStoreParams) (s *LDBStore, err error) {
    s = new(LDBStore)
    s.hashfunc = params.Hash
    s.quit = make(chan struct{})

    s.batchesC = make(chan struct{}, 1)
    go s.writeBatches()
    s.batch = newBatch()
    // associate encodeData with default functionality
    s.encodeDataFunc = encodeData

    s.db, err = NewLDBDatabase(params.Path)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    s.po = params.Po

    s.bucketCnt = make([]uint64, 0x100)
    for i := 0; i < 0x100; i++ {
        k := make([]byte, 2)
        k[0] = keyDistanceCnt
        k[1] = uint8(i)
        cnt, _ := s.db.Get(k)
        s.bucketCnt[i] = BytesToU64(cnt)
    data, _ := s.db.Get(keyEntryCnt)
    s.entryCnt = BytesToU64(data)
    data, _ = s.db.Get(keyAccessCnt)
    s.accessCnt = BytesToU64(data)
    data, _ = s.db.Get(keyDataIdx)
    s.dataIdx = BytesToU64(data)

    // set up garbage collection
    s.gc = &garbage{
        maxBatch: defaultMaxGCBatch,
        maxRound: defaultMaxGCRound,
        ratio:    defaultGCRatio,

    s.gc.runC = make(chan struct{}, 1)
    s.gc.runC <- struct{}{}

    return s, nil

// MarkAccessed increments the access counter as a best effort for a chunk, so
// the chunk won't get garbage collected.
func (s *LDBStore) MarkAccessed(addr Address) {
    defer s.lock.Unlock()

    if s.closed {

    proximity := s.po(addr)
    s.tryAccessIdx(addr, proximity)

// initialize and set values for processing of gc round
func (s *LDBStore) startGC(c int) {

    s.gc.count = 0
    // calculate the target number of deletions
    if c >= s.gc.maxRound {
        s.gc.target = s.gc.maxRound
    } else {
        s.gc.target = c / s.gc.ratio
    s.gc.batch = newBatch()
    log.Debug("startgc", "requested", c, "target", s.gc.target)

// NewMockDbStore creates a new instance of DbStore with
// mockStore set to a provided value. If mockStore argument is nil,
// this function behaves exactly as NewDbStore.
func NewMockDbStore(params *LDBStoreParams, mockStore *mock.NodeStore) (s *LDBStore, err error) {
    s, err = NewLDBStore(params)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // replace put and get with mock store functionality
    if mockStore != nil {
        s.encodeDataFunc = newMockEncodeDataFunc(mockStore)
        s.getDataFunc = newMockGetDataFunc(mockStore)

type dpaDBIndex struct {
    Idx    uint64
    Access uint64

func BytesToU64(data []byte) uint64 {
    if len(data) < 8 {
        return 0
    return binary.BigEndian.Uint64(data)

func U64ToBytes(val uint64) []byte {
    data := make([]byte, 8)
    binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(data, val)
    return data

func (s *LDBStore) updateIndexAccess(index *dpaDBIndex) {
    index.Access = s.accessCnt

func getIndexKey(hash Address) []byte {
    hashSize := len(hash)
    key := make([]byte, hashSize+1)
    key[0] = keyIndex
    copy(key[1:], hash[:])
    return key

func getDataKey(idx uint64, po uint8) []byte {
    key := make([]byte, 10)
    key[0] = keyData
    key[1] = po
    binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(key[2:], idx)

    return key

func getGCIdxKey(index *dpaDBIndex) []byte {
    key := make([]byte, 9)
    key[0] = keyGCIdx
    binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(key[1:], index.Access)
    return key

func getGCIdxValue(index *dpaDBIndex, po uint8, addr Address) []byte {
    val := make([]byte, 41) // po = 1, index.Index = 8, Address = 32
    val[0] = po
    binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(val[1:], index.Idx)
    copy(val[9:], addr)
    return val

func parseGCIdxKey(key []byte) (byte, []byte) {
    return key[0], key[1:]

func parseGCIdxEntry(accessCnt []byte, val []byte) (index *dpaDBIndex, po uint8, addr Address) {
    index = &dpaDBIndex{
        Idx:    binary.BigEndian.Uint64(val[1:]),
        Access: binary.BigEndian.Uint64(accessCnt),
    po = val[0]
    addr = val[9:]

func encodeIndex(index *dpaDBIndex) []byte {
    data, _ := rlp.EncodeToBytes(index)
    return data

func encodeData(chunk Chunk) []byte {
    // Always create a new underlying array for the returned byte slice.
    // The chunk.Address array may be used in the returned slice which
    // may be changed later in the code or by the LevelDB, resulting
    // that the Address is changed as well.
    return append(append([]byte{}, chunk.Address()[:]...), chunk.Data()...)

func decodeIndex(data []byte, index *dpaDBIndex) error {
    dec := rlp.NewStream(bytes.NewReader(data), 0)
    return dec.Decode(index)

func decodeData(addr Address, data []byte) (*chunk, error) {
    return NewChunk(addr, data[32:]), nil

func (s *LDBStore) collectGarbage() error {

    // prevent duplicate gc from starting when one is already running
    select {
    case <-s.gc.runC:
        return nil

    entryCnt := s.entryCnt

    metrics.GetOrRegisterCounter("ldbstore.collectgarbage", nil).Inc(1)

    // calculate the amount of chunks to collect and reset counter
    log.Debug("collectGarbage", "target", s.gc.target, "entryCnt", entryCnt)

    var totalDeleted int
    for s.gc.count < s.gc.target {
        it := s.db.NewIterator()
        ok := it.Seek([]byte{keyGCIdx})
        var singleIterationCount int

        // every batch needs a lock so we avoid entries changing accessidx in the meantime
        for ; ok && (singleIterationCount < s.gc.maxBatch); ok = it.Next() {

            // quit if no more access index keys
            itkey := it.Key()
            if (itkey == nil) || (itkey[0] != keyGCIdx) {

            // get chunk data entry from access index
            val := it.Value()
            index, po, hash := parseGCIdxEntry(itkey[1:], val)
            keyIdx := make([]byte, 33)
            keyIdx[0] = keyIndex
            copy(keyIdx[1:], hash)

            // add delete operation to batch
            s.delete(s.gc.batch.Batch, index, keyIdx, po)
            log.Trace("garbage collect enqueued chunk for deletion", "key", hash)

            // break if target is not on max garbage batch boundary
            if s.gc.count >= s.gc.target {

        s.writeBatch(s.gc.batch, wEntryCnt)
        log.Trace("garbage collect batch done", "batch", singleIterationCount, "total", s.gc.count)

    s.gc.runC <- struct{}{}
    log.Debug("garbage collect done", "c", s.gc.count)

    metrics.GetOrRegisterCounter("ldbstore.collectgarbage.delete", nil).Inc(int64(totalDeleted))
    return nil

// Export writes all chunks from the store to a tar archive, returning the
// number of chunks written.
func (s *LDBStore) Export(out io.Writer) (int64, error) {
    tw := tar.NewWriter(out)
    defer tw.Close()

    it := s.db.NewIterator()
    defer it.Release()
    var count int64
    for ok := it.Seek([]byte{keyIndex}); ok; ok = it.Next() {
        key := it.Key()
        if (key == nil) || (key[0] != keyIndex) {

        var index dpaDBIndex

        hash := key[1:]
        decodeIndex(it.Value(), &index)
        po := s.po(hash)
        datakey := getDataKey(index.Idx, po)
        log.Trace("store.export", "dkey", fmt.Sprintf("%x", datakey), "dataidx", index.Idx, "po", po)
        data, err := s.db.Get(datakey)
        if err != nil {
            log.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Chunk %x found but could not be accessed: %v", key, err))

        hdr := &tar.Header{
            Name: hex.EncodeToString(hash),
            Mode: 0644,
            Size: int64(len(data)),
        if err := tw.WriteHeader(hdr); err != nil {
            return count, err
        if _, err := tw.Write(data); err != nil {
            return count, err

    return count, nil

// of chunks read.
func (s *LDBStore) Import(in io.Reader) (int64, error) {
    tr := tar.NewReader(in)

    ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
    defer cancel()

    countC := make(chan int64)
    errC := make(chan error)
    var count int64
    go func() {
        for {
            hdr, err := tr.Next()
            if err == io.EOF {
            } else if err != nil {
                select {
                case errC <- err:
                case <-ctx.Done():

            if len(hdr.Name) != 64 {
                log.Warn("ignoring non-chunk file", "name", hdr.Name)

            keybytes, err := hex.DecodeString(hdr.Name)
            if err != nil {
                log.Warn("ignoring invalid chunk file", "name", hdr.Name, "err", err)

            data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(tr)
            if err != nil {
                select {
                case errC <- err:
                case <-ctx.Done():
            key := Address(keybytes)
            chunk := NewChunk(key, data[32:])

            go func() {
                select {
                case errC <- s.Put(ctx, chunk):
                case <-ctx.Done():

        countC <- count

    // wait for all chunks to be stored
    i := int64(0)
    var total int64
    for {
        select {
        case err := <-errC:
            if err != nil {
                return count, err
        case total = <-countC:
        case <-ctx.Done():
            return i, ctx.Err()
        if total > 0 && i == total {
            return total, nil

// Cleanup iterates over the database and deletes chunks if they pass the `f` condition
func (s *LDBStore) Cleanup(f func(*chunk) bool) {
    var errorsFound, removed, total int

    it := s.db.NewIterator()
    defer it.Release()
    for ok := it.Seek([]byte{keyIndex}); ok; ok = it.Next() {
        key := it.Key()
        if (key == nil) || (key[0] != keyIndex) {
        var index dpaDBIndex
        err := decodeIndex(it.Value(), &index)
        if err != nil {
            log.Warn("Cannot decode")
        hash := key[1:]
        po := s.po(hash)
        datakey := getDataKey(index.Idx, po)
        data, err := s.db.Get(datakey)
        if err != nil {
            found := false

            // highest possible proximity is 255
            for po = 1; po <= 255; po++ {
                datakey = getDataKey(index.Idx, po)
                data, err = s.db.Get(datakey)
                if err == nil {
                    found = true

            if !found {
                log.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Chunk %x found but count not be accessed with any po", key))

        ck := data[:32]
        c, err := decodeData(ck, data)
        if err != nil {
            log.Error("decodeData error", "err", err)

        cs := int64(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(c.sdata[:8]))
        log.Trace("chunk", "key", fmt.Sprintf("%x", key), "ck", fmt.Sprintf("%x", ck), "dkey", fmt.Sprintf("%x", datakey), "dataidx", index.Idx, "po", po, "len data", len(data), "len sdata", len(c.sdata), "size", cs)

        // if chunk is to be removed
        if f(c) {
            log.Warn("chunk for cleanup", "key", fmt.Sprintf("%x", key), "ck", fmt.Sprintf("%x", ck), "dkey", fmt.Sprintf("%x", datakey), "dataidx", index.Idx, "po", po, "len data", len(data), "len sdata", len(c.sdata), "size", cs)
            s.deleteNow(&index, getIndexKey(key[1:]), po)

    log.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Found %v errors out of %v entries. Removed %v chunks.", errorsFound, total, removed))

// CleanGCIndex rebuilds the garbage collector index from scratch, while
// removing inconsistent elements, e.g., indices with missing data chunks.
// WARN: it's a pretty heavy, long running function.
func (s *LDBStore) CleanGCIndex() error {
    defer s.lock.Unlock()

    batch := leveldb.Batch{}

    var okEntryCount uint64
    var totalEntryCount uint64

    // throw out all gc indices, we will rebuild from cleaned index
    it := s.db.NewIterator()
    var gcDeletes int
    for it.Valid() {
        rowType, _ := parseGCIdxKey(it.Key())
        if rowType != keyGCIdx {
    log.Debug("gc", "deletes", gcDeletes)
    if err := s.db.Write(&batch); err != nil {
        return err

    var idx dpaDBIndex
    var poPtrs [256]uint64
    for it.Valid() {
        rowType, chunkHash := parseGCIdxKey(it.Key())
        if rowType != keyIndex {
        err := decodeIndex(it.Value(), &idx)
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("corrupt index: %v", err)
        po := s.po(chunkHash)

        // if we don't find the data key, remove the entry
        dataKey := getDataKey(idx.Idx, po)
        _, err = s.db.Get(dataKey)
        if err != nil {
            log.Warn("deleting inconsistent index (missing data)", "key", chunkHash)
        } else {
            gcIdxKey := getGCIdxKey(&idx)
            gcIdxData := getGCIdxValue(&idx, po, chunkHash)
            batch.Put(gcIdxKey, gcIdxData)
            log.Trace("clean ok", "key", chunkHash, "gcKey", gcIdxKey, "gcData", gcIdxData)
            if idx.Idx > poPtrs[po] {
                poPtrs[po] = idx.Idx

    log.Debug("gc cleanup entries", "ok", okEntryCount, "total", totalEntryCount, "batchlen", batch.Len())

    var entryCount [8]byte
    binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(entryCount[:], okEntryCount)
    batch.Put(keyEntryCnt, entryCount[:])
    var poKey [2]byte
    poKey[0] = keyDistanceCnt
    for i, poPtr := range poPtrs {
        poKey[1] = uint8(i)
        if poPtr == 0 {
        } else {
            var idxCount [8]byte
            binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(idxCount[:], poPtr)
            batch.Put(poKey[:], idxCount[:])

    return s.db.Write(&batch)

// Delete is removes a chunk and updates indices.
// Is thread safe
func (s *LDBStore) Delete(addr Address) error {
    defer s.lock.Unlock()

    ikey := getIndexKey(addr)

    idata, err := s.db.Get(ikey)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    var idx dpaDBIndex
    decodeIndex(idata, &idx)
    proximity := s.po(addr)
    return s.deleteNow(&idx, ikey, proximity)

// executes one delete operation immediately
// see *LDBStore.delete
func (s *LDBStore) deleteNow(idx *dpaDBIndex, idxKey []byte, po uint8) error {
    batch := new(leveldb.Batch)
    s.delete(batch, idx, idxKey, po)
    return s.db.Write(batch)

// adds a delete chunk operation to the provided batch
// if called directly, decrements entrycount regardless if the chunk exists upon deletion. Risk of wrap to max uint64
func (s *LDBStore) delete(batch *leveldb.Batch, idx *dpaDBIndex, idxKey []byte, po uint8) {
    metrics.GetOrRegisterCounter("ldbstore.delete", nil).Inc(1)

    gcIdxKey := getGCIdxKey(idx)
    dataKey := getDataKey(idx.Idx, po)
    cntKey := make([]byte, 2)
    cntKey[0] = keyDistanceCnt
    cntKey[1] = po
    batch.Put(keyEntryCnt, U64ToBytes(s.entryCnt))
    batch.Put(cntKey, U64ToBytes(s.bucketCnt[po]))

func (s *LDBStore) BinIndex(po uint8) uint64 {
    defer s.lock.RUnlock()
    return s.bucketCnt[po]

func (s *LDBStore) Size() uint64 {
    defer s.lock.RUnlock()
    return s.entryCnt

func (s *LDBStore) CurrentStorageIndex() uint64 {
    defer s.lock.RUnlock()
    return s.dataIdx

// Put adds a chunk to the database, adding indices and incrementing global counters.
// If it already exists, it merely increments the access count of the existing entry.
// Is thread safe
func (s *LDBStore) Put(ctx context.Context, chunk Chunk) error {
    metrics.GetOrRegisterCounter("ldbstore.put", nil).Inc(1)
    log.Trace("ldbstore.put", "key", chunk.Address())

    ikey := getIndexKey(chunk.Address())
    var index dpaDBIndex

    po := s.po(chunk.Address())


    if s.closed {
        return ErrDBClosed
    batch := s.batch

    log.Trace("ldbstore.put: s.db.Get", "key", chunk.Address(), "ikey", fmt.Sprintf("%x", ikey))
    idata, err := s.db.Get(ikey)
    if err != nil {
        s.doPut(chunk, &index, po)
    idata = encodeIndex(&index)
    s.batch.Put(ikey, idata)

    // add the access-chunkindex index for garbage collection
    gcIdxKey := getGCIdxKey(&index)
    gcIdxData := getGCIdxValue(&index, po, chunk.Address())
    s.batch.Put(gcIdxKey, gcIdxData)

    select {
    case s.batchesC <- struct{}{}:

    select {
    case <-batch.c:
        return batch.err
    case <-ctx.Done():
        return ctx.Err()

// force putting into db, does not check or update necessary indices
func (s *LDBStore) doPut(chunk Chunk, index *dpaDBIndex, po uint8) {
    data := s.encodeDataFunc(chunk)
    dkey := getDataKey(s.dataIdx, po)
    s.batch.Put(dkey, data)
    index.Idx = s.dataIdx
    s.bucketCnt[po] = s.dataIdx
    index.Access = s.accessCnt
    cntKey := make([]byte, 2)
    cntKey[0] = keyDistanceCnt
    cntKey[1] = po
    s.batch.Put(cntKey, U64ToBytes(s.bucketCnt[po]))

func (s *LDBStore) writeBatches() {
    for {
        select {
        case <-s.quit:
            log.Debug("DbStore: quit batch write loop")
        case <-s.batchesC:
            err := s.writeCurrentBatch()
            if err != nil {
                log.Debug("DbStore: quit batch write loop", "err", err.Error())


func (s *LDBStore) writeCurrentBatch() error {
    defer s.lock.Unlock()
    b := s.batch
    l := b.Len()
    if l == 0 {
        return nil
    s.batch = newBatch()
    b.err = s.writeBatch(b, wEntryCnt|wAccessCnt|wIndexCnt)
    if s.entryCnt >= s.capacity {
        go s.collectGarbage()
    return nil

// must be called non concurrently
func (s *LDBStore) writeBatch(b *dbBatch, wFlag uint8) error {
    if wFlag&wEntryCnt > 0 {
        b.Put(keyEntryCnt, U64ToBytes(s.entryCnt))
    if wFlag&wIndexCnt > 0 {
        b.Put(keyDataIdx, U64ToBytes(s.dataIdx))
    if wFlag&wAccessCnt > 0 {
        b.Put(keyAccessCnt, U64ToBytes(s.accessCnt))
    l := b.Len()
    if err := s.db.Write(b.Batch); err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("unable to write batch: %v", err)
    log.Trace(fmt.Sprintf("batch write (%d entries)", l))
    return nil

// newMockEncodeDataFunc returns a function that stores the chunk data
// to a mock store to bypass the default functionality encodeData.
// The constructed function always returns the nil data, as DbStore does
// not need to store the data, but still need to create the index.
func newMockEncodeDataFunc(mockStore *mock.NodeStore) func(chunk Chunk) []byte {
    return func(chunk Chunk) []byte {
        if err := mockStore.Put(chunk.Address(), encodeData(chunk)); err != nil {
            log.Error(fmt.Sprintf("%T: Chunk %v put: %v", mockStore, chunk.Address().Log(), err))
        return chunk.Address()[:]

// tryAccessIdx tries to find index entry. If found then increments the access
// count for garbage collection and returns the index entry and true for found,
// otherwise returns nil and false.
func (s *LDBStore) tryAccessIdx(addr Address, po uint8) (*dpaDBIndex, bool) {
    ikey := getIndexKey(addr)
    idata, err := s.db.Get(ikey)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, false

    index := new(dpaDBIndex)
    decodeIndex(idata, index)
    oldGCIdxKey := getGCIdxKey(index)
    s.batch.Put(keyAccessCnt, U64ToBytes(s.accessCnt))
    index.Access = s.accessCnt
    idata = encodeIndex(index)
    s.batch.Put(ikey, idata)
    newGCIdxKey := getGCIdxKey(index)
    newGCIdxData := getGCIdxValue(index, po, ikey[1:])
    s.batch.Put(newGCIdxKey, newGCIdxData)
    select {
    case s.batchesC <- struct{}{}:
    return index, true

// GetSchema is returning the current named schema of the datastore as read from LevelDB
func (s *LDBStore) GetSchema() (string, error) {
    defer s.lock.Unlock()

    data, err := s.db.Get(keySchema)
    if err != nil {
        if err == leveldb.ErrNotFound {
            return DbSchemaNone, nil
        return "", err

    return string(data), nil

// PutSchema is saving a named schema to the LevelDB datastore
func (s *LDBStore) PutSchema(schema string) error {
    defer s.lock.Unlock()

    return s.db.Put(keySchema, []byte(schema))

// Get retrieves the chunk matching the provided key from the database.
// If the chunk entry does not exist, it returns an error
// Updates access count and is thread safe
func (s *LDBStore) Get(_ context.Context, addr Address) (chunk Chunk, err error) {
    metrics.GetOrRegisterCounter("ldbstore.get", nil).Inc(1)
    log.Trace("ldbstore.get", "key", addr)

    defer s.lock.Unlock()
    return s.get(addr)

// TODO: To conform with other private methods of this object indices should not be updated
func (s *LDBStore) get(addr Address) (chunk *chunk, err error) {
    if s.closed {
        return nil, ErrDBClosed
    proximity := s.po(addr)
    index, found := s.tryAccessIdx(addr, proximity)
    if found {
        var data []byte
        if s.getDataFunc != nil {
            // if getDataFunc is defined, use it to retrieve the chunk data
            log.Trace("ldbstore.get retrieve with getDataFunc", "key", addr)
            data, err = s.getDataFunc(addr)
            if err != nil {
        } else {
            // default DbStore functionality to retrieve chunk data
            datakey := getDataKey(index.Idx, proximity)
            data, err = s.db.Get(datakey)
            log.Trace("ldbstore.get retrieve", "key", addr, "indexkey", index.Idx, "datakey", fmt.Sprintf("%x", datakey), "proximity", proximity)
            if err != nil {
                log.Trace("ldbstore.get chunk found but could not be accessed", "key", addr, "err", err)
                s.deleteNow(index, getIndexKey(addr), s.po(addr))

        return decodeData(addr, data)
    } else {
        err = ErrChunkNotFound


// newMockGetFunc returns a function that reads chunk data from
// the mock database, which is used as the value for DbStore.getFunc
// to bypass the default functionality of DbStore with a mock store.
func newMockGetDataFunc(mockStore *mock.NodeStore) func(addr Address) (data []byte, err error) {
    return func(addr Address) (data []byte, err error) {
        data, err = mockStore.Get(addr)
        if err == mock.ErrNotFound {
            // preserve ErrChunkNotFound error
            err = ErrChunkNotFound
        return data, err

func (s *LDBStore) setCapacity(c uint64) {
    defer s.lock.Unlock()

    s.capacity = c

    for s.entryCnt > c {

func (s *LDBStore) Close() {
    s.closed = true
    // force writing out current batch

// SyncIterator(start, stop, po, f) calls f on each hash of a bin po from start to stop
func (s *LDBStore) SyncIterator(since uint64, until uint64, po uint8, f func(Address, uint64) bool) error {
    metrics.GetOrRegisterCounter("ldbstore.synciterator", nil).Inc(1)

    sincekey := getDataKey(since, po)
    untilkey := getDataKey(until, po)
    it := s.db.NewIterator()
    defer it.Release()

    for ok := it.Seek(sincekey); ok; ok = it.Next() {
        metrics.GetOrRegisterCounter("ldbstore.synciterator.seek", nil).Inc(1)

        dbkey := it.Key()
        if dbkey[0] != keyData || dbkey[1] != po || bytes.Compare(untilkey, dbkey) < 0 {
        key := make([]byte, 32)
        val := it.Value()
        copy(key, val[:32])
        if !f(Address(key), binary.BigEndian.Uint64(dbkey[2:])) {
    return it.Error()