path: root/les/costtracker.go
blob: 69531937ef53d70cf9e583bf20d4b058b577d9d1 (plain) (tree)

// Copyright 2016 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more detailct.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package les

import (


const makeCostStats = false // make request cost statistics during operation

var (
    // average request cost estimates based on serving time
    reqAvgTimeCost = requestCostTable{
        GetBlockHeadersMsg:     {150000, 30000},
        GetBlockBodiesMsg:      {0, 700000},
        GetReceiptsMsg:         {0, 1000000},
        GetCodeMsg:             {0, 450000},
        GetProofsV1Msg:         {0, 600000},
        GetProofsV2Msg:         {0, 600000},
        GetHeaderProofsMsg:     {0, 1000000},
        GetHelperTrieProofsMsg: {0, 1000000},
        SendTxMsg:              {0, 450000},
        SendTxV2Msg:            {0, 450000},
        GetTxStatusMsg:         {0, 250000},
    // maximum incoming message size estimates
    reqMaxInSize = requestCostTable{
        GetBlockHeadersMsg:     {40, 0},
        GetBlockBodiesMsg:      {0, 40},
        GetReceiptsMsg:         {0, 40},
        GetCodeMsg:             {0, 80},
        GetProofsV1Msg:         {0, 80},
        GetProofsV2Msg:         {0, 80},
        GetHeaderProofsMsg:     {0, 20},
        GetHelperTrieProofsMsg: {0, 20},
        SendTxMsg:              {0, 66000},
        SendTxV2Msg:            {0, 66000},
        GetTxStatusMsg:         {0, 50},
    // maximum outgoing message size estimates
    reqMaxOutSize = requestCostTable{
        GetBlockHeadersMsg:     {0, 556},
        GetBlockBodiesMsg:      {0, 100000},
        GetReceiptsMsg:         {0, 200000},
        GetCodeMsg:             {0, 50000},
        GetProofsV1Msg:         {0, 4000},
        GetProofsV2Msg:         {0, 4000},
        GetHeaderProofsMsg:     {0, 4000},
        GetHelperTrieProofsMsg: {0, 4000},
        SendTxMsg:              {0, 0},
        SendTxV2Msg:            {0, 100},
        GetTxStatusMsg:         {0, 100},
    minBufLimit = uint64(50000000 * maxCostFactor)  // minimum buffer limit allowed for a client
    minCapacity = (minBufLimit-1)/bufLimitRatio + 1 // minimum capacity allowed for a client

const (
    maxCostFactor    = 2 // ratio of maximum and average cost estimates
    gfInitWeight     = time.Second * 10
    gfMaxWeight      = time.Hour
    gfUsageThreshold = 0.5
    gfUsageTC        = time.Second
    gfDbKey          = "_globalCostFactor"

// costTracker is responsible for calculating costs and cost estimates on the
// server side. It continuously updates the global cost factor which is defined
// as the number of cost units per nanosecond of serving time in a single thread.
// It is based on statistics collected during serving requests in high-load periods
// and practically acts as a one-dimension request price scaling factor over the
// pre-defined cost estimate table. Instead of scaling the cost values, the real
// value of cost units is changed by applying the factor to the serving times. This
// is more convenient because the changes in the cost factor can be applied immediately
// without always notifying the clients about the changed cost tables.
type costTracker struct {
    db     ethdb.Database
    stopCh chan chan struct{}

    inSizeFactor, outSizeFactor float64
    gf, utilTarget              float64

    gfUpdateCh      chan gfUpdate
    gfLock          sync.RWMutex
    totalRechargeCh chan uint64

    stats map[uint64][]uint64

// newCostTracker creates a cost tracker and loads the cost factor statistics from the database
func newCostTracker(db ethdb.Database, config *eth.Config) *costTracker {
    utilTarget := float64(config.LightServ) * flowcontrol.FixedPointMultiplier / 100
    ct := &costTracker{
        db:         db,
        stopCh:     make(chan chan struct{}),
        utilTarget: utilTarget,
    if config.LightBandwidthIn > 0 {
        ct.inSizeFactor = utilTarget / float64(config.LightBandwidthIn)
    if config.LightBandwidthOut > 0 {
        ct.outSizeFactor = utilTarget / float64(config.LightBandwidthOut)
    if makeCostStats {
        ct.stats = make(map[uint64][]uint64)
        for code := range reqAvgTimeCost {
            ct.stats[code] = make([]uint64, 10)
    return ct

// stop stops the cost tracker and saves the cost factor statistics to the database
func (ct *costTracker) stop() {
    stopCh := make(chan struct{})
    ct.stopCh <- stopCh
    if makeCostStats {

// makeCostList returns upper cost estimates based on the hardcoded cost estimate
// tables and the optionally specified incoming/outgoing bandwidth limits
func (ct *costTracker) makeCostList() RequestCostList {
    maxCost := func(avgTime, inSize, outSize uint64) uint64 {
        globalFactor := ct.globalFactor()

        cost := avgTime * maxCostFactor
        inSizeCost := uint64(float64(inSize) * ct.inSizeFactor * globalFactor * maxCostFactor)
        if inSizeCost > cost {
            cost = inSizeCost
        outSizeCost := uint64(float64(outSize) * ct.outSizeFactor * globalFactor * maxCostFactor)
        if outSizeCost > cost {
            cost = outSizeCost
        return cost
    var list RequestCostList
    for code, data := range reqAvgTimeCost {
        list = append(list, requestCostListItem{
            MsgCode:  code,
            BaseCost: maxCost(data.baseCost, reqMaxInSize[code].baseCost, reqMaxOutSize[code].baseCost),
            ReqCost:  maxCost(data.reqCost, reqMaxInSize[code].reqCost, reqMaxOutSize[code].reqCost),
    return list

type gfUpdate struct {
    avgTime, servingTime float64

// gfLoop starts an event loop which updates the global cost factor which is
// calculated as a weighted average of the average estimate / serving time ratio.
// The applied weight equals the serving time if gfUsage is over a threshold,
// zero otherwise. gfUsage is the recent average serving time per time unit in
// an exponential moving window. This ensures that statistics are collected only
// under high-load circumstances where the measured serving times are relevant.
// The total recharge parameter of the flow control system which controls the
// total allowed serving time per second but nominated in cost units, should
// also be scaled with the cost factor and is also updated by this loop.
func (ct *costTracker) gfLoop() {
    var gfUsage, gfSum, gfWeight float64
    lastUpdate := mclock.Now()
    expUpdate := lastUpdate

    data, _ := ct.db.Get([]byte(gfDbKey))
    if len(data) == 16 {
        gfSum = math.Float64frombits(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(data[0:8]))
        gfWeight = math.Float64frombits(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(data[8:16]))
    if gfWeight < float64(gfInitWeight) {
        gfSum = float64(gfInitWeight)
        gfWeight = float64(gfInitWeight)
    gf := gfSum / gfWeight
    ct.gf = gf
    ct.gfUpdateCh = make(chan gfUpdate, 100)

    go func() {
        for {
            select {
            case r := <-ct.gfUpdateCh:
                now := mclock.Now()
                max := r.servingTime * gf
                if r.avgTime > max {
                    max = r.avgTime
                dt := float64(now - expUpdate)
                expUpdate = now
                gfUsage = gfUsage*math.Exp(-dt/float64(gfUsageTC)) + max*1000000/float64(gfUsageTC)

                if gfUsage >= gfUsageThreshold*ct.utilTarget*gf {
                    gfSum += r.avgTime
                    gfWeight += r.servingTime
                    if time.Duration(now-lastUpdate) > time.Second {
                        gf = gfSum / gfWeight
                        if gfWeight >= float64(gfMaxWeight) {
                            gfSum = gf * float64(gfMaxWeight)
                            gfWeight = float64(gfMaxWeight)
                        lastUpdate = now
                        ct.gf = gf
                        ch := ct.totalRechargeCh
                        if ch != nil {
                            select {
                            case ct.totalRechargeCh <- uint64(ct.utilTarget * gf):
                        log.Debug("global cost factor updated", "gf", gf, "weight", time.Duration(gfWeight))
            case stopCh := <-ct.stopCh:
                var data [16]byte
                binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(data[0:8], math.Float64bits(gfSum))
                binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(data[8:16], math.Float64bits(gfWeight))
                ct.db.Put([]byte(gfDbKey), data[:])
                log.Debug("global cost factor saved", "sum", time.Duration(gfSum), "weight", time.Duration(gfWeight))

// globalFactor returns the current value of the global cost factor
func (ct *costTracker) globalFactor() float64 {
    defer ct.gfLock.RUnlock()

    return ct.gf

// totalRecharge returns the current total recharge parameter which is used by
// flowcontrol.ClientManager and is scaled by the global cost factor
func (ct *costTracker) totalRecharge() uint64 {
    defer ct.gfLock.RUnlock()

    return uint64(ct.gf * ct.utilTarget)

// subscribeTotalRecharge returns all future updates to the total recharge value
// through a channel and also returns the current value
func (ct *costTracker) subscribeTotalRecharge(ch chan uint64) uint64 {
    defer ct.gfLock.Unlock()

    ct.totalRechargeCh = ch
    return uint64(ct.gf * ct.utilTarget)

// updateStats updates the global cost factor and (if enabled) the real cost vs.
// average estimate statistics
func (ct *costTracker) updateStats(code, amount, servingTime, realCost uint64) {
    avg := reqAvgTimeCost[code]
    avgTime := avg.baseCost + amount*avg.reqCost
    select {
    case ct.gfUpdateCh <- gfUpdate{float64(avgTime), float64(servingTime)}:
    if makeCostStats {
        realCost <<= 4
        l := 0
        for l < 9 && realCost > avgTime {
            realCost >>= 1
        atomic.AddUint64(&ct.stats[code][l], 1)

// realCost calculates the final cost of a request based on actual serving time,
// incoming and outgoing message size
// Note: message size is only taken into account if bandwidth limitation is applied
// and the cost based on either message size is greater than the cost based on
// serving time. A maximum of the three costs is applied instead of their sum
// because the three limited resources (serving thread time and i/o bandwidth) can
// also be maxed out simultaneously.
func (ct *costTracker) realCost(servingTime uint64, inSize, outSize uint32) uint64 {
    cost := float64(servingTime)
    inSizeCost := float64(inSize) * ct.inSizeFactor
    if inSizeCost > cost {
        cost = inSizeCost
    outSizeCost := float64(outSize) * ct.outSizeFactor
    if outSizeCost > cost {
        cost = outSizeCost
    return uint64(cost * ct.globalFactor())

// printStats prints the distribution of real request cost relative to the average estimates
func (ct *costTracker) printStats() {
    if ct.stats == nil {
    for code, arr := range ct.stats {
        log.Info("Request cost statistics", "code", code, "1/16", arr[0], "1/8", arr[1], "1/4", arr[2], "1/2", arr[3], "1", arr[4], "2", arr[5], "4", arr[6], "8", arr[7], "16", arr[8], ">16", arr[9])

type (
    // requestCostTable assigns a cost estimate function to each request type
    // which is a linear function of the requested amount
    // (cost = baseCost + reqCost * amount)
    requestCostTable map[uint64]*requestCosts
    requestCosts     struct {
        baseCost, reqCost uint64

    // RequestCostList is a list representation of request costs which is used for
    // database storage and communication through the network
    RequestCostList     []requestCostListItem
    requestCostListItem struct {
        MsgCode, BaseCost, ReqCost uint64

// getCost calculates the estimated cost for a given request type and amount
func (table requestCostTable) getCost(code, amount uint64) uint64 {
    costs := table[code]
    return costs.baseCost + amount*costs.reqCost

// decode converts a cost list to a cost table
func (list RequestCostList) decode() requestCostTable {
    table := make(requestCostTable)
    for _, e := range list {
        table[e.MsgCode] = &requestCosts{
            baseCost: e.BaseCost,
            reqCost:  e.ReqCost,
    return table

// testCostList returns a dummy request cost list used by tests
func testCostList() RequestCostList {
    cl := make(RequestCostList, len(reqAvgTimeCost))
    var max uint64
    for code := range reqAvgTimeCost {
        if code > max {
            max = code
    i := 0
    for code := uint64(0); code <= max; code++ {
        if _, ok := reqAvgTimeCost[code]; ok {
            cl[i].MsgCode = code
            cl[i].BaseCost = 0
            cl[i].ReqCost = 0
    return cl