path: root/eth/handler.go
blob: 278a2bec25bd316333f8a27c23560d47d7cef734 (plain) (tree)















































































package eth

import (


// This is the target maximum size of returned blocks for the
// getBlocks message. The reply message may exceed it
// if a single block is larger than the limit.
const maxBlockRespSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024

func errResp(code errCode, format string, v ...interface{}) error {
    return fmt.Errorf("%v - %v", code, fmt.Sprintf(format, v...))

type hashFetcherFn func(common.Hash) error
type blockFetcherFn func([]common.Hash) error

// extProt is an interface which is passed around so we can expose GetHashes and GetBlock without exposing it to the rest of the protocol
// extProt is passed around to peers which require to GetHashes and GetBlocks
type extProt struct {
    getHashes hashFetcherFn
    getBlocks blockFetcherFn

func (ep extProt) GetHashes(hash common.Hash) error    { return ep.getHashes(hash) }
func (ep extProt) GetBlock(hashes []common.Hash) error { return ep.getBlocks(hashes) }

type ProtocolManager struct {
    protVer, netId int
    txpool         txPool
    chainman       *core.ChainManager
    downloader     *downloader.Downloader
    fetcher        *fetcher.Fetcher
    peers          *peerSet

    SubProtocol p2p.Protocol

    eventMux      *event.TypeMux
    txSub         event.Subscription
    minedBlockSub event.Subscription

    // channels for fetcher, syncer, txsyncLoop
    newPeerCh chan *peer
    txsyncCh  chan *txsync
    quitSync  chan struct{}

    // wait group is used for graceful shutdowns during downloading
    // and processing
    wg   sync.WaitGroup
    quit bool

// NewProtocolManager returns a new ethereum sub protocol manager. The Ethereum sub protocol manages peers capable
// with the ethereum network.
func NewProtocolManager(protocolVersion, networkId int, mux *event.TypeMux, txpool txPool, pow pow.PoW, chainman *core.ChainManager) *ProtocolManager {
    // Create the protocol manager and initialize peer handlers
    manager := &ProtocolManager{
        eventMux:  mux,
        txpool:    txpool,
        chainman:  chainman,
        peers:     newPeerSet(),
        newPeerCh: make(chan *peer, 1),
        txsyncCh:  make(chan *txsync),
        quitSync:  make(chan struct{}),
    manager.SubProtocol = p2p.Protocol{
        Name:    "eth",
        Version: uint(protocolVersion),
        Length:  ProtocolLength,
        Run: func(p *p2p.Peer, rw p2p.MsgReadWriter) error {
            peer := manager.newPeer(protocolVersion, networkId, p, rw)
            manager.newPeerCh <- peer
            return manager.handle(peer)
    // Construct the different synchronisation mechanisms
    manager.downloader = downloader.New(manager.eventMux, manager.chainman.HasBlock, manager.chainman.GetBlock, manager.chainman.InsertChain, manager.removePeer)

    validator := func(block *types.Block, parent *types.Block) error {
        return core.ValidateHeader(pow, block.Header(), parent, true)
    heighter := func() uint64 {
        return manager.chainman.CurrentBlock().NumberU64()
    manager.fetcher = fetcher.New(manager.chainman.GetBlock, validator, manager.BroadcastBlock, heighter, manager.chainman.InsertChain, manager.removePeer)

    return manager

func (pm *ProtocolManager) removePeer(id string) {
    // Short circuit if the peer was already removed
    peer := pm.peers.Peer(id)
    if peer == nil {
    glog.V(logger.Debug).Infoln("Removing peer", id)

    // Unregister the peer from the downloader and Ethereum peer set
    if err := pm.peers.Unregister(id); err != nil {
        glog.V(logger.Error).Infoln("Removal failed:", err)
    // Hard disconnect at the networking layer
    if peer != nil {

func (pm *ProtocolManager) Start() {
    // broadcast transactions
    pm.txSub = pm.eventMux.Subscribe(core.TxPreEvent{})
    go pm.txBroadcastLoop()
    // broadcast mined blocks
    pm.minedBlockSub = pm.eventMux.Subscribe(core.NewMinedBlockEvent{})
    go pm.minedBroadcastLoop()

    // start sync handlers
    go pm.syncer()
    go pm.txsyncLoop()

func (pm *ProtocolManager) Stop() {
    // Showing a log message. During download / process this could actually
    // take between 5 to 10 seconds and therefor feedback is required.
    glog.V(logger.Info).Infoln("Stopping ethereum protocol handler...")

    pm.quit = true
    pm.txSub.Unsubscribe()         // quits txBroadcastLoop
    pm.minedBlockSub.Unsubscribe() // quits blockBroadcastLoop
    close(pm.quitSync)             // quits syncer, fetcher, txsyncLoop

    // Wait for any process action

    glog.V(logger.Info).Infoln("Ethereum protocol handler stopped")

func (pm *ProtocolManager) newPeer(pv, nv int, p *p2p.Peer, rw p2p.MsgReadWriter) *peer {
    td, current, genesis := pm.chainman.Status()

    return newPeer(pv, nv, genesis, current, td, p, rw)

func (pm *ProtocolManager) handle(p *peer) error {
    // Execute the Ethereum handshake.
    if err := p.handleStatus(); err != nil {
        return err

    // Register the peer locally.
    glog.V(logger.Detail).Infoln("Adding peer", p.id)
    if err := pm.peers.Register(p); err != nil {
        glog.V(logger.Error).Infoln("Addition failed:", err)
        return err
    defer pm.removePeer(p.id)

    // Register the peer in the downloader. If the downloader
    // considers it banned, we disconnect.
    if err := pm.downloader.RegisterPeer(p.id, p.Head(), p.requestHashes, p.requestBlocks); err != nil {
        return err

    // Propagate existing transactions. new transactions appearing
    // after this will be sent via broadcasts.

    // main loop. handle incoming messages.
    for {
        if err := pm.handleMsg(p); err != nil {
            return err
    return nil

func (pm *ProtocolManager) handleMsg(p *peer) error {
    msg, err := p.rw.ReadMsg()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if msg.Size > ProtocolMaxMsgSize {
        return errResp(ErrMsgTooLarge, "%v > %v", msg.Size, ProtocolMaxMsgSize)
    // make sure that the payload has been fully consumed
    defer msg.Discard()

    switch msg.Code {
    case StatusMsg:
        return errResp(ErrExtraStatusMsg, "uncontrolled status message")

    case TxMsg:
        // TODO: rework using lazy RLP stream
        var txs []*types.Transaction
        if err := msg.Decode(&txs); err != nil {
            return errResp(ErrDecode, "msg %v: %v", msg, err)
        for i, tx := range txs {
            if tx == nil {
                return errResp(ErrDecode, "transaction %d is nil", i)
                TxHash:   tx.Hash().Hex(),
                RemoteId: p.ID().String(),

    case GetBlockHashesMsg:
        var request getBlockHashesMsgData
        if err := msg.Decode(&request); err != nil {
            return errResp(ErrDecode, "->msg %v: %v", msg, err)

        if request.Amount > uint64(downloader.MaxHashFetch) {
            request.Amount = uint64(downloader.MaxHashFetch)

        hashes := pm.chainman.GetBlockHashesFromHash(request.Hash, request.Amount)

        if glog.V(logger.Debug) {
            if len(hashes) == 0 {
                glog.Infof("invalid block hash %x", request.Hash.Bytes()[:4])

        // returns either requested hashes or nothing (i.e. not found)
        return p.sendBlockHashes(hashes)

    case BlockHashesMsg:
        msgStream := rlp.NewStream(msg.Payload, uint64(msg.Size))

        var hashes []common.Hash
        if err := msgStream.Decode(&hashes); err != nil {
        err := pm.downloader.DeliverHashes(p.id, hashes)
        if err != nil {

    case GetBlocksMsg:
        // Decode the retrieval message
        msgStream := rlp.NewStream(msg.Payload, uint64(msg.Size))
        if _, err := msgStream.List(); err != nil {
            return err
        // Gather blocks until the fetch or network limits is reached
        var (
            hash   common.Hash
            bytes  common.StorageSize
            hashes []common.Hash
            blocks []*types.Block
        for {
            err := msgStream.Decode(&hash)
            if err == rlp.EOL {
            } else if err != nil {
                return errResp(ErrDecode, "msg %v: %v", msg, err)
            hashes = append(hashes, hash)

            // Retrieve the requested block, stopping if enough was found
            if block := pm.chainman.GetBlock(hash); block != nil {
                blocks = append(blocks, block)
                bytes += block.Size()
                if len(blocks) >= downloader.MaxBlockFetch || bytes > maxBlockRespSize {
        if glog.V(logger.Detail) && len(blocks) == 0 && len(hashes) > 0 {
            list := "["
            for _, hash := range hashes {
                list += fmt.Sprintf("%x, ", hash[:4])
            list = list[:len(list)-2] + "]"

            glog.Infof("Peer %s: no blocks found for requested hashes %s", p.id, list)
        return p.sendBlocks(blocks)

    case BlocksMsg:
        // Decode the arrived block message
        msgStream := rlp.NewStream(msg.Payload, uint64(msg.Size))

        var blocks []*types.Block
        if err := msgStream.Decode(&blocks); err != nil {
            glog.V(logger.Detail).Infoln("Decode error", err)
            blocks = nil
        // Update the receive timestamp of each block
        for i := 0; i < len(blocks); i++ {
            blocks[i].ReceivedAt = msg.ReceivedAt
        // Filter out any explicitly requested blocks, deliver the rest to the downloader
        if blocks := pm.fetcher.Filter(blocks); len(blocks) > 0 {
            pm.downloader.DeliverBlocks(p.id, blocks)

    case NewBlockHashesMsg:
        // Retrieve and deseralize the remote new block hashes notification
        msgStream := rlp.NewStream(msg.Payload, uint64(msg.Size))

        var hashes []common.Hash
        if err := msgStream.Decode(&hashes); err != nil {
        // Mark the hashes as present at the remote node
        for _, hash := range hashes {
        // Schedule all the unknown hashes for retrieval
        unknown := make([]common.Hash, 0, len(hashes))
        for _, hash := range hashes {
            if !pm.chainman.HasBlock(hash) {
                unknown = append(unknown, hash)
        for _, hash := range unknown {
            pm.fetcher.Notify(p.id, hash, time.Now(), p.requestBlocks)

    case NewBlockMsg:
        // Retrieve and decode the propagated block
        var request newBlockMsgData
        if err := msg.Decode(&request); err != nil {
            return errResp(ErrDecode, "%v: %v", msg, err)
        if err := request.Block.ValidateFields(); err != nil {
            return errResp(ErrDecode, "block validation %v: %v", msg, err)
        request.Block.ReceivedAt = msg.ReceivedAt

        // Mark the block's arrival for whatever reason
        _, chainHead, _ := pm.chainman.Status()
            BlockHash:     request.Block.Hash().Hex(),
            BlockNumber:   request.Block.Number(),
            ChainHeadHash: chainHead.Hex(),
            BlockPrevHash: request.Block.ParentHash().Hex(),
            RemoteId:      p.ID().String(),
        // Mark the peer as owning the block and schedule it for import

        pm.fetcher.Enqueue(p.id, request.Block)

        // TODO: Schedule a sync to cover potential gaps (this needs proto update)
        go pm.synchronise(p)

        return errResp(ErrInvalidMsgCode, "%v", msg.Code)
    return nil

// BroadcastBlock will either propagate a block to a subset of it's peers, or
// will only announce it's availability (depending what's requested).
func (pm *ProtocolManager) BroadcastBlock(block *types.Block, propagate bool) {
    hash := block.Hash()
    peers := pm.peers.PeersWithoutBlock(hash)

    // If propagation is requested, send to a subset of the peer
    if propagate {
        transfer := peers[:int(math.Sqrt(float64(len(peers))))]
        for _, peer := range transfer {
        glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("propagated block %x to %d peers in %v", hash[:4], len(transfer), time.Since(block.ReceivedAt))
    // Otherwise if the block is indeed in out own chain, announce it
    if pm.chainman.HasBlock(hash) {
        for _, peer := range peers {
        glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("announced block %x to %d peers in %v", hash[:4], len(peers), time.Since(block.ReceivedAt))

// BroadcastTx will propagate the block to its connected peers. It will sort
// out which peers do not contain the block in their block set and will do a
// sqrt(peers) to determine the amount of peers we broadcast to.
func (pm *ProtocolManager) BroadcastTx(hash common.Hash, tx *types.Transaction) {
    // Broadcast transaction to a batch of peers not knowing about it
    peers := pm.peers.PeersWithoutTx(hash)
    //FIXME include this again: peers = peers[:int(math.Sqrt(float64(len(peers))))]
    for _, peer := range peers {
    glog.V(logger.Detail).Infoln("broadcast tx to", len(peers), "peers")

// Mined broadcast loop
func (self *ProtocolManager) minedBroadcastLoop() {
    // automatically stops if unsubscribe
    for obj := range self.minedBlockSub.Chan() {
        switch ev := obj.(type) {
        case core.NewMinedBlockEvent:
            self.BroadcastBlock(ev.Block, true)  // First propagate block to peers
            self.BroadcastBlock(ev.Block, false) // Only then announce to the rest

func (self *ProtocolManager) txBroadcastLoop() {
    // automatically stops if unsubscribe
    for obj := range self.txSub.Chan() {
        event := obj.(core.TxPreEvent)
        self.BroadcastTx(event.Tx.Hash(), event.Tx)