package main
import (
type Block struct {
number uint32
prevHash string
uncles []*Block
coinbase string
// state xxx
difficulty uint32
time time.Time
nonce uint32
transactions []*Transaction
func NewBlock(/* TODO use raw data */transactions []*Transaction) *Block {
block := &Block{
// Slice of transactions to include in this block
transactions: transactions,
number: 1,
prevHash: "1234",
coinbase: "me",
difficulty: 10,
nonce: 0,
time: time.Now(),
return block
func (block *Block) Update() {
func (block *Block) Hash() string {
return Sha256Hex(block.MarshalRlp())
func (block *Block) MarshalRlp() []byte {
// Encoding method requires []interface{} type. It's actual a slice of strings
encTx := make([]string, len(block.transactions))
for i, tx := range block.transactions {
encTx[i] = string(tx.MarshalRlp())
/* I made up the block. It should probably contain different data or types. It sole purpose now is testing */
header := []interface{}{
// Sha of uncles
// root state
// extra?
encoded := Encode([]interface{}{header, encTx})
return encoded
func (block *Block) UnmarshalRlp(data []byte) {
t, _ := Decode(data,0)
if slice, ok := t.([]interface{}); ok {
if header, ok := slice[0].([]interface{}); ok {
if number, ok := header[0].(uint8); ok {
block.number = uint32(number)
if prevHash, ok := header[1].([]byte); ok {
block.prevHash = string(prevHash)
// sha of uncles is header[2]
if coinbase, ok := header[3].([]byte); ok {
block.coinbase = string(coinbase)
// state is header[header[4]
// sha is header[5]
// It's either 8bit or 64
if difficulty, ok := header[6].(uint8); ok {
block.difficulty = uint32(difficulty)
if difficulty, ok := header[6].(uint64); ok {
block.difficulty = uint32(difficulty)
if time, ok := header[7].([]byte); ok {
fmt.Sprintf("Time is: ", string(time))
if nonce, ok := header[8].(uint8); ok {
block.nonce = uint32(nonce)
if txSlice, ok := slice[1].([]interface{}); ok {
block.transactions = make([]*Transaction, len(txSlice))
for i, tx := range txSlice {
if t, ok := tx.([]byte); ok {
tx := &Transaction{}
block.transactions[i] = tx