path: root/core/vm/sqlvm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'core/vm/sqlvm')
4 files changed, 538 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/core/vm/sqlvm/common/storage.go b/core/vm/sqlvm/common/storage.go
index 22ef85885..e977ee3ed 100644
--- a/core/vm/sqlvm/common/storage.go
+++ b/core/vm/sqlvm/common/storage.go
@@ -14,6 +14,17 @@ import (
+// Constants for path keys.
+var (
+ pathCompTables = []byte("tables")
+ pathCompPrimary = []byte("primary")
+ pathCompIndices = []byte("indices")
+ pathCompSequence = []byte("sequence")
+ pathCompOwner = []byte("owner")
+ pathCompWriters = []byte("writers")
+ pathCompReverseIndices = []byte("reverse_indices")
// Storage holds SQLVM required data and method.
type Storage struct {
@@ -26,7 +37,8 @@ func NewStorage(state *state.StateDB) Storage {
return s
-func convertIDtoBytes(id uint64) []byte {
+// TODO(yenlin): Do we really need to use ast encode/decode here?
+func uint64ToBytes(id uint64) []byte {
bigIntID := new(big.Int).SetUint64(id)
decimalID := decimal.NewFromBigInt(bigIntID, 0)
dt := ast.ComposeDataType(ast.DataTypeMajorUint, 7)
@@ -34,14 +46,23 @@ func convertIDtoBytes(id uint64) []byte {
return byteID
-// GetPrimaryKeyHash return primary key hash.
-func (s Storage) GetPrimaryKeyHash(tableName []byte, id uint64) (h common.Hash) {
- key := [][]byte{
- []byte("tables"),
- tableName,
- []byte("primary"),
- convertIDtoBytes(id),
- }
+func bytesToUint64(b []byte) uint64 {
+ dt := ast.ComposeDataType(ast.DataTypeMajorUint, 7)
+ d, _ := ast.DecimalDecode(dt, b)
+ // TODO(yenlin): Not yet a convenient way to extract uint64 from decimal...
+ bigInt := d.Rescale(0).Coefficient()
+ return bigInt.Uint64()
+func hashToAddress(hash common.Hash) common.Address {
+ return common.BytesToAddress(hash.Bytes())
+func addressToHash(addr common.Address) common.Hash {
+ return common.BytesToHash(addr.Bytes())
+func (s Storage) hashPathKey(key [][]byte) (h common.Hash) {
hw := sha3.NewLegacyKeccak256()
rlp.Encode(hw, key)
// length of common.Hash is 256bit,
@@ -50,6 +71,106 @@ func (s Storage) GetPrimaryKeyHash(tableName []byte, id uint64) (h common.Hash)
+// GetRowPathHash return primary key hash which points to row data.
+func (s Storage) GetRowPathHash(tableName []byte, rowID uint64) common.Hash {
+ // PathKey(["tables", "{table_name}", "primary", uint64({row_id})])
+ key := [][]byte{
+ pathCompTables,
+ tableName,
+ pathCompPrimary,
+ uint64ToBytes(rowID),
+ }
+ return s.hashPathKey(key)
+// GetIndexValuesPathHash return the hash address to IndexValues structure
+// which contains all possible values.
+func (s Storage) GetIndexValuesPathHash(
+ tableName, indexName []byte,
+) common.Hash {
+ // PathKey(["tables", "{table_name}", "indices", "{index_name}"])
+ key := [][]byte{
+ pathCompTables,
+ tableName,
+ pathCompIndices,
+ indexName,
+ }
+ return s.hashPathKey(key)
+// GetIndexEntryPathHash return the hash address to IndexEntry structure for a
+// given value.
+func (s Storage) GetIndexEntryPathHash(
+ tableName, indexName []byte,
+ values ...[]byte,
+) common.Hash {
+ // PathKey(["tables", "{table_name}", "indices", "{index_name}", field_1, field_2, field_3, ...])
+ key := make([][]byte, 0, 4+len(values))
+ key = append(key, pathCompTables, tableName, pathCompIndices, indexName)
+ key = append(key, values...)
+ return s.hashPathKey(key)
+// GetReverseIndexPathHash return the hash address to IndexRev structure for a
+// row in a table.
+func (s Storage) GetReverseIndexPathHash(
+ tableName []byte,
+ rowID uint64,
+) common.Hash {
+ // PathKey(["tables", "{table_name}", "reverse_indices", "{RowID}"])
+ key := [][]byte{
+ pathCompTables,
+ tableName,
+ pathCompReverseIndices,
+ uint64ToBytes(rowID),
+ }
+ return s.hashPathKey(key)
+// getSequencePathHash return the hash address of a sequence.
+func (s Storage) getSequencePathHash(
+ tableName []byte, seqIdx uint8,
+) common.Hash {
+ // PathKey(["tables", "{table_name}", "sequence", uint8(sequence_idx)])
+ key := [][]byte{
+ pathCompTables,
+ tableName,
+ pathCompSequence,
+ {seqIdx}, // TODO(yenlin): use some other encode method on uint8?
+ }
+ return s.hashPathKey(key)
+func (s Storage) getOwnerPathHash() common.Hash {
+ // PathKey(["owner"])
+ key := [][]byte{pathCompOwner}
+ return s.hashPathKey(key)
+func (s Storage) getTableWritersPathHash(tableName []byte) common.Hash {
+ // PathKey(["tables", "{table_name}", "writers"])
+ key := [][]byte{
+ pathCompTables,
+ tableName,
+ pathCompWriters,
+ }
+ return s.hashPathKey(key)
+func (s Storage) getTableWriterRevIdxPathHash(
+ tableName []byte,
+ account common.Address,
+) common.Hash {
+ // PathKey(["tables", "{table_name}", "writers", "{addr}"])
+ key := [][]byte{
+ pathCompTables,
+ tableName,
+ pathCompWriters,
+ account.Bytes(),
+ }
+ return s.hashPathKey(key)
// ShiftHashUint64 shift hash in uint64.
func (s Storage) ShiftHashUint64(hash common.Hash, shift uint64) common.Hash {
bigIntOffset := new(big.Int)
@@ -64,6 +185,25 @@ func (s Storage) ShiftHashBigInt(hash common.Hash, shift *big.Int) common.Hash {
return common.BytesToHash(head.Bytes())
+// ShiftHashListEntry shift hash from the head of a list to the hash of
+// idx-th entry.
+func (s Storage) ShiftHashListEntry(
+ base common.Hash,
+ headerSize uint64,
+ entrySize uint64,
+ idx uint64,
+) common.Hash {
+ // TODO(yenlin): tuning when headerSize+entrySize*idx do not overflow.
+ shift := new(big.Int)
+ operand := new(big.Int)
+ shift.SetUint64(entrySize)
+ operand.SetUint64(idx)
+ shift.Mul(shift, operand)
+ operand.SetUint64(headerSize)
+ shift.Add(shift, operand)
+ return s.ShiftHashBigInt(base, shift)
func getDByteSize(data common.Hash) uint64 {
bytes := data.Bytes()
lastByte := bytes[len(bytes)-1]
@@ -91,3 +231,272 @@ func (s Storage) DecodeDByteBySlot(address common.Address, slot common.Hash) []b
return rVal[:length]
+// SQLVM metadata structure operations.
+// IndexValues contain addresses to all possible values of an index.
+type IndexValues struct {
+ // Header.
+ Length uint64
+ // 3 unused uint64 fields here.
+ // Contents.
+ ValueHashes []common.Hash
+// IndexEntry contain row ids of a given value in an index.
+type IndexEntry struct {
+ // Header.
+ Length uint64
+ IndexToValuesOffset uint64
+ ForeignKeyRefCount uint64
+ // 1 unused uint64 field here.
+ // Contents.
+ RowIDs []uint64
+// LoadIndexValues load IndexValues struct of a given index.
+func (s Storage) LoadIndexValues(
+ contract common.Address,
+ tableName, indexName []byte,
+ onlyHeader bool,
+) *IndexValues {
+ ret := &IndexValues{}
+ slot := s.GetIndexValuesPathHash(tableName, indexName)
+ data := s.GetState(contract, slot)
+ ret.Length = bytesToUint64(data[:8])
+ if onlyHeader {
+ return ret
+ }
+ // Load all ValueHashes.
+ ret.ValueHashes = make([]common.Hash, ret.Length)
+ for i := uint64(0); i < ret.Length; i++ {
+ slot = s.ShiftHashUint64(slot, 1)
+ ret.ValueHashes[i] = s.GetState(contract, slot)
+ }
+ return ret
+// LoadIndexEntry load IndexEntry struct of a given value key on an index.
+func (s Storage) LoadIndexEntry(
+ contract common.Address,
+ tableName, indexName []byte,
+ onlyHeader bool,
+ values ...[]byte,
+) *IndexEntry {
+ ret := &IndexEntry{}
+ slot := s.GetIndexEntryPathHash(tableName, indexName, values...)
+ data := s.GetState(contract, slot)
+ ret.Length = bytesToUint64(data[:8])
+ ret.IndexToValuesOffset = bytesToUint64(data[8:16])
+ ret.ForeignKeyRefCount = bytesToUint64(data[16:24])
+ if onlyHeader {
+ return ret
+ }
+ // Load all RowIDs.
+ ret.RowIDs = make([]uint64, 0, ret.Length)
+ remain := ret.Length
+ for remain > 0 {
+ bound := remain
+ if bound > 4 {
+ bound = 4
+ }
+ slot = s.ShiftHashUint64(slot, 1)
+ data := s.GetState(contract, slot).Bytes()
+ for i := uint64(0); i < bound; i++ {
+ ret.RowIDs = append(ret.RowIDs, bytesToUint64(data[:8]))
+ data = data[8:]
+ }
+ remain -= bound
+ }
+ return ret
+// LoadOwner load the owner of a SQLVM contract from storage.
+func (s *Storage) LoadOwner(contract common.Address) common.Address {
+ return hashToAddress(s.GetState(contract, s.getOwnerPathHash()))
+// StoreOwner save the owner of a SQLVM contract to storage.
+func (s *Storage) StoreOwner(contract, newOwner common.Address) {
+ s.SetState(contract, s.getOwnerPathHash(), addressToHash(newOwner))
+type tableWriters struct {
+ Length uint64
+ // 3 unused uint64 in slot 1.
+ Writers []common.Address // Each address consumes one slot, right aligned.
+type tableWriterRevIdx struct {
+ IndexToValuesOffset uint64
+ // 3 unused uint64 in the slot.
+func (c *tableWriterRevIdx) Valid() bool {
+ return c.IndexToValuesOffset != 0
+func (s Storage) loadTableWriterRevIdx(
+ contract common.Address,
+ path common.Hash,
+) *tableWriterRevIdx {
+ ret := &tableWriterRevIdx{}
+ data := s.GetState(contract, path)
+ ret.IndexToValuesOffset = bytesToUint64(data[:8])
+ return ret
+func (s Storage) storeTableWriterRevIdx(
+ contract common.Address,
+ path common.Hash,
+ rev *tableWriterRevIdx,
+) {
+ var data common.Hash // One slot.
+ copy(data[:8], uint64ToBytes(rev.IndexToValuesOffset))
+ s.SetState(contract, path, data)
+func (s Storage) loadTableWriters(
+ contract common.Address,
+ pathHash common.Hash,
+ onlyHeader bool,
+) *tableWriters {
+ ret := &tableWriters{}
+ header := s.GetState(contract, pathHash)
+ ret.Length = bytesToUint64(header[:8])
+ if onlyHeader {
+ return ret
+ }
+ ret.Writers = make([]common.Address, ret.Length)
+ for i := uint64(0); i < ret.Length; i++ {
+ ret.Writers[i] = s.loadSingleTableWriter(contract, pathHash, i)
+ }
+ return ret
+func (s Storage) storeTableWritersHeader(
+ contract common.Address,
+ pathHash common.Hash,
+ w *tableWriters,
+) {
+ var header common.Hash
+ copy(header[:8], uint64ToBytes(w.Length))
+ s.SetState(contract, pathHash, header)
+func (s Storage) shiftTableWriterList(
+ base common.Hash,
+ idx uint64,
+) common.Hash {
+ return s.ShiftHashListEntry(base, 1, 1, idx)
+func (s Storage) loadSingleTableWriter(
+ contract common.Address,
+ writersPathHash common.Hash,
+ idx uint64,
+) common.Address {
+ slot := s.shiftTableWriterList(writersPathHash, idx)
+ acc := s.GetState(contract, slot)
+ return hashToAddress(acc)
+func (s Storage) storeSingleTableWriter(
+ contract common.Address,
+ writersPathHash common.Hash,
+ idx uint64,
+ acc common.Address,
+) {
+ slot := s.shiftTableWriterList(writersPathHash, idx)
+ s.SetState(contract, slot, addressToHash(acc))
+// IsTableWriter check if an account is writer to the table.
+func (s Storage) IsTableWriter(
+ contract common.Address,
+ tableName []byte,
+ account common.Address,
+) bool {
+ path := s.getTableWriterRevIdxPathHash(tableName, account)
+ rev := s.loadTableWriterRevIdx(contract, path)
+ return rev.Valid()
+// LoadTableWriters load writers of a table.
+func (s Storage) LoadTableWriters(
+ contract common.Address,
+ tableName []byte,
+) (ret []common.Address) {
+ path := s.getTableWritersPathHash(tableName)
+ writers := s.loadTableWriters(contract, path, false)
+ return writers.Writers
+// InsertTableWriter insert an account into writer list of the table.
+func (s Storage) InsertTableWriter(
+ contract common.Address,
+ tableName []byte,
+ account common.Address,
+) {
+ revPath := s.getTableWriterRevIdxPathHash(tableName, account)
+ rev := s.loadTableWriterRevIdx(contract, revPath)
+ if rev.Valid() {
+ return
+ }
+ path := s.getTableWritersPathHash(tableName)
+ writers := s.loadTableWriters(contract, path, true)
+ // Store modification.
+ s.storeSingleTableWriter(contract, path, writers.Length, account)
+ writers.Length++
+ s.storeTableWritersHeader(contract, path, writers)
+ // Notice: IndexToValuesOffset starts from 1.
+ s.storeTableWriterRevIdx(contract, revPath, &tableWriterRevIdx{
+ IndexToValuesOffset: writers.Length,
+ })
+// DeleteTableWriter delete an account from writer list of the table.
+func (s Storage) DeleteTableWriter(
+ contract common.Address,
+ tableName []byte,
+ account common.Address,
+) {
+ revPath := s.getTableWriterRevIdxPathHash(tableName, account)
+ rev := s.loadTableWriterRevIdx(contract, revPath)
+ if !rev.Valid() {
+ return
+ }
+ path := s.getTableWritersPathHash(tableName)
+ writers := s.loadTableWriters(contract, path, true)
+ // Store modification.
+ if rev.IndexToValuesOffset != writers.Length {
+ // Move last to deleted slot.
+ lastAcc := s.loadSingleTableWriter(contract, path, writers.Length-1)
+ s.storeSingleTableWriter(contract, path, rev.IndexToValuesOffset-1,
+ lastAcc)
+ s.storeTableWriterRevIdx(contract, s.getTableWriterRevIdxPathHash(
+ tableName, lastAcc), rev)
+ }
+ // Delete last.
+ writers.Length--
+ s.storeTableWritersHeader(contract, path, writers)
+ s.storeSingleTableWriter(contract, path, writers.Length, common.Address{})
+ s.storeTableWriterRevIdx(contract, revPath, &tableWriterRevIdx{})
+// IncSequence increment value of sequence by inc and return the old value.
+func (s Storage) IncSequence(
+ contract common.Address,
+ tableName []byte,
+ seqIdx uint8,
+ inc uint64,
+) uint64 {
+ seqPath := s.getSequencePathHash(tableName, seqIdx)
+ slot := s.GetState(contract, seqPath)
+ val := bytesToUint64(slot.Bytes())
+ // TODO(yenlin): Check overflow?
+ s.SetState(contract, seqPath, common.BytesToHash(uint64ToBytes(val+inc)))
+ return val
diff --git a/core/vm/sqlvm/common/storage_test.go b/core/vm/sqlvm/common/storage_test.go
index 3a7633496..625d89158 100644
--- a/core/vm/sqlvm/common/storage_test.go
+++ b/core/vm/sqlvm/common/storage_test.go
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package common
import (
+ "math"
@@ -17,20 +18,27 @@ import (
type StorageTestSuite struct{ suite.Suite }
-func (s *StorageTestSuite) TestGetPrimaryKeyHash() {
+func (s *StorageTestSuite) TestUint64ToBytes() {
+ testcases := []uint64{1, 65535, math.MaxUint64}
+ for _, i := range testcases {
+ s.Require().Equal(i, bytesToUint64(uint64ToBytes(i)))
+ }
+func (s *StorageTestSuite) TestGetRowAddress() {
id := uint64(555666)
table := []byte("TABLE_A")
key := [][]byte{
- convertIDtoBytes(id),
+ uint64ToBytes(id),
hw := sha3.NewLegacyKeccak256()
rlp.Encode(hw, key)
bytes := hw.Sum(nil)
storage := Storage{}
- result := storage.GetPrimaryKeyHash(table, id)
+ result := storage.GetRowPathHash(table, id)
s.Require().Equal(bytes, result[:])
@@ -102,6 +110,112 @@ func SetDataToStateDB(head common.Hash, storage Storage, addr common.Address,
+func (s *StorageTestSuite) TestOwner() {
+ db := ethdb.NewMemDatabase()
+ state, _ := state.New(common.Hash{}, state.NewDatabase(db))
+ storage := NewStorage(state)
+ contractA := common.BytesToAddress([]byte("I'm sad."))
+ ownerA := common.BytesToAddress([]byte{5, 5, 6, 6})
+ contractB := common.BytesToAddress([]byte{9, 5, 2, 7})
+ ownerB := common.BytesToAddress([]byte("Tong Pak-Fu"))
+ storage.StoreOwner(contractA, ownerA)
+ storage.StoreOwner(contractB, ownerB)
+ storage.Commit(false)
+ s.Require().Equal(ownerA, storage.LoadOwner(contractA))
+ s.Require().Equal(ownerB, storage.LoadOwner(contractB))
+ storage.StoreOwner(contractA, ownerB)
+ storage.Commit(false)
+ s.Require().Equal(ownerB, storage.LoadOwner(contractA))
+func (s *StorageTestSuite) TestTableWriter() {
+ db := ethdb.NewMemDatabase()
+ state, _ := state.New(common.Hash{}, state.NewDatabase(db))
+ storage := NewStorage(state)
+ table1 := []byte("table1")
+ table2 := []byte("table2")
+ contractA := common.BytesToAddress([]byte("A"))
+ contractB := common.BytesToAddress([]byte("B"))
+ addrs := []common.Address{
+ common.BytesToAddress([]byte("addr1")),
+ common.BytesToAddress([]byte("addr2")),
+ common.BytesToAddress([]byte("addr3")),
+ }
+ // Genesis.
+ s.Require().Len(storage.LoadTableWriters(contractA, table1), 0)
+ s.Require().Len(storage.LoadTableWriters(contractB, table1), 0)
+ // Check writer list.
+ storage.InsertTableWriter(contractA, table1, addrs[0])
+ storage.InsertTableWriter(contractA, table1, addrs[1])
+ storage.InsertTableWriter(contractA, table1, addrs[2])
+ storage.InsertTableWriter(contractB, table2, addrs[0])
+ storage.Commit(false)
+ s.Require().Equal(addrs, storage.LoadTableWriters(contractA, table1))
+ s.Require().Len(storage.LoadTableWriters(contractA, table2), 0)
+ s.Require().Len(storage.LoadTableWriters(contractB, table1), 0)
+ s.Require().Equal([]common.Address{addrs[0]},
+ storage.LoadTableWriters(contractB, table2))
+ // Insert duplicate.
+ storage.InsertTableWriter(contractA, table1, addrs[0])
+ storage.InsertTableWriter(contractA, table1, addrs[1])
+ storage.InsertTableWriter(contractA, table1, addrs[2])
+ storage.Commit(false)
+ s.Require().Equal(addrs, storage.LoadTableWriters(contractA, table1))
+ // Delete some writer.
+ storage.DeleteTableWriter(contractA, table1, addrs[0])
+ storage.DeleteTableWriter(contractA, table2, addrs[0])
+ storage.DeleteTableWriter(contractB, table2, addrs[0])
+ storage.Commit(false)
+ s.Require().Equal([]common.Address{addrs[2], addrs[1]},
+ storage.LoadTableWriters(contractA, table1))
+ s.Require().Len(storage.LoadTableWriters(contractA, table2), 0)
+ s.Require().Len(storage.LoadTableWriters(contractB, table1), 0)
+ s.Require().Len(storage.LoadTableWriters(contractB, table2), 0)
+ // Delete again.
+ storage.DeleteTableWriter(contractA, table1, addrs[2])
+ storage.Commit(false)
+ s.Require().Equal([]common.Address{addrs[1]},
+ storage.LoadTableWriters(contractA, table1))
+ // Check writer.
+ s.Require().False(storage.IsTableWriter(contractA, table1, addrs[0]))
+ s.Require().True(storage.IsTableWriter(contractA, table1, addrs[1]))
+ s.Require().False(storage.IsTableWriter(contractA, table1, addrs[2]))
+ s.Require().False(storage.IsTableWriter(contractA, table2, addrs[0]))
+ s.Require().False(storage.IsTableWriter(contractB, table2, addrs[0]))
+func (s *StorageTestSuite) TestSequence() {
+ db := ethdb.NewMemDatabase()
+ state, _ := state.New(common.Hash{}, state.NewDatabase(db))
+ storage := NewStorage(state)
+ table1 := []byte("table1")
+ table2 := []byte("table2")
+ contract := common.BytesToAddress([]byte("A"))
+ s.Require().Equal(uint64(0), storage.IncSequence(contract, table1, 0, 2))
+ s.Require().Equal(uint64(2), storage.IncSequence(contract, table1, 0, 1))
+ s.Require().Equal(uint64(3), storage.IncSequence(contract, table1, 0, 1))
+ // Repeat on another sequence.
+ s.Require().Equal(uint64(0), storage.IncSequence(contract, table1, 1, 1))
+ s.Require().Equal(uint64(1), storage.IncSequence(contract, table1, 1, 2))
+ s.Require().Equal(uint64(3), storage.IncSequence(contract, table1, 1, 3))
+ // Repeat on another table.
+ s.Require().Equal(uint64(0), storage.IncSequence(contract, table2, 0, 3))
+ s.Require().Equal(uint64(3), storage.IncSequence(contract, table2, 0, 4))
+ s.Require().Equal(uint64(7), storage.IncSequence(contract, table2, 0, 5))
func TestStorage(t *testing.T) {
suite.Run(t, new(StorageTestSuite))
diff --git a/core/vm/sqlvm/runtime/instructions.go b/core/vm/sqlvm/runtime/instructions.go
index b6b37052e..92d5753f5 100644
--- a/core/vm/sqlvm/runtime/instructions.go
+++ b/core/vm/sqlvm/runtime/instructions.go
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ func opLoad(ctx *common.Context, input []*Operand, registers []*Operand, output
for i, id := range ids {
slotDataCache := make(map[dexCommon.Hash]dexCommon.Hash)
- head := ctx.Storage.GetPrimaryKeyHash(table.Name, id)
+ head := ctx.Storage.GetRowPathHash(table.Name, id)
for j := range fields {
col := table.Columns[int(fields[j])]
byteOffset := col.ByteOffset
diff --git a/core/vm/sqlvm/runtime/instructions_test.go b/core/vm/sqlvm/runtime/instructions_test.go
index 576a7783a..fe9f15994 100644
--- a/core/vm/sqlvm/runtime/instructions_test.go
+++ b/core/vm/sqlvm/runtime/instructions_test.go
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ type opLoadTestCase struct {
func (s *opLoadSuite) SetupTest() {
s.ctx = &common.Context{}
s.ctx.Storage = s.newStorage()
- s.headHash = s.ctx.Storage.GetPrimaryKeyHash([]byte("Table_B"), uint64(123456))
+ s.headHash = s.ctx.Storage.GetRowPathHash([]byte("Table_B"), uint64(123456))
s.address = dexCommon.HexToAddress("0x6655")
s.ctx.Contract = vm.NewContract(vm.AccountRef(s.address),
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ func (s *opLoadSuite) SetupTest() {
func (s *opLoadSuite) setColData(tableName string, id uint64) {
- h := s.ctx.Storage.GetPrimaryKeyHash([]byte(tableName), id)
+ h := s.ctx.Storage.GetRowPathHash([]byte(tableName), id)
setSlotDataInStateDB(h, s.address, s.ctx.Storage)