path: root/swarm/pss/pss.go
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authorPéter Szilágyi <peterke@gmail.com>2019-02-20 16:48:12 +0800
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2019-02-20 16:48:12 +0800
commitc942700427557e3ff6de3aaf6b916e2f056c1ec2 (patch)
treecadf68e7206d6de42b1eefc6967214cf86e35ff2 /swarm/pss/pss.go
parent7fa3509e2eaf1a4ebc12344590e5699406690f15 (diff)
parentcde35439e058b4f9579830fec9fb65ae0b998346 (diff)
Merge pull request #19029 from holiman/update1.8
Diffstat (limited to 'swarm/pss/pss.go')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 248 deletions
diff --git a/swarm/pss/pss.go b/swarm/pss/pss.go
index bee64b0df..183aab04d 100644
--- a/swarm/pss/pss.go
+++ b/swarm/pss/pss.go
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ import (
- whisper "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/whisper/whisperv5"
+ whisper "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/whisper/whisperv6"
@@ -112,10 +112,11 @@ func (params *PssParams) WithPrivateKey(privatekey *ecdsa.PrivateKey) *PssParams
// Implements node.Service
type Pss struct {
- *network.Kademlia // we can get the Kademlia address from this
- privateKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey // pss can have it's own independent key
- w *whisper.Whisper // key and encryption backend
- auxAPIs []rpc.API // builtins (handshake, test) can add APIs
+ *network.Kademlia // we can get the Kademlia address from this
+ *KeyStore
+ privateKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey // pss can have it's own independent key
+ auxAPIs []rpc.API // builtins (handshake, test) can add APIs
// sending and forwarding
fwdPool map[string]*protocols.Peer // keep track of all peers sitting on the pssmsg routing layer
@@ -128,15 +129,6 @@ type Pss struct {
capstring string
outbox chan *PssMsg
- // keys and peers
- pubKeyPool map[string]map[Topic]*pssPeer // mapping of hex public keys to peer address by topic.
- pubKeyPoolMu sync.RWMutex
- symKeyPool map[string]map[Topic]*pssPeer // mapping of symkeyids to peer address by topic.
- symKeyPoolMu sync.RWMutex
- symKeyDecryptCache []*string // fast lookup of symkeys recently used for decryption; last used is on top of stack
- symKeyDecryptCacheCursor int // modular cursor pointing to last used, wraps on symKeyDecryptCache array
- symKeyDecryptCacheCapacity int // max amount of symkeys to keep.
// message handling
handlers map[Topic]map[*handler]bool // topic and version based pss payload handlers. See pss.Handle()
handlersMu sync.RWMutex
@@ -164,9 +156,10 @@ func NewPss(k *network.Kademlia, params *PssParams) (*Pss, error) {
Version: pssVersion,
ps := &Pss{
- Kademlia: k,
+ Kademlia: k,
+ KeyStore: loadKeyStore(),
privateKey: params.privateKey,
- w: whisper.New(&whisper.DefaultConfig),
quitC: make(chan struct{}),
fwdPool: make(map[string]*protocols.Peer),
@@ -177,11 +170,6 @@ func NewPss(k *network.Kademlia, params *PssParams) (*Pss, error) {
capstring: cap.String(),
outbox: make(chan *PssMsg, defaultOutboxCapacity),
- pubKeyPool: make(map[string]map[Topic]*pssPeer),
- symKeyPool: make(map[string]map[Topic]*pssPeer),
- symKeyDecryptCache: make([]*string, params.SymKeyCacheCapacity),
- symKeyDecryptCacheCapacity: params.SymKeyCacheCapacity,
handlers: make(map[Topic]map[*handler]bool),
topicHandlerCaps: make(map[Topic]*handlerCaps),
@@ -520,227 +508,6 @@ func (p *Pss) isSelfPossibleRecipient(msg *PssMsg, prox bool) bool {
-// SECTION: Encryption
-// Links a peer ECDSA public key to a topic
-// This is required for asymmetric message exchange
-// on the given topic
-// The value in `address` will be used as a routing hint for the
-// public key / topic association
-func (p *Pss) SetPeerPublicKey(pubkey *ecdsa.PublicKey, topic Topic, address PssAddress) error {
- if err := validateAddress(address); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- pubkeybytes := crypto.FromECDSAPub(pubkey)
- if len(pubkeybytes) == 0 {
- return fmt.Errorf("invalid public key: %v", pubkey)
- }
- pubkeyid := common.ToHex(pubkeybytes)
- psp := &pssPeer{
- address: address,
- }
- p.pubKeyPoolMu.Lock()
- if _, ok := p.pubKeyPool[pubkeyid]; !ok {
- p.pubKeyPool[pubkeyid] = make(map[Topic]*pssPeer)
- }
- p.pubKeyPool[pubkeyid][topic] = psp
- p.pubKeyPoolMu.Unlock()
- log.Trace("added pubkey", "pubkeyid", pubkeyid, "topic", topic, "address", address)
- return nil
-// Automatically generate a new symkey for a topic and address hint
-func (p *Pss) GenerateSymmetricKey(topic Topic, address PssAddress, addToCache bool) (string, error) {
- keyid, err := p.w.GenerateSymKey()
- if err != nil {
- return "", err
- }
- p.addSymmetricKeyToPool(keyid, topic, address, addToCache, false)
- return keyid, nil
-// Links a peer symmetric key (arbitrary byte sequence) to a topic
-// This is required for symmetrically encrypted message exchange
-// on the given topic
-// The key is stored in the whisper backend.
-// If addtocache is set to true, the key will be added to the cache of keys
-// used to attempt symmetric decryption of incoming messages.
-// Returns a string id that can be used to retrieve the key bytes
-// from the whisper backend (see pss.GetSymmetricKey())
-func (p *Pss) SetSymmetricKey(key []byte, topic Topic, address PssAddress, addtocache bool) (string, error) {
- if err := validateAddress(address); err != nil {
- return "", err
- }
- return p.setSymmetricKey(key, topic, address, addtocache, true)
-func (p *Pss) setSymmetricKey(key []byte, topic Topic, address PssAddress, addtocache bool, protected bool) (string, error) {
- keyid, err := p.w.AddSymKeyDirect(key)
- if err != nil {
- return "", err
- }
- p.addSymmetricKeyToPool(keyid, topic, address, addtocache, protected)
- return keyid, nil
-// adds a symmetric key to the pss key pool, and optionally adds the key
-// to the collection of keys used to attempt symmetric decryption of
-// incoming messages
-func (p *Pss) addSymmetricKeyToPool(keyid string, topic Topic, address PssAddress, addtocache bool, protected bool) {
- psp := &pssPeer{
- address: address,
- protected: protected,
- }
- p.symKeyPoolMu.Lock()
- if _, ok := p.symKeyPool[keyid]; !ok {
- p.symKeyPool[keyid] = make(map[Topic]*pssPeer)
- }
- p.symKeyPool[keyid][topic] = psp
- p.symKeyPoolMu.Unlock()
- if addtocache {
- p.symKeyDecryptCacheCursor++
- p.symKeyDecryptCache[p.symKeyDecryptCacheCursor%cap(p.symKeyDecryptCache)] = &keyid
- }
- key, _ := p.GetSymmetricKey(keyid)
- log.Trace("added symkey", "symkeyid", keyid, "symkey", common.ToHex(key), "topic", topic, "address", address, "cache", addtocache)
-// Returns a symmetric key byte seqyence stored in the whisper backend
-// by its unique id
-// Passes on the error value from the whisper backend
-func (p *Pss) GetSymmetricKey(symkeyid string) ([]byte, error) {
- symkey, err := p.w.GetSymKey(symkeyid)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return symkey, nil
-// Returns all recorded topic and address combination for a specific public key
-func (p *Pss) GetPublickeyPeers(keyid string) (topic []Topic, address []PssAddress, err error) {
- p.pubKeyPoolMu.RLock()
- defer p.pubKeyPoolMu.RUnlock()
- for t, peer := range p.pubKeyPool[keyid] {
- topic = append(topic, t)
- address = append(address, peer.address)
- }
- return topic, address, nil
-func (p *Pss) getPeerAddress(keyid string, topic Topic) (PssAddress, error) {
- p.pubKeyPoolMu.RLock()
- defer p.pubKeyPoolMu.RUnlock()
- if peers, ok := p.pubKeyPool[keyid]; ok {
- if t, ok := peers[topic]; ok {
- return t.address, nil
- }
- }
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("peer with pubkey %s, topic %x not found", keyid, topic)
-// Attempt to decrypt, validate and unpack a
-// symmetrically encrypted message
-// If successful, returns the unpacked whisper ReceivedMessage struct
-// encapsulating the decrypted message, and the whisper backend id
-// of the symmetric key used to decrypt the message.
-// It fails if decryption of the message fails or if the message is corrupted
-func (p *Pss) processSym(envelope *whisper.Envelope) (*whisper.ReceivedMessage, string, PssAddress, error) {
- metrics.GetOrRegisterCounter("pss.process.sym", nil).Inc(1)
- for i := p.symKeyDecryptCacheCursor; i > p.symKeyDecryptCacheCursor-cap(p.symKeyDecryptCache) && i > 0; i-- {
- symkeyid := p.symKeyDecryptCache[i%cap(p.symKeyDecryptCache)]
- symkey, err := p.w.GetSymKey(*symkeyid)
- if err != nil {
- continue
- }
- recvmsg, err := envelope.OpenSymmetric(symkey)
- if err != nil {
- continue
- }
- if !recvmsg.Validate() {
- return nil, "", nil, fmt.Errorf("symmetrically encrypted message has invalid signature or is corrupt")
- }
- p.symKeyPoolMu.Lock()
- from := p.symKeyPool[*symkeyid][Topic(envelope.Topic)].address
- p.symKeyPoolMu.Unlock()
- p.symKeyDecryptCacheCursor++
- p.symKeyDecryptCache[p.symKeyDecryptCacheCursor%cap(p.symKeyDecryptCache)] = symkeyid
- return recvmsg, *symkeyid, from, nil
- }
- return nil, "", nil, fmt.Errorf("could not decrypt message")
-// Attempt to decrypt, validate and unpack an
-// asymmetrically encrypted message
-// If successful, returns the unpacked whisper ReceivedMessage struct
-// encapsulating the decrypted message, and the byte representation of
-// the public key used to decrypt the message.
-// It fails if decryption of message fails, or if the message is corrupted
-func (p *Pss) processAsym(envelope *whisper.Envelope) (*whisper.ReceivedMessage, string, PssAddress, error) {
- metrics.GetOrRegisterCounter("pss.process.asym", nil).Inc(1)
- recvmsg, err := envelope.OpenAsymmetric(p.privateKey)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, "", nil, fmt.Errorf("could not decrypt message: %s", err)
- }
- // check signature (if signed), strip padding
- if !recvmsg.Validate() {
- return nil, "", nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid message")
- }
- pubkeyid := common.ToHex(crypto.FromECDSAPub(recvmsg.Src))
- var from PssAddress
- p.pubKeyPoolMu.Lock()
- if p.pubKeyPool[pubkeyid][Topic(envelope.Topic)] != nil {
- from = p.pubKeyPool[pubkeyid][Topic(envelope.Topic)].address
- }
- p.pubKeyPoolMu.Unlock()
- return recvmsg, pubkeyid, from, nil
-// Symkey garbage collection
-// a key is removed if:
-// - it is not marked as protected
-// - it is not in the incoming decryption cache
-func (p *Pss) cleanKeys() (count int) {
- for keyid, peertopics := range p.symKeyPool {
- var expiredtopics []Topic
- for topic, psp := range peertopics {
- if psp.protected {
- continue
- }
- var match bool
- for i := p.symKeyDecryptCacheCursor; i > p.symKeyDecryptCacheCursor-cap(p.symKeyDecryptCache) && i > 0; i-- {
- cacheid := p.symKeyDecryptCache[i%cap(p.symKeyDecryptCache)]
- if *cacheid == keyid {
- match = true
- }
- }
- if !match {
- expiredtopics = append(expiredtopics, topic)
- }
- }
- for _, topic := range expiredtopics {
- p.symKeyPoolMu.Lock()
- delete(p.symKeyPool[keyid], topic)
- log.Trace("symkey cleanup deletion", "symkeyid", keyid, "topic", topic, "val", p.symKeyPool[keyid])
- p.symKeyPoolMu.Unlock()
- count++
- }
- }
- return
// SECTION: Message sending
@@ -797,9 +564,7 @@ func (p *Pss) SendSym(symkeyid string, topic Topic, msg []byte) error {
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("missing valid send symkey %s: %v", symkeyid, err)
- p.symKeyPoolMu.Lock()
- psp, ok := p.symKeyPool[symkeyid][topic]
- p.symKeyPoolMu.Unlock()
+ psp, ok := p.getPeerSym(symkeyid, topic)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid topic '%s' for symkey '%s'", topic.String(), symkeyid)
@@ -813,9 +578,7 @@ func (p *Pss) SendAsym(pubkeyid string, topic Topic, msg []byte) error {
if _, err := crypto.UnmarshalPubkey(common.FromHex(pubkeyid)); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Cannot unmarshal pubkey: %x", pubkeyid)
- p.pubKeyPoolMu.Lock()
- psp, ok := p.pubKeyPool[pubkeyid][topic]
- p.pubKeyPoolMu.Unlock()
+ psp, ok := p.getPeerPub(pubkeyid, topic)
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid topic '%s' for pubkey '%s'", topic.String(), pubkeyid)