path: root/swarm/pot/pot.go
diff options
authorViktor TrĂ³n <viktor.tron@gmail.com>2018-06-22 05:00:43 +0800
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2018-06-22 05:00:43 +0800
commiteaff89291ce998ba4bf9b9816ca8a15c8b85f440 (patch)
treec77d7a06627a1a7f578d0fec8e39788e66672e53 /swarm/pot/pot.go
parentd926bf2c7e3182d694c15829a37a0ca7331cd03c (diff)
parente187711c6545487d4cac3701f0f506bb536234e2 (diff)
Merge pull request #17041 from ethersphere/swarm-network-rewrite-merge
Swarm POC3 - happy solstice
Diffstat (limited to 'swarm/pot/pot.go')
1 files changed, 807 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/swarm/pot/pot.go b/swarm/pot/pot.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dfda84804
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swarm/pot/pot.go
@@ -0,0 +1,807 @@
+// Copyright 2017 The go-ethereum Authors
+// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
+// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+// Package pot see doc.go
+package pot
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "sync"
+const (
+ maxkeylen = 256
+// Pot is the node type (same for root, branching node and leaf)
+type Pot struct {
+ pin Val
+ bins []*Pot
+ size int
+ po int
+// Val is the element type for Pots
+type Val interface{}
+// Pof is the proximity order comparison operator function
+type Pof func(Val, Val, int) (int, bool)
+// NewPot constructor. Requires a value of type Val to pin
+// and po to point to a span in the Val key
+// The pinned item counts towards the size
+func NewPot(v Val, po int) *Pot {
+ var size int
+ if v != nil {
+ size++
+ }
+ return &Pot{
+ pin: v,
+ po: po,
+ size: size,
+ }
+// Pin returns the pinned element (key) of the Pot
+func (t *Pot) Pin() Val {
+ return t.pin
+// Size returns the number of values in the Pot
+func (t *Pot) Size() int {
+ if t == nil {
+ return 0
+ }
+ return t.size
+// Add inserts a new value into the Pot and
+// returns the proximity order of v and a boolean
+// indicating if the item was found
+// Add called on (t, v) returns a new Pot that contains all the elements of t
+// plus the value v, using the applicative add
+// the second return value is the proximity order of the inserted element
+// the third is boolean indicating if the item was found
+func Add(t *Pot, val Val, pof Pof) (*Pot, int, bool) {
+ return add(t, val, pof)
+func (t *Pot) clone() *Pot {
+ return &Pot{
+ pin: t.pin,
+ size: t.size,
+ po: t.po,
+ bins: t.bins,
+ }
+func add(t *Pot, val Val, pof Pof) (*Pot, int, bool) {
+ var r *Pot
+ if t == nil || t.pin == nil {
+ r = t.clone()
+ r.pin = val
+ r.size++
+ return r, 0, false
+ }
+ po, found := pof(t.pin, val, t.po)
+ if found {
+ r = t.clone()
+ r.pin = val
+ return r, po, true
+ }
+ var p *Pot
+ var i, j int
+ size := t.size
+ for i < len(t.bins) {
+ n := t.bins[i]
+ if n.po == po {
+ p, _, found = add(n, val, pof)
+ if !found {
+ size++
+ }
+ j++
+ break
+ }
+ if n.po > po {
+ break
+ }
+ i++
+ j++
+ }
+ if p == nil {
+ size++
+ p = &Pot{
+ pin: val,
+ size: 1,
+ po: po,
+ }
+ }
+ bins := append([]*Pot{}, t.bins[:i]...)
+ bins = append(bins, p)
+ bins = append(bins, t.bins[j:]...)
+ r = &Pot{
+ pin: t.pin,
+ size: size,
+ po: t.po,
+ bins: bins,
+ }
+ return r, po, found
+// Remove called on (v) deletes v from the Pot and returns
+// the proximity order of v and a boolean value indicating
+// if the value was found
+// Remove called on (t, v) returns a new Pot that contains all the elements of t
+// minus the value v, using the applicative remove
+// the second return value is the proximity order of the inserted element
+// the third is boolean indicating if the item was found
+func Remove(t *Pot, v Val, pof Pof) (*Pot, int, bool) {
+ return remove(t, v, pof)
+func remove(t *Pot, val Val, pof Pof) (r *Pot, po int, found bool) {
+ size := t.size
+ po, found = pof(t.pin, val, t.po)
+ if found {
+ size--
+ if size == 0 {
+ r = &Pot{
+ po: t.po,
+ }
+ return r, po, true
+ }
+ i := len(t.bins) - 1
+ last := t.bins[i]
+ r = &Pot{
+ pin: last.pin,
+ bins: append(t.bins[:i], last.bins...),
+ size: size,
+ po: t.po,
+ }
+ return r, t.po, true
+ }
+ var p *Pot
+ var i, j int
+ for i < len(t.bins) {
+ n := t.bins[i]
+ if n.po == po {
+ p, po, found = remove(n, val, pof)
+ if found {
+ size--
+ }
+ j++
+ break
+ }
+ if n.po > po {
+ return t, po, false
+ }
+ i++
+ j++
+ }
+ bins := t.bins[:i]
+ if p != nil && p.pin != nil {
+ bins = append(bins, p)
+ }
+ bins = append(bins, t.bins[j:]...)
+ r = &Pot{
+ pin: val,
+ size: size,
+ po: t.po,
+ bins: bins,
+ }
+ return r, po, found
+// Swap called on (k, f) looks up the item at k
+// and applies the function f to the value v at k or to nil if the item is not found
+// if f(v) returns nil, the element is removed
+// if f(v) returns v' <> v then v' is inserted into the Pot
+// if (v) == v the Pot is not changed
+// it panics if Pof(f(v), k) show that v' and v are not key-equal
+func Swap(t *Pot, k Val, pof Pof, f func(v Val) Val) (r *Pot, po int, found bool, change bool) {
+ var val Val
+ if t.pin == nil {
+ val = f(nil)
+ if val == nil {
+ return nil, 0, false, false
+ }
+ return NewPot(val, t.po), 0, false, true
+ }
+ size := t.size
+ po, found = pof(k, t.pin, t.po)
+ if found {
+ val = f(t.pin)
+ // remove element
+ if val == nil {
+ size--
+ if size == 0 {
+ r = &Pot{
+ po: t.po,
+ }
+ // return empty pot
+ return r, po, true, true
+ }
+ // actually remove pin, by merging last bin
+ i := len(t.bins) - 1
+ last := t.bins[i]
+ r = &Pot{
+ pin: last.pin,
+ bins: append(t.bins[:i], last.bins...),
+ size: size,
+ po: t.po,
+ }
+ return r, po, true, true
+ }
+ // element found but no change
+ if val == t.pin {
+ return t, po, true, false
+ }
+ // actually modify the pinned element, but no change in structure
+ r = t.clone()
+ r.pin = val
+ return r, po, true, true
+ }
+ // recursive step
+ var p *Pot
+ n, i := t.getPos(po)
+ if n != nil {
+ p, po, found, change = Swap(n, k, pof, f)
+ // recursive no change
+ if !change {
+ return t, po, found, false
+ }
+ // recursive change
+ bins := append([]*Pot{}, t.bins[:i]...)
+ if p.size == 0 {
+ size--
+ } else {
+ size += p.size - n.size
+ bins = append(bins, p)
+ }
+ i++
+ if i < len(t.bins) {
+ bins = append(bins, t.bins[i:]...)
+ }
+ r = t.clone()
+ r.bins = bins
+ r.size = size
+ return r, po, found, true
+ }
+ // key does not exist
+ val = f(nil)
+ if val == nil {
+ // and it should not be created
+ return t, po, false, false
+ }
+ // otherwise check val if equal to k
+ if _, eq := pof(val, k, po); !eq {
+ panic("invalid value")
+ }
+ ///
+ size++
+ p = &Pot{
+ pin: val,
+ size: 1,
+ po: po,
+ }
+ bins := append([]*Pot{}, t.bins[:i]...)
+ bins = append(bins, p)
+ if i < len(t.bins) {
+ bins = append(bins, t.bins[i:]...)
+ }
+ r = t.clone()
+ r.bins = bins
+ r.size = size
+ return r, po, found, true
+// Union called on (t0, t1, pof) returns the union of t0 and t1
+// calculates the union using the applicative union
+// the second return value is the number of common elements
+func Union(t0, t1 *Pot, pof Pof) (*Pot, int) {
+ return union(t0, t1, pof)
+func union(t0, t1 *Pot, pof Pof) (*Pot, int) {
+ if t0 == nil || t0.size == 0 {
+ return t1, 0
+ }
+ if t1 == nil || t1.size == 0 {
+ return t0, 0
+ }
+ var pin Val
+ var bins []*Pot
+ var mis []int
+ wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
+ wg.Add(1)
+ pin0 := t0.pin
+ pin1 := t1.pin
+ bins0 := t0.bins
+ bins1 := t1.bins
+ var i0, i1 int
+ var common int
+ po, eq := pof(pin0, pin1, 0)
+ for {
+ l0 := len(bins0)
+ l1 := len(bins1)
+ var n0, n1 *Pot
+ var p0, p1 int
+ var a0, a1 bool
+ for {
+ if !a0 && i0 < l0 && bins0[i0] != nil && bins0[i0].po <= po {
+ n0 = bins0[i0]
+ p0 = n0.po
+ a0 = p0 == po
+ } else {
+ a0 = true
+ }
+ if !a1 && i1 < l1 && bins1[i1] != nil && bins1[i1].po <= po {
+ n1 = bins1[i1]
+ p1 = n1.po
+ a1 = p1 == po
+ } else {
+ a1 = true
+ }
+ if a0 && a1 {
+ break
+ }
+ switch {
+ case (p0 < p1 || a1) && !a0:
+ bins = append(bins, n0)
+ i0++
+ n0 = nil
+ case (p1 < p0 || a0) && !a1:
+ bins = append(bins, n1)
+ i1++
+ n1 = nil
+ case p1 < po:
+ bl := len(bins)
+ bins = append(bins, nil)
+ ml := len(mis)
+ mis = append(mis, 0)
+ // wg.Add(1)
+ // go func(b, m int, m0, m1 *Pot) {
+ // defer wg.Done()
+ // bins[b], mis[m] = union(m0, m1, pof)
+ // }(bl, ml, n0, n1)
+ bins[bl], mis[ml] = union(n0, n1, pof)
+ i0++
+ i1++
+ n0 = nil
+ n1 = nil
+ }
+ }
+ if eq {
+ common++
+ pin = pin1
+ break
+ }
+ i := i0
+ if len(bins0) > i && bins0[i].po == po {
+ i++
+ }
+ var size0 int
+ for _, n := range bins0[i:] {
+ size0 += n.size
+ }
+ np := &Pot{
+ pin: pin0,
+ bins: bins0[i:],
+ size: size0 + 1,
+ po: po,
+ }
+ bins2 := []*Pot{np}
+ if n0 == nil {
+ pin0 = pin1
+ po = maxkeylen + 1
+ eq = true
+ common--
+ } else {
+ bins2 = append(bins2, n0.bins...)
+ pin0 = pin1
+ pin1 = n0.pin
+ po, eq = pof(pin0, pin1, n0.po)
+ }
+ bins0 = bins1
+ bins1 = bins2
+ i0 = i1
+ i1 = 0
+ }
+ wg.Done()
+ wg.Wait()
+ for _, c := range mis {
+ common += c
+ }
+ n := &Pot{
+ pin: pin,
+ bins: bins,
+ size: t0.size + t1.size - common,
+ po: t0.po,
+ }
+ return n, common
+// Each called with (f) is a synchronous iterator over the bins of a node
+// respecting an ordering
+// proximity > pinnedness
+func (t *Pot) Each(f func(Val, int) bool) bool {
+ return t.each(f)
+func (t *Pot) each(f func(Val, int) bool) bool {
+ var next bool
+ for _, n := range t.bins {
+ if n == nil {
+ return true
+ }
+ next = n.each(f)
+ if !next {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ if t.size == 0 {
+ return false
+ }
+ return f(t.pin, t.po)
+// EachFrom called with (f, start) is a synchronous iterator over the elements of a Pot
+// within the inclusive range starting from proximity order start
+// the function argument is passed the value and the proximity order wrt the root pin
+// it does NOT include the pinned item of the root
+// respecting an ordering
+// proximity > pinnedness
+// the iteration ends if the function return false or there are no more elements
+// end of a po range can be implemented since po is passed to the function
+func (t *Pot) EachFrom(f func(Val, int) bool, po int) bool {
+ return t.eachFrom(f, po)
+func (t *Pot) eachFrom(f func(Val, int) bool, po int) bool {
+ var next bool
+ _, lim := t.getPos(po)
+ for i := lim; i < len(t.bins); i++ {
+ n := t.bins[i]
+ next = n.each(f)
+ if !next {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return f(t.pin, t.po)
+// EachBin iterates over bins of the pivot node and offers iterators to the caller on each
+// subtree passing the proximity order and the size
+// the iteration continues until the function's return value is false
+// or there are no more subtries
+func (t *Pot) EachBin(val Val, pof Pof, po int, f func(int, int, func(func(val Val, i int) bool) bool) bool) {
+ t.eachBin(val, pof, po, f)
+func (t *Pot) eachBin(val Val, pof Pof, po int, f func(int, int, func(func(val Val, i int) bool) bool) bool) {
+ if t == nil || t.size == 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ spr, _ := pof(t.pin, val, t.po)
+ _, lim := t.getPos(spr)
+ var size int
+ var n *Pot
+ for i := 0; i < lim; i++ {
+ n = t.bins[i]
+ size += n.size
+ if n.po < po {
+ continue
+ }
+ if !f(n.po, n.size, n.each) {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ if lim == len(t.bins) {
+ if spr >= po {
+ f(spr, 1, func(g func(Val, int) bool) bool {
+ return g(t.pin, spr)
+ })
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ n = t.bins[lim]
+ spo := spr
+ if n.po == spr {
+ spo++
+ size += n.size
+ }
+ if spr >= po {
+ if !f(spr, t.size-size, func(g func(Val, int) bool) bool {
+ return t.eachFrom(func(v Val, j int) bool {
+ return g(v, spr)
+ }, spo)
+ }) {
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ if n.po == spr {
+ n.eachBin(val, pof, po, f)
+ }
+// EachNeighbour is a synchronous iterator over neighbours of any target val
+// the order of elements retrieved reflect proximity order to the target
+// TODO: add maximum proxbin to start range of iteration
+func (t *Pot) EachNeighbour(val Val, pof Pof, f func(Val, int) bool) bool {
+ return t.eachNeighbour(val, pof, f)
+func (t *Pot) eachNeighbour(val Val, pof Pof, f func(Val, int) bool) bool {
+ if t == nil || t.size == 0 {
+ return false
+ }
+ var next bool
+ l := len(t.bins)
+ var n *Pot
+ ir := l
+ il := l
+ po, eq := pof(t.pin, val, t.po)
+ if !eq {
+ n, il = t.getPos(po)
+ if n != nil {
+ next = n.eachNeighbour(val, pof, f)
+ if !next {
+ return false
+ }
+ ir = il
+ } else {
+ ir = il - 1
+ }
+ }
+ next = f(t.pin, po)
+ if !next {
+ return false
+ }
+ for i := l - 1; i > ir; i-- {
+ next = t.bins[i].each(func(v Val, _ int) bool {
+ return f(v, po)
+ })
+ if !next {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ for i := il - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
+ n := t.bins[i]
+ next = n.each(func(v Val, _ int) bool {
+ return f(v, n.po)
+ })
+ if !next {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+// EachNeighbourAsync called on (val, max, maxPos, f, wait) is an asynchronous iterator
+// over elements not closer than maxPos wrt val.
+// val does not need to be match an element of the Pot, but if it does, and
+// maxPos is keylength than it is included in the iteration
+// Calls to f are parallelised, the order of calls is undefined.
+// proximity order is respected in that there is no element in the Pot that
+// is not visited if a closer node is visited.
+// The iteration is finished when max number of nearest nodes is visited
+// or if the entire there are no nodes not closer than maxPos that is not visited
+// if wait is true, the iterator returns only if all calls to f are finished
+// TODO: implement minPos for proper prox range iteration
+func (t *Pot) EachNeighbourAsync(val Val, pof Pof, max int, maxPos int, f func(Val, int), wait bool) {
+ if max > t.size {
+ max = t.size
+ }
+ var wg *sync.WaitGroup
+ if wait {
+ wg = &sync.WaitGroup{}
+ }
+ t.eachNeighbourAsync(val, pof, max, maxPos, f, wg)
+ if wait {
+ wg.Wait()
+ }
+func (t *Pot) eachNeighbourAsync(val Val, pof Pof, max int, maxPos int, f func(Val, int), wg *sync.WaitGroup) (extra int) {
+ l := len(t.bins)
+ po, eq := pof(t.pin, val, t.po)
+ // if po is too close, set the pivot branch (pom) to maxPos
+ pom := po
+ if pom > maxPos {
+ pom = maxPos
+ }
+ n, il := t.getPos(pom)
+ ir := il
+ // if pivot branch exists and po is not too close, iterate on the pivot branch
+ if pom == po {
+ if n != nil {
+ m := n.size
+ if max < m {
+ m = max
+ }
+ max -= m
+ extra = n.eachNeighbourAsync(val, pof, m, maxPos, f, wg)
+ } else {
+ if !eq {
+ ir--
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ extra++
+ max--
+ if n != nil {
+ il++
+ }
+ // before checking max, add up the extra elements
+ // on the close branches that are skipped (if po is too close)
+ for i := l - 1; i >= il; i-- {
+ s := t.bins[i]
+ m := s.size
+ if max < m {
+ m = max
+ }
+ max -= m
+ extra += m
+ }
+ }
+ var m int
+ if pom == po {
+ m, max, extra = need(1, max, extra)
+ if m <= 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ if wg != nil {
+ wg.Add(1)
+ }
+ go func() {
+ if wg != nil {
+ defer wg.Done()
+ }
+ f(t.pin, po)
+ }()
+ // otherwise iterats
+ for i := l - 1; i > ir; i-- {
+ n := t.bins[i]
+ m, max, extra = need(n.size, max, extra)
+ if m <= 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ if wg != nil {
+ wg.Add(m)
+ }
+ go func(pn *Pot, pm int) {
+ pn.each(func(v Val, _ int) bool {
+ if wg != nil {
+ defer wg.Done()
+ }
+ f(v, po)
+ pm--
+ return pm > 0
+ })
+ }(n, m)
+ }
+ }
+ // iterate branches that are farther tham pom with their own po
+ for i := il - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
+ n := t.bins[i]
+ // the first time max is less than the size of the entire branch
+ // wait for the pivot thread to release extra elements
+ m, max, extra = need(n.size, max, extra)
+ if m <= 0 {
+ return
+ }
+ if wg != nil {
+ wg.Add(m)
+ }
+ go func(pn *Pot, pm int) {
+ pn.each(func(v Val, _ int) bool {
+ if wg != nil {
+ defer wg.Done()
+ }
+ f(v, pn.po)
+ pm--
+ return pm > 0
+ })
+ }(n, m)
+ }
+ return max + extra
+// getPos called on (n) returns the forking node at PO n and its index if it exists
+// otherwise nil
+// caller is supposed to hold the lock
+func (t *Pot) getPos(po int) (n *Pot, i int) {
+ for i, n = range t.bins {
+ if po > n.po {
+ continue
+ }
+ if po < n.po {
+ return nil, i
+ }
+ return n, i
+ }
+ return nil, len(t.bins)
+// need called on (m, max, extra) uses max m out of extra, and then max
+// if needed, returns the adjusted counts
+func need(m, max, extra int) (int, int, int) {
+ if m <= extra {
+ return m, max, extra - m
+ }
+ max += extra - m
+ if max <= 0 {
+ return m + max, 0, 0
+ }
+ return m, max, 0
+func (t *Pot) String() string {
+ return t.sstring("")
+func (t *Pot) sstring(indent string) string {
+ if t == nil {
+ return "<nil>"
+ }
+ var s string
+ indent += " "
+ s += fmt.Sprintf("%v%v (%v) %v \n", indent, t.pin, t.po, t.size)
+ for _, n := range t.bins {
+ s += fmt.Sprintf("%v%v\n", indent, n.sstring(indent))
+ }
+ return s