path: root/ethchain/vm.go
diff options
authorobscuren <geffobscura@gmail.com>2014-07-25 16:43:35 +0800
committerobscuren <geffobscura@gmail.com>2014-07-25 16:43:35 +0800
commitd761af84c83ae8d9d723e6766abb7950ff59cdf3 (patch)
tree6fe0805649ddf38b2b90e77c5fb2000a4bdab536 /ethchain/vm.go
parent06ec80f39495bdd92878468cf862f52e9748f1ca (diff)
parent54f9ea14e197ad805f24592153f1b9e69f3bc5c3 (diff)
Merge branch 'release/0.6.0'
Diffstat (limited to 'ethchain/vm.go')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 840 deletions
diff --git a/ethchain/vm.go b/ethchain/vm.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 07e9a0f2c..000000000
--- a/ethchain/vm.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,840 +0,0 @@
-package ethchain
-import (
- "fmt"
- "github.com/ethereum/eth-go/ethcrypto"
- "github.com/ethereum/eth-go/ethlog"
- "github.com/ethereum/eth-go/ethutil"
- "math"
- "math/big"
-var vmlogger = ethlog.NewLogger("VM")
-var (
- GasStep = big.NewInt(1)
- GasSha = big.NewInt(20)
- GasSLoad = big.NewInt(20)
- GasSStore = big.NewInt(100)
- GasBalance = big.NewInt(20)
- GasCreate = big.NewInt(100)
- GasCall = big.NewInt(20)
- GasMemory = big.NewInt(1)
- GasData = big.NewInt(5)
- GasTx = big.NewInt(500)
- LogTyPretty byte = 0x1
- LogTyDiff byte = 0x2
-type Debugger interface {
- BreakHook(step int, op OpCode, mem *Memory, stack *Stack, stateObject *StateObject) bool
- StepHook(step int, op OpCode, mem *Memory, stack *Stack, stateObject *StateObject) bool
- BreakPoints() []int64
- SetCode(byteCode []byte)
-type Vm struct {
- // Stack for processing contracts
- stack *Stack
- // non-persistent key/value memory storage
- mem map[string]*big.Int
- vars RuntimeVars
- state *State
- stateManager *StateManager
- Verbose bool
- logTy byte
- logStr string
- err error
- // Debugging
- Dbg Debugger
- BreakPoints []int64
- Stepping bool
- Fn string
-type RuntimeVars struct {
- Origin []byte
- Block *Block
- BlockNumber *big.Int
- PrevHash []byte
- Coinbase []byte
- Time int64
- Diff *big.Int
- TxData []string
- Value *big.Int
-func (self *Vm) Printf(format string, v ...interface{}) *Vm {
- if self.Verbose && self.logTy == LogTyPretty {
- self.logStr += fmt.Sprintf(format, v...)
- }
- return self
-func (self *Vm) Endl() *Vm {
- if self.Verbose && self.logTy == LogTyPretty {
- vmlogger.Debugln(self.logStr)
- self.logStr = ""
- }
- return self
-func NewVm(state *State, stateManager *StateManager, vars RuntimeVars) *Vm {
- lt := LogTyPretty
- if ethutil.Config.Diff {
- lt = LogTyDiff
- }
- return &Vm{vars: vars, state: state, stateManager: stateManager, logTy: lt}
-var Pow256 = ethutil.BigPow(2, 256)
-var isRequireError = false
-func (vm *Vm) RunClosure(closure *Closure) (ret []byte, err error) {
- // Recover from any require exception
- defer func() {
- if r := recover(); r != nil {
- ret = closure.Return(nil)
- err = fmt.Errorf("%v", r)
- vmlogger.Errorln("vm err", err)
- }
- }()
- // Debug hook
- if vm.Dbg != nil {
- vm.Dbg.SetCode(closure.Script)
- }
- // Don't bother with the execution if there's no code.
- if len(closure.Script) == 0 {
- return closure.Return(nil), nil
- }
- vmlogger.Debugf("(%s) %x gas: %v (d) %x\n", vm.Fn, closure.Address(), closure.Gas, closure.Args)
- var (
- op OpCode
- mem = &Memory{}
- stack = NewStack()
- pc = big.NewInt(0)
- step = 0
- prevStep = 0
- require = func(m int) {
- if stack.Len() < m {
- isRequireError = true
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("%04v (%v) stack err size = %d, required = %d", pc, op, stack.Len(), m))
- }
- }
- )
- for {
- prevStep = step
- // The base for all big integer arithmetic
- base := new(big.Int)
- step++
- // Get the memory location of pc
- val := closure.Get(pc)
- // Get the opcode (it must be an opcode!)
- op = OpCode(val.Uint())
- // XXX Leave this Println intact. Don't change this to the log system.
- // Used for creating diffs between implementations
- if vm.logTy == LogTyDiff {
- switch op {
- closure.object.Sync()
- closure.object.state.EachStorage(func(key string, value *ethutil.Value) {
- value.Decode()
- fmt.Printf("%x %x\n", new(big.Int).SetBytes([]byte(key)).Bytes(), value.Bytes())
- })
- }
- b := pc.Bytes()
- if len(b) == 0 {
- b = []byte{0}
- }
- fmt.Printf("%x %x %x %x\n", closure.Address(), b, []byte{byte(op)}, closure.Gas.Bytes())
- }
- gas := new(big.Int)
- addStepGasUsage := func(amount *big.Int) {
- if amount.Cmp(ethutil.Big0) >= 0 {
- gas.Add(gas, amount)
- }
- }
- addStepGasUsage(GasStep)
- var newMemSize uint64 = 0
- switch op {
- case STOP:
- gas.Set(ethutil.Big0)
- case SUICIDE:
- gas.Set(ethutil.Big0)
- case SLOAD:
- gas.Set(GasSLoad)
- case SSTORE:
- var mult *big.Int
- y, x := stack.Peekn()
- val := closure.GetStorage(x)
- if val.BigInt().Cmp(ethutil.Big0) == 0 && len(y.Bytes()) > 0 {
- mult = ethutil.Big2
- } else if val.BigInt().Cmp(ethutil.Big0) != 0 && len(y.Bytes()) == 0 {
- mult = ethutil.Big0
- } else {
- mult = ethutil.Big1
- }
- gas = new(big.Int).Mul(mult, GasSStore)
- case BALANCE:
- gas.Set(GasBalance)
- case MSTORE:
- require(2)
- newMemSize = stack.Peek().Uint64() + 32
- case MLOAD:
- require(1)
- newMemSize = stack.Peek().Uint64() + 32
- case MSTORE8:
- require(2)
- newMemSize = stack.Peek().Uint64() + 1
- case RETURN:
- require(2)
- newMemSize = stack.Peek().Uint64() + stack.data[stack.Len()-2].Uint64()
- case SHA3:
- require(2)
- gas.Set(GasSha)
- newMemSize = stack.Peek().Uint64() + stack.data[stack.Len()-2].Uint64()
- require(3)
- newMemSize = stack.Peek().Uint64() + stack.data[stack.Len()-3].Uint64()
- case CODECOPY:
- require(3)
- newMemSize = stack.Peek().Uint64() + stack.data[stack.Len()-3].Uint64()
- case CALL:
- require(7)
- gas.Set(GasCall)
- addStepGasUsage(stack.data[stack.Len()-1])
- x := stack.data[stack.Len()-6].Uint64() + stack.data[stack.Len()-7].Uint64()
- y := stack.data[stack.Len()-4].Uint64() + stack.data[stack.Len()-5].Uint64()
- newMemSize = uint64(math.Max(float64(x), float64(y)))
- case CREATE:
- require(3)
- gas.Set(GasCreate)
- newMemSize = stack.data[stack.Len()-2].Uint64() + stack.data[stack.Len()-3].Uint64()
- }
- newMemSize = (newMemSize + 31) / 32 * 32
- if newMemSize > uint64(mem.Len()) {
- m := GasMemory.Uint64() * (newMemSize - uint64(mem.Len())) / 32
- addStepGasUsage(big.NewInt(int64(m)))
- }
- if !closure.UseGas(gas) {
- err := fmt.Errorf("Insufficient gas for %v. req %v has %v", op, gas, closure.Gas)
- closure.UseGas(closure.Gas)
- return closure.Return(nil), err
- }
- vm.Printf("(pc) %-3d -o- %-14s", pc, op.String())
- vm.Printf(" (g) %-3v (%v)", gas, closure.Gas)
- mem.Resize(newMemSize)
- switch op {
- case LOG:
- stack.Print()
- mem.Print()
- // 0x20 range
- case ADD:
- require(2)
- x, y := stack.Popn()
- vm.Printf(" %v + %v", y, x)
- base.Add(y, x)
- vm.Printf(" = %v", base)
- // Pop result back on the stack
- stack.Push(base)
- case SUB:
- require(2)
- x, y := stack.Popn()
- vm.Printf(" %v - %v", y, x)
- base.Sub(y, x)
- vm.Printf(" = %v", base)
- // Pop result back on the stack
- stack.Push(base)
- case MUL:
- require(2)
- x, y := stack.Popn()
- vm.Printf(" %v * %v", y, x)
- base.Mul(y, x)
- vm.Printf(" = %v", base)
- // Pop result back on the stack
- stack.Push(base)
- case DIV:
- require(2)
- x, y := stack.Popn()
- vm.Printf(" %v / %v", y, x)
- if x.Cmp(ethutil.Big0) != 0 {
- base.Div(y, x)
- }
- vm.Printf(" = %v", base)
- // Pop result back on the stack
- stack.Push(base)
- case SDIV:
- require(2)
- x, y := stack.Popn()
- // n > 2**255
- if x.Cmp(Pow256) > 0 {
- x.Sub(Pow256, x)
- }
- if y.Cmp(Pow256) > 0 {
- y.Sub(Pow256, y)
- }
- z := new(big.Int)
- z.Div(x, y)
- if z.Cmp(Pow256) > 0 {
- z.Sub(Pow256, z)
- }
- // Push result on to the stack
- stack.Push(z)
- case MOD:
- require(2)
- x, y := stack.Popn()
- vm.Printf(" %v %% %v", y, x)
- base.Mod(y, x)
- vm.Printf(" = %v", base)
- stack.Push(base)
- case SMOD:
- require(2)
- x, y := stack.Popn()
- // n > 2**255
- if x.Cmp(Pow256) > 0 {
- x.Sub(Pow256, x)
- }
- if y.Cmp(Pow256) > 0 {
- y.Sub(Pow256, y)
- }
- z := new(big.Int)
- z.Mod(x, y)
- if z.Cmp(Pow256) > 0 {
- z.Sub(Pow256, z)
- }
- // Push result on to the stack
- stack.Push(z)
- case EXP:
- require(2)
- x, y := stack.Popn()
- vm.Printf(" %v ** %v", y, x)
- base.Exp(y, x, Pow256)
- vm.Printf(" = %v", base)
- stack.Push(base)
- case NEG:
- require(1)
- base.Sub(Pow256, stack.Pop())
- stack.Push(base)
- case LT:
- require(2)
- x, y := stack.Popn()
- vm.Printf(" %v < %v", y, x)
- // x < y
- if y.Cmp(x) < 0 {
- stack.Push(ethutil.BigTrue)
- } else {
- stack.Push(ethutil.BigFalse)
- }
- case GT:
- require(2)
- x, y := stack.Popn()
- vm.Printf(" %v > %v", y, x)
- // x > y
- if y.Cmp(x) > 0 {
- stack.Push(ethutil.BigTrue)
- } else {
- stack.Push(ethutil.BigFalse)
- }
- case SLT:
- require(2)
- x, y := stack.Popn()
- vm.Printf(" %v < %v", y, x)
- // x < y
- if y.Cmp(x) < 0 {
- stack.Push(ethutil.BigTrue)
- } else {
- stack.Push(ethutil.BigFalse)
- }
- case SGT:
- require(2)
- x, y := stack.Popn()
- vm.Printf(" %v > %v", y, x)
- // x > y
- if y.Cmp(x) > 0 {
- stack.Push(ethutil.BigTrue)
- } else {
- stack.Push(ethutil.BigFalse)
- }
- case EQ:
- require(2)
- x, y := stack.Popn()
- vm.Printf(" %v == %v", y, x)
- // x == y
- if x.Cmp(y) == 0 {
- stack.Push(ethutil.BigTrue)
- } else {
- stack.Push(ethutil.BigFalse)
- }
- case NOT:
- require(1)
- x := stack.Pop()
- if x.Cmp(ethutil.BigFalse) > 0 {
- stack.Push(ethutil.BigFalse)
- } else {
- stack.Push(ethutil.BigTrue)
- }
- // 0x10 range
- case AND:
- require(2)
- x, y := stack.Popn()
- vm.Printf(" %v & %v", y, x)
- stack.Push(base.And(y, x))
- case OR:
- require(2)
- x, y := stack.Popn()
- vm.Printf(" %v | %v", y, x)
- stack.Push(base.Or(y, x))
- case XOR:
- require(2)
- x, y := stack.Popn()
- vm.Printf(" %v ^ %v", y, x)
- stack.Push(base.Xor(y, x))
- case BYTE:
- require(2)
- val, th := stack.Popn()
- if th.Cmp(big.NewInt(32)) < 0 && th.Cmp(big.NewInt(int64(len(val.Bytes())))) < 0 {
- byt := big.NewInt(int64(val.Bytes()[th.Int64()]))
- stack.Push(byt)
- vm.Printf(" => 0x%x", byt.Bytes())
- } else {
- stack.Push(ethutil.BigFalse)
- }
- // 0x20 range
- case SHA3:
- require(2)
- size, offset := stack.Popn()
- data := ethcrypto.Sha3Bin(mem.Get(offset.Int64(), size.Int64()))
- stack.Push(ethutil.BigD(data))
- vm.Printf(" => %x", data)
- // 0x30 range
- case ADDRESS:
- stack.Push(ethutil.BigD(closure.Address()))
- vm.Printf(" => %x", closure.Address())
- case BALANCE:
- require(1)
- addr := stack.Pop().Bytes()
- balance := vm.state.GetBalance(addr)
- stack.Push(balance)
- vm.Printf(" => %v (%x)", balance, addr)
- case ORIGIN:
- stack.Push(ethutil.BigD(vm.vars.Origin))
- vm.Printf(" => %x", vm.vars.Origin)
- case CALLER:
- caller := closure.caller.Address()
- stack.Push(ethutil.BigD(caller))
- vm.Printf(" => %x", caller)
- stack.Push(vm.vars.Value)
- vm.Printf(" => %v", vm.vars.Value)
- require(1)
- offset := stack.Pop().Int64()
- data := make([]byte, 32)
- if big.NewInt(int64(len(closure.Args))).Cmp(big.NewInt(offset)) >= 0 {
- l := int64(math.Min(float64(offset+32), float64(len(closure.Args))))
- copy(data, closure.Args[offset:l])
- }
- vm.Printf(" => 0x%x", data)
- stack.Push(ethutil.BigD(data))
- l := int64(len(closure.Args))
- stack.Push(big.NewInt(l))
- vm.Printf(" => %d", l)
- var (
- size = int64(len(closure.Args))
- mOff = stack.Pop().Int64()
- cOff = stack.Pop().Int64()
- l = stack.Pop().Int64()
- )
- if cOff > size {
- cOff = 0
- l = 0
- } else if cOff+l > size {
- l = 0
- }
- code := closure.Args[cOff : cOff+l]
- mem.Set(mOff, l, code)
- case CODESIZE:
- l := big.NewInt(int64(len(closure.Script)))
- stack.Push(l)
- vm.Printf(" => %d", l)
- case CODECOPY:
- var (
- size = int64(len(closure.Script))
- mOff = stack.Pop().Int64()
- cOff = stack.Pop().Int64()
- l = stack.Pop().Int64()
- )
- if cOff > size {
- cOff = 0
- l = 0
- } else if cOff+l > size {
- l = 0
- }
- code := closure.Script[cOff : cOff+l]
- //fmt.Println("len:", l, "code off:", cOff, "mem off:", mOff)
- mem.Set(mOff, l, code)
- //fmt.Println(Code(mem.Get(mOff, l)))
- case GASPRICE:
- stack.Push(closure.Price)
- // 0x40 range
- case PREVHASH:
- stack.Push(ethutil.BigD(vm.vars.PrevHash))
- case COINBASE:
- stack.Push(ethutil.BigD(vm.vars.Coinbase))
- stack.Push(big.NewInt(vm.vars.Time))
- case NUMBER:
- stack.Push(vm.vars.BlockNumber)
- stack.Push(vm.vars.Diff)
- case GASLIMIT:
- // TODO
- stack.Push(big.NewInt(0))
- // 0x50 range
- a := big.NewInt(int64(op) - int64(PUSH1) + 1)
- pc.Add(pc, ethutil.Big1)
- data := closure.Gets(pc, a)
- val := ethutil.BigD(data.Bytes())
- // Push value to stack
- stack.Push(val)
- pc.Add(pc, a.Sub(a, big.NewInt(1)))
- step += int(op) - int(PUSH1) + 1
- vm.Printf(" => 0x%x", data.Bytes())
- case POP:
- require(1)
- stack.Pop()
- case DUP:
- require(1)
- stack.Push(stack.Peek())
- vm.Printf(" => 0x%x", stack.Peek().Bytes())
- case SWAP:
- require(2)
- x, y := stack.Popn()
- stack.Push(y)
- stack.Push(x)
- case MLOAD:
- require(1)
- offset := stack.Pop()
- val := ethutil.BigD(mem.Get(offset.Int64(), 32))
- stack.Push(val)
- vm.Printf(" => 0x%x", val.Bytes())
- case MSTORE: // Store the value at stack top-1 in to memory at location stack top
- require(2)
- // Pop value of the stack
- val, mStart := stack.Popn()
- mem.Set(mStart.Int64(), 32, ethutil.BigToBytes(val, 256))
- vm.Printf(" => 0x%x", val)
- case MSTORE8:
- require(2)
- val, mStart := stack.Popn()
- //base.And(val, new(big.Int).SetInt64(0xff))
- //mem.Set(mStart.Int64(), 32, ethutil.BigToBytes(base, 256))
- mem.store[mStart.Int64()] = byte(val.Int64() & 0xff)
- vm.Printf(" => 0x%x", val)
- case SLOAD:
- require(1)
- loc := stack.Pop()
- val := closure.GetStorage(loc)
- stack.Push(val.BigInt())
- vm.Printf(" {0x%x : 0x%x}", loc.Bytes(), val.Bytes())
- case SSTORE:
- require(2)
- val, loc := stack.Popn()
- closure.SetStorage(loc, ethutil.NewValue(val))
- // Add the change to manifest
- vm.state.manifest.AddStorageChange(closure.Object(), loc.Bytes(), val)
- vm.Printf(" {0x%x : 0x%x}", loc, val)
- case JUMP:
- require(1)
- pc = stack.Pop()
- // Reduce pc by one because of the increment that's at the end of this for loop
- vm.Printf(" ~> %v", pc).Endl()
- continue
- case JUMPI:
- require(2)
- cond, pos := stack.Popn()
- if cond.Cmp(ethutil.BigTrue) >= 0 {
- pc = pos
- vm.Printf(" ~> %v (t)", pc).Endl()
- continue
- } else {
- vm.Printf(" (f)")
- }
- case PC:
- stack.Push(pc)
- case MSIZE:
- stack.Push(big.NewInt(int64(mem.Len())))
- case GAS:
- stack.Push(closure.Gas)
- // 0x60 range
- case CREATE:
- require(3)
- var (
- err error
- value = stack.Pop()
- size, offset = stack.Popn()
- // Snapshot the current stack so we are able to
- // revert back to it later.
- snapshot = vm.state.Copy()
- )
- // Generate a new address
- addr := ethcrypto.CreateAddress(closure.Address(), closure.N().Uint64())
- for i := uint64(0); vm.state.GetStateObject(addr) != nil; i++ {
- ethcrypto.CreateAddress(closure.Address(), closure.N().Uint64()+i)
- }
- closure.object.Nonce++
- vm.Printf(" (*) %x", addr).Endl()
- // Create a new contract
- contract := vm.state.NewStateObject(addr)
- if contract.Amount.Cmp(value) >= 0 {
- closure.object.SubAmount(value)
- contract.AddAmount(value)
- // Set the init script
- initCode := mem.Get(offset.Int64(), size.Int64())
- //fmt.Printf("%x\n", initCode)
- // Transfer all remaining gas to the new
- // contract so it may run the init script
- gas := new(big.Int).Set(closure.Gas)
- closure.UseGas(closure.Gas)
- // Create the closure
- c := NewClosure(closure, contract, initCode, vm.state, gas, closure.Price)
- // Call the closure and set the return value as
- // main script.
- contract.script, err = Call(vm, c, nil)
- } else {
- err = fmt.Errorf("Insufficient funds to transfer value. Req %v, has %v", value, closure.object.Amount)
- }
- if err != nil {
- stack.Push(ethutil.BigFalse)
- // Revert the state as it was before.
- vm.state.Set(snapshot)
- vm.Printf("CREATE err %v", err)
- } else {
- stack.Push(ethutil.BigD(addr))
- vm.Printf("CREATE success")
- }
- vm.Endl()
- // Debug hook
- if vm.Dbg != nil {
- vm.Dbg.SetCode(closure.Script)
- }
- case CALL:
- require(7)
- vm.Endl()
- gas := stack.Pop()
- // Pop gas and value of the stack.
- value, addr := stack.Popn()
- // Pop input size and offset
- inSize, inOffset := stack.Popn()
- // Pop return size and offset
- retSize, retOffset := stack.Popn()
- // Get the arguments from the memory
- args := mem.Get(inOffset.Int64(), inSize.Int64())
- if closure.object.Amount.Cmp(value) < 0 {
- vmlogger.Debugf("Insufficient funds to transfer value. Req %v, has %v", value, closure.object.Amount)
- closure.ReturnGas(gas, nil, nil)
- stack.Push(ethutil.BigFalse)
- } else {
- snapshot := vm.state.Copy()
- stateObject := vm.state.GetOrNewStateObject(addr.Bytes())
- closure.object.SubAmount(value)
- stateObject.AddAmount(value)
- // Create a new callable closure
- c := NewClosure(closure, stateObject, stateObject.script, vm.state, gas, closure.Price)
- // Executer the closure and get the return value (if any)
- ret, err := Call(vm, c, args)
- if err != nil {
- stack.Push(ethutil.BigFalse)
- vmlogger.Debugf("Closure execution failed. %v\n", err)
- vm.state.Set(snapshot)
- } else {
- stack.Push(ethutil.BigTrue)
- mem.Set(retOffset.Int64(), retSize.Int64(), ret)
- }
- // Debug hook
- if vm.Dbg != nil {
- vm.Dbg.SetCode(closure.Script)
- }
- }
- case RETURN:
- require(2)
- size, offset := stack.Popn()
- ret := mem.Get(offset.Int64(), size.Int64())
- vm.Printf(" => (%d) 0x%x", len(ret), ret).Endl()
- return closure.Return(ret), nil
- case SUICIDE:
- require(1)
- receiver := vm.state.GetOrNewStateObject(stack.Pop().Bytes())
- receiver.AddAmount(closure.object.Amount)
- closure.object.MarkForDeletion()
- fallthrough
- case STOP: // Stop the closure
- vm.Endl()
- return closure.Return(nil), nil
- default:
- vmlogger.Debugf("(pc) %-3v Invalid opcode %x\n", pc, op)
- fmt.Println(Code(closure.Script))
- return closure.Return(nil), fmt.Errorf("Invalid opcode %x", op)
- }
- pc.Add(pc, ethutil.Big1)
- vm.Endl()
- if vm.Dbg != nil {
- for _, instrNo := range vm.Dbg.BreakPoints() {
- if pc.Cmp(big.NewInt(instrNo)) == 0 {
- vm.Stepping = true
- if !vm.Dbg.BreakHook(prevStep, op, mem, stack, closure.Object()) {
- return nil, nil
- }
- } else if vm.Stepping {
- if !vm.Dbg.StepHook(prevStep, op, mem, stack, closure.Object()) {
- return nil, nil
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }