path: root/cmd
diff options
authorobscuren <geffobscura@gmail.com>2015-06-16 01:28:48 +0800
committerobscuren <geffobscura@gmail.com>2015-06-16 01:28:48 +0800
commit5daf8729be88eca87b302ebf7a46fc69cad0f6d0 (patch)
tree0053cb5b84978645b3c83895a651c512e081a183 /cmd
parentbac9a94ddf20dc530966cbf6cd384aaf94aedc77 (diff)
parent4673b04503742de9b1622557b44135d6a4934ad6 (diff)
Merge branch 'release/0.9.30'
Diffstat (limited to 'cmd')
10 files changed, 710 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/cmd/console/admin.go b/cmd/console/admin.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dee88e3a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmd/console/admin.go
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+package main
+node admin bindings
+func (js *jsre) adminBindings() {
diff --git a/cmd/console/contracts.go b/cmd/console/contracts.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1f27838d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmd/console/contracts.go
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+package main
+var (
+ globalRegistrar = `var GlobalRegistrar = web3.eth.contract([{"constant":true,"inputs":[{"name":"_owner","type":"address"}],"name":"name","outputs":[{"name":"o_name","type":"bytes32"}],"type":"function"},{"constant":true,"inputs":[{"name":"_name","type":"bytes32"}],"name":"owner","outputs":[{"name":"","type":"address"}],"type":"function"},{"constant":true,"inputs":[{"name":"_name","type":"bytes32"}],"name":"content","outputs":[{"name":"","type":"bytes32"}],"type":"function"},{"constant":true,"inputs":[{"name":"_name","type":"bytes32"}],"name":"addr","outputs":[{"name":"","type":"address"}],"type":"function"},{"constant":false,"inputs":[{"name":"_name","type":"bytes32"}],"name":"reserve","outputs":[],"type":"function"},{"constant":true,"inputs":[{"name":"_name","type":"bytes32"}],"name":"subRegistrar","outputs":[{"name":"o_subRegistrar","type":"address"}],"type":"function"},{"constant":false,"inputs":[{"name":"_name","type":"bytes32"},{"name":"_newOwner","type":"address"}],"name":"transfer","outputs":[],"type":"function"},{"constant":false,"inputs":[{"name":"_name","type":"bytes32"},{"name":"_registrar","type":"address"}],"name":"setSubRegistrar","outputs":[],"type":"function"},{"constant":false,"inputs":[],"name":"Registrar","outputs":[],"type":"function"},{"constant":false,"inputs":[{"name":"_name","type":"bytes32"},{"name":"_a","type":"address"},{"name":"_primary","type":"bool"}],"name":"setAddress","outputs":[],"type":"function"},{"constant":false,"inputs":[{"name":"_name","type":"bytes32"},{"name":"_content","type":"bytes32"}],"name":"setContent","outputs":[],"type":"function"},{"constant":false,"inputs":[{"name":"_name","type":"bytes32"}],"name":"disown","outputs":[],"type":"function"},{"constant":true,"inputs":[{"name":"_name","type":"bytes32"}],"name":"register","outputs":[{"name":"","type":"address"}],"type":"function"},{"anonymous":false,"inputs":[{"indexed":true,"name":"name","type":"bytes32"}],"name":"Changed","type":"event"},{"anonymous":false,"inputs":[{"indexed":true,"name":"name","type":"bytes32"},{"indexed":true,"name":"addr","type":"address"}],"name":"PrimaryChanged","type":"event"}]);`
+ globalRegistrarAddr = "0xc6d9d2cd449a754c494264e1809c50e34d64562b"
diff --git a/cmd/console/js.go b/cmd/console/js.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a5fdaacc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmd/console/js.go
@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2013-2014, Jeffrey Wilcke. All rights reserved.
+// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
+// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
+// MA 02110-1301 USA
+package main
+import (
+ "bufio"
+ "fmt"
+ "math/big"
+ "os"
+ "os/signal"
+ "path/filepath"
+ "strings"
+ "encoding/json"
+ "sort"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/cmd/utils"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common/docserver"
+ re "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/jsre"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/rpc"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/rpc/api"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/rpc/codec"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/rpc/comms"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/rpc/shared"
+ "github.com/peterh/liner"
+ "github.com/robertkrimen/otto"
+type prompter interface {
+ AppendHistory(string)
+ Prompt(p string) (string, error)
+ PasswordPrompt(p string) (string, error)
+type dumbterm struct{ r *bufio.Reader }
+func (r dumbterm) Prompt(p string) (string, error) {
+ fmt.Print(p)
+ line, err := r.r.ReadString('\n')
+ return strings.TrimSuffix(line, "\n"), err
+func (r dumbterm) PasswordPrompt(p string) (string, error) {
+ fmt.Println("!! Unsupported terminal, password will echo.")
+ fmt.Print(p)
+ input, err := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin).ReadString('\n')
+ fmt.Println()
+ return input, err
+func (r dumbterm) AppendHistory(string) {}
+type jsre struct {
+ re *re.JSRE
+ wait chan *big.Int
+ ps1 string
+ atexit func()
+ datadir string
+ prompter
+var (
+ loadedModulesMethods map[string][]string
+func loadAutoCompletion(js *jsre, ipcpath string) {
+ modules, err := js.suportedApis(ipcpath)
+ if err != nil {
+ utils.Fatalf("Unable to determine supported modules - %v", err)
+ }
+ loadedModulesMethods = make(map[string][]string)
+ for module, _ := range modules {
+ loadedModulesMethods[module] = api.AutoCompletion[module]
+ }
+func keywordCompleter(line string) []string {
+ results := make([]string, 0)
+ if strings.Contains(line, ".") {
+ elements := strings.Split(line, ".")
+ if len(elements) == 2 {
+ module := elements[0]
+ partialMethod := elements[1]
+ if methods, found := loadedModulesMethods[module]; found {
+ for _, method := range methods {
+ if strings.HasPrefix(method, partialMethod) { // e.g. debug.se
+ results = append(results, module+"."+method)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for module, methods := range loadedModulesMethods {
+ if line == module { // user typed in full module name, show all methods
+ for _, method := range methods {
+ results = append(results, module+"."+method)
+ }
+ } else if strings.HasPrefix(module, line) { // partial method name, e.g. admi
+ results = append(results, module)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return results
+func apiWordCompleter(line string, pos int) (head string, completions []string, tail string) {
+ if len(line) == 0 {
+ return "", nil, ""
+ }
+ i := 0
+ for i = pos - 1; i > 0; i-- {
+ if line[i] == '.' || (line[i] >= 'a' && line[i] <= 'z') || (line[i] >= 'A' && line[i] <= 'Z') {
+ continue
+ }
+ if i >= 3 && line[i] == '3' && line[i-3] == 'w' && line[i-2] == 'e' && line[i-1] == 'b' {
+ continue
+ }
+ i += 1
+ break
+ }
+ begin := line[:i]
+ keyword := line[i:pos]
+ end := line[pos:]
+ completionWords := keywordCompleter(keyword)
+ return begin, completionWords, end
+func newJSRE(libPath, ipcpath string) *jsre {
+ js := &jsre{ps1: "> "}
+ js.wait = make(chan *big.Int)
+ // update state in separare forever blocks
+ js.re = re.New(libPath)
+ js.apiBindings(ipcpath)
+ if !liner.TerminalSupported() {
+ js.prompter = dumbterm{bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)}
+ } else {
+ lr := liner.NewLiner()
+ js.withHistory(func(hist *os.File) { lr.ReadHistory(hist) })
+ lr.SetCtrlCAborts(true)
+ loadAutoCompletion(js, ipcpath)
+ lr.SetWordCompleter(apiWordCompleter)
+ lr.SetTabCompletionStyle(liner.TabPrints)
+ js.prompter = lr
+ js.atexit = func() {
+ js.withHistory(func(hist *os.File) { hist.Truncate(0); lr.WriteHistory(hist) })
+ lr.Close()
+ close(js.wait)
+ }
+ }
+ return js
+func (js *jsre) apiBindings(ipcpath string) {
+ ethApi := rpc.NewEthereumApi(nil)
+ jeth := rpc.NewJeth(ethApi, js.re, ipcpath)
+ js.re.Set("jeth", struct{}{})
+ t, _ := js.re.Get("jeth")
+ jethObj := t.Object()
+ jethObj.Set("send", jeth.SendIpc)
+ jethObj.Set("sendAsync", jeth.SendIpc)
+ err := js.re.Compile("bignumber.js", re.BigNumber_JS)
+ if err != nil {
+ utils.Fatalf("Error loading bignumber.js: %v", err)
+ }
+ err = js.re.Compile("ethereum.js", re.Web3_JS)
+ if err != nil {
+ utils.Fatalf("Error loading web3.js: %v", err)
+ }
+ _, err = js.re.Eval("var web3 = require('web3');")
+ if err != nil {
+ utils.Fatalf("Error requiring web3: %v", err)
+ }
+ _, err = js.re.Eval("web3.setProvider(jeth)")
+ if err != nil {
+ utils.Fatalf("Error setting web3 provider: %v", err)
+ }
+ apis, err := js.suportedApis(ipcpath)
+ if err != nil {
+ utils.Fatalf("Unable to determine supported api's: %v", err)
+ }
+ // load only supported API's in javascript runtime
+ shortcuts := "var eth = web3.eth; "
+ for apiName, _ := range apis {
+ if apiName == api.Web3ApiName || apiName == api.EthApiName {
+ continue // manually mapped
+ }
+ if err = js.re.Compile(fmt.Sprintf("%s.js", apiName), api.Javascript(apiName)); err == nil {
+ shortcuts += fmt.Sprintf("var %s = web3.%s; ", apiName, apiName)
+ } else {
+ utils.Fatalf("Error loading %s.js: %v", apiName, err)
+ }
+ }
+ _, err = js.re.Eval(shortcuts)
+ if err != nil {
+ utils.Fatalf("Error setting namespaces: %v", err)
+ }
+ js.re.Eval(globalRegistrar + "registrar = GlobalRegistrar.at(\"" + globalRegistrarAddr + "\");")
+var ds, _ = docserver.New("/")
+func (self *jsre) ConfirmTransaction(tx string) bool {
+ if self.ethereum.NatSpec {
+ notice := natspec.GetNotice(self.xeth, tx, ds)
+ fmt.Println(notice)
+ answer, _ := self.Prompt("Confirm Transaction [y/n]")
+ return strings.HasPrefix(strings.Trim(answer, " "), "y")
+ } else {
+ return true
+ }
+func (self *jsre) UnlockAccount(addr []byte) bool {
+ fmt.Printf("Please unlock account %x.\n", addr)
+ pass, err := self.PasswordPrompt("Passphrase: ")
+ if err != nil {
+ return false
+ }
+ // TODO: allow retry
+ if err := self.ethereum.AccountManager().Unlock(common.BytesToAddress(addr), pass); err != nil {
+ return false
+ } else {
+ fmt.Println("Account is now unlocked for this session.")
+ return true
+ }
+func (self *jsre) exec(filename string) error {
+ if err := self.re.Exec(filename); err != nil {
+ self.re.Stop(false)
+ return fmt.Errorf("Javascript Error: %v", err)
+ }
+ self.re.Stop(true)
+ return nil
+func (self *jsre) suportedApis(ipcpath string) (map[string]string, error) {
+ config := comms.IpcConfig{
+ Endpoint: ipcpath,
+ }
+ client, err := comms.NewIpcClient(config, codec.JSON)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ req := shared.Request{
+ Id: 1,
+ Jsonrpc: "2.0",
+ Method: "modules",
+ }
+ err = client.Send(req)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ res, err := client.Recv()
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ if sucRes, ok := res.(shared.SuccessResponse); ok {
+ data, _ := json.Marshal(sucRes.Result)
+ apis := make(map[string]string)
+ err = json.Unmarshal(data, &apis)
+ if err == nil {
+ return apis, nil
+ }
+ }
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to determine supported API's")
+// show summary of current geth instance
+func (self *jsre) welcome(ipcpath string) {
+ self.re.Eval(`console.log('instance: ' + web3.version.client);`)
+ self.re.Eval(`console.log(' datadir: ' + admin.datadir);`)
+ self.re.Eval(`console.log("coinbase: " + eth.coinbase);`)
+ self.re.Eval(`var lastBlockTimestamp = 1000 * eth.getBlock(eth.blockNumber).timestamp`)
+ self.re.Eval(`console.log("at block: " + eth.blockNumber + " (" + new Date(lastBlockTimestamp).toLocaleDateString()
+ + " " + new Date(lastBlockTimestamp).toLocaleTimeString() + ")");`)
+ if modules, err := self.suportedApis(ipcpath); err == nil {
+ loadedModules := make([]string, 0)
+ for api, version := range modules {
+ loadedModules = append(loadedModules, fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", api, version))
+ }
+ sort.Strings(loadedModules)
+ self.re.Eval(fmt.Sprintf("var modules = '%s';", strings.Join(loadedModules, " ")))
+ self.re.Eval(`console.log(" modules: " + modules);`)
+ }
+func (self *jsre) interactive() {
+ // Read input lines.
+ prompt := make(chan string)
+ inputln := make(chan string)
+ go func() {
+ defer close(inputln)
+ for {
+ line, err := self.Prompt(<-prompt)
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ inputln <- line
+ }
+ }()
+ // Wait for Ctrl-C, too.
+ sig := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
+ signal.Notify(sig, os.Interrupt)
+ defer func() {
+ if self.atexit != nil {
+ self.atexit()
+ }
+ self.re.Stop(false)
+ }()
+ for {
+ prompt <- self.ps1
+ select {
+ case <-sig:
+ fmt.Println("caught interrupt, exiting")
+ return
+ case input, ok := <-inputln:
+ if !ok || indentCount <= 0 && input == "exit" {
+ return
+ }
+ if input == "" {
+ continue
+ }
+ str += input + "\n"
+ self.setIndent()
+ if indentCount <= 0 {
+ hist := str[:len(str)-1]
+ self.AppendHistory(hist)
+ self.parseInput(str)
+ str = ""
+ }
+ }
+ }
+func (self *jsre) withHistory(op func(*os.File)) {
+ hist, err := os.OpenFile(filepath.Join(self.datadir, "history"), os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, os.ModePerm)
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Printf("unable to open history file: %v\n", err)
+ return
+ }
+ op(hist)
+ hist.Close()
+func (self *jsre) parseInput(code string) {
+ defer func() {
+ if r := recover(); r != nil {
+ fmt.Println("[native] error", r)
+ }
+ }()
+ value, err := self.re.Run(code)
+ if err != nil {
+ if ottoErr, ok := err.(*otto.Error); ok {
+ fmt.Println(ottoErr.String())
+ } else {
+ fmt.Println(err)
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ self.printValue(value)
+var indentCount = 0
+var str = ""
+func (self *jsre) setIndent() {
+ open := strings.Count(str, "{")
+ open += strings.Count(str, "(")
+ closed := strings.Count(str, "}")
+ closed += strings.Count(str, ")")
+ indentCount = open - closed
+ if indentCount <= 0 {
+ self.ps1 = "> "
+ } else {
+ self.ps1 = strings.Join(make([]string, indentCount*2), "..")
+ self.ps1 += " "
+ }
+func (self *jsre) printValue(v interface{}) {
+ val, err := self.re.PrettyPrint(v)
+ if err == nil {
+ fmt.Printf("%v", val)
+ }
diff --git a/cmd/console/main.go b/cmd/console/main.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e8dd412ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmd/console/main.go
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+ This file is part of go-ethereum
+ go-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ go-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with go-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * @authors
+ * Jeffrey Wilcke <i@jev.io>
+ */
+package main
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+ "os"
+ "github.com/codegangsta/cli"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/cmd/utils"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/logger"
+ "github.com/mattn/go-colorable"
+ "github.com/mattn/go-isatty"
+const (
+ ClientIdentifier = "Geth console"
+ Version = "0.9.27"
+var (
+ gitCommit string // set via linker flag
+ nodeNameVersion string
+ app = utils.NewApp(Version, "the ether console")
+func init() {
+ if gitCommit == "" {
+ nodeNameVersion = Version
+ } else {
+ nodeNameVersion = Version + "-" + gitCommit[:8]
+ }
+ app.Action = run
+ app.Flags = []cli.Flag{
+ utils.IPCPathFlag,
+ utils.VerbosityFlag,
+ utils.JSpathFlag,
+ }
+ app.Before = func(ctx *cli.Context) error {
+ utils.SetupLogger(ctx)
+ return nil
+ }
+func main() {
+ // Wrap the standard output with a colorified stream (windows)
+ if isatty.IsTerminal(os.Stdout.Fd()) {
+ if pr, pw, err := os.Pipe(); err == nil {
+ go io.Copy(colorable.NewColorableStdout(), pr)
+ os.Stdout = pw
+ }
+ }
+ var interrupted = false
+ utils.RegisterInterrupt(func(os.Signal) {
+ interrupted = true
+ })
+ utils.HandleInterrupt()
+ if err := app.Run(os.Args); err != nil {
+ fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Error: ", err)
+ }
+ // we need to run the interrupt callbacks in case gui is closed
+ // this skips if we got here by actual interrupt stopping the GUI
+ if !interrupted {
+ utils.RunInterruptCallbacks(os.Interrupt)
+ }
+ logger.Flush()
+func run(ctx *cli.Context) {
+ jspath := ctx.GlobalString(utils.JSpathFlag.Name)
+ ipcpath := utils.IpcSocketPath(ctx)
+ repl := newJSRE(jspath, ipcpath)
+ repl.welcome(ipcpath)
+ repl.interactive()
diff --git a/cmd/evm/main.go b/cmd/evm/main.go
index 561f1a943..7c9d27fac 100644
--- a/cmd/evm/main.go
+++ b/cmd/evm/main.go
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ func main() {
logger.AddLogSystem(logger.NewStdLogSystem(os.Stdout, log.LstdFlags, logger.LogLevel(*loglevel)))
+ vm.Debug = true
db, _ := ethdb.NewMemDatabase()
statedb := state.New(common.Hash{}, db)
sender := statedb.CreateAccount(common.StringToAddress("sender"))
@@ -80,6 +81,8 @@ func main() {
+ vm.StdErrFormat(vmenv.StructLogs())
var mem runtime.MemStats
fmt.Printf("vm took %v\n", time.Since(tstart))
@@ -104,6 +107,7 @@ type VMEnv struct {
depth int
Gas *big.Int
time int64
+ logs []vm.StructLog
func NewEnv(state *state.StateDB, transactor common.Address, value *big.Int) *VMEnv {
@@ -133,6 +137,12 @@ func (self *VMEnv) GetHash(n uint64) common.Hash {
return common.Hash{}
+func (self *VMEnv) AddStructLog(log vm.StructLog) {
+ self.logs = append(self.logs, log)
+func (self *VMEnv) StructLogs() []vm.StructLog {
+ return self.logs
func (self *VMEnv) AddLog(log *state.Log) {
diff --git a/cmd/geth/admin.go b/cmd/geth/admin.go
index 13d10de32..33ef69792 100644
--- a/cmd/geth/admin.go
+++ b/cmd/geth/admin.go
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ func (js *jsre) adminBindings() {
admin.Set("import", js.importChain)
admin.Set("export", js.exportChain)
admin.Set("verbosity", js.verbosity)
- admin.Set("progress", js.downloadProgress)
+ admin.Set("progress", js.syncProgress)
admin.Set("setSolc", js.setSolc)
admin.Set("contractInfo", struct{}{})
@@ -271,9 +271,12 @@ func (js *jsre) debugBlock(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
tstart := time.Now()
old := vm.Debug
- vm.Debug = true
+ if len(call.ArgumentList) > 1 {
+ vm.Debug, _ = call.Argument(1).ToBoolean()
+ }
_, err = js.ethereum.BlockProcessor().RetryProcess(block)
if err != nil {
@@ -324,9 +327,14 @@ func (js *jsre) setHead(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
return otto.UndefinedValue()
-func (js *jsre) downloadProgress(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
- pending, cached := js.ethereum.Downloader().Stats()
- v, _ := call.Otto.ToValue(map[string]interface{}{"pending": pending, "cached": cached})
+func (js *jsre) syncProgress(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
+ pending, cached, importing, eta := js.ethereum.Downloader().Stats()
+ v, _ := call.Otto.ToValue(map[string]interface{}{
+ "pending": pending,
+ "cached": cached,
+ "importing": importing,
+ "estimate": (eta / time.Second * time.Second).String(),
+ })
return v
diff --git a/cmd/geth/js.go b/cmd/geth/js.go
index 706bc6554..7e6e10ca9 100644
--- a/cmd/geth/js.go
+++ b/cmd/geth/js.go
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ type jsre struct {
-func newJSRE(ethereum *eth.Ethereum, libPath, corsDomain string, interactive bool, f xeth.Frontend) *jsre {
+func newJSRE(ethereum *eth.Ethereum, libPath, corsDomain, ipcpath string, interactive bool, f xeth.Frontend) *jsre {
js := &jsre{ethereum: ethereum, ps1: "> "}
// set default cors domain used by startRpc from CLI flag
js.corsDomain = corsDomain
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ func newJSRE(ethereum *eth.Ethereum, libPath, corsDomain string, interactive boo
js.wait = js.xeth.UpdateState()
// update state in separare forever blocks
js.re = re.New(libPath)
- js.apiBindings(f)
+ js.apiBindings(ipcpath, f)
if !liner.TerminalSupported() || !interactive {
@@ -103,14 +103,15 @@ func newJSRE(ethereum *eth.Ethereum, libPath, corsDomain string, interactive boo
return js
-func (js *jsre) apiBindings(f xeth.Frontend) {
+func (js *jsre) apiBindings(ipcpath string, f xeth.Frontend) {
xe := xeth.New(js.ethereum, f)
ethApi := rpc.NewEthereumApi(xe)
- jeth := rpc.NewJeth(ethApi, js.re)
+ jeth := rpc.NewJeth(ethApi, js.re, ipcpath)
js.re.Set("jeth", struct{}{})
t, _ := js.re.Get("jeth")
jethObj := t.Object()
jethObj.Set("send", jeth.Send)
jethObj.Set("sendAsync", jeth.Send)
@@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ func (js *jsre) apiBindings(f xeth.Frontend) {
utils.Fatalf("Error loading bignumber.js: %v", err)
- err = js.re.Compile("ethereum.js", re.Ethereum_JS)
+ err = js.re.Compile("ethereum.js", re.Web3_JS)
if err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("Error loading ethereum.js: %v", err)
diff --git a/cmd/geth/js_test.go b/cmd/geth/js_test.go
index e7285a38d..20bde01f3 100644
--- a/cmd/geth/js_test.go
+++ b/cmd/geth/js_test.go
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ func testJEthRE(t *testing.T) (string, *testjethre, *eth.Ethereum) {
t.Errorf("Error creating DocServer: %v", err)
tf := &testjethre{ds: ds, stateDb: ethereum.ChainManager().State().Copy()}
- repl := newJSRE(ethereum, assetPath, "", false, tf)
+ repl := newJSRE(ethereum, assetPath, "", "", false, tf)
tf.jsre = repl
return tmp, tf, ethereum
diff --git a/cmd/geth/main.go b/cmd/geth/main.go
index 86868e20b..5ea670f20 100644
--- a/cmd/geth/main.go
+++ b/cmd/geth/main.go
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ import (
const (
ClientIdentifier = "Geth"
- Version = "0.9.28"
+ Version = "0.9.30"
var (
@@ -239,6 +239,9 @@ JavaScript API. See https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/wiki/Javascipt-Conso
+ utils.IPCDisabledFlag,
+ utils.IPCApiFlag,
+ utils.IPCPathFlag,
@@ -253,6 +256,12 @@ JavaScript API. See https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/wiki/Javascipt-Conso
+ utils.GpoMinGasPriceFlag,
+ utils.GpoMaxGasPriceFlag,
+ utils.GpoFullBlockRatioFlag,
+ utils.GpobaseStepDownFlag,
+ utils.GpobaseStepUpFlag,
+ utils.GpobaseCorrectionFactorFlag,
app.Before = func(ctx *cli.Context) error {
@@ -305,6 +314,7 @@ func console(ctx *cli.Context) {
+ utils.IpcSocketPath(ctx),
@@ -326,6 +336,7 @@ func execJSFiles(ctx *cli.Context) {
+ utils.IpcSocketPath(ctx),
@@ -382,6 +393,11 @@ func startEth(ctx *cli.Context, eth *eth.Ethereum) {
// Start auxiliary services if enabled.
+ if !ctx.GlobalBool(utils.IPCDisabledFlag.Name) {
+ if err := utils.StartIPC(eth, ctx); err != nil {
+ utils.Fatalf("Error string IPC: %v", err)
+ }
+ }
if ctx.GlobalBool(utils.RPCEnabledFlag.Name) {
if err := utils.StartRPC(eth, ctx); err != nil {
utils.Fatalf("Error starting RPC: %v", err)
diff --git a/cmd/utils/flags.go b/cmd/utils/flags.go
index ab7eaf023..696dbd142 100644
--- a/cmd/utils/flags.go
+++ b/cmd/utils/flags.go
@@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ import (
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/rpc/api"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/rpc/codec"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/rpc/comms"
@@ -129,7 +132,7 @@ var (
GasPriceFlag = cli.StringFlag{
Name: "gasprice",
Usage: "Sets the minimal gasprice when mining transactions",
- Value: new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(10), common.Szabo).String(),
+ Value: new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(1), common.Szabo).String(),
UnlockedAccountFlag = cli.StringFlag{
@@ -206,6 +209,20 @@ var (
Usage: "Domain on which to send Access-Control-Allow-Origin header",
Value: "",
+ IPCDisabledFlag = cli.BoolFlag{
+ Name: "ipcdisable",
+ Usage: "Disable the IPC-RPC server",
+ }
+ IPCApiFlag = cli.StringFlag{
+ Name: "ipcapi",
+ Usage: "Specify the API's which are offered over this interface",
+ Value: api.DefaultIpcApis,
+ }
+ IPCPathFlag = DirectoryFlag{
+ Name: "ipcpath",
+ Usage: "Filename for IPC socket/pipe",
+ Value: DirectoryString{common.DefaultIpcPath()},
+ }
// Network Settings
MaxPeersFlag = cli.IntFlag{
Name: "maxpeers",
@@ -259,6 +276,36 @@ var (
Usage: "solidity compiler to be used",
Value: "solc",
+ GpoMinGasPriceFlag = cli.StringFlag{
+ Name: "gpomin",
+ Usage: "Minimum suggested gas price",
+ Value: new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(1), common.Szabo).String(),
+ }
+ GpoMaxGasPriceFlag = cli.StringFlag{
+ Name: "gpomax",
+ Usage: "Maximum suggested gas price",
+ Value: new(big.Int).Mul(big.NewInt(100), common.Szabo).String(),
+ }
+ GpoFullBlockRatioFlag = cli.IntFlag{
+ Name: "gpofull",
+ Usage: "Full block threshold for gas price calculation (%)",
+ Value: 80,
+ }
+ GpobaseStepDownFlag = cli.IntFlag{
+ Name: "gpobasedown",
+ Usage: "Suggested gas price base step down ratio (1/1000)",
+ Value: 10,
+ }
+ GpobaseStepUpFlag = cli.IntFlag{
+ Name: "gpobaseup",
+ Usage: "Suggested gas price base step up ratio (1/1000)",
+ Value: 100,
+ }
+ GpobaseCorrectionFactorFlag = cli.IntFlag{
+ Name: "gpobasecf",
+ Usage: "Suggested gas price base correction factor (%)",
+ Value: 110,
+ }
// MakeNAT creates a port mapper from set command line flags.
@@ -296,33 +343,39 @@ func MakeEthConfig(clientID, version string, ctx *cli.Context) *eth.Config {
clientID += "/" + customName
return &eth.Config{
- Name: common.MakeName(clientID, version),
- DataDir: ctx.GlobalString(DataDirFlag.Name),
- ProtocolVersion: ctx.GlobalInt(ProtocolVersionFlag.Name),
- GenesisNonce: ctx.GlobalInt(GenesisNonceFlag.Name),
- BlockChainVersion: ctx.GlobalInt(BlockchainVersionFlag.Name),
- SkipBcVersionCheck: false,
- NetworkId: ctx.GlobalInt(NetworkIdFlag.Name),
- LogFile: ctx.GlobalString(LogFileFlag.Name),
- Verbosity: ctx.GlobalInt(VerbosityFlag.Name),
- LogJSON: ctx.GlobalString(LogJSONFlag.Name),
- Etherbase: ctx.GlobalString(EtherbaseFlag.Name),
- MinerThreads: ctx.GlobalInt(MinerThreadsFlag.Name),
- AccountManager: MakeAccountManager(ctx),
- VmDebug: ctx.GlobalBool(VMDebugFlag.Name),
- MaxPeers: ctx.GlobalInt(MaxPeersFlag.Name),
- MaxPendingPeers: ctx.GlobalInt(MaxPendingPeersFlag.Name),
- Port: ctx.GlobalString(ListenPortFlag.Name),
- NAT: MakeNAT(ctx),
- NatSpec: ctx.GlobalBool(NatspecEnabledFlag.Name),
- Discovery: !ctx.GlobalBool(NoDiscoverFlag.Name),
- NodeKey: MakeNodeKey(ctx),
- Shh: ctx.GlobalBool(WhisperEnabledFlag.Name),
- Dial: true,
- BootNodes: ctx.GlobalString(BootnodesFlag.Name),
- GasPrice: common.String2Big(ctx.GlobalString(GasPriceFlag.Name)),
- SolcPath: ctx.GlobalString(SolcPathFlag.Name),
- AutoDAG: ctx.GlobalBool(AutoDAGFlag.Name) || ctx.GlobalBool(MiningEnabledFlag.Name),
+ Name: common.MakeName(clientID, version),
+ DataDir: ctx.GlobalString(DataDirFlag.Name),
+ ProtocolVersion: ctx.GlobalInt(ProtocolVersionFlag.Name),
+ GenesisNonce: ctx.GlobalInt(GenesisNonceFlag.Name),
+ BlockChainVersion: ctx.GlobalInt(BlockchainVersionFlag.Name),
+ SkipBcVersionCheck: false,
+ NetworkId: ctx.GlobalInt(NetworkIdFlag.Name),
+ LogFile: ctx.GlobalString(LogFileFlag.Name),
+ Verbosity: ctx.GlobalInt(VerbosityFlag.Name),
+ LogJSON: ctx.GlobalString(LogJSONFlag.Name),
+ Etherbase: ctx.GlobalString(EtherbaseFlag.Name),
+ MinerThreads: ctx.GlobalInt(MinerThreadsFlag.Name),
+ AccountManager: MakeAccountManager(ctx),
+ VmDebug: ctx.GlobalBool(VMDebugFlag.Name),
+ MaxPeers: ctx.GlobalInt(MaxPeersFlag.Name),
+ MaxPendingPeers: ctx.GlobalInt(MaxPendingPeersFlag.Name),
+ Port: ctx.GlobalString(ListenPortFlag.Name),
+ NAT: MakeNAT(ctx),
+ NatSpec: ctx.GlobalBool(NatspecEnabledFlag.Name),
+ Discovery: !ctx.GlobalBool(NoDiscoverFlag.Name),
+ NodeKey: MakeNodeKey(ctx),
+ Shh: ctx.GlobalBool(WhisperEnabledFlag.Name),
+ Dial: true,
+ BootNodes: ctx.GlobalString(BootnodesFlag.Name),
+ GasPrice: common.String2Big(ctx.GlobalString(GasPriceFlag.Name)),
+ GpoMinGasPrice: common.String2Big(ctx.GlobalString(GpoMinGasPriceFlag.Name)),
+ GpoMaxGasPrice: common.String2Big(ctx.GlobalString(GpoMaxGasPriceFlag.Name)),
+ GpoFullBlockRatio: ctx.GlobalInt(GpoFullBlockRatioFlag.Name),
+ GpobaseStepDown: ctx.GlobalInt(GpobaseStepDownFlag.Name),
+ GpobaseStepUp: ctx.GlobalInt(GpobaseStepUpFlag.Name),
+ GpobaseCorrectionFactor: ctx.GlobalInt(GpobaseCorrectionFactorFlag.Name),
+ SolcPath: ctx.GlobalString(SolcPathFlag.Name),
+ AutoDAG: ctx.GlobalBool(AutoDAGFlag.Name) || ctx.GlobalBool(MiningEnabledFlag.Name),
@@ -368,6 +421,41 @@ func MakeAccountManager(ctx *cli.Context) *accounts.Manager {
return accounts.NewManager(ks)
+func IpcSocketPath(ctx *cli.Context) (ipcpath string) {
+ if common.IsWindows() {
+ ipcpath = common.DefaultIpcPath()
+ if ipcpath != ctx.GlobalString(IPCPathFlag.Name) {
+ ipcpath = ctx.GlobalString(IPCPathFlag.Name)
+ }
+ } else {
+ ipcpath = common.DefaultIpcPath()
+ if ctx.GlobalString(IPCPathFlag.Name) != common.DefaultIpcPath() {
+ ipcpath = ctx.GlobalString(IPCPathFlag.Name)
+ } else if ctx.GlobalString(DataDirFlag.Name) != "" &&
+ ctx.GlobalString(DataDirFlag.Name) != common.DefaultDataDir() {
+ ipcpath = filepath.Join(ctx.GlobalString(DataDirFlag.Name), "geth.ipc")
+ }
+ }
+ return
+func StartIPC(eth *eth.Ethereum, ctx *cli.Context) error {
+ config := comms.IpcConfig{
+ Endpoint: IpcSocketPath(ctx),
+ }
+ xeth := xeth.New(eth, nil)
+ codec := codec.JSON
+ apis, err := api.ParseApiString(ctx.GlobalString(IPCApiFlag.Name), codec, xeth, eth)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return comms.StartIpc(config, codec, apis...)
func StartRPC(eth *eth.Ethereum, ctx *cli.Context) error {
config := rpc.RpcConfig{
ListenAddress: ctx.GlobalString(RPCListenAddrFlag.Name),