diff options
authorJeffrey Wilcke <jeffrey@ethereum.org>2015-06-30 06:44:23 +0800
committerJeffrey Wilcke <jeffrey@ethereum.org>2015-06-30 06:44:23 +0800
commit7c4ed8055cc036214279e3ebded74c58d6808d05 (patch)
parent9d8b512b27f691fc1980b850e04eb436a3938626 (diff)
parent992e4f83cb05946fa53132a9184d4ac3f38b62bc (diff)
Merge pull request #1357 from obscuren/core-optimisations-2
core: optimisations
41 files changed, 2277 insertions, 1404 deletions
diff --git a/Godeps/Godeps.json b/Godeps/Godeps.json
index ce4e8753a..c01655894 100644
--- a/Godeps/Godeps.json
+++ b/Godeps/Godeps.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"ImportPath": "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum",
- "GoVersion": "go1.4.2",
+ "GoVersion": "go1.4",
"Packages": [
@@ -29,6 +29,11 @@
"Rev": "bab8dce01c193d82bc04888a0a9a7814d505f532"
+ "ImportPath": "github.com/howeyc/fsnotify",
+ "Comment": "v0.9.0-11-g6b1ef89",
+ "Rev": "6b1ef893dc11e0447abda6da20a5203481878dda"
+ },
+ {
"ImportPath": "github.com/huin/goupnp",
"Rev": "5cff77a69fb22f5f1774c4451ea2aab63d4d2f20"
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/.gitignore b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..836562412
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Compiled Object files, Static and Dynamic libs (Shared Objects)
+# Folders
+# Architecture specific extensions/prefixes
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/LICENSE b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..be2cc4dfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+Mozilla Public License, version 2.0
+1. Definitions
+1.1. "Contributor"
+ means each individual or legal entity that creates, contributes to the
+ creation of, or owns Covered Software.
+1.2. "Contributor Version"
+ means the combination of the Contributions of others (if any) used by a
+ Contributor and that particular Contributor's Contribution.
+1.3. "Contribution"
+ means Covered Software of a particular Contributor.
+1.4. "Covered Software"
+ means Source Code Form to which the initial Contributor has attached the
+ notice in Exhibit A, the Executable Form of such Source Code Form, and
+ Modifications of such Source Code Form, in each case including portions
+ thereof.
+1.5. "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses"
+ means
+ a. that the initial Contributor has attached the notice described in
+ Exhibit B to the Covered Software; or
+ b. that the Covered Software was made available under the terms of
+ version 1.1 or earlier of the License, but not also under the terms of
+ a Secondary License.
+1.6. "Executable Form"
+ means any form of the work other than Source Code Form.
+1.7. "Larger Work"
+ means a work that combines Covered Software with other material, in a
+ separate file or files, that is not Covered Software.
+1.8. "License"
+ means this document.
+1.9. "Licensable"
+ means having the right to grant, to the maximum extent possible, whether
+ at the time of the initial grant or subsequently, any and all of the
+ rights conveyed by this License.
+1.10. "Modifications"
+ means any of the following:
+ a. any file in Source Code Form that results from an addition to,
+ deletion from, or modification of the contents of Covered Software; or
+ b. any new file in Source Code Form that contains any Covered Software.
+1.11. "Patent Claims" of a Contributor
+ means any patent claim(s), including without limitation, method,
+ process, and apparatus claims, in any patent Licensable by such
+ Contributor that would be infringed, but for the grant of the License,
+ by the making, using, selling, offering for sale, having made, import,
+ or transfer of either its Contributions or its Contributor Version.
+1.12. "Secondary License"
+ means either the GNU General Public License, Version 2.0, the GNU Lesser
+ General Public License, Version 2.1, the GNU Affero General Public
+ License, Version 3.0, or any later versions of those licenses.
+1.13. "Source Code Form"
+ means the form of the work preferred for making modifications.
+1.14. "You" (or "Your")
+ means an individual or a legal entity exercising rights under this
+ License. For legal entities, "You" includes any entity that controls, is
+ controlled by, or is under common control with You. For purposes of this
+ definition, "control" means (a) the power, direct or indirect, to cause
+ the direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
+ otherwise, or (b) ownership of more than fifty percent (50%) of the
+ outstanding shares or beneficial ownership of such entity.
+2. License Grants and Conditions
+2.1. Grants
+ Each Contributor hereby grants You a world-wide, royalty-free,
+ non-exclusive license:
+ a. under intellectual property rights (other than patent or trademark)
+ Licensable by such Contributor to use, reproduce, make available,
+ modify, display, perform, distribute, and otherwise exploit its
+ Contributions, either on an unmodified basis, with Modifications, or
+ as part of a Larger Work; and
+ b. under Patent Claims of such Contributor to make, use, sell, offer for
+ sale, have made, import, and otherwise transfer either its
+ Contributions or its Contributor Version.
+2.2. Effective Date
+ The licenses granted in Section 2.1 with respect to any Contribution
+ become effective for each Contribution on the date the Contributor first
+ distributes such Contribution.
+2.3. Limitations on Grant Scope
+ The licenses granted in this Section 2 are the only rights granted under
+ this License. No additional rights or licenses will be implied from the
+ distribution or licensing of Covered Software under this License.
+ Notwithstanding Section 2.1(b) above, no patent license is granted by a
+ Contributor:
+ a. for any code that a Contributor has removed from Covered Software; or
+ b. for infringements caused by: (i) Your and any other third party's
+ modifications of Covered Software, or (ii) the combination of its
+ Contributions with other software (except as part of its Contributor
+ Version); or
+ c. under Patent Claims infringed by Covered Software in the absence of
+ its Contributions.
+ This License does not grant any rights in the trademarks, service marks,
+ or logos of any Contributor (except as may be necessary to comply with
+ the notice requirements in Section 3.4).
+2.4. Subsequent Licenses
+ No Contributor makes additional grants as a result of Your choice to
+ distribute the Covered Software under a subsequent version of this
+ License (see Section 10.2) or under the terms of a Secondary License (if
+ permitted under the terms of Section 3.3).
+2.5. Representation
+ Each Contributor represents that the Contributor believes its
+ Contributions are its original creation(s) or it has sufficient rights to
+ grant the rights to its Contributions conveyed by this License.
+2.6. Fair Use
+ This License is not intended to limit any rights You have under
+ applicable copyright doctrines of fair use, fair dealing, or other
+ equivalents.
+2.7. Conditions
+ Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 are conditions of the licenses granted in
+ Section 2.1.
+3. Responsibilities
+3.1. Distribution of Source Form
+ All distribution of Covered Software in Source Code Form, including any
+ Modifications that You create or to which You contribute, must be under
+ the terms of this License. You must inform recipients that the Source
+ Code Form of the Covered Software is governed by the terms of this
+ License, and how they can obtain a copy of this License. You may not
+ attempt to alter or restrict the recipients' rights in the Source Code
+ Form.
+3.2. Distribution of Executable Form
+ If You distribute Covered Software in Executable Form then:
+ a. such Covered Software must also be made available in Source Code Form,
+ as described in Section 3.1, and You must inform recipients of the
+ Executable Form how they can obtain a copy of such Source Code Form by
+ reasonable means in a timely manner, at a charge no more than the cost
+ of distribution to the recipient; and
+ b. You may distribute such Executable Form under the terms of this
+ License, or sublicense it under different terms, provided that the
+ license for the Executable Form does not attempt to limit or alter the
+ recipients' rights in the Source Code Form under this License.
+3.3. Distribution of a Larger Work
+ You may create and distribute a Larger Work under terms of Your choice,
+ provided that You also comply with the requirements of this License for
+ the Covered Software. If the Larger Work is a combination of Covered
+ Software with a work governed by one or more Secondary Licenses, and the
+ Covered Software is not Incompatible With Secondary Licenses, this
+ License permits You to additionally distribute such Covered Software
+ under the terms of such Secondary License(s), so that the recipient of
+ the Larger Work may, at their option, further distribute the Covered
+ Software under the terms of either this License or such Secondary
+ License(s).
+3.4. Notices
+ You may not remove or alter the substance of any license notices
+ (including copyright notices, patent notices, disclaimers of warranty, or
+ limitations of liability) contained within the Source Code Form of the
+ Covered Software, except that You may alter any license notices to the
+ extent required to remedy known factual inaccuracies.
+3.5. Application of Additional Terms
+ You may choose to offer, and to charge a fee for, warranty, support,
+ indemnity or liability obligations to one or more recipients of Covered
+ Software. However, You may do so only on Your own behalf, and not on
+ behalf of any Contributor. You must make it absolutely clear that any
+ such warranty, support, indemnity, or liability obligation is offered by
+ You alone, and You hereby agree to indemnify every Contributor for any
+ liability incurred by such Contributor as a result of warranty, support,
+ indemnity or liability terms You offer. You may include additional
+ disclaimers of warranty and limitations of liability specific to any
+ jurisdiction.
+4. Inability to Comply Due to Statute or Regulation
+ If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License
+ with respect to some or all of the Covered Software due to statute,
+ judicial order, or regulation then You must: (a) comply with the terms of
+ this License to the maximum extent possible; and (b) describe the
+ limitations and the code they affect. Such description must be placed in a
+ text file included with all distributions of the Covered Software under
+ this License. Except to the extent prohibited by statute or regulation,
+ such description must be sufficiently detailed for a recipient of ordinary
+ skill to be able to understand it.
+5. Termination
+5.1. The rights granted under this License will terminate automatically if You
+ fail to comply with any of its terms. However, if You become compliant,
+ then the rights granted under this License from a particular Contributor
+ are reinstated (a) provisionally, unless and until such Contributor
+ explicitly and finally terminates Your grants, and (b) on an ongoing
+ basis, if such Contributor fails to notify You of the non-compliance by
+ some reasonable means prior to 60 days after You have come back into
+ compliance. Moreover, Your grants from a particular Contributor are
+ reinstated on an ongoing basis if such Contributor notifies You of the
+ non-compliance by some reasonable means, this is the first time You have
+ received notice of non-compliance with this License from such
+ Contributor, and You become compliant prior to 30 days after Your receipt
+ of the notice.
+5.2. If You initiate litigation against any entity by asserting a patent
+ infringement claim (excluding declaratory judgment actions,
+ counter-claims, and cross-claims) alleging that a Contributor Version
+ directly or indirectly infringes any patent, then the rights granted to
+ You by any and all Contributors for the Covered Software under Section
+ 2.1 of this License shall terminate.
+5.3. In the event of termination under Sections 5.1 or 5.2 above, all end user
+ license agreements (excluding distributors and resellers) which have been
+ validly granted by You or Your distributors under this License prior to
+ termination shall survive termination.
+6. Disclaimer of Warranty
+ Covered Software is provided under this License on an "as is" basis,
+ without warranty of any kind, either expressed, implied, or statutory,
+ including, without limitation, warranties that the Covered Software is free
+ of defects, merchantable, fit for a particular purpose or non-infringing.
+ The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the Covered Software
+ is with You. Should any Covered Software prove defective in any respect,
+ You (not any Contributor) assume the cost of any necessary servicing,
+ repair, or correction. This disclaimer of warranty constitutes an essential
+ part of this License. No use of any Covered Software is authorized under
+ this License except under this disclaimer.
+7. Limitation of Liability
+ Under no circumstances and under no legal theory, whether tort (including
+ negligence), contract, or otherwise, shall any Contributor, or anyone who
+ distributes Covered Software as permitted above, be liable to You for any
+ direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any
+ character including, without limitation, damages for lost profits, loss of
+ goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
+ other commercial damages or losses, even if such party shall have been
+ informed of the possibility of such damages. This limitation of liability
+ shall not apply to liability for death or personal injury resulting from
+ such party's negligence to the extent applicable law prohibits such
+ limitation. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of
+ incidental or consequential damages, so this exclusion and limitation may
+ not apply to You.
+8. Litigation
+ Any litigation relating to this License may be brought only in the courts
+ of a jurisdiction where the defendant maintains its principal place of
+ business and such litigation shall be governed by laws of that
+ jurisdiction, without reference to its conflict-of-law provisions. Nothing
+ in this Section shall prevent a party's ability to bring cross-claims or
+ counter-claims.
+9. Miscellaneous
+ This License represents the complete agreement concerning the subject
+ matter hereof. If any provision of this License is held to be
+ unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
+ necessary to make it enforceable. Any law or regulation which provides that
+ the language of a contract shall be construed against the drafter shall not
+ be used to construe this License against a Contributor.
+10. Versions of the License
+10.1. New Versions
+ Mozilla Foundation is the license steward. Except as provided in Section
+ 10.3, no one other than the license steward has the right to modify or
+ publish new versions of this License. Each version will be given a
+ distinguishing version number.
+10.2. Effect of New Versions
+ You may distribute the Covered Software under the terms of the version
+ of the License under which You originally received the Covered Software,
+ or under the terms of any subsequent version published by the license
+ steward.
+10.3. Modified Versions
+ If you create software not governed by this License, and you want to
+ create a new license for such software, you may create and use a
+ modified version of this License if you rename the license and remove
+ any references to the name of the license steward (except to note that
+ such modified license differs from this License).
+10.4. Distributing Source Code Form that is Incompatible With Secondary
+ Licenses If You choose to distribute Source Code Form that is
+ Incompatible With Secondary Licenses under the terms of this version of
+ the License, the notice described in Exhibit B of this License must be
+ attached.
+Exhibit A - Source Code Form License Notice
+ This Source Code Form is subject to the
+ terms of the Mozilla Public License, v.
+ 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not
+ distributed with this file, You can
+ obtain one at
+ http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+If it is not possible or desirable to put the notice in a particular file,
+then You may include the notice in a location (such as a LICENSE file in a
+relevant directory) where a recipient would be likely to look for such a
+You may add additional accurate notices of copyright ownership.
+Exhibit B - "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses" Notice
+ This Source Code Form is "Incompatible
+ With Secondary Licenses", as defined by
+ the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/README.md b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..33e58cfaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+This provides the `lru` package which implements a fixed-size
+thread safe LRU cache. It is based on the cache in Groupcache.
+Full docs are available on [Godoc](http://godoc.org/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru)
+Using the LRU is very simple:
+l, _ := New(128)
+for i := 0; i < 256; i++ {
+ l.Add(i, nil)
+if l.Len() != 128 {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("bad len: %v", l.Len()))
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/lru.go b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/lru.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5f1e8a1af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/lru.go
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+// This package provides a simple LRU cache. It is based on the
+// LRU implementation in groupcache:
+// https://github.com/golang/groupcache/tree/master/lru
+package lru
+import (
+ "container/list"
+ "errors"
+ "sync"
+// Cache is a thread-safe fixed size LRU cache.
+type Cache struct {
+ size int
+ evictList *list.List
+ items map[interface{}]*list.Element
+ lock sync.RWMutex
+ onEvicted func(key interface{}, value interface{})
+// entry is used to hold a value in the evictList
+type entry struct {
+ key interface{}
+ value interface{}
+// New creates an LRU of the given size
+func New(size int) (*Cache, error) {
+ return NewWithEvict(size, nil)
+func NewWithEvict(size int, onEvicted func(key interface{}, value interface{})) (*Cache, error) {
+ if size <= 0 {
+ return nil, errors.New("Must provide a positive size")
+ }
+ c := &Cache{
+ size: size,
+ evictList: list.New(),
+ items: make(map[interface{}]*list.Element, size),
+ onEvicted: onEvicted,
+ }
+ return c, nil
+// Purge is used to completely clear the cache
+func (c *Cache) Purge() {
+ c.lock.Lock()
+ defer c.lock.Unlock()
+ if c.onEvicted != nil {
+ for k, v := range c.items {
+ c.onEvicted(k, v.Value.(*entry).value)
+ }
+ }
+ c.evictList = list.New()
+ c.items = make(map[interface{}]*list.Element, c.size)
+// Add adds a value to the cache. Returns true if an eviction occured.
+func (c *Cache) Add(key, value interface{}) bool {
+ c.lock.Lock()
+ defer c.lock.Unlock()
+ // Check for existing item
+ if ent, ok := c.items[key]; ok {
+ c.evictList.MoveToFront(ent)
+ ent.Value.(*entry).value = value
+ return false
+ }
+ // Add new item
+ ent := &entry{key, value}
+ entry := c.evictList.PushFront(ent)
+ c.items[key] = entry
+ evict := c.evictList.Len() > c.size
+ // Verify size not exceeded
+ if evict {
+ c.removeOldest()
+ }
+ return evict
+// Get looks up a key's value from the cache.
+func (c *Cache) Get(key interface{}) (value interface{}, ok bool) {
+ c.lock.Lock()
+ defer c.lock.Unlock()
+ if ent, ok := c.items[key]; ok {
+ c.evictList.MoveToFront(ent)
+ return ent.Value.(*entry).value, true
+ }
+ return
+// Check if a key is in the cache, without updating the recent-ness or deleting it for being stale.
+func (c *Cache) Contains(key interface{}) (ok bool) {
+ c.lock.RLock()
+ defer c.lock.RUnlock()
+ _, ok = c.items[key]
+ return ok
+// Returns the key value (or undefined if not found) without updating the "recently used"-ness of the key.
+// (If you find yourself using this a lot, you might be using the wrong sort of data structure, but there are some use cases where it's handy.)
+func (c *Cache) Peek(key interface{}) (value interface{}, ok bool) {
+ c.lock.RLock()
+ defer c.lock.RUnlock()
+ if ent, ok := c.items[key]; ok {
+ return ent.Value.(*entry).value, true
+ }
+ return nil, ok
+// Remove removes the provided key from the cache.
+func (c *Cache) Remove(key interface{}) {
+ c.lock.Lock()
+ defer c.lock.Unlock()
+ if ent, ok := c.items[key]; ok {
+ c.removeElement(ent)
+ }
+// RemoveOldest removes the oldest item from the cache.
+func (c *Cache) RemoveOldest() {
+ c.lock.Lock()
+ defer c.lock.Unlock()
+ c.removeOldest()
+// Keys returns a slice of the keys in the cache, from oldest to newest.
+func (c *Cache) Keys() []interface{} {
+ c.lock.RLock()
+ defer c.lock.RUnlock()
+ keys := make([]interface{}, len(c.items))
+ ent := c.evictList.Back()
+ i := 0
+ for ent != nil {
+ keys[i] = ent.Value.(*entry).key
+ ent = ent.Prev()
+ i++
+ }
+ return keys
+// Len returns the number of items in the cache.
+func (c *Cache) Len() int {
+ c.lock.RLock()
+ defer c.lock.RUnlock()
+ return c.evictList.Len()
+// removeOldest removes the oldest item from the cache.
+func (c *Cache) removeOldest() {
+ ent := c.evictList.Back()
+ if ent != nil {
+ c.removeElement(ent)
+ }
+// removeElement is used to remove a given list element from the cache
+func (c *Cache) removeElement(e *list.Element) {
+ c.evictList.Remove(e)
+ kv := e.Value.(*entry)
+ delete(c.items, kv.key)
+ if c.onEvicted != nil {
+ c.onEvicted(kv.key, kv.value)
+ }
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/lru_test.go b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/lru_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b676cfd9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/lru_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+package lru
+import "testing"
+func TestLRU(t *testing.T) {
+ evictCounter := 0
+ onEvicted := func(k interface{}, v interface{}) {
+ if k != v {
+ t.Fatalf("Evict values not equal (%v!=%v)", k, v)
+ }
+ evictCounter += 1
+ }
+ l, err := NewWithEvict(128, onEvicted)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("err: %v", err)
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < 256; i++ {
+ l.Add(i, i)
+ }
+ if l.Len() != 128 {
+ t.Fatalf("bad len: %v", l.Len())
+ }
+ if evictCounter != 128 {
+ t.Fatalf("bad evict count: %v", evictCounter)
+ }
+ for i, k := range l.Keys() {
+ if v, ok := l.Get(k); !ok || v != k || v != i+128 {
+ t.Fatalf("bad key: %v", k)
+ }
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < 128; i++ {
+ _, ok := l.Get(i)
+ if ok {
+ t.Fatalf("should be evicted")
+ }
+ }
+ for i := 128; i < 256; i++ {
+ _, ok := l.Get(i)
+ if !ok {
+ t.Fatalf("should not be evicted")
+ }
+ }
+ for i := 128; i < 192; i++ {
+ l.Remove(i)
+ _, ok := l.Get(i)
+ if ok {
+ t.Fatalf("should be deleted")
+ }
+ }
+ l.Get(192) // expect 192 to be last key in l.Keys()
+ for i, k := range l.Keys() {
+ if (i < 63 && k != i+193) || (i == 63 && k != 192) {
+ t.Fatalf("out of order key: %v", k)
+ }
+ }
+ l.Purge()
+ if l.Len() != 0 {
+ t.Fatalf("bad len: %v", l.Len())
+ }
+ if _, ok := l.Get(200); ok {
+ t.Fatalf("should contain nothing")
+ }
+// test that Add returns true/false if an eviction occured
+func TestLRUAdd(t *testing.T) {
+ evictCounter := 0
+ onEvicted := func(k interface{}, v interface{}) {
+ evictCounter += 1
+ }
+ l, err := NewWithEvict(1, onEvicted)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("err: %v", err)
+ }
+ if l.Add(1, 1) == true || evictCounter != 0 {
+ t.Errorf("should not have an eviction")
+ }
+ if l.Add(2, 2) == false || evictCounter != 1 {
+ t.Errorf("should have an eviction")
+ }
+// test that Contains doesn't update recent-ness
+func TestLRUContains(t *testing.T) {
+ l, err := New(2)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("err: %v", err)
+ }
+ l.Add(1, 1)
+ l.Add(2, 2)
+ if !l.Contains(1) {
+ t.Errorf("1 should be contained")
+ }
+ l.Add(3, 3)
+ if l.Contains(1) {
+ t.Errorf("Contains should not have updated recent-ness of 1")
+ }
+// test that Peek doesn't update recent-ness
+func TestLRUPeek(t *testing.T) {
+ l, err := New(2)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("err: %v", err)
+ }
+ l.Add(1, 1)
+ l.Add(2, 2)
+ if v, ok := l.Peek(1); !ok || v != 1 {
+ t.Errorf("1 should be set to 1: %v, %v", v, ok)
+ }
+ l.Add(3, 3)
+ if l.Contains(1) {
+ t.Errorf("should not have updated recent-ness of 1")
+ }
diff --git a/core/bench_test.go b/core/bench_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6d851febd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/bench_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+package core
+import (
+ "crypto/ecdsa"
+ "io/ioutil"
+ "math/big"
+ "os"
+ "testing"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/core/types"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/crypto"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/ethdb"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/event"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/params"
+func BenchmarkInsertChain_empty_memdb(b *testing.B) {
+ benchInsertChain(b, false, nil)
+func BenchmarkInsertChain_empty_diskdb(b *testing.B) {
+ benchInsertChain(b, true, nil)
+func BenchmarkInsertChain_valueTx_memdb(b *testing.B) {
+ benchInsertChain(b, false, genValueTx(0))
+func BenchmarkInsertChain_valueTx_diskdb(b *testing.B) {
+ benchInsertChain(b, true, genValueTx(0))
+func BenchmarkInsertChain_valueTx_100kB_memdb(b *testing.B) {
+ benchInsertChain(b, false, genValueTx(100*1024))
+func BenchmarkInsertChain_valueTx_100kB_diskdb(b *testing.B) {
+ benchInsertChain(b, true, genValueTx(100*1024))
+func BenchmarkInsertChain_uncles_memdb(b *testing.B) {
+ benchInsertChain(b, false, genUncles)
+func BenchmarkInsertChain_uncles_diskdb(b *testing.B) {
+ benchInsertChain(b, true, genUncles)
+func BenchmarkInsertChain_ring200_memdb(b *testing.B) {
+ benchInsertChain(b, false, genTxRing(200))
+func BenchmarkInsertChain_ring200_diskdb(b *testing.B) {
+ benchInsertChain(b, true, genTxRing(200))
+func BenchmarkInsertChain_ring1000_memdb(b *testing.B) {
+ benchInsertChain(b, false, genTxRing(1000))
+func BenchmarkInsertChain_ring1000_diskdb(b *testing.B) {
+ benchInsertChain(b, true, genTxRing(1000))
+var (
+ // This is the content of the genesis block used by the benchmarks.
+ benchRootKey, _ = crypto.HexToECDSA("b71c71a67e1177ad4e901695e1b4b9ee17ae16c6668d313eac2f96dbcda3f291")
+ benchRootAddr = crypto.PubkeyToAddress(benchRootKey.PublicKey)
+ benchRootFunds = common.BigPow(2, 100)
+// genValueTx returns a block generator that includes a single
+// value-transfer transaction with n bytes of extra data in each
+// block.
+func genValueTx(nbytes int) func(int, *BlockGen) {
+ return func(i int, gen *BlockGen) {
+ toaddr := common.Address{}
+ data := make([]byte, nbytes)
+ gas := IntrinsicGas(data)
+ tx, _ := types.NewTransaction(gen.TxNonce(benchRootAddr), toaddr, big.NewInt(1), gas, nil, data).SignECDSA(benchRootKey)
+ gen.AddTx(tx)
+ }
+var (
+ ringKeys = make([]*ecdsa.PrivateKey, 1000)
+ ringAddrs = make([]common.Address, len(ringKeys))
+func init() {
+ ringKeys[0] = benchRootKey
+ ringAddrs[0] = benchRootAddr
+ for i := 1; i < len(ringKeys); i++ {
+ ringKeys[i], _ = crypto.GenerateKey()
+ ringAddrs[i] = crypto.PubkeyToAddress(ringKeys[i].PublicKey)
+ }
+// genTxRing returns a block generator that sends ether in a ring
+// among n accounts. This is creates n entries in the state database
+// and fills the blocks with many small transactions.
+func genTxRing(naccounts int) func(int, *BlockGen) {
+ from := 0
+ return func(i int, gen *BlockGen) {
+ gas := CalcGasLimit(gen.PrevBlock(i - 1))
+ for {
+ gas.Sub(gas, params.TxGas)
+ if gas.Cmp(params.TxGas) < 0 {
+ break
+ }
+ to := (from + 1) % naccounts
+ tx := types.NewTransaction(
+ gen.TxNonce(ringAddrs[from]),
+ ringAddrs[to],
+ benchRootFunds,
+ params.TxGas,
+ nil,
+ nil,
+ )
+ tx, _ = tx.SignECDSA(ringKeys[from])
+ gen.AddTx(tx)
+ from = to
+ }
+ }
+// genUncles generates blocks with two uncle headers.
+func genUncles(i int, gen *BlockGen) {
+ if i >= 6 {
+ b2 := gen.PrevBlock(i - 6).Header()
+ b2.Extra = []byte("foo")
+ gen.AddUncle(b2)
+ b3 := gen.PrevBlock(i - 6).Header()
+ b3.Extra = []byte("bar")
+ gen.AddUncle(b3)
+ }
+func benchInsertChain(b *testing.B, disk bool, gen func(int, *BlockGen)) {
+ // Create the database in memory or in a temporary directory.
+ var db common.Database
+ if !disk {
+ db, _ = ethdb.NewMemDatabase()
+ } else {
+ dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "eth-core-bench")
+ if err != nil {
+ b.Fatalf("cannot create temporary directory: %v", err)
+ }
+ defer os.RemoveAll(dir)
+ db, err = ethdb.NewLDBDatabase(dir)
+ if err != nil {
+ b.Fatalf("cannot create temporary database: %v", err)
+ }
+ defer db.Close()
+ }
+ // Generate a chain of b.N blocks using the supplied block
+ // generator function.
+ genesis := GenesisBlockForTesting(db, benchRootAddr, benchRootFunds)
+ chain := GenerateChain(genesis, db, b.N, gen)
+ // Time the insertion of the new chain.
+ // State and blocks are stored in the same DB.
+ evmux := new(event.TypeMux)
+ chainman, _ := NewChainManager(genesis, db, db, FakePow{}, evmux)
+ chainman.SetProcessor(NewBlockProcessor(db, db, FakePow{}, chainman, evmux))
+ defer chainman.Stop()
+ b.ReportAllocs()
+ b.ResetTimer()
+ if i, err := chainman.InsertChain(chain); err != nil {
+ b.Fatalf("insert error (block %d): %v\n", i, err)
+ }
diff --git a/core/block_cache_test.go b/core/block_cache_test.go
index 43ab847f9..80d118599 100644
--- a/core/block_cache_test.go
+++ b/core/block_cache_test.go
@@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ import (
func newChain(size int) (chain []*types.Block) {
var parentHash common.Hash
for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
- block := types.NewBlock(parentHash, common.Address{}, common.Hash{}, new(big.Int), 0, nil)
- block.Header().Number = big.NewInt(int64(i))
+ head := &types.Header{ParentHash: parentHash, Number: big.NewInt(int64(i))}
+ block := types.NewBlock(head, nil, nil, nil)
chain = append(chain, block)
parentHash = block.Hash()
- return
+ return chain
func insertChainCache(cache *BlockCache, chain []*types.Block) {
diff --git a/core/block_processor.go b/core/block_processor.go
index e30ced312..22d4c7c27 100644
--- a/core/block_processor.go
+++ b/core/block_processor.go
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ func NewBlockProcessor(db, extra common.Database, pow pow.PoW, chainManager *Cha
func (sm *BlockProcessor) TransitionState(statedb *state.StateDB, parent, block *types.Block, transientProcess bool) (receipts types.Receipts, err error) {
- coinbase := statedb.GetOrNewStateObject(block.Header().Coinbase)
- coinbase.SetGasLimit(block.Header().GasLimit)
+ coinbase := statedb.GetOrNewStateObject(block.Coinbase())
+ coinbase.SetGasLimit(block.GasLimit())
// Process the transactions on to parent state
receipts, err = sm.ApplyTransactions(coinbase, statedb, block, block.Transactions(), transientProcess)
@@ -69,11 +69,11 @@ func (sm *BlockProcessor) TransitionState(statedb *state.StateDB, parent, block
return receipts, nil
-func (self *BlockProcessor) ApplyTransaction(coinbase *state.StateObject, statedb *state.StateDB, block *types.Block, tx *types.Transaction, usedGas *big.Int, transientProcess bool) (*types.Receipt, *big.Int, error) {
+func (self *BlockProcessor) ApplyTransaction(coinbase *state.StateObject, statedb *state.StateDB, header *types.Header, tx *types.Transaction, usedGas *big.Int, transientProcess bool) (*types.Receipt, *big.Int, error) {
// If we are mining this block and validating we want to set the logs back to 0
cb := statedb.GetStateObject(coinbase.Address())
- _, gas, err := ApplyMessage(NewEnv(statedb, self.bc, tx, block), tx, cb)
+ _, gas, err := ApplyMessage(NewEnv(statedb, self.bc, tx, header), tx, cb)
if err != nil && (IsNonceErr(err) || state.IsGasLimitErr(err) || IsInvalidTxErr(err)) {
return nil, nil, err
@@ -81,9 +81,8 @@ func (self *BlockProcessor) ApplyTransaction(coinbase *state.StateObject, stated
// Update the state with pending changes
- cumulative := new(big.Int).Set(usedGas.Add(usedGas, gas))
- receipt := types.NewReceipt(statedb.Root().Bytes(), cumulative)
+ usedGas.Add(usedGas, gas)
+ receipt := types.NewReceipt(statedb.Root().Bytes(), usedGas)
logs := statedb.GetLogs(tx.Hash())
receipt.Bloom = types.CreateBloom(types.Receipts{receipt})
@@ -108,12 +107,13 @@ func (self *BlockProcessor) ApplyTransactions(coinbase *state.StateObject, state
totalUsedGas = big.NewInt(0)
err error
cumulativeSum = new(big.Int)
+ header = block.Header()
for i, tx := range txs {
statedb.StartRecord(tx.Hash(), block.Hash(), i)
- receipt, txGas, err := self.ApplyTransaction(coinbase, statedb, block, tx, totalUsedGas, transientProcess)
+ receipt, txGas, err := self.ApplyTransaction(coinbase, statedb, header, tx, totalUsedGas, transientProcess)
if err != nil && (IsNonceErr(err) || state.IsGasLimitErr(err) || IsInvalidTxErr(err)) {
return nil, err
@@ -142,11 +142,10 @@ func (sm *BlockProcessor) RetryProcess(block *types.Block) (logs state.Logs, err
defer sm.mutex.Unlock()
- header := block.Header()
- if !sm.bc.HasBlock(header.ParentHash) {
- return nil, ParentError(header.ParentHash)
+ if !sm.bc.HasBlock(block.ParentHash()) {
+ return nil, ParentError(block.ParentHash())
- parent := sm.bc.GetBlock(header.ParentHash)
+ parent := sm.bc.GetBlock(block.ParentHash())
// FIXME Change to full header validation. See #1225
errch := make(chan bool)
@@ -168,30 +167,32 @@ func (sm *BlockProcessor) Process(block *types.Block) (logs state.Logs, err erro
defer sm.mutex.Unlock()
- header := block.Header()
- if sm.bc.HasBlock(header.Hash()) {
- return nil, &KnownBlockError{header.Number, header.Hash()}
+ if sm.bc.HasBlock(block.Hash()) {
+ return nil, &KnownBlockError{block.Number(), block.Hash()}
- if !sm.bc.HasBlock(header.ParentHash) {
- return nil, ParentError(header.ParentHash)
+ if !sm.bc.HasBlock(block.ParentHash()) {
+ return nil, ParentError(block.ParentHash())
- parent := sm.bc.GetBlock(header.ParentHash)
+ parent := sm.bc.GetBlock(block.ParentHash())
return sm.processWithParent(block, parent)
func (sm *BlockProcessor) processWithParent(block, parent *types.Block) (logs state.Logs, err error) {
// Create a new state based on the parent's root (e.g., create copy)
state := state.New(parent.Root(), sm.db)
+ header := block.Header()
+ uncles := block.Uncles()
+ txs := block.Transactions()
// Block validation
- if err = ValidateHeader(sm.Pow, block.Header(), parent.Header(), false); err != nil {
+ if err = ValidateHeader(sm.Pow, header, parent, false); err != nil {
// There can be at most two uncles
- if len(block.Uncles()) > 2 {
- return nil, ValidationError("Block can only contain maximum 2 uncles (contained %v)", len(block.Uncles()))
+ if len(uncles) > 2 {
+ return nil, ValidationError("Block can only contain maximum 2 uncles (contained %v)", len(uncles))
receipts, err := sm.TransitionState(state, parent, block, false)
@@ -199,8 +200,6 @@ func (sm *BlockProcessor) processWithParent(block, parent *types.Block) (logs st
- header := block.Header()
// Validate the received block's bloom with the one derived from the generated receipts.
// For valid blocks this should always validate to true.
rbloom := types.CreateBloom(receipts)
@@ -211,7 +210,7 @@ func (sm *BlockProcessor) processWithParent(block, parent *types.Block) (logs st
// The transactions Trie's root (R = (Tr [[i, RLP(T1)], [i, RLP(T2)], ... [n, RLP(Tn)]]))
// can be used by light clients to make sure they've received the correct Txs
- txSha := types.DeriveSha(block.Transactions())
+ txSha := types.DeriveSha(txs)
if txSha != header.TxHash {
err = fmt.Errorf("invalid transaction root hash. received=%x calculated=%x", header.TxHash, txSha)
@@ -225,7 +224,7 @@ func (sm *BlockProcessor) processWithParent(block, parent *types.Block) (logs st
// Verify UncleHash before running other uncle validations
- unclesSha := block.CalculateUnclesHash()
+ unclesSha := types.CalcUncleHash(uncles)
if unclesSha != header.UncleHash {
err = fmt.Errorf("invalid uncles root hash. received=%x calculated=%x", header.UncleHash, unclesSha)
@@ -236,7 +235,7 @@ func (sm *BlockProcessor) processWithParent(block, parent *types.Block) (logs st
// Accumulate static rewards; block reward, uncle's and uncle inclusion.
- AccumulateRewards(state, block)
+ AccumulateRewards(state, header, uncles)
// Commit state objects/accounts to a temporary trie (does not save)
// used to calculate the state root.
@@ -260,20 +259,44 @@ func (sm *BlockProcessor) processWithParent(block, parent *types.Block) (logs st
return state.Logs(), nil
+var (
+ big8 = big.NewInt(8)
+ big32 = big.NewInt(32)
+// AccumulateRewards credits the coinbase of the given block with the
+// mining reward. The total reward consists of the static block reward
+// and rewards for included uncles. The coinbase of each uncle block is
+// also rewarded.
+func AccumulateRewards(statedb *state.StateDB, header *types.Header, uncles []*types.Header) {
+ reward := new(big.Int).Set(BlockReward)
+ r := new(big.Int)
+ for _, uncle := range uncles {
+ r.Add(uncle.Number, big8)
+ r.Sub(r, header.Number)
+ r.Mul(r, BlockReward)
+ r.Div(r, big8)
+ statedb.AddBalance(uncle.Coinbase, r)
+ r.Div(BlockReward, big32)
+ reward.Add(reward, r)
+ }
+ statedb.AddBalance(header.Coinbase, reward)
func (sm *BlockProcessor) VerifyUncles(statedb *state.StateDB, block, parent *types.Block) error {
- ancestors := set.New()
uncles := set.New()
- ancestorHeaders := make(map[common.Hash]*types.Header)
- for _, ancestor := range sm.bc.GetAncestors(block, 7) {
- ancestorHeaders[ancestor.Hash()] = ancestor.Header()
- ancestors.Add(ancestor.Hash())
+ ancestors := make(map[common.Hash]*types.Block)
+ for _, ancestor := range sm.bc.GetBlocksFromHash(block.ParentHash(), 7) {
+ ancestors[ancestor.Hash()] = ancestor
// Include ancestors uncles in the uncle set. Uncles must be unique.
for _, uncle := range ancestor.Uncles() {
+ ancestors[block.Hash()] = block
for i, uncle := range block.Uncles() {
hash := uncle.Hash()
if uncles.Has(hash) {
@@ -282,22 +305,20 @@ func (sm *BlockProcessor) VerifyUncles(statedb *state.StateDB, block, parent *ty
- if ancestors.Has(hash) {
+ if ancestors[hash] != nil {
branch := fmt.Sprintf(" O - %x\n |\n", block.Hash())
- ancestors.Each(func(item interface{}) bool {
- branch += fmt.Sprintf(" O - %x\n |\n", hash)
- return true
- })
+ for h := range ancestors {
+ branch += fmt.Sprintf(" O - %x\n |\n", h)
+ }
return UncleError("uncle[%d](%x) is ancestor", i, hash[:4])
- if !ancestors.Has(uncle.ParentHash) || uncle.ParentHash == parent.Hash() {
+ if ancestors[uncle.ParentHash] == nil || uncle.ParentHash == parent.Hash() {
return UncleError("uncle[%d](%x)'s parent is not ancestor (%x)", i, hash[:4], uncle.ParentHash[0:4])
- if err := ValidateHeader(sm.Pow, uncle, ancestorHeaders[uncle.ParentHash], true); err != nil {
+ if err := ValidateHeader(sm.Pow, uncle, ancestors[uncle.ParentHash], true); err != nil {
return ValidationError(fmt.Sprintf("uncle[%d](%x) header invalid: %v", i, hash[:4], err))
@@ -325,7 +346,7 @@ func (sm *BlockProcessor) GetLogs(block *types.Block) (logs state.Logs, err erro
// TODO: remove backward compatibility
var (
- parent = sm.bc.GetBlock(block.Header().ParentHash)
+ parent = sm.bc.GetBlock(block.ParentHash())
state = state.New(parent.Root(), sm.db)
@@ -336,19 +357,22 @@ func (sm *BlockProcessor) GetLogs(block *types.Block) (logs state.Logs, err erro
// See YP section 4.3.4. "Block Header Validity"
// Validates a block. Returns an error if the block is invalid.
-func ValidateHeader(pow pow.PoW, block, parent *types.Header, checkPow bool) error {
+func ValidateHeader(pow pow.PoW, block *types.Header, parent *types.Block, checkPow bool) error {
if big.NewInt(int64(len(block.Extra))).Cmp(params.MaximumExtraDataSize) == 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("Block extra data too long (%d)", len(block.Extra))
- expd := CalcDifficulty(block, parent)
+ expd := CalcDifficulty(int64(block.Time), int64(parent.Time()), parent.Difficulty())
if expd.Cmp(block.Difficulty) != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("Difficulty check failed for block %v, %v", block.Difficulty, expd)
- a := new(big.Int).Sub(block.GasLimit, parent.GasLimit)
+ var a, b *big.Int
+ a = parent.GasLimit()
+ a = a.Sub(a, block.GasLimit)
- b := new(big.Int).Div(parent.GasLimit, params.GasLimitBoundDivisor)
+ b = parent.GasLimit()
+ b = b.Div(b, params.GasLimitBoundDivisor)
if !(a.Cmp(b) < 0) || (block.GasLimit.Cmp(params.MinGasLimit) == -1) {
return fmt.Errorf("GasLimit check failed for block %v (%v > %v)", block.GasLimit, a, b)
@@ -357,11 +381,13 @@ func ValidateHeader(pow pow.PoW, block, parent *types.Header, checkPow bool) err
return BlockFutureErr
- if new(big.Int).Sub(block.Number, parent.Number).Cmp(big.NewInt(1)) != 0 {
+ num := parent.Number()
+ num.Sub(block.Number, num)
+ if num.Cmp(big.NewInt(1)) != 0 {
return BlockNumberErr
- if block.Time <= parent.Time {
+ if block.Time <= uint64(parent.Time()) {
return BlockEqualTSErr //ValidationError("Block timestamp equal or less than previous block (%v - %v)", block.Time, parent.Time)
@@ -375,26 +401,6 @@ func ValidateHeader(pow pow.PoW, block, parent *types.Header, checkPow bool) err
return nil
-func AccumulateRewards(statedb *state.StateDB, block *types.Block) {
- reward := new(big.Int).Set(BlockReward)
- for _, uncle := range block.Uncles() {
- num := new(big.Int).Add(big.NewInt(8), uncle.Number)
- num.Sub(num, block.Number())
- r := new(big.Int)
- r.Mul(BlockReward, num)
- r.Div(r, big.NewInt(8))
- statedb.AddBalance(uncle.Coinbase, r)
- reward.Add(reward, new(big.Int).Div(BlockReward, big.NewInt(32)))
- }
- // Get the account associated with the coinbase
- statedb.AddBalance(block.Header().Coinbase, reward)
func getBlockReceipts(db common.Database, bhash common.Hash) (receipts types.Receipts, err error) {
var rdata []byte
rdata, err = db.Get(append(receiptsPre, bhash[:]...))
diff --git a/core/block_processor_test.go b/core/block_processor_test.go
index e38c815ef..dc328a3ea 100644
--- a/core/block_processor_test.go
+++ b/core/block_processor_test.go
@@ -26,20 +26,19 @@ func proc() (*BlockProcessor, *ChainManager) {
func TestNumber(t *testing.T) {
- _, chain := proc()
- block1 := chain.NewBlock(common.Address{})
- block1.Header().Number = big.NewInt(3)
- block1.Header().Time--
pow := ezp.New()
+ _, chain := proc()
- err := ValidateHeader(pow, block1.Header(), chain.Genesis().Header(), false)
+ statedb := state.New(chain.Genesis().Root(), chain.stateDb)
+ header := makeHeader(chain.Genesis(), statedb)
+ header.Number = big.NewInt(3)
+ err := ValidateHeader(pow, header, chain.Genesis(), false)
if err != BlockNumberErr {
- t.Errorf("expected block number error %v", err)
+ t.Errorf("expected block number error, got %q", err)
- block1 = chain.NewBlock(common.Address{})
- err = ValidateHeader(pow, block1.Header(), chain.Genesis().Header(), false)
+ header = makeHeader(chain.Genesis(), statedb)
+ err = ValidateHeader(pow, header, chain.Genesis(), false)
if err == BlockNumberErr {
t.Errorf("didn't expect block number error")
diff --git a/core/canary.go b/core/canary.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..de77c4bba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/canary.go
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+package core
+import (
+ "math/big"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/core/state"
+var (
+ jeff = common.HexToAddress("9d38997c624a71b21278389ea2fdc460d000e4b2")
+ vitalik = common.HexToAddress("b1e570be07eaa673e4fd0c8265b64ef739385709")
+ christoph = common.HexToAddress("529bc43a5d93789fa28de1961db6a07e752204ae")
+ gav = common.HexToAddress("e3e942b2aa524293c84ff6c7f87a6635790ad5e4")
+// Canary will check the 0'd address of the 4 contracts above.
+// If two or more are set to anything other than a 0 the canary
+// dies a horrible death.
+func Canary(statedb *state.StateDB) bool {
+ r := new(big.Int)
+ r.Add(r, statedb.GetState(jeff, common.Hash{}).Big())
+ r.Add(r, statedb.GetState(vitalik, common.Hash{}).Big())
+ r.Add(r, statedb.GetState(christoph, common.Hash{}).Big())
+ r.Add(r, statedb.GetState(gav, common.Hash{}).Big())
+ return r.Cmp(big.NewInt(1)) > 0
diff --git a/core/chain_makers.go b/core/chain_makers.go
index 76acfd6ca..72ae7970e 100644
--- a/core/chain_makers.go
+++ b/core/chain_makers.go
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package core
import (
- "fmt"
@@ -11,7 +10,8 @@ import (
-// So we can generate blocks easily
+// FakePow is a non-validating proof of work implementation.
+// It returns true from Verify for any block.
type FakePow struct{}
func (f FakePow) Search(block pow.Block, stop <-chan struct{}) (uint64, []byte) {
@@ -23,81 +23,125 @@ func (f FakePow) Turbo(bool) {}
// So we can deterministically seed different blockchains
var (
- CanonicalSeed = 1
- ForkSeed = 2
+ canonicalSeed = 1
+ forkSeed = 2
-// Utility functions for making chains on the fly
-// Exposed for sake of testing from other packages (eg. go-ethash)
-func NewBlockFromParent(addr common.Address, parent *types.Block) *types.Block {
- return newBlockFromParent(addr, parent)
+// BlockGen creates blocks for testing.
+// See GenerateChain for a detailed explanation.
+type BlockGen struct {
+ i int
+ parent *types.Block
+ chain []*types.Block
+ header *types.Header
+ statedb *state.StateDB
+ coinbase *state.StateObject
+ txs []*types.Transaction
+ receipts []*types.Receipt
+ uncles []*types.Header
-func MakeBlock(bman *BlockProcessor, parent *types.Block, i int, db common.Database, seed int) *types.Block {
- return makeBlock(bman, parent, i, db, seed)
-func MakeChain(bman *BlockProcessor, parent *types.Block, max int, db common.Database, seed int) types.Blocks {
- return makeChain(bman, parent, max, db, seed)
+// SetCoinbase sets the coinbase of the generated block.
+// It can be called at most once.
+func (b *BlockGen) SetCoinbase(addr common.Address) {
+ if b.coinbase != nil {
+ if len(b.txs) > 0 {
+ panic("coinbase must be set before adding transactions")
+ }
+ panic("coinbase can only be set once")
+ }
+ b.header.Coinbase = addr
+ b.coinbase = b.statedb.GetOrNewStateObject(addr)
+ b.coinbase.SetGasLimit(b.header.GasLimit)
-func NewChainMan(block *types.Block, eventMux *event.TypeMux, db common.Database) *ChainManager {
- return newChainManager(block, eventMux, db)
+// SetExtra sets the extra data field of the generated block.
+func (b *BlockGen) SetExtra(data []byte) {
+ b.header.Extra = data
-func NewBlockProc(db common.Database, cman *ChainManager, eventMux *event.TypeMux) *BlockProcessor {
- return newBlockProcessor(db, cman, eventMux)
+// AddTx adds a transaction to the generated block. If no coinbase has
+// been set, the block's coinbase is set to the zero address.
+// AddTx panics if the transaction cannot be executed. In addition to
+// the protocol-imposed limitations (gas limit, etc.), there are some
+// further limitations on the content of transactions that can be
+// added. Notably, contract code relying on the BLOCKHASH instruction
+// will panic during execution.
+func (b *BlockGen) AddTx(tx *types.Transaction) {
+ if b.coinbase == nil {
+ b.SetCoinbase(common.Address{})
+ }
+ _, gas, err := ApplyMessage(NewEnv(b.statedb, nil, tx, b.header), tx, b.coinbase)
+ if err != nil {
+ panic(err)
+ }
+ b.statedb.Update()
+ b.header.GasUsed.Add(b.header.GasUsed, gas)
+ receipt := types.NewReceipt(b.statedb.Root().Bytes(), b.header.GasUsed)
+ logs := b.statedb.GetLogs(tx.Hash())
+ receipt.SetLogs(logs)
+ receipt.Bloom = types.CreateBloom(types.Receipts{receipt})
+ b.txs = append(b.txs, tx)
+ b.receipts = append(b.receipts, receipt)
-func NewCanonical(n int, db common.Database) (*BlockProcessor, error) {
- return newCanonical(n, db)
+// TxNonce returns the next valid transaction nonce for the
+// account at addr. It panics if the account does not exist.
+func (b *BlockGen) TxNonce(addr common.Address) uint64 {
+ if !b.statedb.HasAccount(addr) {
+ panic("account does not exist")
+ }
+ return b.statedb.GetNonce(addr)
-// block time is fixed at 10 seconds
-func newBlockFromParent(addr common.Address, parent *types.Block) *types.Block {
- block := types.NewBlock(parent.Hash(), addr, parent.Root(), common.BigPow(2, 32), 0, nil)
- block.SetUncles(nil)
- block.SetTransactions(nil)
- block.SetReceipts(nil)
- header := block.Header()
- header.Difficulty = CalcDifficulty(block.Header(), parent.Header())
- header.Number = new(big.Int).Add(parent.Header().Number, common.Big1)
- header.Time = parent.Header().Time + 10
- header.GasLimit = CalcGasLimit(parent)
- block.Td = parent.Td
- return block
+// AddUncle adds an uncle header to the generated block.
+func (b *BlockGen) AddUncle(h *types.Header) {
+ b.uncles = append(b.uncles, h)
-// Actually make a block by simulating what miner would do
-// we seed chains by the first byte of the coinbase
-func makeBlock(bman *BlockProcessor, parent *types.Block, i int, db common.Database, seed int) *types.Block {
- var addr common.Address
- addr[0], addr[19] = byte(seed), byte(i)
- block := newBlockFromParent(addr, parent)
- state := state.New(block.Root(), db)
- cbase := state.GetOrNewStateObject(addr)
- cbase.SetGasLimit(CalcGasLimit(parent))
- cbase.AddBalance(BlockReward)
- state.Update()
- block.SetRoot(state.Root())
- return block
+// PrevBlock returns a previously generated block by number. It panics if
+// num is greater or equal to the number of the block being generated.
+// For index -1, PrevBlock returns the parent block given to GenerateChain.
+func (b *BlockGen) PrevBlock(index int) *types.Block {
+ if index >= b.i {
+ panic("block index out of range")
+ }
+ if index == -1 {
+ return b.parent
+ }
+ return b.chain[index]
-// Make a chain with real blocks
-// Runs ProcessWithParent to get proper state roots
-func makeChain(bman *BlockProcessor, parent *types.Block, max int, db common.Database, seed int) types.Blocks {
- bman.bc.currentBlock = parent
- blocks := make(types.Blocks, max)
- for i := 0; i < max; i++ {
- block := makeBlock(bman, parent, i, db, seed)
- _, err := bman.processWithParent(block, parent)
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("process with parent failed", err)
- panic(err)
+// GenerateChain creates a chain of n blocks. The first block's
+// parent will be the provided parent. db is used to store
+// intermediate states and should contain the parent's state trie.
+// The generator function is called with a new block generator for
+// every block. Any transactions and uncles added to the generator
+// become part of the block. If gen is nil, the blocks will be empty
+// and their coinbase will be the zero address.
+// Blocks created by GenerateChain do not contain valid proof of work
+// values. Inserting them into ChainManager requires use of FakePow or
+// a similar non-validating proof of work implementation.
+func GenerateChain(parent *types.Block, db common.Database, n int, gen func(int, *BlockGen)) []*types.Block {
+ statedb := state.New(parent.Root(), db)
+ blocks := make(types.Blocks, n)
+ genblock := func(i int, h *types.Header) *types.Block {
+ b := &BlockGen{parent: parent, i: i, chain: blocks, header: h, statedb: statedb}
+ if gen != nil {
+ gen(i, b)
+ AccumulateRewards(statedb, h, b.uncles)
+ statedb.Update()
+ h.Root = statedb.Root()
+ return types.NewBlock(h, b.txs, b.uncles, b.receipts)
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
+ header := makeHeader(parent, statedb)
+ block := genblock(i, header)
block.Td = CalcTD(block, parent)
blocks[i] = block
parent = block
@@ -105,41 +149,38 @@ func makeChain(bman *BlockProcessor, parent *types.Block, max int, db common.Dat
return blocks
-// Create a new chain manager starting from given block
-// Effectively a fork factory
-func newChainManager(block *types.Block, eventMux *event.TypeMux, db common.Database) *ChainManager {
- genesis := GenesisBlock(0, db)
- bc := &ChainManager{blockDb: db, stateDb: db, genesisBlock: genesis, eventMux: eventMux, pow: FakePow{}}
- bc.txState = state.ManageState(state.New(genesis.Root(), db))
- bc.futureBlocks = NewBlockCache(1000)
- if block == nil {
- bc.Reset()
- } else {
- bc.currentBlock = block
- bc.td = block.Td
+func makeHeader(parent *types.Block, state *state.StateDB) *types.Header {
+ time := parent.Time() + 10 // block time is fixed at 10 seconds
+ return &types.Header{
+ Root: state.Root(),
+ ParentHash: parent.Hash(),
+ Coinbase: parent.Coinbase(),
+ Difficulty: CalcDifficulty(time, parent.Time(), parent.Difficulty()),
+ GasLimit: CalcGasLimit(parent),
+ GasUsed: new(big.Int),
+ Number: new(big.Int).Add(parent.Number(), common.Big1),
+ Time: uint64(time),
- return bc
-// block processor with fake pow
-func newBlockProcessor(db common.Database, cman *ChainManager, eventMux *event.TypeMux) *BlockProcessor {
- chainMan := newChainManager(nil, eventMux, db)
- bman := NewBlockProcessor(db, db, FakePow{}, chainMan, eventMux)
- return bman
-// Make a new, deterministic canonical chain by running InsertChain
-// on result of makeChain
+// newCanonical creates a new deterministic canonical chain by running
+// InsertChain on the result of makeChain.
func newCanonical(n int, db common.Database) (*BlockProcessor, error) {
- eventMux := &event.TypeMux{}
- bman := newBlockProcessor(db, newChainManager(nil, eventMux, db), eventMux)
+ evmux := &event.TypeMux{}
+ chainman, _ := NewChainManager(GenesisBlock(0, db), db, db, FakePow{}, evmux)
+ bman := NewBlockProcessor(db, db, FakePow{}, chainman, evmux)
parent := bman.bc.CurrentBlock()
if n == 0 {
return bman, nil
- lchain := makeChain(bman, parent, n, db, CanonicalSeed)
+ lchain := makeChain(parent, n, db, canonicalSeed)
_, err := bman.bc.InsertChain(lchain)
return bman, err
+func makeChain(parent *types.Block, n int, db common.Database, seed int) []*types.Block {
+ return GenerateChain(parent, db, n, func(i int, b *BlockGen) {
+ b.SetCoinbase(common.Address{0: byte(seed), 19: byte(i)})
+ })
diff --git a/core/chain_makers_test.go b/core/chain_makers_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d5125e1c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/chain_makers_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+package core
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "math/big"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/core/types"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/crypto"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/ethdb"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/event"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/params"
+func ExampleGenerateChain() {
+ var (
+ key1, _ = crypto.HexToECDSA("b71c71a67e1177ad4e901695e1b4b9ee17ae16c6668d313eac2f96dbcda3f291")
+ key2, _ = crypto.HexToECDSA("8a1f9a8f95be41cd7ccb6168179afb4504aefe388d1e14474d32c45c72ce7b7a")
+ key3, _ = crypto.HexToECDSA("49a7b37aa6f6645917e7b807e9d1c00d4fa71f18343b0d4122a4d2df64dd6fee")
+ addr1 = crypto.PubkeyToAddress(key1.PublicKey)
+ addr2 = crypto.PubkeyToAddress(key2.PublicKey)
+ addr3 = crypto.PubkeyToAddress(key3.PublicKey)
+ db, _ = ethdb.NewMemDatabase()
+ )
+ // Ensure that key1 has some funds in the genesis block.
+ genesis := GenesisBlockForTesting(db, addr1, big.NewInt(1000000))
+ // This call generates a chain of 5 blocks. The function runs for
+ // each block and adds different features to gen based on the
+ // block index.
+ chain := GenerateChain(genesis, db, 5, func(i int, gen *BlockGen) {
+ switch i {
+ case 0:
+ // In block 1, addr1 sends addr2 some ether.
+ tx, _ := types.NewTransaction(gen.TxNonce(addr1), addr2, big.NewInt(10000), params.TxGas, nil, nil).SignECDSA(key1)
+ gen.AddTx(tx)
+ case 1:
+ // In block 2, addr1 sends some more ether to addr2.
+ // addr2 passes it on to addr3.
+ tx1, _ := types.NewTransaction(gen.TxNonce(addr1), addr2, big.NewInt(1000), params.TxGas, nil, nil).SignECDSA(key1)
+ tx2, _ := types.NewTransaction(gen.TxNonce(addr2), addr3, big.NewInt(1000), params.TxGas, nil, nil).SignECDSA(key2)
+ gen.AddTx(tx1)
+ gen.AddTx(tx2)
+ case 2:
+ // Block 3 is empty but was mined by addr3.
+ gen.SetCoinbase(addr3)
+ gen.SetExtra([]byte("yeehaw"))
+ case 3:
+ // Block 4 includes blocks 2 and 3 as uncle headers (with modified extra data).
+ b2 := gen.PrevBlock(1).Header()
+ b2.Extra = []byte("foo")
+ gen.AddUncle(b2)
+ b3 := gen.PrevBlock(2).Header()
+ b3.Extra = []byte("foo")
+ gen.AddUncle(b3)
+ }
+ })
+ // Import the chain. This runs all block validation rules.
+ evmux := &event.TypeMux{}
+ chainman, _ := NewChainManager(genesis, db, db, FakePow{}, evmux)
+ chainman.SetProcessor(NewBlockProcessor(db, db, FakePow{}, chainman, evmux))
+ if i, err := chainman.InsertChain(chain); err != nil {
+ fmt.Printf("insert error (block %d): %v\n", i, err)
+ return
+ }
+ state := chainman.State()
+ fmt.Printf("last block: #%d\n", chainman.CurrentBlock().Number())
+ fmt.Println("balance of addr1:", state.GetBalance(addr1))
+ fmt.Println("balance of addr2:", state.GetBalance(addr2))
+ fmt.Println("balance of addr3:", state.GetBalance(addr3))
+ // Output:
+ // last block: #5
+ // balance of addr1: 989000
+ // balance of addr2: 10000
+ // balance of addr3: 5906250000000001000
diff --git a/core/chain_manager.go b/core/chain_manager.go
index 3b9b7517b..fc1922b3b 100644
--- a/core/chain_manager.go
+++ b/core/chain_manager.go
@@ -11,15 +11,19 @@ import (
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/compression/rle"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/ethdb"
+ "github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru"
+ "github.com/syndtr/goleveldb/leveldb"
var (
@@ -33,35 +37,40 @@ var (
const (
- blockCacheLimit = 10000
+ blockCacheLimit = 256
maxFutureBlocks = 256
maxTimeFutureBlocks = 30
-func CalcDifficulty(block, parent *types.Header) *big.Int {
+// CalcDifficulty is the difficulty adjustment algorithm. It returns
+// the difficulty that a new block b should have when created at time
+// given the parent block's time and difficulty.
+func CalcDifficulty(time int64, parentTime int64, parentDiff *big.Int) *big.Int {
diff := new(big.Int)
- adjust := new(big.Int).Div(parent.Difficulty, params.DifficultyBoundDivisor)
- if big.NewInt(int64(block.Time)-int64(parent.Time)).Cmp(params.DurationLimit) < 0 {
- diff.Add(parent.Difficulty, adjust)
+ adjust := new(big.Int).Div(parentDiff, params.DifficultyBoundDivisor)
+ if big.NewInt(time-parentTime).Cmp(params.DurationLimit) < 0 {
+ diff.Add(parentDiff, adjust)
} else {
- diff.Sub(parent.Difficulty, adjust)
+ diff.Sub(parentDiff, adjust)
if diff.Cmp(params.MinimumDifficulty) < 0 {
return params.MinimumDifficulty
return diff
+// CalcTD computes the total difficulty of block.
func CalcTD(block, parent *types.Block) *big.Int {
if parent == nil {
return block.Difficulty()
- return new(big.Int).Add(parent.Td, block.Header().Difficulty)
+ d := block.Difficulty()
+ d.Add(d, parent.Td)
+ return d
+// CalcGasLimit computes the gas limit of the next block after parent.
+// The result may be modified by the caller.
func CalcGasLimit(parent *types.Block) *big.Int {
decay := new(big.Int).Div(parent.GasLimit(), params.GasLimitBoundDivisor)
contrib := new(big.Int).Mul(parent.GasUsed(), big.NewInt(3))
@@ -71,11 +80,11 @@ func CalcGasLimit(parent *types.Block) *big.Int {
gl := new(big.Int).Sub(parent.GasLimit(), decay)
gl = gl.Add(gl, contrib)
gl = gl.Add(gl, big.NewInt(1))
- gl = common.BigMax(gl, params.MinGasLimit)
+ gl.Set(common.BigMax(gl, params.MinGasLimit))
if gl.Cmp(params.GenesisGasLimit) < 0 {
- gl2 := new(big.Int).Add(parent.GasLimit(), decay)
- return common.BigMin(params.GenesisGasLimit, gl2)
+ gl.Add(parent.GasLimit(), decay)
+ gl.Set(common.BigMin(gl, params.GenesisGasLimit))
return gl
@@ -100,8 +109,9 @@ type ChainManager struct {
transState *state.StateDB
txState *state.ManagedState
- cache *BlockCache
- futureBlocks *BlockCache
+ cache *lru.Cache // cache is the LRU caching
+ futureBlocks *lru.Cache // future blocks are blocks added for later processing
+ pendingBlocks *lru.Cache // pending blocks contain blocks not yet written to the db
quit chan struct{}
// procInterrupt must be atomically called
@@ -112,13 +122,14 @@ type ChainManager struct {
func NewChainManager(genesis *types.Block, blockDb, stateDb common.Database, pow pow.PoW, mux *event.TypeMux) (*ChainManager, error) {
+ cache, _ := lru.New(blockCacheLimit)
bc := &ChainManager{
blockDb: blockDb,
stateDb: stateDb,
genesisBlock: GenesisBlock(42, stateDb),
eventMux: mux,
quit: make(chan struct{}),
- cache: NewBlockCache(blockCacheLimit),
+ cache: cache,
pow: pow,
// Check the genesis block given to the chain manager. If the genesis block mismatches block number 0
@@ -147,7 +158,7 @@ func NewChainManager(genesis *types.Block, blockDb, stateDb common.Database, pow
// Take ownership of this particular state
bc.txState = state.ManageState(bc.State().Copy())
- bc.futureBlocks = NewBlockCache(maxFutureBlocks)
+ bc.futureBlocks, _ = lru.New(maxFutureBlocks)
go bc.update()
@@ -159,11 +170,11 @@ func (bc *ChainManager) SetHead(head *types.Block) {
defer bc.mu.Unlock()
- for block := bc.currentBlock; block != nil && block.Hash() != head.Hash(); block = bc.GetBlock(block.Header().ParentHash) {
+ for block := bc.currentBlock; block != nil && block.Hash() != head.Hash(); block = bc.GetBlock(block.ParentHash()) {
- bc.cache = NewBlockCache(blockCacheLimit)
+ bc.cache, _ = lru.New(blockCacheLimit)
bc.currentBlock = head
@@ -251,65 +262,23 @@ func (bc *ChainManager) setLastState() {
func (bc *ChainManager) makeCache() {
- if bc.cache == nil {
- bc.cache = NewBlockCache(blockCacheLimit)
- }
+ bc.cache, _ = lru.New(blockCacheLimit)
// load in last `blockCacheLimit` - 1 blocks. Last block is the current.
- ancestors := bc.GetAncestors(bc.currentBlock, blockCacheLimit-1)
- ancestors = append(ancestors, bc.currentBlock)
- for _, block := range ancestors {
- bc.cache.Push(block)
+ bc.cache.Add(bc.genesisBlock.Hash(), bc.genesisBlock)
+ for _, block := range bc.GetBlocksFromHash(bc.currentBlock.Hash(), blockCacheLimit) {
+ bc.cache.Add(block.Hash(), block)
-// Block creation & chain handling
-func (bc *ChainManager) NewBlock(coinbase common.Address) *types.Block {
- bc.mu.RLock()
- defer bc.mu.RUnlock()
- var (
- root common.Hash
- parentHash common.Hash
- )
- if bc.currentBlock != nil {
- root = bc.currentBlock.Header().Root
- parentHash = bc.lastBlockHash
- }
- block := types.NewBlock(
- parentHash,
- coinbase,
- root,
- common.BigPow(2, 32),
- 0,
- nil)
- block.SetUncles(nil)
- block.SetTransactions(nil)
- block.SetReceipts(nil)
- parent := bc.currentBlock
- if parent != nil {
- header := block.Header()
- header.Difficulty = CalcDifficulty(block.Header(), parent.Header())
- header.Number = new(big.Int).Add(parent.Header().Number, common.Big1)
- header.GasLimit = CalcGasLimit(parent)
- }
- return block
func (bc *ChainManager) Reset() {
defer bc.mu.Unlock()
- for block := bc.currentBlock; block != nil; block = bc.GetBlock(block.Header().ParentHash) {
+ for block := bc.currentBlock; block != nil; block = bc.GetBlock(block.ParentHash()) {
- if bc.cache == nil {
- bc.cache = NewBlockCache(blockCacheLimit)
- }
+ bc.cache, _ = lru.New(blockCacheLimit)
// Prepare the genesis block
@@ -328,7 +297,7 @@ func (bc *ChainManager) ResetWithGenesisBlock(gb *types.Block) {
defer bc.mu.Unlock()
- for block := bc.currentBlock; block != nil; block = bc.GetBlock(block.Header().ParentHash) {
+ for block := bc.currentBlock; block != nil; block = bc.GetBlock(block.ParentHash()) {
@@ -393,15 +362,20 @@ func (bc *ChainManager) insert(block *types.Block) {
func (bc *ChainManager) write(block *types.Block) {
- enc, _ := rlp.EncodeToBytes((*types.StorageBlock)(block))
- key := append(blockHashPre, block.Hash().Bytes()...)
- err := bc.blockDb.Put(key, enc)
- if err != nil {
- glog.Fatal("db write fail:", err)
- }
+ tstart := time.Now()
+ go func() {
+ enc, _ := rlp.EncodeToBytes((*types.StorageBlock)(block))
+ key := append(blockHashPre, block.Hash().Bytes()...)
+ err := bc.blockDb.Put(key, enc)
+ if err != nil {
+ glog.Fatal("db write fail:", err)
+ }
+ }()
- // Push block to cache
- bc.cache.Push(block)
+ if glog.V(logger.Debug) {
+ glog.Infof("wrote block #%v %s. Took %v\n", block.Number(), common.PP(block.Hash().Bytes()), time.Since(tstart))
+ }
// Accessors
@@ -411,6 +385,16 @@ func (bc *ChainManager) Genesis() *types.Block {
// Block fetching methods
func (bc *ChainManager) HasBlock(hash common.Hash) bool {
+ if bc.cache.Contains(hash) {
+ return true
+ }
+ if bc.pendingBlocks != nil {
+ if _, exist := bc.pendingBlocks.Get(hash); exist {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
data, _ := bc.blockDb.Get(append(blockHashPre, hash[:]...))
return len(data) != 0
@@ -437,11 +421,15 @@ func (self *ChainManager) GetBlockHashesFromHash(hash common.Hash, max uint64) (
func (self *ChainManager) GetBlock(hash common.Hash) *types.Block {
- /*
- if block := self.cache.Get(hash); block != nil {
- return block
+ if block, ok := self.cache.Get(hash); ok {
+ return block.(*types.Block)
+ }
+ if self.pendingBlocks != nil {
+ if block, _ := self.pendingBlocks.Get(hash); block != nil {
+ return block.(*types.Block)
- */
+ }
data, _ := self.blockDb.Get(append(blockHashPre, hash[:]...))
if len(data) == 0 {
@@ -452,6 +440,10 @@ func (self *ChainManager) GetBlock(hash common.Hash) *types.Block {
glog.V(logger.Error).Infof("invalid block RLP for hash %x: %v", hash, err)
return nil
+ // Add the block to the cache
+ self.cache.Add(hash, (*types.Block)(&block))
return (*types.Block)(&block)
@@ -463,6 +455,19 @@ func (self *ChainManager) GetBlockByNumber(num uint64) *types.Block {
+// GetBlocksFromHash returns the block corresponding to hash and up to n-1 ancestors.
+func (self *ChainManager) GetBlocksFromHash(hash common.Hash, n int) (blocks []*types.Block) {
+ for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
+ block := self.GetBlock(hash)
+ if block == nil {
+ break
+ }
+ blocks = append(blocks, block)
+ hash = block.ParentHash()
+ }
+ return
// non blocking version
func (self *ChainManager) getBlockByNumber(num uint64) *types.Block {
key, _ := self.blockDb.Get(append(blockNumPre, big.NewInt(int64(num)).Bytes()...))
@@ -482,45 +487,12 @@ func (self *ChainManager) GetUnclesInChain(block *types.Block, length int) (uncl
-func (self *ChainManager) GetAncestors(block *types.Block, length int) (blocks []*types.Block) {
- for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
- block = self.GetBlock(block.ParentHash())
- if block == nil {
- break
- }
- blocks = append(blocks, block)
- }
- return
// setTotalDifficulty updates the TD of the chain manager. Note, this function
// assumes that the `mu` mutex is held!
func (bc *ChainManager) setTotalDifficulty(td *big.Int) {
bc.td = new(big.Int).Set(td)
-func (self *ChainManager) CalcTotalDiff(block *types.Block) (*big.Int, error) {
- parent := self.GetBlock(block.Header().ParentHash)
- if parent == nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unable to calculate total diff without known parent %x", block.Header().ParentHash)
- }
- parentTd := parent.Td
- uncleDiff := new(big.Int)
- for _, uncle := range block.Uncles() {
- uncleDiff = uncleDiff.Add(uncleDiff, uncle.Difficulty)
- }
- td := new(big.Int)
- td = td.Add(parentTd, uncleDiff)
- td = td.Add(td, block.Header().Difficulty)
- return td, nil
func (bc *ChainManager) Stop() {
atomic.StoreInt32(&bc.procInterrupt, 1)
@@ -538,16 +510,94 @@ type queueEvent struct {
func (self *ChainManager) procFutureBlocks() {
- var blocks []*types.Block
- self.futureBlocks.Each(func(i int, block *types.Block) {
- blocks = append(blocks, block)
- })
+ blocks := make([]*types.Block, self.futureBlocks.Len())
+ for i, hash := range self.futureBlocks.Keys() {
+ block, _ := self.futureBlocks.Get(hash)
+ blocks[i] = block.(*types.Block)
+ }
if len(blocks) > 0 {
+func (self *ChainManager) enqueueForWrite(block *types.Block) {
+ self.pendingBlocks.Add(block.Hash(), block)
+func (self *ChainManager) flushQueuedBlocks() {
+ db, batchWrite := self.blockDb.(*ethdb.LDBDatabase)
+ batch := new(leveldb.Batch)
+ for _, key := range self.pendingBlocks.Keys() {
+ b, _ := self.pendingBlocks.Get(key)
+ block := b.(*types.Block)
+ enc, _ := rlp.EncodeToBytes((*types.StorageBlock)(block))
+ key := append(blockHashPre, block.Hash().Bytes()...)
+ if batchWrite {
+ batch.Put(key, rle.Compress(enc))
+ } else {
+ self.blockDb.Put(key, enc)
+ }
+ }
+ if batchWrite {
+ db.LDB().Write(batch, nil)
+ }
+type writeStatus byte
+const (
+ nonStatTy writeStatus = iota
+ canonStatTy
+ splitStatTy
+ sideStatTy
+func (self *ChainManager) WriteBlock(block *types.Block) (status writeStatus, err error) {
+ self.wg.Add(1)
+ defer self.wg.Done()
+ cblock := self.currentBlock
+ // Compare the TD of the last known block in the canonical chain to make sure it's greater.
+ // At this point it's possible that a different chain (fork) becomes the new canonical chain.
+ if block.Td.Cmp(self.Td()) > 0 {
+ // chain fork
+ if block.ParentHash() != cblock.Hash() {
+ // during split we merge two different chains and create the new canonical chain
+ err := self.merge(cblock, block)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nonStatTy, err
+ }
+ status = splitStatTy
+ }
+ self.mu.Lock()
+ self.setTotalDifficulty(block.Td)
+ self.insert(block)
+ self.mu.Unlock()
+ self.setTransState(state.New(block.Root(), self.stateDb))
+ self.txState.SetState(state.New(block.Root(), self.stateDb))
+ status = canonStatTy
+ } else {
+ status = sideStatTy
+ }
+ // Write block to database. Eventually we'll have to improve on this and throw away blocks that are
+ // not in the canonical chain.
+ self.mu.Lock()
+ self.enqueueForWrite(block)
+ self.mu.Unlock()
+ // Delete from future blocks
+ self.futureBlocks.Remove(block.Hash())
+ return
// InsertChain will attempt to insert the given chain in to the canonical chain or, otherwise, create a fork. It an error is returned
// it will return the index number of the failing block as well an error describing what went wrong (for possible errors see core/errors.go).
func (self *ChainManager) InsertChain(chain types.Blocks) (int, error) {
@@ -557,6 +607,8 @@ func (self *ChainManager) InsertChain(chain types.Blocks) (int, error) {
defer self.chainmu.Unlock()
+ self.pendingBlocks, _ = lru.New(len(chain))
// A queued approach to delivering events. This is generally
// faster than direct delivery and requires much less mutex
// acquiring.
@@ -574,6 +626,7 @@ func (self *ChainManager) InsertChain(chain types.Blocks) (int, error) {
// Start the parallel nonce verifier.
go verifyNonces(self.pow, chain, nonceQuit, nonceDone)
defer close(nonceQuit)
+ defer self.flushQueuedBlocks()
txcount := 0
for i, block := range chain {
@@ -621,15 +674,13 @@ func (self *ChainManager) InsertChain(chain types.Blocks) (int, error) {
return i, fmt.Errorf("%v: BlockFutureErr, %v > %v", BlockFutureErr, block.Time(), max)
- block.SetQueued(true)
- self.futureBlocks.Push(block)
+ self.futureBlocks.Add(block.Hash(), block)
- if IsParentErr(err) && self.futureBlocks.Has(block.ParentHash()) {
- block.SetQueued(true)
- self.futureBlocks.Push(block)
+ if IsParentErr(err) && self.futureBlocks.Contains(block.ParentHash()) {
+ self.futureBlocks.Add(block.Hash(), block)
@@ -641,59 +692,29 @@ func (self *ChainManager) InsertChain(chain types.Blocks) (int, error) {
txcount += len(block.Transactions())
- cblock := self.currentBlock
- // Compare the TD of the last known block in the canonical chain to make sure it's greater.
- // At this point it's possible that a different chain (fork) becomes the new canonical chain.
- if block.Td.Cmp(self.Td()) > 0 {
- // chain fork
- if block.ParentHash() != cblock.Hash() {
- // during split we merge two different chains and create the new canonical chain
- err := self.merge(cblock, block)
- if err != nil {
- return i, err
- }
- queue[i] = ChainSplitEvent{block, logs}
- queueEvent.splitCount++
- }
- self.mu.Lock()
- self.setTotalDifficulty(block.Td)
- self.insert(block)
- self.mu.Unlock()
- jsonlogger.LogJson(&logger.EthChainNewHead{
- BlockHash: block.Hash().Hex(),
- BlockNumber: block.Number(),
- ChainHeadHash: cblock.Hash().Hex(),
- BlockPrevHash: block.ParentHash().Hex(),
- })
- self.setTransState(state.New(block.Root(), self.stateDb))
- self.txState.SetState(state.New(block.Root(), self.stateDb))
- queue[i] = ChainEvent{block, block.Hash(), logs}
- queueEvent.canonicalCount++
+ // write the block to the chain and get the status
+ status, err := self.WriteBlock(block)
+ if err != nil {
+ return i, err
+ }
+ switch status {
+ case canonStatTy:
if glog.V(logger.Debug) {
glog.Infof("[%v] inserted block #%d (%d TXs %d UNCs) (%x...). Took %v\n", time.Now().UnixNano(), block.Number(), len(block.Transactions()), len(block.Uncles()), block.Hash().Bytes()[0:4], time.Since(bstart))
- } else {
+ queue[i] = ChainEvent{block, block.Hash(), logs}
+ queueEvent.canonicalCount++
+ case sideStatTy:
if glog.V(logger.Detail) {
glog.Infof("inserted forked block #%d (TD=%v) (%d TXs %d UNCs) (%x...). Took %v\n", block.Number(), block.Difficulty(), len(block.Transactions()), len(block.Uncles()), block.Hash().Bytes()[0:4], time.Since(bstart))
queue[i] = ChainSideEvent{block, logs}
+ case splitStatTy:
+ queue[i] = ChainSplitEvent{block, logs}
+ queueEvent.splitCount++
- // Write block to database. Eventually we'll have to improve on this and throw away blocks that are
- // not in the canonical chain.
- self.write(block)
- // Delete from future blocks
- self.futureBlocks.Delete(block.Hash())
- blockInsertTimer.UpdateSince(bstart)
if (stats.queued > 0 || stats.processed > 0 || stats.ignored > 0) && bool(glog.V(logger.Info)) {
@@ -752,9 +773,9 @@ func (self *ChainManager) diff(oldBlock, newBlock *types.Block) (types.Blocks, e
- if glog.V(logger.Info) {
+ if glog.V(logger.Debug) {
commonHash := commonBlock.Hash()
- glog.Infof("Fork detected @ %x. Reorganising chain from #%v %x to %x", commonHash[:4], numSplit, oldStart.Hash().Bytes()[:4], newStart.Hash().Bytes()[:4])
+ glog.Infof("Chain split detected @ %x. Reorganising chain from #%v %x to %x", commonHash[:4], numSplit, oldStart.Hash().Bytes()[:4], newStart.Hash().Bytes()[:4])
return newChain, nil
diff --git a/core/chain_manager_test.go b/core/chain_manager_test.go
index c56a3b3e1..8b3ea9e85 100644
--- a/core/chain_manager_test.go
+++ b/core/chain_manager_test.go
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import (
+ "github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru"
func init() {
@@ -62,12 +63,11 @@ func testFork(t *testing.T, bman *BlockProcessor, i, N int, f func(td1, td2 *big
if bi1 != bi2 {
t.Fatal("chains do not have the same hash at height", i)
// extend the fork
parent := bman2.bc.CurrentBlock()
- chainB := makeChain(bman2, parent, N, db, ForkSeed)
+ chainB := makeChain(parent, N, db, forkSeed)
_, err = bman2.bc.InsertChain(chainB)
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("Insert chain error for fork:", err)
@@ -109,7 +109,8 @@ func testChain(chainB types.Blocks, bman *BlockProcessor) (*big.Int, error) {
- bman.bc.write(block)
+ bman.bc.enqueueForWrite(block)
+ //bman.bc.write(block)
@@ -117,7 +118,7 @@ func testChain(chainB types.Blocks, bman *BlockProcessor) (*big.Int, error) {
func loadChain(fn string, t *testing.T) (types.Blocks, error) {
- fh, err := os.OpenFile(filepath.Join(os.Getenv("GOPATH"), "src", "github.com", "ethereum", "go-ethereum", "_data", fn), os.O_RDONLY, os.ModePerm)
+ fh, err := os.OpenFile(filepath.Join("..", "_data", fn), os.O_RDONLY, os.ModePerm)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@@ -256,7 +257,7 @@ func TestBrokenChain(t *testing.T) {
parent := bman2.bc.CurrentBlock()
- chainB := makeChain(bman2, parent, 5, db2, ForkSeed)
+ chainB := makeChain(parent, 5, db2, forkSeed)
chainB = chainB[1:]
_, err = testChain(chainB, bman)
if err == nil {
@@ -265,7 +266,7 @@ func TestBrokenChain(t *testing.T) {
func TestChainInsertions(t *testing.T) {
- t.Skip() // travil fails.
+ t.Skip("Skipped: outdated test files")
db, _ := ethdb.NewMemDatabase()
@@ -303,7 +304,7 @@ func TestChainInsertions(t *testing.T) {
func TestChainMultipleInsertions(t *testing.T) {
- t.Skip() // travil fails.
+ t.Skip("Skipped: outdated test files")
db, _ := ethdb.NewMemDatabase()
@@ -346,8 +347,8 @@ func TestChainMultipleInsertions(t *testing.T) {
-func TestGetAncestors(t *testing.T) {
- t.Skip() // travil fails.
+func TestGetBlocksFromHash(t *testing.T) {
+ t.Skip("Skipped: outdated test files")
db, _ := ethdb.NewMemDatabase()
chainMan := theChainManager(db, t)
@@ -361,8 +362,8 @@ func TestGetAncestors(t *testing.T) {
- ancestors := chainMan.GetAncestors(chain[len(chain)-1], 4)
- fmt.Println(ancestors)
+ blocks := chainMan.GetBlocksFromHash(chain[len(chain)-1].Hash(), 4)
+ fmt.Println(blocks)
type bproc struct{}
@@ -372,15 +373,17 @@ func (bproc) Process(*types.Block) (state.Logs, error) { return nil, nil }
func makeChainWithDiff(genesis *types.Block, d []int, seed byte) []*types.Block {
var chain []*types.Block
for i, difficulty := range d {
- header := &types.Header{Number: big.NewInt(int64(i + 1)), Difficulty: big.NewInt(int64(difficulty))}
- block := types.NewBlockWithHeader(header)
- copy(block.HeaderHash[:2], []byte{byte(i + 1), seed})
+ header := &types.Header{
+ Coinbase: common.Address{seed},
+ Number: big.NewInt(int64(i + 1)),
+ Difficulty: big.NewInt(int64(difficulty)),
+ }
if i == 0 {
- block.ParentHeaderHash = genesis.Hash()
+ header.ParentHash = genesis.Hash()
} else {
- copy(block.ParentHeaderHash[:2], []byte{byte(i), seed})
+ header.ParentHash = chain[i-1].Hash()
+ block := types.NewBlockWithHeader(header)
chain = append(chain, block)
return chain
@@ -389,8 +392,8 @@ func makeChainWithDiff(genesis *types.Block, d []int, seed byte) []*types.Block
func chm(genesis *types.Block, db common.Database) *ChainManager {
var eventMux event.TypeMux
bc := &ChainManager{blockDb: db, stateDb: db, genesisBlock: genesis, eventMux: &eventMux, pow: FakePow{}}
- bc.cache = NewBlockCache(100)
- bc.futureBlocks = NewBlockCache(100)
+ bc.cache, _ = lru.New(100)
+ bc.futureBlocks, _ = lru.New(100)
bc.processor = bproc{}
bc.txState = state.ManageState(bc.State())
@@ -399,7 +402,6 @@ func chm(genesis *types.Block, db common.Database) *ChainManager {
func TestReorgLongest(t *testing.T) {
- t.Skip("skipped while cache is removed")
db, _ := ethdb.NewMemDatabase()
genesis := GenesisBlock(0, db)
bc := chm(genesis, db)
@@ -419,7 +421,6 @@ func TestReorgLongest(t *testing.T) {
func TestReorgShortest(t *testing.T) {
- t.Skip("skipped while cache is removed")
db, _ := ethdb.NewMemDatabase()
genesis := GenesisBlock(0, db)
bc := chm(genesis, db)
@@ -444,7 +445,7 @@ func TestInsertNonceError(t *testing.T) {
genesis := GenesisBlock(0, db)
bc := chm(genesis, db)
bc.processor = NewBlockProcessor(db, db, bc.pow, bc, bc.eventMux)
- blocks := makeChain(bc.processor.(*BlockProcessor), bc.currentBlock, i, db, 0)
+ blocks := makeChain(bc.currentBlock, i, db, 0)
fail := rand.Int() % len(blocks)
failblock := blocks[fail]
diff --git a/core/genesis.go b/core/genesis.go
index dd894e0b0..df13466ec 100644
--- a/core/genesis.go
+++ b/core/genesis.go
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package core
import (
+ "math/big"
@@ -11,38 +12,18 @@ import (
- * This is the special genesis block.
- */
-var ZeroHash256 = make([]byte, 32)
-var ZeroHash160 = make([]byte, 20)
-var ZeroHash512 = make([]byte, 64)
+// GenesisBlock creates a genesis block with the given nonce.
func GenesisBlock(nonce uint64, db common.Database) *types.Block {
- genesis := types.NewBlock(common.Hash{}, common.Address{}, common.Hash{}, params.GenesisDifficulty, nonce, nil)
- genesis.Header().Number = common.Big0
- genesis.Header().GasLimit = params.GenesisGasLimit
- genesis.Header().GasUsed = common.Big0
- genesis.Header().Time = 0
- genesis.Td = common.Big0
- genesis.SetUncles([]*types.Header{})
- genesis.SetTransactions(types.Transactions{})
- genesis.SetReceipts(types.Receipts{})
var accounts map[string]struct {
Balance string
Code string
err := json.Unmarshal(GenesisAccounts, &accounts)
if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("enable to decode genesis json data:", err)
+ fmt.Println("unable to decode genesis json data:", err)
- statedb := state.New(genesis.Root(), db)
+ statedb := state.New(common.Hash{}, db)
for addr, account := range accounts {
codedAddr := common.Hex2Bytes(addr)
accountState := statedb.CreateAccount(common.BytesToAddress(codedAddr))
@@ -51,10 +32,15 @@ func GenesisBlock(nonce uint64, db common.Database) *types.Block {
- genesis.Header().Root = statedb.Root()
- genesis.Td = params.GenesisDifficulty
- return genesis
+ block := types.NewBlock(&types.Header{
+ Difficulty: params.GenesisDifficulty,
+ GasLimit: params.GenesisGasLimit,
+ Nonce: types.EncodeNonce(nonce),
+ Root: statedb.Root(),
+ }, nil, nil, nil)
+ block.Td = params.GenesisDifficulty
+ return block
var GenesisAccounts = []byte(`{
@@ -71,3 +57,20 @@ var GenesisAccounts = []byte(`{
"e6716f9544a56c530d868e4bfbacb172315bdead": {"balance": "1606938044258990275541962092341162602522202993782792835301376"},
"1a26338f0d905e295fccb71fa9ea849ffa12aaf4": {"balance": "1606938044258990275541962092341162602522202993782792835301376"}
+// GenesisBlockForTesting creates a block in which addr has the given wei balance.
+// The state trie of the block is written to db.
+func GenesisBlockForTesting(db common.Database, addr common.Address, balance *big.Int) *types.Block {
+ statedb := state.New(common.Hash{}, db)
+ obj := statedb.GetOrNewStateObject(addr)
+ obj.SetBalance(balance)
+ statedb.Update()
+ statedb.Sync()
+ block := types.NewBlock(&types.Header{
+ Difficulty: params.GenesisDifficulty,
+ GasLimit: params.GenesisGasLimit,
+ Root: statedb.Root(),
+ }, nil, nil, nil)
+ block.Td = params.GenesisDifficulty
+ return block
diff --git a/core/state_transition.go b/core/state_transition.go
index 915dd466b..e2212dfef 100644
--- a/core/state_transition.go
+++ b/core/state_transition.go
@@ -13,10 +13,6 @@ import (
-const tryJit = false
-var ()
* The State transitioning model
@@ -69,20 +65,24 @@ func MessageCreatesContract(msg Message) bool {
return msg.To() == nil
-func MessageGasValue(msg Message) *big.Int {
- return new(big.Int).Mul(msg.Gas(), msg.GasPrice())
-func IntrinsicGas(msg Message) *big.Int {
+// IntrinsicGas computes the 'intrisic gas' for a message
+// with the given data.
+func IntrinsicGas(data []byte) *big.Int {
igas := new(big.Int).Set(params.TxGas)
- for _, byt := range msg.Data() {
- if byt != 0 {
- igas.Add(igas, params.TxDataNonZeroGas)
- } else {
- igas.Add(igas, params.TxDataZeroGas)
+ if len(data) > 0 {
+ var nz int64
+ for _, byt := range data {
+ if byt != 0 {
+ nz++
+ }
+ m := big.NewInt(nz)
+ m.Mul(m, params.TxDataNonZeroGas)
+ igas.Add(igas, m)
+ m.SetInt64(int64(len(data)) - nz)
+ m.Mul(m, params.TxDataZeroGas)
+ igas.Add(igas, m)
return igas
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ func NewStateTransition(env vm.Environment, msg Message, coinbase *state.StateOb
env: env,
msg: msg,
gas: new(big.Int),
- gasPrice: new(big.Int).Set(msg.GasPrice()),
+ gasPrice: msg.GasPrice(),
initialGas: new(big.Int),
value: msg.Value(),
data: msg.Data(),
@@ -140,26 +140,22 @@ func (self *StateTransition) AddGas(amount *big.Int) {
func (self *StateTransition) BuyGas() error {
- var err error
+ mgas := self.msg.Gas()
+ mgval := new(big.Int).Mul(mgas, self.gasPrice)
sender, err := self.From()
if err != nil {
return err
- if sender.Balance().Cmp(MessageGasValue(self.msg)) < 0 {
- return fmt.Errorf("insufficient ETH for gas (%x). Req %v, has %v", sender.Address().Bytes()[:4], MessageGasValue(self.msg), sender.Balance())
+ if sender.Balance().Cmp(mgval) < 0 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("insufficient ETH for gas (%x). Req %v, has %v", sender.Address().Bytes()[:4], mgval, sender.Balance())
- coinbase := self.Coinbase()
- err = coinbase.SubGas(self.msg.Gas(), self.msg.GasPrice())
- if err != nil {
+ if err = self.Coinbase().SubGas(mgas, self.gasPrice); err != nil {
return err
- self.AddGas(self.msg.Gas())
- self.initialGas.Set(self.msg.Gas())
- sender.SubBalance(MessageGasValue(self.msg))
+ self.AddGas(mgas)
+ self.initialGas.Set(mgas)
+ sender.SubBalance(mgval)
return nil
@@ -195,14 +191,14 @@ func (self *StateTransition) transitionState() (ret []byte, usedGas *big.Int, er
sender, _ := self.From() // err checked in preCheck
// Pay intrinsic gas
- if err = self.UseGas(IntrinsicGas(self.msg)); err != nil {
+ if err = self.UseGas(IntrinsicGas(self.data)); err != nil {
return nil, nil, InvalidTxError(err)
vmenv := self.env
var ref vm.ContextRef
if MessageCreatesContract(msg) {
- ret, err, ref = vmenv.Create(sender, self.msg.Data(), self.gas, self.gasPrice, self.value)
+ ret, err, ref = vmenv.Create(sender, self.data, self.gas, self.gasPrice, self.value)
if err == nil {
dataGas := big.NewInt(int64(len(ret)))
dataGas.Mul(dataGas, params.CreateDataGas)
@@ -216,7 +212,7 @@ func (self *StateTransition) transitionState() (ret []byte, usedGas *big.Int, er
} else {
// Increment the nonce for the next transaction
self.state.SetNonce(sender.Address(), sender.Nonce()+1)
- ret, err = vmenv.Call(sender, self.To().Address(), self.msg.Data(), self.gas, self.gasPrice, self.value)
+ ret, err = vmenv.Call(sender, self.To().Address(), self.data, self.gas, self.gasPrice, self.value)
if err != nil && IsValueTransferErr(err) {
@@ -237,15 +233,15 @@ func (self *StateTransition) refundGas() {
coinbase := self.Coinbase()
sender, _ := self.From() // err already checked
// Return remaining gas
- remaining := new(big.Int).Mul(self.gas, self.msg.GasPrice())
+ remaining := new(big.Int).Mul(self.gas, self.gasPrice)
- uhalf := new(big.Int).Div(self.gasUsed(), common.Big2)
+ uhalf := remaining.Div(self.gasUsed(), common.Big2)
refund := common.BigMin(uhalf, self.state.Refunds())
self.gas.Add(self.gas, refund)
- self.state.AddBalance(sender.Address(), refund.Mul(refund, self.msg.GasPrice()))
+ self.state.AddBalance(sender.Address(), refund.Mul(refund, self.gasPrice))
- coinbase.AddGas(self.gas, self.msg.GasPrice())
+ coinbase.AddGas(self.gas, self.gasPrice)
func (self *StateTransition) gasUsed() *big.Int {
diff --git a/core/transaction_pool.go b/core/transaction_pool.go
index 34a1733d7..bf28647c3 100644
--- a/core/transaction_pool.go
+++ b/core/transaction_pool.go
@@ -162,27 +162,25 @@ func (pool *TxPool) validateTx(tx *types.Transaction) error {
// Check the transaction doesn't exceed the current
// block limit gas.
- if pool.gasLimit().Cmp(tx.GasLimit) < 0 {
+ if pool.gasLimit().Cmp(tx.Gas()) < 0 {
return ErrGasLimit
// Transactions can't be negative. This may never happen
// using RLP decoded transactions but may occur if you create
// a transaction using the RPC for example.
- if tx.Amount.Cmp(common.Big0) < 0 {
+ if tx.Value().Cmp(common.Big0) < 0 {
return ErrNegativeValue
// Transactor should have enough funds to cover the costs
// cost == V + GP * GL
- total := new(big.Int).Mul(tx.Price, tx.GasLimit)
- total.Add(total, tx.Value())
- if pool.currentState().GetBalance(from).Cmp(total) < 0 {
+ if pool.currentState().GetBalance(from).Cmp(tx.Cost()) < 0 {
return ErrInsufficientFunds
// Should supply enough intrinsic gas
- if tx.GasLimit.Cmp(IntrinsicGas(tx)) < 0 {
+ if tx.Gas().Cmp(IntrinsicGas(tx.Data())) < 0 {
return ErrIntrinsicGas
@@ -238,7 +236,7 @@ func (pool *TxPool) addTx(hash common.Hash, addr common.Address, tx *types.Trans
// Increment the nonce on the pending state. This can only happen if
// the nonce is +1 to the previous one.
- pool.pendingState.SetNonce(addr, tx.AccountNonce+1)
+ pool.pendingState.SetNonce(addr, tx.Nonce()+1)
// Notify the subscribers. This event is posted in a goroutine
// because it's possible that somewhere during the post "Remove transaction"
// gets called which will then wait for the global tx pool lock and deadlock.
@@ -341,7 +339,7 @@ func (pool *TxPool) checkQueue() {
trueNonce := pool.currentState().GetNonce(address)
addq := addq[:0]
for hash, tx := range txs {
- if tx.AccountNonce < trueNonce {
+ if tx.Nonce() < trueNonce {
// Drop queued transactions whose nonce is lower than
// the account nonce because they have been processed.
delete(txs, hash)
@@ -362,8 +360,7 @@ func (pool *TxPool) checkQueue() {
delete(pool.queue[address], e.hash)
- if e.AccountNonce > guessedNonce {
+ if e.Nonce() > guessedNonce {
delete(txs, e.hash)
@@ -418,4 +415,4 @@ type txQueueEntry struct {
func (q txQueue) Len() int { return len(q) }
func (q txQueue) Swap(i, j int) { q[i], q[j] = q[j], q[i] }
-func (q txQueue) Less(i, j int) bool { return q[i].AccountNonce < q[j].AccountNonce }
+func (q txQueue) Less(i, j int) bool { return q[i].Nonce() < q[j].Nonce() }
diff --git a/core/transaction_pool_test.go b/core/transaction_pool_test.go
index b763c196d..ff8b9c730 100644
--- a/core/transaction_pool_test.go
+++ b/core/transaction_pool_test.go
@@ -13,8 +13,9 @@ import (
-func transaction() *types.Transaction {
- return types.NewTransactionMessage(common.Address{}, big.NewInt(100), big.NewInt(100), big.NewInt(100), nil)
+func transaction(nonce uint64, gaslimit *big.Int, key *ecdsa.PrivateKey) *types.Transaction {
+ tx, _ := types.NewTransaction(nonce, common.Address{}, big.NewInt(100), gaslimit, big.NewInt(1), nil).SignECDSA(key)
+ return tx
func setupTxPool() (*TxPool, *ecdsa.PrivateKey) {
@@ -29,43 +30,34 @@ func setupTxPool() (*TxPool, *ecdsa.PrivateKey) {
func TestInvalidTransactions(t *testing.T) {
pool, key := setupTxPool()
- tx := transaction()
- tx.SignECDSA(key)
- err := pool.Add(tx)
- if err != ErrNonExistentAccount {
+ tx := transaction(0, big.NewInt(100), key)
+ if err := pool.Add(tx); err != ErrNonExistentAccount {
t.Error("expected", ErrNonExistentAccount)
from, _ := tx.From()
pool.currentState().AddBalance(from, big.NewInt(1))
- err = pool.Add(tx)
- if err != ErrInsufficientFunds {
+ if err := pool.Add(tx); err != ErrInsufficientFunds {
t.Error("expected", ErrInsufficientFunds)
balance := new(big.Int).Add(tx.Value(), new(big.Int).Mul(tx.Gas(), tx.GasPrice()))
pool.currentState().AddBalance(from, balance)
- err = pool.Add(tx)
- if err != ErrIntrinsicGas {
+ if err := pool.Add(tx); err != ErrIntrinsicGas {
t.Error("expected", ErrIntrinsicGas, "got", err)
pool.currentState().SetNonce(from, 1)
pool.currentState().AddBalance(from, big.NewInt(0xffffffffffffff))
- tx.GasLimit = big.NewInt(100000)
- tx.Price = big.NewInt(1)
- tx.SignECDSA(key)
- err = pool.Add(tx)
- if err != ErrNonce {
+ tx = transaction(0, big.NewInt(100000), key)
+ if err := pool.Add(tx); err != ErrNonce {
t.Error("expected", ErrNonce)
func TestTransactionQueue(t *testing.T) {
pool, key := setupTxPool()
- tx := transaction()
- tx.SignECDSA(key)
+ tx := transaction(0, big.NewInt(100), key)
from, _ := tx.From()
pool.currentState().AddBalance(from, big.NewInt(1))
pool.queueTx(tx.Hash(), tx)
@@ -75,9 +67,7 @@ func TestTransactionQueue(t *testing.T) {
t.Error("expected valid txs to be 1 is", len(pool.pending))
- tx = transaction()
- tx.SetNonce(1)
- tx.SignECDSA(key)
+ tx = transaction(1, big.NewInt(100), key)
from, _ = tx.From()
pool.currentState().SetNonce(from, 2)
pool.queueTx(tx.Hash(), tx)
@@ -91,12 +81,9 @@ func TestTransactionQueue(t *testing.T) {
pool, key = setupTxPool()
- tx1, tx2, tx3 := transaction(), transaction(), transaction()
- tx2.SetNonce(10)
- tx3.SetNonce(11)
- tx1.SignECDSA(key)
- tx2.SignECDSA(key)
- tx3.SignECDSA(key)
+ tx1 := transaction(0, big.NewInt(100), key)
+ tx2 := transaction(10, big.NewInt(100), key)
+ tx3 := transaction(11, big.NewInt(100), key)
pool.queueTx(tx1.Hash(), tx1)
pool.queueTx(tx2.Hash(), tx2)
pool.queueTx(tx3.Hash(), tx3)
@@ -114,8 +101,7 @@ func TestTransactionQueue(t *testing.T) {
func TestRemoveTx(t *testing.T) {
pool, key := setupTxPool()
- tx := transaction()
- tx.SignECDSA(key)
+ tx := transaction(0, big.NewInt(100), key)
from, _ := tx.From()
pool.currentState().AddBalance(from, big.NewInt(1))
pool.queueTx(tx.Hash(), tx)
@@ -142,13 +128,10 @@ func TestRemoveTx(t *testing.T) {
func TestNegativeValue(t *testing.T) {
pool, key := setupTxPool()
- tx := transaction()
- tx.Value().Set(big.NewInt(-1))
- tx.SignECDSA(key)
+ tx, _ := types.NewTransaction(0, common.Address{}, big.NewInt(-1), big.NewInt(100), big.NewInt(1), nil).SignECDSA(key)
from, _ := tx.From()
pool.currentState().AddBalance(from, big.NewInt(1))
- err := pool.Add(tx)
- if err != ErrNegativeValue {
+ if err := pool.Add(tx); err != ErrNegativeValue {
t.Error("expected", ErrNegativeValue, "got", err)
@@ -165,20 +148,15 @@ func TestTransactionChainFork(t *testing.T) {
- tx := transaction()
- tx.GasLimit = big.NewInt(100000)
- tx.SignECDSA(key)
- err := pool.add(tx)
- if err != nil {
+ tx := transaction(0, big.NewInt(100000), key)
+ if err := pool.add(tx); err != nil {
t.Error("didn't expect error", err)
// reset the pool's internal state
- err = pool.add(tx)
- if err != nil {
+ if err := pool.add(tx); err != nil {
t.Error("didn't expect error", err)
@@ -195,24 +173,14 @@ func TestTransactionDoubleNonce(t *testing.T) {
- tx := transaction()
- tx.GasLimit = big.NewInt(100000)
- tx.SignECDSA(key)
- err := pool.add(tx)
- if err != nil {
+ tx := transaction(0, big.NewInt(100000), key)
+ tx2 := transaction(0, big.NewInt(1000000), key)
+ if err := pool.add(tx); err != nil {
t.Error("didn't expect error", err)
- tx2 := transaction()
- tx2.GasLimit = big.NewInt(1000000)
- tx2.SignECDSA(key)
- err = pool.add(tx2)
- if err != nil {
+ if err := pool.add(tx2); err != nil {
t.Error("didn't expect error", err)
if len(pool.pending) != 2 {
t.Error("expected 2 pending txs. Got", len(pool.pending))
@@ -222,20 +190,13 @@ func TestMissingNonce(t *testing.T) {
pool, key := setupTxPool()
addr := crypto.PubkeyToAddress(key.PublicKey)
pool.currentState().AddBalance(addr, big.NewInt(100000000000000))
- tx := transaction()
- tx.AccountNonce = 1
- tx.GasLimit = big.NewInt(100000)
- tx.SignECDSA(key)
- err := pool.add(tx)
- if err != nil {
+ tx := transaction(1, big.NewInt(100000), key)
+ if err := pool.add(tx); err != nil {
t.Error("didn't expect error", err)
if len(pool.pending) != 0 {
t.Error("expected 0 pending transactions, got", len(pool.pending))
if len(pool.queue[addr]) != 1 {
t.Error("expected 1 queued transaction, got", len(pool.queue[addr]))
diff --git a/core/types/block.go b/core/types/block.go
index d7963981e..b7eb700ca 100644
--- a/core/types/block.go
+++ b/core/types/block.go
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import (
+ "sync/atomic"
@@ -15,71 +16,59 @@ import (
-type Header struct {
- // Hash to the previous block
- ParentHash common.Hash
- // Uncles of this block
- UncleHash common.Hash
- // The coin base address
- Coinbase common.Address
- // Block Trie state
- Root common.Hash
- // Tx sha
- TxHash common.Hash
- // Receipt sha
- ReceiptHash common.Hash
- // Bloom
- Bloom Bloom
- // Difficulty for the current block
- Difficulty *big.Int
- // The block number
- Number *big.Int
- // Gas limit
- GasLimit *big.Int
- // Gas used
- GasUsed *big.Int
- // Creation time
- Time uint64
- // Extra data
- Extra []byte
- // Mix digest for quick checking to prevent DOS
- MixDigest common.Hash
- // Nonce
- Nonce [8]byte
+// A BlockNonce is a 64-bit hash which proves (combined with the
+// mix-hash) that a suffcient amount of computation has been carried
+// out on a block.
+type BlockNonce [8]byte
-func (self *Header) Hash() common.Hash {
- return rlpHash(self.rlpData(true))
+func EncodeNonce(i uint64) BlockNonce {
+ var n BlockNonce
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(n[:], i)
+ return n
-func (self *Header) HashNoNonce() common.Hash {
- return rlpHash(self.rlpData(false))
+func (n BlockNonce) Uint64() uint64 {
+ return binary.BigEndian.Uint64(n[:])
-func (self *Header) rlpData(withNonce bool) []interface{} {
- fields := []interface{}{
- self.ParentHash,
- self.UncleHash,
- self.Coinbase,
- self.Root,
- self.TxHash,
- self.ReceiptHash,
- self.Bloom,
- self.Difficulty,
- self.Number,
- self.GasLimit,
- self.GasUsed,
- self.Time,
- self.Extra,
- }
- if withNonce {
- fields = append(fields, self.MixDigest, self.Nonce)
- }
- return fields
-func (self *Header) RlpData() interface{} {
- return self.rlpData(true)
+type Header struct {
+ ParentHash common.Hash // Hash to the previous block
+ UncleHash common.Hash // Uncles of this block
+ Coinbase common.Address // The coin base address
+ Root common.Hash // Block Trie state
+ TxHash common.Hash // Tx sha
+ ReceiptHash common.Hash // Receipt sha
+ Bloom Bloom // Bloom
+ Difficulty *big.Int // Difficulty for the current block
+ Number *big.Int // The block number
+ GasLimit *big.Int // Gas limit
+ GasUsed *big.Int // Gas used
+ Time uint64 // Creation time
+ Extra []byte // Extra data
+ MixDigest common.Hash // for quick difficulty verification
+ Nonce BlockNonce
+func (h *Header) Hash() common.Hash {
+ return rlpHash(h)
+func (h *Header) HashNoNonce() common.Hash {
+ return rlpHash([]interface{}{
+ h.ParentHash,
+ h.UncleHash,
+ h.Coinbase,
+ h.Root,
+ h.TxHash,
+ h.ReceiptHash,
+ h.Bloom,
+ h.Difficulty,
+ h.Number,
+ h.GasLimit,
+ h.GasUsed,
+ h.Time,
+ h.Extra,
+ })
func (h *Header) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
@@ -112,20 +101,21 @@ func rlpHash(x interface{}) (h common.Hash) {
type Block struct {
- // Preset Hash for mock (Tests)
- HeaderHash common.Hash
- ParentHeaderHash common.Hash
- // ^^^^ ignore ^^^^
header *Header
uncles []*Header
transactions Transactions
- Td *big.Int
- queued bool // flag for blockpool to skip TD check
+ receipts Receipts
- ReceivedAt time.Time
+ // caches
+ hash atomic.Value
+ size atomic.Value
+ // Td is used by package core to store the total difficulty
+ // of the chain up to and including the block.
+ Td *big.Int
- receipts Receipts
+ // ReceivedAt is used by package eth to track block propagation time.
+ ReceivedAt time.Time
// StorageBlock defines the RLP encoding of a Block stored in the
@@ -148,43 +138,90 @@ type storageblock struct {
TD *big.Int
-func NewBlock(parentHash common.Hash, coinbase common.Address, root common.Hash, difficulty *big.Int, nonce uint64, extra []byte) *Block {
- header := &Header{
- Root: root,
- ParentHash: parentHash,
- Coinbase: coinbase,
- Difficulty: difficulty,
- Time: uint64(time.Now().Unix()),
- Extra: extra,
- GasUsed: new(big.Int),
- GasLimit: new(big.Int),
- Number: new(big.Int),
+var (
+ emptyRootHash = DeriveSha(Transactions{})
+ emptyUncleHash = CalcUncleHash(nil)
+// NewBlock creates a new block. The input data is copied,
+// changes to header and to the field values will not affect the
+// block.
+// The values of TxHash, UncleHash, ReceiptHash and Bloom in header
+// are ignored and set to values derived from the given txs, uncles
+// and receipts.
+func NewBlock(header *Header, txs []*Transaction, uncles []*Header, receipts []*Receipt) *Block {
+ b := &Block{header: copyHeader(header), Td: new(big.Int)}
+ // TODO: panic if len(txs) != len(receipts)
+ if len(txs) == 0 {
+ b.header.TxHash = emptyRootHash
+ } else {
+ b.header.TxHash = DeriveSha(Transactions(txs))
+ b.transactions = make(Transactions, len(txs))
+ copy(b.transactions, txs)
- header.SetNonce(nonce)
- block := &Block{header: header}
- block.Td = new(big.Int)
- return block
+ if len(receipts) == 0 {
+ b.header.ReceiptHash = emptyRootHash
+ } else {
+ b.header.ReceiptHash = DeriveSha(Receipts(receipts))
+ b.header.Bloom = CreateBloom(receipts)
+ b.receipts = make([]*Receipt, len(receipts))
+ copy(b.receipts, receipts)
+ }
+ if len(uncles) == 0 {
+ b.header.UncleHash = emptyUncleHash
+ } else {
+ b.header.UncleHash = CalcUncleHash(uncles)
+ b.uncles = make([]*Header, len(uncles))
+ for i := range uncles {
+ b.uncles[i] = copyHeader(uncles[i])
+ }
+ }
-func (self *Header) SetNonce(nonce uint64) {
- binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(self.Nonce[:], nonce)
+ return b
+// NewBlockWithHeader creates a block with the given header data. The
+// header data is copied, changes to header and to the field values
+// will not affect the block.
func NewBlockWithHeader(header *Header) *Block {
- return &Block{header: header}
+ return &Block{header: copyHeader(header)}
-func (self *Block) ValidateFields() error {
- if self.header == nil {
+func copyHeader(h *Header) *Header {
+ cpy := *h
+ if cpy.Difficulty = new(big.Int); h.Difficulty != nil {
+ cpy.Difficulty.Set(h.Difficulty)
+ }
+ if cpy.Number = new(big.Int); h.Number != nil {
+ cpy.Number.Set(h.Number)
+ }
+ if cpy.GasLimit = new(big.Int); h.GasLimit != nil {
+ cpy.GasLimit.Set(h.GasLimit)
+ }
+ if cpy.GasUsed = new(big.Int); h.GasUsed != nil {
+ cpy.GasUsed.Set(h.GasUsed)
+ }
+ if len(h.Extra) > 0 {
+ cpy.Extra = make([]byte, len(h.Extra))
+ copy(cpy.Extra, h.Extra)
+ }
+ return &cpy
+func (b *Block) ValidateFields() error {
+ if b.header == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("header is nil")
- for i, transaction := range self.transactions {
+ for i, transaction := range b.transactions {
if transaction == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("transaction %d is nil", i)
- for i, uncle := range self.uncles {
+ for i, uncle := range b.uncles {
if uncle == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("uncle %d is nil", i)
@@ -192,64 +229,50 @@ func (self *Block) ValidateFields() error {
return nil
-func (self *Block) DecodeRLP(s *rlp.Stream) error {
+func (b *Block) DecodeRLP(s *rlp.Stream) error {
var eb extblock
+ _, size, _ := s.Kind()
if err := s.Decode(&eb); err != nil {
return err
- self.header, self.uncles, self.transactions = eb.Header, eb.Uncles, eb.Txs
+ b.header, b.uncles, b.transactions = eb.Header, eb.Uncles, eb.Txs
+ b.size.Store(common.StorageSize(rlp.ListSize(size)))
return nil
-func (self Block) EncodeRLP(w io.Writer) error {
+func (b Block) EncodeRLP(w io.Writer) error {
return rlp.Encode(w, extblock{
- Header: self.header,
- Txs: self.transactions,
- Uncles: self.uncles,
+ Header: b.header,
+ Txs: b.transactions,
+ Uncles: b.uncles,
-func (self *StorageBlock) DecodeRLP(s *rlp.Stream) error {
+func (b *StorageBlock) DecodeRLP(s *rlp.Stream) error {
var sb storageblock
if err := s.Decode(&sb); err != nil {
return err
- self.header, self.uncles, self.transactions, self.Td = sb.Header, sb.Uncles, sb.Txs, sb.TD
+ b.header, b.uncles, b.transactions, b.Td = sb.Header, sb.Uncles, sb.Txs, sb.TD
return nil
-func (self StorageBlock) EncodeRLP(w io.Writer) error {
+func (b StorageBlock) EncodeRLP(w io.Writer) error {
return rlp.Encode(w, storageblock{
- Header: self.header,
- Txs: self.transactions,
- Uncles: self.uncles,
- TD: self.Td,
+ Header: b.header,
+ Txs: b.transactions,
+ Uncles: b.uncles,
+ TD: b.Td,
-func (self *Block) Header() *Header {
- return self.header
-func (self *Block) Uncles() []*Header {
- return self.uncles
-func (self *Block) CalculateUnclesHash() common.Hash {
- return rlpHash(self.uncles)
+// TODO: copies
+func (b *Block) Uncles() []*Header { return b.uncles }
+func (b *Block) Transactions() Transactions { return b.transactions }
+func (b *Block) Receipts() Receipts { return b.receipts }
-func (self *Block) SetUncles(uncleHeaders []*Header) {
- self.uncles = uncleHeaders
- self.header.UncleHash = rlpHash(uncleHeaders)
-func (self *Block) Transactions() Transactions {
- return self.transactions
-func (self *Block) Transaction(hash common.Hash) *Transaction {
- for _, transaction := range self.transactions {
+func (b *Block) Transaction(hash common.Hash) *Transaction {
+ for _, transaction := range b.transactions {
if transaction.Hash() == hash {
return transaction
@@ -257,74 +280,37 @@ func (self *Block) Transaction(hash common.Hash) *Transaction {
return nil
-func (self *Block) SetTransactions(transactions Transactions) {
- self.transactions = transactions
- self.header.TxHash = DeriveSha(transactions)
-func (self *Block) AddTransaction(transaction *Transaction) {
- self.transactions = append(self.transactions, transaction)
- self.SetTransactions(self.transactions)
+func (b *Block) Number() *big.Int { return new(big.Int).Set(b.header.Number) }
+func (b *Block) GasLimit() *big.Int { return new(big.Int).Set(b.header.GasLimit) }
+func (b *Block) GasUsed() *big.Int { return new(big.Int).Set(b.header.GasUsed) }
+func (b *Block) Difficulty() *big.Int { return new(big.Int).Set(b.header.Difficulty) }
-func (self *Block) Receipts() Receipts {
- return self.receipts
+func (b *Block) NumberU64() uint64 { return b.header.Number.Uint64() }
+func (b *Block) MixDigest() common.Hash { return b.header.MixDigest }
+func (b *Block) Nonce() uint64 { return binary.BigEndian.Uint64(b.header.Nonce[:]) }
+func (b *Block) Bloom() Bloom { return b.header.Bloom }
+func (b *Block) Coinbase() common.Address { return b.header.Coinbase }
+func (b *Block) Time() int64 { return int64(b.header.Time) }
+func (b *Block) Root() common.Hash { return b.header.Root }
+func (b *Block) ParentHash() common.Hash { return b.header.ParentHash }
+func (b *Block) TxHash() common.Hash { return b.header.TxHash }
+func (b *Block) ReceiptHash() common.Hash { return b.header.ReceiptHash }
+func (b *Block) UncleHash() common.Hash { return b.header.UncleHash }
+func (b *Block) Extra() []byte { return common.CopyBytes(b.header.Extra) }
-func (self *Block) SetReceipts(receipts Receipts) {
- self.receipts = receipts
- self.header.ReceiptHash = DeriveSha(receipts)
- self.header.Bloom = CreateBloom(receipts)
-func (self *Block) AddReceipt(receipt *Receipt) {
- self.receipts = append(self.receipts, receipt)
- self.SetReceipts(self.receipts)
+func (b *Block) Header() *Header { return copyHeader(b.header) }
-func (self *Block) RlpData() interface{} {
- return []interface{}{self.header, self.transactions, self.uncles}
+func (b *Block) HashNoNonce() common.Hash {
+ return b.header.HashNoNonce()
-func (self *Block) RlpDataForStorage() interface{} {
- return []interface{}{self.header, self.transactions, self.uncles, self.Td /* TODO receipts */}
-// Header accessors (add as you need them)
-func (self *Block) Number() *big.Int { return self.header.Number }
-func (self *Block) NumberU64() uint64 { return self.header.Number.Uint64() }
-func (self *Block) MixDigest() common.Hash { return self.header.MixDigest }
-func (self *Block) Nonce() uint64 {
- return binary.BigEndian.Uint64(self.header.Nonce[:])
-func (self *Block) SetNonce(nonce uint64) {
- self.header.SetNonce(nonce)
-func (self *Block) Queued() bool { return self.queued }
-func (self *Block) SetQueued(q bool) { self.queued = q }
-func (self *Block) Bloom() Bloom { return self.header.Bloom }
-func (self *Block) Coinbase() common.Address { return self.header.Coinbase }
-func (self *Block) Time() int64 { return int64(self.header.Time) }
-func (self *Block) GasLimit() *big.Int { return self.header.GasLimit }
-func (self *Block) GasUsed() *big.Int { return self.header.GasUsed }
-func (self *Block) Root() common.Hash { return self.header.Root }
-func (self *Block) SetRoot(root common.Hash) { self.header.Root = root }
-func (self *Block) GetTransaction(i int) *Transaction {
- if len(self.transactions) > i {
- return self.transactions[i]
- }
- return nil
-func (self *Block) GetUncle(i int) *Header {
- if len(self.uncles) > i {
- return self.uncles[i]
+func (b *Block) Size() common.StorageSize {
+ if size := b.size.Load(); size != nil {
+ return size.(common.StorageSize)
- return nil
-func (self *Block) Size() common.StorageSize {
c := writeCounter(0)
- rlp.Encode(&c, self)
+ rlp.Encode(&c, b)
+ b.size.Store(common.StorageSize(c))
return common.StorageSize(c)
@@ -335,48 +321,37 @@ func (c *writeCounter) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
return len(b), nil
-// Implement pow.Block
-func (self *Block) Difficulty() *big.Int { return self.header.Difficulty }
-func (self *Block) HashNoNonce() common.Hash { return self.header.HashNoNonce() }
-func (self *Block) Hash() common.Hash {
- if (self.HeaderHash != common.Hash{}) {
- return self.HeaderHash
- } else {
- return self.header.Hash()
- }
+func CalcUncleHash(uncles []*Header) common.Hash {
+ return rlpHash(uncles)
-func (self *Block) ParentHash() common.Hash {
- if (self.ParentHeaderHash != common.Hash{}) {
- return self.ParentHeaderHash
- } else {
- return self.header.ParentHash
+// WithMiningResult returns a new block with the data from b
+// where nonce and mix digest are set to the provided values.
+func (b *Block) WithMiningResult(nonce uint64, mixDigest common.Hash) *Block {
+ cpy := *b.header
+ binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(cpy.Nonce[:], nonce)
+ cpy.MixDigest = mixDigest
+ return &Block{
+ header: &cpy,
+ transactions: b.transactions,
+ receipts: b.receipts,
+ uncles: b.uncles,
+ Td: b.Td,
-func (self *Block) Copy() *Block {
- block := NewBlock(self.header.ParentHash, self.Coinbase(), self.Root(), new(big.Int), self.Nonce(), self.header.Extra)
- block.header.Bloom = self.header.Bloom
- block.header.TxHash = self.header.TxHash
- block.transactions = self.transactions
- block.header.UncleHash = self.header.UncleHash
- block.uncles = self.uncles
- block.header.GasLimit.Set(self.header.GasLimit)
- block.header.GasUsed.Set(self.header.GasUsed)
- block.header.ReceiptHash = self.header.ReceiptHash
- block.header.Difficulty.Set(self.header.Difficulty)
- block.header.Number.Set(self.header.Number)
- block.header.Time = self.header.Time
- block.header.MixDigest = self.header.MixDigest
- if self.Td != nil {
- block.Td.Set(self.Td)
- }
+// Implement pow.Block
- return block
+func (b *Block) Hash() common.Hash {
+ if hash := b.hash.Load(); hash != nil {
+ return hash.(common.Hash)
+ }
+ v := rlpHash(b.header)
+ b.hash.Store(v)
+ return v
-func (self *Block) String() string {
+func (b *Block) String() string {
str := fmt.Sprintf(`Block(#%v): Size: %v TD: %v {
MinerHash: %x
@@ -385,20 +360,11 @@ Transactions:
-`, self.Number(), self.Size(), self.Td, self.header.HashNoNonce(), self.header, self.transactions, self.uncles)
- if (self.HeaderHash != common.Hash{}) {
- str += fmt.Sprintf("\nFake hash = %x", self.HeaderHash)
- }
- if (self.ParentHeaderHash != common.Hash{}) {
- str += fmt.Sprintf("\nFake parent hash = %x", self.ParentHeaderHash)
- }
+`, b.Number(), b.Size(), b.Td, b.header.HashNoNonce(), b.header, b.transactions, b.uncles)
return str
-func (self *Header) String() string {
+func (h *Header) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf(`Header(%x):
ParentHash: %x
@@ -414,9 +380,9 @@ func (self *Header) String() string {
GasUsed: %v
Time: %v
Extra: %s
- MixDigest: %x
+ MixDigest: %x
Nonce: %x
-]`, self.Hash(), self.ParentHash, self.UncleHash, self.Coinbase, self.Root, self.TxHash, self.ReceiptHash, self.Bloom, self.Difficulty, self.Number, self.GasLimit, self.GasUsed, self.Time, self.Extra, self.MixDigest, self.Nonce)
+]`, h.Hash(), h.ParentHash, h.UncleHash, h.Coinbase, h.Root, h.TxHash, h.ReceiptHash, h.Bloom, h.Difficulty, h.Number, h.GasLimit, h.GasUsed, h.Time, h.Extra, h.MixDigest, h.Nonce)
type Blocks []*Block
@@ -442,4 +408,4 @@ func (self blockSorter) Swap(i, j int) {
func (self blockSorter) Less(i, j int) bool { return self.by(self.blocks[i], self.blocks[j]) }
-func Number(b1, b2 *Block) bool { return b1.Header().Number.Cmp(b2.Header().Number) < 0 }
+func Number(b1, b2 *Block) bool { return b1.header.Number.Cmp(b2.header.Number) < 0 }
diff --git a/core/types/block_test.go b/core/types/block_test.go
index b52ddffdc..03e6881be 100644
--- a/core/types/block_test.go
+++ b/core/types/block_test.go
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import (
// from bcValidBlockTest.json, "SimpleTx"
func TestBlockEncoding(t *testing.T) {
blockEnc := common.FromHex("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")
var block Block
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(blockEnc, &block); err != nil {
t.Fatal("decode error: ", err)
@@ -35,20 +34,10 @@ func TestBlockEncoding(t *testing.T) {
check("Time", block.Time(), int64(1426516743))
check("Size", block.Size(), common.StorageSize(len(blockEnc)))
- to := common.HexToAddress("095e7baea6a6c7c4c2dfeb977efac326af552d87")
- check("Transactions", block.Transactions(), Transactions{
- {
- Payload: []byte{},
- Amount: big.NewInt(10),
- Price: big.NewInt(10),
- GasLimit: big.NewInt(50000),
- AccountNonce: 0,
- V: 27,
- R: common.String2Big("0x9bea4c4daac7c7c52e093e6a4c35dbbcf8856f1af7b059ba20253e70848d094f"),
- S: common.String2Big("0x8a8fae537ce25ed8cb5af9adac3f141af69bd515bd2ba031522df09b97dd72b1"),
- Recipient: &to,
- },
- })
+ tx1 := NewTransaction(0, common.HexToAddress("095e7baea6a6c7c4c2dfeb977efac326af552d87"), big.NewInt(10), big.NewInt(50000), big.NewInt(10), nil)
+ tx1, _ = tx1.WithSignature(common.Hex2Bytes("9bea4c4daac7c7c52e093e6a4c35dbbcf8856f1af7b059ba20253e70848d094f8a8fae537ce25ed8cb5af9adac3f141af69bd515bd2ba031522df09b97dd72b100"))
+ check("len(Transactions)", len(block.Transactions()), 1)
+ check("Transactions[0].Hash", block.Transactions()[0].Hash(), tx1.Hash())
ourBlockEnc, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(&block)
if err != nil {
diff --git a/core/types/transaction.go b/core/types/transaction.go
index a03a6b847..95deac36e 100644
--- a/core/types/transaction.go
+++ b/core/types/transaction.go
@@ -4,7 +4,9 @@ import (
+ "io"
+ "sync/atomic"
@@ -18,38 +20,63 @@ func IsContractAddr(addr []byte) bool {
type Transaction struct {
- AccountNonce uint64
- Price *big.Int
- GasLimit *big.Int
- Recipient *common.Address `rlp:"nil"` // nil means contract creation
- Amount *big.Int
- Payload []byte
- V byte
- R, S *big.Int
+ data txdata
+ // caches
+ hash atomic.Value
+ size atomic.Value
+ from atomic.Value
-func NewContractCreationTx(amount, gasLimit, gasPrice *big.Int, data []byte) *Transaction {
- return &Transaction{
- Recipient: nil,
- Amount: amount,
- GasLimit: gasLimit,
- Price: gasPrice,
- Payload: data,
- R: new(big.Int),
- S: new(big.Int),
+type txdata struct {
+ AccountNonce uint64
+ Price, GasLimit *big.Int
+ Recipient *common.Address `rlp:"nil"` // nil means contract creation
+ Amount *big.Int
+ Payload []byte
+ V byte // signature
+ R, S *big.Int // signature
+func NewContractCreation(nonce uint64, amount, gasLimit, gasPrice *big.Int, data []byte) *Transaction {
+ if len(data) > 0 {
+ data = common.CopyBytes(data)
+ return &Transaction{data: txdata{
+ AccountNonce: nonce,
+ Recipient: nil,
+ Amount: new(big.Int).Set(amount),
+ GasLimit: new(big.Int).Set(gasLimit),
+ Price: new(big.Int).Set(gasPrice),
+ Payload: data,
+ R: new(big.Int),
+ S: new(big.Int),
+ }}
-func NewTransactionMessage(to common.Address, amount, gasAmount, gasPrice *big.Int, data []byte) *Transaction {
- return &Transaction{
- Recipient: &to,
- Amount: amount,
- GasLimit: gasAmount,
- Price: gasPrice,
- Payload: data,
- R: new(big.Int),
- S: new(big.Int),
+func NewTransaction(nonce uint64, to common.Address, amount, gasLimit, gasPrice *big.Int, data []byte) *Transaction {
+ if len(data) > 0 {
+ data = common.CopyBytes(data)
+ }
+ d := txdata{
+ AccountNonce: nonce,
+ Recipient: &to,
+ Payload: data,
+ Amount: new(big.Int),
+ GasLimit: new(big.Int),
+ Price: new(big.Int),
+ R: new(big.Int),
+ S: new(big.Int),
+ }
+ if amount != nil {
+ d.Amount.Set(amount)
+ }
+ if gasLimit != nil {
+ d.GasLimit.Set(gasLimit)
+ if gasPrice != nil {
+ d.Price.Set(gasPrice)
+ }
+ return &Transaction{data: d}
func NewTransactionFromBytes(data []byte) *Transaction {
@@ -61,112 +88,128 @@ func NewTransactionFromBytes(data []byte) *Transaction {
return tx
-func (tx *Transaction) Hash() common.Hash {
- return rlpHash([]interface{}{
- tx.AccountNonce, tx.Price, tx.GasLimit, tx.Recipient, tx.Amount, tx.Payload,
- })
-// Size returns the encoded RLP size of tx.
-func (self *Transaction) Size() common.StorageSize {
- c := writeCounter(0)
- rlp.Encode(&c, self)
- return common.StorageSize(c)
+func (tx *Transaction) EncodeRLP(w io.Writer) error {
+ return rlp.Encode(w, &tx.data)
-func (self *Transaction) Data() []byte {
- return self.Payload
-func (self *Transaction) Gas() *big.Int {
- return self.GasLimit
+func (tx *Transaction) DecodeRLP(s *rlp.Stream) error {
+ _, size, _ := s.Kind()
+ err := s.Decode(&tx.data)
+ if err == nil {
+ tx.size.Store(common.StorageSize(rlp.ListSize(size)))
+ }
+ return err
-func (self *Transaction) GasPrice() *big.Int {
- return self.Price
+func (tx *Transaction) Data() []byte { return common.CopyBytes(tx.data.Payload) }
+func (tx *Transaction) Gas() *big.Int { return new(big.Int).Set(tx.data.GasLimit) }
+func (tx *Transaction) GasPrice() *big.Int { return new(big.Int).Set(tx.data.Price) }
+func (tx *Transaction) Value() *big.Int { return new(big.Int).Set(tx.data.Amount) }
+func (tx *Transaction) Nonce() uint64 { return tx.data.AccountNonce }
-func (self *Transaction) Value() *big.Int {
- return self.Amount
+func (tx *Transaction) To() *common.Address {
+ if tx.data.Recipient == nil {
+ return nil
+ } else {
+ to := *tx.data.Recipient
+ return &to
+ }
-func (self *Transaction) Nonce() uint64 {
- return self.AccountNonce
+func (tx *Transaction) Hash() common.Hash {
+ if hash := tx.hash.Load(); hash != nil {
+ return hash.(common.Hash)
+ }
+ v := rlpHash([]interface{}{
+ tx.data.AccountNonce,
+ tx.data.Price,
+ tx.data.GasLimit,
+ tx.data.Recipient,
+ tx.data.Amount,
+ tx.data.Payload,
+ })
+ tx.hash.Store(v)
+ return v
-func (self *Transaction) SetNonce(AccountNonce uint64) {
- self.AccountNonce = AccountNonce
+func (tx *Transaction) Size() common.StorageSize {
+ if size := tx.size.Load(); size != nil {
+ return size.(common.StorageSize)
+ }
+ c := writeCounter(0)
+ rlp.Encode(&c, &tx.data)
+ tx.size.Store(common.StorageSize(c))
+ return common.StorageSize(c)
-func (self *Transaction) From() (common.Address, error) {
- pubkey, err := self.PublicKey()
+func (tx *Transaction) From() (common.Address, error) {
+ if from := tx.from.Load(); from != nil {
+ return from.(common.Address), nil
+ }
+ pubkey, err := tx.publicKey()
if err != nil {
return common.Address{}, err
var addr common.Address
copy(addr[:], crypto.Sha3(pubkey[1:])[12:])
+ tx.from.Store(addr)
return addr, nil
-// To returns the recipient of the transaction.
-// If transaction is a contract creation (with no recipient address)
-// To returns nil.
-func (tx *Transaction) To() *common.Address {
- return tx.Recipient
+// Cost returns amount + gasprice * gaslimit.
+func (tx *Transaction) Cost() *big.Int {
+ total := new(big.Int).Mul(tx.data.Price, tx.data.GasLimit)
+ total.Add(total, tx.data.Amount)
+ return total
-func (tx *Transaction) GetSignatureValues() (v byte, r []byte, s []byte) {
- v = byte(tx.V)
- r = common.LeftPadBytes(tx.R.Bytes(), 32)
- s = common.LeftPadBytes(tx.S.Bytes(), 32)
- return
+func (tx *Transaction) SignatureValues() (v byte, r *big.Int, s *big.Int) {
+ return tx.data.V, new(big.Int).Set(tx.data.R), new(big.Int).Set(tx.data.S)
-func (tx *Transaction) PublicKey() ([]byte, error) {
- if !crypto.ValidateSignatureValues(tx.V, tx.R, tx.S) {
+func (tx *Transaction) publicKey() ([]byte, error) {
+ if !crypto.ValidateSignatureValues(tx.data.V, tx.data.R, tx.data.S) {
return nil, errors.New("invalid v, r, s values")
- hash := tx.Hash()
- v, r, s := tx.GetSignatureValues()
- sig := append(r, s...)
- sig = append(sig, v-27)
+ // encode the signature in uncompressed format
+ r, s := tx.data.R.Bytes(), tx.data.S.Bytes()
+ sig := make([]byte, 65)
+ copy(sig[32-len(r):32], r)
+ copy(sig[64-len(s):64], s)
+ sig[64] = tx.data.V - 27
- p, err := crypto.SigToPub(hash[:], sig)
+ // recover the public key from the signature
+ hash := tx.Hash()
+ pub, err := crypto.Ecrecover(hash[:], sig)
if err != nil {
glog.V(logger.Error).Infof("Could not get pubkey from signature: ", err)
return nil, err
- pubkey := crypto.FromECDSAPub(p)
- if len(pubkey) == 0 || pubkey[0] != 4 {
+ if len(pub) == 0 || pub[0] != 4 {
return nil, errors.New("invalid public key")
- return pubkey, nil
+ return pub, nil
-func (tx *Transaction) SetSignatureValues(sig []byte) error {
- tx.R = common.Bytes2Big(sig[:32])
- tx.S = common.Bytes2Big(sig[32:64])
- tx.V = sig[64] + 27
- return nil
+func (tx *Transaction) WithSignature(sig []byte) (*Transaction, error) {
+ if len(sig) != 65 {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("wrong size for signature: got %d, want 65", len(sig)))
+ }
+ cpy := &Transaction{data: tx.data}
+ cpy.data.R = new(big.Int).SetBytes(sig[:32])
+ cpy.data.S = new(big.Int).SetBytes(sig[32:64])
+ cpy.data.V = sig[64] + 27
+ return cpy, nil
-func (tx *Transaction) SignECDSA(prv *ecdsa.PrivateKey) error {
+func (tx *Transaction) SignECDSA(prv *ecdsa.PrivateKey) (*Transaction, error) {
h := tx.Hash()
sig, err := crypto.Sign(h[:], prv)
if err != nil {
- return err
+ return nil, err
- tx.SetSignatureValues(sig)
- return nil
-// TODO: remove
-func (tx *Transaction) RlpData() interface{} {
- data := []interface{}{tx.AccountNonce, tx.Price, tx.GasLimit, tx.Recipient, tx.Amount, tx.Payload}
- return append(data, tx.V, tx.R.Bytes(), tx.S.Bytes())
+ return tx.WithSignature(sig)
func (tx *Transaction) String() string {
@@ -176,12 +219,12 @@ func (tx *Transaction) String() string {
} else {
from = fmt.Sprintf("%x", f[:])
- if t := tx.To(); t == nil {
+ if tx.data.Recipient == nil {
to = "[contract creation]"
} else {
- to = fmt.Sprintf("%x", t[:])
+ to = fmt.Sprintf("%x", tx.data.Recipient[:])
- enc, _ := rlp.EncodeToBytes(tx)
+ enc, _ := rlp.EncodeToBytes(&tx.data)
return fmt.Sprintf(`
Contract: %v
@@ -198,36 +241,24 @@ func (tx *Transaction) String() string {
Hex: %x
- len(tx.Recipient) == 0,
+ len(tx.data.Recipient) == 0,
- tx.AccountNonce,
- tx.Price,
- tx.GasLimit,
- tx.Amount,
- tx.Payload,
- tx.V,
- tx.R,
- tx.S,
+ tx.data.AccountNonce,
+ tx.data.Price,
+ tx.data.GasLimit,
+ tx.data.Amount,
+ tx.data.Payload,
+ tx.data.V,
+ tx.data.R,
+ tx.data.S,
-// Transaction slice type for basic sorting
+// Transaction slice type for basic sorting.
type Transactions []*Transaction
-// TODO: remove
-func (self Transactions) RlpData() interface{} {
- // Marshal the transactions of this block
- enc := make([]interface{}, len(self))
- for i, tx := range self {
- // Cast it to a string (safe)
- enc[i] = tx.RlpData()
- }
- return enc
func (s Transactions) Len() int { return len(s) }
func (s Transactions) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }
@@ -239,5 +270,5 @@ func (s Transactions) GetRlp(i int) []byte {
type TxByNonce struct{ Transactions }
func (s TxByNonce) Less(i, j int) bool {
- return s.Transactions[i].AccountNonce < s.Transactions[j].AccountNonce
+ return s.Transactions[i].data.AccountNonce < s.Transactions[j].data.AccountNonce
diff --git a/core/types/transaction_test.go b/core/types/transaction_test.go
index 492059c28..dd9c5e87b 100644
--- a/core/types/transaction_test.go
+++ b/core/types/transaction_test.go
@@ -15,40 +15,35 @@ import (
// at github.com/ethereum/tests.
var (
- emptyTx = NewTransactionMessage(
+ emptyTx = NewTransaction(
+ 0,
big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(0),
- rightvrsRecipient = common.HexToAddress("b94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b")
- rightvrsTx = &Transaction{
- Recipient: &rightvrsRecipient,
- AccountNonce: 3,
- Price: big.NewInt(1),
- GasLimit: big.NewInt(2000),
- Amount: big.NewInt(10),
- Payload: common.FromHex("5544"),
- V: 28,
- R: common.String2Big("0x98ff921201554726367d2be8c804a7ff89ccf285ebc57dff8ae4c44b9c19ac4a"),
- S: common.String2Big("0x8887321be575c8095f789dd4c743dfe42c1820f9231f98a962b210e3ac2452a3"),
- }
+ rightvrsTx, _ = NewTransaction(
+ 3,
+ common.HexToAddress("b94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b"),
+ big.NewInt(10),
+ big.NewInt(2000),
+ big.NewInt(1),
+ common.FromHex("5544"),
+ ).WithSignature(
+ common.Hex2Bytes("98ff921201554726367d2be8c804a7ff89ccf285ebc57dff8ae4c44b9c19ac4a8887321be575c8095f789dd4c743dfe42c1820f9231f98a962b210e3ac2452a301"),
+ )
func TestTransactionHash(t *testing.T) {
- // "EmptyTransaction"
if emptyTx.Hash() != common.HexToHash("c775b99e7ad12f50d819fcd602390467e28141316969f4b57f0626f74fe3b386") {
t.Errorf("empty transaction hash mismatch, got %x", emptyTx.Hash())
- // "RightVRSTest"
if rightvrsTx.Hash() != common.HexToHash("fe7a79529ed5f7c3375d06b26b186a8644e0e16c373d7a12be41c62d6042b77a") {
t.Errorf("RightVRS transaction hash mismatch, got %x", rightvrsTx.Hash())
func TestTransactionEncode(t *testing.T) {
- // "RightVRSTest"
txb, err := rlp.EncodeToBytes(rightvrsTx)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("encode error: %v", err)
@@ -72,19 +67,16 @@ func defaultTestKey() (*ecdsa.PrivateKey, common.Address) {
func TestRecipientEmpty(t *testing.T) {
_, addr := defaultTestKey()
tx, err := decodeTx(common.Hex2Bytes("f8498080808080011ca09b16de9d5bdee2cf56c28d16275a4da68cd30273e2525f3959f5d62557489921a0372ebd8fb3345f7db7b5a86d42e24d36e983e259b0664ceb8c227ec9af572f3d"))
if err != nil {
from, err := tx.From()
if err != nil {
if addr != from {
t.Error("derived address doesn't match")
diff --git a/core/vm_env.go b/core/vm_env.go
index da862d5c8..6dd83acde 100644
--- a/core/vm_env.go
+++ b/core/vm_env.go
@@ -10,32 +10,32 @@ import (
type VMEnv struct {
- state *state.StateDB
- block *types.Block
- msg Message
- depth int
- chain *ChainManager
- typ vm.Type
+ state *state.StateDB
+ header *types.Header
+ msg Message
+ depth int
+ chain *ChainManager
+ typ vm.Type
// structured logging
logs []vm.StructLog
-func NewEnv(state *state.StateDB, chain *ChainManager, msg Message, block *types.Block) *VMEnv {
+func NewEnv(state *state.StateDB, chain *ChainManager, msg Message, header *types.Header) *VMEnv {
return &VMEnv{
- chain: chain,
- state: state,
- block: block,
- msg: msg,
- typ: vm.StdVmTy,
+ chain: chain,
+ state: state,
+ header: header,
+ msg: msg,
+ typ: vm.StdVmTy,
func (self *VMEnv) Origin() common.Address { f, _ := self.msg.From(); return f }
-func (self *VMEnv) BlockNumber() *big.Int { return self.block.Number() }
-func (self *VMEnv) Coinbase() common.Address { return self.block.Coinbase() }
-func (self *VMEnv) Time() int64 { return self.block.Time() }
-func (self *VMEnv) Difficulty() *big.Int { return self.block.Difficulty() }
-func (self *VMEnv) GasLimit() *big.Int { return self.block.GasLimit() }
+func (self *VMEnv) BlockNumber() *big.Int { return self.header.Number }
+func (self *VMEnv) Coinbase() common.Address { return self.header.Coinbase }
+func (self *VMEnv) Time() int64 { return int64(self.header.Time) }
+func (self *VMEnv) Difficulty() *big.Int { return self.header.Difficulty }
+func (self *VMEnv) GasLimit() *big.Int { return self.header.GasLimit }
func (self *VMEnv) Value() *big.Int { return self.msg.Value() }
func (self *VMEnv) State() *state.StateDB { return self.state }
func (self *VMEnv) Depth() int { return self.depth }
diff --git a/eth/downloader/downloader_test.go b/eth/downloader/downloader_test.go
index 4fc4e1434..7feca8782 100644
--- a/eth/downloader/downloader_test.go
+++ b/eth/downloader/downloader_test.go
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package downloader
import (
- "encoding/binary"
+ "crypto/rand"
@@ -12,58 +12,47 @@ import (
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/ethdb"
var (
- knownHash = common.Hash{1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}
- unknownHash = common.Hash{2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2}
- bannedHash = common.Hash{3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3}
- genesis = createBlock(1, common.Hash{}, knownHash)
+ testdb, _ = ethdb.NewMemDatabase()
+ genesis = core.GenesisBlockForTesting(testdb, common.Address{}, big.NewInt(0))
-// idCounter is used by the createHashes method the generate deterministic but unique hashes
-var idCounter = int64(2) // #1 is the genesis block
-// createHashes generates a batch of hashes rooted at a specific point in the chain.
-func createHashes(amount int, root common.Hash) (hashes []common.Hash) {
- hashes = make([]common.Hash, amount+1)
- hashes[len(hashes)-1] = root
- for i := 0; i < len(hashes)-1; i++ {
- binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(hashes[i][:8], uint64(idCounter))
- idCounter++
- }
- return
-// createBlock assembles a new block at the given chain height.
-func createBlock(i int, parent, hash common.Hash) *types.Block {
- header := &types.Header{Number: big.NewInt(int64(i))}
- block := types.NewBlockWithHeader(header)
- block.HeaderHash = hash
- block.ParentHeaderHash = parent
- return block
-// copyBlock makes a deep copy of a block suitable for local modifications.
-func copyBlock(block *types.Block) *types.Block {
- return createBlock(int(block.Number().Int64()), block.ParentHeaderHash, block.HeaderHash)
-// createBlocksFromHashes assembles a collection of blocks, each having a correct
-// place in the given hash chain.
-func createBlocksFromHashes(hashes []common.Hash) map[common.Hash]*types.Block {
- blocks := make(map[common.Hash]*types.Block)
- for i := 0; i < len(hashes); i++ {
- parent := knownHash
- if i < len(hashes)-1 {
- parent = hashes[i+1]
- }
- blocks[hashes[i]] = createBlock(len(hashes)-i, parent, hashes[i])
- }
- return blocks
+// makeChain creates a chain of n blocks starting at and including
+// parent. the returned hash chain is ordered head->parent.
+func makeChain(n int, seed byte, parent *types.Block) ([]common.Hash, map[common.Hash]*types.Block) {
+ blocks := core.GenerateChain(parent, testdb, n, func(i int, gen *core.BlockGen) {
+ gen.SetCoinbase(common.Address{seed})
+ })
+ hashes := make([]common.Hash, n+1)
+ hashes[len(hashes)-1] = parent.Hash()
+ blockm := make(map[common.Hash]*types.Block, n+1)
+ blockm[parent.Hash()] = parent
+ for i, b := range blocks {
+ hashes[len(hashes)-i-2] = b.Hash()
+ blockm[b.Hash()] = b
+ }
+ return hashes, blockm
+// makeChainFork creates two chains of length n, such that h1[:f] and
+// h2[:f] are different but have a common suffix of length n-f.
+func makeChainFork(n, f int, parent *types.Block) (h1, h2 []common.Hash, b1, b2 map[common.Hash]*types.Block) {
+ // Create the common suffix.
+ h, b := makeChain(n-f-1, 0, parent)
+ // Create the forks.
+ h1, b1 = makeChain(f, 1, b[h[0]])
+ h1 = append(h1, h[1:]...)
+ h2, b2 = makeChain(f, 2, b[h[0]])
+ h2 = append(h2, h[1:]...)
+ for hash, block := range b {
+ b1[hash] = block
+ b2[hash] = block
+ }
+ return h1, h2, b1, b2
// downloadTester is a test simulator for mocking out local block chain.
@@ -81,8 +70,8 @@ type downloadTester struct {
// newTester creates a new downloader test mocker.
func newTester() *downloadTester {
tester := &downloadTester{
- ownHashes: []common.Hash{knownHash},
- ownBlocks: map[common.Hash]*types.Block{knownHash: genesis},
+ ownHashes: []common.Hash{genesis.Hash()},
+ ownBlocks: map[common.Hash]*types.Block{genesis.Hash(): genesis},
peerHashes: make(map[string][]common.Hash),
peerBlocks: make(map[string]map[common.Hash]*types.Block),
@@ -136,10 +125,9 @@ func (dl *downloadTester) newSlowPeer(id string, hashes []common.Hash, blocks ma
// Assign the owned hashes and blocks to the peer (deep copy)
dl.peerHashes[id] = make([]common.Hash, len(hashes))
copy(dl.peerHashes[id], hashes)
dl.peerBlocks[id] = make(map[common.Hash]*types.Block)
for hash, block := range blocks {
- dl.peerBlocks[id][hash] = copyBlock(block)
+ dl.peerBlocks[id][hash] = block
return err
@@ -210,8 +198,7 @@ func (dl *downloadTester) peerGetBlocksFn(id string, delay time.Duration) func([
func TestSynchronisation(t *testing.T) {
// Create a small enough block chain to download and the tester
targetBlocks := blockCacheLimit - 15
- hashes := createHashes(targetBlocks, knownHash)
- blocks := createBlocksFromHashes(hashes)
+ hashes, blocks := makeChain(targetBlocks, 0, genesis)
tester := newTester()
tester.newPeer("peer", hashes, blocks)
@@ -242,8 +229,7 @@ func TestInactiveDownloader(t *testing.T) {
func TestCancel(t *testing.T) {
// Create a small enough block chain to download and the tester
targetBlocks := blockCacheLimit - 15
- hashes := createHashes(targetBlocks, knownHash)
- blocks := createBlocksFromHashes(hashes)
+ hashes, blocks := makeChain(targetBlocks, 0, genesis)
tester := newTester()
tester.newPeer("peer", hashes, blocks)
@@ -270,8 +256,7 @@ func TestCancel(t *testing.T) {
func TestThrottling(t *testing.T) {
// Create a long block chain to download and the tester
targetBlocks := 8 * blockCacheLimit
- hashes := createHashes(targetBlocks, knownHash)
- blocks := createBlocksFromHashes(hashes)
+ hashes, blocks := makeChain(targetBlocks, 0, genesis)
tester := newTester()
tester.newPeer("peer", hashes, blocks)
@@ -327,9 +312,7 @@ func TestMultiSynchronisation(t *testing.T) {
// Create various peers with various parts of the chain
targetPeers := 16
targetBlocks := targetPeers*blockCacheLimit - 15
- hashes := createHashes(targetBlocks, knownHash)
- blocks := createBlocksFromHashes(hashes)
+ hashes, blocks := makeChain(targetBlocks, 0, genesis)
tester := newTester()
for i := 0; i < targetPeers; i++ {
@@ -362,9 +345,7 @@ func TestSlowSynchronisation(t *testing.T) {
targetCycles := 2
targetBlocks := targetCycles*blockCacheLimit - 15
targetIODelay := time.Second
- hashes := createHashes(targetBlocks, knownHash)
- blocks := createBlocksFromHashes(hashes)
+ hashes, blocks := makeChain(targetBlocks, 0, genesis)
tester.newSlowPeer("fast", hashes, blocks, 0)
tester.newSlowPeer("slow", hashes, blocks, targetIODelay)
@@ -389,14 +370,12 @@ func TestSlowSynchronisation(t *testing.T) {
func TestNonExistingParentAttack(t *testing.T) {
tester := newTester()
- // Forge a single-link chain with a forged header
- hashes := createHashes(1, knownHash)
- blocks := createBlocksFromHashes(hashes)
+ hashes, blocks := makeChain(1, 0, genesis)
tester.newPeer("valid", hashes, blocks)
- hashes = createHashes(1, knownHash)
- blocks = createBlocksFromHashes(hashes)
- blocks[hashes[0]].ParentHeaderHash = unknownHash
+ wrongblock := types.NewBlock(&types.Header{}, nil, nil, nil)
+ wrongblock.Td = blocks[hashes[0]].Td
+ hashes, blocks = makeChain(1, 0, wrongblock)
tester.newPeer("attack", hashes, blocks)
// Try and sync with the malicious node and check that it fails
@@ -421,8 +400,7 @@ func TestRepeatingHashAttack(t *testing.T) { // TODO: Is this thing valid??
tester := newTester()
// Create a valid chain, but drop the last link
- hashes := createHashes(blockCacheLimit, knownHash)
- blocks := createBlocksFromHashes(hashes)
+ hashes, blocks := makeChain(blockCacheLimit, 0, genesis)
tester.newPeer("valid", hashes, blocks)
tester.newPeer("attack", hashes[:len(hashes)-1], blocks)
@@ -452,11 +430,10 @@ func TestNonExistingBlockAttack(t *testing.T) {
tester := newTester()
// Create a valid chain, but forge the last link
- hashes := createHashes(blockCacheLimit, knownHash)
- blocks := createBlocksFromHashes(hashes)
+ hashes, blocks := makeChain(blockCacheLimit, 0, genesis)
tester.newPeer("valid", hashes, blocks)
- hashes[len(hashes)/2] = unknownHash
+ hashes[len(hashes)/2] = common.Hash{}
tester.newPeer("attack", hashes, blocks)
// Try and sync with the malicious node and check that it fails
@@ -475,8 +452,7 @@ func TestInvalidHashOrderAttack(t *testing.T) {
tester := newTester()
// Create a valid long chain, but reverse some hashes within
- hashes := createHashes(4*blockCacheLimit, knownHash)
- blocks := createBlocksFromHashes(hashes)
+ hashes, blocks := makeChain(4*blockCacheLimit, 0, genesis)
tester.newPeer("valid", hashes, blocks)
chunk1 := make([]common.Hash, blockCacheLimit)
@@ -506,11 +482,15 @@ func TestMadeupHashChainAttack(t *testing.T) {
crossCheckCycle = 25 * time.Millisecond
// Create a long chain of hashes without backing blocks
- hashes := createHashes(4*blockCacheLimit, knownHash)
- blocks := createBlocksFromHashes(hashes)
+ hashes, blocks := makeChain(4*blockCacheLimit, 0, genesis)
+ randomHashes := make([]common.Hash, 1024*blockCacheLimit)
+ for i := range randomHashes {
+ rand.Read(randomHashes[i][:])
+ }
tester.newPeer("valid", hashes, blocks)
- tester.newPeer("attack", createHashes(1024*blockCacheLimit, knownHash), nil)
+ tester.newPeer("attack", randomHashes, nil)
// Try and sync with the malicious node and check that it fails
if err := tester.sync("attack"); err != errCrossCheckFailed {
@@ -528,12 +508,16 @@ func TestMadeupHashChainAttack(t *testing.T) {
// one by one prevents reliable block/parent verification.
func TestMadeupHashChainDrippingAttack(t *testing.T) {
// Create a random chain of hashes to drip
- hashes := createHashes(16*blockCacheLimit, knownHash)
+ randomHashes := make([]common.Hash, 16*blockCacheLimit)
+ for i := range randomHashes {
+ rand.Read(randomHashes[i][:])
+ }
+ randomHashes[len(randomHashes)-1] = genesis.Hash()
tester := newTester()
// Try and sync with the attacker, one hash at a time
tester.maxHashFetch = 1
- tester.newPeer("attack", hashes, nil)
+ tester.newPeer("attack", randomHashes, nil)
if err := tester.sync("attack"); err != errStallingPeer {
t.Fatalf("synchronisation error mismatch: have %v, want %v", err, errStallingPeer)
@@ -549,9 +533,7 @@ func TestMadeupBlockChainAttack(t *testing.T) {
crossCheckCycle = 25 * time.Millisecond
// Create a long chain of blocks and simulate an invalid chain by dropping every second
- hashes := createHashes(16*blockCacheLimit, knownHash)
- blocks := createBlocksFromHashes(hashes)
+ hashes, blocks := makeChain(16*blockCacheLimit, 0, genesis)
gapped := make([]common.Hash, len(hashes)/2)
for i := 0; i < len(gapped); i++ {
gapped[i] = hashes[2*i]
@@ -572,65 +554,26 @@ func TestMadeupBlockChainAttack(t *testing.T) {
-// Advanced form of the above forged blockchain attack, where not only does the
-// attacker make up a valid hashes for random blocks, but also forges the block
-// parents to point to existing hashes.
-func TestMadeupParentBlockChainAttack(t *testing.T) {
- tester := newTester()
- defaultBlockTTL := blockSoftTTL
- defaultCrossCheckCycle := crossCheckCycle
- blockSoftTTL = 100 * time.Millisecond
- crossCheckCycle = 25 * time.Millisecond
- // Create a long chain of blocks and simulate an invalid chain by dropping every second
- hashes := createHashes(16*blockCacheLimit, knownHash)
- blocks := createBlocksFromHashes(hashes)
- tester.newPeer("valid", hashes, blocks)
- for _, block := range blocks {
- block.ParentHeaderHash = knownHash // Simulate pointing to already known hash
- }
- tester.newPeer("attack", hashes, blocks)
- // Try and sync with the malicious node and check that it fails
- if err := tester.sync("attack"); err != errCrossCheckFailed {
- t.Fatalf("synchronisation error mismatch: have %v, want %v", err, errCrossCheckFailed)
- }
- // Ensure that a valid chain can still pass sync
- blockSoftTTL = defaultBlockTTL
- crossCheckCycle = defaultCrossCheckCycle
- if err := tester.sync("valid"); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
- }
-// Tests that if one/multiple malicious peers try to feed a banned blockchain to
+// tests that if one/multiple malicious peers try to feed a banned blockchain to
// the downloader, it will not keep refetching the same chain indefinitely, but
-// gradually block pieces of it, until it's head is also blocked.
+// gradually block pieces of it, until its head is also blocked.
func TestBannedChainStarvationAttack(t *testing.T) {
- // Create the tester and ban the selected hash
- tester := newTester()
- tester.downloader.banned.Add(bannedHash)
+ n := 8 * blockCacheLimit
+ fork := n/2 - 23
+ hashes, forkHashes, blocks, forkBlocks := makeChainFork(n, fork, genesis)
- // Construct a valid chain, for it and ban the fork
- hashes := createHashes(8*blockCacheLimit, knownHash)
- blocks := createBlocksFromHashes(hashes)
+ // Create the tester and ban the selected hash.
+ tester := newTester()
+ tester.downloader.banned.Add(forkHashes[fork-1])
tester.newPeer("valid", hashes, blocks)
- fork := len(hashes)/2 - 23
- hashes = append(createHashes(4*blockCacheLimit, bannedHash), hashes[fork:]...)
- blocks = createBlocksFromHashes(hashes)
- tester.newPeer("attack", hashes, blocks)
+ tester.newPeer("attack", forkHashes, forkBlocks)
// Iteratively try to sync, and verify that the banned hash list grows until
// the head of the invalid chain is blocked too.
for banned := tester.downloader.banned.Size(); ; {
// Try to sync with the attacker, check hash chain failure
if err := tester.sync("attack"); err != errInvalidChain {
- if tester.downloader.banned.Has(hashes[0]) && err == errBannedHead {
+ if tester.downloader.banned.Has(forkHashes[0]) && err == errBannedHead {
t.Fatalf("synchronisation error mismatch: have %v, want %v", err, errInvalidChain)
@@ -643,7 +586,7 @@ func TestBannedChainStarvationAttack(t *testing.T) {
banned = bans
// Check that after banning an entire chain, bad peers get dropped
- if err := tester.newPeer("new attacker", hashes, blocks); err != errBannedHead {
+ if err := tester.newPeer("new attacker", forkHashes, forkBlocks); err != errBannedHead {
t.Fatalf("peer registration mismatch: have %v, want %v", err, errBannedHead)
if peer := tester.downloader.peers.Peer("new attacker"); peer != nil {
@@ -659,9 +602,14 @@ func TestBannedChainStarvationAttack(t *testing.T) {
// gradually banned, it will have an upper limit on the consumed memory and also
// the origin bad hashes will not be evacuated.
func TestBannedChainMemoryExhaustionAttack(t *testing.T) {
- // Create the tester and ban the selected hash
+ // Construct a banned chain with more chunks than the ban limit
+ n := 8 * blockCacheLimit
+ fork := n/2 - 23
+ hashes, forkHashes, blocks, forkBlocks := makeChainFork(n, fork, genesis)
+ // Create the tester and ban the root hash of the fork.
tester := newTester()
- tester.downloader.banned.Add(bannedHash)
+ tester.downloader.banned.Add(forkHashes[fork-1])
// Reduce the test size a bit
defaultMaxBlockFetch := MaxBlockFetch
@@ -670,15 +618,8 @@ func TestBannedChainMemoryExhaustionAttack(t *testing.T) {
MaxBlockFetch = 4
maxBannedHashes = 256
- // Construct a banned chain with more chunks than the ban limit
- hashes := createHashes(8*blockCacheLimit, knownHash)
- blocks := createBlocksFromHashes(hashes)
tester.newPeer("valid", hashes, blocks)
- fork := len(hashes)/2 - 23
- hashes = append(createHashes(maxBannedHashes*MaxBlockFetch, bannedHash), hashes[fork:]...)
- blocks = createBlocksFromHashes(hashes)
- tester.newPeer("attack", hashes, blocks)
+ tester.newPeer("attack", forkHashes, forkBlocks)
// Iteratively try to sync, and verify that the banned hash list grows until
// the head of the invalid chain is blocked too.
@@ -687,8 +628,8 @@ func TestBannedChainMemoryExhaustionAttack(t *testing.T) {
if err := tester.sync("attack"); err != errInvalidChain {
t.Fatalf("synchronisation error mismatch: have %v, want %v", err, errInvalidChain)
- // Short circuit if the entire chain was banned
- if tester.downloader.banned.Has(hashes[0]) {
+ // Short circuit if the entire chain was banned.
+ if tester.downloader.banned.Has(forkHashes[0]) {
// Otherwise ensure we never exceed the memory allowance and the hard coded bans are untouched
@@ -719,8 +660,7 @@ func TestBannedChainMemoryExhaustionAttack(t *testing.T) {
func TestOverlappingDeliveryAttack(t *testing.T) {
// Create an arbitrary batch of blocks ( < cache-size not to block)
targetBlocks := blockCacheLimit - 23
- hashes := createHashes(targetBlocks, knownHash)
- blocks := createBlocksFromHashes(hashes)
+ hashes, blocks := makeChain(targetBlocks, 0, genesis)
// Register an attacker that always returns non-requested blocks too
tester := newTester()
@@ -772,7 +712,7 @@ func TestHashAttackerDropping(t *testing.T) {
for i, tt := range tests {
// Register a new peer and ensure it's presence
id := fmt.Sprintf("test %d", i)
- if err := tester.newPeer(id, []common.Hash{knownHash}, nil); err != nil {
+ if err := tester.newPeer(id, []common.Hash{genesis.Hash()}, nil); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("test %d: failed to register new peer: %v", i, err)
if _, ok := tester.peerHashes[id]; !ok {
@@ -781,7 +721,7 @@ func TestHashAttackerDropping(t *testing.T) {
// Simulate a synchronisation and check the required result
tester.downloader.synchroniseMock = func(string, common.Hash) error { return tt.result }
- tester.downloader.Synchronise(id, knownHash)
+ tester.downloader.Synchronise(id, genesis.Hash())
if _, ok := tester.peerHashes[id]; !ok != tt.drop {
t.Errorf("test %d: peer drop mismatch for %v: have %v, want %v", i, tt.result, !ok, tt.drop)
@@ -794,7 +734,10 @@ func TestBlockAttackerDropping(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
failure bool
drop bool
- }{{true, true}, {false, false}}
+ }{
+ {true, true},
+ {false, false},
+ }
// Run the tests and check disconnection status
tester := newTester()
@@ -808,9 +751,10 @@ func TestBlockAttackerDropping(t *testing.T) {
t.Fatalf("test %d: registered peer not found", i)
// Assemble a good or bad block, depending of the test
- raw := createBlock(1, knownHash, common.Hash{})
+ raw := core.GenerateChain(genesis, testdb, 1, nil)[0]
if tt.failure {
- raw = createBlock(1, unknownHash, common.Hash{})
+ parent := types.NewBlock(&types.Header{}, nil, nil, nil)
+ raw = core.GenerateChain(parent, testdb, 1, nil)[0]
block := &Block{OriginPeer: id, RawBlock: raw}
diff --git a/eth/fetcher/fetcher_test.go b/eth/fetcher/fetcher_test.go
index 80247d9d2..2c9c9bca3 100644
--- a/eth/fetcher/fetcher_test.go
+++ b/eth/fetcher/fetcher_test.go
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package fetcher
import (
- "encoding/binary"
@@ -10,58 +9,32 @@ import (
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/core"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/ethdb"
var (
- knownHash = common.Hash{1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}
- unknownHash = common.Hash{2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2}
- bannedHash = common.Hash{3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3}
- genesis = createBlock(1, common.Hash{}, knownHash)
+ testdb, _ = ethdb.NewMemDatabase()
+ genesis = core.GenesisBlockForTesting(testdb, common.Address{}, big.NewInt(0))
+ unknownBlock = types.NewBlock(&types.Header{}, nil, nil, nil)
-// idCounter is used by the createHashes method the generate deterministic but unique hashes
-var idCounter = int64(2) // #1 is the genesis block
-// createHashes generates a batch of hashes rooted at a specific point in the chain.
-func createHashes(amount int, root common.Hash) (hashes []common.Hash) {
- hashes = make([]common.Hash, amount+1)
- hashes[len(hashes)-1] = root
- for i := 0; i < len(hashes)-1; i++ {
- binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(hashes[i][:8], uint64(idCounter))
- idCounter++
- }
- return
-// createBlock assembles a new block at the given chain height.
-func createBlock(i int, parent, hash common.Hash) *types.Block {
- header := &types.Header{Number: big.NewInt(int64(i))}
- block := types.NewBlockWithHeader(header)
- block.HeaderHash = hash
- block.ParentHeaderHash = parent
- return block
-// copyBlock makes a deep copy of a block suitable for local modifications.
-func copyBlock(block *types.Block) *types.Block {
- return createBlock(int(block.Number().Int64()), block.ParentHeaderHash, block.HeaderHash)
-// createBlocksFromHashes assembles a collection of blocks, each having a correct
-// place in the given hash chain.
-func createBlocksFromHashes(hashes []common.Hash) map[common.Hash]*types.Block {
- blocks := make(map[common.Hash]*types.Block)
- for i := 0; i < len(hashes); i++ {
- parent := knownHash
- if i < len(hashes)-1 {
- parent = hashes[i+1]
- }
- blocks[hashes[i]] = createBlock(len(hashes)-i, parent, hashes[i])
- }
- return blocks
+// makeChain creates a chain of n blocks starting at and including parent.
+// the returned hash chain is ordered head->parent.
+func makeChain(n int, seed byte, parent *types.Block) ([]common.Hash, map[common.Hash]*types.Block) {
+ blocks := core.GenerateChain(parent, testdb, n, func(i int, gen *core.BlockGen) {
+ gen.SetCoinbase(common.Address{seed})
+ })
+ hashes := make([]common.Hash, n+1)
+ hashes[len(hashes)-1] = parent.Hash()
+ blockm := make(map[common.Hash]*types.Block, n+1)
+ blockm[parent.Hash()] = parent
+ for i, b := range blocks {
+ hashes[len(hashes)-i-2] = b.Hash()
+ blockm[b.Hash()] = b
+ }
+ return hashes, blockm
// fetcherTester is a test simulator for mocking out local block chain.
@@ -77,8 +50,8 @@ type fetcherTester struct {
// newTester creates a new fetcher test mocker.
func newTester() *fetcherTester {
tester := &fetcherTester{
- hashes: []common.Hash{knownHash},
- blocks: map[common.Hash]*types.Block{knownHash: genesis},
+ hashes: []common.Hash{genesis.Hash()},
+ blocks: map[common.Hash]*types.Block{genesis.Hash(): genesis},
tester.fetcher = New(tester.getBlock, tester.verifyBlock, tester.broadcastBlock, tester.chainHeight, tester.insertChain, tester.dropPeer)
@@ -138,10 +111,9 @@ func (f *fetcherTester) dropPeer(peer string) {
// peerFetcher retrieves a fetcher associated with a simulated peer.
func (f *fetcherTester) makeFetcher(blocks map[common.Hash]*types.Block) blockRequesterFn {
- // Copy all the blocks to ensure they are not tampered with
closure := make(map[common.Hash]*types.Block)
for hash, block := range blocks {
- closure[hash] = copyBlock(block)
+ closure[hash] = block
// Create a function that returns blocks from the closure
return func(hashes []common.Hash) error {
@@ -195,8 +167,7 @@ func verifyImportDone(t *testing.T, imported chan *types.Block) {
func TestSequentialAnnouncements(t *testing.T) {
// Create a chain of blocks to import
targetBlocks := 4 * hashLimit
- hashes := createHashes(targetBlocks, knownHash)
- blocks := createBlocksFromHashes(hashes)
+ hashes, blocks := makeChain(targetBlocks, 0, genesis)
tester := newTester()
fetcher := tester.makeFetcher(blocks)
@@ -217,8 +188,7 @@ func TestSequentialAnnouncements(t *testing.T) {
func TestConcurrentAnnouncements(t *testing.T) {
// Create a chain of blocks to import
targetBlocks := 4 * hashLimit
- hashes := createHashes(targetBlocks, knownHash)
- blocks := createBlocksFromHashes(hashes)
+ hashes, blocks := makeChain(targetBlocks, 0, genesis)
// Assemble a tester with a built in counter for the requests
tester := newTester()
@@ -253,8 +223,7 @@ func TestConcurrentAnnouncements(t *testing.T) {
func TestOverlappingAnnouncements(t *testing.T) {
// Create a chain of blocks to import
targetBlocks := 4 * hashLimit
- hashes := createHashes(targetBlocks, knownHash)
- blocks := createBlocksFromHashes(hashes)
+ hashes, blocks := makeChain(targetBlocks, 0, genesis)
tester := newTester()
fetcher := tester.makeFetcher(blocks)
@@ -280,8 +249,7 @@ func TestOverlappingAnnouncements(t *testing.T) {
// Tests that announces already being retrieved will not be duplicated.
func TestPendingDeduplication(t *testing.T) {
// Create a hash and corresponding block
- hashes := createHashes(1, knownHash)
- blocks := createBlocksFromHashes(hashes)
+ hashes, blocks := makeChain(1, 0, genesis)
// Assemble a tester with a built in counter and delayed fetcher
tester := newTester()
@@ -319,9 +287,9 @@ func TestPendingDeduplication(t *testing.T) {
// imported when all the gaps are filled in.
func TestRandomArrivalImport(t *testing.T) {
// Create a chain of blocks to import, and choose one to delay
- hashes := createHashes(maxQueueDist, knownHash)
- blocks := createBlocksFromHashes(hashes)
- skip := maxQueueDist / 2
+ targetBlocks := maxQueueDist
+ hashes, blocks := makeChain(targetBlocks, 0, genesis)
+ skip := targetBlocks / 2
tester := newTester()
fetcher := tester.makeFetcher(blocks)
@@ -345,9 +313,9 @@ func TestRandomArrivalImport(t *testing.T) {
// are correctly schedule, filling and import queue gaps.
func TestQueueGapFill(t *testing.T) {
// Create a chain of blocks to import, and choose one to not announce at all
- hashes := createHashes(maxQueueDist, knownHash)
- blocks := createBlocksFromHashes(hashes)
- skip := maxQueueDist / 2
+ targetBlocks := maxQueueDist
+ hashes, blocks := makeChain(targetBlocks, 0, genesis)
+ skip := targetBlocks / 2
tester := newTester()
fetcher := tester.makeFetcher(blocks)
@@ -371,8 +339,7 @@ func TestQueueGapFill(t *testing.T) {
// announces, etc) do not get scheduled for import multiple times.
func TestImportDeduplication(t *testing.T) {
// Create two blocks to import (one for duplication, the other for stalling)
- hashes := createHashes(2, knownHash)
- blocks := createBlocksFromHashes(hashes)
+ hashes, blocks := makeChain(2, 0, genesis)
// Create the tester and wrap the importer with a counter
tester := newTester()
@@ -410,9 +377,7 @@ func TestImportDeduplication(t *testing.T) {
// discarded no prevent wasting resources on useless blocks from faulty peers.
func TestDistantDiscarding(t *testing.T) {
// Create a long chain to import
- hashes := createHashes(3*maxQueueDist, knownHash)
- blocks := createBlocksFromHashes(hashes)
+ hashes, blocks := makeChain(3*maxQueueDist, 0, genesis)
head := hashes[len(hashes)/2]
// Create a tester and simulate a head block being the middle of the above chain
@@ -445,11 +410,11 @@ func TestHashMemoryExhaustionAttack(t *testing.T) {
tester.fetcher.importedHook = func(block *types.Block) { imported <- block }
// Create a valid chain and an infinite junk chain
- hashes := createHashes(hashLimit+2*maxQueueDist, knownHash)
- blocks := createBlocksFromHashes(hashes)
+ targetBlocks := hashLimit + 2*maxQueueDist
+ hashes, blocks := makeChain(targetBlocks, 0, genesis)
valid := tester.makeFetcher(blocks)
- attack := createHashes(hashLimit+2*maxQueueDist, unknownHash)
+ attack, _ := makeChain(targetBlocks, 0, unknownBlock)
attacker := tester.makeFetcher(nil)
// Feed the tester a huge hashset from the attacker, and a limited from the valid peer
@@ -484,13 +449,11 @@ func TestBlockMemoryExhaustionAttack(t *testing.T) {
tester.fetcher.importedHook = func(block *types.Block) { imported <- block }
// Create a valid chain and a batch of dangling (but in range) blocks
- hashes := createHashes(blockLimit+2*maxQueueDist, knownHash)
- blocks := createBlocksFromHashes(hashes)
+ targetBlocks := hashLimit + 2*maxQueueDist
+ hashes, blocks := makeChain(targetBlocks, 0, genesis)
attack := make(map[common.Hash]*types.Block)
- for len(attack) < blockLimit+2*maxQueueDist {
- hashes := createHashes(maxQueueDist-1, unknownHash)
- blocks := createBlocksFromHashes(hashes)
+ for i := byte(0); len(attack) < blockLimit+2*maxQueueDist; i++ {
+ hashes, blocks := makeChain(maxQueueDist-1, i, unknownBlock)
for _, hash := range hashes[:maxQueueDist-2] {
attack[hash] = blocks[hash]
@@ -499,7 +462,7 @@ func TestBlockMemoryExhaustionAttack(t *testing.T) {
for _, block := range attack {
tester.fetcher.Enqueue("attacker", block)
- time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
+ time.Sleep(200 * time.Millisecond)
if queued := tester.fetcher.queue.Size(); queued != blockLimit {
t.Fatalf("queued block count mismatch: have %d, want %d", queued, blockLimit)
diff --git a/eth/gasprice.go b/eth/gasprice.go
index cd5293691..ddf1c8c09 100644
--- a/eth/gasprice.go
+++ b/eth/gasprice.go
@@ -47,14 +47,21 @@ func NewGasPriceOracle(eth *Ethereum) (self *GasPriceOracle) {
func (self *GasPriceOracle) processPastBlocks() {
- last := self.chain.CurrentBlock().NumberU64()
- first := uint64(0)
+ last := int64(-1)
+ cblock := self.chain.CurrentBlock()
+ if cblock != nil {
+ last = int64(cblock.NumberU64())
+ }
+ first := int64(0)
if last > gpoProcessPastBlocks {
first = last - gpoProcessPastBlocks
- self.firstProcessed = first
+ self.firstProcessed = uint64(first)
for i := first; i <= last; i++ {
- self.processBlock(self.chain.GetBlockByNumber(i))
+ block := self.chain.GetBlockByNumber(uint64(i))
+ if block != nil {
+ self.processBlock(block)
+ }
@@ -133,20 +140,20 @@ func (self *GasPriceOracle) lowestPrice(block *types.Block) *big.Int {
gasUsed = recepits[len(recepits)-1].CumulativeGasUsed
- if new(big.Int).Mul(gasUsed, big.NewInt(100)).Cmp(new(big.Int).Mul(block.Header().GasLimit,
+ if new(big.Int).Mul(gasUsed, big.NewInt(100)).Cmp(new(big.Int).Mul(block.GasLimit(),
big.NewInt(int64(self.eth.GpoFullBlockRatio)))) < 0 {
// block is not full, could have posted a tx with MinGasPrice
return self.eth.GpoMinGasPrice
- if len(block.Transactions()) < 1 {
+ txs := block.Transactions()
+ if len(txs) == 0 {
return self.eth.GpoMinGasPrice
// block is full, find smallest gasPrice
- minPrice := block.Transactions()[0].GasPrice()
- for i := 1; i < len(block.Transactions()); i++ {
- price := block.Transactions()[i].GasPrice()
+ minPrice := txs[0].GasPrice()
+ for i := 1; i < len(txs); i++ {
+ price := txs[i].GasPrice()
if price.Cmp(minPrice) < 0 {
minPrice = price
diff --git a/eth/handler.go b/eth/handler.go
index ad88e9c59..278a2bec2 100644
--- a/eth/handler.go
+++ b/eth/handler.go
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ func NewProtocolManager(protocolVersion, networkId int, mux *event.TypeMux, txpo
manager.downloader = downloader.New(manager.eventMux, manager.chainman.HasBlock, manager.chainman.GetBlock, manager.chainman.InsertChain, manager.removePeer)
validator := func(block *types.Block, parent *types.Block) error {
- return core.ValidateHeader(pow, block.Header(), parent.Header(), true)
+ return core.ValidateHeader(pow, block.Header(), parent, true)
heighter := func() uint64 {
return manager.chainman.CurrentBlock().NumberU64()
diff --git a/eth/protocol_test.go b/eth/protocol_test.go
index 6e0eef59c..60fa35443 100644
--- a/eth/protocol_test.go
+++ b/eth/protocol_test.go
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ func (pool *fakeTxPool) GetTransactions() types.Transactions {
func newtx(from *crypto.Key, nonce uint64, datasize int) *types.Transaction {
data := make([]byte, datasize)
- tx := types.NewTransactionMessage(common.Address{}, big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(100000), big.NewInt(0), data)
- tx.SetNonce(nonce)
+ tx := types.NewTransaction(nonce, common.Address{}, big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(100000), big.NewInt(0), data)
+ tx, _ = tx.SignECDSA(from.PrivateKey)
return tx
diff --git a/ethdb/database.go b/ethdb/database.go
index 32ce845a0..8f55d43c3 100644
--- a/ethdb/database.go
+++ b/ethdb/database.go
@@ -115,3 +115,7 @@ func (self *LDBDatabase) Close() {
glog.V(logger.Error).Infoln("flushed and closed db:", self.fn)
+func (self *LDBDatabase) LDB() *leveldb.DB {
+ return self.db
diff --git a/miner/agent.go b/miner/agent.go
index 3ed3ba839..a7d017aa5 100644
--- a/miner/agent.go
+++ b/miner/agent.go
@@ -90,15 +90,13 @@ done:
-func (self *CpuAgent) mine(block *types.Block, stop <- chan struct{}) {
+func (self *CpuAgent) mine(block *types.Block, stop <-chan struct{}) {
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("(re)started agent[%d]. mining...\n", self.index)
// Mine
nonce, mixDigest := self.pow.Search(block, stop)
if nonce != 0 {
- block.SetNonce(nonce)
- block.Header().MixDigest = common.BytesToHash(mixDigest)
- self.returnCh <- block
+ self.returnCh <- block.WithMiningResult(nonce, common.BytesToHash(mixDigest))
} else {
self.returnCh <- nil
diff --git a/miner/remote_agent.go b/miner/remote_agent.go
index 80cc9053e..6a44782f6 100644
--- a/miner/remote_agent.go
+++ b/miner/remote_agent.go
@@ -81,9 +81,7 @@ func (a *RemoteAgent) SubmitWork(nonce uint64, mixDigest, seedHash common.Hash)
// Make sure the external miner was working on the right hash
if a.currentWork != nil && a.work != nil {
- a.currentWork.SetNonce(nonce)
- a.currentWork.Header().MixDigest = mixDigest
- a.returnCh <- a.currentWork
+ a.returnCh <- a.currentWork.WithMiningResult(nonce, mixDigest)
//a.returnCh <- Work{a.currentWork.Number().Uint64(), nonce, mixDigest.Bytes(), seedHash.Bytes()}
return true
diff --git a/miner/worker.go b/miner/worker.go
index 55c23376c..0971bd957 100644
--- a/miner/worker.go
+++ b/miner/worker.go
@@ -49,10 +49,8 @@ type uint64RingBuffer struct {
// environment is the workers current environment and holds
// all of the current state information
type environment struct {
- totalUsedGas *big.Int // total gas usage in the cycle
state *state.StateDB // apply state changes here
coinbase *state.StateObject // the miner's account
- block *types.Block // the new block
ancestors *set.Set // ancestor set (used for checking uncle parent validity)
family *set.Set // family set (used for checking uncle invalidity)
uncles *set.Set // uncle set
@@ -63,22 +61,12 @@ type environment struct {
ownedAccounts *set.Set
lowGasTxs types.Transactions
localMinedBlocks *uint64RingBuffer // the most recent block numbers that were mined locally (used to check block inclusion)
-// env returns a new environment for the current cycle
-func env(block *types.Block, eth core.Backend) *environment {
- state := state.New(block.Root(), eth.StateDb())
- env := &environment{
- totalUsedGas: new(big.Int),
- state: state,
- block: block,
- ancestors: set.New(),
- family: set.New(),
- uncles: set.New(),
- coinbase: state.GetOrNewStateObject(block.Coinbase()),
- }
+ block *types.Block // the new block
- return env
+ header *types.Header
+ txs []*types.Transaction
+ receipts []*types.Receipt
// worker is the main object which takes care of applying messages to the new state
@@ -137,14 +125,20 @@ func newWorker(coinbase common.Address, eth core.Backend) *worker {
func (self *worker) pendingState() *state.StateDB {
defer self.currentMu.Unlock()
return self.current.state
func (self *worker) pendingBlock() *types.Block {
defer self.currentMu.Unlock()
+ if atomic.LoadInt32(&self.mining) == 0 {
+ return types.NewBlock(
+ self.current.header,
+ self.current.txs,
+ nil,
+ self.current.receipts,
+ )
+ }
return self.current.block
@@ -206,7 +200,7 @@ out:
// Apply transaction to the pending state if we're not mining
if atomic.LoadInt32(&self.mining) == 0 {
- self.commitTransactions(types.Transactions{ev.Tx})
+ self.current.commitTransactions(types.Transactions{ev.Tx}, self.gasPrice, self.proc)
@@ -239,46 +233,46 @@ func (self *worker) wait() {
- if _, err := self.chain.InsertChain(types.Blocks{block}); err == nil {
- for _, uncle := range block.Uncles() {
- delete(self.possibleUncles, uncle.Hash())
- }
- self.mux.Post(core.NewMinedBlockEvent{block})
- var stale, confirm string
- canonBlock := self.chain.GetBlockByNumber(block.NumberU64())
- if canonBlock != nil && canonBlock.Hash() != block.Hash() {
- stale = "stale "
- } else {
- confirm = "Wait 5 blocks for confirmation"
- self.current.localMinedBlocks = newLocalMinedBlock(block.Number().Uint64(), self.current.localMinedBlocks)
- }
- glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("🔨 Mined %sblock (#%v / %x). %s", stale, block.Number(), block.Hash().Bytes()[:4], confirm)
+ _, err := self.chain.WriteBlock(block)
+ if err != nil {
+ glog.V(logger.Error).Infoln("error writing block to chain", err)
+ continue
+ }
- jsonlogger.LogJson(&logger.EthMinerNewBlock{
- BlockHash: block.Hash().Hex(),
- BlockNumber: block.Number(),
- ChainHeadHash: block.ParentHeaderHash.Hex(),
- BlockPrevHash: block.ParentHeaderHash.Hex(),
- })
+ // check staleness and display confirmation
+ var stale, confirm string
+ canonBlock := self.chain.GetBlockByNumber(block.NumberU64())
+ if canonBlock != nil && canonBlock.Hash() != block.Hash() {
+ stale = "stale "
} else {
- self.commitNewWork()
+ confirm = "Wait 5 blocks for confirmation"
+ self.current.localMinedBlocks = newLocalMinedBlock(block.Number().Uint64(), self.current.localMinedBlocks)
+ glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("🔨 Mined %sblock (#%v / %x). %s", stale, block.Number(), block.Hash().Bytes()[:4], confirm)
+ // broadcast before waiting for validation
+ go self.mux.Post(core.NewMinedBlockEvent{block})
+ self.commitNewWork()
func (self *worker) push() {
if atomic.LoadInt32(&self.mining) == 1 {
- self.current.block.SetRoot(self.current.state.Root())
+ if core.Canary(self.current.state) {
+ glog.Infoln("Toxicity levels rising to deadly levels. Your canary has died. You can go back or continue down the mineshaft --more--")
+ glog.Infoln("You turn back and abort mining")
+ return
+ }
// push new work to agents
for _, agent := range self.agents {
atomic.AddInt32(&self.atWork, 1)
if agent.Work() != nil {
- agent.Work() <- self.current.block.Copy()
+ agent.Work() <- self.current.block
} else {
common.Report(fmt.Sprintf("%v %T\n", agent, agent))
@@ -286,22 +280,20 @@ func (self *worker) push() {
-func (self *worker) makeCurrent() {
- block := self.chain.NewBlock(self.coinbase)
- parent := self.chain.GetBlock(block.ParentHash())
- // TMP fix for build server ...
- if parent == nil {
- return
- }
- if block.Time() <= parent.Time() {
- block.Header().Time = parent.Header().Time + 1
+// makeCurrent creates a new environment for the current cycle.
+func (self *worker) makeCurrent(parent *types.Block, header *types.Header) {
+ state := state.New(parent.Root(), self.eth.StateDb())
+ current := &environment{
+ state: state,
+ ancestors: set.New(),
+ family: set.New(),
+ uncles: set.New(),
+ header: header,
+ coinbase: state.GetOrNewStateObject(self.coinbase),
- block.Header().Extra = self.extra
// when 08 is processed ancestors contain 07 (quick block)
- current := env(block, self.eth)
- for _, ancestor := range self.chain.GetAncestors(block, 7) {
+ for _, ancestor := range self.chain.GetBlocksFromHash(parent.Hash(), 7) {
for _, uncle := range ancestor.Uncles() {
@@ -309,6 +301,7 @@ func (self *worker) makeCurrent() {
accounts, _ := self.eth.AccountManager().Accounts()
// Keep track of transactions which return errors so they can be removed
current.remove = set.New()
current.tcount = 0
@@ -318,9 +311,6 @@ func (self *worker) makeCurrent() {
if self.current != nil {
current.localMinedBlocks = self.current.localMinedBlocks
- current.coinbase.SetGasLimit(core.CalcGasLimit(parent))
self.current = current
@@ -352,13 +342,13 @@ func (self *worker) isBlockLocallyMined(deepBlockNum uint64) bool {
//Does the block at {deepBlockNum} send earnings to my coinbase?
var block = self.chain.GetBlockByNumber(deepBlockNum)
- return block != nil && block.Header().Coinbase == self.coinbase
+ return block != nil && block.Coinbase() == self.coinbase
func (self *worker) logLocalMinedBlocks(previous *environment) {
if previous != nil && self.current.localMinedBlocks != nil {
- nextBlockNum := self.current.block.Number().Uint64()
- for checkBlockNum := previous.block.Number().Uint64(); checkBlockNum < nextBlockNum; checkBlockNum++ {
+ nextBlockNum := self.current.block.NumberU64()
+ for checkBlockNum := previous.block.NumberU64(); checkBlockNum < nextBlockNum; checkBlockNum++ {
inspectBlockNum := checkBlockNum - miningLogAtDepth
if self.isBlockLocallyMined(inspectBlockNum) {
glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("🔨 🔗 Mined %d blocks back: block #%v", miningLogAtDepth, inspectBlockNum)
@@ -376,18 +366,42 @@ func (self *worker) commitNewWork() {
defer self.currentMu.Unlock()
tstart := time.Now()
+ parent := self.chain.CurrentBlock()
+ tstamp := tstart.Unix()
+ if tstamp <= parent.Time() {
+ tstamp = parent.Time() + 1
+ }
+ // this will ensure we're not going off too far in the future
+ if now := time.Now().Unix(); tstamp > now+4 {
+ wait := time.Duration(tstamp-now) * time.Second
+ glog.V(logger.Info).Infoln("We are too far in the future. Waiting for", wait)
+ time.Sleep(wait)
+ }
+ num := parent.Number()
+ header := &types.Header{
+ ParentHash: parent.Hash(),
+ Number: num.Add(num, common.Big1),
+ Difficulty: core.CalcDifficulty(tstamp, parent.Time(), parent.Difficulty()),
+ GasLimit: core.CalcGasLimit(parent),
+ GasUsed: new(big.Int),
+ Coinbase: self.coinbase,
+ Extra: self.extra,
+ Time: uint64(tstamp),
+ }
previous := self.current
- self.makeCurrent()
+ self.makeCurrent(parent, header)
current := self.current
+ // commit transactions for this run.
transactions := self.eth.TxPool().GetTransactions()
- // commit transactions for this run
- self.commitTransactions(transactions)
+ current.coinbase.SetGasLimit(header.GasLimit)
+ current.commitTransactions(transactions, self.gasPrice, self.proc)
+ // compute uncles for the new block.
var (
uncles []*types.Header
badUncles []common.Hash
@@ -396,88 +410,80 @@ func (self *worker) commitNewWork() {
if len(uncles) == 2 {
if err := self.commitUncle(uncle.Header()); err != nil {
if glog.V(logger.Ridiculousness) {
glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("Bad uncle found and will be removed (%x)\n", hash[:4])
badUncles = append(badUncles, hash)
} else {
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infof("commiting %x as uncle\n", hash[:4])
uncles = append(uncles, uncle.Header())
- // We only care about logging if we're actually mining
- if atomic.LoadInt32(&self.mining) == 1 {
- glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("commit new work on block %v with %d txs & %d uncles. Took %v\n", current.block.Number(), current.tcount, len(uncles), time.Since(tstart))
- self.logLocalMinedBlocks(previous)
- }
for _, hash := range badUncles {
delete(self.possibleUncles, hash)
- self.current.block.SetUncles(uncles)
+ if atomic.LoadInt32(&self.mining) == 1 {
+ // commit state root after all state transitions.
+ core.AccumulateRewards(self.current.state, header, uncles)
+ current.state.Update()
+ self.current.state.Sync()
+ header.Root = current.state.Root()
+ }
- core.AccumulateRewards(self.current.state, self.current.block)
+ // create the new block whose nonce will be mined.
+ current.block = types.NewBlock(header, current.txs, uncles, current.receipts)
+ self.current.block.Td = new(big.Int).Set(core.CalcTD(self.current.block, self.chain.GetBlock(self.current.block.ParentHash())))
- self.current.state.Update()
+ // We only care about logging if we're actually mining.
+ if atomic.LoadInt32(&self.mining) == 1 {
+ glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("commit new work on block %v with %d txs & %d uncles. Took %v\n", current.block.Number(), current.tcount, len(uncles), time.Since(tstart))
+ self.logLocalMinedBlocks(previous)
+ }
-var (
- inclusionReward = new(big.Int).Div(core.BlockReward, big.NewInt(32))
- _uncleReward = new(big.Int).Mul(core.BlockReward, big.NewInt(15))
- uncleReward = new(big.Int).Div(_uncleReward, big.NewInt(16))
func (self *worker) commitUncle(uncle *types.Header) error {
- if self.current.uncles.Has(uncle.Hash()) {
- // Error not unique
+ hash := uncle.Hash()
+ if self.current.uncles.Has(hash) {
return core.UncleError("Uncle not unique")
if !self.current.ancestors.Has(uncle.ParentHash) {
return core.UncleError(fmt.Sprintf("Uncle's parent unknown (%x)", uncle.ParentHash[0:4]))
- if self.current.family.Has(uncle.Hash()) {
- return core.UncleError(fmt.Sprintf("Uncle already in family (%x)", uncle.Hash()))
+ if self.current.family.Has(hash) {
+ return core.UncleError(fmt.Sprintf("Uncle already in family (%x)", hash))
return nil
-func (self *worker) commitTransactions(transactions types.Transactions) {
- current := self.current
+func (env *environment) commitTransactions(transactions types.Transactions, gasPrice *big.Int, proc *core.BlockProcessor) {
for _, tx := range transactions {
// We can skip err. It has already been validated in the tx pool
from, _ := tx.From()
// Check if it falls within margin. Txs from owned accounts are always processed.
- if tx.GasPrice().Cmp(self.gasPrice) < 0 && !current.ownedAccounts.Has(from) {
+ if tx.GasPrice().Cmp(gasPrice) < 0 && !env.ownedAccounts.Has(from) {
// ignore the transaction and transactor. We ignore the transactor
// because nonce will fail after ignoring this transaction so there's
// no point
- current.lowGasTransactors.Add(from)
+ env.lowGasTransactors.Add(from)
- glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("transaction(%x) below gas price (tx=%v ask=%v). All sequential txs from this address(%x) will be ignored\n", tx.Hash().Bytes()[:4], common.CurrencyToString(tx.GasPrice()), common.CurrencyToString(self.gasPrice), from[:4])
+ glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("transaction(%x) below gas price (tx=%v ask=%v). All sequential txs from this address(%x) will be ignored\n", tx.Hash().Bytes()[:4], common.CurrencyToString(tx.GasPrice()), common.CurrencyToString(gasPrice), from[:4])
// Continue with the next transaction if the transaction sender is included in
// the low gas tx set. This will also remove the tx and all sequential transaction
// from this transactor
- if current.lowGasTransactors.Has(from) {
+ if env.lowGasTransactors.Has(from) {
// add tx to the low gas set. This will be removed at the end of the run
// owned accounts are ignored
- if !current.ownedAccounts.Has(from) {
- current.lowGasTxs = append(current.lowGasTxs, tx)
+ if !env.ownedAccounts.Has(from) {
+ env.lowGasTxs = append(env.lowGasTxs, tx)
@@ -487,46 +493,41 @@ func (self *worker) commitTransactions(transactions types.Transactions) {
// the transaction is processed (that could potentially be included in the block) it
// will throw a nonce error because the previous transaction hasn't been processed.
// Therefor we need to ignore any transaction after the ignored one.
- if current.ignoredTransactors.Has(from) {
+ if env.ignoredTransactors.Has(from) {
- self.current.state.StartRecord(tx.Hash(), common.Hash{}, 0)
+ env.state.StartRecord(tx.Hash(), common.Hash{}, 0)
- err := self.commitTransaction(tx)
+ err := env.commitTransaction(tx, proc)
switch {
case core.IsNonceErr(err) || core.IsInvalidTxErr(err):
- current.remove.Add(tx.Hash())
+ env.remove.Add(tx.Hash())
if glog.V(logger.Detail) {
glog.Infof("TX (%x) failed, will be removed: %v\n", tx.Hash().Bytes()[:4], err)
case state.IsGasLimitErr(err):
- from, _ := tx.From()
// ignore the transactor so no nonce errors will be thrown for this account
// next time the worker is run, they'll be picked up again.
- current.ignoredTransactors.Add(from)
+ env.ignoredTransactors.Add(from)
glog.V(logger.Detail).Infof("Gas limit reached for (%x) in this block. Continue to try smaller txs\n", from[:4])
- current.tcount++
+ env.tcount++
- self.current.block.Header().GasUsed = self.current.totalUsedGas
-func (self *worker) commitTransaction(tx *types.Transaction) error {
- snap := self.current.state.Copy()
- receipt, _, err := self.proc.ApplyTransaction(self.current.coinbase, self.current.state, self.current.block, tx, self.current.totalUsedGas, true)
+func (env *environment) commitTransaction(tx *types.Transaction, proc *core.BlockProcessor) error {
+ snap := env.state.Copy()
+ receipt, _, err := proc.ApplyTransaction(env.coinbase, env.state, env.header, tx, env.header.GasUsed, true)
if err != nil && (core.IsNonceErr(err) || state.IsGasLimitErr(err) || core.IsInvalidTxErr(err)) {
- self.current.state.Set(snap)
+ env.state.Set(snap)
return err
- self.current.block.AddTransaction(tx)
- self.current.block.AddReceipt(receipt)
+ env.txs = append(env.txs, tx)
+ env.receipts = append(env.receipts, receipt)
return nil
diff --git a/rlp/encode.go b/rlp/encode.go
index 10ff0ae79..b418fb501 100644
--- a/rlp/encode.go
+++ b/rlp/encode.go
@@ -5,12 +5,9 @@ import (
+ "sync"
-// TODO: put encbufs in a sync.Pool.
-// Doing that requires zeroing the buffers after use.
-// encReader will need to drop it's buffer when done.
var (
// Common encoded values.
// These are useful when implementing EncodeRLP.
@@ -32,46 +29,10 @@ type Encoder interface {
EncodeRLP(io.Writer) error
-// Flat wraps a value (which must encode as a list) so
-// it encodes as the list's elements.
-// Example: suppose you have defined a type
-// type foo struct { A, B uint }
-// Under normal encoding rules,
-// rlp.Encode(foo{1, 2}) --> 0xC20102
-// This function can help you achieve the following encoding:
-// rlp.Encode(rlp.Flat(foo{1, 2})) --> 0x0102
-func Flat(val interface{}) Encoder {
- return flatenc{val}
-type flatenc struct{ val interface{} }
-func (e flatenc) EncodeRLP(out io.Writer) error {
- // record current output position
- var (
- eb = out.(*encbuf)
- prevstrsize = len(eb.str)
- prevnheads = len(eb.lheads)
- )
- if err := eb.encode(e.val); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- // check that a new list header has appeared
- if len(eb.lheads) == prevnheads || eb.lheads[prevnheads].offset == prevstrsize-1 {
- return fmt.Errorf("rlp.Flat: %T did not encode as list", e.val)
- }
- // remove the new list header
- newhead := eb.lheads[prevnheads]
- copy(eb.lheads[prevnheads:], eb.lheads[prevnheads+1:])
- eb.lheads = eb.lheads[:len(eb.lheads)-1]
- eb.lhsize -= headsize(uint64(newhead.size))
- return nil
+// ListSize returns the encoded size of an RLP list with the given
+// content size.
+func ListSize(contentSize uint64) uint64 {
+ return uint64(headsize(contentSize)) + contentSize
// Encode writes the RLP encoding of val to w. Note that Encode may
@@ -112,7 +73,9 @@ func Encode(w io.Writer, val interface{}) error {
// Avoid copying by writing to the outer encbuf directly.
return outer.encode(val)
- eb := newencbuf()
+ eb := encbufPool.Get().(*encbuf)
+ eb.reset()
+ defer encbufPool.Put(eb)
if err := eb.encode(val); err != nil {
return err
@@ -122,7 +85,9 @@ func Encode(w io.Writer, val interface{}) error {
// EncodeBytes returns the RLP encoding of val.
// Please see the documentation of Encode for the encoding rules.
func EncodeToBytes(val interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
- eb := newencbuf()
+ eb := encbufPool.Get().(*encbuf)
+ eb.reset()
+ defer encbufPool.Put(eb)
if err := eb.encode(val); err != nil {
return nil, err
@@ -135,7 +100,8 @@ func EncodeToBytes(val interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
// Please see the documentation of Encode for the encoding rules.
func EncodeToReader(val interface{}) (size int, r io.Reader, err error) {
- eb := newencbuf()
+ eb := encbufPool.Get().(*encbuf)
+ eb.reset()
if err := eb.encode(val); err != nil {
return 0, nil, err
@@ -182,8 +148,19 @@ func puthead(buf []byte, smalltag, largetag byte, size uint64) int {
-func newencbuf() *encbuf {
- return &encbuf{sizebuf: make([]byte, 9)}
+// encbufs are pooled.
+var encbufPool = sync.Pool{
+ New: func() interface{} { return &encbuf{sizebuf: make([]byte, 9)} },
+func (w *encbuf) reset() {
+ w.lhsize = 0
+ if w.str != nil {
+ w.str = w.str[:0]
+ }
+ if w.lheads != nil {
+ w.lheads = w.lheads[:0]
+ }
// encbuf implements io.Writer so it can be passed it into EncodeRLP.
@@ -295,6 +272,8 @@ type encReader struct {
func (r *encReader) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
for {
if r.piece = r.next(); r.piece == nil {
+ encbufPool.Put(r.buf)
+ r.buf = nil
return n, io.EOF
nn := copy(b[n:], r.piece)
@@ -313,6 +292,9 @@ func (r *encReader) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
// it returns nil at EOF.
func (r *encReader) next() []byte {
switch {
+ case r.buf == nil:
+ return nil
case r.piece != nil:
// There is still data available for reading.
return r.piece
diff --git a/rlp/encode_test.go b/rlp/encode_test.go
index 6eb930d6c..7b70a0629 100644
--- a/rlp/encode_test.go
+++ b/rlp/encode_test.go
@@ -189,15 +189,6 @@ var encTests = []encTest{
{val: &recstruct{5, nil}, output: "C205C0"},
{val: &recstruct{5, &recstruct{4, &recstruct{3, nil}}}, output: "C605C404C203C0"},
- // flat
- {val: Flat(uint(1)), error: "rlp.Flat: uint did not encode as list"},
- {val: Flat(simplestruct{A: 3, B: "foo"}), output: "0383666F6F"},
- {
- // value generates more list headers after the Flat
- val: []interface{}{"foo", []uint{1, 2}, Flat([]uint{3, 4}), []uint{5, 6}, "bar"},
- output: "D083666F6FC201020304C2050683626172",
- },
// nil
{val: (*uint)(nil), output: "80"},
{val: (*string)(nil), output: "80"},
diff --git a/rpc/api/eth.go b/rpc/api/eth.go
index 0dff138c6..962c8d0f9 100644
--- a/rpc/api/eth.go
+++ b/rpc/api/eth.go
@@ -348,14 +348,6 @@ func (self *ethApi) GetBlockByNumber(req *shared.Request) (interface{}, error) {
block := self.xeth.EthBlockByNumber(args.BlockNumber)
br := NewBlockRes(block, args.IncludeTxs)
- // If request was for "pending", nil nonsensical fields
- if args.BlockNumber == -2 {
- br.BlockHash = nil
- br.BlockNumber = nil
- br.Miner = nil
- br.Nonce = nil
- br.LogsBloom = nil
- }
return br, nil
diff --git a/rpc/api/parsing.go b/rpc/api/parsing.go
index 85a9165e5..632462c31 100644
--- a/rpc/api/parsing.go
+++ b/rpc/api/parsing.go
@@ -270,29 +270,31 @@ func NewBlockRes(block *types.Block, fullTx bool) *BlockRes {
res.BlockHash = newHexData(block.Hash())
res.ParentHash = newHexData(block.ParentHash())
res.Nonce = newHexData(block.Nonce())
- res.Sha3Uncles = newHexData(block.Header().UncleHash)
+ res.Sha3Uncles = newHexData(block.UncleHash())
res.LogsBloom = newHexData(block.Bloom())
- res.TransactionRoot = newHexData(block.Header().TxHash)
+ res.TransactionRoot = newHexData(block.TxHash())
res.StateRoot = newHexData(block.Root())
- res.Miner = newHexData(block.Header().Coinbase)
+ res.Miner = newHexData(block.Coinbase())
res.Difficulty = newHexNum(block.Difficulty())
res.TotalDifficulty = newHexNum(block.Td)
res.Size = newHexNum(block.Size().Int64())
- res.ExtraData = newHexData(block.Header().Extra)
+ res.ExtraData = newHexData(block.Extra())
res.GasLimit = newHexNum(block.GasLimit())
res.GasUsed = newHexNum(block.GasUsed())
res.UnixTimestamp = newHexNum(block.Time())
- res.Transactions = make([]*TransactionRes, len(block.Transactions()))
- for i, tx := range block.Transactions() {
+ txs := block.Transactions()
+ res.Transactions = make([]*TransactionRes, len(txs))
+ for i, tx := range txs {
res.Transactions[i] = NewTransactionRes(tx)
res.Transactions[i].BlockHash = res.BlockHash
res.Transactions[i].BlockNumber = res.BlockNumber
res.Transactions[i].TxIndex = newHexNum(i)
- res.Uncles = make([]*UncleRes, len(block.Uncles()))
- for i, uncle := range block.Uncles() {
+ uncles := block.Uncles()
+ res.Uncles = make([]*UncleRes, len(uncles))
+ for i, uncle := range uncles {
res.Uncles[i] = NewUncleRes(uncle)
diff --git a/tests/block_test_util.go b/tests/block_test_util.go
index 5fdc6402e..450ef86a1 100644
--- a/tests/block_test_util.go
+++ b/tests/block_test_util.go
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ func (t *BlockTest) TryBlocksInsert(chainManager *core.ChainManager) error {
if b.BlockHeader == nil {
continue // OK - block is supposed to be invalid, continue with next block
} else {
- return fmt.Errorf("Block RLP decoding failed when expected to succeed: ", err)
+ return fmt.Errorf("Block RLP decoding failed when expected to succeed: %v", err)
// RLP decoding worked, try to insert into chain:
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ func (t *BlockTest) TryBlocksInsert(chainManager *core.ChainManager) error {
if b.BlockHeader == nil {
continue // OK - block is supposed to be invalid, continue with next block
} else {
- return fmt.Errorf("Block insertion into chain failed: ", err)
+ return fmt.Errorf("Block insertion into chain failed: %v", err)
if b.BlockHeader == nil {
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ func (t *BlockTest) TryBlocksInsert(chainManager *core.ChainManager) error {
err = t.validateBlockHeader(b.BlockHeader, cb.Header())
if err != nil {
- return fmt.Errorf("Block header validation failed: ", err)
+ return fmt.Errorf("Block header validation failed: %v", err)
return nil
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ func (s *BlockTest) validateBlockHeader(h *btHeader, h2 *types.Header) error {
expectedNonce := mustConvertBytes(h.Nonce)
if !bytes.Equal(expectedNonce, h2.Nonce[:]) {
- return fmt.Errorf("Nonce: expected: %v, decoded: %v", expectedNonce, h2.Nonce[:])
+ return fmt.Errorf("Nonce: expected: %v, decoded: %v", expectedNonce, h2.Nonce)
expectedNumber := mustConvertBigInt(h.Number, 16)
@@ -423,9 +423,8 @@ func mustConvertHeader(in btHeader) *types.Header {
GasLimit: mustConvertBigInt(in.GasLimit, 16),
Difficulty: mustConvertBigInt(in.Difficulty, 16),
Time: mustConvertUint(in.Timestamp, 16),
+ Nonce: types.EncodeNonce(mustConvertUint(in.Nonce, 16)),
- // XXX cheats? :-)
- header.SetNonce(mustConvertUint(in.Nonce, 16))
return header
diff --git a/tests/transaction_test_util.go b/tests/transaction_test_util.go
index 45caf26fd..1c92090db 100644
--- a/tests/transaction_test_util.go
+++ b/tests/transaction_test_util.go
@@ -152,54 +152,53 @@ func verifyTxFields(txTest TransactionTest, decodedTx *types.Transaction) (err e
expectedData := mustConvertBytes(txTest.Transaction.Data)
- if !bytes.Equal(expectedData, decodedTx.Payload) {
- return fmt.Errorf("Tx input data mismatch: %#v %#v", expectedData, decodedTx.Payload)
+ if !bytes.Equal(expectedData, decodedTx.Data()) {
+ return fmt.Errorf("Tx input data mismatch: %#v %#v", expectedData, decodedTx.Data())
expectedGasLimit := mustConvertBigInt(txTest.Transaction.GasLimit, 16)
- if expectedGasLimit.Cmp(decodedTx.GasLimit) != 0 {
- return fmt.Errorf("GasLimit mismatch: %v %v", expectedGasLimit, decodedTx.GasLimit)
+ if expectedGasLimit.Cmp(decodedTx.Gas()) != 0 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("GasLimit mismatch: %v %v", expectedGasLimit, decodedTx.Gas())
expectedGasPrice := mustConvertBigInt(txTest.Transaction.GasPrice, 16)
- if expectedGasPrice.Cmp(decodedTx.Price) != 0 {
- return fmt.Errorf("GasPrice mismatch: %v %v", expectedGasPrice, decodedTx.Price)
+ if expectedGasPrice.Cmp(decodedTx.GasPrice()) != 0 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("GasPrice mismatch: %v %v", expectedGasPrice, decodedTx.GasPrice())
expectedNonce := mustConvertUint(txTest.Transaction.Nonce, 16)
- if expectedNonce != decodedTx.AccountNonce {
- return fmt.Errorf("Nonce mismatch: %v %v", expectedNonce, decodedTx.AccountNonce)
+ if expectedNonce != decodedTx.Nonce() {
+ return fmt.Errorf("Nonce mismatch: %v %v", expectedNonce, decodedTx.Nonce())
- expectedR := common.Bytes2Big(mustConvertBytes(txTest.Transaction.R))
- if expectedR.Cmp(decodedTx.R) != 0 {
- return fmt.Errorf("R mismatch: %v %v", expectedR, decodedTx.R)
+ v, r, s := decodedTx.SignatureValues()
+ expectedR := mustConvertBigInt(txTest.Transaction.R, 16)
+ if r.Cmp(expectedR) != 0 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("R mismatch: %v %v", expectedR, r)
- expectedS := common.Bytes2Big(mustConvertBytes(txTest.Transaction.S))
- if expectedS.Cmp(decodedTx.S) != 0 {
- return fmt.Errorf("S mismatch: %v %v", expectedS, decodedTx.S)
+ expectedS := mustConvertBigInt(txTest.Transaction.S, 16)
+ if s.Cmp(expectedS) != 0 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("S mismatch: %v %v", expectedS, s)
expectedV := mustConvertUint(txTest.Transaction.V, 16)
- if expectedV != uint64(decodedTx.V) {
- return fmt.Errorf("V mismatch: %v %v", expectedV, uint64(decodedTx.V))
+ if uint64(v) != expectedV {
+ return fmt.Errorf("V mismatch: %v %v", expectedV, v)
expectedTo := mustConvertAddress(txTest.Transaction.To)
- if decodedTx.Recipient == nil {
+ if decodedTx.To() == nil {
if expectedTo != common.BytesToAddress([]byte{}) { // "empty" or "zero" address
return fmt.Errorf("To mismatch when recipient is nil (contract creation): %v", expectedTo)
} else {
- if expectedTo != *decodedTx.Recipient {
- return fmt.Errorf("To mismatch: %v %v", expectedTo, *decodedTx.Recipient)
+ if expectedTo != *decodedTx.To() {
+ return fmt.Errorf("To mismatch: %v %v", expectedTo, *decodedTx.To())
expectedValue := mustConvertBigInt(txTest.Transaction.Value, 16)
- if expectedValue.Cmp(decodedTx.Amount) != 0 {
- return fmt.Errorf("Value mismatch: %v %v", expectedValue, decodedTx.Amount)
+ if expectedValue.Cmp(decodedTx.Value()) != 0 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("Value mismatch: %v %v", expectedValue, decodedTx.Value())
return nil
diff --git a/trie/cache.go b/trie/cache.go
index 4c76c6cba..cb805d2f2 100644
--- a/trie/cache.go
+++ b/trie/cache.go
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
package trie
-import "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/logger/glog"
+import (
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/compression/rle"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/ethdb"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/logger/glog"
+ "github.com/syndtr/goleveldb/leveldb"
type Backend interface {
Get([]byte) ([]byte, error)
@@ -8,12 +13,13 @@ type Backend interface {
type Cache struct {
+ batch *leveldb.Batch
store map[string][]byte
backend Backend
func NewCache(backend Backend) *Cache {
- return &Cache{make(map[string][]byte), backend}
+ return &Cache{new(leveldb.Batch), make(map[string][]byte), backend}
func (self *Cache) Get(key []byte) []byte {
@@ -26,19 +32,23 @@ func (self *Cache) Get(key []byte) []byte {
func (self *Cache) Put(key []byte, data []byte) {
+ // write the data to the ldb batch
+ self.batch.Put(key, rle.Compress(data))
self.store[string(key)] = data
+// Flush flushes the trie to the backing layer. If this is a leveldb instance
+// we'll use a batched write, otherwise we'll use regular put.
func (self *Cache) Flush() {
- for k, v := range self.store {
- if err := self.backend.Put([]byte(k), v); err != nil {
+ if db, ok := self.backend.(*ethdb.LDBDatabase); ok {
+ if err := db.LDB().Write(self.batch, nil); err != nil {
glog.Fatal("db write err:", err)
+ } else {
+ for k, v := range self.store {
+ self.backend.Put([]byte(k), v)
+ }
- // This will eventually grow too large. We'd could
- // do a make limit on storage and push out not-so-popular nodes.
- //self.Reset()
func (self *Cache) Copy() *Cache {
diff --git a/xeth/xeth.go b/xeth/xeth.go
index 99e17423a..0dbedff43 100644
--- a/xeth/xeth.go
+++ b/xeth/xeth.go
@@ -209,8 +209,8 @@ func (self *XEth) AtStateNum(num int64) *XEth {
// - could be removed in favour of mining on testdag (natspec e2e + networking)
// + filters
func (self *XEth) ApplyTestTxs(statedb *state.StateDB, address common.Address, txc uint64) (uint64, *XEth) {
- block := self.backend.ChainManager().NewBlock(address)
+ chain := self.backend.ChainManager()
+ header := chain.CurrentBlock().Header()
coinbase := statedb.GetStateObject(address)
txs := self.backend.TxPool().GetQueuedTransactions()
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ func (self *XEth) ApplyTestTxs(statedb *state.StateDB, address common.Address, t
for i := 0; i < len(txs); i++ {
for _, tx := range txs {
if tx.Nonce() == txc {
- _, _, err := core.ApplyMessage(core.NewEnv(statedb, self.backend.ChainManager(), tx, block), tx, coinbase)
+ _, _, err := core.ApplyMessage(core.NewEnv(statedb, self.backend.ChainManager(), tx, header), tx, coinbase)
if err != nil {
@@ -845,8 +845,8 @@ func (self *XEth) Call(fromStr, toStr, valueStr, gasStr, gasPriceStr, dataStr st
msg.gasPrice = self.DefaultGasPrice()
- block := self.CurrentBlock()
- vmenv := core.NewEnv(statedb, self.backend.ChainManager(), msg, block)
+ header := self.CurrentBlock().Header()
+ vmenv := core.NewEnv(statedb, self.backend.ChainManager(), msg, header)
res, gas, err := core.ApplyMessage(vmenv, msg, from)
return common.ToHex(res), gas.String(), err
@@ -946,51 +946,45 @@ func (self *XEth) Transact(fromStr, toStr, nonceStr, valueStr, gasStr, gasPriceS
// TODO: align default values to have the same type, e.g. not depend on
// common.Value conversions later on
- var tx *types.Transaction
- if contractCreation {
- tx = types.NewContractCreationTx(value, gas, price, data)
- } else {
- tx = types.NewTransactionMessage(to, value, gas, price, data)
- }
- state := self.backend.TxPool().State()
var nonce uint64
if len(nonceStr) != 0 {
nonce = common.Big(nonceStr).Uint64()
} else {
+ state := self.backend.TxPool().State()
nonce = state.GetNonce(from)
- tx.SetNonce(nonce)
+ var tx *types.Transaction
+ if contractCreation {
+ tx = types.NewContractCreation(nonce, value, gas, price, data)
+ } else {
+ tx = types.NewTransaction(nonce, to, value, gas, price, data)
+ }
- if err := self.sign(tx, from, false); err != nil {
+ signed, err := self.sign(tx, from, false)
+ if err != nil {
return "", err
- if err := self.backend.TxPool().Add(tx); err != nil {
+ if err = self.backend.TxPool().Add(signed); err != nil {
return "", err
- //state.SetNonce(from, nonce+1)
if contractCreation {
addr := core.AddressFromMessage(tx)
glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("Tx(%x) created: %x\n", tx.Hash(), addr)
- return core.AddressFromMessage(tx).Hex(), nil
+ return addr.Hex(), nil
} else {
glog.V(logger.Info).Infof("Tx(%x) to: %x\n", tx.Hash(), tx.To())
return tx.Hash().Hex(), nil
-func (self *XEth) sign(tx *types.Transaction, from common.Address, didUnlock bool) error {
+func (self *XEth) sign(tx *types.Transaction, from common.Address, didUnlock bool) (*types.Transaction, error) {
hash := tx.Hash()
sig, err := self.doSign(from, hash, didUnlock)
if err != nil {
- return err
+ return tx, err
- tx.SetSignatureValues(sig)
- return nil
+ return tx.WithSignature(sig)
// callmsg is the message type used for call transations.