path: root/vendor/gopkg.in/check.v1/checkers.go
blob: 3749545873763504ea040770701ad83ab3a6a2b5 (plain) (tree)


package check

import (

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// CommentInterface and Commentf helper, to attach extra information to checks.

type comment struct {
    format string
    args   []interface{}

// Commentf returns an infomational value to use with Assert or Check calls.
// If the checker test fails, the provided arguments will be passed to
// fmt.Sprintf, and will be presented next to the logged failure.
// For example:
//     c.Assert(v, Equals, 42, Commentf("Iteration #%d failed.", i))
// Note that if the comment is constant, a better option is to
// simply use a normal comment right above or next to the line, as
// it will also get printed with any errors:
//     c.Assert(l, Equals, 8192) // Ensure buffer size is correct (bug #123)
func Commentf(format string, args ...interface{}) CommentInterface {
    return &comment{format, args}

// CommentInterface must be implemented by types that attach extra
// information to failed checks. See the Commentf function for details.
type CommentInterface interface {
    CheckCommentString() string

func (c *comment) CheckCommentString() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf(c.format, c.args...)

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// The Checker interface.

// The Checker interface must be provided by checkers used with
// the Assert and Check verification methods.
type Checker interface {
    Info() *CheckerInfo
    Check(params []interface{}, names []string) (result bool, error string)

// See the Checker interface.
type CheckerInfo struct {
    Name   string
    Params []string

func (info *CheckerInfo) Info() *CheckerInfo {
    return info

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Not checker logic inverter.

// The Not checker inverts the logic of the provided checker.  The
// resulting checker will succeed where the original one failed, and
// vice-versa.
// For example:
//     c.Assert(a, Not(Equals), b)
func Not(checker Checker) Checker {
    return &notChecker{checker}

type notChecker struct {
    sub Checker

func (checker *notChecker) Info() *CheckerInfo {
    info := *checker.sub.Info()
    info.Name = "Not(" + info.Name + ")"
    return &info

func (checker *notChecker) Check(params []interface{}, names []string) (result bool, error string) {
    result, error = checker.sub.Check(params, names)
    result = !result

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// IsNil checker.

type isNilChecker struct {

// The IsNil checker tests whether the obtained value is nil.
// For example:
//    c.Assert(err, IsNil)
var IsNil Checker = &isNilChecker{
    &CheckerInfo{Name: "IsNil", Params: []string{"value"}},

func (checker *isNilChecker) Check(params []interface{}, names []string) (result bool, error string) {
    return isNil(params[0]), ""

func isNil(obtained interface{}) (result bool) {
    if obtained == nil {
        result = true
    } else {
        switch v := reflect.ValueOf(obtained); v.Kind() {
        case reflect.Chan, reflect.Func, reflect.Interface, reflect.Map, reflect.Ptr, reflect.Slice:
            return v.IsNil()

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// NotNil checker. Alias for Not(IsNil), since it's so common.

type notNilChecker struct {

// The NotNil checker verifies that the obtained value is not nil.
// For example:
//     c.Assert(iface, NotNil)
// This is an alias for Not(IsNil), made available since it's a
// fairly common check.
var NotNil Checker = &notNilChecker{
    &CheckerInfo{Name: "NotNil", Params: []string{"value"}},

func (checker *notNilChecker) Check(params []interface{}, names []string) (result bool, error string) {
    return !isNil(params[0]), ""

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Equals checker.

type equalsChecker struct {

// The Equals checker verifies that the obtained value is equal to
// the expected value, according to usual Go semantics for ==.
// For example:
//     c.Assert(value, Equals, 42)
var Equals Checker = &equalsChecker{
    &CheckerInfo{Name: "Equals", Params: []string{"obtained", "expected"}},

func (checker *equalsChecker) Check(params []interface{}, names []string) (result bool, error string) {
    defer func() {
        if v := recover(); v != nil {
            result = false
            error = fmt.Sprint(v)
    return params[0] == params[1], ""

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// DeepEquals checker.

type deepEqualsChecker struct {

// The DeepEquals checker verifies that the obtained value is deep-equal to
// the expected value.  The check will work correctly even when facing
// slices, interfaces, and values of different types (which always fail
// the test).
// For example:
//     c.Assert(value, DeepEquals, 42)
//     c.Assert(array, DeepEquals, []string{"hi", "there"})
var DeepEquals Checker = &deepEqualsChecker{
    &CheckerInfo{Name: "DeepEquals", Params: []string{"obtained", "expected"}},

func (checker *deepEqualsChecker) Check(params []interface{}, names []string) (result bool, error string) {
    return reflect.DeepEqual(params[0], params[1]), ""

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// HasLen checker.

type hasLenChecker struct {

// The HasLen checker verifies that the obtained value has the
// provided length. In many cases this is superior to using Equals
// in conjunction with the len function because in case the check
// fails the value itself will be printed, instead of its length,
// providing more details for figuring the problem.
// For example:
//     c.Assert(list, HasLen, 5)
var HasLen Checker = &hasLenChecker{
    &CheckerInfo{Name: "HasLen", Params: []string{"obtained", "n"}},

func (checker *hasLenChecker) Check(params []interface{}, names []string) (result bool, error string) {
    n, ok := params[1].(int)
    if !ok {
        return false, "n must be an int"
    value := reflect.ValueOf(params[0])
    switch value.Kind() {
    case reflect.Map, reflect.Array, reflect.Slice, reflect.Chan, reflect.String:
        return false, "obtained value type has no length"
    return value.Len() == n, ""

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// ErrorMatches checker.

type errorMatchesChecker struct {

// The ErrorMatches checker verifies that the error value
// is non nil and matches the regular expression provided.
// For example:
//     c.Assert(err, ErrorMatches, "perm.*denied")
var ErrorMatches Checker = errorMatchesChecker{
    &CheckerInfo{Name: "ErrorMatches", Params: []string{"value", "regex"}},

func (checker errorMatchesChecker) Check(params []interface{}, names []string) (result bool, errStr string) {
    if params[0] == nil {
        return false, "Error value is nil"
    err, ok := params[0].(error)
    if !ok {
        return false, "Value is not an error"
    params[0] = err.Error()
    names[0] = "error"
    return matches(params[0], params[1])

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Matches checker.

type matchesChecker struct {

// The Matches checker verifies that the string provided as the obtained
// value (or the string resulting from obtained.String()) matches the
// regular expression provided.
// For example:
//     c.Assert(err, Matches, "perm.*denied")
var Matches Checker = &matchesChecker{
    &CheckerInfo{Name: "Matches", Params: []string{"value", "regex"}},

func (checker *matchesChecker) Check(params []interface{}, names []string) (result bool, error string) {
    return matches(params[0], params[1])

func matches(value, regex interface{}) (result bool, error string) {
    reStr, ok := regex.(string)
    if !ok {
        return false, "Regex must be a string"
    valueStr, valueIsStr := value.(string)
    if !valueIsStr {
        if valueWithStr, valueHasStr := value.(fmt.Stringer); valueHasStr {
            valueStr, valueIsStr = valueWithStr.String(), true
    if valueIsStr {
        matches, err := regexp.MatchString("^"+reStr+"$", valueStr)
        if err != nil {
            return false, "Can't compile regex: " + err.Error()
        return matches, ""
    return false, "Obtained value is not a string and has no .String()"

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Panics checker.

type panicsChecker struct {

// The Panics checker verifies that calling the provided zero-argument
// function will cause a panic which is deep-equal to the provided value.
// For example:
//     c.Assert(func() { f(1, 2) }, Panics, &SomeErrorType{"BOOM"}).
var Panics Checker = &panicsChecker{
    &CheckerInfo{Name: "Panics", Params: []string{"function", "expected"}},

func (checker *panicsChecker) Check(params []interface{}, names []string) (result bool, error string) {
    f := reflect.ValueOf(params[0])
    if f.Kind() != reflect.Func || f.Type().NumIn() != 0 {
        return false, "Function must take zero arguments"
    defer func() {
        // If the function has not panicked, then don't do the check.
        if error != "" {
        params[0] = recover()
        names[0] = "panic"
        result = reflect.DeepEqual(params[0], params[1])
    return false, "Function has not panicked"

type panicMatchesChecker struct {

// The PanicMatches checker verifies that calling the provided zero-argument
// function will cause a panic with an error value matching
// the regular expression provided.
// For example:
//     c.Assert(func() { f(1, 2) }, PanicMatches, `open.*: no such file or directory`).
var PanicMatches Checker = &panicMatchesChecker{
    &CheckerInfo{Name: "PanicMatches", Params: []string{"function", "expected"}},

func (checker *panicMatchesChecker) Check(params []interface{}, names []string) (result bool, errmsg string) {
    f := reflect.ValueOf(params[0])
    if f.Kind() != reflect.Func || f.Type().NumIn() != 0 {
        return false, "Function must take zero arguments"
    defer func() {
        // If the function has not panicked, then don't do the check.
        if errmsg != "" {
        obtained := recover()
        names[0] = "panic"
        if e, ok := obtained.(error); ok {
            params[0] = e.Error()
        } else if _, ok := obtained.(string); ok {
            params[0] = obtained
        } else {
            errmsg = "Panic value is not a string or an error"
        result, errmsg = matches(params[0], params[1])
    return false, "Function has not panicked"

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// FitsTypeOf checker.

type fitsTypeChecker struct {

// The FitsTypeOf checker verifies that the obtained value is
// assignable to a variable with the same type as the provided
// sample value.
// For example:
//     c.Assert(value, FitsTypeOf, int64(0))
//     c.Assert(value, FitsTypeOf, os.Error(nil))
var FitsTypeOf Checker = &fitsTypeChecker{
    &CheckerInfo{Name: "FitsTypeOf", Params: []string{"obtained", "sample"}},

func (checker *fitsTypeChecker) Check(params []interface{}, names []string) (result bool, error string) {
    obtained := reflect.ValueOf(params[0])
    sample := reflect.ValueOf(params[1])
    if !obtained.IsValid() {
        return false, ""
    if !sample.IsValid() {
        return false, "Invalid sample value"
    return obtained.Type().AssignableTo(sample.Type()), ""

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implements checker.

type implementsChecker struct {

// The Implements checker verifies that the obtained value
// implements the interface specified via a pointer to an interface
// variable.
// For example:
//     var e os.Error
//     c.Assert(err, Implements, &e)
var Implements Checker = &implementsChecker{
    &CheckerInfo{Name: "Implements", Params: []string{"obtained", "ifaceptr"}},

func (checker *implementsChecker) Check(params []interface{}, names []string) (result bool, error string) {
    obtained := reflect.ValueOf(params[0])
    ifaceptr := reflect.ValueOf(params[1])
    if !obtained.IsValid() {
        return false, ""
    if !ifaceptr.IsValid() || ifaceptr.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || ifaceptr.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Interface {
        return false, "ifaceptr should be a pointer to an interface variable"
    return obtained.Type().Implements(ifaceptr.Elem().Type()), ""