path: root/vendor/github.com/nsf/termbox-go/api_windows.go
blob: 7def30a67df0a76a1057bce1b8069f1eb1543db0 (plain) (tree)




package termbox

import (

// public API

// Initializes termbox library. This function should be called before any other functions.
// After successful initialization, the library must be finalized using 'Close' function.
// Example usage:
//      err := termbox.Init()
//      if err != nil {
//              panic(err)
//      }
//      defer termbox.Close()
func Init() error {
    var err error

    interrupt, err = create_event()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    in, err = syscall.Open("CONIN$", syscall.O_RDWR, 0)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    out, err = syscall.Open("CONOUT$", syscall.O_RDWR, 0)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = get_console_mode(in, &orig_mode)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = set_console_mode(in, enable_window_input)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    orig_size = get_term_size(out)
    win_size := get_win_size(out)

    err = set_console_screen_buffer_size(out, win_size)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = get_console_cursor_info(out, &orig_cursor_info)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    term_size = get_term_size(out)
    back_buffer.init(int(term_size.x), int(term_size.y))
    front_buffer.init(int(term_size.x), int(term_size.y))

    diffbuf = make([]diff_msg, 0, 32)

    go input_event_producer()
    IsInit = true
    return nil

// Finalizes termbox library, should be called after successful initialization
// when termbox's functionality isn't required anymore.
func Close() {
    // we ignore errors here, because we can't really do anything about them
    Clear(0, 0)

    // stop event producer
    cancel_comm <- true
    select {
    case <-input_comm:

    set_console_cursor_info(out, &orig_cursor_info)
    set_console_cursor_position(out, coord{})
    set_console_screen_buffer_size(out, orig_size)
    set_console_mode(in, orig_mode)
    IsInit = false

// Interrupt an in-progress call to PollEvent by causing it to return
// EventInterrupt.  Note that this function will block until the PollEvent
// function has successfully been interrupted.
func Interrupt() {
    interrupt_comm <- struct{}{}

// Synchronizes the internal back buffer with the terminal.
func Flush() error {
    for _, diff := range diffbuf {
        r := small_rect{
            left:   0,
            top:    diff.pos,
            right:  term_size.x - 1,
            bottom: diff.pos + diff.lines - 1,
        write_console_output(out, diff.chars, r)
    if !is_cursor_hidden(cursor_x, cursor_y) {
        move_cursor(cursor_x, cursor_y)
    return nil

// Sets the position of the cursor. See also HideCursor().
func SetCursor(x, y int) {
    if is_cursor_hidden(cursor_x, cursor_y) && !is_cursor_hidden(x, y) {

    if !is_cursor_hidden(cursor_x, cursor_y) && is_cursor_hidden(x, y) {

    cursor_x, cursor_y = x, y
    if !is_cursor_hidden(cursor_x, cursor_y) {
        move_cursor(cursor_x, cursor_y)

// The shortcut for SetCursor(-1, -1).
func HideCursor() {
    SetCursor(cursor_hidden, cursor_hidden)

// Changes cell's parameters in the internal back buffer at the specified
// position.
func SetCell(x, y int, ch rune, fg, bg Attribute) {
    if x < 0 || x >= back_buffer.width {
    if y < 0 || y >= back_buffer.height {

    back_buffer.cells[y*back_buffer.width+x] = Cell{ch, fg, bg}

// Returns a slice into the termbox's back buffer. You can get its dimensions
// using 'Size' function. The slice remains valid as long as no 'Clear' or
// 'Flush' function calls were made after call to this function.
func CellBuffer() []Cell {
    return back_buffer.cells

// Wait for an event and return it. This is a blocking function call.
func PollEvent() Event {
    select {
    case ev := <-input_comm:
        return ev
    case <-interrupt_comm:
        return Event{Type: EventInterrupt}

// Returns the size of the internal back buffer (which is mostly the same as
// console's window size in characters). But it doesn't always match the size
// of the console window, after the console size has changed, the internal back
// buffer will get in sync only after Clear or Flush function calls.
func Size() (int, int) {
    return int(term_size.x), int(term_size.y)

// Clears the internal back buffer.
func Clear(fg, bg Attribute) error {
    foreground, background = fg, bg
    return nil

// Sets termbox input mode. Termbox has two input modes:
// 1. Esc input mode. When ESC sequence is in the buffer and it doesn't match
// any known sequence. ESC means KeyEsc. This is the default input mode.
// 2. Alt input mode. When ESC sequence is in the buffer and it doesn't match
// any known sequence. ESC enables ModAlt modifier for the next keyboard event.
// Both input modes can be OR'ed with Mouse mode. Setting Mouse mode bit up will
// enable mouse button press/release and drag events.
// If 'mode' is InputCurrent, returns the current input mode. See also Input*
// constants.
func SetInputMode(mode InputMode) InputMode {
    if mode == InputCurrent {
        return input_mode
    if mode&InputMouse != 0 {
        err := set_console_mode(in, enable_window_input|enable_mouse_input|enable_extended_flags)
        if err != nil {
    } else {
        err := set_console_mode(in, enable_window_input)
        if err != nil {

    input_mode = mode
    return input_mode

// Sets the termbox output mode.
// Windows console does not support extra colour modes,
// so this will always set and return OutputNormal.
func SetOutputMode(mode OutputMode) OutputMode {
    return OutputNormal

// Sync comes handy when something causes desync between termbox's understanding
// of a terminal buffer and the reality. Such as a third party process. Sync
// forces a complete resync between the termbox and a terminal, it may not be
// visually pretty though. At the moment on Windows it does nothing.
func Sync() error {
    return nil