// Copyright 2017 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package adapters
import (
// ExecAdapter is a NodeAdapter which runs simulation nodes by executing the
// current binary as a child process.
// An init hook is used so that the child process executes the node services
// (rather than whataver the main() function would normally do), see the
// execP2PNode function for more information.
type ExecAdapter struct {
// BaseDir is the directory under which the data directories for each
// simulation node are created.
BaseDir string
nodes map[discover.NodeID]*ExecNode
// NewExecAdapter returns an ExecAdapter which stores node data in
// subdirectories of the given base directory
func NewExecAdapter(baseDir string) *ExecAdapter {
return &ExecAdapter{
BaseDir: baseDir,
nodes: make(map[discover.NodeID]*ExecNode),
// Name returns the name of the adapter for logging purposes
func (e *ExecAdapter) Name() string {
return "exec-adapter"
// NewNode returns a new ExecNode using the given config
func (e *ExecAdapter) NewNode(config *NodeConfig) (Node, error) {
if len(config.Services) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("node must have at least one service")
for _, service := range config.Services {
if _, exists := serviceFuncs[service]; !exists {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown node service %q", service)
// create the node directory using the first 12 characters of the ID
// as Unix socket paths cannot be longer than 256 characters
dir := filepath.Join(e.BaseDir, config.ID.String()[:12])
if err := os.Mkdir(dir, 0755); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error creating node directory: %s", err)
// generate the config
conf := &execNodeConfig{
Stack: node.DefaultConfig,
Node: config,
conf.Stack.DataDir = filepath.Join(dir, "data")
conf.Stack.WSHost = ""
conf.Stack.WSPort = 0
conf.Stack.WSOrigins = []string{"*"}
conf.Stack.WSExposeAll = true
conf.Stack.P2P.EnableMsgEvents = false
conf.Stack.P2P.NoDiscovery = true
conf.Stack.P2P.NAT = nil
conf.Stack.NoUSB = true
// listen on a random localhost port (we'll get the actual port after
// starting the node through the RPC admin.nodeInfo method)
conf.Stack.P2P.ListenAddr = ""
node := &ExecNode{
ID: config.ID,
Dir: dir,
Config: conf,
adapter: e,
node.newCmd = node.execCommand
e.nodes[node.ID] = node
return node, nil
// ExecNode starts a simulation node by exec'ing the current binary and
// running the configured services
type ExecNode struct {
ID discover.NodeID
Dir string
Config *execNodeConfig
Cmd *exec.Cmd
Info *p2p.NodeInfo
adapter *ExecAdapter
client *rpc.Client
wsAddr string
newCmd func() *exec.Cmd
key *ecdsa.PrivateKey
// Addr returns the node's enode URL
func (n *ExecNode) Addr() []byte {
if n.Info == nil {
return nil
return []byte(n.Info.Enode)
// Client returns an rpc.Client which can be used to communicate with the
// underlying services (it is set once the node has started)
func (n *ExecNode) Client() (*rpc.Client, error) {
return n.client, nil
// wsAddrPattern is a regex used to read the WebSocket address from the node's
// log
var wsAddrPattern = regexp.MustCompile(`ws://[\d.:]+`)
// Start exec's the node passing the ID and service as command line arguments
// and the node config encoded as JSON in the _P2P_NODE_CONFIG environment
// variable
func (n *ExecNode) Start(snapshots map[string][]byte) (err error) {
if n.Cmd != nil {
return errors.New("already started")
defer func() {
if err != nil {
log.Error("node failed to start", "err", err)
// encode a copy of the config containing the snapshot
confCopy := *n.Config
confCopy.Snapshots = snapshots
confCopy.PeerAddrs = make(map[string]string)
for id, node := range n.adapter.nodes {
confCopy.PeerAddrs[id.String()] = node.wsAddr
confData, err := json.Marshal(confCopy)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error generating node config: %s", err)
// use a pipe for stderr so we can both copy the node's stderr to
// os.Stderr and read the WebSocket address from the logs
stderrR, stderrW := io.Pipe()
stderr := io.MultiWriter(os.Stderr, stderrW)
// start the node
cmd := n.newCmd()
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = stderr
cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), fmt.Sprintf("_P2P_NODE_CONFIG=%s", confData))
if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error starting node: %s", err)
n.Cmd = cmd
// read the WebSocket address from the stderr logs
var wsAddr string
wsAddrC := make(chan string)
go func() {
s := bufio.NewScanner(stderrR)
for s.Scan() {
if strings.Contains(s.Text(), "WebSocket endpoint opened:") {
wsAddrC <- wsAddrPattern.FindString(s.Text())
select {
case wsAddr = <-wsAddrC:
if wsAddr == "" {
return errors.New("failed to read WebSocket address from stderr")
case <-time.After(10 * time.Second):
return errors.New("timed out waiting for WebSocket address on stderr")
// create the RPC client and load the node info
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
defer cancel()
client, err := rpc.DialWebsocket(ctx, wsAddr, "")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error dialing rpc websocket: %s", err)
var info p2p.NodeInfo
if err := client.CallContext(ctx, &info, "admin_nodeInfo"); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error getting node info: %s", err)
n.client = client
n.wsAddr = wsAddr
n.Info = &info
return nil
// execCommand returns a command which runs the node locally by exec'ing
// the current binary but setting argv[0] to "p2p-node" so that the child
// runs execP2PNode
func (n *ExecNode) execCommand() *exec.Cmd {
return &exec.Cmd{
Path: reexec.Self(),
Args: []string{"p2p-node", strings.Join(n.Config.Node.Services, ","), n.ID.String()},
// Stop stops the node by first sending SIGTERM and then SIGKILL if the node
// doesn't stop within 5s
func (n *ExecNode) Stop() error {
if n.Cmd == nil {
return nil
defer func() {
n.Cmd = nil
if n.client != nil {
n.client = nil
n.wsAddr = ""
n.Info = nil
if err := n.Cmd.Process.Signal(syscall.SIGTERM); err != nil {
return n.Cmd.Process.Kill()
waitErr := make(chan error)
go func() {
waitErr <- n.Cmd.Wait()
select {
case err := <-waitErr:
return err
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
return n.Cmd.Process.Kill()
// NodeInfo returns information about the node
func (n *ExecNode) NodeInfo() *p2p.NodeInfo {
info := &p2p.NodeInfo{
ID: n.ID.String(),
if n.client != nil {
n.client.Call(&info, "admin_nodeInfo")
return info
// ServeRPC serves RPC requests over the given connection by dialling the
// node's WebSocket address and joining the two connections
func (n *ExecNode) ServeRPC(clientConn net.Conn) error {
conn, err := websocket.Dial(n.wsAddr, "", "http://localhost")
if err != nil {
return err
var wg sync.WaitGroup
join := func(src, dst net.Conn) {
defer wg.Done()
io.Copy(dst, src)
// close the write end of the destination connection
if cw, ok := dst.(interface {
CloseWrite() error
}); ok {
} else {
go join(conn, clientConn)
go join(clientConn, conn)
return nil
// Snapshots creates snapshots of the services by calling the
// simulation_snapshot RPC method
func (n *ExecNode) Snapshots() (map[string][]byte, error) {
if n.client == nil {
return nil, errors.New("RPC not started")
var snapshots map[string][]byte
return snapshots, n.client.Call(&snapshots, "simulation_snapshot")
func init() {
// register a reexec function to start a devp2p node when the current
// binary is executed as "p2p-node"
reexec.Register("p2p-node", execP2PNode)
// execNodeConfig is used to serialize the node configuration so it can be
// passed to the child process as a JSON encoded environment variable
type execNodeConfig struct {
Stack node.Config `json:"stack"`
Node *NodeConfig `json:"node"`
Snapshots map[string][]byte `json:"snapshots,omitempty"`
PeerAddrs map[string]string `json:"peer_addrs,omitempty"`
// execP2PNode starts a devp2p node when the current binary is executed with
// argv[0] being "p2p-node", reading the service / ID from argv[1] / argv[2]
// and the node config from the _P2P_NODE_CONFIG environment variable
func execP2PNode() {
glogger := log.NewGlogHandler(log.StreamHandler(os.Stderr, log.LogfmtFormat()))
// read the services from argv
serviceNames := strings.Split(os.Args[1], ",")
// decode the config
confEnv := os.Getenv("_P2P_NODE_CONFIG")
if confEnv == "" {
log.Crit("missing _P2P_NODE_CONFIG")
var conf execNodeConfig
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(confEnv), &conf); err != nil {
log.Crit("error decoding _P2P_NODE_CONFIG", "err", err)
conf.Stack.P2P.PrivateKey = conf.Node.PrivateKey
conf.Stack.Logger = log.New("node.id", conf.Node.ID.String())
// use explicit IP address in ListenAddr so that Enode URL is usable
externalIP := func() string {
addrs, err := net.InterfaceAddrs()
if err != nil {
log.Crit("error getting IP address", "err", err)
for _, addr := range addrs {
if ip, ok := addr.(*net.IPNet); ok && !ip.IP.IsLoopback() {
return ip.IP.String()
log.Crit("unable to determine explicit IP address")
return ""
if strings.HasPrefix(conf.Stack.P2P.ListenAddr, ":") {
conf.Stack.P2P.ListenAddr = externalIP() + conf.Stack.P2P.ListenAddr
if conf.Stack.WSHost == "" {
conf.Stack.WSHost = externalIP()
// initialize the devp2p stack
stack, err := node.New(&conf.Stack)
if err != nil {
log.Crit("error creating node stack", "err", err)
// register the services, collecting them into a map so we can wrap
// them in a snapshot service
services := make(map[string]node.Service, len(serviceNames))
for _, name := range serviceNames {
serviceFunc, exists := serviceFuncs[name]
if !exists {
log.Crit("unknown node service", "name", name)
constructor := func(nodeCtx *node.ServiceContext) (node.Service, error) {
ctx := &ServiceContext{
RPCDialer: &wsRPCDialer{addrs: conf.PeerAddrs},
NodeContext: nodeCtx,
Config: conf.Node,
if conf.Snapshots != nil {
ctx.Snapshot = conf.Snapshots[name]
service, err := serviceFunc(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
services[name] = service
return service, nil
if err := stack.Register(constructor); err != nil {
log.Crit("error starting service", "name", name, "err", err)
// register the snapshot service
if err := stack.Register(func(ctx *node.ServiceContext) (node.Service, error) {
return &snapshotService{services}, nil
}); err != nil {
log.Crit("error starting snapshot service", "err", err)
// start the stack
if err := stack.Start(); err != nil {
log.Crit("error stating node stack", "err", err)
// stop the stack if we get a SIGTERM signal
go func() {
sigc := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(sigc, syscall.SIGTERM)
defer signal.Stop(sigc)
log.Info("Received SIGTERM, shutting down...")
// wait for the stack to exit
// snapshotService is a node.Service which wraps a list of services and
// exposes an API to generate a snapshot of those services
type snapshotService struct {
services map[string]node.Service
func (s *snapshotService) APIs() []rpc.API {
return []rpc.API{{
Namespace: "simulation",
Version: "1.0",
Service: SnapshotAPI{s.services},
func (s *snapshotService) Protocols() []p2p.Protocol {
return nil
func (s *snapshotService) Start(*p2p.Server) error {
return nil
func (s *snapshotService) Stop() error {
return nil
// SnapshotAPI provides an RPC method to create snapshots of services
type SnapshotAPI struct {
services map[string]node.Service
func (api SnapshotAPI) Snapshot() (map[string][]byte, error) {
snapshots := make(map[string][]byte)
for name, service := range api.services {
if s, ok := service.(interface {
Snapshot() ([]byte, error)
}); ok {
snap, err := s.Snapshot()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
snapshots[name] = snap
return snapshots, nil
type wsRPCDialer struct {
addrs map[string]string
// DialRPC implements the RPCDialer interface by creating a WebSocket RPC
// client of the given node
func (w *wsRPCDialer) DialRPC(id discover.NodeID) (*rpc.Client, error) {
addr, ok := w.addrs[id.String()]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown node: %s", id)
return rpc.DialWebsocket(context.Background(), addr, "http://localhost")