path: root/metrics/ewma.go
blob: 57c949e7d4219c3e593cfa89c81ff410d4578a81 (plain) (tree)



package metrics

import (

// EWMAs continuously calculate an exponentially-weighted moving average
// based on an outside source of clock ticks.
type EWMA interface {
    Rate() float64
    Snapshot() EWMA

// NewEWMA constructs a new EWMA with the given alpha.
func NewEWMA(alpha float64) EWMA {
    return &StandardEWMA{alpha: alpha}

// NewEWMA1 constructs a new EWMA for a one-minute moving average.
func NewEWMA1() EWMA {
    return NewEWMA(1 - math.Exp(-5.0/60.0/1))

// NewEWMA5 constructs a new EWMA for a five-minute moving average.
func NewEWMA5() EWMA {
    return NewEWMA(1 - math.Exp(-5.0/60.0/5))

// NewEWMA15 constructs a new EWMA for a fifteen-minute moving average.
func NewEWMA15() EWMA {
    return NewEWMA(1 - math.Exp(-5.0/60.0/15))

// EWMASnapshot is a read-only copy of another EWMA.
type EWMASnapshot float64

// Rate returns the rate of events per second at the time the snapshot was
// taken.
func (a EWMASnapshot) Rate() float64 { return float64(a) }

// Snapshot returns the snapshot.
func (a EWMASnapshot) Snapshot() EWMA { return a }

// Tick panics.
func (EWMASnapshot) Tick() {
    panic("Tick called on an EWMASnapshot")

// Update panics.
func (EWMASnapshot) Update(int64) {
    panic("Update called on an EWMASnapshot")

// NilEWMA is a no-op EWMA.
type NilEWMA struct{}

// Rate is a no-op.
func (NilEWMA) Rate() float64 { return 0.0 }

// Snapshot is a no-op.
func (NilEWMA) Snapshot() EWMA { return NilEWMA{} }

// Tick is a no-op.
func (NilEWMA) Tick() {}

// Update is a no-op.
func (NilEWMA) Update(n int64) {}

// StandardEWMA is the standard implementation of an EWMA and tracks the number
// of uncounted events and processes them on each tick.  It uses the
// sync/atomic package to manage uncounted events.
type StandardEWMA struct {
    uncounted int64 // /!\ this should be the first member to ensure 64-bit alignment
    alpha     float64
    rate      float64
    init      bool
    mutex     sync.Mutex

// Rate returns the moving average rate of events per second.
func (a *StandardEWMA) Rate() float64 {
    defer a.mutex.Unlock()
    return a.rate * float64(1e9)

// Snapshot returns a read-only copy of the EWMA.
func (a *StandardEWMA) Snapshot() EWMA {
    return EWMASnapshot(a.Rate())

// Tick ticks the clock to update the moving average.  It assumes it is called
// every five seconds.
func (a *StandardEWMA) Tick() {
    count := atomic.LoadInt64(&a.uncounted)
    atomic.AddInt64(&a.uncounted, -count)
    instantRate := float64(count) / float64(5e9)
    defer a.mutex.Unlock()
    if a.init {
        a.rate += a.alpha * (instantRate - a.rate)
    } else {
        a.init = true
        a.rate = instantRate

// Update adds n uncounted events.
func (a *StandardEWMA) Update(n int64) {
    atomic.AddInt64(&a.uncounted, n)