path: root/cmd/puppeth/module_node.go
blob: 17e8a1a9954761825c542613cbfc4c5d7ae899ca (plain) (tree)






























// Copyright 2017 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of go-ethereum.
// go-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// go-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with go-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package main

import (


// nodeDockerfile is the Dockerfile required to run an Ethereum node.
var nodeDockerfile = `
FROM ethereum/client-go:latest

ADD genesis.json /genesis.json
{{if .Unlock}}
    ADD signer.json /signer.json
    ADD signer.pass /signer.pass
  echo 'geth init /genesis.json' > geth.sh && \{{if .Unlock}}
    echo 'mkdir -p /root/.ethereum/keystore/ && cp /signer.json /root/.ethereum/keystore/' >> geth.sh && \{{end}}
    echo $'geth --networkid {{.NetworkID}} --cache 512 --port {{.Port}} --maxpeers {{.Peers}} {{.LightFlag}} --ethstats \'{{.Ethstats}}\' {{if .BootV4}}--bootnodesv4 {{.BootV4}}{{end}} {{if .BootV5}}--bootnodesv5 {{.BootV5}}{{end}} {{if .Etherbase}}--etherbase {{.Etherbase}} --mine{{end}}{{if .Unlock}}--unlock 0 --password /signer.pass --mine{{end}} --targetgaslimit {{.GasTarget}} --gasprice {{.GasPrice}}' >> geth.sh

ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/sh", "geth.sh"]

// nodeComposefile is the docker-compose.yml file required to deploy and maintain
// an Ethereum node (bootnode or miner for now).
var nodeComposefile = `
version: '2'
    build: .
    image: {{.Network}}/{{.Type}}
      - "{{.FullPort}}:{{.FullPort}}"
      - "{{.FullPort}}:{{.FullPort}}/udp"{{if .Light}}
      - "{{.LightPort}}:{{.LightPort}}/udp"{{end}}
      - {{.Datadir}}:/root/.ethereum
      - FULL_PORT={{.FullPort}}/tcp
      - LIGHT_PORT={{.LightPort}}/udp
      - TOTAL_PEERS={{.TotalPeers}}
      - LIGHT_PEERS={{.LightPeers}}
      - STATS_NAME={{.Ethstats}}
      - MINER_NAME={{.Etherbase}}
      - GAS_TARGET={{.GasTarget}}
      - GAS_PRICE={{.GasPrice}}
      driver: "json-file"
        max-size: "1m"
        max-file: "10"
    restart: always

// deployNode deploys a new Ethereum node container to a remote machine via SSH,
// docker and docker-compose. If an instance with the specified network name
// already exists there, it will be overwritten!
func deployNode(client *sshClient, network string, bootv4, bootv5 []string, config *nodeInfos, nocache bool) ([]byte, error) {
    kind := "sealnode"
    if config.keyJSON == "" && config.etherbase == "" {
        kind = "bootnode"
        bootv4 = make([]string, 0)
        bootv5 = make([]string, 0)
    // Generate the content to upload to the server
    workdir := fmt.Sprintf("%d", rand.Int63())
    files := make(map[string][]byte)

    lightFlag := ""
    if config.peersLight > 0 {
        lightFlag = fmt.Sprintf("--lightpeers=%d --lightserv=50", config.peersLight)
    dockerfile := new(bytes.Buffer)
    template.Must(template.New("").Parse(nodeDockerfile)).Execute(dockerfile, map[string]interface{}{
        "NetworkID": config.network,
        "Port":      config.portFull,
        "Peers":     config.peersTotal,
        "LightFlag": lightFlag,
        "BootV4":    strings.Join(bootv4, ","),
        "BootV5":    strings.Join(bootv5, ","),
        "Ethstats":  config.ethstats,
        "Etherbase": config.etherbase,
        "GasTarget": uint64(1000000 * config.gasTarget),
        "GasPrice":  uint64(1000000000 * config.gasPrice),
        "Unlock":    config.keyJSON != "",
    files[filepath.Join(workdir, "Dockerfile")] = dockerfile.Bytes()

    composefile := new(bytes.Buffer)
    template.Must(template.New("").Parse(nodeComposefile)).Execute(composefile, map[string]interface{}{
        "Type":       kind,
        "Datadir":    config.datadir,
        "Network":    network,
        "FullPort":   config.portFull,
        "TotalPeers": config.peersTotal,
        "Light":      config.peersLight > 0,
        "LightPort":  config.portFull + 1,
        "LightPeers": config.peersLight,
        "Ethstats":   config.ethstats[:strings.Index(config.ethstats, ":")],
        "Etherbase":  config.etherbase,
        "GasTarget":  config.gasTarget,
        "GasPrice":   config.gasPrice,
    files[filepath.Join(workdir, "docker-compose.yaml")] = composefile.Bytes()

    //genesisfile, _ := json.MarshalIndent(config.genesis, "", "  ")
    files[filepath.Join(workdir, "genesis.json")] = config.genesis

    if config.keyJSON != "" {
        files[filepath.Join(workdir, "signer.json")] = []byte(config.keyJSON)
        files[filepath.Join(workdir, "signer.pass")] = []byte(config.keyPass)
    // Upload the deployment files to the remote server (and clean up afterwards)
    if out, err := client.Upload(files); err != nil {
        return out, err
    defer client.Run("rm -rf " + workdir)

    // Build and deploy the boot or seal node service
    if nocache {
        return nil, client.Stream(fmt.Sprintf("cd %s && docker-compose -p %s build --pull --no-cache && docker-compose -p %s up -d --force-recreate", workdir, network, network))
    return nil, client.Stream(fmt.Sprintf("cd %s && docker-compose -p %s up -d --build --force-recreate", workdir, network))

// nodeInfos is returned from a boot or seal node status check to allow reporting
// various configuration parameters.
type nodeInfos struct {
    genesis    []byte
    network    int64
    datadir    string
    ethstats   string
    portFull   int
    portLight  int
    enodeFull  string
    enodeLight string
    peersTotal int
    peersLight int
    etherbase  string
    keyJSON    string
    keyPass    string
    gasTarget  float64
    gasPrice   float64

// Report converts the typed struct into a plain string->string map, cotnaining
// most - but not all - fields for reporting to the user.
func (info *nodeInfos) Report() map[string]string {
    report := map[string]string{
        "Data directory":             info.datadir,
        "Listener port (full nodes)": strconv.Itoa(info.portFull),
        "Peer count (all total)":     strconv.Itoa(info.peersTotal),
        "Peer count (light nodes)":   strconv.Itoa(info.peersLight),
        "Ethstats username":          info.ethstats,
    if info.peersLight > 0 {
        report["Listener port (light nodes)"] = strconv.Itoa(info.portLight)
    if info.gasTarget > 0 {
        report["Gas limit (baseline target)"] = fmt.Sprintf("%0.3f MGas", info.gasTarget)
        report["Gas price (minimum accepted)"] = fmt.Sprintf("%0.3f GWei", info.gasPrice)
    if info.etherbase != "" {
        report["Miner account"] = info.etherbase
    if info.keyJSON != "" {
        var key struct {
            Address string `json:"address"`
        if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(info.keyJSON), &key); err == nil {
            report["Signer account"] = common.HexToAddress(key.Address).Hex()
        } else {
            log.Error("Failed to retrieve signer address", "err", err)
    return report

// checkNode does a health-check against an boot or seal node server to verify
// whether it's running, and if yes, whether it's responsive.
func checkNode(client *sshClient, network string, boot bool) (*nodeInfos, error) {
    kind := "bootnode"
    if !boot {
        kind = "sealnode"
    // Inspect a possible bootnode container on the host
    infos, err := inspectContainer(client, fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_1", network, kind))
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    if !infos.running {
        return nil, ErrServiceOffline
    // Resolve a few types from the environmental variables
    totalPeers, _ := strconv.Atoi(infos.envvars["TOTAL_PEERS"])
    lightPeers, _ := strconv.Atoi(infos.envvars["LIGHT_PEERS"])
    gasTarget, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(infos.envvars["GAS_TARGET"], 64)
    gasPrice, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(infos.envvars["GAS_PRICE"], 64)

    // Container available, retrieve its node ID and its genesis json
    var out []byte
    if out, err = client.Run(fmt.Sprintf("docker exec %s_%s_1 geth --exec admin.nodeInfo.id attach", network, kind)); err != nil {
        return nil, ErrServiceUnreachable
    id := bytes.Trim(bytes.TrimSpace(out), "\"")

    if out, err = client.Run(fmt.Sprintf("docker exec %s_%s_1 cat /genesis.json", network, kind)); err != nil {
        return nil, ErrServiceUnreachable
    genesis := bytes.TrimSpace(out)

    keyJSON, keyPass := "", ""
    if out, err = client.Run(fmt.Sprintf("docker exec %s_%s_1 cat /signer.json", network, kind)); err == nil {
        keyJSON = string(bytes.TrimSpace(out))
    if out, err = client.Run(fmt.Sprintf("docker exec %s_%s_1 cat /signer.pass", network, kind)); err == nil {
        keyPass = string(bytes.TrimSpace(out))
    // Run a sanity check to see if the devp2p is reachable
    port := infos.portmap[infos.envvars["FULL_PORT"]]
    if err = checkPort(client.server, port); err != nil {
        log.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("%s devp2p port seems unreachable", strings.Title(kind)), "server", client.server, "port", port, "err", err)
    // Assemble and return the useful infos
    stats := &nodeInfos{
        genesis:    genesis,
        datadir:    infos.volumes["/root/.ethereum"],
        portFull:   infos.portmap[infos.envvars["FULL_PORT"]],
        portLight:  infos.portmap[infos.envvars["LIGHT_PORT"]],
        peersTotal: totalPeers,
        peersLight: lightPeers,
        ethstats:   infos.envvars["STATS_NAME"],
        etherbase:  infos.envvars["MINER_NAME"],
        keyJSON:    keyJSON,
        keyPass:    keyPass,
        gasTarget:  gasTarget,
        gasPrice:   gasPrice,
    stats.enodeFull = fmt.Sprintf("enode://%s@%s:%d", id, client.address, stats.portFull)
    if stats.portLight != 0 {
        stats.enodeLight = fmt.Sprintf("enode://%s@%s:%d?discport=%d", id, client.address, stats.portFull, stats.portLight)
    return stats, nil