path: root/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/rakyll/globalconf/globalconf_test.go
blob: f36f74cea46890fadb38a6e6a47de42bdb1accad (plain) (tree)

package globalconf

import (

const envTestPrefix = "CONFTEST_"

func TestNewWithOptionsNoFilename(t *testing.T) {
    opts := Options{EnvPrefix: envTestPrefix}

    os.Setenv(envTestPrefix+"D", "EnvD")

    flagD := flag.String("d", "default", "")
    flagE := flag.Bool("e", true, "")

    conf, err := NewWithOptions(&opts)
    if err != nil {

    if *flagD != "EnvD" {
        t.Errorf("flagD found %v, expected 'EnvD'", *flagD)
    if !*flagE {
        t.Errorf("flagE found %v, expected true", *flagE)

func TestParse_Global(t *testing.T) {

    os.Setenv(envTestPrefix+"D", "EnvD")
    os.Setenv(envTestPrefix+"E", "true")
    os.Setenv(envTestPrefix+"F", "5.5")

    flagA := flag.Bool("a", false, "")
    flagB := flag.Float64("b", 0.0, "")
    flagC := flag.String("c", "", "")

    flagD := flag.String("d", "", "")
    flagE := flag.Bool("e", false, "")
    flagF := flag.Float64("f", 0.0, "")

    parse(t, "./testdata/global.ini", envTestPrefix)
    if !*flagA {
        t.Errorf("flagA found %v, expected true", *flagA)
    if *flagB != 5.6 {
        t.Errorf("flagB found %v, expected 5.6", *flagB)
    if *flagC != "Hello world" {
        t.Errorf("flagC found %v, expected 'Hello world'", *flagC)
    if *flagD != "EnvD" {
        t.Errorf("flagD found %v, expected 'EnvD'", *flagD)
    if !*flagE {
        t.Errorf("flagE found %v, expected true", *flagE)
    if *flagF != 5.5 {
        t.Errorf("flagF found %v, expected 5.5", *flagF)

func TestParse_DashConversion(t *testing.T) {

    flagFooBar := flag.String("foo-bar", "", "")
    os.Setenv("PREFIX_FOO_BAR", "baz")

    opts := Options{EnvPrefix: "PREFIX_"}
    conf, err := NewWithOptions(&opts)
    if err != nil {

    if *flagFooBar != "baz" {
        t.Errorf("flagFooBar found %v, expected 5.5", *flagFooBar)

func TestParse_GlobalWithDottedFlagname(t *testing.T) {
    os.Setenv(envTestPrefix+"SOME_VALUE", "some-value")
    flagSomeValue := flag.String("some.value", "", "")

    parse(t, "./testdata/global.ini", envTestPrefix)
    if *flagSomeValue != "some-value" {
        t.Errorf("flagSomeValue found %v, some-value expected", *flagSomeValue)

func TestParse_GlobalOverwrite(t *testing.T) {
    flagB := flag.Float64("b", 0.0, "")

    parse(t, "./testdata/global.ini", "")
    if *flagB != 7.6 {
        t.Errorf("flagB found %v, expected 7.6", *flagB)

func TestParse_Custom(t *testing.T) {

    os.Setenv(envTestPrefix+"CUSTOM_E", "Hello Env")

    flagB := flag.Float64("b", 5.0, "")

    name := "custom"
    custom := flag.NewFlagSet(name, flag.ExitOnError)
    flagD := custom.String("d", "dd", "")
    flagE := custom.String("e", "ee", "")

    Register(name, custom)
    parse(t, "./testdata/custom.ini", envTestPrefix)
    if *flagB != 5.0 {
        t.Errorf("flagB found %v, expected 5.0", *flagB)
    if *flagD != "Hello d" {
        t.Errorf("flagD found %v, expected 'Hello d'", *flagD)
    if *flagE != "Hello Env" {
        t.Errorf("flagE found %v, expected 'Hello Env'", *flagE)

func TestParse_CustomOverwrite(t *testing.T) {
    flagB := flag.Float64("b", 5.0, "")

    name := "custom"
    custom := flag.NewFlagSet(name, flag.ExitOnError)
    flagD := custom.String("d", "dd", "")

    Register(name, custom)
    parse(t, "./testdata/custom.ini", "")
    if *flagB != 6.0 {
        t.Errorf("flagB found %v, expected 6.0", *flagB)
    if *flagD != "Hello d" {
        t.Errorf("flagD found %v, expected 'Hello d'", *flagD)

func TestParse_GlobalAndCustom(t *testing.T) {
    flagA := flag.Bool("a", false, "")
    flagB := flag.Float64("b", 0.0, "")
    flagC := flag.String("c", "", "")

    name := "custom"
    custom := flag.NewFlagSet(name, flag.ExitOnError)
    flagD := custom.String("d", "", "")

    Register(name, custom)
    parse(t, "./testdata/globalandcustom.ini", "")
    if !*flagA {
        t.Errorf("flagA found %v, expected true", *flagA)
    if *flagB != 5.6 {
        t.Errorf("flagB found %v, expected 5.6", *flagB)
    if *flagC != "Hello world" {
        t.Errorf("flagC found %v, expected 'Hello world'", *flagC)
    if *flagD != "Hello d" {
        t.Errorf("flagD found %v, expected 'Hello d'", *flagD)

func TestParse_GlobalAndCustomOverwrite(t *testing.T) {
    resetForTesting("-a=true", "-b=5", "-c=Hello")
    flagA := flag.Bool("a", false, "")
    flagB := flag.Float64("b", 0.0, "")
    flagC := flag.String("c", "", "")

    name := "custom"
    custom := flag.NewFlagSet(name, flag.ExitOnError)
    flagD := custom.String("d", "", "")

    Register(name, custom)
    parse(t, "./testdata/globalandcustom.ini", "")
    if !*flagA {
        t.Errorf("flagA found %v, expected true", *flagA)
    if *flagB != 5.0 {
        t.Errorf("flagB found %v, expected 5.0", *flagB)
    if *flagC != "Hello" {
        t.Errorf("flagC found %v, expected 'Hello'", *flagC)
    if *flagD != "Hello d" {
        t.Errorf("flagD found %v, expected 'Hello d'", *flagD)

func TestSet(t *testing.T) {
    file, _ := ioutil.TempFile("", "")
    conf := parse(t, file.Name(), "")
    conf.Set("", &flag.Flag{Name: "a", Value: newFlagValue("test")})

    flagA := flag.String("a", "", "")
    parse(t, file.Name(), "")
    if *flagA != "test" {
        t.Errorf("flagA found %v, expected 'test'", *flagA)

func TestDelete(t *testing.T) {
    file, _ := ioutil.TempFile("", "")
    conf := parse(t, file.Name(), "")
    conf.Set("", &flag.Flag{Name: "a", Value: newFlagValue("test")})
    conf.Delete("", "a")

    flagA := flag.String("a", "", "")
    parse(t, file.Name(), "")
    if *flagA != "" {
        t.Errorf("flagNewA found %v, expected ''", *flagA)

func parse(t *testing.T, filename, envPrefix string) *GlobalConf {
    opts := Options{
        Filename:  filename,
        EnvPrefix: envPrefix,
    conf, err := NewWithOptions(&opts)
    if err != nil {
    return conf

// Resets os.Args and the default flag set.
func resetForTesting(args ...string) {

    os.Args = append([]string{"cmd"}, args...)
    flag.CommandLine = flag.NewFlagSet(os.Args[0], flag.ExitOnError)

type flagValue struct {
    str string

func (f *flagValue) String() string {
    return f.str

func (f *flagValue) Set(value string) error {
    f.str = value
    return nil

func newFlagValue(val string) *flagValue {
    return &flagValue{str: val}