path: root/DKG-Protocol.md
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1 files changed, 6 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/DKG-Protocol.md b/DKG-Protocol.md
index a08e55a..37b0a3c 100644
--- a/DKG-Protocol.md
+++ b/DKG-Protocol.md
@@ -17,21 +17,23 @@ Phase 2 Secret Key Share Exchange
### @ T = 0
Each validator `i` generates `n` (`n` = # of ID registered in phase 1) secret key shares (`SK_i,0, SK_i,1, ..., SK_i,n`) of order `t` and the secret key share is sent to the corresponding validator (`SK_i,j` is sent to validator `j`) via a secure channel.
-Each validator `i` broadcast the master public key (`PK_i`) associated with the secret key shares.
+Each validator `i` broadcast the master public key (`MPK_i`) of order `t` associated with the secret key shares.
+Each validator `i` broadcast public key shares (`PK_i,0, PK_i,1, ..., PK_i,n`) associated with secret key shares.
Phase 3 Complaint
### @ T = 2λ
-Each validator `i` verify if the secret key share `SK_i,j` is associated with the master public key of validator `j` `PK_j`. If the verification fails, `i` broadcast complaint of `j`, `CMP_i,j`.
+Each validator `i` verify if the secret key share `SK_i,j` is associated with the public key share of validator `j` `PK_i,j`. If the verification fails, `i` broadcast complaint of `j`, `CMP_i,j`.
Phase 4 Disqualify Byzantine Node
### @ T = (2λ, 4λ)
-If there are more then `t` complaints to validator `j` (<img src="https://latex.codecogs.com/svg.latex?\inline%20\sum_{i}%20CMP_{i,j}%20>%20t" /> (`i` : for all validator `i`)), then `j` is marked as **Disqualified**.
+If there are more than `t` complaints to validator `j` (<img src="https://latex.codecogs.com/svg.latex?\inline%20\sum_{i}%20CMP_{i,j}%20>%20t" /> (`i` : for all validator `i`)), then `j` is marked as **Disqualified**.
Each validator `i` determines the combined secret key, <img src="https://latex.codecogs.com/svg.latex?\inline%20CSK_{i}%20=%20\sum_{k}%20SK_{k,i}" /> (`k`: validator `k` is not marked as **Disqualified**)
-Each validator `i` determines the combined public key for all validator `j`, <img src="https://latex.codecogs.com/svg.latex?\inline%20CPK_{j}%20=%20\sum_{k}%20PK_{k,j}" /> (`k`: validator `k` is not marked as **Disqualified**)
+Each validator `i` determines the combined public key, <img src="https://latex.codecogs.com/svg.latex?\inline%20CPK_{j}%20=%20\sum_{k}%20MPK_{k}" /> (`k`: validator `k` is not marked as **Disqualified**)
Phase 5 Sign with CSK