path: root/libsolidity/codegen/Compiler.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'libsolidity/codegen/Compiler.cpp')
1 files changed, 9 insertions, 808 deletions
diff --git a/libsolidity/codegen/Compiler.cpp b/libsolidity/codegen/Compiler.cpp
index ebf61266..1ae5dda9 100644
--- a/libsolidity/codegen/Compiler.cpp
+++ b/libsolidity/codegen/Compiler.cpp
@@ -21,51 +21,24 @@
#include <libsolidity/codegen/Compiler.h>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <boost/range/adaptor/reversed.hpp>
-#include <libevmasm/Instruction.h>
#include <libevmasm/Assembly.h>
-#include <libevmasm/GasMeter.h>
-#include <libsolidity/inlineasm/AsmCodeGen.h>
-#include <libsolidity/ast/AST.h>
-#include <libsolidity/codegen/ExpressionCompiler.h>
-#include <libsolidity/codegen/CompilerUtils.h>
+#include <libsolidity/codegen/ContractCompiler.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace dev;
using namespace dev::solidity;
- * Simple helper class to ensure that the stack height is the same at certain places in the code.
- */
-class StackHeightChecker
- StackHeightChecker(CompilerContext const& _context):
- m_context(_context), stackHeight(m_context.stackHeight()) {}
- void check() { solAssert(m_context.stackHeight() == stackHeight, "I sense a disturbance in the stack."); }
- CompilerContext const& m_context;
- unsigned stackHeight;
void Compiler::compileContract(
ContractDefinition const& _contract,
std::map<const ContractDefinition*, eth::Assembly const*> const& _contracts
- m_context = CompilerContext();
- {
- CompilerContext::LocationSetter locationSetterRunTime(m_context, _contract);
- initializeContext(_contract, _contracts);
- appendFunctionSelector(_contract);
- appendMissingFunctions();
- }
+ ContractCompiler runtimeCompiler(m_runtimeContext, m_optimize);
+ runtimeCompiler.compileContract(_contract, _contracts);
+ ContractCompiler creationCompiler(m_context, m_optimize);
+ m_runtimeSub = creationCompiler.compileConstructor(m_runtimeContext, _contract, _contracts);
- // Swap the runtime context with the creation-time context
- swap(m_context, m_runtimeContext);
- CompilerContext::LocationSetter locationSetterCreationTime(m_context, _contract);
- initializeContext(_contract, _contracts);
- packIntoContractCreator(_contract, m_runtimeContext);
if (m_optimize)
@@ -81,21 +54,8 @@ void Compiler::compileClone(
map<ContractDefinition const*, eth::Assembly const*> const& _contracts
- m_context = CompilerContext(); // clear it just in case
- initializeContext(_contract, _contracts);
- appendInitAndConstructorCode(_contract);
- //@todo determine largest return size of all runtime functions
- eth::AssemblyItem runtimeSub = m_context.addSubroutine(cloneRuntime());
- solAssert(runtimeSub.data() < numeric_limits<size_t>::max(), "");
- m_runtimeSub = size_t(runtimeSub.data());
- // stack contains sub size
- m_context << Instruction::DUP1 << runtimeSub << u256(0) << Instruction::CODECOPY;
- m_context << u256(0) << Instruction::RETURN;
- appendMissingFunctions();
+ ContractCompiler cloneCompiler(m_context, m_optimize);
+ m_runtimeSub = cloneCompiler.compileClone(_contract, _contracts);
if (m_optimize)
@@ -105,762 +65,3 @@ eth::AssemblyItem Compiler::functionEntryLabel(FunctionDefinition const& _functi
return m_runtimeContext.functionEntryLabelIfExists(_function);
-void Compiler::initializeContext(
- ContractDefinition const& _contract,
- map<ContractDefinition const*, eth::Assembly const*> const& _compiledContracts
- m_context.setCompiledContracts(_compiledContracts);
- m_context.setInheritanceHierarchy(_contract.annotation().linearizedBaseContracts);
- CompilerUtils(m_context).initialiseFreeMemoryPointer();
- registerStateVariables(_contract);
- m_context.resetVisitedNodes(&_contract);
-void Compiler::appendInitAndConstructorCode(ContractDefinition const& _contract)
- // Determine the arguments that are used for the base constructors.
- std::vector<ContractDefinition const*> const& bases = _contract.annotation().linearizedBaseContracts;
- for (ContractDefinition const* contract: bases)
- {
- if (FunctionDefinition const* constructor = contract->constructor())
- for (auto const& modifier: constructor->modifiers())
- {
- auto baseContract = dynamic_cast<ContractDefinition const*>(
- modifier->name()->annotation().referencedDeclaration);
- if (baseContract)
- if (m_baseArguments.count(baseContract->constructor()) == 0)
- m_baseArguments[baseContract->constructor()] = &modifier->arguments();
- }
- for (ASTPointer<InheritanceSpecifier> const& base: contract->baseContracts())
- {
- ContractDefinition const* baseContract = dynamic_cast<ContractDefinition const*>(
- base->name().annotation().referencedDeclaration
- );
- solAssert(baseContract, "");
- if (m_baseArguments.count(baseContract->constructor()) == 0)
- m_baseArguments[baseContract->constructor()] = &base->arguments();
- }
- }
- // Initialization of state variables in base-to-derived order.
- for (ContractDefinition const* contract: boost::adaptors::reverse(bases))
- initializeStateVariables(*contract);
- if (FunctionDefinition const* constructor = _contract.constructor())
- appendConstructor(*constructor);
- else if (auto c = m_context.nextConstructor(_contract))
- appendBaseConstructor(*c);
-void Compiler::packIntoContractCreator(ContractDefinition const& _contract, CompilerContext const& _runtimeContext)
- appendInitAndConstructorCode(_contract);
- eth::AssemblyItem runtimeSub = m_context.addSubroutine(_runtimeContext.assembly());
- solAssert(runtimeSub.data() < numeric_limits<size_t>::max(), "");
- m_runtimeSub = size_t(runtimeSub.data());
- // stack contains sub size
- m_context << Instruction::DUP1 << runtimeSub << u256(0) << Instruction::CODECOPY;
- m_context << u256(0) << Instruction::RETURN;
- // note that we have to include the functions again because of absolute jump labels
- appendMissingFunctions();
-void Compiler::appendBaseConstructor(FunctionDefinition const& _constructor)
- CompilerContext::LocationSetter locationSetter(m_context, _constructor);
- FunctionType constructorType(_constructor);
- if (!constructorType.parameterTypes().empty())
- {
- solAssert(m_baseArguments.count(&_constructor), "");
- std::vector<ASTPointer<Expression>> const* arguments = m_baseArguments[&_constructor];
- solAssert(arguments, "");
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < arguments->size(); ++i)
- compileExpression(*(arguments->at(i)), constructorType.parameterTypes()[i]);
- }
- _constructor.accept(*this);
-void Compiler::appendConstructor(FunctionDefinition const& _constructor)
- CompilerContext::LocationSetter locationSetter(m_context, _constructor);
- // copy constructor arguments from code to memory and then to stack, they are supplied after the actual program
- if (!_constructor.parameters().empty())
- {
- unsigned argumentSize = 0;
- for (ASTPointer<VariableDeclaration> const& var: _constructor.parameters())
- if (var->annotation().type->isDynamicallySized())
- {
- argumentSize = 0;
- break;
- }
- else
- argumentSize += var->annotation().type->calldataEncodedSize();
- CompilerUtils(m_context).fetchFreeMemoryPointer();
- if (argumentSize == 0)
- {
- // argument size is dynamic, use CODESIZE to determine it
- m_context.appendProgramSize(); // program itself
- // CODESIZE is program plus manually added arguments
- m_context << Instruction::CODESIZE << Instruction::SUB;
- }
- else
- m_context << u256(argumentSize);
- // stack: <memptr> <argument size>
- m_context << Instruction::DUP1;
- m_context.appendProgramSize();
- m_context << Instruction::DUP4 << Instruction::CODECOPY;
- m_context << Instruction::DUP2 << Instruction::ADD;
- CompilerUtils(m_context).storeFreeMemoryPointer();
- // stack: <memptr>
- appendCalldataUnpacker(FunctionType(_constructor).parameterTypes(), true);
- }
- _constructor.accept(*this);
-void Compiler::appendFunctionSelector(ContractDefinition const& _contract)
- map<FixedHash<4>, FunctionTypePointer> interfaceFunctions = _contract.interfaceFunctions();
- map<FixedHash<4>, const eth::AssemblyItem> callDataUnpackerEntryPoints;
- FunctionDefinition const* fallback = _contract.fallbackFunction();
- eth::AssemblyItem notFound = m_context.newTag();
- // shortcut messages without data if we have many functions in order to be able to receive
- // ether with constant gas
- if (interfaceFunctions.size() > 5 || fallback)
- {
- m_context << Instruction::CALLDATASIZE << Instruction::ISZERO;
- m_context.appendConditionalJumpTo(notFound);
- }
- // retrieve the function signature hash from the calldata
- if (!interfaceFunctions.empty())
- CompilerUtils(m_context).loadFromMemory(0, IntegerType(CompilerUtils::dataStartOffset * 8), true);
- // stack now is: 1 0 <funhash>
- for (auto const& it: interfaceFunctions)
- {
- callDataUnpackerEntryPoints.insert(std::make_pair(it.first, m_context.newTag()));
- m_context << dupInstruction(1) << u256(FixedHash<4>::Arith(it.first)) << Instruction::EQ;
- m_context.appendConditionalJumpTo(callDataUnpackerEntryPoints.at(it.first));
- }
- m_context.appendJumpTo(notFound);
- m_context << notFound;
- if (fallback)
- {
- eth::AssemblyItem returnTag = m_context.pushNewTag();
- fallback->accept(*this);
- m_context << returnTag;
- appendReturnValuePacker(FunctionType(*fallback).returnParameterTypes(), _contract.isLibrary());
- }
- else if (_contract.isLibrary())
- // Reject invalid library calls and ether sent to a library.
- m_context.appendJumpTo(m_context.errorTag());
- else
- m_context << Instruction::STOP; // function not found
- for (auto const& it: interfaceFunctions)
- {
- FunctionTypePointer const& functionType = it.second;
- solAssert(functionType->hasDeclaration(), "");
- CompilerContext::LocationSetter locationSetter(m_context, functionType->declaration());
- m_context << callDataUnpackerEntryPoints.at(it.first);
- eth::AssemblyItem returnTag = m_context.pushNewTag();
- m_context << CompilerUtils::dataStartOffset;
- appendCalldataUnpacker(functionType->parameterTypes());
- m_context.appendJumpTo(m_context.functionEntryLabel(functionType->declaration()));
- m_context << returnTag;
- appendReturnValuePacker(functionType->returnParameterTypes(), _contract.isLibrary());
- }
-void Compiler::appendCalldataUnpacker(TypePointers const& _typeParameters, bool _fromMemory)
- // We do not check the calldata size, everything is zero-padded
- //@todo this does not yet support nested dynamic arrays
- // Retain the offset pointer as base_offset, the point from which the data offsets are computed.
- m_context << Instruction::DUP1;
- for (TypePointer const& parameterType: _typeParameters)
- {
- // stack: v1 v2 ... v(k-1) base_offset current_offset
- TypePointer type = parameterType->decodingType();
- if (type->category() == Type::Category::Array)
- {
- auto const& arrayType = dynamic_cast<ArrayType const&>(*type);
- solAssert(!arrayType.baseType()->isDynamicallySized(), "Nested arrays not yet implemented.");
- if (_fromMemory)
- {
- solAssert(
- arrayType.baseType()->isValueType(),
- "Nested memory arrays not yet implemented here."
- );
- // @todo If base type is an array or struct, it is still calldata-style encoded, so
- // we would have to convert it like below.
- solAssert(arrayType.location() == DataLocation::Memory, "");
- if (arrayType.isDynamicallySized())
- {
- // compute data pointer
- m_context << Instruction::DUP1 << Instruction::MLOAD;
- m_context << Instruction::DUP3 << Instruction::ADD;
- m_context << Instruction::SWAP2 << Instruction::SWAP1;
- m_context << u256(0x20) << Instruction::ADD;
- }
- else
- {
- m_context << Instruction::SWAP1 << Instruction::DUP2;
- m_context << u256(arrayType.calldataEncodedSize(true)) << Instruction::ADD;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // first load from calldata and potentially convert to memory if arrayType is memory
- TypePointer calldataType = arrayType.copyForLocation(DataLocation::CallData, false);
- if (calldataType->isDynamicallySized())
- {
- // put on stack: data_pointer length
- CompilerUtils(m_context).loadFromMemoryDynamic(IntegerType(256), !_fromMemory);
- // stack: base_offset data_offset next_pointer
- m_context << Instruction::SWAP1 << Instruction::DUP3 << Instruction::ADD;
- // stack: base_offset next_pointer data_pointer
- // retrieve length
- CompilerUtils(m_context).loadFromMemoryDynamic(IntegerType(256), !_fromMemory, true);
- // stack: base_offset next_pointer length data_pointer
- m_context << Instruction::SWAP2;
- // stack: base_offset data_pointer length next_pointer
- }
- else
- {
- // leave the pointer on the stack
- m_context << Instruction::DUP1;
- m_context << u256(calldataType->calldataEncodedSize()) << Instruction::ADD;
- }
- if (arrayType.location() == DataLocation::Memory)
- {
- // stack: base_offset calldata_ref [length] next_calldata
- // copy to memory
- // move calldata type up again
- CompilerUtils(m_context).moveIntoStack(calldataType->sizeOnStack());
- CompilerUtils(m_context).convertType(*calldataType, arrayType);
- // fetch next pointer again
- CompilerUtils(m_context).moveToStackTop(arrayType.sizeOnStack());
- }
- // move base_offset up
- CompilerUtils(m_context).moveToStackTop(1 + arrayType.sizeOnStack());
- m_context << Instruction::SWAP1;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- solAssert(!type->isDynamicallySized(), "Unknown dynamically sized type: " + type->toString());
- CompilerUtils(m_context).loadFromMemoryDynamic(*type, !_fromMemory, true);
- CompilerUtils(m_context).moveToStackTop(1 + type->sizeOnStack());
- m_context << Instruction::SWAP1;
- }
- // stack: v1 v2 ... v(k-1) v(k) base_offset mem_offset
- }
- m_context << Instruction::POP << Instruction::POP;
-void Compiler::appendReturnValuePacker(TypePointers const& _typeParameters, bool _isLibrary)
- CompilerUtils utils(m_context);
- if (_typeParameters.empty())
- m_context << Instruction::STOP;
- else
- {
- utils.fetchFreeMemoryPointer();
- //@todo optimization: if we return a single memory array, there should be enough space before
- // its data to add the needed parts and we avoid a memory copy.
- utils.encodeToMemory(_typeParameters, _typeParameters, true, false, _isLibrary);
- utils.toSizeAfterFreeMemoryPointer();
- m_context << Instruction::RETURN;
- }
-void Compiler::registerStateVariables(ContractDefinition const& _contract)
- for (auto const& var: ContractType(_contract).stateVariables())
- m_context.addStateVariable(*get<0>(var), get<1>(var), get<2>(var));
-void Compiler::initializeStateVariables(ContractDefinition const& _contract)
- for (VariableDeclaration const* variable: _contract.stateVariables())
- if (variable->value() && !variable->isConstant())
- ExpressionCompiler(m_context, m_optimize).appendStateVariableInitialization(*variable);
-bool Compiler::visit(VariableDeclaration const& _variableDeclaration)
- solAssert(_variableDeclaration.isStateVariable(), "Compiler visit to non-state variable declaration.");
- CompilerContext::LocationSetter locationSetter(m_context, _variableDeclaration);
- m_context.startFunction(_variableDeclaration);
- m_breakTags.clear();
- m_continueTags.clear();
- if (_variableDeclaration.isConstant())
- ExpressionCompiler(m_context, m_optimize).appendConstStateVariableAccessor(_variableDeclaration);
- else
- ExpressionCompiler(m_context, m_optimize).appendStateVariableAccessor(_variableDeclaration);
- return false;
-bool Compiler::visit(FunctionDefinition const& _function)
- CompilerContext::LocationSetter locationSetter(m_context, _function);
- m_context.startFunction(_function);
- // stack upon entry: [return address] [arg0] [arg1] ... [argn]
- // reserve additional slots: [retarg0] ... [retargm] [localvar0] ... [localvarp]
- unsigned parametersSize = CompilerUtils::sizeOnStack(_function.parameters());
- if (!_function.isConstructor())
- // adding 1 for return address.
- m_context.adjustStackOffset(parametersSize + 1);
- for (ASTPointer<VariableDeclaration const> const& variable: _function.parameters())
- {
- m_context.addVariable(*variable, parametersSize);
- parametersSize -= variable->annotation().type->sizeOnStack();
- }
- for (ASTPointer<VariableDeclaration const> const& variable: _function.returnParameters())
- appendStackVariableInitialisation(*variable);
- for (VariableDeclaration const* localVariable: _function.localVariables())
- appendStackVariableInitialisation(*localVariable);
- if (_function.isConstructor())
- if (auto c = m_context.nextConstructor(dynamic_cast<ContractDefinition const&>(*_function.scope())))
- appendBaseConstructor(*c);
- m_returnTag = m_context.newTag();
- m_breakTags.clear();
- m_continueTags.clear();
- m_stackCleanupForReturn = 0;
- m_currentFunction = &_function;
- m_modifierDepth = 0;
- appendModifierOrFunctionCode();
- m_context << m_returnTag;
- // Now we need to re-shuffle the stack. For this we keep a record of the stack layout
- // that shows the target positions of the elements, where "-1" denotes that this element needs
- // to be removed from the stack.
- // Note that the fact that the return arguments are of increasing index is vital for this
- // algorithm to work.
- unsigned const c_argumentsSize = CompilerUtils::sizeOnStack(_function.parameters());
- unsigned const c_returnValuesSize = CompilerUtils::sizeOnStack(_function.returnParameters());
- unsigned const c_localVariablesSize = CompilerUtils::sizeOnStack(_function.localVariables());
- vector<int> stackLayout;
- stackLayout.push_back(c_returnValuesSize); // target of return address
- stackLayout += vector<int>(c_argumentsSize, -1); // discard all arguments
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < c_returnValuesSize; ++i)
- stackLayout.push_back(i);
- stackLayout += vector<int>(c_localVariablesSize, -1);
- solAssert(stackLayout.size() <= 17, "Stack too deep, try removing local variables.");
- while (stackLayout.back() != int(stackLayout.size() - 1))
- if (stackLayout.back() < 0)
- {
- m_context << Instruction::POP;
- stackLayout.pop_back();
- }
- else
- {
- m_context << swapInstruction(stackLayout.size() - stackLayout.back() - 1);
- swap(stackLayout[stackLayout.back()], stackLayout.back());
- }
- //@todo assert that everything is in place now
- for (ASTPointer<VariableDeclaration const> const& variable: _function.parameters() + _function.returnParameters())
- m_context.removeVariable(*variable);
- for (VariableDeclaration const* localVariable: _function.localVariables())
- m_context.removeVariable(*localVariable);
- m_context.adjustStackOffset(-(int)c_returnValuesSize);
- if (!_function.isConstructor())
- m_context.appendJump(eth::AssemblyItem::JumpType::OutOfFunction);
- return false;
-bool Compiler::visit(InlineAssembly const& _inlineAssembly)
- ErrorList errors;
- assembly::CodeGenerator codeGen(_inlineAssembly.operations(), errors);
- unsigned startStackHeight = m_context.stackHeight();
- codeGen.assemble(
- m_context.nonConstAssembly(),
- [&](assembly::Identifier const& _identifier, eth::Assembly& _assembly, assembly::CodeGenerator::IdentifierContext _context) {
- auto ref = _inlineAssembly.annotation().externalReferences.find(&_identifier);
- if (ref == _inlineAssembly.annotation().externalReferences.end())
- return false;
- Declaration const* decl = ref->second;
- solAssert(!!decl, "");
- if (_context == assembly::CodeGenerator::IdentifierContext::RValue)
- {
- solAssert(!!decl->type(), "Type of declaration required but not yet determined.");
- if (FunctionDefinition const* functionDef = dynamic_cast<FunctionDefinition const*>(decl))
- _assembly.append(m_context.virtualFunctionEntryLabel(*functionDef).pushTag());
- else if (auto variable = dynamic_cast<VariableDeclaration const*>(decl))
- {
- solAssert(!variable->isConstant(), "");
- if (m_context.isLocalVariable(variable))
- {
- int stackDiff = _assembly.deposit() - m_context.baseStackOffsetOfVariable(*variable);
- if (stackDiff < 1 || stackDiff > 16)
- CompilerError() <<
- errinfo_comment("Stack too deep, try removing local variables.")
- );
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < variable->type()->sizeOnStack(); ++i)
- _assembly.append(dupInstruction(stackDiff));
- }
- else
- {
- solAssert(m_context.isStateVariable(variable), "Invalid variable type.");
- auto const& location = m_context.storageLocationOfVariable(*variable);
- if (!variable->type()->isValueType())
- {
- solAssert(location.second == 0, "Intra-slot offest assumed to be zero.");
- _assembly.append(location.first);
- }
- else
- {
- _assembly.append(location.first);
- _assembly.append(u256(location.second));
- }
- }
- }
- else if (auto contract = dynamic_cast<ContractDefinition const*>(decl))
- {
- solAssert(contract->isLibrary(), "");
- _assembly.appendLibraryAddress(contract->name());
- }
- else
- solAssert(false, "Invalid declaration type.");
- } else {
- // lvalue context
- auto variable = dynamic_cast<VariableDeclaration const*>(decl);
- solAssert(
- !!variable || !m_context.isLocalVariable(variable),
- "Can only assign to stack variables in inline assembly."
- );
- unsigned size = variable->type()->sizeOnStack();
- int stackDiff = _assembly.deposit() - m_context.baseStackOffsetOfVariable(*variable) - size;
- if (stackDiff > 16 || stackDiff < 1)
- CompilerError() <<
- errinfo_comment("Stack too deep, try removing local variables.")
- );
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
- _assembly.append(swapInstruction(stackDiff));
- _assembly.append(Instruction::POP);
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- );
- solAssert(errors.empty(), "Code generation for inline assembly with errors requested.");
- m_context.setStackOffset(startStackHeight);
- return false;
-bool Compiler::visit(IfStatement const& _ifStatement)
- StackHeightChecker checker(m_context);
- CompilerContext::LocationSetter locationSetter(m_context, _ifStatement);
- compileExpression(_ifStatement.condition());
- m_context << Instruction::ISZERO;
- eth::AssemblyItem falseTag = m_context.appendConditionalJump();
- eth::AssemblyItem endTag = falseTag;
- _ifStatement.trueStatement().accept(*this);
- if (_ifStatement.falseStatement())
- {
- endTag = m_context.appendJumpToNew();
- m_context << falseTag;
- _ifStatement.falseStatement()->accept(*this);
- }
- m_context << endTag;
- checker.check();
- return false;
-bool Compiler::visit(WhileStatement const& _whileStatement)
- StackHeightChecker checker(m_context);
- CompilerContext::LocationSetter locationSetter(m_context, _whileStatement);
- eth::AssemblyItem loopStart = m_context.newTag();
- eth::AssemblyItem loopEnd = m_context.newTag();
- m_continueTags.push_back(loopStart);
- m_breakTags.push_back(loopEnd);
- m_context << loopStart;
- compileExpression(_whileStatement.condition());
- m_context << Instruction::ISZERO;
- m_context.appendConditionalJumpTo(loopEnd);
- _whileStatement.body().accept(*this);
- m_context.appendJumpTo(loopStart);
- m_context << loopEnd;
- m_continueTags.pop_back();
- m_breakTags.pop_back();
- checker.check();
- return false;
-bool Compiler::visit(ForStatement const& _forStatement)
- StackHeightChecker checker(m_context);
- CompilerContext::LocationSetter locationSetter(m_context, _forStatement);
- eth::AssemblyItem loopStart = m_context.newTag();
- eth::AssemblyItem loopEnd = m_context.newTag();
- eth::AssemblyItem loopNext = m_context.newTag();
- m_continueTags.push_back(loopNext);
- m_breakTags.push_back(loopEnd);
- if (_forStatement.initializationExpression())
- _forStatement.initializationExpression()->accept(*this);
- m_context << loopStart;
- // if there is no terminating condition in for, default is to always be true
- if (_forStatement.condition())
- {
- compileExpression(*_forStatement.condition());
- m_context << Instruction::ISZERO;
- m_context.appendConditionalJumpTo(loopEnd);
- }
- _forStatement.body().accept(*this);
- m_context << loopNext;
- // for's loop expression if existing
- if (_forStatement.loopExpression())
- _forStatement.loopExpression()->accept(*this);
- m_context.appendJumpTo(loopStart);
- m_context << loopEnd;
- m_continueTags.pop_back();
- m_breakTags.pop_back();
- checker.check();
- return false;
-bool Compiler::visit(Continue const& _continueStatement)
- CompilerContext::LocationSetter locationSetter(m_context, _continueStatement);
- if (!m_continueTags.empty())
- m_context.appendJumpTo(m_continueTags.back());
- return false;
-bool Compiler::visit(Break const& _breakStatement)
- CompilerContext::LocationSetter locationSetter(m_context, _breakStatement);
- if (!m_breakTags.empty())
- m_context.appendJumpTo(m_breakTags.back());
- return false;
-bool Compiler::visit(Return const& _return)
- CompilerContext::LocationSetter locationSetter(m_context, _return);
- if (Expression const* expression = _return.expression())
- {
- solAssert(_return.annotation().functionReturnParameters, "Invalid return parameters pointer.");
- vector<ASTPointer<VariableDeclaration>> const& returnParameters =
- _return.annotation().functionReturnParameters->parameters();
- TypePointers types;
- for (auto const& retVariable: returnParameters)
- types.push_back(retVariable->annotation().type);
- TypePointer expectedType;
- if (expression->annotation().type->category() == Type::Category::Tuple || types.size() != 1)
- expectedType = make_shared<TupleType>(types);
- else
- expectedType = types.front();
- compileExpression(*expression, expectedType);
- for (auto const& retVariable: boost::adaptors::reverse(returnParameters))
- CompilerUtils(m_context).moveToStackVariable(*retVariable);
- }
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_stackCleanupForReturn; ++i)
- m_context << Instruction::POP;
- m_context.appendJumpTo(m_returnTag);
- m_context.adjustStackOffset(m_stackCleanupForReturn);
- return false;
-bool Compiler::visit(Throw const& _throw)
- CompilerContext::LocationSetter locationSetter(m_context, _throw);
- m_context.appendJumpTo(m_context.errorTag());
- return false;
-bool Compiler::visit(VariableDeclarationStatement const& _variableDeclarationStatement)
- StackHeightChecker checker(m_context);
- CompilerContext::LocationSetter locationSetter(m_context, _variableDeclarationStatement);
- if (Expression const* expression = _variableDeclarationStatement.initialValue())
- {
- CompilerUtils utils(m_context);
- compileExpression(*expression);
- TypePointers valueTypes;
- if (auto tupleType = dynamic_cast<TupleType const*>(expression->annotation().type.get()))
- valueTypes = tupleType->components();
- else
- valueTypes = TypePointers{expression->annotation().type};
- auto const& assignments = _variableDeclarationStatement.annotation().assignments;
- solAssert(assignments.size() == valueTypes.size(), "");
- for (size_t i = 0; i < assignments.size(); ++i)
- {
- size_t j = assignments.size() - i - 1;
- solAssert(!!valueTypes[j], "");
- VariableDeclaration const* varDecl = assignments[j];
- if (!varDecl)
- utils.popStackElement(*valueTypes[j]);
- else
- {
- utils.convertType(*valueTypes[j], *varDecl->annotation().type);
- utils.moveToStackVariable(*varDecl);
- }
- }
- }
- checker.check();
- return false;
-bool Compiler::visit(ExpressionStatement const& _expressionStatement)
- StackHeightChecker checker(m_context);
- CompilerContext::LocationSetter locationSetter(m_context, _expressionStatement);
- Expression const& expression = _expressionStatement.expression();
- compileExpression(expression);
- CompilerUtils(m_context).popStackElement(*expression.annotation().type);
- checker.check();
- return false;
-bool Compiler::visit(PlaceholderStatement const& _placeholderStatement)
- StackHeightChecker checker(m_context);
- CompilerContext::LocationSetter locationSetter(m_context, _placeholderStatement);
- ++m_modifierDepth;
- appendModifierOrFunctionCode();
- --m_modifierDepth;
- checker.check();
- return true;
-void Compiler::appendMissingFunctions()
- while (Declaration const* function = m_context.nextFunctionToCompile())
- {
- m_context.setStackOffset(0);
- function->accept(*this);
- solAssert(m_context.nextFunctionToCompile() != function, "Compiled the wrong function?");
- }
-void Compiler::appendModifierOrFunctionCode()
- solAssert(m_currentFunction, "");
- if (m_modifierDepth >= m_currentFunction->modifiers().size())
- m_currentFunction->body().accept(*this);
- else
- {
- ASTPointer<ModifierInvocation> const& modifierInvocation = m_currentFunction->modifiers()[m_modifierDepth];
- // constructor call should be excluded
- if (dynamic_cast<ContractDefinition const*>(modifierInvocation->name()->annotation().referencedDeclaration))
- {
- ++m_modifierDepth;
- appendModifierOrFunctionCode();
- --m_modifierDepth;
- return;
- }
- ModifierDefinition const& modifier = m_context.functionModifier(modifierInvocation->name()->name());
- CompilerContext::LocationSetter locationSetter(m_context, modifier);
- solAssert(modifier.parameters().size() == modifierInvocation->arguments().size(), "");
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < modifier.parameters().size(); ++i)
- {
- m_context.addVariable(*modifier.parameters()[i]);
- compileExpression(
- *modifierInvocation->arguments()[i],
- modifier.parameters()[i]->annotation().type
- );
- }
- for (VariableDeclaration const* localVariable: modifier.localVariables())
- appendStackVariableInitialisation(*localVariable);
- unsigned const c_stackSurplus = CompilerUtils::sizeOnStack(modifier.parameters()) +
- CompilerUtils::sizeOnStack(modifier.localVariables());
- m_stackCleanupForReturn += c_stackSurplus;
- modifier.body().accept(*this);
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < c_stackSurplus; ++i)
- m_context << Instruction::POP;
- m_stackCleanupForReturn -= c_stackSurplus;
- }
-void Compiler::appendStackVariableInitialisation(VariableDeclaration const& _variable)
- CompilerContext::LocationSetter location(m_context, _variable);
- m_context.addVariable(_variable);
- CompilerUtils(m_context).pushZeroValue(*_variable.annotation().type);
-void Compiler::compileExpression(Expression const& _expression, TypePointer const& _targetType)
- ExpressionCompiler expressionCompiler(m_context, m_optimize);
- expressionCompiler.compile(_expression);
- if (_targetType)
- CompilerUtils(m_context).convertType(*_expression.annotation().type, *_targetType);
-eth::Assembly Compiler::cloneRuntime()
- eth::Assembly a;
- a << Instruction::CALLDATASIZE;
- a << u256(0) << Instruction::DUP1 << Instruction::CALLDATACOPY;
- //@todo adjust for larger return values, make this dynamic.
- a << u256(0x20) << u256(0) << Instruction::CALLDATASIZE;
- a << u256(0);
- // this is the address which has to be substituted by the linker.
- //@todo implement as special "marker" AssemblyItem.
- a << u256("0xcafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafe");
- a << u256(eth::GasCosts::callGas + 10) << Instruction::GAS << Instruction::SUB;
- a << Instruction::DELEGATECALL;
- //Propagate error condition (if DELEGATECALL pushes 0 on stack).
- a << Instruction::ISZERO;
- a.appendJumpI(a.errorTag());
- //@todo adjust for larger return values, make this dynamic.
- a << u256(0x20) << u256(0) << Instruction::RETURN;
- return a;