path: root/test/compilationTests/corion/token.sol
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authorchriseth <chris@ethereum.org>2017-07-05 18:28:15 +0800
committerchriseth <chris@ethereum.org>2017-07-05 18:39:55 +0800
commitac84b36144f746662e5ddb984d283e053c7d06ba (patch)
treef50ee438a384e60574a4c28ea32d2b6ae2315795 /test/compilationTests/corion/token.sol
parent05a26fc98c1201057c618c536ca0537e456c9b15 (diff)
Added various contracts for testing.
Diffstat (limited to 'test/compilationTests/corion/token.sol')
1 files changed, 518 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/compilationTests/corion/token.sol b/test/compilationTests/corion/token.sol
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3aa0bf23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/compilationTests/corion/token.sol
@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
+pragma solidity ^0.4.11;
+import "./announcementTypes.sol";
+import "./safeMath.sol";
+import "./module.sol";
+import "./moduleHandler.sol";
+import "./tokenDB.sol";
+contract thirdPartyContractAbstract {
+ function receiveCorionToken(address, uint256, bytes) external returns (bool, uint256) {}
+ function approvedCorionToken(address, uint256, bytes) external returns (bool) {}
+contract token is safeMath, module, announcementTypes {
+ /*
+ module callbacks
+ */
+ function replaceModule(address addr) external returns (bool success) {
+ require( super.isModuleHandler(msg.sender) );
+ require( db.replaceOwner(addr) );
+ super._replaceModule(addr);
+ return true;
+ }
+ modifier isReady {
+ var (_success, _active) = super.isActive();
+ require( _success && _active );
+ _;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * @title Corion Platform Token
+ * @author iFA @ Corion Platform
+ *
+ */
+ string public name = "Corion";
+ string public symbol = "COR";
+ uint8 public decimals = 6;
+ tokenDB public db;
+ address public icoAddr;
+ uint256 public transactionFeeRate = 20;
+ uint256 public transactionFeeRateM = 1e3;
+ uint256 public transactionFeeMin = 20000;
+ uint256 public transactionFeeMax = 5000000;
+ uint256 public transactionFeeBurn = 80;
+ address public exchangeAddress;
+ bool public isICO = true;
+ mapping(address => bool) public genesis;
+ function token(bool forReplace, address moduleHandler, address dbAddr, address icoContractAddr, address exchangeContractAddress, address[] genesisAddr, uint256[] genesisValue) payable {
+ /*
+ Installation function
+ When _icoAddr is defined, 0.2 ether has to be attached as many times as many genesis addresses are given
+ @forReplace This address will be replaced with the old one or not.
+ @moduleHandler Modulhandler's address
+ @dbAddr Address of database
+ @icoContractAddr Address of ICO contract
+ @exchangeContractAddress Address of Market in order to buy gas during ICO
+ @genesisAddr Array of Genesis addresses
+ @genesisValue Array of balance of genesis addresses
+ */
+ super.registerModuleHandler(moduleHandler);
+ require( dbAddr != 0x00 );
+ require( icoContractAddr != 0x00 );
+ require( exchangeContractAddress != 0x00 );
+ db = tokenDB(dbAddr);
+ icoAddr = icoContractAddr;
+ exchangeAddress = exchangeContractAddress;
+ isICO = ! forReplace;
+ if ( ! forReplace ) {
+ require( db.replaceOwner(this) );
+ assert( genesisAddr.length == genesisValue.length );
+ require( this.balance >= genesisAddr.length * 0.2 ether );
+ for ( uint256 a=0 ; a<genesisAddr.length ; a++ ) {
+ genesis[genesisAddr[a]] = true;
+ require( db.increase(genesisAddr[a], genesisValue[a]) );
+ if ( ! genesisAddr[a].send(0.2 ether) ) {}
+ Mint(genesisAddr[a], genesisValue[a]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function closeIco() external returns (bool success) {
+ /*
+ ICO finished. It can be called only by ICO contract
+ @success Was the Function successful?
+ */
+ require( msg.sender == icoAddr );
+ isICO = false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @notice `msg.sender` approves `spender` to spend `amount` tokens on its behalf.
+ * @param spender The address of the account able to transfer the tokens
+ * @param amount The amount of tokens to be approved for transfer
+ * @param nonce The transaction count of the authorised address
+ * @return True if the approval was successful
+ */
+ function approve(address spender, uint256 amount, uint256 nonce) isReady external returns (bool success) {
+ /*
+ Authorise another address to use a certain quantity of the authorising owner’s balance
+ @spender Address of authorised party
+ @amount Token quantity
+ @nonce Transaction count
+ @success Was the Function successful?
+ */
+ _approve(spender, amount, nonce);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @notice `msg.sender` approves `spender` to spend `amount` tokens on its behalf and notify the spender from your approve with your `extraData` data.
+ * @param spender The address of the account able to transfer the tokens
+ * @param amount The amount of tokens to be approved for transfer
+ * @param nonce The transaction count of the authorised address
+ * @param extraData Data to give forward to the receiver
+ * @return True if the approval was successful
+ */
+ function approveAndCall(address spender, uint256 amount, uint256 nonce, bytes extraData) isReady external returns (bool success) {
+ /*
+ Authorise another address to use a certain quantity of the authorising owner’s balance
+ Following the transaction the receiver address `approvedCorionToken` function is called by the given data
+ @spender Authorized address
+ @amount Token quantity
+ @extraData Extra data to be received by the receiver
+ @nonce Transaction count
+ @success Was the Function successful?
+ */
+ _approve(spender, amount, nonce);
+ require( thirdPartyContractAbstract(spender).approvedCorionToken(msg.sender, amount, extraData) );
+ return true;
+ }
+ function _approve(address spender, uint256 amount, uint256 nonce) internal {
+ /*
+ Internal Function to authorise another address to use a certain quantity of the authorising owner’s balance.
+ If the transaction count not match the authorise fails.
+ @spender Address of authorised party
+ @amount Token quantity
+ @nonce Transaction count
+ */
+ require( msg.sender != spender );
+ require( db.balanceOf(msg.sender) >= amount );
+ require( db.setAllowance(msg.sender, spender, amount, nonce) );
+ Approval(msg.sender, spender, amount);
+ }
+ function allowance(address owner, address spender) constant returns (uint256 remaining, uint256 nonce) {
+ /*
+ Get the quantity of tokens given to be used
+ @owner Authorising address
+ @spender Authorised address
+ @remaining Tokens to be spent
+ @nonce Transaction count
+ */
+ var (_success, _remaining, _nonce) = db.getAllowance(owner, spender);
+ require( _success );
+ return (_remaining, _nonce);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @notice Send `amount` Corion tokens to `to` from `msg.sender`
+ * @param to The address of the recipient
+ * @param amount The amount of tokens to be transferred
+ * @return Whether the transfer was successful or not
+ */
+ function transfer(address to, uint256 amount) isReady external returns (bool success) {
+ /*
+ Start transaction, token is sent from caller’s address to receiver’s address
+ Transaction fee is to be deducted.
+ If receiver is not a natural address but a person, he will be called
+ @to To who
+ @amount Quantity
+ @success Was the Function successful?
+ */
+ bytes memory _data;
+ if ( isContract(to) ) {
+ _transferToContract(msg.sender, to, amount, _data);
+ } else {
+ _transfer( msg.sender, to, amount, true);
+ }
+ Transfer(msg.sender, to, amount, _data);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @notice Send `amount` tokens to `to` from `from` on the condition it is approved by `from`
+ * @param from The address holding the tokens being transferred
+ * @param to The address of the recipient
+ * @param amount The amount of tokens to be transferred
+ * @return True if the transfer was successful
+ */
+ function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 amount) isReady external returns (bool success) {
+ /*
+ Start transaction to send a quantity from a given address to another address. (approve / allowance). This can be called only by the address approved in advance
+ Transaction fee is to be deducted
+ If receiver is not a natural address but a person, he will be called
+ @from From who.
+ @to To who
+ @amount Quantity
+ @success Was the Function successful?
+ */
+ if ( from != msg.sender ) {
+ var (_success, _reamining, _nonce) = db.getAllowance(from, msg.sender);
+ require( _success );
+ _reamining = safeSub(_reamining, amount);
+ _nonce = safeAdd(_nonce, 1);
+ require( db.setAllowance(from, msg.sender, _reamining, _nonce) );
+ AllowanceUsed(msg.sender, from, amount);
+ }
+ bytes memory _data;
+ if ( isContract(to) ) {
+ _transferToContract(from, to, amount, _data);
+ } else {
+ _transfer( from, to, amount, true);
+ }
+ Transfer(from, to, amount, _data);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @notice Send `amount` tokens to `to` from `from` on the condition it is approved by `from`
+ * @param from The address holding the tokens being transferred
+ * @param to The address of the recipient
+ * @param amount The amount of tokens to be transferred
+ * @return True if the transfer was successful
+ */
+ function transferFromByModule(address from, address to, uint256 amount, bool fee) isReady external returns (bool success) {
+ /*
+ Start transaction to send a quantity from a given address to another address
+ Only ModuleHandler can call it
+ @from From who
+ @to To who.
+ @amount Quantity
+ @fee Deduct transaction fee - yes or no?
+ @success Was the Function successful?
+ */
+ bytes memory _data;
+ require( super.isModuleHandler(msg.sender) );
+ _transfer( from, to, amount, fee);
+ Transfer(from, to, amount, _data);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @notice Send `amount` Corion tokens to `to` from `msg.sender` and notify the receiver from your transaction with your `extraData` data
+ * @param to The contract address of the recipient
+ * @param amount The amount of tokens to be transferred
+ * @param extraData Data to give forward to the receiver
+ * @return Whether the transfer was successful or not
+ */
+ function transfer(address to, uint256 amount, bytes extraData) isReady external returns (bool success) {
+ /*
+ Start transaction to send a quantity from a given address to another address
+ After transaction the function `receiveCorionToken`of the receiver is called by the given data
+ When sending an amount, it is possible the total amount cannot be processed, the remaining amount is sent back with no fee charged
+ @to To who.
+ @amount Quantity
+ @extraData Extra data the receiver will get
+ @success Was the Function successful?
+ */
+ if ( isContract(to) ) {
+ _transferToContract(msg.sender, to, amount, extraData);
+ } else {
+ _transfer( msg.sender, to, amount, true);
+ }
+ Transfer(msg.sender, to, amount, extraData);
+ return true;
+ }
+ function _transferToContract(address from, address to, uint256 amount, bytes extraData) internal {
+ /*
+ Internal function to start transactions to a contract
+ @from From who
+ @to To who.
+ @amount Quantity
+ @extraData Extra data the receiver will get
+ */
+ _transfer(from, to, amount, exchangeAddress == to);
+ var (_success, _back) = thirdPartyContractAbstract(to).receiveCorionToken(from, amount, extraData);
+ require( _success );
+ require( amount > _back );
+ if ( _back > 0 ) {
+ _transfer(to, from, _back, false);
+ }
+ _processTransactionFee(from, amount - _back);
+ }
+ function _transfer(address from, address to, uint256 amount, bool fee) internal {
+ /*
+ Internal function to start transactions. When Tokens are sent, transaction fee is charged
+ During ICO transactions are allowed only from genesis addresses.
+ After sending the tokens, the ModuleHandler is notified and it will broadcast the fact among members
+ The 0xa636a97578d26a3b76b060bbc18226d954cf3757 address are blacklisted.
+ @from From who
+ @to To who
+ @amount Quantity
+ @fee Deduct transaction fee - yes or no?
+ */
+ if( fee ) {
+ var (success, _fee) = getTransactionFee(amount);
+ require( success );
+ require( db.balanceOf(from) >= amount + _fee );
+ }
+ require( from != 0x00 && to != 0x00 && to != 0xa636a97578d26a3b76b060bbc18226d954cf3757 );
+ require( ( ! isICO) || genesis[from] );
+ require( db.decrease(from, amount) );
+ require( db.increase(to, amount) );
+ if ( fee ) { _processTransactionFee(from, amount); }
+ if ( isICO ) {
+ require( ico(icoAddr).setInterestDB(from, db.balanceOf(from)) );
+ require( ico(icoAddr).setInterestDB(to, db.balanceOf(to)) );
+ }
+ require( moduleHandler(moduleHandlerAddress).broadcastTransfer(from, to, amount) );
+ }
+ /**
+ * @notice Transaction fee will be deduced from `owner` for transacting `value`
+ * @param owner The address where will the transaction fee deduced
+ * @param value The base for calculating the fee
+ * @return True if the transfer was successful
+ */
+ function processTransactionFee(address owner, uint256 value) isReady external returns (bool success) {
+ /*
+ Charge transaction fee. It can be called only by moduleHandler
+ @owner From who.
+ @value Quantity to calculate the fee
+ @success Was the Function successful?
+ */
+ require( super.isModuleHandler(msg.sender) );
+ _processTransactionFee(owner, value);
+ return true;
+ }
+ function _processTransactionFee(address owner, uint256 value) internal {
+ /*
+ Internal function to charge the transaction fee. A certain quantity is burnt, the rest is sent to the Schelling game prize pool.
+ No transaction fee during ICO.
+ @owner From who
+ @value Quantity to calculate the fee
+ */
+ if ( isICO ) { return; }
+ var (_success, _fee) = getTransactionFee(value);
+ require( _success );
+ uint256 _forBurn = _fee * transactionFeeBurn / 100;
+ uint256 _forSchelling = _fee - _forBurn;
+ bool _found;
+ address _schellingAddr;
+ (_success, _found, _schellingAddr) = moduleHandler(moduleHandlerAddress).getModuleAddressByName('Schelling');
+ require( _success );
+ if ( _schellingAddr != 0x00 && _found) {
+ require( db.decrease(owner, _forSchelling) );
+ require( db.increase(_schellingAddr, _forSchelling) );
+ _burn(owner, _forBurn);
+ bytes memory _data;
+ Transfer(owner, _schellingAddr, _forSchelling, _data);
+ require( moduleHandler(moduleHandlerAddress).broadcastTransfer(owner, _schellingAddr, _forSchelling) );
+ } else {
+ _burn(owner, _fee);
+ }
+ }
+ function getTransactionFee(uint256 value) public constant returns (bool success, uint256 fee) {
+ /*
+ Transaction fee query.
+ @value Quantity to calculate the fee
+ @success Was the Function successful?
+ @fee Amount of Transaction fee
+ */
+ if ( isICO ) { return (true, 0); }
+ fee = value * transactionFeeRate / transactionFeeRateM / 100;
+ if ( fee > transactionFeeMax ) { fee = transactionFeeMax; }
+ else if ( fee < transactionFeeMin ) { fee = transactionFeeMin; }
+ return (true, fee);
+ }
+ function mint(address owner, uint256 value) isReady external returns (bool success) {
+ /*
+ Generating tokens. It can be called only by ICO contract or the moduleHandler.
+ @owner Address
+ @value Amount.
+ @success Was the Function successful?
+ */
+ require( super.isModuleHandler(msg.sender) || msg.sender == icoAddr );
+ _mint(owner, value);
+ return true;
+ }
+ function _mint(address owner, uint256 value) internal {
+ /*
+ Internal function to generate tokens
+ @owner Token is credited to this address
+ @value Quantity
+ */
+ require( db.increase(owner, value) );
+ require( moduleHandler(moduleHandlerAddress).broadcastTransfer(0x00, owner, value) );
+ if ( isICO ) {
+ require( ico(icoAddr).setInterestDB(owner, db.balanceOf(owner)) );
+ }
+ Mint(owner, value);
+ }
+ function burn(address owner, uint256 value) isReady external returns (bool success) {
+ /*
+ Burning the token. Can call only modulehandler
+ @owner Burn the token from this address
+ @value Quantity
+ @success Was the Function successful?
+ */
+ require( super.isModuleHandler(msg.sender) );
+ _burn(owner, value);
+ return true;
+ }
+ function _burn(address owner, uint256 value) internal {
+ /*
+ Internal function to burn the token
+ @owner Burn the token from this address
+ @value Quantity
+ */
+ require( db.decrease(owner, value) );
+ require( moduleHandler(moduleHandlerAddress).broadcastTransfer(owner, 0x00, value) );
+ Burn(owner, value);
+ }
+ function isContract(address addr) internal returns (bool success) {
+ /*
+ Internal function to check if the given address is natural, or a contract
+ @addr Address to be checked
+ @success Is the address crontact or not
+ */
+ uint256 _codeLength;
+ assembly {
+ _codeLength := extcodesize(addr)
+ }
+ return _codeLength > 0;
+ }
+ function balanceOf(address owner) constant returns (uint256 value) {
+ /*
+ Token balance query
+ @owner Address
+ @value Balance of address
+ */
+ return db.balanceOf(owner);
+ }
+ function totalSupply() constant returns (uint256 value) {
+ /*
+ Total token quantity query
+ @value Total token quantity
+ */
+ return db.totalSupply();
+ }
+ function configure(announcementType aType, uint256 value) isReady external returns(bool success) {
+ /*
+ Token settings configuration.It can be call only by moduleHandler
+ @aType Type of setting
+ @value Value
+ @success Was the Function successful?
+ */
+ require( super.isModuleHandler(msg.sender) );
+ if ( aType == announcementType.transactionFeeRate ) { transactionFeeRate = value; }
+ else if ( aType == announcementType.transactionFeeMin ) { transactionFeeMin = value; }
+ else if ( aType == announcementType.transactionFeeMax ) { transactionFeeMax = value; }
+ else if ( aType == announcementType.transactionFeeBurn ) { transactionFeeBurn = value; }
+ else { return false; }
+ return true;
+ }
+ event AllowanceUsed(address indexed spender, address indexed owner, uint256 indexed value);
+ event Mint(address indexed addr, uint256 indexed value);
+ event Burn(address indexed addr, uint256 indexed value);
+ event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value);
+ event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 indexed _value, bytes _extraData);